Source code for L1trigger

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from basf2 import B2INFO
from cdctrigger import add_cdc_trigger
from ecltrigger import add_ecl_trigger
from klmtrigger import add_klm_trigger
from grltrigger import add_grl_trigger
from gdltrigger import add_gdl_trigger
from effCalculation import EffCalculation

[docs]def add_tsim( path, SimulationMode=1, shortTracks=False, OpenFilter=False, Belle2Phase="Phase3", PrintResult=False, component=["CDC", "ECL", "KLM", "GRL", "GDL"], PrintInfo=False): """ add the gdl module to path @param path module is added to this path @param SimulationMode the simulation mode in TSIM, 1: fast simulation, trigger algoritm simulation only, no firmware simulation 2: full simulation, both trigger algorithm and firmware are simulated @param minHits the minimum number of CDC super layers with hits, the default values is 4 @param OpenFilter if OpenFilter is True, the events failed to pass L1 trigger will be discarded. Make sure you do need open filter before you set the value to True @param Belle2Phase the trigger menu at the phase is applied. Option: Phase2, Phase3 @param component list of sub-trigger components to be included in simulation """ if ("CDC" in component): add_cdc_trigger(path=path, SimulationMode=SimulationMode, shortTracks=shortTracks, thetaDef='avg', zDef='min') if ("ECL" in component): add_ecl_trigger(path) if ("KLM" in component): add_klm_trigger(path) if ("GRL" in component): add_grl_trigger(path, SimulationMode) if ("GDL" in component): add_gdl_trigger(path=path, SimulationMode=SimulationMode, OpenFilter=OpenFilter, Belle2Phase=Belle2Phase) if PrintResult: EffCalculation(path, Belle2Phase=Belle2Phase) path.add_module('StatisticsSummary').set_name('Sum_TriggerSimulation') if PrintInfo: B2INFO('The L1 trigger simulation (TSIM) is set up with the following configuration:', SimulationMode=SimulationMode, ShortTracks=shortTracks, OpenFilter=OpenFilter, Belle2Phase=Belle2Phase, Components=', '.join(component))
[docs]def add_subdetector_tsim( path, SimulationMode=1, shortTracks=False, OpenFilter=False, Belle2Phase="Phase3", component=[ "CDC", "ECL", "KLM"]): """ add the trigger simlation of subdetector, no grl and gdl the parameters are the same as above """ if ("CDC" in component): add_cdc_trigger(path=path, SimulationMode=SimulationMode, shortTracks=shortTracks) if ("ECL" in component): add_ecl_trigger(path=path) if ("KLM" in component): add_klm_trigger(path=path)
[docs]def add_grl_gdl_tsim(path, SimulationMode=1, OpenFilter=False, Belle2Phase="Phase3", PrintResult=False): """ add grl and gdl, the function have to applied based on the dataobjects produced in add_subdetector_trigger_simulation the parameters are the same as above """ add_grl_trigger(path, SimulationMode) add_gdl_trigger(path, SimulationMode, OpenFilter, Belle2Phase) if PrintResult: EffCalculation(path, Belle2Phase=Belle2Phase)