Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
9#include "trg/cdc/modules/neurotrigger/CDCTriggerNeuroIDHistModule.h"
10#include <framework/datastore/StoreArray.h>
11#include <mdst/dataobjects/MCParticle.h>
12#include <tracking/dataobjects/RecoTrack.h>
13#include <trg/cdc/dataobjects/CDCTriggerSegmentHit.h>
14#include <trg/cdc/dataobjects/CDCTriggerTrack.h>
15#include <framework/datastore/StoreObjPtr.h>
16#include <framework/dataobjects/EventMetaData.h>
17#include <framework/core/ModuleParam.templateDetails.h>
19#include <cdc/geometry/CDCGeometryPar.h>
20#include <framework/gearbox/Unit.h>
22#include <iostream>
23#include <fstream>
24#include <cmath>
25#include <TFile.h>
26#include "boost/iostreams/filter/gzip.hpp"
27#include "boost/iostreams/filtering_streambuf.hpp"
28#include "boost/iostreams/filtering_stream.hpp"
29#include "boost/multi_array.hpp"
32namespace Belle2 {
37 REG_MODULE(CDCTriggerNeuroIDHist);
39 {
41 "description" //TODO
42 );
43 // parameters for saving / loading
44 addParam("hitCollectionName", m_hitCollectionName,
45 "Name of the input StoreArray of CDCTriggerSegmentHits.",
46 std::string(""));
47 addParam("inputCollectionName", m_inputCollectionName,
48 "Name of the StoreArray holding the 2D input tracks.",
49 std::string("TRGCDC2DFinderTracks"));
50 addParam("trainOnRecoTracks", m_trainOnRecoTracks,
51 "If true, use RecoTracks as targets instead of MCParticles.",
52 false);
53 addParam("targetCollectionName", m_targetCollectionName,
54 "Name of the MCParticle/RecoTrack collection used as target values.",
55 std::string("MCParticles"));
56 addParam("writeconfigfile", m_writeconfigFileName,
57 "Name of the config file, where all the parameters and the IDHist configuration is written.",
58 std::string(""));
59 addParam("configfile", m_configFileName,
60 "Name of the config file, where all the parameters and the IDHist configuration is read in from.",
61 std::string(""));
62 addParam("MaxEvents", m_nPrepare,
63 "amount of events used for creating the IDHist. If it is 0, "
64 "all Events are used.",
65 0);
67 }
71 {
77 if (m_configFileName != "") {
80 } else {
81 m_neuroParameters.saveconfigtxt("neuroconfig_example.conf");
82 B2ERROR("Configuration file is missing! Make sure to give the configuration file as a parameter. \
83 An example file neuroconfig_example.conf has been saved.");
84 }
85 m_trainSets_prepare.clear();
87 for (unsigned iMLP = 0; iMLP < m_NeuroTrigger.nSectors(); ++iMLP) {
88 // sectors means experts here; this is the old naming within the neurotrigger
89 // class which originates from times were we had different expert networks for
90 // different geometrical sectors. In future, this might come back because of
91 // the 3DFinder and its rough information about the theta angle of the tracks.
93 // layerid is the layer number where the priority hits are.
94 // for every 1st priority wire there is a corresponding track segment.
95 int layerId = 3;
96 for (int iSL = 0; iSL < 9; ++iSL) {
98 m_trainSets_prepare[iMLP].addCounters(cdc.nWiresInLayer(layerId));
99 // the first superlayer has 2 layers extra compared to the rest
100 layerId += (iSL > 0 ? 6 : 7);
101 }
105 targets.isRequired(m_targetCollectionName);
106 } else {
108 targets.isRequired(m_targetCollectionName);
109 }
111 m_NeuroTrigger.initializeCollections(m_hitCollectionName);
116 }
117 if (m_NeuroTrigger.nSectors() == 0) {
118 B2ERROR("No networks defined, please make sure to have a proper configuration file! Example file will be created here: ./neurotrigger_default.conf");
119 m_neuroParameters.saveconfigtxt("neurotrigger_default.conf");
120 }
121 }
125 void
127 {
128 StoreObjPtr<EventMetaData> evtmetadata;
129 for (int itrack = 0; itrack < m_tracks.getEntries(); ++itrack) {
130 // get related MCParticle/RecoTrack for target
131 // and retrieve track parameters
133 std::vector<float> targetvector = NeuroTrainer::getTrainTargets(m_trainOnRecoTracks, m_tracks[itrack], m_targetCollectionName);
134 if (targetvector[4] == 0) {
135 continue;
136 } // no valid representation found
137 // float phi0Target = targetvector[0]; // currently unused
138 // float invptTarget = targetvector[1]; // currently unused
139 float thetaTarget = targetvector[2];
140 float zTarget = targetvector[3];
143 // update 2D track variables
146 // find all matching sectors
147 float phi0 = m_tracks[itrack]->getPhi0();
148 float invpt = m_tracks[itrack]->getKappa(1.5);
149 float theta = atan2(1., m_tracks[itrack]->getCotTheta());
150 std::vector<int> sectors = m_NeuroTrigger.selectMLPsTrain(phi0, invpt, theta);
151 if (sectors.size() == 0) continue;
152 // get target values
153 std::vector<float> targetRaw = {};
155 targetRaw.push_back(zTarget);
157 targetRaw.push_back(thetaTarget);
158 for (unsigned i = 0; i < sectors.size(); ++i) {
159 int isector = sectors[i];
160 std::vector<float> target = m_NeuroTrigger[isector].scaleTarget(targetRaw);
161 // skip out of range targets or rescale them
162 bool outOfRange = false;
163 for (unsigned itarget = 0; itarget < target.size(); ++itarget) {
164 if (fabs(target[itarget]) > 1.) {
165 outOfRange = true;
166 target[itarget] /= fabs(target[itarget]);
167 }
168 }
169 if (!m_neuroParameters.rescaleTarget && outOfRange) continue;
170 if (m_nPrepare == 0 || m_trainSets_prepare[isector].getTrackCounter() < m_nPrepare) {
171 // get relative ids for all hits related to the MCParticle / RecoTrack
172 // and count them to find relevant id range
173 // using only related hits suppresses background EXCEPT for curling tracks
175 RecoTrack* recoTrack =
176 m_tracks[itrack]->getRelatedTo<RecoTrack>(m_targetCollectionName);
177 for (const CDCTriggerSegmentHit& hit :
178 recoTrack->getRelationsTo<CDCTriggerSegmentHit>(m_hitCollectionName)) {
179 // get relative id
180 double relId = m_NeuroTrigger.getRelId(hit);
181 m_trainSets_prepare[isector].addHit(hit.getISuperLayer(), round(relId));
182 }
183 } else {
184 MCParticle* mcTrack =
185 m_tracks[itrack]->getRelatedTo<MCParticle>(m_targetCollectionName);
186 for (const CDCTriggerSegmentHit& hit :
187 mcTrack->getRelationsTo<CDCTriggerSegmentHit>(m_hitCollectionName)) {
188 // get relative id
189 double relId = m_NeuroTrigger.getRelId(hit);
190 m_trainSets_prepare[isector].addHit(hit.getISuperLayer(), round(relId));
191 }
192 }
193 m_trainSets_prepare[isector].countTrack();
194 }
195 }
196 }
197 bool stop = true;
198 for (unsigned isector = 0; isector < m_trainSets_prepare.size(); ++isector) {
199 if (m_nPrepare == 0 || m_trainSets_prepare[isector].getTrackCounter() < m_nPrepare) {
200 stop = false;
201 break;
202 }
203 }
204 if (stop) {
205 B2INFO("Training sample preparation for NeuroTrigger finished, stopping event loop.");
206 // if required hit number is reached, get relevant ids
207 StoreObjPtr<EventMetaData> eventMetaData;
208 eventMetaData->setEndOfData();
209 }
210 }
212 void
214 {
216 if (m_neuroParameters.IDRanges.size() > 0) {
217 if (m_neuroParameters.IDRanges[0].size() > 0) {
218 if (m_neuroParameters.IDRanges[0][0].isSet()) {
219 // the idranges are already set, print warning:
220 if (!m_neuroParameters.IDRanges[0][0].isLocked()) {
221 B2WARNING("ID ranges are already set in the config file, they will be updated now!");
222 } else {
223 B2ERROR("The ID ranges in the config file are already locked and cannot be updated!");
224 return;
225 }
226 }
227 }
228 }
230 for (unsigned isector = 0; isector < m_trainSets_prepare.size(); ++isector) {
231 CDCTriggerMLPData::HeaderSet hset(isector, NeuroTrainer::getRelevantID(
232 m_trainSets_prepare[isector],
235 std::vector<NNTParam<float>> expertline;
236 expertline.push_back(float(isector));
237 expertline.back().lock();
238 for (auto x : hset.relID) {
239 expertline.push_back(x);
240 expertline.back().lock();
241 }
242 m_neuroParameters.IDRanges.push_back(expertline);
243 B2DEBUG(15, hset);
244 }
245 // lock the variables used in this module, that are not supposed be changed
246 // further down the training chain because of the danger of implications or
247 // wrong assumptions.
250 // the IDRanges are set here; however, they can be altered manually in the
251 // configuration file to achieve potentially better results, eg. widen
252 // the range of the axial phi acceptance. This is why they are not to be "locked".
256 for (auto x : m_neuroParameters.SLpattern) {
257 x.lock();
258 }
259 for (auto x : m_neuroParameters.SLpatternMask) {
260 x.lock();
261 }
262 for (auto x : m_neuroParameters.maxHitsPerSL) {
263 x.lock();
264 }
267 if (m_writeconfigFileName == "") {
269 } else {
271 }
274 // the *rangeTrain variables are used here, but just for obtaining the idranges.
275 // because they only have a very minor effect on those, they are not locked here.
276 //TODO: also write the config file to be directly able to start the training
277 }
Struct for training data of a single MLP for the neuro trigger.
bool m_trainOnRecoTracks
Switch between MCParticles or RecoTracks as targets.
NeuroTriggerParameters m_neuroParameters
Parameters for the NeuroTrigger.
NeuroTrigger m_NeuroTrigger
Instance of the NeuroTrigger.
std::string m_targetCollectionName
Name of the MCParticles/RecoTracks collection used as target values.
std::string m_inputCollectionName
name of the event time StoreObjPtr
StoreArray< CDCTriggerTrack > m_tracks
List of input tracks.
std::vector< CDCTriggerMLPData > m_trainSets_prepare
dataset for all idhist prepare data
int m_nPrepare
Number of samples to prepare input ranges.
std::string m_writeconfigFileName
name for the output configuration file which holds all the parameters and the idhist tables for each ...
std::string m_configFileName
name for the input configuration file which holds all the parameters and the idhist tables for each e...
Combination of several CDCHits to a track segment hit for the trigger.
The Class for CDC Geometry Parameters.
static CDCGeometryPar & Instance(const CDCGeometry *=nullptr)
Static method to get a reference to the CDCGeometryPar instance.
A Class to store the Monte Carlo particle information.
Definition: MCParticle.h:32
Base class for Modules.
Definition: Module.h:72
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Sets the description of the module.
void lock()
lock the variable, to make it read only
std::vector< NNTParam< unsigned short > > maxHitsPerSL
Maximum number of hits in a single super layer for all networks.
NNTParam< unsigned > nMLP
Number of networks.
std::vector< NNTParam< unsigned long > > SLpatternMask
Super layer pattern mask for which MLP is trained for all networks.
std::vector< NNTParam< unsigned long > > SLpattern
Super layer pattern for which MLP is trained for all networks.
NNTParam< bool > rescaleTarget
flag to allow for target tracks lying out of the output range to be rescaled during training.
std::vector< std::vector< NNTParam< float > > > IDRanges
relative ID range of the relevant wire IDs of the track segments that are taken into consideration wh...
NNTParam< bool > multiplyHidden
If true, multiply nHidden with number of input nodes.
NNTParam< bool > targetTheta
train theta as output
NNTParam< unsigned > nOutput
number of output nodes
NNTParam< bool > targetZ
train z as output
NNTParam< bool > cutSum
only used in the idhist module.
void loadconfigtxt(const std::string &filename)
load the configuration from a file
void saveconfigtxt(const std::string &filename)
save the configuration to a file
NNTParam< double > relevantCut
only used in the idhist module.
NNTParam< unsigned > nInput
Network parameters.
double getRelId(const CDCTriggerSegmentHit &hit)
Calculate phi position of a hit relative to 2D track (scaled to number of wires).
void initialize(const Parameters &p)
Set parameters and get some network independent parameters.
void updateTrack(const CDCTriggerTrack &track)
Calculate 2D phi position and arclength for the given track and store them.
void initializeCollections(std::string hitCollectionName, std::string eventTimeName, const std::string &et_option)
set the hit collection and event time to required and store the hit collection name
std::vector< int > selectMLPsTrain(float phi0, float invpt, float theta)
Select all matching expert MLPs based on the given track parameters.
unsigned nSectors() const
return number of neural networks
Definition: NeuroTrigger.h:164
This is the Reconstruction Event-Data Model Track.
Definition: RecoTrack.h:79
RelationVector< TO > getRelationsTo(const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const
Get the relations that point from this object to another store array.
bool isRequired(const std::string &name="")
Ensure this array/object has been registered previously.
Accessor to arrays stored in the data store.
Definition: StoreArray.h:113
int getEntries() const
Get the number of objects in the array.
Definition: StoreArray.h:216
Type-safe access to single objects in the data store.
Definition: StoreObjPtr.h:96
void addParam(const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module.
Definition: Module.h:560
#define REG_MODULE(moduleName)
Register the given module (without 'Module' suffix) with the framework.
Definition: Module.h:650
virtual void initialize() override
Initialize the module.
virtual void event() override
Called once for each event.
virtual void terminate() override
Do the training for all sectors.
Constructor, for setting module description and parameters.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.