Source code for modularAnalysis

# !/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

This module defines wrapper functions around the analysis modules.

from basf2 import register_module, create_path
from basf2 import B2INFO, B2WARNING, B2ERROR, B2FATAL
import basf2
import subprocess

[docs]def setAnalysisConfigParams(configParametersAndValues, path): """ Sets analysis configuration parameters. These are: - 'tupleStyle': 'Default' (default) or 'Laconic' o) defines the style of the branch name in the ntuple - 'mcMatchingVersion': Specifies what version of mc matching algorithm is going to be used: - 'MC5' - analysis of BelleII MC5 - 'Belle' - analysis of Belle MC - 'BelleII' (default) - all other cases @param configParametersAndValues dictionary of parameters and their values of the form {param1: value, param2: value, ...) @param modules are added to this path """ conf = register_module('AnalysisConfiguration') allParameters = ['tupleStyle', 'mcMatchingVersion'] keys = configParametersAndValues.keys() for key in keys: if key not in allParameters: allParametersString = ', '.join(allParameters) B2ERROR('Invalid analysis configuration parameter: ' + key + '.\n' 'Please use one of the following: ' + allParametersString) for param in allParameters: if param in configParametersAndValues: conf.param(param, configParametersAndValues.get(param)) path.add_module(conf)
[docs]def inputMdst(environmentType, filename, path, skipNEvents=0, entrySequence=None, *, parentLevel=0): """ Loads the specified ROOT (DST/mDST/muDST) file with the RootInput module. The correct environment (e.g. magnetic field settings) are determined from the specified environment type. For the possible values please see `inputMdstList()` Parameters: environmentType (str): type of the environment to be loaded filename (str): the name of the file to be loaded path (basf2.Path): modules are added to this path skipNEvents (int): N events of the input file are skipped entrySequence (str): The number sequences (e.g. 23:42,101) defining the entries which are processed. parentLevel (int): Number of generations of parent files (files used as input when creating a file) to be read """ if entrySequence is not None: entrySequence = [entrySequence] inputMdstList(environmentType, [filename], path, skipNEvents, entrySequence, parentLevel=parentLevel)
[docs]def inputMdstList(environmentType, filelist, path, skipNEvents=0, entrySequences=None, *, parentLevel=0): """ Loads the specified ROOT (DST/mDST/muDST) files with the RootInput module. The correct environment (e.g. magnetic field settings) are determined from the specified environment type. The currently available environments are: - 'MC5': for analysis of Belle II MC samples produced with releases prior to build-2016-05-01. This environment sets the constant magnetic field (B = 1.5 T) - 'MC6': for analysis of Belle II MC samples produced with build-2016-05-01 or newer but prior to release-00-08-00 - 'MC7': for analysis of Belle II MC samples produced with build-2016-05-01 or newer but prior to release-00-08-00 - 'MC8', for analysis of Belle II MC samples produced with release-00-08-00 or newer but prior to release-02-00-00 - 'MC9', for analysis of Belle II MC samples produced with release-00-08-00 or newer but prior to release-02-00-00 - 'MC10', for analysis of Belle II MC samples produced with release-00-08-00 or newer but prior to release-02-00-00 - 'default': for analysis of Belle II MC samples produced with releases with release-02-00-00 or newer. This environment sets the default magnetic field (see geometry settings) - 'Belle': for analysis of converted (or during of conversion of) Belle MC/DATA samples - 'None': for analysis of generator level information or during simulation/reconstruction of previously generated events Note that there is no difference between MC6 and MC7. Both are given for sake of completion. The same is true for MC8, MC9 and MC10 Parameters: environmentType (str): type of the environment to be loaded filelist (list(str)): the filename list of files to be loaded path (basf2.Path): modules are added to this path skipNEvents (int): N events of the input files are skipped entrySequences (list(str)): The number sequences (e.g. 23:42,101) defining the entries which are processed for each inputFileName. parentLevel (int): Number of generations of parent files (files used as input when creating a file) to be read """ roinput = register_module('RootInput') roinput.param('inputFileNames', filelist) roinput.param('skipNEvents', skipNEvents) if entrySequences is not None: roinput.param('entrySequences', entrySequences) roinput.param('parentLevel', parentLevel) path.add_module(roinput) progress = register_module('ProgressBar') path.add_module(progress) # None means don't create custom magnetic field, use whatever comes from the # DB environToMagneticField = {'MC5': 'MagneticFieldConstant', 'MC6': None, 'MC7': None, 'default': None, 'Belle': 'MagneticFieldConstantBelle'} fixECLClusters = {'MC5': True, 'MC6': True, 'MC7': True, 'default': False, 'Belle': False} if environmentType in environToMagneticField: fieldType = environToMagneticField[environmentType] if fieldType is not None: from ROOT import Belle2 # reduced scope of potentially-misbehaving import field = Belle2.MagneticField() field.addComponent(Belle2.MagneticFieldComponentConstant(Belle2.B2Vector3D(0, 0, 1.5 * Belle2.Unit.T))) Belle2.DBStore.Instance().addConstantOverride("MagneticField", field, False) elif environmentType in ["MC8", "MC9", "MC10"]: # make sure the last database setup is the magnetic field for MC8-10 from basf2 import conditions conditions.globaltags += ["Legacy_MagneticField_MC8_MC9_MC10"] elif environmentType is 'None': B2INFO('No magnetic field is loaded. This is OK, if generator level information only is studied.') else: environments = ' '.join(list(environToMagneticField.keys()) + ["MC8", "MC9", "MC10"]) B2FATAL('Incorrect environment type provided: ' + environmentType + '! Please use one of the following:' + environments) # set the correct MCMatching algorithm for MC5 and Belle MC if environmentType is 'Belle': setAnalysisConfigParams({'mcMatchingVersion': 'Belle'}, path) import b2bii b2bii.setB2BII() if environmentType is 'MC5': setAnalysisConfigParams({'mcMatchingVersion': 'MC5'}, path) # fixECLCluster for MC5/MC6/MC7 if fixECLClusters.get(environmentType) is True: fixECL = register_module('FixECLClusters') path.add_module(fixECL)
[docs]def outputMdst(filename, path): """ Saves mDST (mini-Data Summary Tables) to the output root file. """ import mdst mdst.add_mdst_output(path, mc=True, filename=filename)
[docs]def outputUdst(filename, particleLists=[], includeArrays=[], path=None, dataDescription=None): """ Save uDST (micro-Data Summary Tables) = MDST + Particles + ParticleLists The charge-conjugate lists of those given in particleLists are also stored. Additional Store Arrays and Relations to be stored can be specified via includeArrays list argument. Note that this does not reduce the amount of Particle objects saved, see skimOutputUdst() for a function that does. """ import mdst import pdg # also add anti-particle lists plSet = set(particleLists) for List in particleLists: name, label = List.split(':') plSet.add(pdg.conjugate(name) + ':' + label) partBranches = ['Particles', 'ParticlesToMCParticles', 'ParticlesToPIDLikelihoods', 'ParticleExtraInfoMap', 'EventExtraInfo'] + includeArrays + list(plSet) # set dataDescription: dictionary is mutable and thus not a good # default argument. if dataDescription is None: dataDescription = {} dataDescription.update(dataLevel="udst") return mdst.add_mdst_output(path, mc=True, filename=filename, additionalBranches=partBranches, dataDescription=dataDescription)
[docs]def skimOutputUdst(skimDecayMode, skimParticleLists=[], outputParticleLists=[], includeArrays=[], path=None, *, outputFile=None, dataDescription=None): """ Create a new path for events that contain a non-empty particle list specified via skimParticleLists. Write the accepted events as a udst file, saving only particles from skimParticleLists and from outputParticleLists. Additional Store Arrays and Relations to be stored can be specified via includeArrays list argument. :param str skimDecayMode: Name of the skim. If no outputFile is given this is also the name of the output filename. This name will be added to the FileMetaData as an extra data description "skimDecayMode" :param list(str) skimParticleLists: Names of the particle lists to skim for. An event will be accepted if at least one of the particle lists is not empty :param list(str) outputParticleLists: Names of the particle lists to store in the output in addition to the ones in skimParticleLists :param list(str) includeArrays: datastore arrays/objects to write to the output file in addition to mdst and particle information :param basf2.Path path: Path to add the skim output to. Defaults to the default analysis path :param str outputFile: Name of the output file if different from the skim name :param dict dataDescription: Additional data descriptions to add to the output file. For example {"mcEventType":"mixed"} """ from basf2 import AfterConditionPath # if no outputfile is specified, set it to the skim name if outputFile is None: outputFile = skimDecayMode # make sure the output filename has the correct extension if not outputFile.endswith(".udst.root"): outputFile += ".udst.root" skimfilter = register_module('SkimFilter') skimfilter.set_name('SkimFilter_' + skimDecayMode) skimfilter.param('particleLists', skimParticleLists) path.add_module(skimfilter) filter_path = create_path() skimfilter.if_value('=1', filter_path, AfterConditionPath.CONTINUE) # add_independent_path() is rather expensive, only do this for skimmed events skim_path = create_path() saveParticleLists = skimParticleLists + outputParticleLists removeParticlesNotInLists(saveParticleLists, path=skim_path) # set dataDescription: dictionary is mutable and thus not a good # default argument. if dataDescription is None: dataDescription = {} dataDescription.setdefault("skimDecayMode", skimDecayMode) outputUdst(outputFile, saveParticleLists, includeArrays, path=skim_path, dataDescription=dataDescription) filter_path.add_independent_path(skim_path, "skim_" + skimDecayMode)
[docs]def outputIndex(filename, path, includeArrays=[], keepParents=False, mc=True): """ Write out all particle lists as an index file to be reprocessed using parentLevel flag. Additional branches necessary for file to be read are automatically included. Additional Store Arrays and Relations to be stored can be specified via includeArrays list argument. @param str filename the name of the output index file @param str path modules are added to this path @param list(str) includeArrays: datastore arrays/objects to write to the output file in addition to particle lists and related information @param bool keepParents whether the parents of the input event will be saved as the parents of the same event in the output index file. Useful if you are only adding more information to another index file @param bool mc whether the input data is MC or not """ # Module to mark all branches to not be saved except particle lists onlyPLists = register_module('OnlyWriteOutParticleLists') path.add_module(onlyPLists) # Set up list of all other branches we need to make index file complete partBranches = [ 'Particles', 'ParticlesToMCParticles', 'ParticlesToPIDLikelihoods', 'ParticleExtraInfoMap', 'EventExtraInfo' ] branches = ['EventMetaData'] persistentBranches = ['FileMetaData'] if mc: branches += [] # persistentBranches += ['BackgroundInfos'] branches += partBranches branches += includeArrays r1 = register_module('RootOutput') r1.param('outputFileName', filename) r1.param('additionalBranchNames', branches) r1.param('branchNamesPersistent', persistentBranches) r1.param('keepParents', keepParents) path.add_module(r1)
[docs]def setupEventInfo(noEvents, path): """ Prepare to generate events. This function sets up the EventInfoSetter. You should call this before adding a generator from generators. The experiment and run numbers are set to 0 (run independent generic MC in phase 3). Parameters: noEvents (int): number of events to be generated path (basf2.Path): modules are added to this path """ evtnumbers = register_module('EventInfoSetter') evtnumbers.param('evtNumList', [noEvents]) evtnumbers.param('runList', [0]) evtnumbers.param('expList', [0]) path.add_module(evtnumbers)
[docs]def loadGearbox(path, silence_warning=False): """ Loads Gearbox module to the path. Warning: Should be used in a job with *cosmic event generation only* Needed for scripts which only generate cosmic events in order to load the geometry. @param path modules are added to this path @param silence_warning stops a verbose warning message if you know you want to use this function """ if not silence_warning: B2WARNING("""You are overwriting the geometry from the database with Gearbox. This is fine if you're generating cosmic events. But in most other cases you probably don't want this. If you're really sure you know what you're doing you can suppress this message with: >>> loadGearbox(silence_warning=True) """) paramloader = register_module('Gearbox') path.add_module(paramloader)
[docs]def printPrimaryMCParticles(path): """ Prints all primary MCParticles. """ mcparticleprinter = register_module('PrintMCParticles') path.add_module(mcparticleprinter)
[docs]def printMCParticles(onlyPrimaries=False, maxLevel=-1, path=None): """ Prints all MCParticles or just primary MCParticles up to specified level. -1 means no limit. """ mcparticleprinter = register_module('PrintMCParticles') mcparticleprinter.param('onlyPrimaries', onlyPrimaries) mcparticleprinter.param('maxLevel', maxLevel) path.add_module(mcparticleprinter)
