Source code for skim.btocharm

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

List of functions to skim events containing :math:`B\\to X_c + h` decays,
where :math:`X_c` stays for :math:`D^0`, :math:`D^{\\pm}`, :math:`D^{*0}` and :math:`D^{*\\pm}`,
and :math:`h` stays for :math:`\\pi^{\\pm}`, :math:`K^{\\pm}`, :math:`\\rho^{\\pm}` and :math:`a_1^{\\pm}`.

__authors__ = [
    "Fernando Abudinen",
    "Hulya Atmacan",
    "Chiara La Licata",
    "Minakshi Nayak",
    "Niharika Rout"

import modularAnalysis as ma
from skim.standardlists.charm import (loadD0_hh_loose, loadD0_Kshh_loose,
                                      loadD0_Kspi0_loose, loadD0_Kspipipi0,
                                      loadKForBtoHadrons, loadPiForBtoHadrons,
                                      loadStdD0_Kpi, loadStdD0_Kpipi0,
                                      loadStdD0_Kpipipi, loadStdDplus_Kpipi,
from skim.standardlists.lightmesons import (loadStdAllRhoPlus,
from skim.standardlists.charmless import (loadStdPi0ForBToCharmless,
from skimExpertFunctions import BaseSkim, fancy_skim_header
from stdCharged import stdK, stdPi
from stdPi0s import stdPi0s
from stdV0s import stdKshorts

__liaison__ = "Yi Zhang <>"

[docs]@fancy_skim_header class BtoD0h_Kspi0(BaseSkim): """ Reconstructed decay modes: * :math:`B^{+}\\to \\overline{D}^{0} (\\to K_{\\rm S}^0 \\pi^0) \\pi^+`, * :math:`B^{+}\\to \\overline{D}^{0} (\\to K_{\\rm S}^0 \\pi^0) K^+`, Cuts applied: * ``1.5 < M_D0 < 2.2`` * ``5.2 < Mbc`` * ``abs(deltaE) < 0.3`` Note: This skim uses `skim.standardlists.charm.loadD0_Kspi0_loose`, where :math:`D^0` channels are defined. """ __authors__ = ["Minakshi Nayak"] __description__ = "" __contact__ = __liaison__ __category__ = "physics, hadronic B to charm" ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path): stdK("all", path=path) stdPi("all", path=path) stdKshorts(path=path) loadStdPi0ForBToHadrons(path=path) loadD0_Kspi0_loose(path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path): Bcuts = "Mbc > 5.2 and abs(deltaE) < 0.3" BsigChannels = ["anti-D0:Kspi0 pi+:all", "anti-D0:Kspi0 K+:all"] BsigList = [] for chID, channel in enumerate(BsigChannels): ma.reconstructDecay("B+:BtoD0h_Kspi0" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, Bcuts, chID, path=path) BsigList.append("B+:BtoD0h_Kspi0" + str(chID)) self.SkimLists = BsigList
[docs] def validation_histograms(self, path): ma.reconstructDecay('D0 -> K_S0:merged pi0:veryLooseFit', '1.84 < M < 1.89', path=path) ma.reconstructDecay('B-:ch3 ->D0 K-:all', '5.24 < Mbc < 5.3 and abs(deltaE) < 0.15', path=path) # the variables that are printed out are: Mbc, deltaE and the daughter particle invariant masses. ma.variablesToHistogram( filename='BtoDh_Kspi0_Validation.root', decayString='B-:ch3', variables=[ ('Mbc', 100, 5.2, 5.3), ('deltaE', 100, -1, 1), ('daughter(0, InvM)', 100, 1.8, 1.9)], # D0 invariant mass variables_2d=[ ('Mbc', 50, 5.23, 5.31, 'deltaE', 50, -0.7, 0.7)], path=path)
[docs]@fancy_skim_header class BtoD0h_Kspipipi0(BaseSkim): """ Reconstructed decay modes: * :math:`B^{+}\\to \\overline{D}^{0} (\\to K_{\\rm S}^0 \\pi^+ \\pi^- \\pi^0) \\pi^+`, * :math:`B^{+}\\to \\overline{D}^{0} (\\to K_{\\rm S}^0 \\pi^+ \\pi^- \\pi^0) K^+`, Cuts applied: * ``1.8 < M_D0 < 1.9`` * ``5.25 < Mbc`` * ``abs(deltaE) < 0.2`` Note: This skim uses `skim.standardlists.charm.loadD0_Kspipipi0`, where :math:`D^0` channels are defined. """ __authors__ = ["Niharika Rout"] __description__ = "" __contact__ = __liaison__ __category__ = "physics, hadronic B to charm" ApplyHLTHadronCut = True produce_on_tau_samples = False # retention is very close to zero on taupair
