Source code for skim.fei

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

(Semi-)Leptonic Working Group Skims for missing energy modes that use the `FullEventInterpretation` (FEI) algorithm.

__authors__ = [
    "Racha Cheaib",
    "Hannah Wakeling",
    "Phil Grace"

from functools import lru_cache, wraps

import basf2 as b2
import fei
import modularAnalysis as ma
from skimExpertFunctions import BaseSkim, _sphinxify_decay, fancy_skim_header
from variables import variables as vm

__liaison__ = "Shanette De La Motte <>"

def _merge_boolean_dicts(*dicts):
    """Merge dicts of boolean, with `True` values taking precedence if values

    This is a utility function for combining FEI configs. It acts in the following

        >>> d1 = {"neutralB": True, "chargedB": False, "hadronic": True}
        >>> d2 = {"chargedB": True, "semileptonic": True}
        >>> _merge_FEI_configs(d1, d2)
        {"chargedB": True, "hadronic": True, "neutralB": True, "semileptonic": True}

        dicts (dict(str -> bool)): Any number of dicts of keyword-boolean pairs.

        merged (dict(str -> bool)): A single dict, containing all the keys of the
            input dicts.
    keys = {k for d in dicts for k in d}
    occurances = {k: [d for d in dicts if k in d] for k in keys}
    merged = {k: any(d[k] for d in occurances[k]) for k in keys}

    # Sort the merged dict before returning
    merged = dict(sorted(merged.items()))

    return merged

def _get_fei_channel_names(particleName, **kwargs):
    """Create a list containing the decay strings of all decay channels available to a
    particle. Any keyword arguments are passed to `fei.get_default_channels`.

    This is a utility function for autogenerating FEI skim documentation.

        particleName (str): the PDG name of a particle, e.g. ``'K+'``, ``'pi-'``, ``'D*0'``.
    particleList = fei.get_default_channels(**kwargs)
    particleDict = { particle for particle in particleList}

        particle = particleDict[particleName]
    except KeyError:
        print(f"Error! Couldn't find particle with name {particleName}")
        return []

    channels = [channel.decayString for channel in particle.channels]
    return channels

def _hash_dict(func):
    """Wrapper for `functools.lru_cache` to deal with dictionaries. Dictionaries are
    mutable, so cannot be cached. This wrapper turns all dict arguments into a hashable
    dict type, so we can use caching.
    class HashableDict(dict):
        def __hash__(self):
            return hash(frozenset(self.items()))

    def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
        args = tuple([HashableDict(arg) if isinstance(arg, dict) else arg for arg in args])
        kwargs = {k: HashableDict(v) if isinstance(v, dict) else v for k, v in kwargs.items()}
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
    return wrapped

[docs]class BaseFEISkim(BaseSkim): """Base class for FEI skims. Applies event-level pre-cuts and applies the FEI.""" __authors__ = ["Racha Cheaib", "Hannah Wakeling", "Phil Grace"] __contact__ = __liaison__ __category__ = "physics, Full Event Interpretation" FEIPrefix = "FEIv4_2021_MC14_release_05_01_12" """Prefix label for the FEI training used in the FEI skims.""" FEIChannelArgs = {} """Dict of ``str -> bool`` pairs to be passed to `fei.get_default_channels`. When inheriting from `BaseFEISkim`, override this value to apply the FEI for only *e.g.* SL charged :math:`B`'s.""" MergeDataStructures = {"FEIChannelArgs": _merge_boolean_dicts} NoisyModules = ["ParticleCombiner"] ApplyHLTHadronCut = True produce_on_tau_samples = False # retention is very close to zero on taupair
[docs] @staticmethod @lru_cache() def fei_precuts(path): """ Skim pre-cuts are applied before running the FEI, to reduce computation time. This setup function is run by all FEI skims, so they all have the save event-level pre-cuts: * :math:`n_{\\text{cleaned tracks}} \\geq 3` * :math:`n_{\\text{cleaned ECL clusters}} \\geq 3` * :math:`\\text{Visible energy of event (CMS frame)}>4~{\\rm GeV}` * :math:`2~{\\rm GeV}<E_{\\text{cleaned tracks & clusters in ECL}}<7~{\\rm GeV}` We define "cleaned" tracks and clusters as: * Cleaned tracks (``pi+:FEI_cleaned``): :math:`d_0 < 0.5~{\\rm cm}`, :math:`|z_0| < 2~{\\rm cm}`, and :math:`p_T > 0.1~{\\rm GeV}` * Cleaned ECL clusters (``gamma:FEI_cleaned``): :math:`0.296706 < \\theta < 2.61799`, and :math:`E>0.1~{\\rm GeV}` """ # Pre-selection cuts CleanedTrackCuts = "abs(z0) < 2.0 and abs(d0) < 0.5 and pt > 0.1" CleanedClusterCuts = "E > 0.1 and 0.296706 < theta < 2.61799" ma.fillParticleList(decayString="pi+:FEI_cleaned", cut=CleanedTrackCuts, path=path) ma.fillParticleList(decayString="gamma:FEI_cleaned", cut=CleanedClusterCuts, path=path) ma.buildEventKinematics(inputListNames=["pi+:FEI_cleaned", "gamma:FEI_cleaned"], path=path) EventCuts = " and ".join( [ f"nCleanedTracks({CleanedTrackCuts})>=3", f"nCleanedECLClusters({CleanedClusterCuts})>=3", "visibleEnergyOfEventCMS>4", "2<E_ECL_FEI<7", ] ) # NOTE: The FEI skims are somewhat complicated, and require some manual handling # of conditional paths to avoid adding the FEI to the path twice. In general, DO # NOT do this kind of path handling in your own skim. Instead, use: # >>> path = self.skim_event_cuts(EventLevelCuts, path=path) ConditionalPath = b2.Path() eselect = path.add_module("VariableToReturnValue", variable=f"passesEventCut({EventCuts})") eselect.if_value('=1', ConditionalPath, b2.AfterConditionPath.CONTINUE) return ConditionalPath
# This is a cached static method so that we can avoid adding FEI path twice. # In combined skims, FEIChannelArgs must be combined across skims first, so that all # the required particles are included in the FEI.
[docs] @staticmethod @_hash_dict @lru_cache() def run_fei_for_skims(FEIChannelArgs, FEIPrefix, *, path): """Reconstruct hadronic and semileptonic :math:`B^0` and :math:`B^+` tags using the generically trained FEI. Parameters: FEIChannelArgs (dict(str, bool)): A dict of keyword-boolean pairs to be passed to `fei.get_default_channels`. FEIPrefix (str): Prefix label for the FEI training used in the FEI skims. path (`basf2.Path`): The skim path to be processed. """ # Run FEI b2.conditions.prepend_globaltag(ma.getAnalysisGlobaltag()) particles = fei.get_default_channels(**FEIChannelArgs) configuration = fei.config.FeiConfiguration( prefix=FEIPrefix, training=False, monitor=False) feistate = fei.get_path(particles, configuration) path.add_path(feistate.path)
[docs] @staticmethod @_hash_dict @lru_cache() def setup_fei_aliases(FEIChannelArgs): # Aliases for pre-FEI event-level cuts vm.addAlias("E_ECL_pi_FEI", "totalECLEnergyOfParticlesInList(pi+:FEI_cleaned)") vm.addAlias("E_ECL_gamma_FEI", "totalECLEnergyOfParticlesInList(gamma:FEI_cleaned)") vm.addAlias("E_ECL_FEI", "formula(E_ECL_pi_FEI+E_ECL_gamma_FEI)") # Aliases for variables available after running the FEI vm.addAlias("sigProb", "extraInfo(SignalProbability)") vm.addAlias("log10_sigProb", "log10(extraInfo(SignalProbability))") vm.addAlias("dmID", "extraInfo(decayModeID)") vm.addAlias("decayModeID", "extraInfo(decayModeID)") if "semileptonic" in FEIChannelArgs and FEIChannelArgs["semileptonic"]: # Aliases specific to SL FEI vm.addAlias("cosThetaBY", "cosThetaBetweenParticleAndNominalB") vm.addAlias("d1_p_CMSframe", "useCMSFrame(daughter(1,p))") vm.addAlias("d2_p_CMSframe", "useCMSFrame(daughter(2,p))") vm.addAlias( "p_lepton_CMSframe", "conditionalVariableSelector(dmID<4, d1_p_CMSframe, d2_p_CMSframe)" )
[docs] def additional_setup(self, path): """Apply pre-FEI event-level cuts and apply the FEI. This setup function is run by all FEI skims, so they all have the save event-level pre-cuts. This function passes `FEIChannelArgs` to the cached function `run_fei_for_skims` to avoid applying the FEI twice. See also: `fei_precuts` for event-level cut definitions. """ self.setup_fei_aliases(self.FEIChannelArgs) path = self.fei_precuts(path) # The FEI skims require some manual handling of paths that is not necessary in # any other skim. self._ConditionalPath = path self.run_fei_for_skims(self.FEIChannelArgs, self.FEIPrefix, path=path)
def _FEI_skim_header(ParticleNames): """Decorator factory for applying the `fancy_skim_header` header and replacing <CHANNELS> in the class docstring with a list of FEI channels. The list is numbered with all of the corresponding decay mode IDs, and the decay modes are formatted in beautiful LaTeX. .. code-block:: python @FEI_skim_header("B0") class feiSLB0(BaseFEISkim): # docstring here including the string '<CHANNELS>' somewhere Parameters: ParticleNames (str, list(str)): One of either ``B0`` or ``B+``, or a list of both. """ def decorator(SkimClass): if isinstance(ParticleNames, str): particles = [ParticleNames] else: particles = ParticleNames ChannelsString = "List of reconstructed channels and corresponding decay mode IDs:" for particle in particles: channels = _get_fei_channel_names(particle, **SkimClass.FEIChannelArgs) FormattedChannels = [_sphinxify_decay(channel) for channel in channels] ChannelList = "\n".join( [f" {dmID}. {channel}" for (dmID, channel) in enumerate(FormattedChannels)] ) if len(particles) == 1: ChannelsString += "\n\n" + ChannelList else: ChannelsString += f"\n\n ``{particle}`` channels:\n\n" + ChannelList if SkimClass.__doc__ is None: return SkimClass else: SkimClass.__doc__ = SkimClass.__doc__.replace("<CHANNELS>", ChannelsString) return fancy_skim_header(SkimClass) return decorator
[docs]@_FEI_skim_header("B0") class feiHadronicB0(BaseFEISkim): """ Tag side :math:`B` cuts: * :math:`M_{\\text{bc}} > 5.24~{\\rm GeV}` * :math:`|\\Delta E| < 0.2~{\\rm GeV}` * :math:`\\text{signal probability} > 0.001` (omitted for decay mode 23) All available FEI :math:`B^0` hadronic tags are reconstructed. From `Thomas Keck's thesis <>`_, "the channel :math:`B^0 \\to \\overline{D}^0 \\pi^0` was used by the FR, but is not yet used in the FEI due to unexpected technical restrictions in the KFitter algorithm". <CHANNELS> See also: `BaseFEISkim.FEIPrefix` for FEI training used, and `BaseFEISkim.fei_precuts` for event-level cuts made before applying the FEI. """ __description__ = "FEI-tagged neutral :math:`B`'s decaying hadronically." FEIChannelArgs = { "neutralB": True, "chargedB": False, "hadronic": True, "semileptonic": False, "KLong": False, "baryonic": True }
[docs] def build_lists(self, path): ma.applyCuts("B0:generic", "Mbc>5.24", path=path) ma.applyCuts("B0:generic", "abs(deltaE)<0.200", path=path) ma.applyCuts("B0:generic", "sigProb>0.001 or extraInfo(dmID)==23", path=path) self.SkimLists = ["B0:generic"]
[docs] def validation_histograms(self, path): # NOTE: the validation package is not part of the light releases, so this import # must be made here rather than at the top of the file. from validation_tools.metadata import create_validation_histograms vm.addAlias("d0_massDiff", "daughter(0,massDifference(0))") vm.addAlias("d0_M", "daughter(0,M)") vm.addAlias("nDaug", "countDaughters(1>0)") # Dummy cut so all daughters are selected. histogramFilename = f"{self}_Validation.root" email = "Phil Grace <>" SkimList = self.SkimLists[0] variables_1d = [ ("sigProb", 100, 0.0, 1.0, "Signal probability", email, "Signal probability of the reconstructed tag B candidates", "Most around zero, with a tail at non-zero values.", "Signal probability", "Candidates", "logy"), ("nDaug", 6, 0.0, 6, "Number of daughters of tag B", email, "Number of daughters of tag B", "Some distribution of number of daughters", "n_{daughters}", "Candidates"), ("d0_massDiff", 100, 0.0, 0.5, "Mass difference of D* and D", email, "Mass difference of D^{*} and D", "Peak at 0.14 GeV", "m(D^{*})-m(D) [GeV]", "Candidates", "shifter"), ("d0_M", 100, 0.0, 3.0, "Mass of zeroth daughter (D* or D)", email, "Mass of zeroth daughter of tag B (either a $D^{*}$ or a D)", "Peaks at 1.86 GeV and 2.00 GeV", "m(D^{(*)}) [GeV]", "Candidates", "shifter"), ("deltaE", 100, -0.2, 0.2, "#Delta E", email, "$\\Delta E$ of event", "Peak around zero", "#Delta E [GeV]", "Candidates"), ("Mbc", 100, 5.2, 5.3, "Mbc", email, "Beam-constrained mass of event", "Peaking around B mass (5.28 GeV)", "M_{bc} [GeV]", "Candidates") ] variables_2d = [ ("deltaE", 100, -0.2, 0.2, "Mbc", 100, 5.2, 5.3, "Mbc vs deltaE", email, "Plot of the $\\Delta E$ of the event against the beam constrained mass", "Peak of $\\Delta E$ around zero, and $M_{bc}$ around B mass (5.28 GeV)", "#Delta E [GeV]", "M_{bc} [GeV]", "colz, shifter"), ("decayModeID", 26, 0, 26, "log10_sigProb", 100, -3.0, 0.0, "Signal probability for each decay mode ID", email, "Signal probability for each decay mode ID", "Some distribtuion of candidates in the first few decay mode IDs", "Decay mode ID", "#log_10(signal probability)", "colz") ] create_validation_histograms( rootfile=histogramFilename, particlelist=SkimList, variables_1d=variables_1d, variables_2d=variables_2d, path=path )
[docs]@_FEI_skim_header("B+") class feiHadronicBplus(BaseFEISkim): """ Tag side :math:`B` cuts: * :math:`M_{\\text{bc}} > 5.24~{\\rm GeV}` * :math:`|\\Delta E| < 0.2~{\\rm GeV}` * :math:`\\text{signal probability} > 0.001` (omitted for decay mode 25) All available FEI :math:`B^+` hadronic tags are reconstructed. <CHANNELS> See also: `BaseFEISkim.FEIPrefix` for FEI training used, and `BaseFEISkim.fei_precuts` for event-level cuts made before applying the FEI. """ __description__ = "FEI-tagged charged :math:`B`'s decaying hadronically." FEIChannelArgs = { "neutralB": False, "chargedB": True, "hadronic": True, "semileptonic": False, "KLong": False, "baryonic": True }
[docs] def build_lists(self, path): ma.applyCuts("B+:generic", "Mbc>5.24", path=path) ma.applyCuts("B+:generic", "abs(deltaE)<0.200", path=path) ma.applyCuts("B+:generic", "sigProb>0.001 or extraInfo(dmID)==25", path=path) self.SkimLists = ["B+:generic"]
[docs] def validation_histograms(self, path): # NOTE: the validation package is not part of the light releases, so this import # must be made here rather than at the top of the file. from validation_tools.metadata import create_validation_histograms vm.addAlias("d0_massDiff", "daughter(0,massDifference(0))") vm.addAlias("d0_M", "daughter(0,M)") vm.addAlias("nDaug", "countDaughters(1>0)") # Dummy cut so all daughters are selected. histogramFilename = f"{self}_Validation.root" email = "Phil Grace <>" SkimList = self.SkimLists[0] variables_1d = [ ("sigProb", 100, 0.0, 1.0, "Signal probability", email, "Signal probability of the reconstructed tag B candidates", "Most around zero, with a tail at non-zero values.", "Signal probability", "Candidates", "logy"), ("nDaug", 6, 0.0, 6, "Number of daughters of tag B", email, "Number of daughters of tag B", "Some distribution of number of daughters", "n_{daughters}", "Candidates"), ("d0_massDiff", 100, 0.0, 0.5, "Mass difference of D* and D", email, "Mass difference of D^{*} and D", "Peak at 0.14 GeV", "m(D^{*})-m(D) [GeV]", "Candidates", "shifter"), ("d0_M", 100, 0.0, 3.0, "Mass of zeroth daughter (D* or D)", email, "Mass of zeroth daughter of tag B (either a $D^{*}$ or a D)", "Peaks at 1.86 GeV and 2.00 GeV", "m(D^{(*)}) [GeV]", "Candidates", "shifter"), ("deltaE", 100, -0.2, 0.2, "#Delta E", email, "$\\Delta E$ of event", "Peak around zero", "#Delta E [GeV]", "Candidates"), ("Mbc", 100, 5.2, 5.3, "Mbc", email, "Beam-constrained mass of event", "Peaking around B mass (5.28 GeV)", "M_{bc} [GeV]", "Candidates") ] variables_2d = [ ("deltaE", 100, -0.2, 0.2, "Mbc", 100, 5.2, 5.3, "Mbc vs deltaE", email, "Plot of the $\\Delta E$ of the event against the beam constrained mass", "Peak of $\\Delta E$ around zero, and $M_{bc}$ around B mass (5.28 GeV)", "#Delta E [GeV]", "M_{bc} [GeV]", "colz, shifter"), ("decayModeID", 29, 0, 29, "log10_sigProb", 100, -3.0, 0.0, "Signal probability for each decay mode ID", email, "Signal probability for each decay mode ID", "Some distribtuion of candidates in the first few decay mode IDs", "Decay mode ID", "#log_10(signal probability)", "colz") ] create_validation_histograms( rootfile=histogramFilename, particlelist=SkimList, variables_1d=variables_1d, variables_2d=variables_2d, path=path )
[docs]@_FEI_skim_header("B0") class feiSLB0(BaseFEISkim): """ Tag side :math:`B` cuts: * :math:`-4 < \\cos\\theta_{BY} < 3` * :math:`\\log_{10}(\\text{signal probability}) > -2.4` * :math:`p_{\\ell}^{*} > 1.0~{\\rm GeV}` in CMS frame SL :math:`B^0` tags are reconstructed. Hadronic :math:`B` with SL :math:`D` are not reconstructed, as these are rare and time-intensive. <CHANNELS> See also: `BaseFEISkim.FEIPrefix` for FEI training used, and `BaseFEISkim.fei_precuts` for event-level cuts made before applying the FEI. """ __description__ = "FEI-tagged neutral :math:`B`'s decaying semileptonically." FEIChannelArgs = { "neutralB": True, "chargedB": False, "hadronic": False, "semileptonic": True, "KLong": False, "baryonic": True, "removeSLD": True }
[docs] def build_lists(self, path): ma.applyCuts("B0:semileptonic", "dmID<8", path=path) ma.applyCuts("B0:semileptonic", "log10(sigProb)>-2.4", path=path) ma.applyCuts("B0:semileptonic", "-4.0<cosThetaBY<3.0", path=path) ma.applyCuts("B0:semileptonic", "p_lepton_CMSframe>1.0", path=path) self.SkimLists = ["B0:semileptonic"]
[docs] def validation_histograms(self, path): # NOTE: the validation package is not part of the light releases, so this import # must be made here rather than at the top of the file. from validation_tools.metadata import create_validation_histograms vm.addAlias("d0_massDiff", "daughter(0,massDifference(0))") vm.addAlias("d0_M", "daughter(0,M)") vm.addAlias("nDaug", "countDaughters(1>0)") # Dummy cut so all daughters are selected. histogramFilename = f"{self}_Validation.root" email = "Phil Grace <>" SkimList = self.SkimLists[0] variables_1d = [ ("sigProb", 100, 0.0, 1.0, "Signal probability", email, "Signal probability of the reconstructed tag B candidates", "Most around zero, with a tail at non-zero values.", "Signal probability", "Candidates", "logy"), ("nDaug", 6, 0.0, 6, "Number of daughters of tag B", email, "Number of daughters of tag B", "Some distribution of number of daughters", "n_{daughters}", "Candidates"), ("cosThetaBetweenParticleAndNominalB", 100, -6.0, 4.0, "#cos#theta_{BY}", email, "Cosine of angle between the reconstructed B and the nominal B", "Distribution peaking between -1 and 1", "#cos#theta_{BY}", "Candidates"), ("d0_massDiff", 100, 0.0, 0.5, "Mass difference of D* and D", email, "Mass difference of $D^{*}$ and D", "Peak at 0.14 GeV", "m(D^{*})-m(D) [GeV]", "Candidates", "shifter"), ("d0_M", 100, 0.0, 3.0, "Mass of zeroth daughter (D* or D)", email, "Mass of zeroth daughter of tag B (either a $D^{*}$ or a D)", "Peaks at 1.86 GeV and 2.00 GeV", "m(D^{(*)}) [GeV]", "Candidates", "shifter") ] variables_2d = [ ("decayModeID", 8, 0, 8, "log10_sigProb", 100, -3.0, 0.0, "Signal probability for each decay mode ID", email, "Signal probability for each decay mode ID", "Some distribtuion of candidates in the first few decay mode IDs", "Decay mode ID", "#log_10(signal probability)", "colz") ] create_validation_histograms( rootfile=histogramFilename, particlelist=SkimList, variables_1d=variables_1d, variables_2d=variables_2d, path=path )
[docs]@_FEI_skim_header("B+") class feiSLBplus(BaseFEISkim): """ Tag side :math:`B` cuts: * :math:`-4 < \\cos\\theta_{BY} < 3` * :math:`\\log_{10}(\\text{signal probability}) > -2.4` * :math:`p_{\\ell}^{*} > 1.0~{\\rm GeV}` in CMS frame SL :math:`B^+` tags are reconstructed. Hadronic :math:`B^+` with SL :math:`D` are not reconstructed, as these are rare and time-intensive. <CHANNELS> See also: `BaseFEISkim.FEIPrefix` for FEI training used, and `BaseFEISkim.fei_precuts` for event-level cuts made before applying the FEI. """ __description__ = "FEI-tagged charged :math:`B`'s decaying semileptonically." FEIChannelArgs = { "neutralB": False, "chargedB": True, "hadronic": False, "semileptonic": True, "KLong": False, "baryonic": True, "removeSLD": True }
[docs] def build_lists(self, path): ma.applyCuts("B+:semileptonic", "dmID<8", path=path) ma.applyCuts("B+:semileptonic", "log10_sigProb>-2.4", path=path) ma.applyCuts("B+:semileptonic", "-4.0<cosThetaBY<3.0", path=path) ma.applyCuts("B+:semileptonic", "p_lepton_CMSframe>1.0", path=path) self.SkimLists = ["B+:semileptonic"]
[docs] def validation_histograms(self, path): # NOTE: the validation package is not part of the light releases, so this import # must be made here rather than at the top of the file. from validation_tools.metadata import create_validation_histograms vm.addAlias("d0_massDiff", "daughter(0,massDifference(0))") vm.addAlias("d0_M", "daughter(0,M)") vm.addAlias("nDaug", "countDaughters(1>0)") # Dummy cut so all daughters are selected. histogramFilename = f"{self}_Validation.root" email = "Phil Grace <>" SkimList = self.SkimLists[0] variables_1d = [ ("sigProb", 100, 0.0, 1.0, "Signal probability", email, "Signal probability of the reconstructed tag B candidates", "Most around zero, with a tail at non-zero values.", "Signal probability", "Candidates", "logy"), ("nDaug", 6, 0.0, 6, "Number of daughters of tag B", email, "Number of daughters of tag B", "Some distribution of number of daughters", "n_{daughters}", "Candidates"), ("cosThetaBetweenParticleAndNominalB", 100, -6.0, 4.0, "#cos#theta_{BY}", email, "Cosine of angle between the reconstructed B and the nominal B", "Distribution peaking between -1 and 1", "#cos#theta_{BY}", "Candidates"), ("d0_massDiff", 100, 0.0, 0.5, "Mass difference of D* and D", email, "Mass difference of $D^{*}$ and D", "Peak at 0.14 GeV", "m(D^{*})-m(D) [GeV]", "Candidates", "shifter"), ("d0_M", 100, 0.0, 3.0, "Mass of zeroth daughter (D* or D)", email, "Mass of zeroth daughter of tag B (either a $D^{*}$ or a D)", "Peaks at 1.86 GeV and 2.00 GeV", "m(D^{(*)}) [GeV]", "Candidates", "shifter") ] variables_2d = [ ("decayModeID", 8, 0, 8, "log10_sigProb", 100, -3.0, 0.0, "Signal probability for each decay mode ID", email, "Signal probability for each decay mode ID", "Some distribtuion of candidates in the first few decay mode IDs", "Decay mode ID", "#log_10(signal probability)", "colz") ] create_validation_histograms( rootfile=histogramFilename, particlelist=SkimList, variables_1d=variables_1d, variables_2d=variables_2d, path=path )
[docs]@_FEI_skim_header(["B0", "B+"]) class feiHadronic(BaseFEISkim): """ Tag side :math:`B` cuts: * :math:`M_{\\text{bc}} > 5.24~{\\rm GeV}` * :math:`|\\Delta E| < 0.2~{\\rm GeV}` * :math:`\\text{signal probability} > 0.001` (omitted for decay mode 23 for :math:`B^+`, and decay mode 25 for :math:`B^0`) All available FEI :math:`B^0` and :math:`B^+` hadronic tags are reconstructed. From `Thomas Keck's thesis <>`_, "the channel :math:`B^0 \\to \\overline{D}^0 \\pi^0` was used by the FR, but is not yet used in the FEI due to unexpected technical restrictions in the KFitter algorithm". <CHANNELS> See also: `BaseFEISkim.FEIPrefix` for FEI training used, and `BaseFEISkim.fei_precuts` for event-level cuts made before applying the FEI. """ __description__ = "FEI-tagged neutral and charged :math:`B`'s decaying hadronically." FEIChannelArgs = { "neutralB": True, "chargedB": True, "hadronic": True, "semileptonic": False, "KLong": False, "baryonic": True }
[docs] def build_lists(self, path): ma.copyList("B0:feiHadronic", "B0:generic", path=path) ma.copyList("B+:feiHadronic", "B+:generic", path=path) HadronicBLists = ["B0:feiHadronic", "B+:feiHadronic"] for BList in HadronicBLists: ma.applyCuts(BList, "Mbc>5.24", path=path) ma.applyCuts(BList, "abs(deltaE)<0.200", path=path) ma.applyCuts("B+:feiHadronic", "sigProb>0.001 or extraInfo(dmID)==25", path=path) ma.applyCuts("B0:feiHadronic", "sigProb>0.001 or extraInfo(dmID)==23", path=path) self.SkimLists = HadronicBLists
[docs]@_FEI_skim_header(["B0", "B+"]) class feiSL(BaseFEISkim): """ Tag side :math:`B` cuts: * :math:`-4 < \\cos\\theta_{BY} < 3` * :math:`\\log_{10}(\\text{signal probability}) > -2.4` * :math:`p_{\\ell}^{*} > 1.0~{\\rm GeV}` in CMS frame SL :math:`B^0` and :math:`B^+` tags are reconstructed. Hadronic :math:`B` with SL :math:`D` are not reconstructed, as these are rare and time-intensive. <CHANNELS> See also: `BaseFEISkim.FEIPrefix` for FEI training used, and `BaseFEISkim.fei_precuts` for event-level cuts made before applying the FEI. """ __description__ = "FEI-tagged neutral and charged :math:`B`'s decaying semileptonically." FEIChannelArgs = { "neutralB": True, "chargedB": True, "hadronic": False, "semileptonic": True, "KLong": False, "baryonic": True, "removeSLD": True }
[docs] def build_lists(self, path): ma.copyList("B0:feiSL", "B0:semileptonic", path=path) ma.copyList("B+:feiSL", "B+:semileptonic", path=path) SLBLists = ["B0:feiSL", "B+:feiSL"] Bcuts = ["log10_sigProb>-2.4", "-4.0<cosThetaBY<3.0", "p_lepton_CMSframe>1.0"] for BList in SLBLists: for cut in Bcuts: ma.applyCuts(BList, cut, path=path) self.SkimLists = SLBLists