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basf2 release-08-02-04 documentation
1. What’s New
2. Installation and Setup
2.1. Setup of the Belle II Software
2.2. Belle II Software Tools
2.3. Local Installation
: Using basf2 in a virtual environment
3. Beginners’ tutorials
3.1. Welcome!
3.1.1. Collaborative Tools.
3.2. Fundamentals
3.2.1. Introduction
3.2.2. Data Taking
3.2.3. Simulation: The Monte Carlo
3.2.4. Reconstruction
3.2.5. Analysis
3.3. Software Prerequisites
3.3.1. Command Line Tutorial (Bash)
3.3.2. SSH - Secure Shell
3.3.3. Python
3.3.4. Version Control with Git
3.4. Working with Belle II software.
3.4.1. The basics.
3.4.2. First steering file
3.4.3. The Rest of Event (ROE)
3.4.4. Various additions
3.4.5. Flavor tagging
3.4.6. Vertex fitting
3.4.7. Event display
3.4.8. Generating Monte Carlo
3.4.9. Full Event Interpretation
3.4.10. Continuum Suppression (CS)
3.4.11. B2BII
3.4.12. Skimming
3.4.13. A simple python module
3.5. Offline analysis
3.5.1. ROOT
3.5.2. Pandas
3.5.3. Fitting
3.5.4. Reproducibility
3.5.5. Topology analysis
3.6. Data model and computing
3.6.1. Analysis model
3.6.2. The computing system
3.6.3. Gbasf2
3.6.4. Batch submission
3.6.5. htcondor
3.7. Workflow Management
3.7.1. b2luigi
Offline Analysis
Reconstruction on KEKcc Batch System
Skim using gbasf2
Full Workflow Execution
3.7.2. snakemake
Workflow Logic Code in the Snakefile
Separate Scripts for the Snakemake Workflow
Full Workflow Execution
3.8. Join us
3.8.1. We want YOU to contribute to this book!
3.8.2. How to contribute
4. Command Line Tools
: The Main Belle2 Software Executable
4.2. Tools for file handling
4.3. Testing Tools
4.4. Tools which will provide you help
4.5. Tools to help with debugging and checking code quality
: Conditions DB interface
4.7. Tools for luminosity
5. Belle II Python Interface
5.1. Modules and Paths
5.2. Logging
5.3. Module Statistics
5.4. Conditions Database
5.5. Additional Functions
5.6. Other Modules
5.6.1. basf2.utils - Helper functions for printing basf2 objects
5.6.2. basf2.pickle_path - Functions necessary to pickle and unpickle a Path
5.6.3. B2Tools
5.6.4. b2test_utils - Helper functions useful for test scripts
5.6.5. conditions_db
5.6.7. hep_ipython_tools
5.6.8. iov_conditional - Functions to Execute Paths Depending on Experiment Phases
5.6.9. pdg - access particle definitions
5.6.10. rundb - Helper classes for retrieving information from the RunDB
5.6.11. terminal_utils - Helper functions for input from/output to a terminal
6. List of Core Modules
7. Analysis
7.1. Particles
7.1.1. Standard Particles
7.1.2. DecayString
7.1.3. Cut strings and selections
7.2. Modular analysis convenience functions
7.2.1. ModularAnalysis
7.2.2. Photon functions
7.3. Variables
7.4. Output for offline analysis
7.4.1. Variable Manager Output
7.4.2. (Advanced) user mDST files
7.5. Vertex (and kinematic) fitting
7.5.1. Tree Fitter
7.5.2. Other vertex (and kinematic) fitters in basf2
7.5.3. Vertex-fitting convenience functions
7.5.4. Kinematic-fitting convenience functions
7.6. Event based analysis
7.7. Truth-matching
7.8. Advanced Topics
7.8.1. Rest Of Event
7.8.2. How to Veto
7.8.3. Flavor Tagger
7.8.4. Deep Flavor Tagger
7.8.5. Full event interpretation
7.8.6. EventShape
7.8.7. Continuum suppression
7.8.8. Basf2 MVA interface
7.8.9. PID Prior Probabilities
7.8.10. ksSelector
7.8.11. PID Calibration Weights
7.8.12. Signal Embedding
7.9. Full list of analysis modules
8. B2BII
8.1. Overview
8.2. B2BII Analysis
8.3. Converted data objects and other information
8.4. Belle MDST samples
8.5. FAQ
8.6. b2bii functions
9. Background module
10. Calibration
10.1.1. The Calibration Framework (CAF)
10.2.1. Prompt Calibration Tools
11. The Belle II Event Display
12. Event Generators
12.1. Generators python modules
12.2. Modules in the Generators Package
12.3. Selective background simulation using graph neural networks
12.4. Validation
13. Tools for Validation of the SoftwareTrigger
14. KLM (
and Muon Detector)
14.3.1. Track extrapolation
14.4.1. Creation of default payloads
15. Belle II File Format
16. MVA package
17. PXD
17.1. Background Generator
18. Reconstruction
19. Simulation
Belle2 Physics List
19.3.1. Secondary Particles
19.4.1. FullSim
20. Skims
20.1. Systematics skims
20.2. Physics skims
20.3. Standard skim lists
20.4. Information for skim experts
21. SVD
21.1. SVD Reconstruction
21.2. SVD Offline Calibration
21.3. SVD Simulation
21.4. SVD Tools
21.5. SVD Utility Functions
21.6. SVD DQM
21.7. SVD DataStore
21.8. SVD DBStore
21.9. Documentation To Do List
22. Tracking
22.1. Track Parameterization
22.2. Track Finding Algorithms
22.2.1. SVD Track Finding
22.2.2. CDC Track Finding
22.2.3. Inter-Detector Hit Finding
22.2.4. Track Quality Indicator
22.3. Track Fitting
22.4. Tracking for Special Classes of Tracks
22.5. Track Refining
22.6. Track Matching
22.7. Time Extraction
22.8. PXD ROI Finding
22.9. Tracking Calibrations
22.10. Tracking Utility Functions
22.11. Tools
22.12.1. Tracking DataStore (dataobjects)
22.12.2. Database Objects
22.12.3. Data Quality Monitoring Utilities
22.12.4. Documentation of the tracking modules
22.12.5. Space Point Creation
22.12.6. SVD Region of Interest Finder
22.12.7. Tests for the tracking package
22.12.8. The tracking validation package
22.12.9. VXD Cellular Automaton Tracking
22.12.10. VXD Momentum Estimation
23. TRG
24. Tools for Physics Validation of the Software
25. Fitting training
25.1. Before you start
25.2. Fitting examples
25.2.1. Simple 1D fit
25.2.2. Efficiency fit
25.2.3. Lifetime 2D fit
25.2.4. Dalitz fit
25.3. Basic introduction to Minuit
25.3.1. Installation instructions
25.3.2. What is Minuit?
25.4. Basic introduction to Hydra
25.4.1. Installation instructions
25.4.2. What is Hydra?
25.5. Basic introduction to BAT
25.5.1. Installation instructions
25.5.2. What is BAT?
25.5.4. Simple 1D Fit with Bat
25.5.5. Simple 1D Model Comparison with BAT
25.5.6. Lifetime 2D Fit with Bat
26. Software development
26.1. How to write basf2 code (coding conventions)
26.2. Updating the main globaltag
27. How to document your code with Sphinx
27.1. Documentation of Python Code
27.2. Referencing Components
27.3. Inserting Figures
27.4. Documentation of Variables and Modules in C++
27.5. Google Style Docstrings
27.6. Add basf2 Modules Documentation to Sphinx
27.7. Add basf2 Variables Documentation to Sphinx
27.8. Additional Features
27.9. Additional boxes for the online lessons
27.10. How to test locally
27.11. Previewing documentation changes in a pull request
SVD Region of Interest Finder
SVD Region of Interest Finder
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