[docs]def correctBrems(outputList, inputList, gammaList, maximumAcceptance=3.0, multiplePhotons=False, usePhotonOnlyOnce=True, writeOut=False, path=None): """ For each particle in the given ``inputList``, copies it to the ``outputList`` and adds the 4-vector of the photon(s) in the ``gammaList`` which has(have) a weighted named relation to the particle's track, set by the ``ECLTrackBremFinder`` module during reconstruction. Warning: This can only work if the mdst file contains the *Bremsstrahlung* named relation. Official MC samples up to and including MC12 and proc9 **do not** contain this. Newer production campaigns (from proc10 and MC13) will. Information: Please note that a new particle is always generated, with the old particle and -if found- one or more photons as daughters. The ``inputList`` should contain particles with associated tracks. Otherwise the module will exit with an error. The ``gammaList`` should contain photons. Otherwise the module will exit with an error. @param outputList The output particle list name containing the corrected particles @param inputList The initial particle list name containing the particles to correct. *It should already exist.* @param gammaList The photon list containing possibly bremsstrahlung photons; *It should already exist.* @param maximumAcceptance Maximum value of the relation weight. Should be a number between [0,3) @param multiplePhotons Whether to use only one photon (the one with the smallest acceptance) or as many as possible @param usePhotonOnlyOnce If true, each brems candidate is used to correct only the track with the smallest relation weight @param writeOut Whether `RootOutput` module should save the created ``outputList`` @param path The module is added to this path """ bremscorrector = register_module('BremsFinder') bremscorrector.set_name('bremsCorrector_' + outputList) bremscorrector.param('inputList', inputList) bremscorrector.param('outputList', outputList) bremscorrector.param('gammaList', gammaList) bremscorrector.param('maximumAcceptance', maximumAcceptance) bremscorrector.param('multiplePhotons', multiplePhotons) bremscorrector.param('usePhotonOnlyOnce', usePhotonOnlyOnce) bremscorrector.param('writeOut', writeOut) path.add_module(bremscorrector)
[docs]def copyList(outputListName, inputListName, writeOut=False, path=None): """ Copy all Particle indices from input ParticleList to the output ParticleList. Note that the Particles themselves are not copied. The original and copied ParticleLists will point to the same Particles. @param ouputListName copied ParticleList @param inputListName original ParticleList to be copied @param writeOut whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleList @param path modules are added to this path """ copyLists(outputListName, [inputListName], writeOut, path)
[docs]def correctBremsBelle(outputListName, inputListName, gammaListName, multiplePhotons=True, minimumEnergy=0.05, angleThreshold=0.05, writeOut=False, path=None): """ Run the Belle - like brems finding on the ``inputListName`` of charged particles. Adds all photons in ``gammaListName`` to a copy of the charged particle that are within ``angleThreshold`` and above ``minimumEnergy``. Parameters: outputListName (str): The output charged particle list containing the corrected charged particles inputListName (str): The initial charged particle list containing the charged particles to correct. gammaListName (str): The gammas list containing possibly radiative gammas, should already exist. multiplePhotons (bool): How many photons should be added to the charged particle? nearest one -> False, add all the photons within the cone -> True angleThreshold (float): The maximum angle in radians between the charged particle and the (radiative) gamma to be accepted. minimumEnergy (float): The minimum energy in GeV of the (radiative) gamma to be accepted. writeOut (bool): whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleList path (basf2.Path): modules are added to this path """ fsrcorrector = register_module('BelleBremRecovery') fsrcorrector.set_name('BelleFSRCorrection_' + outputListName) fsrcorrector.param('inputListName', inputListName) fsrcorrector.param('outputListName', outputListName) fsrcorrector.param('gammaListName', gammaListName) fsrcorrector.param('multiplePhotons', multiplePhotons) fsrcorrector.param('angleThreshold', angleThreshold) fsrcorrector.param('minimumEnergy', minimumEnergy) fsrcorrector.param('writeOut', writeOut) path.add_module(fsrcorrector)
[docs]def copyLists(outputListName, inputListNames, writeOut=False, path=None): """ Copy all Particle indices from all input ParticleLists to the single output ParticleList. Note that the Particles themselves are not copied. The original and copied ParticleLists will point to the same Particles. Duplicates are removed based on the first-come, first-served principle. Therefore, the order of the input ParticleLists matters. .. seealso:: If you want to select the best duplicate based on another criterion, have a look at the function `mergeListsWithBestDuplicate`. .. note:: Two particles that differ only by the order of their daughters are considered duplicates and one of them will be removed. @param ouputListName copied ParticleList @param inputListName vector of original ParticleLists to be copied @param writeOut whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleList @param path modules are added to this path """ pmanipulate = register_module('ParticleListManipulator') pmanipulate.set_name('PListCopy_' + outputListName) pmanipulate.param('outputListName', outputListName) pmanipulate.param('inputListNames', inputListNames) pmanipulate.param('writeOut', writeOut) path.add_module(pmanipulate)
[docs]def copyParticles(outputListName, inputListName, writeOut=False, path=None): """ Create copies of Particles given in the input ParticleList and add them to the output ParticleList. The existing relations of the original Particle (or it's (grand-)^n-daughters) are copied as well. Note that only the relation is copied and that the related object is not. Copied particles are therefore related to the *same* object as the original ones. @param ouputListName new ParticleList filled with copied Particles @param inputListName input ParticleList with original Particles @param writeOut whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleList @param path modules are added to this path """ # first copy original particles to the new ParticleList pmanipulate = register_module('ParticleListManipulator') pmanipulate.set_name('PListCopy_' + outputListName) pmanipulate.param('outputListName', outputListName) pmanipulate.param('inputListNames', [inputListName]) pmanipulate.param('writeOut', writeOut) path.add_module(pmanipulate) # now replace original particles with their copies pcopy = register_module('ParticleCopier') pcopy.param('inputListNames', [outputListName]) path.add_module(pcopy)
[docs]def cutAndCopyLists(outputListName, inputListNames, cut, writeOut=False, path=None): """ Copy candidates from all lists in ``inputListNames`` to ``outputListName`` if they pass ``cut`` (given selection criteria). Note: Note that the Particles themselves are not copied. The original and copied ParticleLists will point to the same Particles. Example: Require energetic pions safely inside the cdc >>> cutAndCopyLists("pi+:energeticPions", ["pi+:good", "pi+:loose"], "[E > 2] and [0.3 < theta < 2.6]", path=mypath) Warning: You must use square braces ``[`` and ``]`` for conditional statements. Parameters: outputListName (str): the new ParticleList name inputListName (list(str)): list of input ParticleList names cut (str): Candidates that do not pass these selection criteria are removed from the ParticleList writeOut (bool): whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleList path (basf2.Path): modules are added to this path """ pmanipulate = register_module('ParticleListManipulator') pmanipulate.set_name('PListCutAndCopy_' + outputListName) pmanipulate.param('outputListName', outputListName) pmanipulate.param('inputListNames', inputListNames) pmanipulate.param('cut', cut) pmanipulate.param('writeOut', writeOut) path.add_module(pmanipulate)
[docs]def cutAndCopyList(outputListName, inputListName, cut, writeOut=False, path=None): """ Copy candidates from ``inputListName`` to ``outputListName`` if they pass ``cut`` (given selection criteria). Note: Note the Particles themselves are not copied. The original and copied ParticleLists will point to the same Particles. Example: require energetic pions safely inside the cdc >>> cutAndCopyLists("pi+:energeticPions", "pi+:loose", "[E > 2] and [0.3 < theta < 2.6]", path=mypath) Warning: You must use square braces ``[`` and ``]`` for conditional statements. Parameters: outputListName (str): the new ParticleList name inputListName (str): input ParticleList name cut (str): Candidates that do not pass these selection criteria are removed from the ParticleList writeOut (bool): whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleList path (basf2.Path): modules are added to this path """ cutAndCopyLists(outputListName, [inputListName], cut, writeOut, path)
[docs]def trackingEfficiency(inputListNames, fraction, path=None): """ Randomly remove tracks from the provided particle lists to estimate the tracking efficiency. Takes care of the duplicates, if any. Parameters: inputListNames (list(str)): input particle list names fraction (float): fraction of particles to be removed randomly path (basf2.Path): module is added to this path """ trackingefficiency = register_module('TrackingEfficiency') trackingefficiency.param('particleLists', inputListNames) trackingefficiency.param('frac', fraction) path.add_module(trackingefficiency)
[docs]def trackingMomentum(inputListNames, scale, path=None): """ Scale momenta of the particles (based on charged tracks) according to the scaling factor scale. Parameters: inputListNames (list(str)): input particle list names scale (float): scaling factor (1.0 -- no scaling) path (basf2.Path): module is added to this path """ trackingmomentum = register_module('TrackingMomentum') trackingmomentum.param('particleLists', inputListNames) trackingmomentum.param('scale', scale) path.add_module(trackingmomentum)
[docs]def mergeListsWithBestDuplicate(outputListName, inputListNames, variable, preferLowest=True, writeOut=False, path=None): """ Merge input ParticleLists into one output ParticleList. Only the best among duplicates is kept. The lowest or highest value (configurable via preferLowest) of the provided variable determines which duplicate is the best. @param ouputListName name of merged ParticleList @param inputListName vector of original ParticleLists to be merged @param variable variable to determine best duplicate @param preferLowest whether lowest or highest value of variable should be preferred @param writeOut whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleList @param path modules are added to this path """ pmanipulate = register_module('ParticleListManipulator') pmanipulate.set_name('PListMerger_' + outputListName) pmanipulate.param('outputListName', outputListName) pmanipulate.param('inputListNames', inputListNames) pmanipulate.param('variable', variable) pmanipulate.param('preferLowest', preferLowest) pmanipulate.param('writeOut', writeOut) path.add_module(pmanipulate)
[docs]def fillSignalSideParticleList(outputListName, decayString, path): """ This function should only be used in the ROE path, that is a path that is executed for each ROE object in the DataStore. Example: fillSignalSideParticleList('gamma:sig','B0 -> K*0 ^gamma', roe_path) Function will create a ParticleList with name 'gamma:sig' which will be filled with the existing photon Particle, being the second daughter of the B0 candidate to which the ROE object has to be related. @param ouputListName name of the created ParticleList @param decayString specify Particle to be added to the ParticleList """ pload = register_module('SignalSideParticleListCreator') pload.set_name('SSParticleList_' + outputListName) pload.param('particleListName', outputListName) pload.param('decayString', decayString) path.add_module(pload)
[docs]def fillParticleLists(decayStringsWithCuts, writeOut=False, path=None, enforceFitHypothesis=False): """ Creates Particles of the desired types from the corresponding ``mdst`` dataobjects, loads them to the ``StoreArray<Particle>`` and fills the ParticleLists. The multiple ParticleLists with their own selection criteria are specified via list tuples (decayString, cut), for example .. code-block:: python kaons = ('K+:mykaons', 'kaonID>0.1') pions = ('pi+:mypions','pionID>0.1') fillParticleLists([kaons, pions]) If you are unsure what selection you want, you might like to see the :doc:`StandardParticles` functions. The type of the particles to be loaded is specified via the decayString module parameter. The type of the ``mdst`` dataobject that is used as an input is determined from the type of the particle. The following types of the particles can be loaded: * charged final state particles (input ``mdst`` type = Tracks) - e+, mu+, pi+, K+, p, deuteron (and charge conjugated particles) * neutral final state particles - "gamma" (input ``mdst`` type = ECLCluster) - "K_S0", "Lambda0" (input ``mdst`` type = V0) - "K_L0" (input ``mdst`` type = KLMCluster or ECLCluster) Note: For "K_S0" and "Lambda0" you must specify the daughter ordering. For example, to load V0s as :math:`\\Lambda^0\\to p^+\\pi^-` decays from V0s: .. code-block:: python v0lambdas = ('Lambda0 -> p+ pi-', '0.9 < M < 1.3') fillParticleLists([kaons, pions, v0lambdas], path=mypath) Tip: For "K_L0" it is now possible to load from ECLClusters, to revert to the old (Belle) behavior, you can require ``'isFromKLM > 0'``. .. code-block:: python klongs = ('K_L0', 'isFromKLM > 0') fillParticleLists([kaons, pions, klongs], path=mypath) Parameters: decayStringsWithCuts (list): A list of python ntuples of (decayString, cut). The decay string determines the type of Particle and determines the of the ParticleList. If the input MDST type is V0 the whole decay chain needs to be specified, so that the user decides and controls the daughters ' order (e.g. ``K_S0 -> pi+ pi-``) The cut is the selection criteria to be added to the ParticleList. It can be an empty string. writeOut (bool): whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleList path (basf2.Path): modules are added to this path enforceFitHypothesis (bool): If true, Particles will be created only for the tracks which have been fitted using a mass hypothesis of the exact type passed to fillParticleLists(). If enforceFitHypothesis is False (the default) the next closest fit hypothesis in terms of mass difference will be used if the fit using exact particle type is not available. """ pload = register_module('ParticleLoader') pload.set_name('ParticleLoader_' + 'PLists') pload.param('decayStringsWithCuts', decayStringsWithCuts) pload.param('writeOut', writeOut) pload.param("enforceFitHypothesis", enforceFitHypothesis) path.add_module(pload)
