Source code for dft.DeepFlavorTagger

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# BASF2 (Belle Analysis Framework 2)                                     #
# Copyright(C) 2016-2019  Belle II Collaboration                         #
#                                                                        #
# Author: The Belle II Collaboration                                     #
# Contributors: Jochen Gemmler                                           #
#                                                                        #
# This software is provided "as is" without any warranty.                #

from ROOT import gSystem
import modularAnalysis as ma
import variables.utils as vu
from ROOT import Belle2
import basf2
from basf2 import B2ERROR, B2FATAL
import basf2_mva

# make ROOT compatible available

import os
import json

def get_variables(particle_list, ranked_variable, variables=None, particleNumber=1):
    """ creates variable name pattern requested by the basf2 variable getVariableByRank()
    :param particle_list:
    :param ranked_variable:
    :param variables:
    :param particleNumber:
    var_list = []
    for var in variables:
        for i_num in range(1, particleNumber + 1):
            var_list.append('getVariableByRank(' + particle_list + ', ' + ranked_variable + ', ' + var + ', ' +
                            str(i_num) + ')')
    return var_list

def construct_default_variable_names(particle_lists=None, ranked_variable='p', variables=None, particleNumber=5):
    """ construct default variables (that are sorted by charge and ranked by momentum)
    :param particle_lists:
    :param ranked_variable:
    :param variables:
    :param particleNumber:
    if particle_lists is None:
        particle_lists = ['pi+:pos_charged', 'pi+:neg_charged']

    variable_names = []
    for p_list in particle_lists:
        variable_names += get_variables(p_list, ranked_variable, variables, particleNumber)

