Belle II Software development
RelationsInterface< BASE > Class Template Reference

Defines interface for accessing relations of objects in StoreArray. More...

#include <RelationsObject.h>

Inheritance diagram for RelationsInterface< BASE >:
FBDTClassifier< 9 > PXD2TrackBase< Belle2::PXD::Track_t > ARICHAeroHit ARICHHit ARICHInfo ARICHLikelihood ARICHPhoton ARICHTrack AWESOMESimHit BKLMHit1d BKLMTrack BelleTrkExtra BremHit Btube CDCDedxLikelihood CDCDedxTrack CDCRawHit CDCRawHitWaveForm CDCTrigger3DFinderInfo CDCTriggerFinderClone CDCTriggerHoughCluster CDCTriggerSegmentHit Cluster ContinuumSuppression CsiDigiHit DigitBase DirectedNodeNetworkContainer ECLCNNPid ECLCalDigit ECLCluster ECLConnectedRegion ECLDebugHit ECLDigit ECLDsp ECLEnergyCloseToTrack ECLHitAssignment ECLLocalMaximum ECLPidLikelihood ECLPureCsIInfo ECLShower ECLTrig ECLTriggerCell EKLMAlignmentHit EventKinematics EventShapeContainer ExtHit FBDTClassifier< Ndims > FlavorTaggerInfo FlavorTaggerInfoMap Helix KLMCluster KLMClusterShape KLMDigitEventInfo KLMDigitRaw KLMHit2d KLMMuidHit KLMMuidLikelihood KLMMuonIDDNNInputVariable KLMScintillatorFirmwareFitResult KLMTrgFittedTrack KLMTrgSummary KLMTriggerHit KLMTriggerTrack Kink KlId MCParticle MCParticleTrajectory OverlapNetwork PIDLikelihood PXD2TrackBase< T > PXDCluster PXDEnergyDepositionEvent PXDNeutronFluxEvent PXDOccupancyEvent PXDRawAdc PXDRawHit PXDRawROIs Particle ROIid RecoHitInformation RecoTrack RestOfEvent SVDCluster SVDDAQDiagnostic SVDEnergyDepositionEvent SVDNeutronFluxEvent SVDOccupancyEvent SVDRecoDigit SVDRecoTimeBase SVDTransparentDigit Sector SectorFriendship SimClockState SimHitBase SoftwareTriggerResult SpacePoint SpacePointTrackCand StringWrapper TOPAsicMask TOPAssociatedPDF TOPBarHit TOPInterimFEInfo TOPLikelihood TOPLikelihoodScanResult TOPPDFCollection TOPPixelLikelihood TOPProductionEventDebug TOPProductionHitDebug TOPPull TOPRawDigit TOPRawWaveform TOPRecBunch TOPSimCalPulse TOPSimPhoton TOPSlowData TOPTemplateFitResult TOPTimeZero TOPTriggerDigit TRGECLCluster TRGGRLInnerTrack TRGGRLMATCH TRGGRLMATCHKLM TRGGRLPHOTON TRGGRLShortTrack TRGSummary TRGTOPCombinedT0Decision TRGTOPSlotTiming TRGTOPTimeStamp TRGTOPTimeStampsSlot TRGTOPTimingISim TRGTOPTimingISimSlot TRGTOPUnpackerStore TRGTOPWaveFormTimeStamp TRGTOPWaveFormTimeStampsSlot TRGTiming TagVertex TauPairDecay Track TrackClusterSeparation StoreWrapper< T > TrackFitResult V0 VXDDedxLikelihood VXDDedxTrack VXDIntercept VXDTrueHit