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path): stdK("all", path=path) stdPi("all", path=path) stdPi0s("eff40_Jan2020Fit", path=path) stdKshorts(path=path) loadStdPi0ForBToHadrons(path=path) loadPiForBtoHadrons(path=path) loadD0_Kspipipi0(path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path): Bcuts = "Mbc > 5.25 and abs(deltaE) < 0.2" BsigChannels = ["anti-D0:Kspipipi0 pi+:all", "anti-D0:Kspipipi0 K+:all" ] BsigList = [] for chID, channel in enumerate(BsigChannels): ma.reconstructDecay("B+:BtoD0h_Kspipipi0" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, Bcuts, chID, path=path) BsigList.append("B+:BtoD0h_Kspipipi0" + str(chID)) self.SkimLists = BsigList
[docs] def validation_histograms(self, path): ma.reconstructDecay('D0 -> K_S0:merged pi-:all pi+:all pi0:eff40_Jan2020Fit', '1.84 < M < 1.89', path=path) ma.reconstructDecay('B-:ch3 ->D0 K-:all', '5.24 < Mbc < 5.3 and abs(deltaE) < 0.15', path=path) # the variables that are printed out are: Mbc, deltaE and the daughter particle invariant masses. ma.variablesToHistogram( filename='BtoDh_Kspipipi0_Validation.root', decayString='B-:ch3', variables=[ ('Mbc', 100, 5.2, 5.3), ('deltaE', 100, -1, 1), ('daughter(0, InvM)', 100, 1.8, 1.9)], # D0 invariant mass variables_2d=[ ('Mbc', 50, 5.23, 5.31, 'deltaE', 50, -0.7, 0.7)], path=path)
[docs]@fancy_skim_header class B0toDpi_Kpipi(BaseSkim): """ Reconstructed decay modes: * :math:`B^{0}\\to D^{-} (D^{0} \\to K^+ \\pi^- \\pi^-) \\pi^+` Cuts applied: * ``Mbc > 5.2`` * ``abs(deltaE) < 0.3`` Note: This skim uses `skim.standardlists.charm.loadStdDplus_Kpipi`, where :math:`D^-` channel is defined. """ __authors__ = ["Chiara La Licata"] __description__ = "" __contact__ = __liaison__ __category__ = "physics, hadronic B to charm" ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path): loadPiForBtoHadrons(path=path) loadKForBtoHadrons(path=path) loadStdDplus_Kpipi(path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path): Bcuts = "5.2 < Mbc and abs(deltaE) < 0.3" ma.reconstructDecay("B0:Dpi_Kpipi -> D-:Kpipi pi+:GoodTrack", Bcuts, 0, path=path) self.SkimLists = ["B0:Dpi_Kpipi"]
[docs]@fancy_skim_header class B0toDpi_Kspi(BaseSkim): """ Reconstructed decay modes: * :math:`B^{0}\\to D^{-} (\\to K_{\\rm S}^0 \\pi^-) \\pi^+`, Cuts applied: * ``1.8 < M_D < 1.9`` * ``Mbc > 5.2`` * ``abs(deltaE) < 0.3`` Note: This skim uses `stdV0s.stdKshorts` and `skim.standardlists.charm.loadStdDplus_Kpipi`, where :math:`D^0` channels are defined. """ __authors__ = ["Fernando Abudinen", "Chiara La Licata"] __description__ = "" __contact__ = __liaison__ __category__ = "physics, hadronic B to charm" ApplyHLTHadronCut = True produce_on_tau_samples = False # retention is very close to zero on taupair
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path): stdKshorts(path=path) loadStdPi0ForBToHadrons(path=path) loadPiForBtoHadrons(path=path) loadStdDplus_Kspi(path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path): Bcuts = "Mbc > 5.2 and abs(deltaE) < 0.3" ma.reconstructDecay("B0:B0toDpi_Kspi -> D-:Kspi pi+:GoodTrack", Bcuts, 1, path=path) self.SkimLists = ["B0:B0toDpi_Kspi"]
[docs]@fancy_skim_header class B0toDstarPi_D0pi_Kpi(BaseSkim): """ Reconstructed decay modes: * :math:`B^{0}\\to D^{*-} (D^{0} \\to K^+ \\pi^-) \\pi^+` Cuts applied: * ``Mbc > 5.2`` * ``abs(deltaE) < 0.3`` Note: This skim uses `skim.standardlists.charm.loadStdDstarPlus_D0pi_Kpi`, where the :math:`D^{*-}` channel is defined. """ __authors__ = ["Chiara La Licata"] __description__ = "" __contact__ = __liaison__ __category__ = "physics, hadronic B to charm" ApplyHLTHadronCut = True produce_on_tau_samples = False # retention is very close to zero on taupair
