#!/usr/bin/env python3
# basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) #
# Author: The Belle II Collaboration #
# #
# See git log for contributors and copyright holders. #
# This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see LICENSE.md. #
# ************* Flavor Tagging ************
# * This script is needed to train *
# * and to test the flavor tagger. *
# ********************************************
from basf2 import B2INFO, B2FATAL, B2WARNING
import basf2
import basf2_mva
import inspect
import modularAnalysis as ma
import variables
from variables import utils
import os
import glob
import b2bii
import collections
[docs]def getBelleOrBelle2():
Gets the global ModeCode.
if b2bii.isB2BII():
return 'Belle'
return 'Belle2'
[docs]def setInteractionWithDatabase(downloadFromDatabaseIfNotFound=False, uploadToDatabaseAfterTraining=False):
Sets the interaction with the database: download trained weight files or upload weight files after training.
global downloadFlag
global uploadFlag
downloadFlag = downloadFromDatabaseIfNotFound
uploadFlag = uploadToDatabaseAfterTraining
# Default list of aliases that should be used to save the flavor tagging information using VariablesToNtuple
flavor_tagging = ['FBDT_qrCombined', 'FANN_qrCombined', 'qrMC', 'mcFlavorOfOtherB',
'qpElectron', 'hasTrueTargetElectron', 'isRightCategoryElectron',
'qpIntermediateElectron', 'hasTrueTargetIntermediateElectron', 'isRightCategoryIntermediateElectron',
'qpMuon', 'hasTrueTargetMuon', 'isRightCategoryMuon',
'qpIntermediateMuon', 'hasTrueTargetIntermediateMuon', 'isRightCategoryIntermediateMuon',
'qpKinLepton', 'hasTrueTargetKinLepton', 'isRightCategoryKinLepton',
'qpIntermediateKinLepton', 'hasTrueTargetIntermediateKinLepton', 'isRightCategoryIntermediateKinLepton',
'qpKaon', 'hasTrueTargetKaon', 'isRightCategoryKaon',
'qpSlowPion', 'hasTrueTargetSlowPion', 'isRightCategorySlowPion',
'qpFastHadron', 'hasTrueTargetFastHadron', 'isRightCategoryFastHadron',
'qpLambda', 'hasTrueTargetLambda', 'isRightCategoryLambda',
'qpFSC', 'hasTrueTargetFSC', 'isRightCategoryFSC',
'qpMaximumPstar', 'hasTrueTargetMaximumPstar', 'isRightCategoryMaximumPstar',
'qpKaonPion', 'hasTrueTargetKaonPion', 'isRightCategoryKaonPion']
[docs]def add_default_FlavorTagger_aliases():
This function adds the default aliases for flavor tagging variables
and defines the collection of flavor tagging variables.
variables.variables.addAlias('FBDT_qrCombined', 'qrOutput(FBDT)')
variables.variables.addAlias('FANN_qrCombined', 'qrOutput(FANN)')
variables.variables.addAlias('qrMC', 'isRelatedRestOfEventB0Flavor')
for iCategory in AvailableCategories:
aliasForQp = 'qp' + iCategory
aliasForTrueTarget = 'hasTrueTarget' + iCategory
aliasForIsRightCategory = 'isRightCategory' + iCategory
variables.variables.addAlias(aliasForQp, 'qpCategory(' + iCategory + ')')
variables.variables.addAlias(aliasForTrueTarget, 'hasTrueTargets(' + iCategory + ')')
variables.variables.addAlias(aliasForIsRightCategory, 'isTrueFTCategory(' + iCategory + ')')
utils.add_collection(flavor_tagging, 'flavor_tagging')
[docs]def set_FlavorTagger_pid_aliases():
This function adds the pid aliases needed by the flavor tagger.
variables.variables.addAlias('eid_TOP', 'ifNANgiveX(pidPairProbabilityExpert(11, 211, TOP), 0.5)')
variables.variables.addAlias('eid_ARICH', 'ifNANgiveX(pidPairProbabilityExpert(11, 211, ARICH), 0.5)')
variables.variables.addAlias('eid_ECL', 'ifNANgiveX(pidPairProbabilityExpert(11, 211, ECL), 0.5)')
variables.variables.addAlias('muid_TOP', 'ifNANgiveX(pidPairProbabilityExpert(13, 211, TOP), 0.5)')
variables.variables.addAlias('muid_ARICH', 'ifNANgiveX(pidPairProbabilityExpert(13, 211, ARICH), 0.5)')
variables.variables.addAlias('muid_KLM', 'ifNANgiveX(pidPairProbabilityExpert(13, 211, KLM), 0.5)')
variables.variables.addAlias('piid_TOP', 'ifNANgiveX(pidPairProbabilityExpert(211, 321, TOP), 0.5)')
variables.variables.addAlias('piid_ARICH', 'ifNANgiveX(pidPairProbabilityExpert(211, 321, ARICH), 0.5)')
variables.variables.addAlias('Kid_TOP', 'ifNANgiveX(pidPairProbabilityExpert(321, 211, TOP), 0.5)')
variables.variables.addAlias('Kid_ARICH', 'ifNANgiveX(pidPairProbabilityExpert(321, 211, ARICH), 0.5)')
if getBelleOrBelle2() == "Belle":
variables.variables.addAlias('eid_dEdx', 'ifNANgiveX(pidPairProbabilityExpert(11, 211, CDC, SVD), 0.5)')
variables.variables.addAlias('muid_dEdx', 'ifNANgiveX(pidPairProbabilityExpert(13, 211, CDC, SVD), 0.5)')
variables.variables.addAlias('piid_dEdx', 'ifNANgiveX(pidPairProbabilityExpert(211, 321, CDC, SVD), 0.5)')
variables.variables.addAlias('pi_vs_edEdxid', 'ifNANgiveX(pidPairProbabilityExpert(211, 11, CDC, SVD), 0.5)')
variables.variables.addAlias('Kid_dEdx', 'ifNANgiveX(pidPairProbabilityExpert(321, 211, CDC, SVD), 0.5)')