Public Member Functions

 RelationsInterface ()
 template class cannot be removed without breaking ROOT I/O, so just disable it.
template<class ... Args>
 RelationsInterface (Args &&... params)
 Constructor, forwards all arguments to BASE constructor.
 RelationsInterface (const RelationsInterface &relationsInterface)
 Copy constructor.
RelationsInterfaceoperator= (const RelationsInterface &relationsInterface)
 Assignment operator.
void addRelationTo (const RelationsInterface< BASE > *object, float weight=1.0, const std::string &namedRelation="") const
 Add a relation from this object to another object (with caching).
void addRelationTo (const TObject *object, float weight=1.0, const std::string &namedRelation="") const
 Add a relation from this object to another object (no caching, can be quite slow).
void copyRelations (const RelationsInterface< BASE > *sourceObj)
 Copies all relations of sourceObj (pointing from or to sourceObj) to this object (including weights).
template<class TO >
RelationVector< TO > getRelationsTo (const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const
 Get the relations that point from this object to another store array.
template<class FROM >
RelationVector< FROM > getRelationsFrom (const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const
 Get the relations that point from another store array to this object.
template<class T >
RelationVector< T > getRelationsWith (const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const
 Get the relations between this object and another store array.
template<class TO >
TO * getRelatedTo (const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const
 Get the object to which this object has a relation.
template<class FROM >
FROM * getRelatedFrom (const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const
 Get the object from which this object has a relation.
template<class T >
T * getRelated (const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const
 Get the object to or from which this object has a relation.
template<class TO >
std::pair< TO *, float > getRelatedToWithWeight (const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const
 Get first related object & weight of relation pointing to an array.
template<class FROM >
std::pair< FROM *, float > getRelatedFromWithWeight (const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const
 Get first related object & weight of relation pointing from an array.
template<class T >
std::pair< T *, float > getRelatedWithWeight (const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const
 Get first related object & weight of relation pointing from/to an array.
virtual std::string getName () const
 Return a short name that describes this object, e.g.
virtual std::string getInfoHTML () const
 Return a short summary of this object's contents in HTML format.
std::string getInfo () const
 Return a short summary of this object's contents in raw text format.
std::string getArrayName () const
 Get name of array this object is stored in, or "" if not found.
int getArrayIndex () const
 Returns this object's array index (in StoreArray), or -1 if not found.

Protected Member Functions

TClonesArray * getArrayPointer () const
 Returns the pointer to the raw DataStore array holding this object (protected since these arrays are easy to misuse).

Private Member Functions

 ClassDef (RelationsInterface, 0)
 defines interface for accessing relations of objects in StoreArray.

Private Attributes

 Cache of the data store entry to which this object belongs.
int m_cacheArrayIndex
 Cache of the index in the TClonesArray to which this object belongs.


class DataStore

Detailed Description

template<class BASE>
class Belle2::RelationsInterface< BASE >

Defines interface for accessing relations of objects in StoreArray.

Please use the RelationsObject typedef instead of this class.

Your class then provides methods like addRelationTo or getRelationsTo for an easy handling of relations to and from objects of this class. Retrieving relations this way is handled using auto-generated indices, and so should not introduce a large overhead.

Retrieving relations

Remember to use references or pointers when iterating over a StoreArray. Accessing relations through a copied object will not work.

You can either retrieve a vector of relations using getRelations...(),

//retrieve all CDCSimHits for given particle
const MCParticle* particle = particles[i];
//range-based for loop over RelationVector<CDCSimHit>
for (const CDCSimHit& simhit : particle->getRelationsTo<CDCSimHit>()) {
Example Detector.
Definition: CDCSimHit.h:21
A Class to store the Monte Carlo particle information.
Definition: MCParticle.h:32

or, for 1:1 relations, the first related object (or NULL) using getRelated...():

//retrieve MCParticle (should be only one) for given simhit
const CDCSimHit* simhit = cdcsimhits[i];
const MCParticle* mcpart = simhit->getRelatedFrom<MCParticle>()
if (!mcpart) {
//nothing found, do some error handling here
FROM * getRelatedFrom(const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const
Get the object from which this object has a relation.

Weigths are available when looping over the RelationVector returned by getRelations(), as in this example:

//retrieve all CDCSimHits for given particle
const MCParticle* particle = particles[i];
RelationVector<CDCSimHit> cdcRelations = particle->getRelationsTo<CDCSimHit>();
for (unsigned int iHit = 0; iHit < cdcRelations.size(); iHit++) {
const CDCSimHit *simhit = cdcRelations[iHit];
float weight = cdcRelations.weight(iHit);
Class for type safe access to objects that are referred to in relations.
size_t size() const
Get number of relations.
float weight(int index) const
Get weight with index.

or for at most one relation, using getRelatedWithWeight(), getRelatedFromWithWeight(), and getRelatedToWithWeight().

Adding relations

Creating new relations is also fairly straightforward:

//given an MCParticle* particle:

Note that you'll have to register the relation in your module's initialize() function:

Accessor to arrays stored in the data store.
Definition: StoreArray.h:113
bool registerRelationTo(const StoreArray< TO > &toArray, DataStore::EDurability durability=DataStore::c_Event, DataStore::EStoreFlags storeFlags=DataStore::c_WriteOut, const std::string &namedRelation="") const
Register a relation to the given StoreArray.
Definition: StoreArray.h:140

Definition at line 100 of file RelationsObject.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ RelationsInterface() [1/3]

RelationsInterface ( )

template class cannot be removed without breaking ROOT I/O, so just disable it.

Default constructor.

