3.5. Tools to help with debugging and checking code quality

3.5.1. b2code-module: Create a source code template for a module

Tool to create a source code template for a module.

The command takes the name of the module as argument. It asks several questions, e.g. about the parameters or input/output data of the module, and then creates a header and source file. If inside a git repository they are added to it.

The code follows the conventions and can be compiled as is. The user only has to implement the actual functionality, usually inside the event() method.

usage: b2code-module modulename

Required Arguments


Name of the module

3.5.2. b2code-memoryusage: Show memory usage of a program

Utility to measure the memory consumption of a process hierarchy on Linux.

This is optimized for basf2, taking into account page sharing for parallel processing mode and obtaining the process role from the output of basf2 if the log level of the framework is set to INFO.

This program has three modes: in “record” mode memory consumption is recorded for all children of the specified progam while it is executed. After execution is complete, the execution time (wall time) and maximum and average amount of memory used will be printed to stderr. Optionally, a memory consumption profile can be written to disk using the --profile argument. In “plot” mode, a previously recorded memory profile will be plotted as pdf file using the matplotlib plotting library and in mode “both” the memory profile will be recorded and plotted in one go.

Profiles can be generated for different types of memory consumption: virtual size which is (according to “man top”) the “total amount of virtual memory used by the task. It includes all code, data and shared libraries plus pages that have been swapped out and pages that have been mapped but not used.” Resident memory memory is the “non-swapped physical memory a task has used.” but does not take into account sharing between differnet processes. Proportional memory is like Resident memory but takes sharing of pages between processes into account. Swap is the amount of memory swapped out.

usage: b2code-memoryusage [optional arguments] [--] program [program arguments]

Optional Arguments

-m, --mode

Possible choices: record, plot, both

Indicates whether to record memory consumption, plot memory consumption or do both at once. If plot is selected a filename for the recorded data has to be specified using the –profile option (default: “both”)

-p, --profile

filename to write or read records from. Optional for mode=both and mode=record, required for mode=plot

-o, --output

Name of the output PDF file if plotting is enabled (default: “memoryusage.pdf”)

-i, --interval

sampling interval in seconds. Smaller interval increases precision at the cost of more cpu and memory utilization by this script (default: 1)

-t, --types

Memory types to record. Possible values are v=virtual size, r=resident size, p=proportional size, s=swap or any combination of these (default: “vrps”)


If given, also record /proc/meminfo to check consistency. This only works well if no other programs are allocating memory while profile is recorded


regular expession which to apply against output of program. If a match is found the contents of group 1 will be added to the plots at the time the output was processed


Omit legend from plot, useful for many cores as legend grows very large in that case


  • record the memory consumption of a steering file in four processor multiprocessing mode and write the results to console:

    $ b2code-memoryusage -m record -- basf2 -p4 steering.py
  • record the proportional and resident memory sizes with 100hz and write them to profile.npz:

    $ b2code-memoryusage -m record -i 0.01 -p profile.npz -t pr -- basf2 -p4 steering.py
  • plot the previously recorded profile.npz and save the plots as profile.pdf:

    $ b2code-memoryusage -m plot -p profile.npz -o profile.pdf
  • record and plot at once, all memory types except swap, take a value every 5 seconds, save the plots as profile.pdf and the data as profile.npz:

    $ b2code-memoryusage -i 5 -t vrp -p profile.npz -o profile.pdf -- basf2 -p4 steering.py
  • record the memory consumption of b2code-memoryusage itself when sampling with 100Hz while running sleep for 100 seconds:

    $ b2code-memoryusage -o self.pdf -- b2code-memoryusage -i 0.01 -m record -- sleep 100

3.5.3. b2code-findsymbol: Look for a given C++ symbol

This script will try to find all libraries which contain a given C++ symbol. The intended use is to find out which library to add to the SConscript file as a dependency in case of an unresolved symbol error. Just run it with the symbol name as an argument:

b2code-findsymbol <symbolname>

The symbol name can be any valid grep pattern. It is advisable to quote the symbol name in single quotes to prevent the shell to interpret special characters. For example to look for Belle2::MCParticle::Class() one would use:

b2code-findsymbold 'Belle2::MCParticle::Class()'

It will print all the symbols found prefixed with the library name and a condensed list of all libraries containing the match at the end. When adding libraries to a SConscript please remove the lib prefix and .so extension.

3.5.4. b2code-doxygen-warnings: Show warnings when running doxygen

This script will try to show all doxygen warnings about undocumented items similar to the development build. To run it on single files or directories just supply them as arguments:

b2code-doxygen-warnings [<directory>...] [<filename>...]

To run on the full release directory run it without any arguments:


3.5.5. b2code-cppcheck: Run cppcheck static analyzer

This script will run cppcheck with the appropriate arguments to check for warnings from cppcheck as shown on the development build.

To run it on single files or directories just supply them as arguments:

b2code-cppcheck [<directory>...] [<filename>...]

To run on the full release directory run it without any arguments:


Additional options can be passed to cppcheck as well, for example -j to run cppcheck in parallel:

b2code-cppcheck -j50 framework

However in this case a directory to check has to be provided

3.5.6. b2code-parallel_processing-benchmark: Measure multi-core performance

Measure multi-core execution time of given steering file with different number of processes. Output is a plot of relative performance (speedup) over number of cores (aka. -p argument to basf2). 0 cores equals true single-core mode.

usage: b2code-parallel_processing-benchmark [optional arguments] [--] STEERING_FILE [BASF2 OPTIONS]

Optional Arguments


Try up to this many cores


File name to save output PDF as.


Number of repetitions for each measurement (minimum is used in plot)


Fraction of parallel code. Used to plot ideal line according to Amdahl’s law.