#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
iov_conditional - Functions to Execute Paths Depending on Experiment Phases
This module contains some convenience functions to execute different paths
depending on the experiment run number. This allows to write one common steering
file for phases 2 and 3.
All Modules will be initialized on startup of the framework. This might
cause problems if the modules initialize some common global state. For
example adding :b2:mod:`Geometry` modules with different parameters will not
work as expected.
import basf2
PHASE2_IOVS = [(1, 0, 4, -1), (1002, 0, 1002, -1)]
[docs]def make_conditional_at(path, iov_list, path_when_in_iov, path_when_not_in_iov=None):
Branch the current path execution based on the given iov list. If the
current exp/run is met by one of the IoV conditions, execute the path given
in ``path_when_in_iov`` and continue the normal path afterwards. Otherwise
execute the ``path_when_not_in_iov`` when given.
Basically, this function is just a wrapper around adding the
:b2:mod:`IoVDependentCondition` module to the path.
See Also:
If you just need to distinguish between phase 2/3 please use
>>> make_conditional_at(path, iov_list=[(0, 0, 0, -1)],
... path_when_in_iov=exp_0_path,
... path_when_not_in_iov=not_exp_0_path)
will branch the path for all events with experiment number 0 to the modules
in ``exp_0_path`` and into ``not_exp_0_path`` in all other cases.
path (basf2.Path): Branch the execution of the given path.
iov_list (list(tuple)): Under which IoV conditions should the
``path_when_in_iov`` be executed. It should be a list in the form
``[(min exp, min run, max exp, max run), ...]``
path_when_in_iov (basf2.Path): Which branch to execute, if one of the IoV conditions is met.
path_when_not_in_iov (basf2.Path): If given, execute this path in all cases, none IoV condition is met.
condition_module = path.add_module("IoVDependentCondition", iovList=iov_list)
condition_module.if_true(path_when_in_iov, basf2.AfterConditionPath.CONTINUE)
if path_when_not_in_iov:
condition_module.if_false(path_when_not_in_iov, basf2.AfterConditionPath.CONTINUE)
[docs]def phase_2_conditional(path, phase2_path, phase3_path=None):
Handy shortcut for phase 2/3 conditional module execution.
See Also:
path (basf2.Path): Branch the execution of the given path.
phase2_path (basf2.Path): Call this path only when in phase 2.
phase3_path (basf2.Path): When given, call this path only when in phase 3.
make_conditional_at(path=path, iov_list=PHASE2_IOVS,
path_when_in_iov=phase2_path, path_when_not_in_iov=phase3_path)