Definition at line 107 of file RelationsObject.h.

DataStore::StoreEntry * m_cacheDataStoreEntry
Cache of the data store entry to which this object belongs.
int m_cacheArrayIndex
Cache of the index in the TClonesArray to which this object belongs.

◆ RelationsInterface() [2/3]

RelationsInterface ( Args &&...  params)

Constructor, forwards all arguments to BASE constructor.

Definition at line 110 of file RelationsObject.h.

110 :
111 BASE(std::forward<Args>(params)...),

◆ RelationsInterface() [3/3]

RelationsInterface ( const RelationsInterface< BASE > &  relationsInterface)

Copy constructor.

Cached values are cleared.

relationsInterfaceThe object that should be copied.

Definition at line 119 of file RelationsObject.h.

119 :
120 BASE(relationsInterface),

Member Function Documentation

◆ addRelationTo() [1/2]

void addRelationTo ( const RelationsInterface< BASE > *  object,
float  weight = 1.0,
const std::string &  namedRelation = "" 
) const

Add a relation from this object to another object (with caching).

objectThe object to which the relation should point.
weightThe weight of the relation.
namedRelationAdditional name for the relation, or "" for the default naming

Definition at line 142 of file RelationsObject.h.

143 {
144 if (object)
146 object, object->m_cacheDataStoreEntry, object->m_cacheArrayIndex, weight, namedRelation);
147 }
void addRelation(const TObject *fromObject, StoreEntry *&fromEntry, int &fromIndex, const TObject *toObject, StoreEntry *&toEntry, int &toIndex, float weight, const std::string &namedRelation)
Add a relation from an object in a store array to another object in a store array.
static DataStore & Instance()
Instance of singleton Store.

◆ addRelationTo() [2/2]

void addRelationTo ( const TObject *  object,
float  weight = 1.0,
const std::string &  namedRelation = "" 
) const

Add a relation from this object to another object (no caching, can be quite slow).

objectThe object to which the relation should point.
weightThe weight of the relation.
namedRelationAdditional name for the relation, or "" for the default naming

Definition at line 155 of file RelationsObject.h.

156 {
157 StoreEntry* toEntry = nullptr;
158 int toIndex = -1;
159 DataStore::Instance().addRelation(this, m_cacheDataStoreEntry, m_cacheArrayIndex, object, toEntry, toIndex, weight, namedRelation);
160 }

◆ copyRelations()

void copyRelations ( const RelationsInterface< BASE > *  sourceObj)

Copies all relations of sourceObj (pointing from or to sourceObj) to this object (including weights).

Useful if you want to make a complete copy of a StoreArray object to make modifications to it, but retain all information on linked objects.

Note: this only works if sourceObj inherits from the same base (e.g. RelationsObject), and only for related objects that also inherit from the same base.

Definition at line 170 of file RelationsObject.h.

171 {
172 if (!sourceObj)
173 return;
174 auto fromRels = sourceObj->getRelationsFrom<RelationsInterface<BASE>>("ALL");
175 for (unsigned int iRel = 0; iRel < fromRels.size(); iRel++) {
176 fromRels.object(iRel)->addRelationTo(this, fromRels.weight(iRel));
177 }
179 auto toRels = sourceObj->getRelationsTo<RelationsInterface<BASE>>("ALL");
180 for (unsigned int iRel = 0; iRel < toRels.size(); iRel++) {
181 this->addRelationTo(toRels.object(iRel), toRels.weight(iRel));
182 }
183 }
void addRelationTo(const RelationsInterface< BASE > *object, float weight=1.0, const std::string &namedRelation="") const
Add a relation from this object to another object (with caching).

◆ getArrayIndex()

int getArrayIndex ( ) const

Returns this object's array index (in StoreArray), or -1 if not found.

Definition at line 385 of file RelationsObject.h.

386 {
388 return m_cacheArrayIndex;
389 }
bool findStoreEntry(const TObject *object, StoreEntry *&entry, int &index)
Find an object in an array in the data store.

◆ getArrayName()

std::string getArrayName ( ) const

Get name of array this object is stored in, or "" if not found.

Definition at line 377 of file RelationsObject.h.

◆ getArrayPointer()

TClonesArray * getArrayPointer ( ) const

Returns the pointer to the raw DataStore array holding this object (protected since these arrays are easy to misuse).

Definition at line 418 of file RelationsObject.h.

419 {
422 return nullptr;
424 }
TClonesArray * getPtrAsArray() const
Return ptr cast to TClonesArray.

◆ getInfo()

std::string getInfo ( ) const

Return a short summary of this object's contents in raw text format.

