Source code for b2biiConversion

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import basf2 as b2
import b2bii
from modularAnalysis import setAnalysisConfigParams
import os
import re
import requests
from ctypes import cdll

[docs]def setupBelleDatabaseServer(): """ Sets the Belle DB server to the one recommended in /sw/belle/local/var/belle_postgres_server. If the user does not have the access rights to the above file, the can01 server is set by default. """ belleDBServerFile = '/sw/belle/local/var/belle_postgres_server' belleDBServer = 'can01' try: with open(belleDBServerFile) as f: belleDBServer = ( except IOError: pass os.environ['BELLE_POSTGRES_SERVER'] = belleDBServer
[docs]def setupBelleMagneticField(path): """ This function set the Belle Magnetic field (constant). """ b2.B2WARNING( 'setupBelleMagneticField function is obsolete. Please remove it from your scripts. ' 'The Belle magnetic field is now being set via the settings in inputMdst(List) fucntion.')
[docs]def setupB2BIIDatabase(isMC=False): """ Setup the database for B2BII. This automatically chooses the correct global tag and sets up a database suitable for B2BII conversion. Warning: This function is not up to date and should not be called Args: isMC (bool): should be True for MC data and False for real data """ # we only want the central database with the B2BII content tagname = "B2BII%s" % ("_MC" if isMC else "") # and we want to cache them in a meaningful but separate directory payloaddir = tagname + "_database" b2.reset_database() b2.use_database_chain() # fallback to previously downloaded payloads if offline if not isMC: b2.use_local_database( "%s/dbcache.txt" % payloaddir, payloaddir, True, b2.LogLevel.ERROR) # get payloads from central database b2.use_central_database(tagname, b2.LogLevel.WARNING, payloaddir) # unless they are already found locally if isMC: b2.use_local_database( "%s/dbcache.txt" % payloaddir, payloaddir, False, b2.LogLevel.WARNING)
[docs]def convertBelleMdstToBelleIIMdst(inputBelleMDSTFile, applySkim=True, useBelleDBServer=None, convertBeamParameters=True, generatorLevelReconstruction=False, generatorLevelMCMatching=False, path=None, entrySequences=None, matchType2E9oE25Threshold=-1.1, enableNisKsFinder=True, HadronA=True, HadronB=True, enableRecTrg=False, enableEvtcls=True, SmearTrack=2, enableLocalDB=True): """ Loads Belle MDST file and converts in each event the Belle MDST dataobjects to Belle II MDST data objects and loads them to the StoreArray. Args: inputBelleMDSTFile (str): Name of the file(s) to be loaded. applySkim (bool): Apply skim conditions in B2BIIFixMdst. useBelleDBServer (str): None to use the recommended BelleDB server. convertBeamParameters (bool): Convert beam parameters or use information stored in Belle II database. generatorLevelReconstruction (bool): Enables to bypass skims and corrections applied in B2BIIFixMdst. generatorLevelMCMatching (bool): Enables to switch MCTruth matching to generator-level particles. path (basf2.Path): Path to add modules in. entrySequences (list(str)): The number sequences (e.g. 23:42,101) defining the entries which are processed for each inputFileName. matchType2E9oE25Threshold (float): Clusters with a E9/E25 value above this threshold are classified as neutral even if tracks are matched to their connected region (matchType == 2 in basf). enableNisKsFinder (bool): Enables to convert nisKsFinder information. HadronA (bool): Enables to switch on HadronA skim in B2BIIFixMdst module. HadronB (bool): Enables to switch on HadronB skim in B2BIIFixMdst module. enableRecTrg (bool): Enables to convert RecTrg_summary3 table. enableEvtcls (bool): Enables to convert Evtcls and Evtcls_hadronic tables. SmearTrack (float): Smear the MC tracks to match real data. Apart from the recommended default value of 2 it can also be set to 1. Details about the difference between those two options can be found `here <>`_. Set to 0 to skip smearing (automatically set to 0 internally for real data). enableLocalDB (bool): Enables to use local payloads. """ # If we are on KEKCC make sure we load the correct NeuroBayes library try: cdll.LoadLibrary('/sw/belle/local/neurobayes/lib/') except BaseException: pass if useBelleDBServer is None: setupBelleDatabaseServer() else: os.environ['BELLE_POSTGRES_SERVER'] = useBelleDBServer b2.B2INFO('Belle DB server is set to: ' + os.environ['BELLE_POSTGRES_SERVER']) setAnalysisConfigParams({'mcMatchingVersion': 'Belle'}, path) b2bii.setB2BII() if enableLocalDB is True: b2.B2WARNING("B2BII is accessing the payloads from the local database.\n" "This is the recommended procedure and significantly faster than using the global database.\n" "Only if you need the latest payloads of the flavor tagging or the FEI,\n" "you should turn off this feature and set enableLocalDB to True.") b2.conditions.metadata_providers = ["/sw/belle/b2bii/database/conditions/b2bii.sqlite"] b2.conditions.payload_locations = ["/sw/belle/b2bii/database/conditions/"] input = b2.register_module('B2BIIMdstInput') if inputBelleMDSTFile is not None: input.param('inputFileNames', parse_process_url(inputBelleMDSTFile)) if entrySequences is not None: input.param('entrySequences', entrySequences) # input.logging.set_log_level(LogLevel.DEBUG) # input.logging.set_info(LogLevel.DEBUG, LogInfo.LEVEL | LogInfo.MESSAGE) path.add_module(input) # we need magnetic field which is different than default. # shamelessly copied from analysis/scripts/ from ROOT import Belle2 # reduced scope of potentially-misbehaving import field = Belle2.MagneticField() field.addComponent( Belle2.MagneticFieldComponentConstant( Belle2.B2Vector3D( 0, 0, 1.5 * Belle2.Unit.T))) Belle2.DBStore.Instance().addConstantOverride("MagneticField", field, False) if (not generatorLevelReconstruction): # Fix MSDT Module fix = b2.register_module('B2BIIFixMdst') # fix.logging.set_log_level(LogLevel.DEBUG) # fix.logging.set_info(LogLevel.DEBUG, LogInfo.LEVEL | LogInfo.MESSAGE) # Hadron skim settings fix.param('HadronA', HadronA) fix.param('HadronB', HadronB) fix.param('Smear_trk', SmearTrack) if (HadronA is not True and HadronB is True): b2.B2WARNING( 'The Hadron A skim is turned off.' 'However, its requirements are still applied since the HadronB(J) skim, which includes them, is turned on.') path.add_module(fix) if(applySkim): emptypath = b2.create_path() # discard 'bad events' marked by fixmdst fix.if_value('<=0', emptypath) else: b2.B2INFO('applySkim is set to be False.' 'No bad events marked by fixmdst will be discarded.' 'Corrections will still be applied.') else: b2.B2INFO('Perform generator level reconstruction, no corrections or skims in fix_mdst will be applied.') # Convert MDST Module convert = b2.register_module('B2BIIConvertMdst') convert.param('convertBeamParameters', convertBeamParameters) if (generatorLevelMCMatching): convert.param('mcMatchingMode', 'GeneratorLevel') convert.param("matchType2E9oE25Threshold", matchType2E9oE25Threshold) convert.param("nisKsInfo", enableNisKsFinder) convert.param("RecTrg", enableRecTrg) convert.param("convertEvtcls", enableEvtcls) # convert.logging.set_log_level(LogLevel.DEBUG) # convert.logging.set_info(LogLevel.DEBUG, LogInfo.LEVEL | LogInfo.MESSAGE) path.add_module(convert)
[docs]def parse_process_url(url): """ Handle process_url style requests. If url is a list just return it without looking at it. If the url starts with http(s):// return the list of files provided by that url, otherwise check if a file with the name given as url exists and return this as a list with one item. If not such file exists return an empty list >>> parse_process_url(["foo", "bar"]) ['foo', 'bar'] >>> parse_process_url("/dev/null") ['/dev/null'] >>> parse_process_url("missing_file.mdst") [] >>> parse_process_url("") \ # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ['/group/belle/bdata_b/dstprod/dat/e000055/HadronBJ/0127/on_resonance/00/HadronBJ-e000055r000003-b20090127_0910.mdst', '/group/belle/bdata_b/dstprod/dat/e000055/HadronBJ/0127/on_resonance/00/HadronBJ-e000055r000004-b20090127_0910.mdst', '/group/belle/bdata_b/dstprod/dat/e000055/HadronBJ/0127/on_resonance/00/HadronBJ-e000055r000005-b20090127_0910.mdst'] Some files are missing and thus marked with "### LOST ###", make sure we don't pick them up >>> parse_process_url("") [] If the URL cannot be found an error is raised and an empty list is returned. Also for other http errors or non existing urls >>> parse_process_url("") [] >>> parse_process_url("") [] >>> parse_process_url("http://nosuchurl") [] """ if isinstance(url, list) or isinstance(url, tuple): return url if not url.startswith("http://") and not url.startswith("https://"): if os.path.exists(url): return [url] else: b2.B2ERROR( "Could not parse url '{0}': no such file or directory".format(url)) return [] # regular expression to find process_event lines in html response process_event = re.compile(br"^\s*process_event\s+(.*)\s+0$", re.MULTILINE) # get the url try: request = requests.get(url) request.raise_for_status() return [e.decode("ASCII") for e in process_event.findall(request.content)] except (requests.ConnectionError, requests.HTTPError) as e: b2.B2ERROR( "Failed to connect to '{url}': {message}".format( url=url, message=str(e))) return []