Source code for skim.taupair

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

""" Skim list building functions for tau-pair analyses """

__authors__ = [
    "Kenji Inami"

import basf2 as b2
import modularAnalysis as ma
from skim.standardlists.lightmesons import (loadStdAllF_0, loadStdAllKstar0,
                                            loadStdAllPhi, loadStdAllRho0)
from skimExpertFunctions import BaseSkim, fancy_skim_header
from stdCharged import stdE, stdK, stdMu, stdPi, stdPr
from stdPhotons import stdPhotons
from variables import variables as vm

__liaison__ = "Kenji Inami <>"

[docs]@fancy_skim_header class TauLFV(BaseSkim): """ **Channel**: :math:`\\tau \\to l \\gamma, lll, l \\pi^0, l V^0, lhh, llp, phh` **Output particle lists**: ``e+:taulfv, mu+:taulfv, pi+:taulfv, K+:taulfv, p+:taulfv``, ``gamma:taulfv, pi0:taulfv, K_S0:taulfv, eta:taulfv, eta':taulfv``, ``omega:taulfv`` **Criteria for 1 prong final states**: Number of good tracks < 5, :math:`1.0 < M < 2.0` GeV, :math:`-1.5 < \\Delta E < 0.5` GeV **Criteria for >1 prong final states** : Number of good tracks < 7, :math:`1.4 < M < 2.0` GeV, :math:`-1.0 < \\Delta E < 0.5` GeV """ __authors__ = ["Kenji Inami"] __description__ = "Skim for Tau LFV decays." __contact__ = __liaison__ __category__ = "physics, tau" produce_on_tau_samples = False # retention is too high on taupair
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path): stdE("all", path=path) stdK("all", path=path) stdMu("all", path=path) stdPi("all", path=path) stdPr("all", path=path) stdPhotons("all", path=path) loadStdAllRho0(path=path) loadStdAllKstar0(path=path) loadStdAllPhi(path=path) loadStdAllF_0(path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path): # particle selection trackCuts = "-3.0 < dz < 3.0 and dr < 1.0" ma.cutAndCopyList("e+:taulfv", "e+:all", trackCuts, path=path) ma.cutAndCopyList("mu+:taulfv", "mu+:all", trackCuts, path=path) ma.cutAndCopyList("pi+:taulfv", "pi+:all", trackCuts, path=path) ma.cutAndCopyList("K+:taulfv", "K+:all", trackCuts, path=path) ma.cutAndCopyList("p+:taulfv", "p+:all", trackCuts, path=path) ma.reconstructDecay("K_S0:taulfv -> pi+:all pi-:all", "0.3 < M < 0.7", path=path) gammaCuts = "E > 0.20 and clusterNHits > 1.5 and -0.8660 < cosTheta < 0.9563" ma.cutAndCopyList("gamma:taulfv", "gamma:all", gammaCuts, path=path) gammaLooseCuts = "E > 0.1 and -0.8660 < cosTheta < 0.9563 and clusterNHits > 1.5" ma.cutAndCopyLists("gamma:taulfvloose", "gamma:all", gammaLooseCuts, path=path) # pi0 ma.reconstructDecay("pi0:taulfv -> gamma:taulfvloose gamma:taulfvloose", "0.115 < M < 0.152", path=path) # eta ma.reconstructDecay("eta:taulfv1 -> gamma:taulfvloose gamma:taulfvloose", "0.4 < M < 0.6", path=path) ma.reconstructDecay("eta:taulfv2 -> pi0:taulfv pi-:all pi+:all", "0.4 < M < 0.6", path=path) ma.copyLists("eta:taulfv", ["eta:taulfv1", "eta:taulfv2"], path=path) # eta" ma.reconstructDecay("eta':taulfv1 -> pi+:all pi-:all gamma:taulfvloose", "0.8 < M < 1.1", path=path) ma.reconstructDecay("eta':taulfv2 -> pi+:all pi-:all eta:taulfv", "0.8 < M < 1.1", path=path) ma.copyLists("eta':taulfv", ["eta':taulfv1", "eta':taulfv2"], path=path) # omega ma.reconstructDecay("omega:taulfv -> pi0:taulfv pi-:all pi+:all", "0.73 < M < 0.83", path=path) # event selection vm.addAlias("netChargeLFV", "formula(countInList(pi+:taulfv, charge == 1) - countInList(pi+:taulfv, charge == -1))") tauLFVCuts1 = "nParticlesInList(pi+:taulfv) < 5 and 1.0 < M < 2.0 and -1.5 < deltaE < 0.5" tauLFVCuts3 = "nParticlesInList(pi+:taulfv) < 7 and 1.4 < M < 2.0 and -1.0 < deltaE < 0.5" tau_lgamma_Channels = ["e+:taulfv gamma:taulfv", "mu+:taulfv gamma:taulfv" ] tau_lll_Channels = ["e+:taulfv e+:taulfv e-:taulfv", "mu+:taulfv mu+:taulfv mu-:taulfv", "mu+:taulfv e+:taulfv e-:taulfv", "e+:taulfv mu+:taulfv mu-:taulfv", "e+:taulfv e+:taulfv mu-:taulfv", "mu+:taulfv mu+:taulfv e-:taulfv" ] tau_lP01_Channels = ["e+:taulfv pi0:taulfv", "mu+:taulfv pi0:taulfv", "e+:taulfv eta:taulfv1", "mu+:taulfv eta:taulfv1" ] tau_lP03_Channels = ["e+:taulfv eta:taulfv2", "mu+:taulfv eta:taulfv2", "e+:taulfv eta':taulfv", "mu+:taulfv eta':taulfv", "e+:taulfv K_S0:taulfv", "mu+:taulfv K_S0:taulfv" ] tau_lS0_Channels = ["e+:taulfv f_0:all", "mu+:taulfv f_0:all" ] tau_lV0_Channels = ["e+:taulfv rho0:all", "mu+:taulfv rho0:all", "e+:taulfv K*0:all", "mu+:taulfv K*0:all", "e+:taulfv anti-K*0:all", "mu+:taulfv anti-K*0:all", "e+:taulfv phi:all", "mu+:taulfv phi:all", "e+:taulfv omega:taulfv", "mu+:taulfv omega:taulfv" ] tau_lhh_Channels = ["e+:taulfv pi-:taulfv pi+:taulfv", "mu+:taulfv pi-:taulfv pi+:taulfv", "e-:taulfv pi+:taulfv pi+:taulfv", "mu-:taulfv pi+:taulfv pi+:taulfv", "e+:taulfv K-:taulfv K+:taulfv", "mu+:taulfv K-:taulfv K+:taulfv", "e-:taulfv K+:taulfv K+:taulfv", "mu-:taulfv K+:taulfv K+:taulfv", "e+:taulfv K-:taulfv pi+:taulfv", "mu+:taulfv K-:taulfv pi+:taulfv", "e-:taulfv K+:taulfv pi+:taulfv", "mu-:taulfv K+:taulfv pi+:taulfv", "e+:taulfv K_S0:taulfv K_S0:taulfv", "mu+:taulfv K_S0:taulfv K_S0:taulfv" ] tau_bnv_Channels = ["mu+:taulfv mu+:taulfv anti-p-:taulfv", "mu-:taulfv mu+:taulfv p+:taulfv", "anti-p-:taulfv pi+:taulfv pi+:taulfv", "p+:taulfv pi-:taulfv pi+:taulfv", "anti-p-:taulfv pi+:taulfv K+:taulfv", "p+:taulfv pi-:taulfv K+:taulfv" ] tau_lgamma_list = [] for chID, channel in enumerate(tau_lgamma_Channels): ma.reconstructDecay("tau+:LFV_lgamma" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, tauLFVCuts1, chID, path=path) tau_lgamma_list.append("tau+:LFV_lgamma" + str(chID)) tau_lll_list = [] for chID, channel in enumerate(tau_lll_Channels): ma.reconstructDecay("tau+:LFV_lll" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, tauLFVCuts3, chID, path=path) tau_lll_list.append("tau+:LFV_lll" + str(chID)) tau_lP0_list = [] for chID, channel in enumerate(tau_lP01_Channels): ma.reconstructDecay("tau+:LFV_lP01" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, tauLFVCuts1, chID, path=path) tau_lP0_list.append("tau+:LFV_lP01" + str(chID)) for chID, channel in enumerate(tau_lP03_Channels): ma.reconstructDecay("tau+:LFV_lP03" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, tauLFVCuts3, chID, path=path) tau_lP0_list.append("tau+:LFV_lP03" + str(chID)) tau_lS0_list = [] for chID, channel in enumerate(tau_lS0_Channels): ma.reconstructDecay("tau+:LFV_lS0" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, tauLFVCuts3, chID, path=path) tau_lS0_list.append("tau+:LFV_lS0" + str(chID)) tau_lV0_list = [] for chID, channel in enumerate(tau_lV0_Channels): ma.reconstructDecay("tau+:LFV_lV0" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, tauLFVCuts3, chID, path=path) tau_lV0_list.append("tau+:LFV_lV0" + str(chID)) tau_lhh_list = [] for chID, channel in enumerate(tau_lhh_Channels): ma.reconstructDecay("tau+:LFV_lhh" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, tauLFVCuts3, chID, path=path) tau_lhh_list.append("tau+:LFV_lhh" + str(chID)) tau_bnv_list = [] for chID, channel in enumerate(tau_bnv_Channels): ma.reconstructDecay("tau+:LFV_bnv" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, tauLFVCuts3, chID, path=path) tau_bnv_list.append("tau+:LFV_bnv" + str(chID)) tau_lfv_lists = tau_lgamma_list + tau_lll_list + tau_lP0_list + tau_lS0_list + tau_lV0_list + tau_lhh_list + tau_bnv_list self.SkimLists = tau_lfv_lists
[docs] def validation_histograms(self, path): ma.copyLists('tau+:LFV', self.SkimLists, path=path) # the variables that are printed out are: M, deltaE ma.variablesToHistogram( filename='TauLFV_Validation.root', decayString='tau+:LFV', variables=[('M', 100, 1.00, 2.00), ('deltaE', 120, -1.6, 0.6)], variables_2d=[('M', 50, 1.00, 2.00, 'deltaE', 60, -1.6, 0.6)], path=path )
[docs]@fancy_skim_header class TauGeneric(BaseSkim): """ **Channel**: :math:`e^+ e^- \\to \\tau^+ \\tau^-` **Criteria**: Ntrk = 2 1. Number of good tracks = 2, net charge < 2 2. ``visibleEnergyOfEventCMS < 10 GeV and E_ECLtrk < 6 GeV`` and ``missingMomentumOfEvent_theta < 2.6180`` 3. ``visibleEnergyOfEventCMS > 3 GeV or max P_t > 1 GeV`` 4. max. opening angle < 178 deg. Ntrk = 3,4 1. Number of good tracks = 3 or 4, net charge < 2 2. ``visibleEnergyOfEventCMS < 10.5 GeV and E_ECLtrk < 6 GeV`` 3. ``visibleEnergyOfEventCMS > 3 GeV or max P_t > 1 GeV`` 4. max. opening angle < 178 deg. 5. Event divided by thrust axis; No. good tracks in tag side = 1 or 3 6. ``M_tag < 1.8 GeV`` and ``M_sig < 2.3 GeV`` Ntrk = 5,6 1. Number of good tracks = 5 or 6, net charge < 2 2. Event divided by thrust axis; No. good tracks in tag side = 1 or 3 3. ``M_tag < 1.8 GeV`` and ``M_sig < 2.3 GeV`` """ __authors__ = ["Kenji Inami"] __description__ = "Skim for Tau generic decays." __contact__ = __liaison__ __category__ = "physics, tau" produce_on_tau_samples = False # retention is too high on taupair
