#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Skim list building functions for charm analyses.
.. Note::
The Hp, Hm and Jm in the function name represent arbitrary charged particles with
positive or negative charge. The Hp and Jm in `XToD0_D0ToHpJm`, mean a positive particle
and a negative particle that could be either conjugate or non-conjugate. The Hp and Hm
in `DstToD0Pi_D0ToHpHmPi0`, mean a positive particle and a negative particle that
must be conjugate.
.. Note::
Although reconstructDecay() would automatically include charged conjugate channel, and D0
is not distinguishable from anti-D0 in XToD0 skim, both :math:`D^0 \\to f` and :math:`D^0 \\to \\overline{f}`
mode should be written explicitly in XToD0 skim, because later in the DstToD0Pi skim, the D0 decay strings
in XToD0 skim would be directly combined with pi+. For example, if one only include D0 -> K+ pi- in XToD0_D0ToHpJm
skim, then in DstToD0Pi_D0ToHpJm skim, only the D*+ -> [D0 -> K+ pi-] pi+ would be included, and
D*+ -> [D0 -> K- pi+] pi+ would not be included.
from functools import lru_cache
import modularAnalysis as ma
import vertex
from skimExpertFunctions import BaseSkim, fancy_skim_header
from stdCharged import stdE, stdK, stdMu, stdPi, stdPr
from stdPhotons import loadStdSkimPhoton, stdPhotons
from stdPi0s import loadStdSkimPi0
from stdV0s import stdKshorts
from variables import variables as vm
__liaison__ = "Guanda Gong <gonggd@mail.ustc.edu.cn>"
class XToD0_D0ToHpJm(BaseSkim):
Skims :math:`D^0`'s reconstructed by `XToD0_D0ToHpJm.D0ToHpJm`.
__authors__ = ["Giulia Casarosa"]
__description__ = "Skim list for D0 to two charged FSPs."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
# Cached static method, so that its contents are only executed once for a single path.
# Factored out into a separate function here, so it is available to other skims.
[docs] @staticmethod
def D0ToHpJm(path):
**Decay Modes**:
* :math:`D^{0}\\to \\pi^+ \\pi^-`,
* :math:`D^{0}\\to K^+ \\pi^-`,
* :math:`D^{0}\\to K^- \\pi^+`,
* :math:`D^{0}\\to K^+ K^-`,
**Selection Criteria**:
* Tracks: ``abs(d0) < 1, abs(z0) < 3, 0.296706 < theta < 2.61799``
* ``1.66 < M(D0) < 2.06``
* ``pcms(D0) > 2.0``
* For more details, please check the source code of this skim.
* path (basf2.Path): Skim path to be processed.
* List of D0 particle list names.
mySel = "abs(d0) < 1 and abs(z0) < 3"
mySel += " and 0.296706 < theta < 2.61799"
ma.fillParticleList("pi+:mygood", mySel, path=path)
ma.fillParticleList("K+:mygood", mySel, path=path)
charmcuts = "1.66 < M < 2.06 and useCMSFrame(p)>2.0"
D0_Channels = [
"pi+:mygood pi-:mygood",
"K+:mygood pi-:mygood",
"K-:mygood pi+:mygood",
"K+:mygood K-:mygood",
D0List = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(D0_Channels):
ma.reconstructDecay("D0:HpJm" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, charmcuts, chID, path=path)
D0List.append("D0:HpJm" + str(chID))
return D0List
[docs] def build_lists(self, path):
"""Builds :math:`D^0` skim lists defined in `XToD0_D0ToHpJm.D0ToHpJm`."""
self.SkimLists = self.D0ToHpJm(path)
[docs] def validation_histograms(self, path):
# NOTE: the validation package is not part of the light releases, so this import
# must be made here rather than at the top of the file.
from validation_tools.metadata import create_validation_histograms
ma.reconstructDecay('D0:HpJm0_test -> pi+:loose K-:loose', '1.80 < M < 1.93 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0', path=path)
vm.addAlias('M_D0', 'InvM')
histogramFilename = 'D0ToHpJm_Validation.root'
myEmail = 'Guanda Gong <gonggd@mail.ustc.edu.cn>'
('M_D0', 100, 1.80, 1., 'Mass distribution of $D^{0}$', myEmail,
'mass of D0 (mean=1.86483)', 'Please check agreement of: mean, sigma and ratio of signal and background',
'M(D^{0}) [GeV/c^{2}]', 'shifter'),
class XToD0_D0ToNeutrals(BaseSkim):
Skims :math:`D^0`'s reconstructed by `XToD0_D0ToNeutrals.D0ToNeutrals`.
__authors__ = ["Giulia Casarosa"]
__description__ = "Skim list for D0 to neutral FSPs."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path):
# Cached static method, so that its contents are only executed once for a single path
# Factored out into a separate function here, so it is available to other skims.
[docs] @staticmethod
def D0ToNeutrals(path):
**Decay Modes**:
* :math:`D^{0}\\to \\pi^{0} \\pi^{0}`
* :math:`D^{0}\\to K_{S} \\pi^{0}`
* :math:`D^{0}\\to K_{S} K_{S}`
**Selection Criteria**:
* Use :math:`\\pi^{0}` from `stdPi0s.loadStdSkimPi0`
* Use :math:`K_{S}` from `stdV0s.stdKshorts`
* ``1.66 < M(D0) < 2.06, pcms(D0) > 2.0``
* For more details, please check the source code of this skim.
* (Maybe in the future, we can add a loose ECL cluster timing cut
to :math:`\\pi^{0}` in this skim.)
* path (basf2.Path): Skim path to be processed.
* List of D0 particle list names.
charmcuts = "1.66 < M < 2.06 and useCMSFrame(p)>2.0"
D0_Channels = ["pi0:skim pi0:skim",
"K_S0:merged pi0:skim",
"K_S0:merged K_S0:merged",
D0List = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(D0_Channels):
ma.reconstructDecay("D0:2Nbdy" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, charmcuts, chID, path=path)
D0List.append("D0:2Nbdy" + str(chID))
return D0List
[docs] def build_lists(self, path):
"""Builds :math:`D^0` skim lists defined in `XToD0_D0ToNeutrals.D0ToNeutrals`."""
self.SkimLists = self.D0ToNeutrals(path)
[docs] def validation_histograms(self, path):
# NOTE: the validation package is not part of the light releases, so this import
# must be made here rather than at the top of the file.
from validation_tools.metadata import create_validation_histograms
ma.reconstructDecay('D0:2Nbdy_test0 -> pi0:skim pi0:skim', '1.78 < M < 1.94 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0', path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay('D0:2Nbdy_test1 -> K_S0:merged K_S0:merged', '1.78 < M < 1.94 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0', path=path)
vm.addAlias('M_D0', 'InvM')
histogramFilename = 'D0ToNeutrals_Validation.root'
myEmail = 'Guanda Gong <gonggd@mail.ustc.edu.cn>'
M_D0_Hist = ('M_D0', 100, 1.80, 1., 'Mass distribution of $D^{0}$', myEmail,
'mass of D0 (mean=1.86483)', 'Please check agreement of: mean, sigma and ratio of signal and background',
'M(D^{0}) [GeV/c^{2}]', 'shifter')
create_validation_histograms(rootfile=histogramFilename, particlelist='D0:2Nbdy_test0', variables_1d=[M_D0_Hist, ],
create_validation_histograms(rootfile=histogramFilename, particlelist='D0:2Nbdy_test1', variables_1d=[M_D0_Hist, ],
class DstToD0Pi_D0ToRare(BaseSkim):
**Decay Modes**:
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to \\pi^+ D^{0}, D^{0}\\to \\gamma \\gamma`,
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to \\pi^+ D^{0}, D^{0}\\to ee`,
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to \\pi^+ D^{0}, D^{0}\\to e^+ \\mu^-`,
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to \\pi^+ D^{0}, D^{0}\\to e^- \\mu^+`,
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to \\pi^+ D^{0}, D^{0}\\to \\mu \\mu`,
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to \\pi^+ D^{0}, D^{0}\\to \\pi^+ \\pi^-`,
**Selection Criteria**:
* Use photons from `stdPhotons.loadStdSkimPhoton`
* Use electrons, muons and pions from loose lists in `stdCharged`
* ``1.66 < M(D0) < 2.06``
* No cut on the slow pion
* ``0 < Q < 0.02``
* ``pcms(D*) > 2.0``
* For more details, please check the source code of this skim.
__authors__ = ["Doris Yangsoo Kim", "Jaeyeon Kim"]
__description__ = "Skim list for D*+ to pi+ D0, D0 to rare decay."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path):
stdE("loose", path=path)
stdMu("loose", path=path)
stdPi("loose", path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path):
charmcuts = "1.66 < M < 2.06"
Dstcuts = "0 < Q < 0.02 and 2.0 < useCMSFrame(p)"
D0_Channels = ["gamma:skim gamma:skim",
"e+:loose e-:loose",
"e+:loose mu-:loose",
"e-:loose mu+:loose",
"mu+:loose mu-:loose",
"pi+:loose pi-:loose"]
DstList = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(D0_Channels):
ma.reconstructDecay("D0:Rare" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, charmcuts, chID, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("D*+:" + str(chID) + " -> pi+:all D0:Rare" + str(chID),
Dstcuts, chID, path=path)
DstList.append("D*+:" + str(chID))
self.SkimLists = DstList
[docs] def validation_histograms(self, path):
# NOTE: the validation package is not part of the light releases, so this import
# must be made here rather than at the top of the file.
from validation_tools.metadata import create_validation_histograms
vm.addAlias('M_D0', 'daughter(1, InvM)')
histogramFilename = 'D0ToNeutrals_Validation.root'
myEmail = 'Guanda Gong <gonggd@mail.ustc.edu.cn>'
M_D0_Hist = ('M_D0', 100, 1.80, 1., 'Mass distribution of $D^{0}$', myEmail,
'mass of D0 (mean=1.86483)', 'Please check agreement of: mean, sigma and ratio of signal and background',
'M(D^{0}) [GeV/c^{2}]', 'shifter')
create_validation_histograms(rootfile=histogramFilename, particlelist='D0:Rare0', variables_1d=[M_D0_Hist, ],
create_validation_histograms(rootfile=histogramFilename, particlelist='D0:Rare1', variables_1d=[M_D0_Hist, ],
create_validation_histograms(rootfile=histogramFilename, particlelist='D0:Rare4', variables_1d=[M_D0_Hist, ],
class XToDp_DpToKsHp(BaseSkim):
**Decay Modes**:
* :math:`D^+_{(S)} \\to K_{S} \\pi^+`,
* :math:`D^+_{(S)} \\to K_{S} K^+`,
**Selection Criteria**:
* Tracks not from :math:`K_{S}`: ``abs(d0) < 1, abs(z0) < 3,
0.296706 < theta < 2.61799``
* Use :math:`K_{S}` from `stdV0s.stdKshorts` and require
``flightDistance/flightDistanceErr > 2``
* ``1.67 < M(D+) < 2.17, pcms(D+) > 2.0``
* For more details, please check the source code of this skim.
__authors__ = ["Guanda Gong"]
__description__ = "Skim list for D_(s)+ to Ks h+."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path):
stdK("all", path=path)
stdPi("all", path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path):
mySel = "abs(d0) < 1 and abs(z0) < 3"
mySel += " and 0.296706 < theta < 2.61799"
ma.fillParticleList("pi+:kshp", mySel, path=path)
ma.fillParticleList("K+:kshp", mySel, path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList('K_S0:kshp', 'K_S0:merged', 'formula(flightDistance/flightDistanceErr) > 2', path=path)
Dpcuts = "1.67 < M < 2.17 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0"
Dp_Channels = ["K_S0:kshp pi+:kshp",
"K_S0:kshp K+:kshp",
DpList = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(Dp_Channels):
ma.reconstructDecay("D+:KsHp" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, Dpcuts, chID, path=path)
DpList.append("D+:KsHp" + str(chID))
self.SkimLists = DpList
[docs] def validation_histograms(self, path):
# NOTE: the validation package is not part of the light releases, so this import
# must be made here rather than at the top of the file.
from validation_tools.metadata import create_validation_histograms
vm.addAlias('M_Dp', 'InvM')
histogramFilename = 'DpToKsHp_Validation.root'
myEmail = 'Guanda Gong <gonggd@mail.ustc.edu.cn>'
M_Dp_Hist = (
'Mass distribution of $D_{(S)}^{+}$',
'mass of D+ (mean=1.86958) and D_s+(mean=1.96827)',
'Please check agreement of: mean, sigma and ratio of signal and background',
'M(D_{(S)}^{+}) [GeV/c^{2}]',
create_validation_histograms(rootfile=histogramFilename, particlelist='D+:kshp0', variables_1d=[M_Dp_Hist, ],
create_validation_histograms(rootfile=histogramFilename, particlelist='D+:kshp1', variables_1d=[M_Dp_Hist, ],
class XToDp_DpToHpHmJp(BaseSkim):
**Decay Modes**:
* :math:`D^+_{(S)} \\to \\pi^+ \\pi^- \\pi^+`,
* :math:`D^+_{(S)} \\to \\pi^+ \\pi^- K^+`,
* :math:`D^+_{(S)} \\to \\pi^+ K^- K^+`,
* :math:`D^+_{(S)} \\to K^+ K^- K^+`,
* For :math:`D^+_{(S)} \\to K_{S} h^+`, which includes a :math:`K_{S}` vertex,
please check `XToDp_DpToKsHp`
**Selection Criteria**:
* Use tracks from the loose lists in `stdCharged`
* ``1.67 < M(D+) < 2.17, pcms(D+) > 2.0``
* For more details, please check the source code of this skim.
__authors__ = ["Aman Sangal"]
__description__ = "Skim list for D_(s)+ to h+ h- j+."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path):
stdK("loose", path=path)
stdPi("loose", path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path):
Dpcuts = "1.67 < M < 2.17 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0"
Dp_Channels = ["pi+:loose pi-:loose pi+:loose",
"pi+:loose pi-:loose K+:loose",
"pi+:loose K-:loose K+:loose",
"K+:loose K-:loose pi+:loose",
DpList = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(Dp_Channels):
ma.reconstructDecay("D+:HpHmJp" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, Dpcuts, chID, path=path)
DpList.append("D+:HpHmJp" + str(chID))
self.SkimLists = DpList
[docs] def validation_histograms(self, path):
# NOTE: the validation package is not part of the light releases, so this import
# must be made here rather than at the top of the file.
from validation_tools.metadata import create_validation_histograms
vm.addAlias('M_Dp', 'InvM')
histogramFilename = 'DpToHpHmJp_Validation.root'
myEmail = 'Guanda Gong <gonggd@mail.ustc.edu.cn>'
M_Dp_Hist = (
'Mass distribution of $D_{(S)}^{+}$',
'mass of D+ (mean=1.86958) and D_s+(mean=1.96827)',
'Please check agreement of: mean, sigma and ratio of signal and background',
'M(D_{(S)}^{+}) [GeV/c^{2}]',
create_validation_histograms(rootfile=histogramFilename, particlelist='D+:HpHmJp0', variables_1d=[M_Dp_Hist, ],
create_validation_histograms(rootfile=histogramFilename, particlelist='D+:HpHmJp3', variables_1d=[M_Dp_Hist, ],
class LambdacTopHpJm(BaseSkim):
**Decay Modes**:
* :math:`\\Lambda_c^+ \\to p \\pi^- \\pi^+`
* :math:`\\Lambda_c^+ \\to p K^- \\pi^+`
* :math:`\\Lambda_c^+ \\to p \\pi^- K^+`
* :math:`\\Lambda_c^+ \\to p K^- K^+`
**Selection Criteria**:
* Use tracks from the loose lists in `stdCharged`
* ``2.2 < M(Lambda_c) < 2.4, pcms(Lambda_c) > 2.0``
* For more details, please check the source code of this skim.
__authors__ = ["Justin Guilliams"]
__description__ = "Skim list for Lambda_c+ -> p K- pi+."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path):
stdK("all", path=path)
stdPi("all", path=path)
stdPr("loose", path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path):
LambdacCuts = "2.2 < M < 2.4 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0"
LambdacChannels = ["p+:loose pi-:all pi+:all",
"p+:loose K-:all pi+:all",
"p+:loose pi-:all K+:all",
"p+:loose K-:all K+:all",
LambdacList = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(LambdacChannels):
ma.reconstructDecay("Lambda_c+:pHpJm" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, LambdacCuts, chID, path=path)
LambdacList.append("Lambda_c+:pHpJm" + str(chID))
self.SkimLists = LambdacList
[docs] def validation_histograms(self, path):
# NOTE: the validation package is not part of the light releases, so this import
# must be made here rather than at the top of the file.
from validation_tools.metadata import create_validation_histograms
vm.addAlias('M_Lambdac', 'InvM')
histogramFilename = 'DpToHpHmJp_Validation.root'
myEmail = 'Guanda Gong <gonggd@mail.ustc.edu.cn>'
M_Dp_Hist = (
r'Mass distribution of $\Lambda_{C}^{+}$',
'mass of Lambda_c+ (mean=2.28646) ',
'Please check agreement of: mean, sigma and ratio of signal and background',
'#Lambda_{C}^{+} [GeV/c^{2}]',
create_validation_histograms(rootfile=histogramFilename, particlelist='D+:HpHmJp0', variables_1d=[M_Dp_Hist, ],
create_validation_histograms(rootfile=histogramFilename, particlelist='D+:HpHmJp3', variables_1d=[M_Dp_Hist, ],
class DstToDpPi0_DpToHpPi0(BaseSkim):
**Decay Modes**:
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to \\pi^{0} D^{+}, D^+ \\to \\pi^+ \\pi^0`
**Selection Criteria**:
* Tracks: ``abs(d0) < 1, abs(z0) < 3, 0.296706 < theta < 2.61799``
* Use :math:`\\pi^{0}` from `stdPi0s.loadStdSkimPi0`
* ``1.67 < M(D+) < 2.07, pcms(D+) > 2.0``
* ``0 < Q < 0.018``
* For more details, please check the source code of this skim.
__authors__ = ["Johannes Brand"]
__description__ = "Skim list for D*+ to D+ pi0, D+ to h+ pi0."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path):
stdPi("all", path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path):
mySel = "abs(d0) < 1 and abs(z0) < 3"
mySel += " and 0.296706 < theta < 2.61799"
ma.fillParticleList("pi+:hppi0", mySel, path=path)
Dpcuts = "1.67 < M < 2.07 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0"
Dp_Channels = ["pi+:hppi0 pi0:skim",
DstList = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(Dp_Channels):
ma.reconstructDecay("D+:HpPi0" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, Dpcuts, chID, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("D*+:HpPi0" + str(chID) + " -> D+:HpPi0" + str(chID) + " pi0:skim", "0 < Q < 0.018", path=path)
DstList.append("D*+:HpPi0" + str(chID))
self.SkimLists = DstList
class DstToD0Pi_D0ToHpJm(XToD0_D0ToHpJm):
**Decay Modes**:
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to D^{0} \\pi^+`, where :math:`D^{0}` is reconstructed by `XToD0_D0ToHpJm.D0ToHpJm`
**Selection Criteria**:
* Apply the cuts in `XToD0_D0ToHpJm`
* No cut on the slow pion
* ``0 < Q < 0.018``
* For more details, please check the source code of this skim.
