16.4.1. FullSim

FullSim module provides the full Geant4 simulation for the framework. It initializes Geant4, calls the converter to translate the ROOT TGeo volumes/materials to native Geant4 volumes/materials, initializes the physics processes and user actions.

This module requires a valid geometry in memory (gGeoManager). Therefore, a geometry building module (e.g Geometry ) should have been executed before this module is called.


Performs the full Geant4 detector simulation. Requires a valid geometry in memory.





  • ARICHTOPProductionCut (float, default=0.0)

    [cm] Secondary production threshold in ARICH and TOP envelopes.

  • AbsorbersRadii (list(float), default=[])

    Radii (in cm) of absorbers across which tracks will be destroyed.

  • BremsstrahlungPhotonsEnergyCut (float, default=10.0)

    [MeV] Kinetic energy cut for storing bremsstrahlung photons

  • CDCProductionCut (float, default=0.0)

    [cm] Secondary production threshold in CDC envelope.

  • ECLProductionCut (float, default=0.0)

    [cm] Secondary production threshold in ECL envelope.

  • EmProcessVerbosity (int, default=0)

    Em Process verbosity: 0=Silent; 1=info level; 2=debug level

  • EnableVisualization (bool, default=False)

    If set to True, the Geant4 visualization support is enabled.

  • HadronProcessVerbosity (int, default=0)

    Hadron Process verbosity: 0=Silent; 1=info level; 2=debug level

  • InputMCParticleCollection (str, default=’’)

    The name of the input MCParticle collection.

  • KLMProductionCut (float, default=0.0)

    [cm] Secondary production threshold in BKLM and EKLM envelopes.

  • MaxNumberSteps (int, default=100000)

    The maximum number of steps before the track transportation is stopped and the track is killed.

  • MonopoleMagCharge (float, default=1.0)

    The value of monopole magnetic charge in units of e+.

  • PXDProductionCut (float, default=0.0)

    [cm] Secondary production threshold in PXD envelope.

  • PairConversionsEnergyCut (float, default=10.0)

    [MeV] Kinetic energy cut for storing e+ or e- from pair conversions

  • PhotonFraction (float, default=0.5)

    The fraction of Cerenkov photons which will be kept and propagated.

  • PhysicsList (str, default=’Belle2’)

    The name of the physics list which is used for the simulation.

  • ProductionCut (float, default=0.07)

    [cm] Apply continuous energy loss to primary particle which has no longer enough energy to produce secondaries which travel at least the specified productionCut distance.

  • RegisterMonopoles (bool, default=False)

    If set to true, G4MonopolePhysics is registered in Geant4 PhysicsList.

  • RegisterOptics (bool, default=True)

    If true, G4OpticalPhysics is registered in Geant4 PhysicsList.

  • RunEventVerbosity (int, default=0)

    Geant4 run/event verbosity: 0=silent; 1=info level; 2=debug level

  • SVDProductionCut (float, default=0.0)

    [cm] Secondary production threshold in SVD envelope.

  • SecondariesEnergyCut (float, default=1.0)

    [MeV] Kinetic energy cut for storing secondaries

  • StandardEM (bool, default=False)

    If true, replaces fast EM physics with standard EM physics.

  • StoreAllSecondaries (bool, default=False)

    If set to True, all secondaries produced by Geant4 over a kinetic energy cut are stored in MCParticles. Otherwise do not store them.

  • StoreBremsstrahlungPhotons (bool, default=False)

    If set to True, store BremsstrahlungPhotons over a kinetic energy cut in MCParticles. Otherwise do not store them.

  • StoreOpticalPhotons (bool, default=False)

    If set to True, optical photons are stored in MCParticles.

  • StorePairConversions (bool, default=False)

    If set to True, store e+ or e- from pair conversions over a kinetic energy cut in MCParticles. Otherwise do not store them.

  • ThresholdImportantEnergy (float, default=0.25)

    [GeV] A particle which got ‘stuck’ and has less than this energy will be killed after ‘ThresholdTrials’ trials.

  • ThresholdTrials (int, default=10)

    Geant4 will try ‘ThresholdTrials’ times to move a particle which got ‘stuck’ and has an energy less than ‘ThresholdImportantEnergy’.

  • TrackingVerbosity (int, default=0)

    Tracking verbosity: 0=Silent; 1=Min info per step; 2=sec particles; 3=pre/post step info; 4=like 3 but more info; 5=proposed step length info.

  • UICommandsAtIdle (list(str), default=[])

    A list of Geant4 UI commands that should be applied at Idle state, before the simulation starts.

  • UICommandsAtPreInit (list(str), default=[])

    A list of Geant4 UI commands that should be applied at PreInit state, before the simulation starts.

  • UseHighPrecisionNeutrons (bool, default=False)

    If true, high precision neutron models used below 20 MeV.

  • deltaChordInMagneticField (float, default=0.25)

    [mm] The maximum miss-distance between the trajectory curve and its linear cord(s) approximation

  • magneticCacheDistance (float, default=0.0)

    Minimum distance for BField lookup in cm. If the next requested point is closer than this distance than return the flast BField value. 0 means no caching

  • magneticField (str, default=’default’)

    Chooses the magnetic field stepper used by Geant4. Possible values are: default, nystrom, expliciteuler, simplerunge

  • trajectoryDistanceTolerance (float, default=0.0005)

    Maximum deviation from the real trajectory points when merging segments (in cm)

  • trajectoryStore (int, default=0)

    If non-zero save the full trajectory of 1=primary, 2=non-optical or 3=all particles

16.4.2. FullSimTiming

This module is used to count the CPU time consumed by each subdetector during simulation. The externals library should be compiled in the debug mode for the job execution, so usually only experts use this module.


Provide more detailed timing info for FullSim module





  • rootFile (str, default=’’)

    Name of the output root file. If none is given, no file will be created