[docs]def fillParticleList(decayString, cut, writeOut=False, path=None, enforceFitHypothesis=False): """ Creates Particles of the desired type from the corresponding ``mdst`` dataobjects, loads them to the StoreArray<Particle> and fills the ParticleList. See also: the :doc:`StandardParticles` functions. The type of the particles to be loaded is specified via the decayString module parameter. The type of the ``mdst`` dataobject that is used as an input is determined from the type of the particle. The following types of the particles can be loaded: * charged final state particles (input ``mdst`` type = Tracks) - e+, mu+, pi+, K+, p, deuteron (and charge conjugated particles) * neutral final state particles - "gamma" (input ``mdst`` type = ECLCluster) - "K_S0", "Lambda0" (input ``mdst`` type = V0) - "K_L0" (input ``mdst`` type = KLMCluster or ECLCluster) Note: For "K_S0" and "Lambda0" you must specify the daughter ordering. For example, to load V0s as :math:`\\Lambda^0\\to p^+\\pi^-` decays from V0ss: .. code-block:: python fillParticleList('Lambda0 -> p+ pi-', '0.9 < M < 1.3', path=mypath) Tip: For "K_L0" it is now possible to load from ECLClusters, to revert to the old (Belle) behavior, you can require ``'isFromKLM > 0'``. .. code-block:: python fillParticleList('K_L0', 'isFromKLM > 0', path=mypath) Parameters: decayString (str): Type of Particle and determines the name of the ParticleList. If the input MDST type is V0 the whole decay chain needs to be specified, so that the user decides and controls the daughters' order (e.g. ``K_S0 -> pi+ pi-``) cut (str): Particles need to pass these selection criteria to be added to the ParticleList writeOut (bool): whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleList path (basf2.Path): modules are added to this path enforceFitHypothesis (bool): If true, Particles will be created only for the tracks which have been fitted using a mass hypothesis of the exact type passed to fillParticleLists(). If enforceFitHypothesis is False (the default) the next closest fit hypothesis in terms of mass difference will be used if the fit using exact particle type is not available. """ pload = register_module('ParticleLoader') pload.set_name('ParticleLoader_' + decayString) pload.param('decayStringsWithCuts', [(decayString, cut)]) pload.param('writeOut', writeOut) pload.param("enforceFitHypothesis", enforceFitHypothesis) path.add_module(pload)
[docs]def fillParticleListWithTrackHypothesis(decayString, cut, hypothesis, writeOut=False, enforceFitHypothesis=False, path=None): """ As fillParticleList, but if used for a charged FSP, loads the particle with the requested hypothesis if available @param decayString specifies type of Particles and determines the name of the ParticleList @param cut Particles need to pass these selection criteria to be added to the ParticleList @param hypothesis the PDG code of the desired track hypothesis @param writeOut whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleList @param enforceFitHypothesis If true, Particles will be created only for the tracks which have been fitted using a mass hypothesis of the exact type passed to fillParticleLists(). If enforceFitHypothesis is False (the default) the next closest fit hypothesis in terms of mass difference will be used if the fit using exact particle type is not available. @param path modules are added to this path """ pload = register_module('ParticleLoader') pload.set_name('ParticleLoader_' + decayString) pload.param('decayStringsWithCuts', [(decayString, cut)]) pload.param('trackHypothesis', hypothesis) pload.param('writeOut', writeOut) pload.param("enforceFitHypothesis", enforceFitHypothesis) path.add_module(pload)
[docs]def fillConvertedPhotonsList(decayString, cut, writeOut=False, path=None): """ Creates photon Particle object for each e+e- combination in the V0 StoreArray. Note: You must specify the daughter ordering. .. code-block:: python fillConvertedPhotonsList('gamma:converted -> e+ e-', '') Parameters: decayString (str): Must be gamma to an e+e- pair. You muse specify the daughter ordering. Will also determine the name of the particleList. cut (str): Particles need to pass these selection criteria to be added to the ParticleList writeOut (bool): whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleList path (basf2.Path): modules are added to this path """ pload = register_module('ParticleLoader') pload.set_name('ParticleLoader_' + decayString) pload.param('decayStringsWithCuts', [(decayString, cut)]) pload.param('addDaughters', True) pload.param('writeOut', writeOut) path.add_module(pload)
[docs]def fillParticleListFromROE(decayString, cut, maskName='', sourceParticleListName='', useMissing=False, writeOut=False, path=None): """ Creates Particle object for each ROE of the desired type found in the StoreArray<RestOfEvent>, loads them to the StoreArray<Particle> and fills the ParticleList. If useMissing is True, then the missing momentum is used instead of ROE. The type of the particles to be loaded is specified via the decayString module parameter. @param decayString specifies type of Particles and determines the name of the ParticleList. Source ROEs can be taken as a daughter list, for example: 'B0:tagFromROE -> B0:signal' @param cut Particles need to pass these selection criteria to be added to the ParticleList @param maskName Name of the ROE mask to use @param sourceParticleListName Use related ROEs to this particle list as a source @param useMissing Use missing momentum instead of ROE momentum @param writeOut whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleList @param path modules are added to this path """ pload = register_module('ParticleLoader') pload.set_name('ParticleLoader_' + decayString) pload.param('decayStringsWithCuts', [(decayString, cut)]) pload.param('writeOut', writeOut) pload.param('roeMaskName', maskName) pload.param('useMissing', useMissing) pload.param('sourceParticleListName', sourceParticleListName) pload.param('useROEs', True) path.add_module(pload)
[docs]def fillParticleListFromMC(decayString, cut, addDaughters=False, skipNonPrimaryDaughters=False, writeOut=False, path=None): """ Creates Particle object for each MCParticle of the desired type found in the StoreArray<MCParticle>, loads them to the StoreArray<Particle> and fills the ParticleList. The type of the particles to be loaded is specified via the decayString module parameter. @param decayString specifies type of Particles and determines the name of the ParticleList @param cut Particles need to pass these selection criteria to be added to the ParticleList @param addDaughters adds the bottom part of the decay chain of the particle to the datastore and sets mother-daughter relations @param skipNonPrimaryDaughters if true, skip non primary daughters, useful to study final state daughter particles @param writeOut whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleList @param path modules are added to this path """ pload = register_module('ParticleLoader') pload.set_name('ParticleLoader_' + decayString) pload.param('decayStringsWithCuts', [(decayString, cut)]) pload.param('addDaughters', addDaughters) pload.param('skipNonPrimaryDaughters', skipNonPrimaryDaughters) pload.param('writeOut', writeOut) pload.param('useMCParticles', True) path.add_module(pload)
[docs]def fillParticleListsFromMC(decayStringsWithCuts, addDaughters=False, skipNonPrimaryDaughters=False, writeOut=False, path=None): """ Creates Particle object for each MCParticle of the desired type found in the StoreArray<MCParticle>, loads them to the StoreArray<Particle> and fills the ParticleLists. The types of the particles to be loaded are specified via the (decayString, cut) tuples given in a list. For example: kaons = ('K+:gen', '') pions = ('pi+:gen', 'pionID>0.1') fillParticleListsFromMC([kaons, pions]) @param decayString specifies type of Particles and determines the name of the ParticleList @param cut Particles need to pass these selection criteria to be added to the ParticleList @param addDaughters adds the bottom part of the decay chain of the particle to the datastore and sets mother-daughter relations @param skipNonPrimaryDaughters if true, skip non primary daughters, useful to study final state daughter particles @param writeOut whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleList @param path modules are added to this path """ pload = register_module('ParticleLoader') pload.set_name('ParticleLoader_' + 'PLists') pload.param('decayStringsWithCuts', decayStringsWithCuts) pload.param('addDaughters', addDaughters) pload.param('skipNonPrimaryDaughters', skipNonPrimaryDaughters) pload.param('writeOut', writeOut) pload.param('useMCParticles', True) path.add_module(pload)
[docs]def applyCuts(list_name, cut, path): """ Removes particle candidates from ``list_name`` that do not pass ``cut`` (given selection criteria). Example: require energetic pions safely inside the cdc >>> applyCuts("pi+:mypions", "[E > 2] and [0.3 < theta < 2.6]", path=mypath) Warning: You must use square braces ``[`` and ``]`` for conditional statements. Parameters: list_name (str): input ParticleList name cut (str): Candidates that do not pass these selection criteria are removed from the ParticleList path (basf2.Path): modules are added to this path """ pselect = register_module('ParticleSelector') pselect.set_name('ParticleSelector_applyCuts_' + list_name) pselect.param('decayString', list_name) pselect.param('cut', cut) path.add_module(pselect)
[docs]def applyEventCuts(cut, path): """ Removes events that do not pass the ``cut`` (given selection criteria). Example: continuum events (in mc only) with more than 5 tracks >>> applyEventCuts("[nTracks > 5] and [isContinuumEvent], path=mypath) Warning: You must use square braces ``[`` and ``]`` for conditional statements. Parameters: cut (str): Events that do not pass these selection criteria are skipped path (basf2.Path): modules are added to this path """ eselect = register_module('VariableToReturnValue') eselect.param('variable', 'passesEventCut(' + cut + ')') path.add_module(eselect) empty_path = create_path() eselect.if_value('<1', empty_path)
[docs]def reconstructDecay(decayString, cut, dmID=0, writeOut=False, path=None, candidate_limit=None, ignoreIfTooManyCandidates=True, chargeConjugation=True, allowChargeViolation=False): r""" Creates new Particles by making combinations of existing Particles - it reconstructs unstable particles via their specified decay mode, e.g. in form of a :ref:`DecayString`: :code:`D0 -> K- pi+` or :code:`B+ -> anti-D0 pi+`, ... All possible combinations are created (particles are used only once per candidate) and combinations that pass the specified selection criteria are saved to a newly created (mother) ParticleList. By default the charge conjugated decay is reconstructed as well (meaning that the charge conjugated mother list is created as well) but this can be deactivated. One can use an ``@``-sign to mark a particle as unspecified, e.g. in form of a DecayString: :code:`\@Xsd -> K+ pi-`. If the particle is marked as unspecified, its identity will not be checked when doing :ref:`MCMatching`. Any particle which decays into the correct daughters will be flagged as correct. For example the DecayString :code:`\@Xsd -> K+ pi-` would match all particles which decay into a kaon and a pion, for example :math:`K^*`, :math:`B^0`, :math:`D^0`. Still the daughters need to be stated correctly so this can be used for "sum of exclusive" decays. .. warning:: The input ParticleLists are typically ordered according to the upstream reconstruction algorithm. Therefore, if you combine two or more identical particles in the decay chain you should not expect to see the same distribution for the daughter kinematics as they may be sorted by geometry, momentum etc. For example, in the decay :code:`D0 -> pi0 pi0` the momentum distributions of the two ``pi0`` s are not identical. This can be solved by manually randomising the lists before combining. See Also: * `Particle combiner how does it work? <>`_ * `Identical particles in decay chain <>`_ @param decayString :ref:`DecayString` specifying what kind of the decay should be reconstructed (from the DecayString the mother and daughter ParticleLists are determined) @param cut created (mother) Particles are added to the mother ParticleList if they pass give cuts (in VariableManager style) and rejected otherwise @param dmID user specified decay mode identifier @param writeOut whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleList @param path modules are added to this path @param candidate_limit Maximum amount of candidates to be reconstructed. If the number of candidates is exceeded a Warning will be printed. By default, all these candidates will be removed and event will be ignored. This behaviour can be changed by \'ignoreIfTooManyCandidates\' flag. If no value is given the amount is limited to a sensible default. A value <=0 will disable this limit and can cause huge memory amounts so be careful. @param ignoreIfTooManyCandidates whether event should be ignored or not if number of reconstructed candidates reaches limit. If event is ignored, no candidates are reconstructed, otherwise, number of candidates in candidate_limit is reconstructed. @param chargeConjugation boolean to decide whether charge conjugated mode should be reconstructed as well (on by default) @param allowChargeViolation whether the decay string needs to conserve the electric charge """ pmake = register_module('ParticleCombiner') pmake.set_name('ParticleCombiner_' + decayString) pmake.param('decayString', decayString) pmake.param('cut', cut) pmake.param('decayMode', dmID) pmake.param('writeOut', writeOut) if candidate_limit is not None: pmake.param("maximumNumberOfCandidates", candidate_limit) pmake.param("ignoreIfTooManyCandidates", ignoreIfTooManyCandidates) pmake.param('chargeConjugation', chargeConjugation) pmake.param("allowChargeViolation", allowChargeViolation) path.add_module(pmake)
[docs]def combineAllParticles(inputParticleLists, outputList, cut='', writeOut=False, path=None): """ Creates a new Particle as the combination of all Particles from all provided inputParticleLists. However, each particle is used only once (even if duplicates are provided) and the combination has to pass the specified selection criteria to be saved in the newly created (mother) ParticleList. @param inputParticleLists List of input particle lists which are combined to the new Particle @param outputList Name of the particle combination created with this module @param cut created (mother) Particle is added to the mother ParticleList if it passes these given cuts (in VariableManager style) and is rejected otherwise @param writeOut whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleList @param path module is added to this path """ pmake = register_module('AllParticleCombiner') pmake.set_name('AllParticleCombiner_' + outputList) pmake.param('inputListNames', inputParticleLists) pmake.param('outputListName', outputList) pmake.param('cut', cut) pmake.param('writeOut', writeOut) path.add_module(pmake)