Returns the contents of getInfoHTML() while translating line-breaks etc.

: You don't need to implement this function (it's not virtual), getInfoHTML() is enough.

Definition at line 370 of file RelationsObject.h.

371 {
373 }
virtual std::string getInfoHTML() const
Return a short summary of this object's contents in HTML format.
std::string htmlToPlainText(const std::string &html)
See RelationsObject::getInfo()

◆ getInfoHTML()

virtual std::string getInfoHTML ( ) const

Return a short summary of this object's contents in HTML format.

Reimplement this in your own class to provide useful output for display or debugging purposes. For example, you might do something like:

std::stringstream out;
out << "<b>PDG</b>: " << m_pdg << "<br>";
out << "<b>Covariance Matrix</b>: " << HTML::getString(getCovariance5()) << "<br>";
return out.str();
std::string getString(const TMatrixFBase &matrix, int precision=2, bool color=true)
get HTML table representing a matrix.
See also
Particle::getInfoHTML() for a more complex example.
HTML for some utility functions.
Use getInfo() to get a raw text version of this output.

Reimplemented in Particle, Cluster, MCParticle, PIDLikelihood, SoftwareTriggerResult, Track, TrackFitResult, TRGSummary, and RecoTrack.

Definition at line 362 of file RelationsObject.h.

362{ return ""; }

◆ getName()

virtual std::string getName ( ) const

Return a short name that describes this object, e.g.

pi+ for an MCParticle.

Reimplemented in Particle, MCParticle, and SpacePoint.

Definition at line 344 of file RelationsObject.h.

344{ return ""; }

◆ getRelated()

T * getRelated ( const std::string &  name = "",
const std::string &  namedRelation = "" 
) const

Get the object to or from which this object has a relation.

Template Parameters
TThe class of objects to or from which the relation points.
nameThe name of the store array to or from which the relation points. If empty the default store array name for class T will be used. If the special name "ALL" is given all store arrays containing objects of type T are considered.
namedRelationAdditional name for the relation, or "" for the default naming
The first related object or a null pointer.

Definition at line 278 of file RelationsObject.h.

279 {
281 T::Class(), name, namedRelation).object);
282 }
@ c_BothSides
Combination of c_FromSide and c_ToSide.
Definition: DataStore.h:79
Belle2::RelationEntry getRelationWith(ESearchSide searchSide, const TObject *object, StoreEntry *&entry, int &index, const TClass *withClass, const std::string &withName, const std::string &namedRelation)
Get the first relation between an object and another object in a store array.
TObject * object
Pointer to the object.
Definition: RelationEntry.h:32

◆ getRelatedFrom()

FROM * getRelatedFrom ( const std::string &  name = "",
const std::string &  namedRelation = "" 
) const

Get the object from which this object has a relation.

Template Parameters
FROMThe class of objects from which the relation points.
nameThe name of the store array from which the relation points. If empty the default store array name for class FROM will be used. If the special name "ALL" is given all store arrays containing objects of type FROM are considered.
namedRelationAdditional name for the relation, or "" for the default naming
The first related object or a null pointer.

Definition at line 263 of file RelationsObject.h.

264 {
266 m_cacheArrayIndex, FROM::Class(), name, namedRelation).object);
267 }
@ c_FromSide
Return relations/objects pointed from (to a given object).
Definition: DataStore.h:77

◆ getRelatedFromWithWeight()

std::pair< FROM *, float > getRelatedFromWithWeight ( const std::string &  name = "",
const std::string &  namedRelation = "" 
) const

Get first related object & weight of relation pointing from an array.

Template Parameters
FROMThe class of objects from which the relation points.
nameThe name of the store array from which the relation points. If empty the default store array name for class FROM will be used. If the special name "ALL" is given all store arrays containing objects of type FROM are considered.
namedRelationAdditional name for the relation, or "" for the default naming
Pair of first related object and the relation weight, or (NULL, 1.0) if none found.

Definition at line 314 of file RelationsObject.h.

316 {
318 FROM::Class(), name, namedRelation);
319 return std::make_pair(static_cast<FROM*>(entry.object), entry.weight);
320 }

◆ getRelatedTo()

TO * getRelatedTo ( const std::string &  name = "",
const std::string &  namedRelation = "" 
) const

Get the object to which this object has a relation.

Template Parameters
TOThe class of objects to which the relation points.
nameThe name of the store array to which the relation points. If empty the default store array name for class TO will be used. If the special name "ALL" is given all store arrays containing objects of type TO are considered.
namedRelationAdditional name for the relation, or "" for the default naming
The first related object or a null pointer.