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path): stdPi("all", path=path) stdPhotons("all", path=path)
[docs] def additional_setup(self, path): """ Set particle lists and variables for TauGeneric skim. **Output particle lists**: ``pi+:tauskim, gamma:tauskim, pi+:S1/S2, gamma:S1/S2`` **Variables**: * ``nGoodTracks``: number of good tracks in an event * ``netCharge``: total net charge of good tracks * ``nTracksS1/nTracksS2:`` number of good tracks in each hemisphere ``S1/S2`` divided by thrust axis * ``invMS1/invMS2``: invariant mass of particles in each hemisphere * ``maxPt``: maximum Pt amoung good tracks * ``E_ECLtrk``: total ECL energy of good tracks """ # Track and gamma cuts trackCuts = "-3.0 < dz < 3.0 and dr < 1.0" # trackCuts += " and -0.8660 < cosTheta < 0.9563" gammaCuts = "E > 0.15" gammaCuts += " and -0.8660 < cosTheta < 0.9563" ma.cutAndCopyList("pi+:tauskim", "pi+:all", trackCuts, path=path) ma.cutAndCopyList("gamma:tauskim", "gamma:all", gammaCuts, path=path) # Get EventShape variables ma.buildEventShape(["pi+:tauskim", "gamma:tauskim"], allMoments=False, foxWolfram=False, cleoCones=False, sphericity=False, jets=False, path=path) ma.buildEventKinematics(["pi+:tauskim", "gamma:tauskim"], path=path) # Split in signal and tag ma.cutAndCopyList("pi+:S1", "pi+:tauskim", "cosToThrustOfEvent > 0", path=path) ma.cutAndCopyList("pi+:S2", "pi+:tauskim", "cosToThrustOfEvent < 0", path=path) ma.cutAndCopyList("gamma:S1", "gamma:tauskim", "cosToThrustOfEvent > 0", path=path) ma.cutAndCopyList("gamma:S2", "gamma:tauskim", "cosToThrustOfEvent < 0", path=path) vm.addAlias("nGoodTracks", "nParticlesInList(pi+:tauskim)") vm.addAlias("netCharge", "formula(countInList(pi+:tauskim, charge == 1) - countInList(pi+:tauskim, charge == -1))") vm.addAlias("nTracksS1", "nParticlesInList(pi+:S1)") vm.addAlias("nTracksS2", "nParticlesInList(pi+:S2)") vm.addAlias("invMS1", "invMassInLists(pi+:S1, gamma:S1)") vm.addAlias("invMS2", "invMassInLists(pi+:S2, gamma:S2)") # vm.addAlias("Evis", "visibleEnergyOfEventCMS") vm.addAlias("maxPt", "maxPtInList(pi+:tauskim)") vm.addAlias("E_ECLtrk", "formula(totalECLEnergyOfParticlesInList(pi+:tauskim))") vm.addAlias("maxOp", "useCMSFrame(maxOpeningAngleInList(pi+:tauskim))")
[docs] def build_lists(self, path): # reconstruct with each Ntrk case ma.reconstructDecay('tau+:g2 -> pi+:S1', 'nGoodTracks == 2 and -2 < netCharge <2', path=path) ma.reconstructDecay('tau+:g34 -> pi+:S1', '[nGoodTracks == 3 or nGoodTracks == 4] and -2 < netCharge <2', path=path) ma.reconstructDecay('tau+:g56 -> pi+:S1', '[nGoodTracks == 5 or nGoodTracks == 6] and -2 < netCharge <2', path=path) # Selection criteria # Ntrk=2 ma.applyCuts('tau+:g2', 'visibleEnergyOfEventCMS < 