# Removed SVD PID for Belle II MC and data as it is absent in release 4.
variables.variables.addAlias('eid_dEdx', 'ifNANgiveX(pidPairProbabilityExpert(11, 211, CDC), 0.5)')
variables.variables.addAlias('muid_dEdx', 'ifNANgiveX(pidPairProbabilityExpert(13, 211, CDC), 0.5)')
variables.variables.addAlias('piid_dEdx', 'ifNANgiveX(pidPairProbabilityExpert(211, 321, CDC), 0.5)')
variables.variables.addAlias('pi_vs_edEdxid', 'ifNANgiveX(pidPairProbabilityExpert(211, 11, CDC), 0.5)')
variables.variables.addAlias('Kid_dEdx', 'ifNANgiveX(pidPairProbabilityExpert(321, 211, CDC), 0.5)')
[docs]def getFastBDTCategories():
Helper function for getting the FastBDT categories.
It's necessary for removing top-level ROOT imports.
import ROOT # noqa
fastBDTCategories = basf2_mva.FastBDTOptions()
fastBDTCategories.m_nTrees = 500
fastBDTCategories.m_nCuts = 8
fastBDTCategories.m_nLevels = 3
fastBDTCategories.m_shrinkage = 0.10
fastBDTCategories.m_randRatio = 0.5
return fastBDTCategories
[docs]def getFastBDTCombiner():
Helper function for getting the FastBDT combiner.
It's necessary for removing top-level ROOT imports.
import ROOT # noqa
fastBDTCombiner = basf2_mva.FastBDTOptions()
fastBDTCombiner.m_nTrees = 500
fastBDTCombiner.m_nCuts = 8
fastBDTCombiner.m_nLevels = 3
fastBDTCombiner.m_shrinkage = 0.10
fastBDTCombiner.m_randRatio = 0.5
return fastBDTCombiner
[docs]def getMlpFANNCombiner():
Helper function for getting the MLP FANN combiner.
It's necessary for removing top-level ROOT imports.
import ROOT # noqa
mlpFANNCombiner = basf2_mva.FANNOptions()
mlpFANNCombiner.m_max_epochs = 10000
mlpFANNCombiner.m_hidden_layers_architecture = "3*N"
mlpFANNCombiner.m_hidden_activiation_function = "FANN_SIGMOID_SYMMETRIC"
mlpFANNCombiner.m_output_activiation_function = "FANN_SIGMOID_SYMMETRIC"
mlpFANNCombiner.m_error_function = "FANN_ERRORFUNC_LINEAR"
mlpFANNCombiner.m_training_method = "FANN_TRAIN_RPROP"
mlpFANNCombiner.m_validation_fraction = 0.5
mlpFANNCombiner.m_random_seeds = 10
mlpFANNCombiner.m_test_rate = 500
mlpFANNCombiner.m_number_of_threads = 8
mlpFANNCombiner.m_scale_features = True
mlpFANNCombiner.m_scale_target = False
# mlpFANNCombiner.m_scale_target = True
return mlpFANNCombiner
# SignalFraction: FBDT feature
# For smooth output set to -1, this will break the calibration.
# For correct calibration set to -2, leads to peaky combiner output.
signalFraction = -2
# Maximal number of events to train each method
maxEventsNumber = 0 # 0 takes all the sampled events. The number in the past was 500000
FTCategoryParameters = collections.namedtuple('FTCategoryParameters',
['particleList', 'trackName', 'eventName', 'variableName', 'code'])
# Definition of all available categories, 'standard category name':
# ['ParticleList', 'trackLevel category name', 'eventLevel category name',
# 'combinerLevel variable name', 'category code']
AvailableCategories = {
FTCategoryParameters('e+:inRoe', 'Electron', 'Electron',
'QpOf(e+:inRoe, isRightCategory(Electron), isRightCategory(Electron))',
FTCategoryParameters('e+:inRoe', 'IntermediateElectron', 'IntermediateElectron',
'QpOf(e+:inRoe, isRightCategory(IntermediateElectron), isRightCategory(IntermediateElectron))',
FTCategoryParameters('mu+:inRoe', 'Muon', 'Muon',
'QpOf(mu+:inRoe, isRightCategory(Muon), isRightCategory(Muon))',
FTCategoryParameters('mu+:inRoe', 'IntermediateMuon', 'IntermediateMuon',
'QpOf(mu+:inRoe, isRightCategory(IntermediateMuon), isRightCategory(IntermediateMuon))',
FTCategoryParameters('mu+:inRoe', 'KinLepton', 'KinLepton',
'QpOf(mu+:inRoe, isRightCategory(KinLepton), isRightCategory(KinLepton))',
FTCategoryParameters('mu+:inRoe', 'IntermediateKinLepton', 'IntermediateKinLepton',
'QpOf(mu+:inRoe, isRightCategory(IntermediateKinLepton), isRightCategory(IntermediateKinLepton))',
FTCategoryParameters('K+:inRoe', 'Kaon', 'Kaon',
'weightedQpOf(K+:inRoe, isRightCategory(Kaon), isRightCategory(Kaon))',
FTCategoryParameters('pi+:inRoe', 'SlowPion', 'SlowPion',
'QpOf(pi+:inRoe, isRightCategory(SlowPion), isRightCategory(SlowPion))',
FTCategoryParameters('pi+:inRoe', 'FastHadron', 'FastHadron',
'QpOf(pi+:inRoe, isRightCategory(FastHadron), isRightCategory(FastHadron))',
FTCategoryParameters('Lambda0:inRoe', 'Lambda', 'Lambda',
'weightedQpOf(Lambda0:inRoe, isRightCategory(Lambda), isRightCategory(Lambda))',
FTCategoryParameters('pi+:inRoe', 'SlowPion', 'FSC',
'QpOf(pi+:inRoe, isRightCategory(FSC), isRightCategory(SlowPion))',
FTCategoryParameters('pi+:inRoe', 'MaximumPstar', 'MaximumPstar',
'QpOf(pi+:inRoe, isRightCategory(MaximumPstar), isRightCategory(MaximumPstar))',
FTCategoryParameters('K+:inRoe', 'Kaon', 'KaonPion',
'QpOf(K+:inRoe, isRightCategory(KaonPion), isRightCategory(Kaon))',
[docs]def getTrainingVariables(category=None):
Helper function to get training variables.
NOTE: This function is not called the Expert mode. It is not necessary to be consistent with variables list of weight files.
KId = {'Belle': 'ifNANgiveX(atcPIDBelle(3,2), 0.5)', 'Belle2': 'kaonID'}
muId = {'Belle': 'muIDBelle', 'Belle2': 'muonID'}
eId = {'Belle': 'eIDBelle', 'Belle2': 'electronID'}
variables = []
if category == 'Electron' or category == 'IntermediateElectron':
variables = ['useCMSFrame(p)',
if getBelleOrBelle2() == "Belle":
elif category == 'Muon' or category == 'IntermediateMuon':
variables = ['useCMSFrame(p)',
if getBelleOrBelle2() == "Belle":
elif category == 'KinLepton' or category == 'IntermediateKinLepton':
variables = ['useCMSFrame(p)',
if getBelleOrBelle2() == "Belle":
elif category == 'Kaon':
variables = ['useCMSFrame(p)',
if getBelleOrBelle2() == "Belle":
elif category == 'SlowPion':
variables = ['useCMSFrame(p)',
if getBelleOrBelle2() == "Belle":
elif category == 'FastHadron':
variables = ['useCMSFrame(p)',
if getBelleOrBelle2() == "Belle":
elif category == 'Lambda':
variables = ['lambdaFlavor',
if getBelleOrBelle2() == "Belle2":
variables.append('daughter(1,protonID)') # protonID always 0 in B2BII check in future
variables.append('daughter(0,pionID)') # not very powerful in B2BII
elif category == 'MaximumPstar':
variables = ['useCMSFrame(p)',
if getBelleOrBelle2() == "Belle2":
elif category == 'FSC':
variables = ['useCMSFrame(p)',
elif category == 'KaonPion':
variables = ['extraInfo(isRightCategory(Kaon))',
'HighestProbInCat(pi+:inRoe, isRightCategory(SlowPion))',
return variables
[docs]def FillParticleLists(maskName='all', categories=None, path=None):
Fills the particle Lists for all categories.
from vertex import kFit
readyParticleLists = []
if categories is None:
categories = []
trackCut = 'isInRestOfEvent > 0.5 and passesROEMask(' + maskName + ') > 0.5 and p >= 0'
for category in categories:
particleList = AvailableCategories[category].particleList
if particleList in readyParticleLists:
# Select particles in ROE for different categories according to mass hypothesis.
if particleList == 'Lambda0:inRoe':
if 'pi+:inRoe' not in readyParticleLists:
ma.fillParticleList('pi+:inRoe', trackCut, path=path)
ma.fillParticleList('p+:inRoe', trackCut, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay(particleList + ' -> pi-:inRoe p+:inRoe', '1.00<=M<=1.23', False, path=path)
kFit(particleList, 0.01, path=path)
ma.matchMCTruth(particleList, path=path)
# Filling particle list for actual category
ma.fillParticleList(particleList, trackCut, path=path)
# Additional particleLists for K_S0
if getBelleOrBelle2() == 'Belle':
ma.cutAndCopyList('K_S0:inRoe', 'K_S0:mdst', 'extraInfo(ksnbStandard) == 1 and isInRestOfEvent == 1', path=path)
if 'pi+:inRoe' not in readyParticleLists:
ma.fillParticleList('pi+:inRoe', trackCut, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay('K_S0:inRoe -> pi+:inRoe pi-:inRoe', '0.40<=M<=0.60', False, path=path)
kFit('K_S0:inRoe', 0.01, path=path)
# Apply BDT-based LID
if getBelleOrBelle2() == 'Belle2':
default_list_for_lid_BDT = ['e+:inRoe', 'mu+:inRoe']
list_for_lid_BDT = []
for particleList in default_list_for_lid_BDT:
if particleList in readyParticleLists:
if list_for_lid_BDT: # empty check
ma.applyChargedPidMVA(particleLists=list_for_lid_BDT, path=path,
trainingMode=0, # binary
binaryHypoPDGCodes=(11, 211)) # e vs pi
ma.applyChargedPidMVA(particleLists=list_for_lid_BDT, path=path,
trainingMode=0, # binary
binaryHypoPDGCodes=(13, 211)) # mu vs pi
ma.applyChargedPidMVA(particleLists=list_for_lid_BDT, path=path,
trainingMode=1) # Multiclass
[docs]def eventLevel(mode='Expert', weightFiles='B2JpsiKs_mu', categories=None, path=None):
Samples data for training or tests all categories all categories at event level.
from basf2 import create_path
from basf2 import register_module
ReadyMethods = 0
# Each category has its own Path in order to be skipped if the corresponding particle list is empty
identifiersExtraInfosDict = dict()
identifiersExtraInfosKaonPion = []
if categories is None:
categories = []
for category in categories:
particleList = AvailableCategories[category].particleList
methodPrefixEventLevel = "FlavorTagger_" + getBelleOrBelle2() + "_" + weightFiles + 'EventLevel' + category + 'FBDT'
identifierEventLevel = methodPrefixEventLevel
targetVariable = 'isRightCategory(' + category + ')'
extraInfoName = targetVariable
if mode == 'Expert':
if downloadFlag or useOnlyLocalFlag:
identifierEventLevel = filesDirectory + '/' + methodPrefixEventLevel + '_1.root'
if downloadFlag:
if not os.path.isfile(identifierEventLevel):
basf2_mva.download(methodPrefixEventLevel, identifierEventLevel)
if not os.path.isfile(identifierEventLevel):
B2FATAL('Flavor Tagger: Weight file ' + identifierEventLevel +
' was not downloaded from Database. Please check the buildOrRevision name. Stopped')
if useOnlyLocalFlag:
if not os.path.isfile(identifierEventLevel):
B2FATAL('Flavor Tagger: ' + particleList + ' Eventlevel was not trained. Weight file ' +
identifierEventLevel + ' was not found. Stopped')
B2INFO('flavorTagger: MVAExpert ' + methodPrefixEventLevel + ' ready.')
elif mode == 'Sampler':
identifierEventLevel = filesDirectory + '/' + methodPrefixEventLevel + '_1.root'
if os.path.isfile(identifierEventLevel):
B2INFO('flavorTagger: MVAExpert ' + methodPrefixEventLevel + ' ready.')
if 'KaonPion' in categories:
methodPrefixEventLevelKaonPion = "FlavorTagger_" + getBelleOrBelle2() + \
"_" + weightFiles + 'EventLevelKaonPionFBDT'
identifierEventLevelKaonPion = filesDirectory + '/' + methodPrefixEventLevelKaonPion + '_1.root'
if not os.path.isfile(identifierEventLevelKaonPion):
# Slow Pion and Kaon categories are used if Kaon-Pion is lacking for
# sampling. The others are not needed and skipped
if category != "SlowPion" and category != "Kaon":
if mode == 'Expert' or (mode == 'Sampler' and os.path.isfile(identifierEventLevel)):
B2INFO('flavorTagger: Applying MVAExpert ' + methodPrefixEventLevel + '.')
if category == 'KaonPion':
identifiersExtraInfosKaonPion.append((extraInfoName, identifierEventLevel))
elif particleList not in identifiersExtraInfosDict:
identifiersExtraInfosDict[particleList] = [(extraInfoName, identifierEventLevel)]
identifiersExtraInfosDict[particleList].append((extraInfoName, identifierEventLevel))
ReadyMethods += 1
# Each category has its own Path in order to be skipped if the corresponding particle list is empty
for particleList in identifiersExtraInfosDict:
eventLevelPath = create_path()
SkipEmptyParticleList = register_module("SkimFilter")
SkipEmptyParticleList.set_name('SkimFilter_EventLevel_' + particleList)
SkipEmptyParticleList.param('particleLists', particleList)
SkipEmptyParticleList.if_true(eventLevelPath, basf2.AfterConditionPath.CONTINUE)
mvaMultipleExperts = register_module('MVAMultipleExperts')
mvaMultipleExperts.set_name('MVAMultipleExperts_EventLevel_' + particleList)
mvaMultipleExperts.param('listNames', [particleList])
mvaMultipleExperts.param('extraInfoNames', [row[0] for row in identifiersExtraInfosDict[particleList]])
mvaMultipleExperts.param('signalFraction', signalFraction)
mvaMultipleExperts.param('identifiers', [row[1] for row in identifiersExtraInfosDict[particleList]])
if 'KaonPion' in categories and len(identifiersExtraInfosKaonPion) != 0:
eventLevelKaonPionPath = create_path()
SkipEmptyParticleList = register_module("SkimFilter")
SkipEmptyParticleList.set_name('SkimFilter_' + 'K+:inRoe')
SkipEmptyParticleList.param('particleLists', 'K+:inRoe')
SkipEmptyParticleList.if_true(eventLevelKaonPionPath, basf2.AfterConditionPath.CONTINUE)
mvaExpertKaonPion = register_module("MVAExpert")
mvaExpertKaonPion.set_name('MVAExpert_KaonPion_' + 'K+:inRoe')
mvaExpertKaonPion.param('listNames', ['K+:inRoe'])
mvaExpertKaonPion.param('extraInfoName', identifiersExtraInfosKaonPion[0][0])
mvaExpertKaonPion.param('signalFraction', signalFraction)
mvaExpertKaonPion.param('identifier', identifiersExtraInfosKaonPion[0][1])
if mode == 'Sampler':
for category in categories:
particleList = AvailableCategories[category].particleList
methodPrefixEventLevel = "FlavorTagger_" + getBelleOrBelle2() + "_" + weightFiles + 'EventLevel' + category + 'FBDT'
identifierEventLevel = filesDirectory + '/' + methodPrefixEventLevel + '_1.root'
targetVariable = 'isRightCategory(' + category + ')'
if not os.path.isfile(identifierEventLevel):
if category == 'KaonPion':
methodPrefixEventLevelSlowPion = "FlavorTagger_" + getBelleOrBelle2() + \
"_" + weightFiles + 'EventLevelSlowPionFBDT'
identifierEventLevelSlowPion = filesDirectory + '/' + methodPrefixEventLevelSlowPion + '_1.root'
if not os.path.isfile(identifierEventLevelSlowPion):
B2INFO("Flavor Tagger: event level weight file for the Slow Pion category is absent." +
"It is required to sample the training information for the KaonPion category." +
"An additional sampling step will be needed after the following training step.")