[docs]def reconstructMissingKlongDecayExpert(decayString, cut, dmID=0, writeOut=False, path=None, recoList="_reco"): """ Creates a list of K_L0's with their momentum determined from kinematic constraints of B->K_L0 + something else. @param decayString DecayString specifying what kind of the decay should be reconstructed (from the DecayString the mother and daughter ParticleLists are determined) @param cut Particles are added to the K_L0 ParticleList if they pass the given cuts (in VariableManager style) and rejected otherwise @param dmID user specified decay mode identifier @param writeOut whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleList @param path modules are added to this path @param recoList suffix appended to original K_L0 ParticleList that identifies the newly created K_L0 list """ pcalc = register_module('KlongMomentumCalculatorExpert') pcalc.set_name('KlongMomentumCalculatorExpert_' + decayString) pcalc.param('decayString', decayString) pcalc.param('cut', cut) pcalc.param('decayMode', dmID) pcalc.param('writeOut', writeOut) pcalc.param('recoList', recoList) path.add_module(pcalc) rmake = register_module('KlongDecayReconstructorExpert') rmake.set_name('KlongDecayReconstructorExpert_' + decayString) rmake.param('decayString', decayString) rmake.param('cut', cut) rmake.param('decayMode', dmID) rmake.param('writeOut', writeOut) rmake.param('recoList', recoList) path.add_module(rmake)
[docs]def replaceMass(replacerName, particleLists=[], pdgCode=22, path=None): """ replaces the mass of the particles inside the given particleLists with the invariant mass of the particle corresponding to the given pdgCode. @param particleLists new ParticleList filled with copied Particles @param pdgCode PDG code for mass reference @param path modules are added to this path """ # first copy original particles to the new ParticleList pmassupdater = register_module('ParticleMassUpdater') pmassupdater.set_name('ParticleMassUpdater_' + replacerName) pmassupdater.param('particleLists', particleLists) pmassupdater.param('pdgCode', pdgCode) path.add_module(pmassupdater)
[docs]def reconstructRecoil(decayString, cut, dmID=0, writeOut=False, path=None, candidate_limit=None, allowChargeViolation=False): """ Creates new Particles that recoil against the input particles. For example the decay string M -> D1 D2 D3 will: - create mother Particle M for each unique combination of D1, D2, D3 Particles - Particles D1, D2, D3 will be appended as daughters to M - the 4-momentum of the mother Particle M is given by p(M) = p(HER) + p(LER) - Sum_i p(Di) @param decayString DecayString specifying what kind of the decay should be reconstructed (from the DecayString the mother and daughter ParticleLists are determined) @param cut created (mother) Particles are added to the mother ParticleList if they pass give cuts (in VariableManager style) and rejected otherwise @param dmID user specified decay mode identifier @param writeOut whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleList @param path modules are added to this path @param candidate_limit Maximum amount of candidates to be reconstructed. If the number of candidates is exceeded no candidate will be reconstructed for that event and a Warning will be printed. If no value is given the amount is limited to a sensible default. A value <=0 will disable this limit and can cause huge memory amounts so be careful. @param allowChargeViolation whether the decay string needs to conserve the electric charge """ pmake = register_module('ParticleCombiner') pmake.set_name('ParticleCombiner_' + decayString) pmake.param('decayString', decayString) pmake.param('cut', cut) pmake.param('decayMode', dmID) pmake.param('writeOut', writeOut) pmake.param('recoilParticleType', 1) if candidate_limit is not None: pmake.param("maximumNumberOfCandidates", candidate_limit) pmake.param('allowChargeViolation', allowChargeViolation) path.add_module(pmake)
[docs]def reconstructRecoilDaughter(decayString, cut, dmID=0, writeOut=False, path=None, candidate_limit=None, allowChargeViolation=False): """ Creates new Particles that are daughters of the particle reconstructed in the recoil (always assumed to be the first daughter). For example the decay string M -> D1 D2 D3 will: - create mother Particle M for each unique combination of D1, D2, D3 Particles - Particles D1, D2, D3 will be appended as daughters to M - the 4-momentum of the mother Particle M is given by p(M) = p(D1) - Sum_i p(Di), where i>1 @param decayString DecayString specifying what kind of the decay should be reconstructed (from the DecayString the mother and daughter ParticleLists are determined) @param cut created (mother) Particles are added to the mother ParticleList if they pass give cuts (in VariableManager style) and rejected otherwise @param dmID user specified decay mode identifier @param writeOut whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleList @param path modules are added to this path @param candidate_limit Maximum amount of candidates to be reconstructed. If the number of candidates is exceeded no candidate will be reconstructed for that event and a Warning will be printed. If no value is given the amount is limited to a sensible default. A value <=0 will disable this limit and can cause huge memory amounts so be careful. @param allowChargeViolation whether the decay string needs to conserve the electric charge taking into account that the first daughter is actually the mother """ pmake = register_module('ParticleCombiner') pmake.set_name('ParticleCombiner_' + decayString) pmake.param('decayString', decayString) pmake.param('cut', cut) pmake.param('decayMode', dmID) pmake.param('writeOut', writeOut) pmake.param('recoilParticleType', 2) if candidate_limit is not None: pmake.param("maximumNumberOfCandidates", candidate_limit) pmake.param('allowChargeViolation', allowChargeViolation) path.add_module(pmake)
[docs]def rankByHighest(particleList, variable, numBest=0, outputVariable='', allowMultiRank=False, cut='', path=None): """ Ranks particles in the input list by the given variable (highest to lowest), and stores an integer rank for each Particle in an :b2:var:`extraInfo` field ``${variable}_rank`` starting at 1 (best). The list is also sorted from best to worst candidate (each charge, e.g. B+/B-, separately). This can be used to perform a best candidate selection by cutting on the corresponding rank value, or by specifying a non-zero value for 'numBest'. .. tip:: Extra-info fields can be accessed by the :b2:var:`extraInfo` metavariable. These variable names can become clunky, so it's probably a good idea to set an alias. For example if you rank your B candidates by momentum, .. code:: python rankByHighest("B0:myCandidates", "p", path=mypath) vm.addAlias("momentumRank", "extraInfo(p_rank)") @param particleList The input ParticleList @param variable Variable to order Particles by. @param numBest If not zero, only the $numBest Particles in particleList with rank <= numBest are kept. @param outputVariable Name for the variable that will be created which contains the rank, Default is '${variable}_rank'. @param allowMultiRank If true, candidates with the same value will get the same rank. @param cut Only candidates passing the cut will be ranked. The others will have rank -1 @param path modules are added to this path """ bcs = register_module('BestCandidateSelection') bcs.set_name('BestCandidateSelection_' + particleList + '_' + variable) bcs.param('particleList', particleList) bcs.param('variable', variable) bcs.param('numBest', numBest) bcs.param('outputVariable', outputVariable) bcs.param('allowMultiRank', allowMultiRank) bcs.param('cut', cut) path.add_module(bcs)
[docs]def rankByLowest(particleList, variable, numBest=0, outputVariable='', allowMultiRank=False, cut='', path=None): """ Ranks particles in the input list by the given variable (lowest to highest), and stores an integer rank for each Particle in an :b2:var:`extraInfo` field ``${variable}_rank`` starting at 1 (best). The list is also sorted from best to worst candidate (each charge, e.g. B+/B-, separately). This can be used to perform a best candidate selection by cutting on the corresponding rank value, or by specifying a non-zero value for 'numBest'. .. tip:: Extra-info fields can be accessed by the :b2:var:`extraInfo` metavariable. These variable names can become clunky, so it's probably a good idea to set an alias. For example if you rank your B candidates by :b2:var:`dM`, .. code:: python rankByLowest("B0:myCandidates", "dM", path=mypath) vm.addAlias("massDifferenceRank", "extraInfo(dM_rank)") @param particleList The input ParticleList @param variable Variable to order Particles by. @param numBest If not zero, only the $numBest Particles in particleList with rank <= numBest are kept. @param outputVariable Name for the variable that will be created which contains the rank, Default is '${variable}_rank'. @param allowMultiRank If true, candidates with the same value will get the same rank. @param cut Only candidates passing the cut will be ranked. The others will have rank -1 @param path modules are added to this path """ bcs = register_module('BestCandidateSelection') bcs.set_name('BestCandidateSelection_' + particleList + '_' + variable) bcs.param('particleList', particleList) bcs.param('variable', variable) bcs.param('numBest', numBest) bcs.param('selectLowest', True) bcs.param('allowMultiRank', allowMultiRank) bcs.param('outputVariable', outputVariable) bcs.param('cut', cut) path.add_module(bcs)
[docs]def applyRandomCandidateSelection(particleList, path=None): """ If there are multiple candidates in the provided particleList, all but one of them are removed randomly. This is done on a event-by-event basis. @param particleList ParticleList for which the random candidate selection should be applied @param path module is added to this path """ rcs = register_module('BestCandidateSelection') rcs.set_name('RandomCandidateSelection_' + particleList) rcs.param('particleList', particleList) rcs.param('variable', 'random') rcs.param('selectLowest', False) rcs.param('allowMultiRank', False) rcs.param('numBest', 1) rcs.param('cut', '') rcs.param('outputVariable', '') path.add_module(rcs)
[docs]def printDataStore(eventNumber=-1, path=None): """ Prints the contents of DataStore in the first event (or a specific event number or all events). Will list all objects and arrays (including size). See also: The command line tool: ``b2file-size``. Parameters: eventNumber (int): Print the datastore only for this event. The default (-1) prints only the first event, 0 means print for all events (can produce large output) path (basf2.Path): the PrintCollections module is added to this path Warning: This will print a lot of output if you print it for all events and process many events. """ printDS = register_module('PrintCollections') printDS.param('printForEvent', eventNumber) path.add_module(printDS)
[docs]def printVariableValues(list_name, var_names, path): """ Prints out values of specified variables of all Particles included in given ParticleList. For debugging purposes. @param list_name input ParticleList name @param var_names vector of variable names to be printed @param path modules are added to this path """ prlist = register_module('ParticlePrinter') prlist.set_name('ParticlePrinter_' + list_name) prlist.param('listName', list_name) prlist.param('fullPrint', False) prlist.param('variables', var_names) path.add_module(prlist)
[docs]def printList(list_name, full, path): """ Prints the size and executes Particle->print() (if full=True) method for all Particles in given ParticleList. For debugging purposes. @param list_name input ParticleList name @param full execute Particle->print() method for all Particles @param path modules are added to this path """ prlist = register_module('ParticlePrinter') prlist.set_name('ParticlePrinter_' + list_name) prlist.param('listName', list_name) prlist.param('fullPrint', full) path.add_module(prlist)
[docs]def variablesToNtuple(decayString, variables, treename='variables', filename='ntuple.root', path=None): """ Creates and fills a flat ntuple with the specified variables from the VariableManager. If a decayString is provided, then there will be one entry per candidate (for particle in list of candidates). If an empty decayString is provided, there will be one entry per event (useful for trigger studies, etc). Parameters: decayString (str): specifies type of Particles and determines the name of the ParticleList variables (list(str)): the list of variables (which must be registered in the VariableManager) treename (str): name of the ntuple tree filename (str): which is used to store the variables path (basf2.Path): the basf2 path where the analysis is processed """ output = register_module('VariablesToNtuple') output.set_name('VariablesToNtuple_' + decayString) output.param('particleList', decayString) output.param('variables', variables) output.param('fileName', filename) output.param('treeName', treename) path.add_module(output)
[docs]def variablesToHistogram(decayString, variables, variables_2d=[], filename='ntuple.root', path=None, *, directory=None, prefixDecayString=False): """ Creates and fills a flat ntuple with the specified variables from the VariableManager Parameters: decayString (str): specifies type of Particles and determines the name of the ParticleList variables (list(tuple))): variables + binning which must be registered in the VariableManager variables_2d (list(tuple)): pair of variables + binning for each which must be registered in the VariableManager filename (str): which is used to store the variables path (basf2.Path): the basf2 path where the analysis is processed directory (str): directory inside the output file where the histograms should be saved. Useful if you want to have different histograms in the same file to separate them. prefixDecayString (bool): If True the decayString will be prepended to the directory name to allow for more programmatic naming of the structure in the file. """ output = register_module('VariablesToHistogram') output.set_name('VariablesToHistogram_' + decayString) output.param('particleList', decayString) output.param('variables', variables) output.param('variables_2d', variables_2d) output.param('fileName', filename) if directory is not None or prefixDecayString: if directory is None: directory = "" if prefixDecayString: directory = decayString + "_" + directory output.param("directory", directory) path.add_module(output)
[docs]def variablesToExtraInfo(particleList, variables, option=0, path=None): """ For each particle in the input list the selected variables are saved in an extra-info field with the given name. Can be used when wanting to save variables before modifying them, e.g. when performing vertex fits. An existing extra info with the same name will be overwritten if the new value is lower / will never be overwritten / will be overwritten if the new value is higher / will always be overwritten (-1/0/1/2). @param particleList The input ParticleList @param variables Dictionary of Variables and extraInfo names. @param path modules are added to this path """ mod = register_module('VariablesToExtraInfo') mod.set_name('VariablesToExtraInfo_' + particleList) mod.param('particleList', particleList) mod.param('variables', variables) mod.param('overwrite', option) path.add_module(mod)
[docs]def variablesToDaughterExtraInfo(particleList, decayString, variables, option=0, path=None): """ For each daughter particle specified via decay string the selected variables (estimated for the mother particle) are saved in an extra-info field with the given name. In other words, the property of mother is saved as extra-info to specified daughter particle. An existing extra info with the same name will be overwritten if the new value is lower / will never be overwritten / will be overwritten if the new value is higher / will always be overwritten (-1/0/1/2). @param particleList The input ParticleList @param decayString Decay string that specifies to which daughter the extra info should be appended @param variables Dictionary of Variables and extraInfo names. @param option Various options for overwriting @param path modules are added to this path """ mod = register_module('VariablesToExtraInfo') mod.set_name('VariablesToDaughterExtraInfo_' + particleList) mod.param('particleList', particleList) mod.param('decayString', decayString) mod.param('variables', variables) mod.param('overwrite', option) path.add_module(mod)
[docs]def variablesToEventExtraInfo(particleList, variables, option=0, path=None): """ For each particle in the input list the selected variables are saved in an event-extra-info field with the given name, Can be used to save MC truth information, for example, in a ntuple of reconstructed particles. An existing extra info with the same name will be overwritten if the new value is lower / will never be overwritten / will be overwritten if the new value is higher / will always be overwritten (-1/0/1/2). @param particleList The input ParticleList @param variables Dictionary of Variables and extraInfo names. @param path modules are added to this path """ mod = register_module('VariablesToEventExtraInfo') mod.set_name('VariablesToEventExtraInfo_' + particleList) mod.param('particleList', particleList) mod.param('variables', variables) mod.param('overwrite', option) path.add_module(mod)
[docs]def variableToSignalSideExtraInfo(particleList, varToExtraInfo, path): """ Write the value of specified variables estimated for the single particle in the input list (has to contain exactly 1 particle) as an extra info to the particle related to current ROE. Should be used only in the for_each roe path. @param particleList The input ParticleList @param varToExtraInfo Dictionary of Variables and extraInfo names. @param path modules are added to this path """ mod = register_module('SignalSideVariablesToExtraInfo') mod.set_name('SigSideVarToExtraInfo_' + particleList) mod.param('particleListName', particleList) mod.param('variableToExtraInfo', varToExtraInfo) path.add_module(mod)
[docs]def signalRegion(particleList, cut, path=None, name="isSignalRegion", blind_data=True): """ Define and blind a signal region. Per default, the defined signal region is cut out if ran on data. This function will provide a new variable 'isSignalRegion' as default, which is either 0 or 1 depending on the cut provided. Example: >>> ma.reconstructDecay("B+:sig -> D+ pi0", "Mbc>5.2", path=path) >>> ma.signalRegion("B+:sig", >>> "Mbc>5.27 and abs(deltaE)<0.2", >>> blind_data=True, >>> path=path) >>> ma.variablesToNtuples("B+:sig", ["isSignalRegion"], path=path) Parameters: particleList (str): The input ParticleList cut (str): Cut string describing the signal region path (basf2.Path):: Modules are added to this path name (str): Name of the Signal region in the variable manager blind_data (bool): Automatically exclude signal region from data """ from variables import variables mod = register_module('VariablesToExtraInfo') mod.set_name(f'{name}_' + particleList) mod.param('particleList', particleList) mod.param('variables', {f"passesCut({cut})": name}) variables.addAlias(name, f"extraInfo({name})") path.add_module(mod) # Check if we run on Data if blind_data: applyCuts(particleList, f"{name}==0 or isMC==1", path=path)
[docs]def removeExtraInfo(particleLists=[], removeEventExtraInfo=False, path=None): """ Removes the ExtraInfo of the given particleLists. If specified (removeEventExtraInfo = True) also the EventExtraInfo is removed. """ mod = register_module('ExtraInfoRemover') mod.param('particleLists', particleLists) mod.param('removeEventExtraInfo', removeEventExtraInfo) path.add_module(mod)
[docs]def signalSideParticleFilter(particleList, selection, roe_path, deadEndPath): """ Checks if the current ROE object in the for_each roe path (argument roe_path) is related to the particle from the input ParticleList. Additional selection criteria can be applied. If ROE is not related to any of the Particles from ParticleList or the Particle doesn't meet the selection criteria the execution of deadEndPath is started. This path, as the name suggests should be empty and its purpose is to end the execution of for_each roe path for the current ROE object. @param particleList The input ParticleList @param selection Selection criteria that Particle needs meet in order for for_each ROE path to continue @param for_each roe path in which this filter is executed @param deadEndPath empty path that ends execution of or_each roe path for the current ROE object. """ mod = register_module('SignalSideParticleFilter') mod.set_name('SigSideParticleFilter_' + particleList) mod.param('particleLists', [particleList]) mod.param('selection', selection) roe_path.add_module(mod) mod.if_false(deadEndPath)
[docs]def signalSideParticleListsFilter(particleLists, selection, roe_path, deadEndPath): """ Checks if the current ROE object in the for_each roe path (argument roe_path) is related to the particle from the input ParticleList. Additional selection criteria can be applied. If ROE is not related to any of the Particles from ParticleList or the Particle doesn't meet the selection criteria the execution of deadEndPath is started. This path, as the name suggests should be empty and its purpose is to end the execution of for_each roe path for the current ROE object. @param particleLists The input ParticleLists @param selection Selection criteria that Particle needs meet in order for for_each ROE path to continue @param for_each roe path in which this filter is executed @param deadEndPath empty path that ends execution of or_each roe path for the current ROE object. """ mod = register_module('SignalSideParticleFilter') mod.set_name('SigSideParticleFilter_' + particleLists[0]) mod.param('particleLists', particleLists) mod.param('selection', selection) roe_path.add_module(mod) mod.if_false(deadEndPath)
[docs]def reconstructMCDecay( decayString, cut, dmID=0, writeOut=False, path=None, chargeConjugation=True, ): r""" Finds and creates a ``ParticleList`` from given decay string. ``ParticleList`` of daughters with sub-decay is created. Only signal particle, which means :b2:var:`isSignal` is equal to 1, is stored. One can use the decay string grammar to change the behavior of :b2:var:`isSignal`. One can find detailed information in :ref:`DecayString`. .. tip:: If one uses same sub-decay twice, same particles are registered to a ``ParticleList``. For example, ``K_S0:pi0pi0 =direct=> [pi0:gg =direct=> gamma:MC gamma:MC] [pi0:gg =direct=> gamma:MC gamma:MC]``. One can skip the second sub-decay, ``K_S0:pi0pi0 =direct=> [pi0:gg =direct=> gamma:MC gamma:MC] pi0:gg``. @param decayString :ref:`DecayString` specifying what kind of the decay should be reconstructed (from the DecayString the mother and daughter ParticleLists are determined) @param cut created (mother) Particles are added to the mother ParticleList if they pass given cuts (in VariableManager style) and rejected otherwise isSignal==1 is always required by default. @param dmID user specified decay mode identifier @param writeOut whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleList @param path modules are added to this path @param chargeConjugation boolean to decide whether charge conjugated mode should be reconstructed as well (on by default) """ pmake = register_module('ParticleCombinerFromMC') pmake.set_name('ParticleCombinerFromMC_' + decayString) pmake.param('decayString', decayString) pmake.param('cut', cut) pmake.param('decayMode', dmID) pmake.param('writeOut', writeOut) pmake.param('chargeConjugation', chargeConjugation) path.add_module(pmake)
[docs]def findMCDecay( list_name, decay, writeOut=False, path=None, ): """ .. warning:: This function is not fully tested and maintained. Please consider to use reconstructMCDecay() instead. Finds and creates a ``ParticleList`` for all ``MCParticle`` decays matching a given :ref:`DecayString`. The decay string is required to describe correctly what you want. In the case of inclusive decays, you can use :ref:`Grammar_for_custom_MCMatching` @param list_name The output particle list name @param decay The decay string which you want @param writeOut Whether `RootOutput` module should save the created ``outputList`` @param path modules are added to this path """ B2WARNING("This function is not fully tested and maintained." "Please consider to use reconstructMCDecay() instead.") decayfinder = register_module('MCDecayFinder') decayfinder.set_name('MCDecayFinder_' + list_name) decayfinder.param('listName', list_name) decayfinder.param('decayString', decay) decayfinder.param('writeOut', writeOut) path.add_module(decayfinder)
[docs]def summaryOfLists(particleLists, path): """ Prints out Particle statistics at the end of the job: number of events with at least one candidate, average number of candidates per event, etc. @param particleLists list of input ParticleLists """ particleStats = register_module('ParticleStats') particleStats.param('particleLists', particleLists) path.add_module(particleStats)
[docs]def matchMCTruth(list_name, path): """ Performs MC matching (sets relation Particle->MCParticle) for all particles (and its (grand)^N-daughter particles) in the specified ParticleList. @param list_name name of the input ParticleList @param path modules are added to this path """ mcMatch = register_module('MCMatcherParticles') mcMatch.set_name('MCMatch_' + list_name) mcMatch.param('listName', list_name) path.add_module(mcMatch)
[docs]def looseMCTruth(list_name, path): """ Performs loose MC matching for all particles in the specified ParticleList. The difference between loose and normal mc matching algorithm is that the loose algorithm will find the common mother of the majority of daughter particles while the normal algorithm finds the common mother of all daughters. The results of loose mc matching algorithm are stored to the following extraInfo items: - looseMCMotherPDG: PDG code of most common mother - looseMCMotherIndex: 1-based StoreArray<MCParticle> index of most common mother - looseMCWrongDaughterN: number of daughters that don't originate from the most common mother - looseMCWrongDaughterPDG: PDG code of the daughter that doesn't originate from the most common mother (only if looseMCWrongDaughterN = 1) - looseMCWrongDaughterBiB: 1 if the wrong daughter is Beam Induced Background Particle @param list_name name of the input ParticleList @param path modules are added to this path """ mcMatch = register_module('MCMatcherParticles') mcMatch.set_name('LooseMCMatch_' + list_name) mcMatch.param('listName', list_name) mcMatch.param('looseMCMatching', True) path.add_module(mcMatch)
[docs]def buildRestOfEvent(target_list_name, inputParticlelists=None, fillWithMostLikely=False, chargedPIDPriors=None, path=None): """ Creates for each Particle in the given ParticleList a RestOfEvent dataobject and makes BASF2 relation between them. User can provide additional particle lists with a different particle hypotheses like ['K+:good, e+:good'], etc. @param target_list_name name of the input ParticleList @param inputParticlelists list of input particle list names, which serve as a source of particles to build ROE, the FSP particles from target_list_name are excluded from ROE object @param fillWithMostLikely if True, the module uses particle mass hypothesis for charged particles according to PID likelihood and the inputParticlelists option will be ignored. @param chargedPIDPriors The prior PID fractions, that are used to regulate amount of certain charged particle species, should be a list of six floats if not None. The order of particle types is the following: [e-, mu-, pi-, K-, p+, d+] @param path modules are added to this path """ if inputParticlelists is None: inputParticlelists = [] fillParticleList('pi+:roe_default', '', path=path) if fillWithMostLikely: from stdCharged import stdMostLikely stdMostLikely(chargedPIDPriors, '_roe', path=path) inputParticlelists = ['%s:mostlikely_roe' % ptype for ptype in ['K+', 'p+', 'e+', 'mu+']] import b2bii if not b2bii.isB2BII(): fillParticleList('gamma:roe_default', '', path=path) fillParticleList('K_L0:roe_default', 'isFromKLM > 0', path=path) inputParticlelists += ['pi+:roe_default', 'gamma:roe_default', 'K_L0:roe_default'] else: inputParticlelists += ['pi+:roe_default', 'gamma:mdst'] roeBuilder = register_module('RestOfEventBuilder') roeBuilder.set_name('ROEBuilder_' + target_list_name) roeBuilder.param('particleList', target_list_name) roeBuilder.param('particleListsInput', inputParticlelists) path.add_module(roeBuilder)
[docs]def buildNestedRestOfEvent(target_list_name, maskName='', path=None): """ Creates for each Particle in the given ParticleList a RestOfEvent @param target_list_name name of the input ParticleList @param mask_name name of the ROEMask to be used @param path modules are added to this path """ roeBuilder = register_module('RestOfEventBuilder') roeBuilder.set_name('NestedROEBuilder_' + target_list_name) roeBuilder.param('particleList', target_list_name) roeBuilder.param('nestedROEMask', maskName) roeBuilder.param('createNestedROE', True) path.add_module(roeBuilder)