10', path=path) ma.applyCuts('tau+:g2', 'E_ECLtrk < 6', path=path) ma.applyCuts('tau+:g2', 'missingMomentumOfEvent_theta < 2.6180', path=path) ma.applyCuts('tau+:g2', 'visibleEnergyOfEventCMS > 3 or maxPt > 1', path=path) ma.applyCuts('tau+:g2', 'maxOp < 3.106686', path=path) # Ntrk=3,4 ma.applyCuts('tau+:g34', 'visibleEnergyOfEventCMS < 10.5', path=path) ma.applyCuts('tau+:g34', 'E_ECLtrk < 6', path=path) ma.applyCuts('tau+:g34', 'visibleEnergyOfEventCMS > 3 or maxPt > 1', path=path) ma.applyCuts('tau+:g34', 'maxOp < 3.106686', path=path) ma.applyCuts('tau+:g34', '[[ nTracksS1 == 1 or nTracksS1 == 3 ] and invMS1 < 1.8 and invMS2 < 2.3 ] or ' '[[ nTracksS2 == 1 or nTracksS2 == 3 ] and invMS2 < 1.8 and invMS1 < 2.3 ]', path=path) # Ntrk=5,6 ma.applyCuts('tau+:g56', '[[ nTracksS1 == 1 or nTracksS1 == 3 ] and invMS1 < 1.8 and invMS2 < 2.3 ] or ' '[[ nTracksS2 == 1 or nTracksS2 == 3 ] and invMS2 < 1.8 and invMS1 < 2.3 ]', path=path) # For skimming, the important thing is if the final particleList is empty or not. eventParticle = ['tau+:g2', 'tau+:g34', 'tau+:g56'] self.SkimLists = eventParticle
[docs] def validation_histograms(self, path): self.additional_setup(path) vm.addAlias('Theta_miss', 'formula(missingMomentumOfEvent_theta*180/3.14159)') # contact = "" # validation_tools.metadata.create_validation_histograms, to add contact # info without reopening and closing ROOT file and add 'shifter' flag ma.variablesToHistogram( filename='TauGeneric_Validation.root', decayString='', variables=[('nGoodTracks', 7, 1, 8), ('visibleEnergyOfEventCMS', 40, 0, 12), ('E_ECLtrk', 70, 0, 7), ('maxPt', 60, 0, 6), ('invMS1', 60, 0, 3), ('invMS2', 60, 0, 3), ('Theta_miss', 30, 0, 180)], variables_2d=[('invMS1', 30, 0, 3, 'invMS2', 30, 0, 3)], path=path ) b2.process(path)
[docs]@fancy_skim_header class TauThrust(BaseSkim): """ **Channel**: :math:`e^+ e^- \\to \\tau^+ \\tau^-` **Criteria**: * ``1 < No. good tracks < 7`` * ``net charge == 0`` * Event divided by thrust axis; select 1x1, 1x3, 1x5, 3x3 topology * ``0.8 < thrust`` * ``visibleEnergyOfEventCMS < 10.4 GeV`` * For 1x1 topology, ``thrust < 0.99`` """ __authors__ = ["Ami Rostomyan", "Kenji Inami"] __description__ = "Skim for Tau decays using thrust." __contact__ = __liaison__ __category__ = "physics, tau" produce_on_tau_samples = False # retention is too high on taupair
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path): stdPi("all", path=path) stdPhotons("all", path=path)
[docs] def additional_setup(self, path): """ Set particle lists and variables for TauThrust skim. **Constructed particle lists**: ``pi+:thrust, gamma:thrust, pi+:thrustS1/thrustS2, pi0:thrust`` **Variables**: * ``nGoodTracksThrust``: number of good tracks in an event * ``netChargeThrust``: total net charge of good tracks * ``nTracksS1Thrust/nTracksS2Thrust``: number of good tracks in each hemisphere S1/S2 divided by thrust axis """ # Track and gamma cuts trackCuts = '-3.0 < dz < 3.0 and dr < 1.0' ma.cutAndCopyList('pi+:thrust', 'pi+:all', trackCuts, path=path) gammaForPi0Cuts = 'E > 0.1 and -0.8660 < cosTheta < 0.9563 and clusterNHits > 1.5' ma.cutAndCopyLists('gamma:thrustForPi0', 'gamma:all', gammaForPi0Cuts, path=path) ma.reconstructDecay('pi0:thrust -> gamma:thrustForPi0 gamma:thrustForPi0', '0.115 < M < 0.152', path=path) gammaCuts = 'E > 0.20 and clusterNHits > 1.5 and -0.8660 < cosTheta < 0.9563' gammaCuts += ' and isDaughterOfList(pi0:thrust) == 0' ma.cutAndCopyList('gamma:thrust', 'gamma:all', gammaCuts, path=path) # Get EventShape variables ma.buildEventShape(['pi+:thrust', 'pi0:thrust', 'gamma:thrust'], allMoments=False, foxWolfram=False, cleoCones=False, sphericity=False, jets=False, path=path) ma.buildEventKinematics(['pi+:thrust', 'pi0:thrust', 'gamma:thrust'], path=path) # Split in signal and tag ma.cutAndCopyList('pi+:thrustS1', 'pi+:thrust', 'cosToThrustOfEvent > 0', path=path) ma.cutAndCopyList('pi+:thrustS2', 'pi+:thrust', 'cosToThrustOfEvent < 0', path=path) vm.addAlias('nGoodTracksThrust', 'nParticlesInList(pi+:thrust)') vm.addAlias('netChargeThrust', 'formula(countInList(pi+:thrust, charge == 1) - countInList(pi+:thrust, charge == -1))') vm.addAlias('nTracksS1Thrust', 'nParticlesInList(pi+:thrustS1)') vm.addAlias('nTracksS2Thrust', 'nParticlesInList(pi+:thrustS2)')
[docs] def build_lists(self, path): ma.reconstructDecay("tau+:thrust -> pi+:thrustS1", "", path=path) eventParticle = ["tau+:thrust"] # Selection criteria ma.applyCuts("tau+:thrust", "1 < nGoodTracksThrust < 7", path=path) # cut1 ma.applyCuts("tau+:thrust", "netChargeThrust == 0", path=path) # cut2 topologyCuts = "[nTracksS1Thrust == 1 and nTracksS2Thrust == 1]" # 1x1 topologyCuts += " or [nTracksS1Thrust == 1 and nTracksS2Thrust == 3]"\ " or [nTracksS1Thrust == 3 and nTracksS2Thrust == 1]" # 1x3, 3x1 topologyCuts += " or [nTracksS1Thrust == 1 and nTracksS2Thrust == 5]"\ " or [nTracksS1Thrust == 5 and nTracksS2Thrust == 1]" # 1x5, 5x1 topologyCuts += " or [nTracksS1Thrust == 3 and nTracksS2Thrust == 3]" # 3x3 ma.applyCuts("tau+:thrust", topologyCuts, path=path) # cut3 ma.applyCuts("tau+:thrust", "0.8 < thrust", path=path) # cut4 ma.applyCuts("tau+:thrust", "visibleEnergyOfEventCMS < 10.4", path=path) # cut5 # cut6 thrust upper cut for 1x1 topology ma.applyCuts("tau+:thrust", "thrust < 0.99 or nGoodTracksThrust!=2", path=path) self.SkimLists = eventParticle
[docs] def validation_histograms(self, path): self.additional_setup(path) # validation_tools.metadata.create_validation_histograms, to add contact # info without reopening and closing ROOT file and add 'shifter' flag ma.variablesToHistogram( filename='TauThrust_Validation.root', decayString='', variables=[('nGoodTracksThrust', 7, 1, 8), ('visibleEnergyOfEventCMS', 40, 0, 12), ('thrust', 50, 0.75, 1)], path=path )