Definition at line 248 of file RelationsObject.h.

249 {
251 TO::Class(), name, namedRelation).object);
252 }
@ c_ToSide
Return relations/objects pointed to (from a given object).
Definition: DataStore.h:78

◆ getRelatedToWithWeight()

std::pair< TO *, float > getRelatedToWithWeight ( const std::string &  name = "",
const std::string &  namedRelation = "" 
) const

Get first related object & weight of relation pointing to an array.

Template Parameters
TOThe class of objects to which the relation points.
nameThe name of the store array to which the relation points. If empty the default store array name for class TO will be used. If the special name "ALL" is given all store arrays containing objects of type TO are considered.
namedRelationAdditional name for the relation, or "" for the default naming
Pair of first related object and the relation weight, or (NULL, 1.0) if none found.

Definition at line 297 of file RelationsObject.h.

299 {
301 TO::Class(), name, namedRelation);
302 return std::make_pair(static_cast<TO*>(entry.object), entry.weight);
303 }

◆ getRelatedWithWeight()

std::pair< T *, float > getRelatedWithWeight ( const std::string &  name = "",
const std::string &  namedRelation = "" 
) const

Get first related object & weight of relation pointing from/to an array.

Template Parameters
TThe class of objects to or from which the relation points.
nameThe name of the store array to or from which the relation points. If empty the default store array name for class T will be used. If the special name "ALL" is given all store arrays containing objects of type T are considered.
namedRelationAdditional name for the relation, or "" for the default naming
Pair of first related object and the relation weight, or (NULL, 1.0) if none found.

Definition at line 331 of file RelationsObject.h.

333 {
335 T::Class(), name, namedRelation);
336 return std::make_pair(static_cast<T*>(entry.object), entry.weight);
337 }

◆ getRelationsFrom()

RelationVector< FROM > getRelationsFrom ( const std::string &  name = "",
const std::string &  namedRelation = "" 
) const

Get the relations that point from another store array to this object.

Template Parameters
FROMThe class of objects from which the relations point.
nameThe name of the store array from which the relations point. If empty the default store array name for class FROM will be used. If the special name "ALL" is given all store arrays containing objects of type FROM are considered.
namedRelationAdditional name for the relation, or "" for the default naming
A vector of relations.

Definition at line 212 of file RelationsObject.h.

214 {
216 m_cacheArrayIndex, FROM::Class(), name, namedRelation));
217 }
RelationVector< T > getRelationsWith(const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const
Get the relations between this object and another store array.

◆ getRelationsTo()

RelationVector< TO > getRelationsTo ( const std::string &  name = "",
const std::string &  namedRelation = "" 
) const

Get the relations that point from this object to another store array.

Template Parameters
TOThe class of objects to which the relations point.
nameThe name of the store array to which the relations point. If empty the default store array name for class TO will be used. If the special name "ALL" is given all store arrays containing objects of type TO are considered.
namedRelationAdditional name for the relation, or "" for the default naming
A vector of relations.

Definition at line 197 of file RelationsObject.h.

198 {
200 m_cacheArrayIndex, TO::Class(), name, namedRelation));
201 }

◆ getRelationsWith()

RelationVector< T > getRelationsWith ( const std::string &  name = "",
const std::string &  namedRelation = "" 
) const

Get the relations between this object and another store array.

Relations in both directions are returned.

Template Parameters
TThe class of objects to or from which the relations point.
nameThe name of the store array to or from which the relations point. If empty the default store array name for class T will be used. If the special name "ALL" is given all store arrays containing objects of type T are considered.
namedRelationAdditional name for the relation, or "" for the default naming
A vector of relations.

Definition at line 230 of file RelationsObject.h.

231 {
233 m_cacheArrayIndex, T::Class(), name, namedRelation));
234 }

◆ operator=()

RelationsInterface & operator= ( const RelationsInterface< BASE > &  relationsInterface)

Assignment operator.

cached values of 'this' are not touched, since position does not change.

relationsInterfaceThe object that should be assigned.

Definition at line 128 of file RelationsObject.h.

129 {
130 if (this != &relationsInterface)
131 this->BASE::operator=(relationsInterface);
132 return *this;
133 }

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ DataStore

friend class DataStore

Definition at line 434 of file RelationsObject.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_cacheArrayIndex

int m_cacheArrayIndex

Cache of the index in the TClonesArray to which this object belongs.

Definition at line 432 of file RelationsObject.h.

◆ m_cacheDataStoreEntry

DataStore::StoreEntry* m_cacheDataStoreEntry

Cache of the data store entry to which this object belongs.

Definition at line 429 of file RelationsObject.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: