Source code for basf2.pickle_path

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

basf2.pickle_path - Functions necessary to pickle and unpickle a Path

This module contains all the functiones necessary to serialize and deserialize
a full path with all modules, parameters, sub paths, conditions and so on. This
can be used in conjunction with ``basf2 --dump-path`` and ``basf2
--execute-path`` to save a full configuration to file and execute it later.

import pybasf2
import pickle as _pickle
import os as _os
import sys as _sys

def serialize_value(module, parameter):
    if == 'path' and module.type() == 'SubEvent':
        return serialize_path(parameter.values)
        return parameter.values

def deserialize_value(module, parameter_state):
    if parameter_state['name'] == 'path' and module.type() == 'SubEvent':
        return deserialize_path(parameter_state['values'])
        return parameter_state['values']

def serialize_conditions(module):
    condition_list = []

    for condition in module.get_all_conditions():
        condition_list.append({'value': condition.get_value(),
                               'operator': int(condition.get_operator()),
                               'path': serialize_path(condition.get_path()),
                               'option': int(condition.get_after_path())})

    return condition_list

def deserialize_conditions(module, module_state):
    conditions = module_state['condition']
    for cond in conditions:
        module.if_value(str(pybasf2.ConditionOperator.values[cond['operator']]) + str(cond['value']),
                        deserialize_path(cond['path']), pybasf2.AfterConditionPath.values[cond['option']])

def serialize_module(module):
    if module.type() == '' or module.type() == 'PyModule':
        raise RuntimeError("Module '%s' doesn't have a type or is a Python module! Note that --dump-path cannot work"
                           "properly with basf2 modules written in Python." % (
    return {
        'type': module.type(),
        'flag': module.has_properties(pybasf2.ModulePropFlags.PARALLELPROCESSINGCERTIFIED),
        'parameters': [{'name':, 'values': serialize_value(module, parameter)}
                       for parameter in module.available_params()
                       if parameter.setInSteering or module.type() == 'SubEvent'],
        'condition': serialize_conditions(module) if module.has_condition() else None}

def deserialize_module(module_state):
    module = pybasf2._register_module(module_state['type'])
    if 'condition' in module_state and module_state['condition'] is not None:
        deserialize_conditions(module, module_state)
    if 'flag' in module_state and module_state['flag']:
        # for some modules, this flag might be changed from the default
    for parameter_state in module_state['parameters']:
                     deserialize_value(module, parameter_state))
    return module

def serialize_path(path):
    return {'modules': [serialize_module(module) for module in path.modules()]}

def deserialize_path(path_state):
    path = pybasf2.Path()
    for module_state in path_state['modules']:
        module = deserialize_module(module_state)
    return path

[docs]def get_path_from_file(path_filename): """Read a path from a given pickle file""" with open(path_filename, 'br') as f: return deserialize_path(_pickle.load(f))
[docs]def write_path_to_file(path, filename): """Write a path to a given pickle file""" with open(filename, 'bw') as f: _pickle.dump(serialize_path(path), f)
[docs]def check_pickle_path(path): """Check if the path to be executed should be pickled or unpickled. This function is used by basf2.process to handle the ``--dump-path`` and ``--execute-path`` arguments to ``basf2`` """ # If a pickle path is set via --dump-path or --execute-path we do something special pickle_filename = pybasf2.get_pickle_path() if pickle_filename == '': return path # If the given path is None and the picklePath is valid we load a path from the pickle file if _os.path.isfile(pickle_filename) and path is None: path = get_path_from_file(pickle_filename) with open(pickle_filename, "br") as f: loaded = _pickle.load(f) if 'state' in loaded: pybasf2.B2INFO("Pickled path contains a state object. Activating pickled state.") for name, args, kwargs in loaded['state']: getattr(_sys.modules[__name__], name)(*args, **kwargs) return path # Otherwise we dump the given path into the pickle file and exit elif path is not None: write_path_to_file(path, pickle_filename) return None else: pybasf2.B2FATAL("Couldn't open path-file '" + pickle_filename + "' and no steering file provided.")
[docs]def make_code_pickable(code): """ Sometimes it is necessary to execute code which won't be pickled if a user dumps the basf2 path and wants to execute it later. Using the pickable_basf2 module all calls to basf2 functions are recorded. Now if a user has to execute code outside of basf2, e.g. modifying objects in the ROOT namespace, this won't be pickled. By wrapping the code in this function it is technically a call to a basf2 function and will be pickled again. Problem solved. """ exec(code, globals())