B2INFO('flavorTagger: file ' + filesDirectory + '/' +
methodPrefixEventLevel + "sampled" + fileId + '.root will be saved.')
ma.applyCuts(particleList, 'isRightCategory(mcAssociated) > 0', path)
eventLevelpath = create_path()
SkipEmptyParticleList = register_module("SkimFilter")
SkipEmptyParticleList.set_name('SkimFilter_EventLevel' + category)
SkipEmptyParticleList.param('particleLists', particleList)
SkipEmptyParticleList.if_true(eventLevelpath, basf2.AfterConditionPath.CONTINUE)
ntuple = register_module('VariablesToNtuple')
ntuple.param('fileName', filesDirectory + '/' + methodPrefixEventLevel + "sampled" + fileId + ".root")
ntuple.param('treeName', methodPrefixEventLevel + "_tree")
variablesToBeSaved = getTrainingVariables(category) + [targetVariable, 'ancestorHasWhichFlavor',
'isSignal', 'mcPDG', 'mcErrors', 'genMotherPDG',
'nMCMatches', 'B0mcErrors']
if category != 'KaonPion' and category != 'FSC':
variablesToBeSaved = variablesToBeSaved + \
['extraInfo(isRightTrack(' + category + '))',
'hasHighestProbInCat(' + particleList + ', isRightTrack(' + category + '))']
ntuple.param('variables', variablesToBeSaved)
ntuple.param('particleList', particleList)
if ReadyMethods != len(categories):
return False
return True
[docs]def eventLevelTeacher(weightFiles='B2JpsiKs_mu', categories=None):
Trains all categories at event level.
ReadyMethods = 0
if categories is None:
categories = []
for category in categories:
methodPrefixEventLevel = "FlavorTagger_" + getBelleOrBelle2() + "_" + weightFiles + 'EventLevel' + category + 'FBDT'
targetVariable = 'isRightCategory(' + category + ')'
weightFile = filesDirectory + '/' + methodPrefixEventLevel + "_1.root"
if os.path.isfile(weightFile):
ReadyMethods += 1
sampledFilesList = glob.glob(filesDirectory + '/' + methodPrefixEventLevel + 'sampled*.root')
if len(sampledFilesList) == 0:
B2INFO('flavorTagger: eventLevelTeacher did not find any ' + methodPrefixEventLevel +
".root" + ' file. Please run the flavorTagger in "Sampler" mode afterwards.')
B2INFO('flavorTagger: MVA Teacher training' + methodPrefixEventLevel + ' .')
trainingOptionsEventLevel = basf2_mva.GeneralOptions()
trainingOptionsEventLevel.m_datafiles = basf2_mva.vector(*sampledFilesList)
trainingOptionsEventLevel.m_treename = methodPrefixEventLevel + "_tree"
trainingOptionsEventLevel.m_identifier = weightFile
trainingOptionsEventLevel.m_variables = basf2_mva.vector(*getTrainingVariables(category))
trainingOptionsEventLevel.m_target_variable = targetVariable
trainingOptionsEventLevel.m_max_events = maxEventsNumber
basf2_mva.teacher(trainingOptionsEventLevel, getFastBDTCategories())
if uploadFlag:
basf2_mva.upload(weightFile, methodPrefixEventLevel)
if ReadyMethods != len(categories):
return False
return True
[docs]def combinerLevel(mode='Expert', weightFiles='B2JpsiKs_mu', categories=None,
variablesCombinerLevel=None, categoriesCombinationCode=None, path=None):
Samples the input data or tests the combiner according to the selected categories.
if categories is None:
categories = []
if variablesCombinerLevel is None:
variablesCombinerLevel = []
B2INFO("Flavor Tagger: Required Combiner for Categories:")
for category in categories:
B2INFO("Flavor Tagger: which corresponds to a weight file with categories combination code " + categoriesCombinationCode)
methodPrefixCombinerLevel = "FlavorTagger_" + getBelleOrBelle2() + "_" + weightFiles + 'Combiner' \
+ categoriesCombinationCode
if mode == 'Sampler':
if os.path.isfile(filesDirectory + '/' + methodPrefixCombinerLevel + 'FBDT' + '_1.root') or \
os.path.isfile(filesDirectory + '/' + methodPrefixCombinerLevel + 'FANN' + '_1.root'):
B2FATAL('flavorTagger: File' + methodPrefixCombinerLevel + 'FBDT' + "_1.root" + ' or ' + methodPrefixCombinerLevel +
'FANN' + '_1.root found. Please run the "Expert" mode or delete the file if a new sampling is desired.')
B2INFO('flavorTagger: Sampling Data on Combiner Level. File' +
methodPrefixCombinerLevel + ".root" + ' will be saved')
ntuple = basf2.register_module('VariablesToNtuple')
ntuple.param('fileName', filesDirectory + '/' + methodPrefixCombinerLevel + "sampled" + fileId + ".root")
ntuple.param('treeName', methodPrefixCombinerLevel + 'FBDT' + "_tree")
ntuple.param('variables', variablesCombinerLevel + ['qrCombined'])
ntuple.param('particleList', "")
if mode == 'Expert':
# Check if weight files are ready
if TMVAfbdt:
identifierFBDT = methodPrefixCombinerLevel + 'FBDT'
if downloadFlag or useOnlyLocalFlag:
identifierFBDT = filesDirectory + '/' + methodPrefixCombinerLevel + 'FBDT' + '_1.root'
if downloadFlag:
if not os.path.isfile(identifierFBDT):
basf2_mva.download(methodPrefixCombinerLevel + 'FBDT', identifierFBDT)
if not os.path.isfile(identifierFBDT):
B2FATAL('Flavor Tagger: Weight file ' + identifierFBDT +
' was not downloaded from Database. Please check the buildOrRevision name. Stopped')
if useOnlyLocalFlag:
if not os.path.isfile(identifierFBDT):
B2FATAL('flavorTagger: Combinerlevel FastBDT was not trained with this combination of categories.' +
' Weight file ' + identifierFBDT + ' not found. Stopped')
B2INFO('flavorTagger: Ready to be used with weightFile ' + methodPrefixCombinerLevel + 'FBDT' + '_1.root')
if FANNmlp:
identifierFANN = methodPrefixCombinerLevel + 'FANN'
if downloadFlag or useOnlyLocalFlag:
identifierFANN = filesDirectory + '/' + methodPrefixCombinerLevel + 'FANN' + '_1.root'
if downloadFlag:
if not os.path.isfile(identifierFANN):
basf2_mva.download(methodPrefixCombinerLevel + 'FANN', identifierFANN)
if not os.path.isfile(identifierFANN):
B2FATAL('Flavor Tagger: Weight file ' + identifierFANN +
' was not downloaded from Database. Please check the buildOrRevision name. Stopped')
if useOnlyLocalFlag:
if not os.path.isfile(identifierFANN):
B2FATAL('flavorTagger: Combinerlevel FANNMLP was not trained with this combination of categories. ' +
' Weight file ' + identifierFANN + ' not found. Stopped')
B2INFO('flavorTagger: Ready to be used with weightFile ' + methodPrefixCombinerLevel + 'FANN' + '_1.root')