__authors__ = "Giulia Casarosa"
__description__ = "Same as `XToD0_D0ToHpJm`, but requiring the D0 is from D*+ -> D0 pi+ process."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path):
stdK("all", path=path)
stdPi("all", path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path):
D0List = self.D0ToHpJm(path)
Dstcuts = '0 < Q < 0.018'
DstList = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(D0List):
ma.reconstructDecay('D*+:HpJm' + str(chID) + ' -> D0:HpJm' + str(chID) + ' pi+:all', Dstcuts, chID, path=path)
DstList.append('D*+:HpJm' + str(chID))
self.SkimLists = DstList
[docs] def validation_histograms(self, path):
# NOTE: the validation package is not part of the light releases, so this import
# must be made here rather than at the top of the file.
from validation_tools.metadata import create_validation_histograms
ma.reconstructDecay('D0:HpJm0_test -> pi+:loose K-:loose', '1.80 < M < 1.93 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0', path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay('D*+:HpJm0_test -> D0:HpJm0_test pi+:loose', '0 < Q < 0.018', path=path)
vm.addAlias('M_D0', 'daughter(0,InvM)')
vm.addAlias('Pcms_D0', 'daughter(0,useCMSFrame(p))')
vm.addAlias('d0_spi', 'daughter(1,d0)')
vm.addAlias('z0_spi', 'daughter(1,z0)')
vm.addAlias('dr_spi', 'daughter(1,dr)')
vm.addAlias('dz_spi', 'daughter(1,dz)')
vm.addAlias('Pcms_spi', 'daughter(1,useCMSFrame(p))')
vm.addAlias('Pcms_Dst', 'useCMSFrame(p)')
histogramFilename = 'DstToD0Pi_D0ToHpJm_Validation.root'
myEmail = 'Guanda Gong <gonggd@mail.ustc.edu.cn>'
('M_D0', 100, 1.80, 1., 'Mass distribution of $D^{0}$', myEmail,
'mass of D0 (mean=1.86483)', 'Please check agreement of: mean, sigma and ratio of signal and background',
'M(D^{0}) [GeV/c^{2}]', 'shifter'),
('Pcms_D0', 100, 2, 6, 'momentum of $D_{0}$ in CMS Frame', myEmail,
'CMS momentum of D0', 'Please check agreement of lineshape',
'$P_{cms}(D^{0}) [GeV/c^{2}]', 'shifter'),
('d0_spi', 100, -1.2, 1.2, 'd0 of slow pi', myEmail,
'd0 of slow pion', 'provided for the SVD and PXD group',
'd0_spi [cm]', 'shifter'),
('z0_spi', 100, -3.3, 3.3, 'z0 of slow pi', myEmail,
'z0 of slow pion', 'provided for the SVD and PXD group',
'z0_spi [cm]', 'shifter'),
('dr_spi', 100, -1.2, 1.2, 'dr of slow pi', myEmail,
'dr of slow pion', 'provided for the SVD and PXD group',
'dr_spi [cm]', 'shifter'),
('dz_spi', 100, -3.3, 3.3, 'dz of slow pi', myEmail,
'dz of slow pion', 'provided for the SVD and PXD group',
'dz_spi [cm]', 'shifter'),
('Pcms_spi', 100, 0, 0.8, 'momentum of slow pi in CMS Frame', myEmail,
'CMS momentum of slow pion', 'Please check agreement of lineshape',
'P_{cms}(#pi_{s}) [GeV/c]', 'shifter'),
('Pcms_Dst', 100, 2, 6, 'momentum of $D_{*}$ in CMS Frame', myEmail,
'CMS momentum of slow pion', 'Please check agreement of lineshape',
'P_{cms}(D*) {GeV/c}', 'shifter'),
('Q', 100, 0, 0.018, 'Released energy in $D^{*}$ decay', myEmail,
'Q = M(D0 pi) - M(D0) - M(pi), and it peaks around 0.006 GeV',
'Please check agreement of: mean, sigma and ratio of signal and background',
'Q [GeV]', 'shifter'),
class DstToD0Pi_D0ToHpJmPi0(BaseSkim):
**Decay Modes**:
* :math:`RS: D^{*+}\\to \\pi^+ D^{0}, D^{0}\\to K^- \\pi^+ \\pi^{0}`
* :math:`WS: D^{*-}\\to \\pi^- \\overline{D}^{0}, \\overline{D}^{0}\\to K^- \\pi^+ \\pi^{0}`
**Selection Criteria**:
* Use tracks from the loose lists in `stdCharged` to reconstruct :math:`D^{0}`
* Use :math:`\\pi^{0}` from `stdPi0s.loadStdSkimPi0`
* ``1.70 < M(D0) < 2.10``
* No cut on the slow pion
* ``M(D*)-M(D0) < 0.16``
* ``pcms(D*) > 2.0``
* For more details, please check the source code of this skim.
__authors__ = ["Emma Oxford"]
__description__ = (
"Skim list for D*+ to pi+ D0, D0 to pi0 and two charged FSPs, where the kinds "
"of two charged FSPs are different. The wrong sign(WS) mode, D*- to pi- D0, is "
"also included."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path):
stdK("loose", path=path)
stdPi("loose", path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path):
Dstcuts = "massDifference(0) < 0.160 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0"
charmcuts = "1.70 < M < 2.10"
ma.cutAndCopyList("pi0:myskim", "pi0:skim", "", path=path) # additional cuts removed 27 Jun 2019 by Emma Oxford
DstList = []
# NOTE: renamed to avoid particle list name clashes
ma.reconstructDecay("D0:HpJmPi0_withPID -> K-:loose pi+:loose pi0:myskim", charmcuts, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("D*+:HpJmPi0RS_withPID -> D0:HpJmPi0_withPID pi+:all", Dstcuts, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("D*-:HpJmPi0WS_withPID -> D0:HpJmPi0_withPID pi-:all", Dstcuts, path=path)
ma.copyLists("D*+:HpJmPi0_withPID", ["D*+:HpJmPi0RS_withPID", "D*+:HpJmPi0WS_withPID"], path=path)
self.SkimLists = DstList
class DstToD0Pi_D0ToHpHmPi0(BaseSkim):
**Decay Modes**:
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to \\pi^+ D^{0}, D^{0}\\to \\pi^+ \\pi^- \\pi^{0}`
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to \\pi^+ D^{0}, D^{0}\\to K^+ K^- \\pi^{0}`
**Selection Criteria**:
* Use tracks from the loose lists in `stdCharged` to reconstruct D^{0}
* Use :math:`\\pi^{0}` from `stdPi0s.loadStdSkimPi0`
* ``1.70 < M(D0) < 2.10``
* No cut on the slow pion
* ``M(D*)-M(D0) < 0.16``
* ``pcms(D*) > 2.0``
* For more details, please check the source code of this skim.
__authors__ = ["Emma Oxford"]
__description__ = "Skim list for D*+ to pi+ D0, D0 to pi0 and two conjugate charged FSPs."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path):
stdK("loose", path=path)
stdPi("loose", path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path):
Dstcuts = "massDifference(0) < 0.160 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0"
charmcuts = "1.70 < M < 2.10"
ma.cutAndCopyList("pi0:myskim", "pi0:skim", "", path=path) # additional cuts removed 27 Jun 2019 by Emma Oxford
D0_Channels = [
"pi+:loose pi-:loose pi0:myskim",
"K+:loose K-:loose pi0:myskim",
DstList = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(D0_Channels):
# NOTE: renamed to avoid particle list name clashes
ma.reconstructDecay("D0:HpHmPi0" + str(chID) + "_withPID" + " -> " + channel, charmcuts, chID, path=path)
"D*+:HpHmPi0" + str(chID) + "_withPID" + " -> D0:HpHmPi0" + str(chID) + "_withPID" + " pi+:all",
Dstcuts, chID, path=path)
DstList.append("D*+:HpHmPi0" + str(chID) + "_withPID")
self.SkimLists = DstList
class DstToD0Pi_D0ToKsOmega(BaseSkim):
**Decay Modes**:
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to \\pi^+ D^{0}, D^{0}\\to K_{S} \\pi^+ \\pi^- \\pi^{0}`
**Selection Criteria**:
* Tracks from :math:`D^{0}`:
``abs(d0) < 1, abs(z0) < 3, 0.296706 < theta < 2.61799``
* Use :math:`\\pi^{0}` from `stdPi0s.loadStdSkimPi0`, then require ``0.11 < M(pi0) < 0.15, p(pi0) > 0.25``
* ``1.66 < M(D0) < 2.06, pcms(D0) > 2.0``
* ``Q < 0.018``
* For more details, please check the source code of this skim.