[docs]def buildRestOfEventFromMC(target_list_name, inputParticlelists=[], path=None): """ Creates for each Particle in the given ParticleList a RestOfEvent @param target_list_name name of the input ParticleList @param inputParticlelists list of input particle list names, which serve as a source of particles to build ROE, the FSP particles from target_list_name are excluded from ROE object @param path modules are added to this path """ if (len(inputParticlelists) == 0): # Type of particles to use for ROEBuilder # K_S0 and Lambda0 are added here because some of them have interacted # with the detector material types = ['gamma', 'e+', 'mu+', 'pi+', 'K+', 'p+', 'K_L0', 'n0', 'nu_e', 'nu_mu', 'nu_tau', 'K_S0', 'Lambda0'] for t in types: fillParticleListFromMC("%s:roe_default_gen" % t, 'mcPrimary > 0 and nDaughters == 0', True, True, path=path) inputParticlelists += ["%s:roe_default_gen" % t] roeBuilder = register_module('RestOfEventBuilder') roeBuilder.set_name('MCROEBuilder_' + target_list_name) roeBuilder.param('particleList', target_list_name) roeBuilder.param('particleListsInput', inputParticlelists) roeBuilder.param('fromMC', True) path.add_module(roeBuilder)
[docs]def appendROEMask(list_name, mask_name, trackSelection, eclClusterSelection, path=None): """ Loads the ROE object of a particle and creates a ROE mask with a specific name. It applies selection criteria for tracks and eclClusters which will be used by variables in - append a ROE mask with all tracks in ROE coming from the IP region >>> appendROEMask('B+:sig', 'IPtracks', 'abs(d0) < 0.05 and abs(z0) < 0.1', '') - append a ROE mask with only ECLClusters that pass as good photon candidates >>> good_photons = 'theta > 0.296706 and theta < 2.61799 and clusterErrorTiming < 1e6 and [clusterE1E9 > 0.4 or E > 0.075]' >>> appendROEMask('B+:sig', 'goodROEGamma', '', good_photons) @param list_name name of the input ParticleList @param mask_name name of the appended ROEMask @param trackSelection decay string for the tracks in ROE @param eclClusterSelection decay string for the tracks in ROE @param path modules are added to this path """ roeMask = register_module('RestOfEventInterpreter') roeMask.set_name('RestOfEventInterpreter_' + list_name + '_' + mask_name) roeMask.param('particleList', list_name) roeMask.param('ROEMasks', [(mask_name, trackSelection, eclClusterSelection)]) path.add_module(roeMask)
[docs]def appendROEMasks(list_name, mask_tuples, path=None): """ Loads the ROE object of a particle and creates a ROE mask with a specific name. It applies selection criteria for tracks and eclClusters which will be used by variables in The multiple ROE masks with their own selection criteria are specified via list of tuples (mask_name, trackSelection, eclClusterSelection) or (mask_name, trackSelection, eclClusterSelection) in case with fractions. - Example for two tuples, one with and one without fractions >>> ipTracks = ('IPtracks', 'abs(d0) < 0.05 and abs(z0) < 0.1', '') >>> good_photons = 'theta > 0.296706 and theta < 2.61799 and clusterErrorTiming < 1e6 and [clusterE1E9 > 0.4 or E > 0.075]' >>> goodROEGamma = ('ROESel', 'abs(d0) < 0.05 and abs(z0) < 0.1', good_photons) >>> appendROEMasks('B+:sig', [ipTracks, goodROEGamma]) @param list_name name of the input ParticleList @param mask_tuples array of ROEMask list tuples to be appended @param path modules are added to this path """ roeMask = register_module('RestOfEventInterpreter') roeMask.set_name('RestOfEventInterpreter_' + list_name + '_' + 'MaskList') roeMask.param('particleList', list_name) roeMask.param('ROEMasks', mask_tuples) path.add_module(roeMask)
[docs]def updateROEMask(list_name, mask_name, trackSelection, eclClusterSelection='', path=None): """ Update an existing ROE mask by applying additional selection cuts for tracks and/or clusters. See function `appendROEMask`! @param list_name name of the input ParticleList @param mask_name name of the ROEMask to update @param trackSelection decay string for the tracks in ROE @param eclClusterSelection decay string for the tracks in ROE @param path modules are added to this path """ roeMask = register_module('RestOfEventInterpreter') roeMask.set_name('RestOfEventInterpreter_' + list_name + '_' + mask_name) roeMask.param('particleList', list_name) roeMask.param('ROEMasks', [(mask_name, trackSelection, eclClusterSelection)]) roeMask.param('update', True) path.add_module(roeMask)
[docs]def updateROEMasks(list_name, mask_tuples, path): """ Update existing ROE masks by applying additional selection cuts for tracks and/or clusters. The multiple ROE masks with their own selection criteria are specified via list tuples (mask_name, trackSelection, eclClusterSelection) See function `appendROEMasks`! @param list_name name of the input ParticleList @param mask_tuples array of ROEMask list tuples to be appended @param path modules are added to this path """ roeMask = register_module('RestOfEventInterpreter') roeMask.set_name('RestOfEventInterpreter_' + list_name + '_' + 'MaskList') roeMask.param('particleList', list_name) roeMask.param('ROEMasks', mask_tuples) roeMask.param('update', True) path.add_module(roeMask)
[docs]def keepInROEMasks(list_name, mask_names, cut_string, path=None): """ This function is used to apply particle list specific cuts on one or more ROE masks (track or eclCluster). With this function one can KEEP the tracks/eclclusters used in particles from provided particle list. This function should be executed only in the for_each roe path for the current ROE object. To avoid unnecessary computation, the input particle list should only contain particles from ROE (use cut 'isInRestOfEvent == 1'). To update the ECLCluster masks, the input particle list should be a photon particle list (e.g. 'gamma:someLabel'). To update the Track masks, the input particle list should be a charged pion particle list (e.g. 'pi+:someLabel'). Updating a non-existing mask will create a new one. - keep only those tracks that were used in provided particle list >>> keepInROEMasks('pi+:goodTracks', 'mask', '') - keep only those clusters that were used in provided particle list and pass a cut, apply to several masks >>> keepInROEMasks('gamma:goodClusters', ['mask1', 'mask2'], 'E > 0.1') @param list_name name of the input ParticleList @param mask_names array of ROEMasks to be updated @param cut_string decay string with which the mask will be updated @param path modules are added to this path """ updateMask = register_module('RestOfEventUpdater') updateMask.set_name('RestOfEventUpdater_' + list_name + '_masks') updateMask.param('particleList', list_name) updateMask.param('updateMasks', mask_names) updateMask.param('cutString', cut_string) updateMask.param('discard', False) path.add_module(updateMask)
[docs]def discardFromROEMasks(list_name, mask_names, cut_string, path=None): """ This function is used to apply particle list specific cuts on one or more ROE masks (track or eclCluster). With this function one can DISCARD the tracks/eclclusters used in particles from provided particle list. This function should be executed only in the for_each roe path for the current ROE object. To avoid unnecessary computation, the input particle list should only contain particles from ROE (use cut 'isInRestOfEvent == 1'). To update the ECLCluster masks, the input particle list should be a photon particle list (e.g. 'gamma:someLabel'). To update the Track masks, the input particle list should be a charged pion particle list (e.g. 'pi+:someLabel'). Updating a non-existing mask will create a new one. - discard tracks that were used in provided particle list >>> discardFromROEMasks('pi+:badTracks', 'mask', '') - discard clusters that were used in provided particle list and pass a cut, apply to several masks >>> discardFromROEMasks('gamma:badClusters', ['mask1', 'mask2'], 'E < 0.1') @param list_name name of the input ParticleList @param mask_names array of ROEMasks to be updated @param cut_string decay string with which the mask will be updated @param path modules are added to this path """ updateMask = register_module('RestOfEventUpdater') updateMask.set_name('RestOfEventUpdater_' + list_name + '_masks') updateMask.param('particleList', list_name) updateMask.param('updateMasks', mask_names) updateMask.param('cutString', cut_string) updateMask.param('discard', True) path.add_module(updateMask)
[docs]def optimizeROEWithV0(list_name, mask_names, cut_string, path=None): """ This function is used to apply particle list specific cuts on one or more ROE masks for Tracks. It is possible to optimize the ROE selection by treating tracks from V0's separately, meaning, taking V0's 4-momentum into account instead of 4-momenta of tracks. A cut for only specific V0's passing it can be applied. The input particle list should be a V0 particle list: K_S0 ('K_S0:someLabel', ''), Lambda ('Lambda:someLabel', '') or converted photons ('gamma:someLabel'). Updating a non-existing mask will create a new one. - treat tracks from K_S0 inside mass window separately, replace track momenta with K_S0 momentum >>> optimizeROEWithV0('K_S0:opt', 'mask', '0.450 < M < 0.550') @param list_name name of the input ParticleList @param mask_names array of ROEMasks to be updated @param cut_string decay string with which the mask will be updated @param path modules are added to this path """ updateMask = register_module('RestOfEventUpdater') updateMask.set_name('RestOfEventUpdater_' + list_name + '_masks') updateMask.param('particleList', list_name) updateMask.param('updateMasks', mask_names) updateMask.param('cutString', cut_string) path.add_module(updateMask)
[docs]def printROEInfo(mask_names=[], which_mask='both', full_print=False, path=None): """ This function prints out the information for the current ROE, so it should only be used in the for_each path. It prints out basic ROE object info. If mask names are provided, specific information for those masks will be printed out. By default, basic ECLCluster and Track mask info will be printed out, but it is possible to do this only for one, if needed. It is also possible to print out the specific mask values for each Track and ECLCluster by setting the 'full_print' option to True. @param mask_names array of ROEMask names for printing out info @param which_mask print out info for Tracks ('track'), ECLClusters ('cluster') or ('both') @param full_print print out mask values for each Track/ECLCLuster in mask @param path modules are added to this path """ if not isinstance(path, Path): B2FATAL("Error from printROEInfo, please add this to the for_each path") printMask = register_module('RestOfEventPrinter') printMask.set_name('RestOfEventPrinter') printMask.param('maskNames', mask_names) printMask.param('whichMask', which_mask) printMask.param('fullPrint', full_print) path.add_module(printMask)
[docs]def buildContinuumSuppression(list_name, roe_mask, path): """ Creates for each Particle in the given ParticleList a ContinuumSuppression dataobject and makes BASF2 relation between them. @param list_name name of the input ParticleList @param path modules are added to this path """ qqBuilder = register_module('ContinuumSuppressionBuilder') qqBuilder.set_name('QQBuilder_' + list_name) qqBuilder.param('particleList', list_name) qqBuilder.param('ROEMask', roe_mask) path.add_module(qqBuilder)
[docs]def removeParticlesNotInLists(lists_to_keep, path): """ Removes all Particles that are not in a given list of ParticleLists (or daughters of those). All relations from/to Particles, daughter indices, and other ParticleLists are fixed. @param lists_to_keep Keep the Particles and their daughters in these ParticleLists. @param path modules are added to this path """ mod = register_module('RemoveParticlesNotInLists') mod.param('particleLists', lists_to_keep) path.add_module(mod)
[docs]def inclusiveBtagReconstruction(upsilon_list_name, bsig_list_name, btag_list_name, input_lists_names, path): """ Reconstructs Btag from particles in given ParticleLists which do not share any final state particles (mdstSource) with Bsig. @param upsilon_list_name Name of the ParticleList to be filled with 'Upsilon(4S) -> B:sig anti-B:tag' @param bsig_list_name Name of the Bsig ParticleList @param btag_list_name Name of the Bsig ParticleList @param input_lists_names List of names of the ParticleLists which are used to reconstruct Btag from """ btag = register_module('InclusiveBtagReconstruction') btag.set_name('InclusiveBtagReconstruction_' + bsig_list_name) btag.param('upsilonListName', upsilon_list_name) btag.param('bsigListName', bsig_list_name) btag.param('btagListName', btag_list_name) btag.param('inputListsNames', input_lists_names) path.add_module(btag)
[docs]def selectDaughters(particle_list_name, decay_string, path): """ Redefine the Daughters of a particle: select from decayString @param particle_list_name input particle list @param decay_string for selecting the Daughters to be preserved """ seld = register_module('SelectDaughters') seld.set_name('SelectDaughters_' + particle_list_name) seld.param('listName', particle_list_name) seld.param('decayString', decay_string) path.add_module(seld)
[docs]def markDuplicate(particleList, prioritiseV0, path): """ Call DuplicateVertexMarker to find duplicate particles in a list and flag the ones that should be kept @param particleList input particle list @param prioritiseV0 if true, give V0s a higher priority """ markdup = register_module('DuplicateVertexMarker') markdup.param('particleList', particleList) markdup.param('prioritiseV0', prioritiseV0) path.add_module(markdup)
