Source code for simulation

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from basf2 import *
from geometry import check_components
from ROOT import Belle2
from pxd import add_pxd_simulation
from svd import add_svd_simulation
from svd import add_svd_reconstruction
from tracking import add_tracking_for_PXDDataReduction_simulation

[docs]def check_simulation(path): """Check if the minimum number of modules required for simulation are in the path and in the correct order""" required = ['Gearbox', 'Geometry', 'FullSim'] found = [] # make a list of all required modules in the path for module in path.modules(): module_type = module.type() # if required add to list of found modules if module_type in required: # unless it is already in there if module_type in found: B2ERROR("Duplicate module in path: %s" % module_type) else: found.append(module.type()) if len(required) != len(found): # Apparently at least one module is missing for r in required: if r not in found: B2ERROR("No '%s' module found but needed for simulation" % r) # We have all modules but do they have the correct order? elif required != found: B2ERROR("Simulation modules in wrong order. Should be '%s' but is '%s'" % (", ".join(required), ", ".join(found)))
[docs]def add_PXDDataReduction(path, components, pxd_unfiltered_digits='pxd_unfiltered_digits', doCleanup=True, overrideDB=False, usePXDDataReduction=True): """ This function adds the standard simulation modules to a path. @param pxd_unfiltered_digits: the name of the StoreArray containing the input PXDDigits @param overrideDB: override settings from the DB with the value set in 'usePXDDataReduction' @param usePXDDataReduction: if 'overrideDB==True', override settings from the DB @param doCleanup: if 'doCleanup=True' temporary datastore objects are emptied """ # SVD reconstruction svd_cluster = '__ROIsvdClusters' add_svd_reconstruction(path, isROIsimulation=True) # SVD tracking svd_reco_tracks = '__ROIsvdRecoTracks' add_tracking_for_PXDDataReduction_simulation(path, components, svd_cluster='__ROIsvdClusters') add_roiFinder(path, svd_reco_tracks) # Filtering of PXDDigits pxd_digifilter = register_module('PXDdigiFilter') pxd_digifilter.param('ROIidsName', 'ROIs') pxd_digifilter.param('PXDDigitsName', pxd_unfiltered_digits) pxd_digifilter.param('PXDDigitsInsideROIName', 'PXDDigits') pxd_digifilter.param('overrideDB', overrideDB) pxd_digifilter.param('usePXDDataReduction', usePXDDataReduction) # only used for overrideDB=True path.add_module(pxd_digifilter) # empty the StoreArrays which were used for the PXDDatareduction as those are not needed anymore if doCleanup: datastore_cleaner = register_module('PruneDataStore') datastore_cleaner.param('keepMatchedEntries', False) datastore_cleaner.param('matchEntries', ['ROIs', '__ROIsvdRecoDigits', '__ROIsvdClusters', '__ROIsvdRecoTracks', 'SPTrackCands__ROI', 'SpacePoints__ROI', pxd_unfiltered_digits, # till here it are StoreArrays, the following are relations and Datastore objects 'SegmentNetwork__ROI', 'PXDInterceptsToROIs', 'RecoHitInformationsTo__ROIsvdClusters', 'SpacePoints__ROITo__ROIsvdClusters', '__ROIsvdClustersToMCParticles', '__ROIsvdRecoDigitsToMCParticles', '__ROIsvdClustersTo__ROIsvdRecoDigits', '__ROIsvdClustersToSVDTrueHits', '__ROIsvdClustersTo__ROIsvdRecoTracks', '__ROIsvdRecoTracksToPXDIntercepts', '__ROIsvdRecoTracksToRecoHitInformations', '__ROIsvdRecoTracksToSPTrackCands__ROI']) path.add_module(datastore_cleaner)
[docs]def add_roiFinder(path, reco_tracks): """ Add the ROI finding to the path creating ROIs out of reco tracks by extrapolating them to the PXD volume. :param path: Where to add the module to. :param reco_tracks: Which tracks to use in the extrapolation step. """ pxdDataRed = register_module('PXDROIFinder') param_pxdDataRed = { 'recoTrackListName': reco_tracks, 'PXDInterceptListName': 'PXDIntercepts', 'ROIListName': 'ROIs', 'tolerancePhi': 0.15, 'toleranceZ': 0.5, 'sigmaSystU': 0.02, 'sigmaSystV': 0.02, 'numSigmaTotU': 10, 'numSigmaTotV': 10, 'maxWidthU': 0.5, 'maxWidthV': 0.5, } pxdDataRed.param(param_pxdDataRed) path.add_module(pxdDataRed)
[docs]def add_simulation( path, components=None, bkgfiles=None, bkgOverlay=True, forceSetPXDDataReduction=False, usePXDDataReduction=True, cleanupPXDDataReduction=True, generate_2nd_cdc_hits=False, simulateT0jitter=False, usePXDGatedMode=False): """ This function adds the standard simulation modules to a path. @param forceSetPXDDataReduction: override settings from the DB with the value set in 'usePXDDataReduction' @param usePXDDataReduction: if 'forceSetPXDDataReduction==True', override settings from the DB @param cleanupPXDDataReduction: if True the datastore objects used by PXDDataReduction are emptied """ # Check compoments. check_components(components) # background mixing or overlay input before process forking if bkgfiles is not None: if bkgOverlay: bkginput = register_module('BGOverlayInput') bkginput.param('inputFileNames', bkgfiles) path.add_module(bkginput) else: bkgmixer = register_module('BeamBkgMixer') bkgmixer.param('backgroundFiles', bkgfiles) if components: bkgmixer.param('components', components) path.add_module(bkgmixer) if usePXDGatedMode: if components is None or 'PXD' in components: # PXD is sensitive to hits in intervall -20us to +20us bkgmixer.param('minTimePXD', -20000.0) bkgmixer.param('maxTimePXD', 20000.0) # Emulate injection vetos for PXD pxd_veto_emulator = register_module('PXDInjectionVetoEmulator') path.add_module(pxd_veto_emulator) # geometry parameter database if 'Gearbox' not in path: gearbox = register_module('Gearbox') path.add_module(gearbox) # detector geometry if 'Geometry' not in path: path.add_module('Geometry', useDB=True) if components is not None: B2WARNING("Custom detector components specified: Will still build full geometry") # event T0 jitter simulation if simulateT0jitter and 'EventT0Generator' not in path: eventt0 = register_module('EventT0Generator') path.add_module(eventt0) # detector simulation if 'FullSim' not in path: g4sim = register_module('FullSim') path.add_module(g4sim) check_simulation(path) # no checks are performed for BeamBkgMixer and the Digitizers as they are # not necessary for running simulation jobs and it should be possible to # have them in the path more than once # SVD digitization if components is None or 'SVD' in components: add_svd_simulation(path) # CDC digitization if components is None or 'CDC' in components: cdc_digitizer = register_module('CDCDigitizer') cdc_digitizer.param("Output2ndHit", generate_2nd_cdc_hits) path.add_module(cdc_digitizer) # PXD digitization pxd_digits_name = '' if components is None or 'PXD' in components: if forceSetPXDDataReduction: if usePXDDataReduction: pxd_digits_name = 'pxd_unfiltered_digits' add_pxd_simulation(path, digitsName=pxd_digits_name) else: # use DB conditional module to decide whether ROI finding should be activated path_disableROI_Sim = create_path() path_enableROI_Sim = create_path() add_pxd_simulation(path_disableROI_Sim, digitsName='PXDDigits') add_pxd_simulation(path_enableROI_Sim, digitsName='pxd_unfiltered_digits') roi_condition_module_Sim = path.add_module("ROIfindingConditionFromDB") roi_condition_module_Sim.if_true(path_enableROI_Sim, AfterConditionPath.CONTINUE) roi_condition_module_Sim.if_false(path_disableROI_Sim, AfterConditionPath.CONTINUE) # TOP digitization if components is None or 'TOP' in components: top_digitizer = register_module('TOPDigitizer') path.add_module(top_digitizer) # ARICH digitization if components is None or 'ARICH' in components: arich_digitizer = register_module('ARICHDigitizer') path.add_module(arich_digitizer) # ECL digitization if components is None or 'ECL' in components: ecl_digitizer = register_module('ECLDigitizer') if bkgfiles is not None: ecl_digitizer.param('Background', 1) path.add_module(ecl_digitizer) # KLM digitization if components is None or 'KLM' in components: klm_digitizer = register_module('KLMDigitizer') path.add_module(klm_digitizer) # background overlay executor - after all digitizers if bkgfiles is not None and bkgOverlay: if forceSetPXDDataReduction: path.add_module('BGOverlayExecutor', PXDDigitsName=pxd_digits_name) if components is None or 'PXD' in components: path.add_module("PXDDigitSorter", digits=pxd_digits_name) # sort SVDShaperDigits before PXD data reduction if components is None or 'SVD' in components: path.add_module("SVDShaperDigitSorter") else: path_disableROI_Bkg = create_path() path_enableROI_Bkg = create_path() path_disableROI_Bkg.add_module('BGOverlayExecutor', PXDDigitsName='PXDDigits') if components is None or 'PXD' in components: path_disableROI_Bkg.add_module("PXDDigitSorter", digits='PXDDigits') if components is None or 'SVD' in components: path_disableROI_Bkg.add_module("SVDShaperDigitSorter") path_enableROI_Bkg.add_module('BGOverlayExecutor', PXDDigitsName='pxd_unfiltered_digits') if components is None or 'PXD' in components: path_enableROI_Bkg.add_module("PXDDigitSorter", digits='pxd_unfiltered_digits') if components is None or 'SVD' in components: path_enableROI_Bkg.add_module("SVDShaperDigitSorter") roi_condition_module_Bkg = path.add_module("ROIfindingConditionFromDB") roi_condition_module_Bkg.if_true(path_enableROI_Bkg, AfterConditionPath.CONTINUE) roi_condition_module_Bkg.if_false(path_disableROI_Bkg, AfterConditionPath.CONTINUE) # PXD data reduction - after background overlay executor if components is None or 'PXD' in components: if forceSetPXDDataReduction: if usePXDDataReduction: add_PXDDataReduction(path, components, pxd_digits_name, doCleanup=cleanupPXDDataReduction, overrideDB=forceSetPXDDataReduction, usePXDDataReduction=usePXDDataReduction) else: path_enableROI_Red = create_path() add_PXDDataReduction( path_enableROI_Red, components, pxd_unfiltered_digits='pxd_unfiltered_digits', doCleanup=cleanupPXDDataReduction) roi_condition_module_Red = path.add_module("ROIfindingConditionFromDB") roi_condition_module_Red.if_true(path_enableROI_Red, AfterConditionPath.CONTINUE) # statistics summary path.add_module('StatisticsSummary').set_name('Sum_Simulation')