Source code for stdPhotons

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Author(s): Torben Ferber (
#            Savino Longo (

from modularAnalysis import fillParticleList, cutAndCopyList

[docs]def stdPhotons(listtype='loose', path=None): """ Function to prepare one of several standardized types of photon lists: - 'gamma:all' with no cuts this will be polluted by tracks from outside the acceptance - 'gamma:cdc' all clusters inside the CDC tracking acceptance - 'gamma:loose' (default) with some loose quality selections - 'gamma:tight' like loose but with higher energy cuts depending on detector regions - 'gamma:pi0eff60_Jan2020' gamma list for 60% pi0 efficiency list, optimized in January 2020 - 'gamma:pi0eff50_Jan2020' gamma list for 50% pi0 efficiency list, optimized in January 2020 - 'gamma:pi0eff40_Jan2020' gamma list for 40% pi0 efficiency list, optimized in January 2020 - 'gamma:pi0eff30_Jan2020' gamma list for 30% pi0 efficiency list, optimized in January 2020 - 'gamma:pi0eff20_Jan2020' gamma list for 20% pi0 efficiency list, optimized in January 2020 - 'gamma:pi0eff10_Jan2020' gamma list for 10% pi0 efficiency list, optimized in January 2020 - 'gamma:pi0' gamma list for pi0 list - 'gamma:pi0highE' gamma list for pi0 list, high energy selection - For latest pi0 recommendations see @param listtype name of standard list @param path modules are added to this path """ # all photons (all neutral ECLClusters that have the c_nPhotons hypothesis) if listtype == 'all': fillParticleList('gamma:all', '', True, path) # all photons within the cdc tracking acceptance: remove un track-matched # electrons from outside the tracking acceptance elif listtype == 'cdc': fillParticleList( 'gamma:cdc', 'theta > 0.296706 and theta < 2.61799', True, path) # clusterErrorTiming < 1e6 removes failed waveform fits, this is not an actual timing cut. A 99% efficienct cut # is already applied on mdst level for photons with E < 50 MeV. elif listtype == 'loose': stdPhotons('cdc', path) cutAndCopyList( 'gamma:loose', 'gamma:cdc', 'clusterErrorTiming < 1e6 and [clusterE1E9 > 0.4 or E > 0.075]', True, path) # additional region dependent energy cuts elif listtype == 'tight': stdPhotons('loose', path) cutAndCopyList( 'gamma:tight', 'gamma:loose', '[clusterReg == 1 and E > 0.05] or [clusterReg == 2 and E > 0.05] or [clusterReg == 3 and E > 0.075]', True, path) elif listtype == 'pi0eff10_Jan2020': fillParticleList( 'gamma:pi0eff10_Jan2020', '[clusterReg==1 and E>0.200] or [clusterReg==2 and E>0.100] or [clusterReg==3 and E>0.180 and clusterE1E9>0.5]', True, path) elif listtype == 'pi0eff20_Jan2020': fillParticleList( 'gamma:pi0eff20_Jan2020', '[clusterReg==1 and E>0.120] or [clusterReg==2 and E>0.030] or [clusterReg==3 and E>0.080 and clusterE1E9>0.4]', True, path) elif listtype == 'pi0eff30_Jan2020' or listtype == 'pi0eff40_Jan2020': fillParticleList( f'gamma:{listtype}', '[clusterReg==1 and E>0.080] or [clusterReg==2 and E>0.030] or [clusterReg==3 and E>0.060 ]', True, path) elif listtype == 'pi0eff50_Jan2020': fillParticleList( 'gamma:pi0eff50_Jan2020', '[clusterReg==1 and E>0.025] or [clusterReg==2 and E>0.025] or [clusterReg==3 and E>0.040]', True, path) elif listtype == 'pi0eff60_Jan2020': fillParticleList( 'gamma:pi0eff60_Jan2020', '[clusterReg==1 and E>0.0225] or [clusterReg==2 and E>0.020] or [clusterReg==3 and E>0.020]', True, path)
# Used in skimming code
[docs]def loadStdSkimPhoton(path): """ Function to prepare the skim photon lists. Warning: Should only be used by skims. Parameters: path (basf2.Path): modules are added to this path """ stdPhotons('loose', path) cutAndCopyList( 'gamma:skim', 'gamma:loose', '', True, path)
# Only used for Belle via b2bii
[docs]def loadStdGoodBellePhoton(path): """ Load the Belle goodBelle list. Creates a ParticleList named 'gamma:goodBelle' with '0.5 < :b2:var:`goodBelleGamma` < 1.5' Warning: Should only be used for Belle analyses using `b2bii`. Parameters: path (basf2.Path): the path to load the modules """ fillParticleList('gamma:goodBelle', '0.5 < goodBelleGamma < 1.5', True, path)