[docs]def oldwritePi0EtaVeto( particleList, decayString, workingDirectory='.', pi0vetoname='Pi0_Prob', etavetoname='Eta_Prob', downloadFlag=True, selection='', path=None ): """ Give pi0/eta probability for hard photon. In the default weight files a value of 1.4 GeV is set as the lower limit for the hard photon energy in the CMS frame. The current default weight files are optimised using MC9. The input variables are as below. Aliases are set to some variables during training. * M: pi0/eta candidates Invariant mass * lowE: soft photon energy in lab frame * cTheta: soft photon ECL cluster's polar angle * Zmva: soft photon output of MVA using Zernike moments of the cluster * minC2Hdist: soft photon distance from eclCluster to nearest point on nearest Helix at the ECL cylindrical radius If you don't have weight files in your workingDirectory, these files are downloaded from database to your workingDirectory automatically. Please refer to analysis/examples/tutorials/ about how to use this function. NOTE: Please don't use following ParticleList names elsewhere: ``gamma:HARDPHOTON``, ``pi0:PI0VETO``, ``eta:ETAVETO``, ``gamma:PI0SOFT + str(PI0ETAVETO_COUNTER)``, ``gamma:ETASOFT + str(PI0ETAVETO_COUNTER)`` Please don't use ``lowE``, ``cTheta``, ``Zmva``, ``minC2Hdist`` as alias elsewhere. @param particleList The input ParticleList @param decayString specify Particle to be added to the ParticleList @param workingDirectory The weight file directory @param downloadFlag whether download default weight files or not @param pi0vetoname extraInfo name of pi0 probability @param etavetoname extraInfo name of eta probability @param selection Selection criteria that Particle needs meet in order for for_each ROE path to continue @param path modules are added to this path """ import os import basf2_mva global PI0ETAVETO_COUNTER if PI0ETAVETO_COUNTER == 0: from variables import variables variables.addAlias('lowE', 'daughter(1,E)') variables.addAlias('cTheta', 'daughter(1,clusterTheta)') variables.addAlias('Zmva', 'daughter(1,clusterZernikeMVA)') variables.addAlias('minC2Tdist', 'daughter(1,minC2TDist)') variables.addAlias('cluNHits', 'daughter(1,clusterNHits)') variables.addAlias('E9E21', 'daughter(1,clusterE9E21)') PI0ETAVETO_COUNTER = PI0ETAVETO_COUNTER + 1 roe_path = create_path() deadEndPath = create_path() signalSideParticleFilter(particleList, selection, roe_path, deadEndPath) fillSignalSideParticleList('gamma:HARDPHOTON', decayString, path=roe_path) pi0softname = 'gamma:PI0SOFT' etasoftname = 'gamma:ETASOFT' softphoton1 = pi0softname + str(PI0ETAVETO_COUNTER) softphoton2 = etasoftname + str(PI0ETAVETO_COUNTER) fillParticleList( softphoton1, '[clusterReg==1 and E>0.025] or [clusterReg==2 and E>0.02] or [clusterReg==3 and E>0.02]', path=roe_path) applyCuts(softphoton1, 'abs(clusterTiming)<120', path=roe_path) fillParticleList( softphoton2, '[clusterReg==1 and E>0.035] or [clusterReg==2 and E>0.03] or [clusterReg==3 and E>0.03]', path=roe_path) applyCuts(softphoton2, 'abs(clusterTiming)<120', path=roe_path) reconstructDecay('pi0:PI0VETO -> gamma:HARDPHOTON ' + softphoton1, '', path=roe_path) reconstructDecay('eta:ETAVETO -> gamma:HARDPHOTON ' + softphoton2, '', path=roe_path) if not os.path.isdir(workingDirectory): os.mkdir(workingDirectory) B2INFO('oldwritePi0EtaVeto: ' + workingDirectory + ' has been created as workingDirectory.') if not os.path.isfile(workingDirectory + '/pi0veto.root'): if downloadFlag:'Pi0VetoIdentifier', workingDirectory + '/pi0veto.root') B2INFO('oldwritePi0EtaVeto: pi0veto.root has been downloaded from database to workingDirectory.') if not os.path.isfile(workingDirectory + '/etaveto.root'): if downloadFlag:'EtaVetoIdentifier', workingDirectory + '/etaveto.root') B2INFO('oldwritePi0EtaVeto: etaveto.root has been downloaded from database to workingDirectory.') roe_path.add_module('MVAExpert', listNames=['pi0:PI0VETO'], extraInfoName='Pi0Veto', identifier=workingDirectory + '/pi0veto.root') roe_path.add_module('MVAExpert', listNames=['eta:ETAVETO'], extraInfoName='EtaVeto', identifier=workingDirectory + '/etaveto.root') rankByHighest('pi0:PI0VETO', 'extraInfo(Pi0Veto)', numBest=1, path=roe_path) rankByHighest('eta:ETAVETO', 'extraInfo(EtaVeto)', numBest=1, path=roe_path) variableToSignalSideExtraInfo('pi0:PI0VETO', {'extraInfo(Pi0Veto)': pi0vetoname}, path=roe_path) variableToSignalSideExtraInfo('eta:ETAVETO', {'extraInfo(EtaVeto)': etavetoname}, path=roe_path) path.for_each('RestOfEvent', 'RestOfEvents', roe_path)
[docs]def writePi0EtaVeto( particleList, decayString, workingDirectory='.', mode='standard', downloadFlag=True, selection='', path=None ): """ Give pi0/eta probability for hard photon. In the default weight files a value of 1.4 GeV is set as the lower limit for the hard photon energy in the CMS frame. The current default weight files are optimised using MC12. The input variables of the mva training are: * M: pi0/eta candidates Invariant mass * daughter(1,E): soft photon energy in lab frame * daughter(1,clusterTheta): soft photon ECL cluster's polar angle * daughter(1,minC2TDist): soft photon distance from eclCluster to nearest point on nearest Helix at the ECL cylindrical radius * daughter(1,clusterZernikeMVA): soft photon output of MVA using Zernike moments of the cluster * daughter(1,clusterNHits): soft photon total crystal weights sum(w_i) with w_i<=1 * daughter(1,clusterE9E21): soft photon ratio of energies in inner 3x3 crystals and 5x5 crystals without corners * cosHelicityAngleMomentum: pi0/eta candidates cosHelicityAngleMomentum If you don't have weight files in your workingDirectory, these files are downloaded from the database to your workingDirectory automatically. The following strings are available for mode: * standard: loose energy cut and no clusterNHits cut are applied to soft photon * tight: tight energy cut and no clusterNHits cut are applied to soft photon * cluster: loose energy cut and clusterNHits cut are applied to soft photon * both: tight energy cut and clusterNHits cut are applied to soft photon One can obtain the result of pi0/eta veto from `pi0Prob`/`etaProb` NOTE: Please don't use following ParticleList names elsewhere: ``gamma:HardPhoton``, ``gamma:Pi0Soft + ListName + '_' + particleList.replace(':', '_')``, ``gamma:EtaSoft + ListName + '_' + particleList.replace(':', '_')``, ``pi0:EtaVeto + ListName``, ``eta:EtaVeto + ListName`` @param particleList the input ParticleList @param decayString specify Particle to be added to the ParticleList @param workingDirectory the weight file directory @param mode choose one mode out of 'standard', 'tight', 'cluster' and 'both' @param downloadFlag whether download default weight files or not @param selection selection criteria that Particle needs meet in order for for_each ROE path to continue @param path modules are added to this path """ import os import basf2_mva roe_path = create_path() deadEndPath = create_path() signalSideParticleFilter(particleList, selection, roe_path, deadEndPath) fillSignalSideParticleList('gamma:HardPhoton', decayString, path=roe_path) if not os.path.isdir(workingDirectory): os.mkdir(workingDirectory) B2INFO('writePi0EtaVeto: ' + workingDirectory + ' has been created as workingDirectory.') dictListName = {'standard': 'Origin', 'tight': 'TightEnergyThreshold', 'cluster': 'LargeClusterSize', 'both': 'TightEnrgyThresholdAndLargeClusterSize'} dictPi0EnergyCut = {'standard': '[clusterReg==1 and E>0.025] or [clusterReg==2 and E>0.02] or [clusterReg==3 and E>0.02]', 'tight': '[clusterReg==1 and E>0.03] or [clusterReg==2 and E>0.03] or [clusterReg==3 and E>0.04]', 'cluster': '[clusterReg==1 and E>0.025] or [clusterReg==2 and E>0.02] or [clusterReg==3 and E>0.02]', 'both': '[clusterReg==1 and E>0.03] or [clusterReg==2 and E>0.03] or [clusterReg==3 and E>0.04]'} dictEtaEnergyCut = {'standard': '[clusterReg==1 and E>0.035] or [clusterReg==2 and E>0.03] or [clusterReg==3 and E>0.03]', 'tight': '[clusterReg==1 and E>0.06] or [clusterReg==2 and E>0.06] or [clusterReg==3 and E>0.06]', 'cluster': '[clusterReg==1 and E>0.035] or [clusterReg==2 and E>0.03] or [clusterReg==3 and E>0.03]', 'both': '[clusterReg==1 and E>0.06] or [clusterReg==2 and E>0.06] or [clusterReg==3 and E>0.06]'} dictTimingAndNHitsCut = {'standard': 'abs(clusterTiming)<clusterErrorTiming', 'tight': 'abs(clusterTiming)<clusterErrorTiming', 'cluster': 'abs(clusterTiming)<clusterErrorTiming and clusterNHits >= 2', 'both': 'abs(clusterTiming)<clusterErrorTiming and clusterNHits >= 2'} dictPi0WeightFileName = {'standard': 'pi0veto_origin.root', 'tight': 'pi0veto_tight.root', 'cluster': 'pi0veto_cluster.root', 'both': 'pi0veto_both.root'} dictEtaWeightFileName = {'standard': 'etaveto_origin.root', 'tight': 'etaveto_tight.root', 'cluster': 'etaveto_cluster.root', 'both': 'etaveto_both.root'} dictPi0PayloadName = {'standard': 'Pi0VetoIdentifierStandard', 'tight': 'Pi0VetoIdentifierWithHigherEnergyThreshold', 'cluster': 'Pi0VetoIdentifierWithLargerClusterSize', 'both': 'Pi0VetoIdentifierWithHigherEnergyThresholdAndLargerClusterSize'} dictEtaPayloadName = {'standard': 'EtaVetoIdentifierStandard', 'tight': 'EtaVetoIdentifierWithHigherEnergyThreshold', 'cluster': 'EtaVetoIdentifierWithLargerClusterSize', 'both': 'EtaVetoIdentifierWithHigherEnergyThresholdAndLargerClusterSize'} dictPi0ExtraInfoName = {'standard': 'Pi0VetoOrigin', 'tight': 'Pi0VetoTightEnergyThreshold', 'cluster': 'Pi0VetoLargeClusterSize', 'both': 'Pi0VetoTightEnergyThresholdAndLargeClusterSize'} dictEtaExtraInfoName = {'standard': 'EtaVetoOrigin', 'tight': 'EtaVetoTightEnergyThreshold', 'cluster': 'EtaVetoLargeClusterSize', 'both': 'EtaVetoTightEnergyThresholdAndLargeClusterSize'} dictPi0ExtraInfoRename = {'standard': 'Pi0ProbOrigin', 'tight': 'Pi0ProbTightEnergyThreshold', 'cluster': 'Pi0ProbLargeClusterSize', 'both': 'Pi0ProbTightEnergyThresholdAndLargeClusterSize'} dictEtaExtraInfoRename = {'standard': 'EtaProbOrigin', 'tight': 'EtaProbTightEnergyThreshold', 'cluster': 'EtaProbLargeClusterSize', 'both': 'EtaProbTightEnergyThresholdAndLargeClusterSize'} ListName = dictListName[mode] Pi0EnergyCut = dictPi0EnergyCut[mode] EtaEnergyCut = dictEtaEnergyCut[mode] TimingAndNHitsCut = dictTimingAndNHitsCut[mode] Pi0WeightFileName = dictPi0WeightFileName[mode] EtaWeightFileName = dictEtaWeightFileName[mode] Pi0PayloadName = dictPi0PayloadName[mode] EtaPayloadName = dictEtaPayloadName[mode] Pi0ExtraInfoName = dictPi0ExtraInfoName[mode] EtaExtraInfoName = dictEtaExtraInfoName[mode] Pi0ExtraInfoRename = dictPi0ExtraInfoRename[mode] EtaExtraInfoRename = dictEtaExtraInfoRename[mode] """ pi0 veto """ # define the particleList name for soft photon pi0soft = 'gamma:Pi0Soft' + ListName + '_' + particleList.replace(':', '_') # fill the particleList for soft photon with energy cut fillParticleList(pi0soft, Pi0EnergyCut, path=roe_path) # apply an additional cut for soft photon applyCuts(pi0soft, TimingAndNHitsCut, path=roe_path) # reconstruct pi0 reconstructDecay('pi0:Pi0Veto' + ListName + ' -> gamma:HardPhoton ' + pi0soft, '', path=roe_path) # if you don't have wight files in your workingDirectory, # these files are downloaded from database to your workingDirectory automatically. if not os.path.isfile(workingDirectory + '/' + Pi0WeightFileName): if downloadFlag:, workingDirectory + '/' + Pi0WeightFileName) B2INFO('writePi0EtaVeto: ' + Pi0WeightFileName + ' has been downloaded from database to workingDirectory.') # MVA training is conducted. roe_path.add_module('MVAExpert', listNames=['pi0:Pi0Veto' + ListName], extraInfoName=Pi0ExtraInfoName, identifier=workingDirectory + '/' + Pi0WeightFileName) # Pick up only one pi0/eta candidate with the highest pi0/eta probability. rankByHighest('pi0:Pi0Veto' + ListName, 'extraInfo(' + Pi0ExtraInfoName + ')', numBest=1, path=roe_path) # 'extraInfo(Pi0Veto)' is labeled 'Pi0_Prob' variableToSignalSideExtraInfo('pi0:Pi0Veto' + ListName, {'extraInfo(' + Pi0ExtraInfoName + ')': Pi0ExtraInfoRename}, path=roe_path) """ eta veto """ etasoft = 'gamma:EtaSoft' + ListName + '_' + particleList.replace(':', '_') fillParticleList(etasoft, EtaEnergyCut, path=roe_path) applyCuts(etasoft, TimingAndNHitsCut, path=roe_path) reconstructDecay('eta:EtaVeto' + ListName + ' -> gamma:HardPhoton ' + etasoft, '', path=roe_path) if not os.path.isfile(workingDirectory + '/' + EtaWeightFileName): if downloadFlag:, workingDirectory + '/' + EtaWeightFileName) B2INFO('writePi0EtaVeto: ' + EtaWeightFileName + 'has been downloaded from database to workingDirectory.') roe_path.add_module('MVAExpert', listNames=['eta:EtaVeto' + ListName], extraInfoName=EtaExtraInfoName, identifier=workingDirectory + '/' + EtaWeightFileName) rankByHighest('eta:EtaVeto' + ListName, 'extraInfo(' + EtaExtraInfoName + ')', numBest=1, path=roe_path) variableToSignalSideExtraInfo('eta:EtaVeto' + ListName, {'extraInfo(' + EtaExtraInfoName + ')': EtaExtraInfoRename}, path=roe_path) path.for_each('RestOfEvent', 'RestOfEvents', roe_path)
[docs]def buildEventKinematics(inputListNames=[], default_cleanup=True, chargedPIDPriors=None, fillWithMostLikely=False, path=None): """ Calculates the global kinematics of the event (visible energy, missing momentum, missing mass...) using ParticleLists provided. If no ParticleList is provided, default ParticleLists are used (all track and all hits in ECL without associated track). The visible energy missing values are stored in a EventKinematics dataobject. @param inputListNames list of ParticleLists used to calculate the global event kinematics. If the list is empty, default ParticleLists pi+:evtkin and gamma:evtkin are filled. @param fillWithMostLikely if True, the module uses the most likely particle mass hypothesis for charged particles according to the PID likelihood and the option inputListNames will be ignored. @param chargedPIDPriors The prior PID fractions, that are used to regulate amount of certain charged particle species, should be a list of six floats if not None. The order of particle types is the following: [e-, mu-, pi-, K-, p+, d+] @param default_cleanup if True and either inputListNames empty or fillWithMostLikely True, default clean up cuts are applied @param path modules are added to this path """ trackCuts = 'pt > 0.1' trackCuts += ' and thetaInCDCAcceptance' trackCuts += ' and abs(dz) < 3' trackCuts += ' and dr < 0.5' gammaCuts = 'E > 0.05' gammaCuts += ' and thetaInCDCAcceptance' if fillWithMostLikely: from stdCharged import stdMostLikely stdMostLikely(chargedPIDPriors, '_evtkin', path=path) inputListNames = ['%s:mostlikely_evtkin' % ptype for ptype in ['K+', 'p+', 'e+', 'mu+', 'pi+']] fillParticleList('gamma:evtkin', '', path=path) inputListNames += ['gamma:evtkin'] if default_cleanup: B2INFO("Using default cleanup in EventKinematics module.") for ptype in ['K+', 'p+', 'e+', 'mu+', 'pi+']: applyCuts(f'{ptype}:mostlikely_evtkin', trackCuts, path=path) applyCuts('gamma:evtkin', gammaCuts, path=path) else: B2INFO("No cleanup in EventKinematics module.") if not inputListNames: B2INFO("Creating particle lists pi+:evtkin and gamma:evtkin to get the global kinematics of the event.") fillParticleList('pi+:evtkin', '', path=path) fillParticleList('gamma:evtkin', '', path=path) particleLists = ['pi+:evtkin', 'gamma:evtkin'] if default_cleanup: B2INFO("Using default cleanup in EventKinematics module.") applyCuts('pi+:evtkin', trackCuts, path=path) applyCuts('gamma:evtkin', gammaCuts, path=path) else: B2INFO("No cleanup in EventKinematics module.") else: particleLists = inputListNames eventKinematicsModule = register_module('EventKinematics') eventKinematicsModule.set_name('EventKinematics_') eventKinematicsModule.param('particleLists', particleLists) path.add_module(eventKinematicsModule)