# At this stage, all necessary weight files should be ready.
# Call MVAExpert or MVAMultipleExperts module.
if TMVAfbdt and not FANNmlp:
B2INFO('flavorTagger: Apply FBDTMethod ' + methodPrefixCombinerLevel + 'FBDT')
path.add_module('MVAExpert', listNames=[], extraInfoName='qrCombined' + 'FBDT', signalFraction=signalFraction,
if FANNmlp and not TMVAfbdt:
B2INFO('flavorTagger: Apply FANNMethod on combiner level')
path.add_module('MVAExpert', listNames=[], extraInfoName='qrCombined' + 'FANN', signalFraction=signalFraction,
if FANNmlp and TMVAfbdt:
B2INFO('flavorTagger: Apply FANNMethod and FBDTMethod on combiner level')
mvaMultipleExperts = basf2.register_module('MVAMultipleExperts')
mvaMultipleExperts.param('listNames', [])
mvaMultipleExperts.param('extraInfoNames', ['qrCombined' + 'FBDT', 'qrCombined' + 'FANN'])
mvaMultipleExperts.param('signalFraction', signalFraction)
mvaMultipleExperts.param('identifiers', [identifierFBDT, identifierFANN])
[docs]def combinerLevelTeacher(weightFiles='B2JpsiKs_mu', variablesCombinerLevel=None,
Trains the combiner according to the selected categories.
if variablesCombinerLevel is None:
variablesCombinerLevel = []
methodPrefixCombinerLevel = "FlavorTagger_" + getBelleOrBelle2() + "_" + weightFiles + 'Combiner' \
+ categoriesCombinationCode
sampledFilesList = glob.glob(filesDirectory + '/' + methodPrefixCombinerLevel + 'sampled*.root')
if len(sampledFilesList) == 0:
B2FATAL('FlavorTagger: combinerLevelTeacher did not find any ' +
methodPrefixCombinerLevel + 'sampled*.root file. Please run the flavorTagger in "Sampler" mode.')
if TMVAfbdt:
if not os.path.isfile(filesDirectory + '/' + methodPrefixCombinerLevel + 'FBDT' + '_1.root'):
B2INFO('flavorTagger: MVA Teacher training a FastBDT on Combiner Level')
trainingOptionsCombinerLevel = basf2_mva.GeneralOptions()
trainingOptionsCombinerLevel.m_datafiles = basf2_mva.vector(*sampledFilesList)
trainingOptionsCombinerLevel.m_treename = methodPrefixCombinerLevel + 'FBDT' + "_tree"
trainingOptionsCombinerLevel.m_identifier = filesDirectory + '/' + methodPrefixCombinerLevel + 'FBDT' + "_1.root"
trainingOptionsCombinerLevel.m_variables = basf2_mva.vector(*variablesCombinerLevel)
trainingOptionsCombinerLevel.m_target_variable = 'qrCombined'
trainingOptionsCombinerLevel.m_max_events = maxEventsNumber
basf2_mva.teacher(trainingOptionsCombinerLevel, getFastBDTCombiner())
if uploadFlag:
basf2_mva.upload(filesDirectory + '/' + methodPrefixCombinerLevel +
'FBDT' + "_1.root", methodPrefixCombinerLevel + 'FBDT')
elif FANNmlp and not os.path.isfile(filesDirectory + '/' + methodPrefixCombinerLevel + 'FANN' + '_1.root'):
B2INFO('flavorTagger: Combinerlevel FBDT was already trained with this combination of categories. Weight file ' +
methodPrefixCombinerLevel + 'FBDT' + '_1.root has been found.')
B2FATAL('flavorTagger: Combinerlevel was already trained with this combination of categories. Weight files ' +
methodPrefixCombinerLevel + 'FBDT' + '_1.root and ' +
methodPrefixCombinerLevel + 'FANN' + '_1.root has been found. Please use the "Expert" mode')
if FANNmlp:
if not os.path.isfile(filesDirectory + '/' + methodPrefixCombinerLevel + 'FANN' + '_1.root'):
B2INFO('flavorTagger: MVA Teacher training a FANN MLP on Combiner Level')
trainingOptionsCombinerLevel = basf2_mva.GeneralOptions()
trainingOptionsCombinerLevel.m_datafiles = basf2_mva.vector(*sampledFilesList)
trainingOptionsCombinerLevel.m_treename = methodPrefixCombinerLevel + 'FBDT' + "_tree"
trainingOptionsCombinerLevel.m_identifier = filesDirectory + '/' + methodPrefixCombinerLevel + 'FANN' + "_1.root"
trainingOptionsCombinerLevel.m_variables = basf2_mva.vector(*variablesCombinerLevel)
trainingOptionsCombinerLevel.m_target_variable = 'qrCombined'
trainingOptionsCombinerLevel.m_max_events = maxEventsNumber
basf2_mva.teacher(trainingOptionsCombinerLevel, getMlpFANNCombiner())
if uploadFlag:
basf2_mva.upload(filesDirectory + '/' + methodPrefixCombinerLevel +
'FANN' + "_1.root", methodPrefixCombinerLevel + 'FANN')
elif TMVAfbdt and not os.path.isfile(filesDirectory + '/' + methodPrefixCombinerLevel + 'FBDT' + '_1.root'):
B2INFO('flavorTagger: Combinerlevel FBDT was already trained with this combination of categories. Weight file ' +
methodPrefixCombinerLevel + 'FANN' + '_1.config has been found.')
