4.7. Tools for luminosity¶
4.7.1. b2info-luminosity
: Show the luminosity corresponding to a given experiment(s)¶
New in version release-04-00-01.
Script to get the integrated luminosity.
Script to get the integrated luminosity of a set of runs
Optional Arguments
- --exp
Experiment numbers (required). Range allowed: eg 3,7-10
- --runs
Process only the selected run range. Syntax is xx-yy,zz. Multiple ranges allowed xx-yy,zz,aa-bb
- --what
Possible choices: offline, online
Which luminosity: online (default) or offline
Default: “online”
- --verbose
Print luminosity for each run
- --delivered
Show also delivered lumi
- --good
Consider only good and recoverable runs (default False)
- --beam-energy
Possible choices: None, 4S, 4S_offres, 4S_scan, 5S_scan
Consider only runs with given beam energy None(default)/4S/4S_offres/4S_scan/5S_scan
- --dbonline
ECL DataBase path (for developers)
Default: “/group/belle2/dataprod/Luminosity/ecl_lom.db”
- --dboffline
DataBase path for OffLine Lumi (for developers)
Default: “/group/belle2/dataprod/Luminosity/OffLineLuminosity.db”
- --token
Use the read-only token to automatize the script
- --username
Provide DESY username for crediantial access
4.8. Tools for ParticleStats¶
4.8.1. b2plot-particleStats
: Analyze a json produced by ParticleStats
to produce plot of retention rate and pass matrix¶
New in version release-05-01-13.
Script to plot from json produced by ParticleStat module.
usage: Built-in functions, exceptions, and other objects.
Noteworthy: None is the `nil' object; Ellipsis represents `...' in slices.
Optional Arguments¶
- --json
Input json file
- --plot
Possible choices: Retention, All Particles ACM, All Particles ACPME, PassMatrix
Which plot to produce
Default: [‘Retention’, ‘PassMatrix’]
- --verbose
Verbose mode
Default: False