#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from basf2 import B2ERROR
from modularAnalysis import fillParticleList
# define arrays to interpret cut matrix
_chargednames = ['pi', 'K', 'p', 'e', 'mu']
_pidnames = ['pionID', 'kaonID', 'protonID', 'electronID', 'muonID']
_effnames = ['95eff', '90eff', '85eff']
# default particle list for stdPi() and similar functions
_defaultlist = 'good'
_mostLikelyList = 'mostlikely'
def _stdChargedEffCuts(particletype, listtype):
Provides the PID cut corresponding to a given efficiency percentile
@param particletype type of charged particle (pi, K, p, e, mu)
@param listtype efficiency percentile for the list (95eff, 90eff, 85eff)
particleindex = _chargednames.index(particletype)
effindex = _effnames.index(listtype)
# efficiency cuts = [.95,.90,.85] efficiency; values outside (0,1) mean the cut does not exist and an error will be thrown
effcuts = [[0.001, 0.019, 0.098],
[5e-6, 0.027, 0.167],
[0.000, 0.043, 0.251],
[0.093, 0.301, 0.709],
[0.187, 0.418, 0.909]]
return effcuts[particleindex][effindex]
[docs]def stdCharged(particletype, listtype, path):
Function to prepare one of several standardized types of charged particle lists:
- 'all' with no cuts on track
- 'good' high purity lists for data studies
- 'loosepid' loose selections for skimming, PID cut only
- 'loose' loose selections for skimming
- 'higheff' high efficiency list with loose global ID cut for data studies
- 'mostlikely' list with the highest PID likelihood
Also the following lists, which may or may not be available depending on the release
- '99eff' with 99% selection efficiency (calculated for 1<p<4 GeV) and good track (MC only)
- '95eff' with 95% selection efficiency (calculated for 1<p<4 GeV) and good track (MC only)
- '90eff' with 90% selection efficiency (calculated for 1<p<4 GeV) and good track (MC only)
- '85eff' with 85% selection efficiency (calculated for 1<p<4 GeV) and good track (MC only)
@param particletype type of charged particle to make a list of
@param listtype name of standard list
@param path modules are added to this path
# basic quality cut strings
trackQuality = 'thetaInCDCAcceptance and nCDCHits>20'
ipCut = 'dr < 0.5 and abs(dz) < 2'
goodTrack = trackQuality + ' and ' + ipCut
if particletype not in _chargednames:
B2ERROR("The requested list is not a standard charged particle. Use one of pi, K, e, mu, p.")
if listtype == 'all':
fillParticleList(particletype + '+:all', '', True, path=path)
elif listtype == 'good':
particletype + '+:good',
_pidnames[_chargednames.index(particletype)] + ' > 0.5 and ' + goodTrack,
elif listtype == 'loose':
particletype + '+:loose',
_pidnames[_chargednames.index(particletype)] + ' > 0.1 and ' + goodTrack,
elif listtype == 'loosepid':
particletype + '+:loosepid',
_pidnames[_chargednames.index(particletype)] + ' > 0.1',
elif listtype == 'higheff':
particletype + '+:higheff',
_pidnames[_chargednames.index(particletype)] + ' > 0.002 and ' + goodTrack,
elif listtype not in _effnames:
B2ERROR("The requested list is not defined. Please refer to the stdCharged documentation.")
pidcut = _stdChargedEffCuts(particletype, listtype)
if 0.0 < pidcut < 1.0:
particletype +
'+:' +
_pidnames[_chargednames.index(particletype)] +
' > ' +
str(pidcut) +
' and ' +
B2ERROR('The requested standard particle list ' + particletype +
'+:' + listtype + ' is not available in this release.')
[docs]def stdPi(listtype=_defaultlist, path=None):
Function to prepare standard pion lists, refer to stdCharged for details
@param listtype name of standard list
@param path modules are added to this path
stdCharged('pi', listtype, path)
[docs]def stdK(listtype=_defaultlist, path=None):
Function to prepare standard kaon lists, refer to stdCharged for details
@param listtype name of standard list
@param path modules are added to this path
stdCharged('K', listtype, path)
[docs]def stdPr(listtype=_defaultlist, path=None):
Function to prepare standard proton lists, refer to stdCharged for details
@param listtype name of standard list
@param path modules are added to this path
stdCharged('p', listtype, path)
[docs]def stdE(listtype=_defaultlist, path=None):
Function to prepare standard electron lists, refer to stdCharged for details
@param listtype name of standard list
@param path modules are added to this path
stdCharged('e', listtype, path)
[docs]def stdMu(listtype=_defaultlist, path=None):
Function to prepare standard muon lists, refer to stdCharged for details
@param listtype name of standard list
@param path modules are added to this path
stdCharged('mu', listtype, path)
[docs]def stdMostLikely(pidPriors=None, suffix='', path=None):
Function to prepare most likely particle lists according to PID likelihood, refer to stdCharged for details
@param pidPriors list of 5 float numbers used to reweight PID likelihoods
@param suffix string added to the end of particle list names
@param path modules are added to this path
# Here we need basic track quality cuts to be applied,
# otherwise, we get a lot of badly reconstructed particles,
# which will end up filled as a random type
args = ''
if pidPriors is not None:
args = str(pidPriors)[1:-1] # remove brackets
trackQuality = 'thetaInCDCAcceptance and nCDCHits>20'
for name in _chargednames:
fillParticleList('%s+:%s' % (name, _mostLikelyList+suffix),
'pidIsMostLikely(%s) > 0 and %s' % (args, trackQuality), True, path=path)