B2FATAL('flavorTagger: Combinerlevel was already trained with this combination of categories. Weight files ' +
methodPrefixCombinerLevel + 'FBDT' + '_1.root and ' +
methodPrefixCombinerLevel + 'FANN' + '_1.root has been found. Please use the "Expert" mode')
[docs]def getEventLevelParticleLists(categories=None):
if categories is None:
categories = []
eventLevelParticleLists = []
for category in categories:
ftCategory = AvailableCategories[category]
event_tuple = (ftCategory.particleList, ftCategory.eventName, ftCategory.variableName)
if event_tuple not in eventLevelParticleLists:
B2FATAL('Flavor Tagger: ' + category + ' has been already given')
return eventLevelParticleLists
[docs]def flavorTagger(
combinerMethods=['TMVA-FBDT', 'FANN-MLP'],
Defines the whole flavor tagging process for each selected Rest of Event (ROE) built in the steering file.
The flavor is predicted by Multivariate Methods trained with Variables and MetaVariables which use
Tracks, ECL- and KLMClusters from the corresponding RestOfEvent dataobject.
This module can be used to sample the training information, to train and/or to test the flavorTagger.
@param particleLists The ROEs for flavor tagging are selected from the given particle lists.
@param mode The available modes are
``Expert`` (default), ``Sampler``, and ``Teacher``. In the ``Expert`` mode
Flavor Tagging is applied to the analysis,. In the ``Sampler`` mode you save
save the variables for training. In the ``Teacher`` mode the FlavorTagger is
trained, for this step you do not reconstruct any particle or do any analysis,
you just run the flavorTagger alone.
@param weightFiles Weight files name. Default=
``B2nunubarBGx1`` (official weight files). If the user self
wants to train the FlavorTagger, the weightfiles name should correspond to the
analysed CP channel in order to avoid confusions. The default name
``B2nunubarBGx1`` corresponds to
:math:`B^0_{\\rm sig}\\to \\nu \\overline{\\nu}`.
and ``B2JpsiKs_muBGx1`` to
:math:`B^0_{\\rm sig}\\to J/\\psi (\\to \\mu^+ \\mu^-) K_s (\\to \\pi^+ \\pi^-)`.
BGx1 stays for events simulated with background.
@param workingDirectory Path to the directory containing the FlavorTagging/ folder.
@param combinerMethods MVAs for the combiner: ``TMVA-FBDT`` or ``FANN-MLP``. Both used by default.
@param categories Categories used for flavor tagging. By default all are used.
@param maskName Gets ROE particles from a specified ROE mask.
``all`` (default): all ROE particles are used.
``_FTDefaultMask``: tentative mask definition that will be created automatically.
Or one can give any mask name defined before calling this function.
@param saveCategoriesInfo Sets to save information of individual categories.
@param useOnlyLocalWeightFiles [Expert] Uses only locally saved weight files.
@param downloadFromDatabaseIfNotFound [Expert] Weight files are downloaded from
the conditions database if not available in workingDirectory.
@param uploadToDatabaseAfterTraining [Expert] For librarians only: uploads weight files to localdb after training.
@param samplerFileId Identifier to paralellize
sampling. Only used in ``Sampler`` mode. If you are training by yourself and
want to parallelize the sampling, you can run several sampling scripts in
parallel. By changing this parameter you will not overwrite an older sample.
@param prefix Prefix of weight files.
@param path Modules are added to this path
if mode != 'Sampler' and mode != 'Teacher' and mode != 'Expert':
B2FATAL('flavorTagger: Wrong mode given: The available modes are "Sampler", "Teacher" or "Expert"')
if len(categories) != len(set(categories)):
dup = [cat for cat in set(categories) if categories.count(cat) > 1]
B2WARNING('Flavor Tagger: There are duplicate elements in the given categories list. '
<< 'The following duplicate elements are removed; ' << ', '.join(dup))
categories = list(set(categories))
if len(categories) < 2:
B2FATAL('Flavor Tagger: Invalid amount of categories. At least two are needed.')