__authors__ = []
__description__ = "Skim list for D*+ to pi+ D0, D0 to Ks pi+ pi- pi0."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path):
stdPi("all", path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path):
mySel = "abs(d0) < 1 and abs(z0) < 3"
mySel += " and 0.296706 < theta < 2.61799"
ma.fillParticleList("pi+:ksomega", mySel, path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList("pi0:mypi0", "pi0:skim", "0.11 < M < 0.15 and p > 0.25 ", path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("omega:3pi -> pi+:ksomega pi-:ksomega pi0:mypi0", "", path=path)
charmcuts = "1.66 < M < 2.06 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0"
ma.reconstructDecay("D0:KsOmega -> K_S0:merged omega:3pi", charmcuts, path=path)
DstList = []
ma.reconstructDecay("D*+:KsOmega -> D0:KsOmega pi+:all", "0 < Q < 0.018", path=path)
self.SkimLists = DstList
class DstToD0Pi_D0ToHpHmHpJm(BaseSkim):
**Decay Modes**:
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to \\pi^+ D^{0}, D^{0}\\to \\pi^+ \\pi^- \\pi^+ \\pi^-`
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to \\pi^+ D^{0}, D^{0}\\to \\pi^+ \\pi^- \\pi^+ K^-`
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to \\pi^+ D^{0}, D^{0}\\to \\pi^+ \\pi^- K^+ K^-`
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to \\pi^+ D^{0}, D^{0}\\to \\pi^+ K^- K^+ K^-`
**Selection Criteria**:
* Tracks from :math:`D^{0}`:
``abs(d0) < 1, abs(z0) < 3, 0.296706 < theta < 2.61799``
* ``1.66 < M(D0) < 2.06``
* No cut on the slow pion
* ``Q < 0.022, pcms(D*+) > 2.0``
* For more details, please check the source code of this skim.
__authors__ = ["Kavita Lalwani, Chanchal Sharma"]
__description__ = "Skim list for D*+ to K- pi+ pi- pi+."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path):
stdPi("all", path=path)
stdK("all", path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path):
mySel = "abs(d0) < 1 and abs(z0) < 3"
mySel += " and 0.296706 < theta < 2.61799"
ma.fillParticleList("pi+:hphmhpjm", mySel, path=path)
ma.fillParticleList("K+:hphmhpjm", mySel, path=path)
D0_Channels = [
"pi+:hphmhpjm pi-:hphmhpjm pi+:hphmhpjm pi-:hphmhpjm",
"pi+:hphmhpjm pi-:hphmhpjm pi+:hphmhpjm K-:hphmhpjm",
"pi+:hphmhpjm pi-:hphmhpjm K+:hphmhpjm K-:hphmhpjm",
"pi+:hphmhpjm K-:hphmhpjm K+:hphmhpjm K-:hphmhpjm",
D0cuts = "1.66 < M < 2.06"
Dstcuts = "0 < Q < 0.022 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0"
DstList = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(D0_Channels):
ma.reconstructDecay("D0:HpHmHpJm" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, D0cuts, chID, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("D*+:HpHmHpJm" + str(chID) + " -> pi+:all D0:HpHmHpJm" + str(chID), Dstcuts, chID, path=path)
DstList.append("D*+:HpHmHpJm" + str(chID))
self.SkimLists = DstList
class DstToD0Pi_D0ToNeutrals(XToD0_D0ToNeutrals):
**Decay Modes**:
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to \\pi^+ D^{0}`, where the :math:`D^{0}` is reconstructed
by `XToD0_D0ToNeutrals.D0ToNeutrals`.
**Selection Criteria**:
* Apply the cuts in `XToD0_D0ToNeutrals`
* No cut on the slow pion
* ``Q < 0.02``
* For more details, please check the source code of this skim.
__authors__ = ["Giulia Casarosa", "Emma Oxford"]
__description__ = "Same as `XToD0_D0ToNeutrals`, but requiring that the D0 is from D* decay."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path):
stdPi("all", path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path):
D0List = self.D0ToNeutrals(path)
Dstcuts = "0 < Q < 0.02"
DstList = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(D0List):
ma.reconstructDecay("D*+:2Nbdy" + str(chID) + " -> pi+:all " + channel, Dstcuts, chID, path=path)
DstList.append("D*+:2Nbdy" + str(chID))
self.SkimLists = DstList
class DstToD0Pi_D0ToHpJmKs(BaseSkim):
**Decay Modes**:
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to \\pi^+ D^{0}, D^{0}\\to K_{S} \\pi^+ \\pi^-`
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to \\pi^+ D^{0}, D^{0}\\to K_{S} \\pi^+ K^-`
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to \\pi^+ D^{0}, D^{0}\\to K_{S} K^+ \\pi^-`
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to \\pi^+ D^{0}, D^{0}\\to K_{S} K^+ K^-`
**Selection Criteria**:
* Tracks from :math:`D^{0}`:
``abs(d0) < 1, abs(z0) < 3, 0.296706 < theta < 2.61799``
* Use :math:`K_{S}` from `stdV0s.stdKshorts`
* ``1.66 < M(D0) < 2.06``
* No cut on the slow pion
* ``Q < 0.022``
* ``pcms(D*) > 2.0``
* For more details, please check the source code of this skim.
__authors__ = ["Yeqi Chen"]
__description__ = "Skim list for D*+ to pi+ D0, D0 to Ks and two conjugate charged FSPs."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path):
[docs] def build_lists(self, path):
mySel = "abs(d0) < 1 and abs(z0) < 3"
mySel += " and 0.296706 < theta < 2.61799"
ma.fillParticleList("pi+:hpjmks", mySel, path=path)
ma.fillParticleList("K+:hpjmks", mySel, path=path)
D0cuts = "1.66 < M < 2.06"
Dstcuts = "0 < Q < 0.022 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0"
D0_Channels = ["pi-:hpjmks pi+:hpjmks K_S0:merged",
"K-:hpjmks pi+:hpjmks K_S0:merged",
"pi-:hpjmks K+:hpjmks K_S0:merged",
"K-:hpjmks K+:hpjmks K_S0:merged",
DstList = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(D0_Channels):
ma.reconstructDecay("D0:HpJmKs" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, D0cuts, chID, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("D*+:HpJmKs" + str(chID) + " -> pi+:all D0:HpJmKs" + str(chID), Dstcuts, chID, path=path)
DstList.append("D*+:HpJmKs" + str(chID))
self.SkimLists = DstList
class EarlyData_DstToD0Pi_D0ToHpJmPi0(BaseSkim):
Cut criteria are not finally decided, and could be changed. Please check the
code in the master branch to get up-to-date information.
__authors__ = []
__description__ = "An special version of `DstToD0Pi_D0ToHpJmPi0` to deal with Early Data."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path):
[docs] def build_lists(self, path):
mySel = "abs(d0) < 0.5 and abs(z0) < 1.0" # IP cut, tighter than previous skims
mySel += " and 0.296706 < theta < 2.61799" # CDC acceptance cut
ma.fillParticleList("pi+:myhjp0", mySel, path=path)
ma.fillParticleList("K+:myhjp0", mySel, path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList("pi0:myhjp0", "pi0:skim", "", path=path) # see analysis/scripts/stdPi0s.py for cuts
D0cuts = "1.70 < M < 2.10"
Dstcuts = "massDifference(0) < 0.160 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0"
eventcuts = "nCleanedTracks(abs(d0) < 0.5 and abs(z0) < 1.0) >= 3"
path = self.skim_event_cuts(eventcuts, path=path)
DstList = []
ma.reconstructDecay("D0:HpJmPi0 -> K-:myhjp0 pi+:myhjp0 pi0:myhjp0", D0cuts, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("D*+:HpJmPi0RS -> D0:HpJmPi0 pi+:myhjp0", Dstcuts, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("D*-:HpJmPi0WS -> D0:HpJmPi0 pi-:myhjp0", Dstcuts, path=path)
ma.copyLists("D*+:HpJmPi0", ["D*+:HpJmPi0RS", "D*+:HpJmPi0WS"], path=path)
self.SkimLists = DstList
class EarlyData_DstToD0Pi_D0ToHpHmPi0(BaseSkim):
Cut criteria are not finally decided, and could be changed. Please check the
code in the master branch to get up-to-date information.
__authors__ = []
__description__ = "A special version of `DstToD0Pi_D0ToHpHmPi0` to deal with Early Data."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path):
[docs] def build_lists(self, path):
mySel = "abs(d0) < 0.5 and abs(z0) < 1.0" # IP cut, tighter than previous skims
mySel += " and 0.296706 < theta < 2.61799" # CDC acceptance cut
ma.fillParticleList("pi+:myhhp0", mySel, path=path)
ma.fillParticleList("K+:myhhp0", mySel, path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList("pi0:myhhp0", "pi0:skim", "", path=path) # see analysis/scripts/stdPi0s.py for cuts
D0cuts = "1.70 < M < 2.10"
Dstcuts = "massDifference(0) < 0.160 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0"
eventcuts = "nCleanedTracks(abs(d0) < 0.5 and abs(z0) < 1.0) >= 3"
path = self.skim_event_cuts(eventcuts, path=path)
D0_Channels = ["pi+:myhhp0 pi-:myhhp0 pi0:myhhp0",
"K+:myhhp0 K-:myhhp0 pi0:myhhp0",
DstList = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(D0_Channels):
ma.reconstructDecay("D0:HpHmPi0" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, D0cuts, chID, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("D*+:HpHmPi0" + str(chID) + " -> D0:HpHmPi0" + str(chID) + " pi+:myhhp0",
Dstcuts, chID, path=path)
DstList.append("D*+:HpHmPi0" + str(chID))
self.SkimLists = DstList