[docs]def buildEventShape(inputListNames=[], default_cleanup=True, allMoments=False, cleoCones=True, collisionAxis=True, foxWolfram=True, harmonicMoments=True, jets=True, sphericity=True, thrust=True, checkForDuplicates=False, path=None): """ Calculates the event-level shape quantities (thrust, sphericity, Fox-Wolfram moments...) using the particles in the lists provided by the user. If no particle list is provided, the function will internally create a list of good tracks and a list of good photons with (optionally) minimal quality cuts. The results of the calculation are then stored into the EventShapeContainer dataobject, and are accessible using the variables of the EventShape group. The user can switch the calculation of certain quantities on or off to save computing time. By default the calculation of the high-order moments (5-8) is turned off. Switching off an option will make the corresponding variables not available. Warning: The user can provide as many particle lists as needed, using also combined particles, but the function will always assume that the lists are independent. If the lists provided by the user contain several times the same track (either with different mass hypothesis, or once as an independent particle and once as daughter of a combined particle) the results won't be reliable. A basic check for duplicates is available setting the checkForDuplicate flags, but is usually quite time consuming. @param inputListNames List of ParticleLists used to calculate the event shape variables. If the list is empty the default particleLists pi+:evtshape and gamma:evtshape are filled. @param default_cleanup If True, applies standard cuts on pt and cosTheta when defining the internal lists. This option is ignored if the particleLists are provided by the user. @param path Path to append the eventShape modules to. @param thrust Enables the calculation of thrust-related quantities (CLEO cones, Harmonic moments, jets). @param collisionAxis Enables the calculation of the quantities related to the collision axis . @param foxWolfram Enables the calculation of the Fox-Wolfram moments. @param harmonicMoments Enables the calculation of the Harmonic moments with respect to both the thrust axis and, if collisionAxis = True, the collision axis. @param allMoments If True, calculates also the FW and harmonic moments from order 5 to 8 instead of the low-order ones only. @param cleoCones Enables the calculation of the CLEO cones with respect to both the thrust axis and, if collisionAxis = True, the collision axis. @param jets Enables the calculation of the hemisphere momenta and masses. Requires thrust = True. @param sphericity Enables the calculation of the sphericity-related quantities. @param checkForDuplicates Perform a check for duplicate particles before adding them. This option is quite time consuming, instead of using it consider sanitizing the lists you are passing to the function. """ if not inputListNames: B2INFO("Creating particle lists pi+:evtshape and gamma:evtshape to get the event shape variables.") fillParticleList('pi+:evtshape', '', path=path) fillParticleList('gamma:evtshape', '', path=path) particleLists = ['pi+:evtshape', 'gamma:evtshape'] if default_cleanup: B2INFO("Applying standard cuts") trackCuts = 'pt > 0.1' trackCuts += ' and thetaInCDCAcceptance' trackCuts += ' and abs(dz) < 3.0' trackCuts += ' and dr < 0.5' applyCuts('pi+:evtshape', trackCuts, path=path) gammaCuts = 'E > 0.05' gammaCuts += ' and thetaInCDCAcceptance' applyCuts('gamma:evtshape', gammaCuts, path=path) else: B2WARNING("Creating the default lists with no cleanup.") else: particleLists = inputListNames eventShapeModule = register_module('EventShapeCalculator') eventShapeModule.set_name('EventShape') eventShapeModule.param('particleListNames', particleLists) eventShapeModule.param('enableAllMoments', allMoments) eventShapeModule.param('enableCleoCones', cleoCones) eventShapeModule.param('enableCollisionAxis', collisionAxis) eventShapeModule.param('enableFoxWolfram', foxWolfram) eventShapeModule.param('enableJets', jets) eventShapeModule.param('enableHarmonicMoments', harmonicMoments) eventShapeModule.param('enableSphericity', sphericity) eventShapeModule.param('enableThrust', thrust) eventShapeModule.param('checkForDuplicates', checkForDuplicates) path.add_module(eventShapeModule)
[docs]def labelTauPairMC(printDecayInfo=False, path=None): """ Search tau leptons into the MC information of the event. If confirms it's a generated tau pair decay, labels the decay generated of the positive and negative leptons using the ID of KKMC tau decay table. @param printDecayInfo: If true, prints ID and prong of each tau lepton in the event. @param path: module is added to this path """ tauDecayMarker = register_module('TauDecayMarker') tauDecayMarker.set_name('TauDecayMarker_') path.add_module(tauDecayMarker, printDecayInfo=printDecayInfo)
[docs]def tagCurlTracks(particleLists, mcTruth=False, responseCut=0.324, selectorType='cUt', ptCut=0.6, train=False, path=None): """ Warning: The cut selector is not calibrated with Belle II data and should not be used without extensive study. Identifies curl tracks and tags them with extraInfo(isCurl=1) for later removal. For Belle data with a `b2bii` analysis the available cut based selection is described in `BN1079`_. .. _BN1079: The module loops over all particles in a given list that meet the preselection **ptCut** and assigns them to bundles based on the response of the chosen **selector** and the required minimum response set by the **responseCut**. Once all particles are assigned they are ranked by 25dr^2+dz^2. All but the lowest are tagged with extraInfo(isCurl=1) to allow for later removal by cutting the list or removing these from ROE as applicable. @param particleLists: list of particle lists to check for curls. @param mcTruth: bool flag to additionally assign particles with extraInfo(isTruthCurl) and extraInfo(truthBundleSize). To calculate these particles are assigned to bundles by their genParticleIndex then ranked and tagged as normal. @param responseCut: float min classifier response that considers two tracks to come from the same particle. Note 'cut' selector is binary 0/1. @param selectorType: string name of selector to use. The available options are 'cut' and 'mva'. It is strongly recommended to used the 'mva' selection. The 'cut' selection is based on BN1079 and is only calibrated for Belle data. @param ptCut: pre-selection cut on transverse momentum. @param train: flag to set training mode if selector has a training mode (mva). @param path: module is added to this path. """ import b2bii belle = b2bii.isB2BII() if (not isinstance(particleLists, list)): particleLists = [particleLists] # in case user inputs a particle list as string curlTagger = register_module('CurlTagger') curlTagger.set_name('CurlTagger_') curlTagger.param('particleLists', particleLists) curlTagger.param('belle', belle) curlTagger.param('mcTruth', mcTruth) curlTagger.param('responseCut', responseCut) curlTagger.param('selectorType', selectorType) curlTagger.param('ptCut', ptCut) curlTagger.param('train', train) path.add_module(curlTagger)
[docs]def applyChargedPidMVA(particleLists, path, trainingMode, binaryHypoPDGCodes=(0, 0)): """ Use an MVA to perform particle identification for charged stable particles, using the `ChargedPidMVA` module. The module decorates Particle objects in the input ParticleList(s) with variables containing the appropriate MVA score, which can be used to select candidates by placing a cut on it. Note: The MVA algorithm used is a gradient boosted decision tree (**TMVA 4.2.1**, **ROOT 6.14/06**). The module can perform either 'binary' PID between input S, B particle mass hypotheses according to the following scheme: - e (11) vs. pi (211) - mu (13) vs. pi (211) - pi (211) vs. K (321) - K (321) vs. pi (211) - p (2212) vs. pi (211) - d (1000010020) vs pi (211) , or 'global' PID, namely "one-vs-others" separation. The latter makes use of an MVA algorithm trained in multi-class mode, and it's the default behaviour. Note: Currently the MVA is charge-agnostic, i.e. the training is not done independently for +/- charged particles. Parameters: particleLists (list(str)): list of names of ParticleList objects for charged stable particles. The charge-conjugate ParticleLists will be also processed automatically. path (basf2.Path): the module is added to this path. trainingMode (``Belle2.ChargedPidMVAWeights.ChargedPidMVATrainingMode``): enum identifier of the training mode. Needed to pick up the correct payload from the DB. Available choices: * c_Classification=0 * c_Multiclass=1 * c_ECL_Classification=2 * c_ECL_Multiclass=3 * c_PSD_Classification=4 * c_PSD_Multiclass=5 * c_ECL_PSD_Classification=6 * c_ECL_PSD_Multiclass=7 binaryHypoPDGCodes (tuple(int, int), ``optional``): the pdgIds of the signal, background mass hypothesis. Required only for binary PID mode. """ from ROOT import Belle2 plSet = set(particleLists) # Map the training mode enum value to the actual name of the payload in the GT. payloadNames = { Belle2.ChargedPidMVAWeights.ChargedPidMVATrainingMode.c_Classification: {"mode": "Classification", "detector": "ALL"}, Belle2.ChargedPidMVAWeights.ChargedPidMVATrainingMode.c_Multiclass: {"mode": "Multiclass", "detector": "ALL"}, Belle2.ChargedPidMVAWeights.ChargedPidMVATrainingMode.c_ECL_Classification: {"mode": "ECL_Classification", "detector": "ECL"}, Belle2.ChargedPidMVAWeights.ChargedPidMVATrainingMode.c_ECL_Multiclass: {"mode": "ECL_Multiclass", "detector": "ECL"}, Belle2.ChargedPidMVAWeights.ChargedPidMVATrainingMode.c_PSD_Classification: {"mode": "PSD_Classification", "detector": "ALL"}, Belle2.ChargedPidMVAWeights.ChargedPidMVATrainingMode.c_PSD_Multiclass: {"mode": "PSD_Multiclass", "detector": "ALL"}, Belle2.ChargedPidMVAWeights.ChargedPidMVATrainingMode.c_ECL_PSD_Classification: {"mode": "ECL_PSD_Classification", "detector": "ECL"}, Belle2.ChargedPidMVAWeights.ChargedPidMVATrainingMode.c_ECL_PSD_Multiclass: {"mode": "ECL_PSD_Multiclass", "detector": "ECL"}, } if payloadNames.get(trainingMode) is None: B2FATAL("The chosen training mode integer identifier:\n", trainingMode, "\nis not supported. Please choose among the following:\n", "\n".join(f"{key}:{val.get('mode')}" for key, val in sorted(payloadNames.items()))) mode = payloadNames.get(trainingMode).get("mode") detector = payloadNames.get(trainingMode).get("detector") payloadName = f"ChargedPidMVAWeights_{mode}" if binaryHypoPDGCodes == (0, 0): # MULTI-CLASS training mode. chargedpid = register_module("ChargedPidMVAMulticlass") chargedpid.set_name(f"ChargedPidMVAMulticlass_{mode}") else: # BINARY training mode. # In binary mode, enforce check on input S, B hypotheses compatibility. binaryOpts = [ (Belle2.Const.electron.getPDGCode(), Belle2.Const.pion.getPDGCode()), (Belle2.Const.muon.getPDGCode(), Belle2.Const.pion.getPDGCode()), (Belle2.Const.pion.getPDGCode(), Belle2.Const.kaon.getPDGCode()), (Belle2.Const.kaon.getPDGCode(), Belle2.Const.pion.getPDGCode()), (Belle2.Const.proton.getPDGCode(), Belle2.Const.pion.getPDGCode()), (Belle2.Const.deuteron.getPDGCode(), Belle2.Const.pion.getPDGCode()) ] if binaryHypoPDGCodes not in binaryOpts: B2FATAL("No charged pid MVA was trained to separate ", binaryHypoPDGCodes[0], " vs. ", binaryHypoPDGCodes[1], ". Please choose among the following pairs:\n", "\n".join(f"{opt[0]} vs. {opt[1]}" for opt in binaryOpts)) chargedpid = register_module("ChargedPidMVA") chargedpid.set_name(f"ChargedPidMVA_{binaryHypoPDGCodes[0]}_vs_{binaryHypoPDGCodes[1]}_{mode}") chargedpid.param("sigHypoPDGCode", binaryHypoPDGCodes[0]) chargedpid.param("bkgHypoPDGCode", binaryHypoPDGCodes[1]) chargedpid.param("particleLists", list(plSet)) chargedpid.param("payloadName", payloadName) # Ensure the module knows whether we are using ECL-only training mode. if detector == "ECL": chargedpid.param("useECLOnlyTraining", True) path.add_module(chargedpid)
[docs]def calculateDistance(list_name, decay_string, mode='vertextrack', path=None): """ Calculates distance between two vertices, distance of closest approach between a vertex and a track,\ distance of closest approach between a vertex and btube. For track, this calculation ignores track curvature,\ it's negligible for small distances.The user should use extraInfo(CalculatedDistance)\ to get it. A full example steering file is at analysis/tests/ Example: >>> from modularAnalysis import calculateDistance >>>calculateDistance('list_name', 'decay_string', "mode", path=user_path) @param list_name name of the input ParticleList @param decay_string select particles between the distance of closest approch will be calculated @param mode Specifies how the distance is calculated vertextrack: calculate the distance of closest appreach between a track and a\ vertex, taking the first candidate as vertex, default trackvertex: calculate the distance of closest appreach between a track and a\ vertex, taking the first candidate as track 2tracks: calculates the distance of closest appreach between two tracks 2vertices: calculates the distance between two vertices vertexbtube: calculates the distance of closest appreach between a vertex and btube trackbtube: calculates the distance of closest appreach between a track and btube @param path modules are added to this path """ dist_mod = register_module('DistanceCalculator') dist_mod.set_name('DistanceCalculator_' + list_name) dist_mod.param('listName', list_name) dist_mod.param('decayString', decay_string) dist_mod.param('mode', mode) path.add_module(dist_mod)
[docs]def addInclusiveDstarReconstruction(inputPionList, outputDstarList, slowPionCut, path): """ Adds the InclusiveDstarReconstruction module to the given path. This module creates a D* particle list by estimating the D* four momenta from slow pions, specified by a given cut. The D* energy is approximated as E(D*) = m(D*)/(m(D*) - m(D)) * E(pi). The absolute value of the D* momentum is calculated using the D* PDG mass and the direction is collinear to the slow pion direction. The charge of the given pion list has to be consistent with the D* charge @param inputPionList Name of the input pion particle list @param outputDstarList Name of the output D* particle list @param slowPionCut Cut applied to the pion list to identify slow pions @param path the module is added to this path """ incl_dstar = register_module("InclusiveDstarReconstruction") incl_dstar.param("pionListName", inputPionList) incl_dstar.param("DstarListName", outputDstarList) incl_dstar.param("slowPionCut", slowPionCut) path.add_module(incl_dstar)
[docs]def getAnalysisGlobaltag(): """ Returns a string containing the name of the latest and recommended analysis globaltag. """ tags = subprocess.check_output(['b2conditionsdb-recommend', '--oneline']).decode('UTF-8').rstrip().split(' ') analysis_tag = '' for tag in tags: if tag.startswith('analysis_tools'): analysis_tag = tag return analysis_tag
if __name__ == '__main__': from basf2.utils import pretty_print_module pretty_print_module(__name__, "modularAnalysis")