    # make root compatible
    root_compatible_list = []
    for var in variable_names:

    return root_compatible_list

[docs]def DeepFlavorTagger(particle_lists, mode='expert', working_dir='', uniqueIdentifier='standard', variable_list=None, target='qrCombined', overwrite=False, transform_to_probability=False, signal_fraction=-1.0, classifier_args=None, train_valid_fraction=.92, mva_steering_file='analysis/scripts/dft/', maskName='', path=None): """ Interfacing for the DeepFlavorTagger. This function can be used for training (``teacher``), preparation of training datasets (``sampler``) and inference (``expert``). This function requires reconstructed B meson signal particle list and where an RestOfEvent is built. :param particle_lists: string or list[string], particle list(s) of the reconstructed signal B meson :param mode: string, valid modes are ``expert`` (default), ``teacher``, ``sampler`` :param working_dir: string, working directory for the method :param uniqueIdentifier: string, database identifier for the method :param variable_list: list[string], name of the basf2 variables used for discrimination :param target: string, target variable :param overwrite: bool, overwrite already (locally!) existing training :param transform_to_probability: bool, enable a purity transformation to compensate potential over-training, can only be set during training :param signal_fraction: float, (experimental) signal fraction override, transform to output to a probability if an uneven signal/background fraction is used in the training data, can only be set during training :param classifier_args: dictionary, costumized arguments for the mlp possible attributes of the dictionary are: lr_dec_rate: learning rate decay rate lr_init: learning rate initial value mom_init: momentum initial value min_epochs: minimal number of epochs max_epochs: maximal number of epochs stop_epochs: epochs to stop without improvements on the validation set for early stopping batch_size: batch size seed: random seed for tensorflow layers: [[layer name, activation function, input_width, output_width, init_bias, init_weights],..] wd_coeffs: weight decay coefficients, length of layers cuda_visible_devices: selection of cuda devices tensorboard_dir: addition directory for logging the training process :param train_valid_fraction: float, train-valid fraction (.92). If transform to probability is enabled, train valid fraction will be splitted to a test set (.5) :param maskName: get ROE particles from a specified ROE mask :param path: basf2 path obj :return: None """ if isinstance(particle_lists, str): particle_lists = [particle_lists] if mode not in ['expert', 'teacher', 'sampler']: B2FATAL('Invalid mode %s' % mode) if variable_list is None and mode in ['sampler', 'teacher']: variable_list = ['useCMSFrame(p)', 'useCMSFrame(cosTheta)', 'useCMSFrame(phi)', 'Kid', 'eid', 'muid', 'prid', 'nCDCHits', 'nPXDHits', 'nSVDHits', 'dz', 'dr', 'chiProb'] if variable_list is not None and mode is 'expert': B2ERROR('DFT: Variables from identifier file are used. Input variables will be ignored.') if classifier_args is None: classifier_args = {} else: assert isinstance(classifier_args, dict) classifier_args['transform_to_prob'] = transform_to_probability output_file_name = os.path.join(working_dir, uniqueIdentifier + '_training_data.root') # create roe specific paths roe_path = basf2.create_path() dead_end_path = basf2.create_path() # define dft specific lists to enable multiple calls, if someone really wants to do that extension = particle_lists[0].replace(':', '_to_') roe_particle_list_cut = '' roe_particle_list = 'pi+:dft' + '_' + extension tree_name = 'dft_variables' # filter rest of events only for specific particle list ma.signalSideParticleListsFilter(particle_lists, 'hasRestOfEventTracks > 0', roe_path, dead_end_path) # TODO: particles with empty rest of events seems not to show up in efficiency statistics anymore # create final state particle lists ma.fillParticleList(roe_particle_list, roe_particle_list_cut, path=roe_path) dft_particle_lists = ['pi+:pos_charged', 'pi+:neg_charged'] pos_cut = 'charge > 0 and isInRestOfEvent == 1 and passesROEMask(' + maskName + ') > 0.5 and p < infinity' neg_cut = 'charge < 0 and isInRestOfEvent == 1 and passesROEMask(' + maskName + ') > 0.5 and p < infinity' ma.cutAndCopyList(dft_particle_lists[0], roe_particle_list, pos_cut, writeOut=True, path=roe_path) ma.cutAndCopyList(dft_particle_lists[1], roe_particle_list, neg_cut, writeOut=True, path=roe_path) # sort pattern for tagging specific variables rank_variable = 'p' # rank_variable = 'useCMSFrame(p)' # create tagging specific variables if mode is not 'expert': features = get_variables(dft_particle_lists[0], rank_variable, variable_list, particleNumber=5) features += get_variables(dft_particle_lists[1], rank_variable, variable_list, particleNumber=5) for particles in dft_particle_lists: ma.rankByHighest(particles, rank_variable, path=roe_path) if mode is 'sampler': if os.path.isfile(output_file_name) and not overwrite: B2FATAL('Outputfile %s already exists. Aborting writeout.' % output_file_name) # and add target all_variables = features + [target] # write to ntuples ma.variablesToNtuple('', all_variables, tree_name, output_file_name, roe_path) # write the command line output for the extern teacher to a file extern_command = 'basf2_mva_teacher --datafile {output_file_name} --treename {tree_name}' \ ' --identifier {identifier} --variables "{variables_string}" --target_variable {target}' \ ' --method Python --training_fraction {fraction}' \ " --config '{classifier_args}' --framework tensorflow" \ ' --steering_file {steering_file}'\ ''.format(output_file_name=output_file_name, tree_name=tree_name, identifier=uniqueIdentifier, variables_string='" "'.join(features), target=target, classifier_args=json.dumps(classifier_args), fraction=train_valid_fraction, steering_file=mva_steering_file) with open(os.path.join(working_dir, uniqueIdentifier + '_teacher_command'), 'w') as f: f.write(extern_command) elif mode is 'teacher': if not os.path.isfile(output_file_name): B2FATAL('There is no training data file available. Run flavor tagger in sampler mode first.') general_options = basf2_mva.GeneralOptions() general_options.m_datafiles = basf2_mva.vector(output_file_name) general_options.m_treename = tree_name general_options.m_target_variable = target general_options.m_variables = basf2_mva.vector(*features) general_options.m_identifier = uniqueIdentifier specific_options = basf2_mva.PythonOptions() specific_options.m_framework = 'tensorflow' specific_options.m_steering_file = mva_steering_file specific_options.m_training_fraction = train_valid_fraction specific_options.m_config = json.dumps(classifier_args) basf2_mva.teacher(general_options, specific_options) elif mode is 'expert': # TODO: implement filling flavor tagger info in the FlavorTaggerInfoMap # flavor tagger info # mod_ft_info_builder = register_module('FlavorTaggerInfoBuilder') # path.add_module(mod_ft_info_builder) # fill the flavor tagger info # mod_ft_info_filler = register_module('FlavorTaggerInfoFiller') expert_module = basf2.register_module('MVAExpert') expert_module.param('listNames', particle_lists) expert_module.param('identifier', uniqueIdentifier) expert_module.param('extraInfoName', 'dnn_output') expert_module.param('signalFraction', signal_fraction) roe_path.add_module(expert_module) # Create standard alias for the output of the flavor tagger vu._variablemanager.addAlias('DNN_qrCombined', 'formula(2*extraInfo(dnn_output) - 1)') path.for_each('RestOfEvent', 'RestOfEvents', roe_path)