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path): loadPiForBtoHadrons(path=path) loadKForBtoHadrons(path=path) loadStdD0_Kpi(path=path) loadStdDstarPlus_D0pi_Kpi(path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path): Bcuts = "5.2 < Mbc and abs(deltaE) < 0.3" ma.reconstructDecay("B0:Dstarpi_Kpi -> D*-:D0_Kpi pi+:GoodTrack", Bcuts, 0, path=path) self.SkimLists = ["B0:Dstarpi_Kpi"]
[docs]@fancy_skim_header class B0toDstarPi_D0pi_Kpipipi_Kpipi0(BaseSkim): """ Reconstructed decay modes: * :math:`B^{0}\\to \\overline{D}^{*-} (\\to \\overline{D}^{0} (\\to K^+ \\pi^- \\pi^- \\pi^+, K^+\\pi^-\\pi^0) \\pi^-) \\pi^+` Cuts applied: * ``Mbc > 5.2`` * ``abs(deltaE) < 0.3`` """ __authors__ = ["Chiara La Licata"] __description__ = "" __contact__ = __liaison__ __category__ = "physics, hadronic B to charm" ApplyHLTHadronCut = True produce_on_tau_samples = False # retention is very close to zero on taupair
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path): loadStdPi0ForBToHadrons(path=path) loadPiForBtoHadrons(path=path) loadKForBtoHadrons(path=path) loadStdD0_Kpipi0(path=path) loadStdD0_Kpipipi(path=path) loadStdDstarPlus_D0pi_Kpipi0(path=path) loadStdDstarPlus_D0pi_Kpipipi(path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path): Bcuts = "5.2 < Mbc and abs(deltaE) < 0.3" BsigChannels = [ "D*-:D0_Kpipipi pi+:GoodTrack", "D*-:D0_Kpipi0 pi+:GoodTrack" ] BsigList = [] for chID, channel in enumerate(BsigChannels): ma.reconstructDecay("B0:Dstarpi_Kpipipi_Kpipi0" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, Bcuts, chID, path=path) BsigList.append("B0:Dstarpi_Kpipipi_Kpipi0" + str(chID)) self.SkimLists = BsigList
[docs]@fancy_skim_header class B0toDrho_Kpipi(BaseSkim): """ Reconstructed decay modes: * :math:`B^{0}\\to D^{-} (\\to K^+ \\pi^- \\pi^-) \\rho^+`, Cuts applied: * ``1.8 < M_D < 1.9`` * ``0.47 < M_rho < 1.07`` * ``Mbc > 5.2`` * ``abs(deltaE) < 0.3`` Note: This skim uses `skim.standardlists.charm.loadStdDplus_Kpipi`, where :math:`D^0` channels are defined, and `skim.standardlists.lightmesons.loadStdAllRhoPlus`. """ __authors__ = ["Fernando Abudinen"] __description__ = "" __contact__ = __liaison__ __category__ = "physics, hadronic B to charm" ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path): stdPi("all", path=path) loadPiForBtoHadrons(path=path) loadKForBtoHadrons(path=path) loadStdDplus_Kpipi(path=path) loadStdPi0ForBToHadrons(path=path) loadStdAllRhoPlus(path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path): Bcuts = "Mbc > 5.2 and abs(deltaE) < 0.3" ma.reconstructDecay("B0:B0toDrho_Kpipi -> D-:Kpipi rho+:all", Bcuts, 1, path=path) self.SkimLists = ["B0:B0toDrho_Kpipi"]
[docs]@fancy_skim_header class B0toDrho_Kspi(BaseSkim): """ Reconstructed decay modes: * :math:`B^{0}\\to D^{-} (\\to K_{\\rm S}^0 \\pi^-) \\rho^+`, Cuts applied: * ``1.8 < M_D < 1.9`` * ``0.47 < M_rho < 1.07`` * ``Mbc > 5.2`` * ``abs(deltaE) < 0.3`` Note: This skim uses `stdV0s.stdKshorts` and `skim.standardlists.charm.loadStdDplus_Kspi`, where :math:`D^0` channels are defined, and `skim.standardlists.lightmesons.loadStdAllRhoPlus`. """ __authors__ = ["Fernando Abudinen"] __description__ = "" __contact__ = __liaison__ __category__ = "physics, hadronic B to charm" ApplyHLTHadronCut = True produce_on_tau_samples = False # retention is very close to zero on taupair
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path): stdPi("all", path=path) stdKshorts(path=path) loadPiForBtoHadrons(path=path) loadStdDplus_Kspi(path=path) loadStdPi0ForBToHadrons(path=path) loadStdAllRhoPlus(path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path): Bcuts = "Mbc > 5.2 and abs(deltaE) < 0.3" ma.reconstructDecay("B0:B0toDrho_Kspi -> D-:Kspi rho+:all", Bcuts, 1, path=path) self.SkimLists = ["B0:B0toDrho_Kspi"]