'Flavor Tagger: Possible categories are "Electron", "IntermediateElectron", "Muon", "IntermediateMuon", '
'"KinLepton", "IntermediateKinLepton", "Kaon", "SlowPion", "FastHadron",'
'"Lambda", "FSC", "MaximumPstar" or "KaonPion" ')
for category in categories:
if category not in AvailableCategories:
B2FATAL('Flavor Tagger: ' + category + ' is not a valid category name given')
B2FATAL('Flavor Tagger: Available categories are "Electron", "IntermediateElectron", '
'"Muon", "IntermediateMuon", "KinLepton", "IntermediateKinLepton", "Kaon", "SlowPion", "FastHadron", '
'"Lambda", "FSC", "MaximumPstar" or "KaonPion" ')
# Directory where the weights of the trained Methods are saved
# workingDirectory = os.environ['BELLE2_LOCAL_DIR'] + '/analysis/data'
global filesDirectory
filesDirectory = workingDirectory + '/FlavorTagging/TrainedMethods'
if mode == 'Sampler' or (mode == 'Expert' and downloadFromDatabaseIfNotFound):
if not basf2.find_file(workingDirectory + '/FlavorTagging', silent=True):
os.mkdir(workingDirectory + '/FlavorTagging')
os.mkdir(workingDirectory + '/FlavorTagging/TrainedMethods')
elif not basf2.find_file(workingDirectory + '/FlavorTagging/TrainedMethods', silent=True):
os.mkdir(workingDirectory + '/FlavorTagging/TrainedMethods')
filesDirectory = workingDirectory + '/FlavorTagging/TrainedMethods'
if len(combinerMethods) < 1 or len(combinerMethods) > 2:
B2FATAL('flavorTagger: Invalid list of combinerMethods. The available methods are "TMVA-FBDT" and "FANN-MLP"')
global FANNmlp
global TMVAfbdt
FANNmlp = False
TMVAfbdt = False
for method in combinerMethods:
if method == 'TMVA-FBDT':
TMVAfbdt = True
elif method == 'FANN-MLP':
FANNmlp = True
B2FATAL('flavorTagger: Invalid list of combinerMethods. The available methods are "TMVA-FBDT" and "FANN-MLP"')
global fileId
fileId = samplerFileId
global useOnlyLocalFlag
useOnlyLocalFlag = useOnlyLocalWeightFiles
B2INFO(' ')
B2INFO(' Working directory is: ' + filesDirectory)
B2INFO(' ')
setInteractionWithDatabase(downloadFromDatabaseIfNotFound, uploadToDatabaseAfterTraining)
weightFiles = prefix + weightFiles
# Create configuration lists and code-name for given category's list
trackLevelParticleLists = []
eventLevelParticleLists = []
variablesCombinerLevel = []
categoriesCombination = []
categoriesCombinationCode = 'CatCode'
for category in categories:
ftCategory = AvailableCategories[category]
track_tuple = (ftCategory.particleList, ftCategory.trackName)
event_tuple = (ftCategory.particleList, ftCategory.eventName, ftCategory.variableName)
if track_tuple not in trackLevelParticleLists and category != 'MaximumPstar':
if event_tuple not in eventLevelParticleLists:
B2FATAL('Flavor Tagger: ' + category + ' has been already given')
for code in sorted(categoriesCombination):
categoriesCombinationCode = categoriesCombinationCode + '%02d' % code
# Create default ROE-mask
if maskName == '_FTDefaultMask':
_FTDefaultMask = (
'thetaInCDCAcceptance and dr<1 and abs(dz)<3',
'thetaInCDCAcceptance and clusterNHits>1.5 and [[E>0.08 and clusterReg==1] or [E>0.03 and clusterReg==2] or \
[E>0.06 and clusterReg==3]]')
for name in particleLists:
ma.appendROEMasks(list_name=name, mask_tuples=[_FTDefaultMask], path=path)
# Start ROE-routine
roe_path = basf2.create_path()
deadEndPath = basf2.create_path()
if mode == 'Sampler':
# Events containing ROE without B-Meson (but not empty) are discarded for training
'nROE_Charged(' + maskName + ', 0) > 0 and abs(qrCombined) == 1',
FillParticleLists(maskName, categories, roe_path)
if eventLevel(mode, weightFiles, categories, roe_path):
combinerLevel(mode, weightFiles, categories, variablesCombinerLevel, categoriesCombinationCode, roe_path)
# Removes EventExtraInfos and ParticleExtraInfos of the EventParticleLists
particleListsToRemoveExtraInfo = []
for category in categories:
particleList = AvailableCategories[category].particleList
if particleList not in particleListsToRemoveExtraInfo:
ma.removeExtraInfo(particleListsToRemoveExtraInfo, False, roe_path)
path.for_each('RestOfEvent', 'RestOfEvents', roe_path)
elif mode == 'Expert':
# If trigger returns 1 jump into empty path skipping further modules in roe_path
# run filter with no cut first to get rid of ROEs that are missing the mask of the signal particle
ma.signalSideParticleListsFilter(particleLists, '', roe_path, deadEndPath)
ma.signalSideParticleListsFilter(particleLists, 'nROE_Charged(' + maskName + ', 0) > 0', roe_path, deadEndPath)
# Initialization of flavorTaggerInfo dataObject needs to be done in the main path
flavorTaggerInfoBuilder = basf2.register_module('FlavorTaggerInfoBuilder')
FillParticleLists(maskName, categories, roe_path)
if eventLevel(mode, weightFiles, categories, roe_path):
combinerLevel(mode, weightFiles, categories, variablesCombinerLevel, categoriesCombinationCode, roe_path)
flavorTaggerInfoFiller = basf2.register_module('FlavorTaggerInfoFiller')
flavorTaggerInfoFiller.param('trackLevelParticleLists', trackLevelParticleLists)
flavorTaggerInfoFiller.param('eventLevelParticleLists', eventLevelParticleLists)
flavorTaggerInfoFiller.param('TMVAfbdt', TMVAfbdt)
flavorTaggerInfoFiller.param('FANNmlp', FANNmlp)
flavorTaggerInfoFiller.param('qpCategories', saveCategoriesInfo)
flavorTaggerInfoFiller.param('istrueCategories', saveCategoriesInfo)
flavorTaggerInfoFiller.param('targetProb', False)
flavorTaggerInfoFiller.param('trackPointers', False)
roe_path.add_module(flavorTaggerInfoFiller) # Add FlavorTag Info filler to roe_path
# Removes EventExtraInfos and ParticleExtraInfos of the EventParticleLists
particleListsToRemoveExtraInfo = []
for category in categories:
particleList = AvailableCategories[category].particleList
if particleList not in particleListsToRemoveExtraInfo:
ma.removeExtraInfo(particleListsToRemoveExtraInfo, True, roe_path)
path.for_each('RestOfEvent', 'RestOfEvents', roe_path)
elif mode == 'Teacher':
if eventLevelTeacher(weightFiles, categories):
combinerLevelTeacher(weightFiles, variablesCombinerLevel, categoriesCombinationCode)
if __name__ == '__main__':
desc_list = []
function = globals()["flavorTagger"]
signature = inspect.formatargspec(*inspect.getfullargspec(function))
desc_list.append((function.__name__, signature + '\n' + function.__doc__))
from terminal_utils import Pager
from basf2.utils import pretty_print_description_list
with Pager('Flavor Tagger function accepts the following arguments:'):