Source code for stdHyperons

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from basf2 import B2ERROR, B2WARNING
from b2bii import isB2BII
from modularAnalysis import cutAndCopyList, reconstructDecay, applyCuts
from vertex import treeFit, kFit

from stdCharged import stdPi, stdK
from stdV0s import stdLambdas
from stdPhotons import stdPhotons
from stdPi0s import stdPi0s

[docs]def stdXi(fitter='TreeFit', path=None): r""" Reconstruct the standard :math:`\Xi^-` ``ParticleList`` named ``Xi-:std``. .. seealso:: `BELLE2-NOTE-PH-2019-011 <>`_. Parameters: fitter (str): specify either ``KFit`` or ``TreeFit`` for the vertex reconstructions (default ``TreeFit``) path (basf2.Path): modules are added to this path building the ``Xi-:std`` list """ if not isB2BII(): stdLambdas(path=path) # 3.5 MeV Range around the nominal mass cutAndCopyList( 'Lambda0:reco', 'Lambda0:merged', '[ abs( dM ) < 0.0035 ] and \ [ cosAngleBetweenMomentumAndVertexVector > 0.0 ] and \ [ formula( [ dr^2 + dz^2 ]^[0.5] ) > 0.35 ] and \ [ daughter(0,protonID) > 0.01 ] and \ [ chiProb > 0.0 ]', True, path=path) else: stdPi('all', path=path) # Rough Lambda0 cuts from J. Yelton Observations of an Excited Omega- Baryon kFit('Lambda0:mdst', conf_level=0.0, path=path) # Re-vertexing, recover vertex variables and error matrix cutAndCopyList( 'Lambda0:reco', 'Lambda0:mdst', '[ abs( dM ) < 0.0035 ] and \ [ cosAngleBetweenMomentumAndVertexVector > 0.0 ] and \ [ dr > 0.35 ] and \ [ daughter(0,atcPIDBelle(4,3)) > 0.2 ] and \ [ daughter(0,atcPIDBelle(4,2)) > 0.2 ] and \ [ chiProb > 0.0 ]', True, path=path) # stdXi- if fitter == 'KFit': kFit('Lambda0:reco', 0.0, fit_type='massvertex', path=path) reconstructDecay('Xi-:reco -> Lambda0:reco pi-:all', '1.295 < M < 1.35', path=path) kFit('Xi-:reco', conf_level=0.0, path=path) elif fitter == 'TreeFit': reconstructDecay('Xi-:reco -> Lambda0:reco pi-:all', '1.295 < M < 1.35', path=path) treeFit('Xi-:reco', conf_level=0.0, massConstraint=[3122], path=path) else: B2ERROR(f"stdXi: invalid fitter ({fitter}). Choose from KFit or TreeFit") cutAndCopyList( 'Xi-:std', 'Xi-:reco', '[ cosAngleBetweenMomentumAndVertexVector > 0.0 ] and \ [ formula( [ dr^2 + dz^2 ]^[0.5] ) > 0. and \ formula([dr^2 + dz^2 ]^[0.5])<formula([daughter(0,dr)^2 + daughter(0,dz)^2]^[0.5])] and \ [ chiProb > 0.0 ]', True, path=path)
[docs]def stdXi0(gammatype='eff40', path=None): r""" Reconstruct the standard :math:`\Xi^0` ``ParticleList`` named ``Xi0:std``. .. seealso:: `BELLE2-NOTE-PH-2019-011 <>`_. Parameters: gammatype (str): specify either ``eff60``, ``eff50``, ``eff40``, ``eff30``, or ``eff20`` to select the signal efficiency of the photons used in the pi0 reconstruction (default ``eff40``) path (basf2.Path): modules are added to this path building the ``Xi0:std`` list """ if not isB2BII(): stdLambdas(path=path) # 3.5 MeV Range around nominal mass (~7*sigma_core) cutAndCopyList( 'Lambda0:reco', 'Lambda0:merged', '[ abs( dM ) < 0.0035 ] and \ [ cosAngleBetweenMomentumAndVertexVector > 0.0 ] and \ [ formula( [ dr^2 + dz^2 ]^[0.5] ) > 0.35 ] and \ [ daughter(0,protonID) > 0.01 ] and \ [ chiProb > 0.0 ]', True, path=path) # ~7*sigma Range around nominal mass stdPhotons(f'pi0{gammatype}', path=path) reconstructDecay(f'pi0:reco -> gamma:pi0{gammatype} gamma:pi0{gammatype}', 'abs( dM ) < 0.0406', True, path=path) else: # Rough pi0/Lambda0 cuts from J. Yelton Observations of an Excited Omega- Baryon cutAndCopyList( 'pi0:reco', 'pi0:mdst', '[ abs( dM ) < 0.0189 ] and \ [ [ daughter(0,clusterReg) == 1 and daughter(0,E) > 0.05 ] or [ daughter(0,clusterReg) == 3 and daughter(0,E) > 0.05 ] or \ [ daughter(0,clusterReg) == 2 and daughter(0,E) > 0.03 ] ] and \ [ [ daughter(1,clusterReg) == 1 and daughter(1,E) > 0.05 ] or [ daughter(1,clusterReg) == 3 and daughter(1,E) > 0.05 ] or \ [ daughter(1,clusterReg) == 2 and daughter(1,E) > 0.03 ] ]', path=path) kFit('Lambda0:mdst', conf_level=0.0, path=path) # Re-vertexing, recover vertex variables and error matrix cutAndCopyList( 'Lambda0:reco', 'Lambda0:mdst', '[ abs( dM ) < 0.0035 ] and \ [ cosAngleBetweenMomentumAndVertexVector > 0.0 ] and \ [ dr > 0.35 ] and \ [ daughter(0,atcPIDBelle(4,3)) > 0.2 ] and \ [ daughter(0,atcPIDBelle(4,2)) > 0.2 ] and \ [ chiProb > 0.0 ]', True, path=path) reconstructDecay( 'Xi0:prelim -> Lambda0:reco pi0:reco', '1.225 < M < 1.405', path=path) treeFit('Xi0:prelim', conf_level=0.0, massConstraint=[3122], ipConstraint=True, updateAllDaughters=True, path=path) # Selecting ~4*sigma around the pi0 nominal mass # pi0 mass range is invariant for B2BII, tighter selection is required by user applyCuts('Xi0:prelim', '[ abs( daughter(1,dM) ) < 0.0232 ]', path=path) treeFit('Xi0:prelim', conf_level=0.0, massConstraint=[111, 3122], ipConstraint=True, updateAllDaughters=False, path=path) cutAndCopyList( 'Xi0:std', 'Xi0:prelim', '[ cosAngleBetweenMomentumAndVertexVector > 0.0 ] and \ [ daughter(0,cosAngleBetweenMomentumAndVertexVectorInXYPlane) < cosAngleBetweenMomentumAndVertexVectorInXYPlane ] and \ [ formula( [ dr^2 + dz^2 ]^[0.5] ) > 0.0 and \ formula([dr^2 + dz^2]^[0.5])<formula([daughter(0,dr)^2 + daughter(0,dz)^2]^[0.5])] and \ [ chiProb > 0.0 ]', True, path=path)
[docs]def stdOmega(fitter='TreeFit', path=None): r""" Reconstruct the standard :math:`\Omega^-` ``ParticleList`` named ``Omega-:std``. .. seealso:: `BELLE2-NOTE-PH-2019-011 <>`_. Parameters: fitter (str): specify either ``KFit`` or ``TreeFit`` for the vertex reconstructions (default ``TreeFit``) path (basf2.Path): modules are added to this path building the ``Omega-:std`` list """ if not isB2BII(): stdLambdas(path=path) # 3.5 MeV Range around the nominal mass cutAndCopyList( 'Lambda0:reco', 'Lambda0:merged', '[ abs( dM ) < 0.0035 ] and \ [ cosAngleBetweenMomentumAndVertexVector > 0.0 ] and \ [ formula( [ dr^2 + dz^2 ]^[0.5] ) > 0.35 ] and \ [ daughter(0,protonID) > 0.01 ] and \ [ chiProb > 0.0 ]', True, path=path) else: stdPi('all', path=path) # Rough Lambda0 cuts from J. Yelton Observations of an Excited Omega- Baryon kFit('Lambda0:mdst', conf_level=0.0, path=path) # Re-vertexing, recover vertex variables and error matrix cutAndCopyList( 'Lambda0:reco', 'Lambda0:mdst', '[ abs( dM ) < 0.0035 ] and \ [ cosAngleBetweenMomentumAndVertexVector > 0.0 ] and \ [ dr > 0.35 ] and \ [ daughter(0,atcPIDBelle(4,3)) > 0.2 ] and \ [ daughter(0,atcPIDBelle(4,2)) > 0.2 ] and \ [ chiProb > 0.0 ]', True, path=path) stdK('all', path=path) # stdOmega- if fitter == 'KFit': kFit('Lambda0:reco', 0.0, fit_type='massvertex', path=path) reconstructDecay('Omega-:reco -> Lambda0:reco K-:all', '1.622 < M < 1.722', path=path) kFit('Omega-:reco', conf_level=0.0, path=path) elif fitter == 'TreeFit': reconstructDecay('Omega-:reco -> Lambda0:reco K-:all', '1.622 < M < 1.722', path=path) treeFit('Omega-:reco', conf_level=0.0, massConstraint=[3122], path=path) else: B2ERROR(f"stdOmega: invalid fitter ({fitter}). Choose from KFit or TreeFit") if not isB2BII(): cutAndCopyList( 'Omega-:std', 'Omega-:reco', '[ cosAngleBetweenMomentumAndVertexVector > 0.0] and \ [ formula( [ dr^2 + dz^2 ]^[0.5] ) > 0. and \ formula([dr^2 + dz^2]^[0.5])<formula([daughter(0,dr)^2 + daughter(0,dz)^2]^[0.5])] and \ [ chiProb > 0.0 ] and \ [ daughter(1,kaonID) > 0.01 ]', True, path=path) else: cutAndCopyList( 'Omega-:std', 'Omega-:reco', '[ cosAngleBetweenMomentumAndVertexVector > 0.0 ] and \ [ formula( [ dr^2 + dz^2 ]^[0.5] ) > 0. and \ formula([dr^2 + dz^2]^[0.5])<formula([daughter(0,dr)^2 + daughter(0,dz)^2 ]^[0.5])] and \ [ chiProb > 0.0 ] and \ [ daughter(1,atcPIDBelle(3,4)) > 0.2 and daughter(1,atcPIDBelle(3,2)) > 0.2 ]', True, path=path)
[docs]def goodXi(xitype='loose', path=None): r""" Select the standard good :math:`\Xi^-` ``ParticleList`` named ``Xi-:veryloose``, ``Xi-:loose``, or ``Xi-:tight`` from the reconstructed ``Xi-:std``. .. seealso:: `BELLE2-NOTE-PH-2019-011 <>`_. Parameters: xitype (str): specify either ``veryloose``, ``loose``, or ``tight`` for good ``ParticleList`` selection (default ``loose``) path (basf2.Path): modules are added to this path building the ``Xi-:veryloose``, ``Xi-:loose``, or ``Xi-:tight``, list """ if xitype == 'veryloose': cutAndCopyList( 'Xi-:veryloose', 'Xi-:std', '[ daughter(1,pt) > 0.05 and \ formula( [ dr^2 + dz^2 ]^[0.5] ) > 0.1 ]', True, path=path) elif xitype == 'loose': cutAndCopyList( 'Xi-:loose', 'Xi-:std', '[ daughter(1,pt) > 0.05 and \ formula( [ dr^2 + dz^2 ]^[0.5] ) > 0.1 and \ formula([daughter(0,cosAngleBetweenMomentumAndVertexVectorInXYPlane)/cosAngleBetweenMomentumAndVertexVectorInXYPlane])\ <1.006 ]', True, path=path) elif xitype == 'tight': cutAndCopyList( 'Xi-:tight', 'Xi-:std', '[ daughter(1,pt) > 0.1 and \ formula( [ dr^2 + dz^2 ]^[0.5] ) > 0.15 and \ formula([daughter(0,cosAngleBetweenMomentumAndVertexVectorInXYPlane)/cosAngleBetweenMomentumAndVertexVectorInXYPlane])\ <1.001 ]', True, path=path)
[docs]def goodXi0(xitype='loose', path=None): r""" Select the standard good :math:`\Xi^0` ``ParticleList`` named ``Xi0:veryloose``, ``Xi0:loose``, or ``Xi0:tight`` from the reconstructed ``Xi0:std``. .. seealso:: `BELLE2-NOTE-PH-2019-011 <>`_. Parameters: xitype (str): specify either ``veryloose``, ``loose``, or ``tight`` for good ``ParticleList`` selection (default ``loose``) path (basf2.Path): modules are added to this path building the ``Xi0:veryloose``, ``Xi0:loose``, or ``Xi0:tight``, list """ if xitype == 'veryloose': # Select pi0 at 3*sigma around the nominal mass cutAndCopyList( 'Xi0:veryloose', 'Xi0:std', '[ formula( [ dr^2 + dz^2 ]^[0.5] ) > 0.25 and \ daughter(1,p) > 0.1 and \ abs( daughter(1,dM) ) < 0.0174 ]', True, path=path) elif xitype == 'loose': # Select pi0 at 3*sigma around the nominal mass cutAndCopyList( 'Xi0:loose', 'Xi0:std', '[ formula( [ dr^2 + dz^2 ]^[0.5] ) > 0.5 and \ daughter(1,p) > 0.15 and \ abs( daughter(1,dM) ) < 0.0174 ]', True, path=path) elif xitype == 'tight': # Select pi0 at 2*sigma around the nominal mass cutAndCopyList( 'Xi0:tight', 'Xi0:std', '[ formula( [ dr^2 + dz^2 ]^[0.5] ) > 1.4 and \ daughter(1,p) > 0.25 and \ abs( daughter(1,dM) ) < 0.0116 ]', True, path=path)
[docs]def goodOmega(omegatype='loose', path=None): r""" Select the standard good :math:`\Omega^-` ``ParticleList`` named ``Omega-:veryloose``, ``Omega-:loose``, or ``Omega-:tight`` from the reconstructed ``Omega-:std``. .. seealso:: `BELLE2-NOTE-PH-2019-011 <>`_. Parameters: omegatype (str): specify either ``veryloose``, ``loose``, or ``tight`` for good ``ParticleList`` selection (default ``veryloose``) path (basf2.Path): modules are added to this path building the ``Omega-:veryloose``, ``Omega-:loose``, or ``Omega-:tight``, list """ if omegatype == 'veryloose': cutAndCopyList( 'Omega-:veryloose', 'Omega-:std', '[ daughter(1,pt) > 0.15 and \ formula( [ dr^2 + dz^2 ]^[0.5] ) > 0.05 ]', True, path=path) elif omegatype == 'loose': cutAndCopyList( 'Omega-:loose', 'Omega-:std', '[ daughter(1,pt) > 0.15 and \ formula( [ dr^2 + dz^2 ]^[0.5] ) > 0.15 and \ formula([daughter(0,cosAngleBetweenMomentumAndVertexVectorInXYPlane)/cosAngleBetweenMomentumAndVertexVectorInXYPlane])\ <1.0015 ]', True, path=path) elif omegatype == 'tight': cutAndCopyList( 'Omega-:tight', 'Omega-:std', '[ daughter(1,pt) > 0.3 and \ formula( [ dr^2 + dz^2 ]^[0.5] ) > 0.15 and \ formula([daughter(0,cosAngleBetweenMomentumAndVertexVectorInXYPlane)/cosAngleBetweenMomentumAndVertexVectorInXYPlane])\ <1.0005 ]', True, path=path)