[docs]@fancy_skim_header class B0toDstarRho_D0pi_Kpi(BaseSkim): """ Reconstructed decay modes: * :math:`B^{0}\\to D^{*-} (\\to \\overline{D}^{0} (\\to K^+ \\pi^-) \\pi^-) \\rho^+`, Cuts applied: * ``1.7 < M_D < 2.0`` * ``0.47 < M_rho < 1.07`` * ``DM_Dstar_D < 0.16`` * ``Mbc > 5.2`` * ``abs(deltaE) < 0.3`` Note: This skim uses `skim.standardlists.charm.loadStdD0_Kpi` and `skim.standardlists.charm.loadStdDstarPlus_D0pi_Kpi` where :math:`D^0` channels are defined, and `skim.standardlists.lightmesons.loadStdAllRhoPlus`. """ __authors__ = ["Fernando Abudinen"] __description__ = "" __contact__ = __liaison__ __category__ = "physics, hadronic B to charm" ApplyHLTHadronCut = True produce_on_tau_samples = False # retention is very close to zero on taupair
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path): stdPi("all", path=path) loadStdPi0ForBToHadrons(path=path) loadStdAllRhoPlus(path=path) loadPiForBtoHadrons(path=path) loadKForBtoHadrons(path=path) loadStdD0_Kpi(path=path) loadStdDstarPlus_D0pi_Kpi(path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path): Bcuts = "Mbc > 5.2 and abs(deltaE) < 0.3" ma.reconstructDecay("B0:BtoDstarRho_D0pi_Kpi -> D*-:D0_Kpi rho+:all", Bcuts, 1, path=path) self.SkimLists = ["B0:BtoDstarRho_D0pi_Kpi"]
[docs]@fancy_skim_header class B0toDstarRho_D0pi_Kpipipi_Kpipi0(BaseSkim): """ Reconstructed decay modes: * :math:`B^{0}\\to D^{*-} (\\to \\overline{D}^{0} (\\to K^+2\\pi^-\\pi^+, K^+\\pi^-\\pi^0)\\pi^-) \\rho^+`, Cuts applied: * ``1.7 < M_D < 2.0`` * ``0.47 < M_rho < 1.07`` * ``DM_Dstar_D < 0.16`` * ``Mbc > 5.2`` * ``abs(deltaE) < 0.3`` Note: This skim uses `skim.standardlists.charm.loadStdD0_Kpipi0`, `skim.standardlists.charm.loadStdD0_Kpipipi`, `skim.standardlists.charm.loadStdDstarPlus_D0pi_Kpipi0` and `skim.standardlists.charm.loadStdDstarPlus_D0pi_Kpipipi` where :math:`D^0` channels are defined, and `skim.standardlists.lightmesons.loadStdAllRhoPlus`. """ __authors__ = ["Fernando Abudinen"] __description__ = "" __contact__ = __liaison__ __category__ = "physics, hadronic B to charm" ApplyHLTHadronCut = True produce_on_tau_samples = False # retention is very close to zero on taupair
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path): stdPi("all", path=path) loadStdPi0ForBToHadrons(path=path) loadStdAllRhoPlus(path=path) loadPiForBtoHadrons(path=path) loadKForBtoHadrons(path=path) loadStdD0_Kpipi0(path=path) loadStdD0_Kpipipi(path=path) loadStdDstarPlus_D0pi_Kpipi0(path=path) loadStdDstarPlus_D0pi_Kpipipi(path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path): Bcuts = "Mbc > 5.2 and abs(deltaE) < 0.3" BsigChannels = [ "D*-:D0_Kpipipi rho+:all", "D*-:D0_Kpipi0 rho+:all", ] BsigList = [] for chID, channel in enumerate(BsigChannels): ma.reconstructDecay("B+:B0toDstarRho" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, Bcuts, chID, path=path, allowChargeViolation=True) BsigList.append("B+:B0toDstarRho" + str(chID)) self.SkimLists = BsigList
[docs]@fancy_skim_header class BtoD0h_hh(BaseSkim): """ Skim list definitions for all charged B to charm 2 body decays. Reconstructed decay modes: * :math:`B^{+}\\to \\overline{D}^{0} (\\to K^+ \\pi^-) \\pi^+`, * :math:`B^{+}\\to \\overline{D}^{0} (\\to K^- \\pi^+) \\pi^+`, * :math:`B^{+}\\to \\overline{D}^{0} (\\to \\pi^+ \\pi^-) \\pi^+`, * :math:`B^{+}\\to \\overline{D}^{0} (\\to K^+ K^-) \\pi^+`, * :math:`B^{+}\\to \\overline{D}^{0} (\\to K^+ \\pi^-) K^+`, * :math:`B^{+}\\to \\overline{D}^{0} (\\to K^- \\pi^+) K^+`, * :math:`B^{+}\\to \\overline{D}^{0} (\\to \\pi^+ \\pi^-) K^+`, * :math:`B^{+}\\to \\overline{D}^{0} (\\to K^+ K^-) K^+`, Cuts applied: * ``1.5 < M_D0 < 2.2`` * ``5.2 < Mbc`` * ``abs(deltaE) < 0.3`` Note: This skim uses `skim.standardlists.charm.loadD0_hh_loose`, where :math:`D^0` channels are defined. """ __authors__ = ["Hulya Atmacan"] __description__ = "" __contact__ = __liaison__ __category__ = "physics, hadronic B to charm" ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path): loadPiForBtoHadrons(path=path) loadKForBtoHadrons(path=path) loadD0_hh_loose(path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path): Bcuts = "Mbc > 5.2 and abs(deltaE) < 0.3" BsigChannels = [ "anti-D0:hh pi+:GoodTrack", "anti-D0:hh K+:GoodTrack" ] BsigList = [] for chID, channel in enumerate(BsigChannels): ma.reconstructDecay("B+:BtoD0h_hh" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, Bcuts, chID, path=path) BsigList.append("B+:BtoD0h_hh" + str(chID)) self.SkimLists = BsigList
[docs] def validation_histograms(self, path): ma.reconstructDecay('D0 -> K-:GoodTrack pi+:GoodTrack', '1.84 < M < 1.89', path=path) ma.reconstructDecay('B-:ch3 ->D0 K-:GoodTrack', '5.24 < Mbc < 5.3 and abs(deltaE) < 0.15', path=path) # the variables that are printed out are: Mbc, deltaE and the daughter particle invariant masses. ma.variablesToHistogram( filename='BtoDh_hh_Validation.root', decayString='B-:ch3', variables=[ ('Mbc', 100, 5.2, 5.3), ('deltaE', 100, -1, 1), ('daughter(0, InvM)', 100, 1.8, 1.9)], # D0 invariant mass variables_2d=[ ('Mbc', 50, 5.23, 5.31, 'deltaE', 50, -0.7, 0.7)], path=path)
[docs]@fancy_skim_header class BtoD0h_Kpi(BaseSkim): """ Skim list definitions for all charged B to charm 3 body decays. Reconstructed decay modes: * :math:`B^{+}\\to \\overline{D}^{0} (\\to K^+ \\pi^-) \\pi^+`, * :math:`B^{+}\\to \\overline{D}^{0} (\\to K^+ \\pi^-) K^+`, Cuts applied: * ``1.7 < M_D0 < 2.0`` * ``Mbc > 5.2`` * ``abs(deltaE) < 0.5`` Note: This skim uses `skim.standardlists.charm.loadStdD0_Kpi`, where :math:`D^0` channels are defined. """ __authors__ = ["Niharika Rout"] __description__ = "" __contact__ = __liaison__ __category__ = "physics, hadronic B to charm" ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path): loadPiForBtoHadrons(path=path) loadKForBtoHadrons(path=path) loadStdD0_Kpi(path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path): Bcuts = "Mbc > 5.2 and abs(deltaE) < 0.5" BsigChannels = ["anti-D0:Kpi pi+:GoodTrack", "anti-D0:Kpi K+:GoodTrack" ] BsigList = [] for chID, channel in enumerate(BsigChannels): ma.reconstructDecay("B+:BtoD0h_Kpi" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, Bcuts, chID, path=path) BsigList.append("B+:BtoD0h_Kpi" + str(chID)) self.SkimLists = BsigList
[docs]@fancy_skim_header class BtoD0h_Kpipipi_Kpipi0(BaseSkim): """ Reconstructed decay modes: * :math:`B^{+}\\to \\overline{D}^{0} (\\to K^+ pi^- pi^- pi^+, \\to K^+ pi^- pi^0) \\pi^+`, * :math:`B^{+}\\to \\overline{D}^{0} (\\to K^+ pi^- pi^- pi^+, \\to K^+ pi^- pi^0) K^+`, * :math:`B^{+}\\to \\overline{D}^{*0} (\\to \\overline{D}^{0} (\\to K^+2\\pi^-\\pi^+, K^+\\pi^-\\pi^0) \\pi^0) \\pi^+` * :math:`B^{+}\\to \\overline{D}^{*0} (\\to \\overline{D}^{0} (\\to K^+2\\pi^-\\pi^+, K^+\\pi^-\\pi^0) \\pi^0) \\K^+` Cuts applied: * ``1.7 < M_D0 < 2.0`` * ``Mbc > 5.2`` * ``abs(deltaE) < 0.3`` Note: This skim uses `skim.standardlists.charm.loadStdD0_Kpipipi` and `skim.standardlists.charm.loadStdD0_Kpipi0`, where :math:`D^0` channels are defined. """ __authors__ = ["Chiara La Licata"] __description__ = "" __contact__ = __liaison__ __category__ = "physics, hadronic B to charm" ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path): loadStdPi0ForBToHadrons(path=path) loadPiForBtoHadrons(path=path) loadKForBtoHadrons(path=path) loadStdD0_Kpipi0(path=path) loadStdD0_Kpipipi(path=path) loadStdDstar0_D0pi0_Kpipipi(path=path) loadStdDstar0_D0pi0_Kpipi0(path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path): Bcuts = "Mbc > 5.2 and abs(deltaE) < 0.3" BsigChannels = ["anti-D0:Kpipipi pi+:GoodTrack", "anti-D0:Kpipipi K+:GoodTrack", "anti-D0:Kpipi0 pi+:GoodTrack", "anti-D0:Kpipi0 K+:GoodTrack", "anti-D*0:D0_Kpipipi pi+:GoodTrack", "anti-D*0:D0_Kpipipi K+:GoodTrack", "anti-D*0:D0_Kpipi0 pi+:GoodTrack", "anti-D*0:D0_Kpipi0 K+:GoodTrack" ] BsigList = [] for chID, channel in enumerate(BsigChannels): ma.reconstructDecay("B+:BtoD0h_Khh_Khpi0" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, Bcuts, chID, path=path) BsigList.append("B+:BtoD0h_Khh_Khpi0" + str(chID)) ma.copyLists(outputListName="B+:BtoD0h_merged", inputListNames=BsigList, path=path) # Select only three random candidates ma.rankByHighest(particleList="B+:BtoD0h_merged", variable="cos(mdstIndex)", numBest=3, outputVariable="cosMdstIndex_rank", path=path) self.SkimLists = ["B+:BtoD0h_merged"]
[docs]@fancy_skim_header class BtoD0h_Kshh(BaseSkim): """ Reconstructed decay modes: * :math:`B^{+}\\to \\overline{D}^{0} (\\to K_{\\rm S}^0 K^+ \\pi^-) \\pi^+`, * :math:`B^{+}\\to \\overline{D}^{0} (\\to K_{\\rm S}^0 K^- \\pi^+) \\pi^+`, * :math:`B^{+}\\to \\overline{D}^{0} (\\to K_{\\rm S}^0 \\pi^+ \\pi^-) \\pi^+`, * :math:`B^{+}\\to \\overline{D}^{0} (\\to K_{\\rm S}^0 K^+ K^-) \\pi^+`, * :math:`B^{+}\\to \\overline{D}^{0} (\\to K_{\\rm S}^0 K^+ \\pi^-) K^+`, * :math:`B^{+}\\to \\overline{D}^{0} (\\to K_{\\rm S}^0 K^- \\pi^+) K^+`, * :math:`B^{+}\\to \\overline{D}^{0} (\\to K_{\\rm S}^0 \\pi^+ \\pi^-) K^+`, * :math:`B^{+}\\to \\overline{D}^{0} (\\to K_{\\rm S}^0 K^+ K^-) K^+`, Cuts applied: * ``1.5 < M_D0 < 2.2`` * ``5.2 < Mbc`` * ``abs(deltaE) < 0.3`` Note: This skim uses `skim.standardlists.charm.loadD0_Kshh_loose`, where :math:`D^0` channels are defined. """ __authors__ = ["Minakshi Nayak"] __description__ = "" __contact__ = __liaison__ __category__ = "physics, hadronic B to charm" ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path): stdKshorts(path=path) loadPiForBtoHadrons(path=path) loadKForBtoHadrons(path=path) loadD0_Kshh_loose(path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path): Bcuts = "Mbc > 5.2 and abs(deltaE) < 0.3" BsigChannels = ["anti-D0:Kshh pi+:GoodTrack", "anti-D0:Kshh K+:GoodTrack" ] BsigList = [] for chID, channel in enumerate(BsigChannels): ma.reconstructDecay("B+:BtoD0h_Kshh" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, Bcuts, chID, path=path) BsigList.append("B+:BtoD0h_Kshh" + str(chID)) self.SkimLists = BsigList
[docs] def validation_histograms(self, path): ma.reconstructDecay('D0 -> K_S0:merged pi+:GoodTrack pi-:GoodTrack', '1.84 < M < 1.89', path=path) ma.reconstructDecay('B-:ch3 ->D0 K-:GoodTrack', '5.24 < Mbc < 5.3 and abs(deltaE) < 0.15', path=path) # the variables that are printed out are: Mbc, deltaE and the daughter particle invariant masses. ma.variablesToHistogram( filename='BtoDh_Kshh_Validation.root', decayString='B-:ch3', variables=[ ('Mbc', 100, 5.2, 5.3), ('deltaE', 100, -1, 1), ('daughter(0, InvM)', 100, 1.8, 1.9)], # D0 invariant mass variables_2d=[ ('Mbc', 50, 5.23, 5.31, 'deltaE', 50, -0.7, 0.7)], path=path)
[docs]@fancy_skim_header class BtoD0rho_Kpi(BaseSkim): """ Reconstructed decay modes: * :math:`B^{+}\\to \\overline{D}^{0} (\\to K^+ \\pi^-) \\rho^+`, * :math:`B^{+}\\to \\overline{D}^{*0} (\\to \\overline{D}^{0} (\\to K^+ \\pi^-) \\pi^0) \\rho^+`, Cuts applied: * ``1.7 < M_D0 < 2.0`` * ``0.47 < M_rho < 1.07`` * ``DM_Dstar_D < 0.16`` * ``Mbc > 5.2`` * ``abs(deltaE) < 0.3`` Note: This skim uses `skim.standardlists.charm.loadStdD0_Kpi` and `skim.standardlists.charm.loadStdDstar0_D0pi0_Kpi`, where :math:`D^0` channels are defined, and `skim.standardlists.lightmesons.loadStdAllRhoPlus`. """ __authors__ = ["Fernando Abudinen"] __description__ = "" __contact__ = __liaison__ __category__ = "physics, hadronic B to charm" ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path): stdPi("all", path=path) loadStdPi0ForBToHadrons(path=path) loadStdAllRhoPlus(path=path) loadPiForBtoHadrons(path=path) loadKForBtoHadrons(path=path) loadStdD0_Kpi(path=path) loadStdDstar0_D0pi0_Kpi(path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path): Bcuts = "Mbc > 5.2 and abs(deltaE) < 0.3" BsigChannels = ["anti-D0:Kpi rho+:all", "anti-D*0:D0_Kpi rho+:all"] BsigList = [] for chID, channel in enumerate(BsigChannels): ma.reconstructDecay("B+:BtoD0rho_Kpi" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, Bcuts, chID, path=path) BsigList.append("B+:BtoD0rho_Kpi" + str(chID)) self.SkimLists = BsigList
[docs]@fancy_skim_header class BtoD0rho_Kpipipi_Kpipi0(BaseSkim): """ Reconstructed decay modes: * :math:`B^{+}\\to \\overline{D}^{0} (\\to K^+2\\pi^-\\pi^+, K^+\\pi^-\\pi^0) \\rho^+` * :math:`B^{+}\\to \\overline{D}^{*0} (\\to \\overline{D}^{0} (\\to K^+2 \\pi^- \\pi^+, K^+\\pi^-\\pi^0) \\pi^0) \\rho^+` Cuts applied: * ``1.7 < M_D0 < 2.0`` * ``DM_Dstar_D < 0.16`` * ``0.6 < M_rho < 0.9`` * ``cosHel_rho < 0.90`` * ``Mbc > 5.2`` * ``abs(deltaE) < 0.3`` Note: This skim uses `skim.standardlists.charm.loadStdD0_Kpipi0`, `skim.standardlists.charm.loadStdD0_Kpipipi`, `skim.standardlists.charm.loadStdDstar0_D0pi0_Kpipi0`, and `skim.standardlists.charm.loadStdDstar0_D0pi0_Kpipipi`, where :math:`D^0` channels are defined, and `skim.standardlists.lightmesons.loadStdAllRhoPlus`. Warning: This skim saves only three randomly-chosen :math:`B^{+}` candidates in a ``B+:BtoD0rho_merged`` list, since the candidate multiplicity of this skim is very high. """ __authors__ = ["Fernando Abudinen"] __description__ = "" __contact__ = __liaison__ __category__ = "physics, hadronic B to charm" ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path): stdPi("all", path=path) loadStdPi0ForBToHadrons(path=path) loadStdAllRhoPlus(path=path) loadPiForBtoHadrons(path=path) loadKForBtoHadrons(path=path) loadStdD0_Kpipi0(path=path) loadStdD0_Kpipipi(path=path) loadStdDstar0_D0pi0_Kpipi0(path=path) loadStdDstar0_D0pi0_Kpipipi(path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path): Bcuts = "Mbc > 5.2 and abs(deltaE) < 0.3 and cosHelicityAngle(1,0) < 0.9 and 0.6 <= daughter(1,M) <= 0.9" BsigChannels = [ "anti-D0:Kpipipi rho+:all", "anti-D0:Kpipi0 rho+:all", "anti-D*0:D0_Kpipipi rho+:all", "anti-D*0:D0_Kpipi0 rho+:all" ] BsigList = [] for chID, channel in enumerate(BsigChannels): ma.reconstructDecay("B+:BtoD0rho_merged" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, Bcuts, chID, path=path) BsigList.append("B+:BtoD0rho_merged" + str(chID)) ma.copyLists(outputListName="B+:BtoD0rho_merged", inputListNames=BsigList, path=path) # Select only three random candidates to save them as these channels have high multiplicity. ma.rankByHighest(particleList="B+:BtoD0rho_merged", variable="cos(mdstIndex)", numBest=3, outputVariable="cosMdstIndex_rank", path=path) self.SkimLists = ["B+:BtoD0rho_merged"]
[docs]@fancy_skim_header class B0toDD_Kpipi_Kspi(BaseSkim): """ Reconstructed decay modes: * :math:`B^{0}\\to D^{+}(\\to K^- \\pi^+ \\pi^+) D^{-}(\\to K^+ \\pi^- \\pi^-)` * :math:`B^{0}\\to D^{+}(\\to K^- \\pi^+ \\pi^+) D^{-}(\\to K_{\\rm S}^0 \\pi^-)` * :math:`B^{0}\\to D^{+}(\\to K_{\\rm S}^0 \\pi^-) D^{-}(\\to K_{\\rm S}^0 \\pi^-)` Cuts applied: * ``Mbc > 5.2`` * ``abs(deltaE) < 0.3`` * ``1.8 < M_D < 1.9`` Note: This skim uses `skim.standardlists.charm.loadStdDplus_Kpipi` and `skim.standardlists.charm.loadStdDplus_Kspi`, where :math:`D^-` channel is defined. """ produce_on_tau_samples = False # retention is very close to zero on taupair __authors__ = ["Chiara La Licata"] __description__ = "" __contact__ = __liaison__ __category__ = "physics, hadronic B to charm" ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path): stdKshorts(path=path) loadPiForBtoHadrons(path=path) loadKForBtoHadrons(path=path) loadStdDplus_Kpipi(path=path) loadStdDplus_Kspi(path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path): Bcuts = "5.2 < Mbc and abs(deltaE) < 0.3" BsigChannels = [ "D+:Kpipi D-:Kpipi", "D+:Kpipi D-:Kspi", "D+:Kspi D-:Kspi" ] BsigList = [] for chID, channel in enumerate(BsigChannels): ma.reconstructDecay("B0:B0toDD" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, Bcuts, chID, path=path) BsigList.append("B0:B0toDD" + str(chID)) self.SkimLists = BsigList
[docs]@fancy_skim_header class B0toDstarD(BaseSkim): """ Reconstructed decay modes: * :math:`B^{0}\\to \\overline{D}^{*-} (\\to \\overline{D}^{0} (\\to K^+ \\pi^-, \\to K^+ \\pi^- \\pi^- \\pi^+, K^+ \\pi^- \\pi^0) \\pi^-) \\D^+(\\to K^- \\pi^+ \\pi^+)` * :math:`B^{0}\\to \\overline{D}^{*-} (\\to D^{-} \\pi^0) \\D^+(\\to K^- \\pi^+ \\pi^+)` Cuts applied: * ``Mbc > 5.2`` * ``abs(deltaE) < 0.3`` * ``DM_Dstar_D < 0.16`` * ``1.8 < M_D < 1.9`` """ __authors__ = ["Chiara La Licata"] __description__ = "" __contact__ = __liaison__ __category__ = "physics, hadronic B to charm" ApplyHLTHadronCut = True produce_on_tau_samples = False # retention is very close to zero on taupair
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path): loadStdPi0ForBToHadrons(path=path) loadPiForBtoHadrons(path=path) loadKForBtoHadrons(path=path) loadStdD0_Kpi(path=path) loadStdD0_Kpipi0(path=path) loadStdD0_Kpipipi(path=path) loadStdDplus_Kpipi(path=path) loadStdDstarPlus_D0pi_Kpi(path=path) loadStdDstarPlus_D0pi_Kpipipi(path=path) loadStdDstarPlus_D0pi_Kpipi0(path=path) loadStdDstarPlus_Dpi0_Kpipi(path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path): Bcuts = "5.2 < Mbc and abs(deltaE) < 0.3" BsigChannels = [ "D*+:D0_Kpi D-:Kpipi", "D*+:D0_Kpipipi D-:Kpipi", "D*+:D0_Kpipi0 D-:Kpipi", "D*+:Dpi0_Kpipi D-:Kpipi" ] BsigList = [] for chID, channel in enumerate(BsigChannels): ma.reconstructDecay("B0:B0toDstarD" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, Bcuts, chID, path=path) BsigList.append("B0:B0toDstarD" + str(chID)) self.SkimLists = BsigList
[docs]@fancy_skim_header class B0toD0Kpipi0_pi0(BaseSkim): """ Reconstructed decay modes: * :math:`B^{0}\\to \\bar{D}^{0} (\\to K^+ \\pi^- \\pi^0) \\pi^0` Cuts applied: * ``Mbc > 5.2`` * ``abs(deltaE) < 0.5`` Note: This skim uses `skim.standardlists.charm.loadStdD0_Kpipi0`, where the :math:`\\bar{D}^{0}` channel is defined. """ __authors__ = ["Francis Pham"] __description__ = "" __contact__ = __liaison__ __category__ = "physics, hadronic B to charm" ApplyHLTHadronCut = True produce_on_tau_samples = False # retention is very close to zero on taupair
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path): loadStdPi0ForBToCharmless(path=path) loadStdVeryLooseTracks('K', path=path) loadStdVeryLooseTracks('pi', path=path) loadCharmlessD0_Kpipi0(path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path): Bcuts = "5.2 < Mbc and abs(deltaE) < 0.5" ma.reconstructDecay("B0:D0Kpipi0_pi0 -> anti-D0:Kpipi0 pi0:charmlessFit", Bcuts, path=path) self.SkimLists = ["B0:D0Kpipi0_pi0"]