#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
rundb - Helper classes for retrieving information from the RunDB
This modules contains classes useful to deal with the RunDB:
* `RunDB`, a simple API class to just get run information from the RunDB
import requests
import getpass
[docs]class RunDB:
Simple API class to just get run information from the RunDB.
apikey (str): RunDB API key (see `here <https://questions.belle2.org/question/9847/obtaining-api-key-for-rundb/>`_
how to get one)
username (str): DESY username
#: URL of where the RunDB is hosted
URL = "https://rundb.belle2.org"
def __init__(self, apikey=None, username=None):
"""Create an object and setup authentication."""
self._session = requests.Session()
if apikey is None:
# If no specific username use the local system username
if username is None:
username = getpass.getuser()
# If we don't have an api key use desy username/password
self._session.auth = (username, getpass.getpass(f"DESY password ({username}): "))
# Otherwise use the api key
self._session.headers.update({'Authorization': f'Bearer {apikey}'})
# And request json output ...
self._session.headers.update({'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
def _pagination(self, request):
"""Deal with API pagination of an initial request to the API.
It will return all the objects from all pages lazily requesting new pages
as objects are consumed. Will work for all list requests to the server.
while True:
# check the return value and raise exception on error
# and otherwise get the json
result = request.json()
# and return the objects one by one by yielding objects from the list
# of results
yield from result['results']
# check if there's a next page, if not done
if result['next'] is None:
# otherwise continue with the next page
# yees, global variable ...
request = self._session.get(result['next'])
[docs] def get_run_info(self, **search_params):
"""Return the run information from the run registry.
All arguments are forwarded to the run registry ``/run/`` method
documented at the following `link <https://rundb.belle2.org/rest/v1/swagger/>`_.
Please check there for up to date documentation, at the time of
this writing the supported arguments are:
* min_experiment (int)
* min_run (int)
* max_experiment (int)
* max_run (int)
* min_date (iso8601 date string, e.g. 2020-05-06)
* max_date (iso8601 date string, e.g. 2020-05-06)
* all_detectors_running (bool)
* expand (bool): If true return full run objects, not just a summary
links to the run objects
If ``expand=False`` you can request the full objects for each run by calling
`get_details` with the returned run summary object as argument.
``expand=False`` is much faster if no further details are needed but
getting the details in a separate step for many many runs will be slow
so depending on how many runs are selected one or the other may be
req = self._session.get(f'{self.URL}/rest/v1/runs/', params=search_params)
return self._pagination(req)
[docs] def get_details(self, run_summary):
Return details for a run summary object returned from `get_run_info`
if ``expand`` was not set to True
run_summary: a run summary object returned from `get_run_info`
# Get the url object
req = self._session.get(run_summary['url'])
# Raise an exception in case of any error
# And return the json object
return req.json()