Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
8#pragma once
10#include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/topology/CDCWireSuperLayer.h>
11#include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/topology/CDCWireLayer.h>
13#include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/topology/WireNeighborKind.h>
14#include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/topology/WireNeighborPair.h>
15#include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/topology/CDCWire.h>
17#include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/topology/ISuperLayer.h>
18#include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/topology/ILayer.h>
19#include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/topology/IWire.h>
20#include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/topology/EWirePosition.h>
22#include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/utilities/MayBePtr.h>
24#include <cdc/dataobjects/WireID.h>
26#include <vector>
28namespace Belle2 {
33 namespace TrackFindingCDC {
46 public:
50 public:
53 { initialize(); }
56 CDCWireTopology(const CDCWireTopology& wireTopology) = delete;
59 void operator=(const CDCWireTopology& wireTopology) = delete;
61 public:
63 static const IWire c_NWires = 14336;
66 static const ILayer c_NLayers = 56;
69 static const ISuperLayer c_NSuperLayers = 9;
71 private:
76 void initialize();
78 public:
80 void reinitialize(EWirePosition wirePosition, bool ignoreWireSag);
82 public:
90 bool isValidWireID(const WireID& wireID) const
91 { return isValidIWire(wireID.getISuperLayer(), wireID.getILayer(), wireID.getIWire()); }
94 bool isValidIWire(ILayer iCLayer, IWire iWire) const
95 { return isValidICLayer(iCLayer) and getWireLayer(iCLayer).isValidIWire(iWire); }
98 bool isValidIWire(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer, ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
99 { return isValidISuperLayer(iSuperLayer) and getWireSuperLayer(iSuperLayer).isValidIWire(iLayer, iWire); }
102 const CDCWire& getWire(const WireID& wireId) const
103 { return getWireLayer(wireId.getICLayer()).getWire(wireId.getIWire()) ; }
106 const CDCWire& getWire(ILayer iCLayer, IWire iWire) const
107 { return getWireLayer(iCLayer).getWire(iWire) ; }
110 const CDCWire& getWire(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer, ILayer iLayer , IWire iWire) const
111 { return getWireSuperLayer(iSuperLayer).getWireLayer(iLayer).getWire(iWire) ; }
114 const std::vector<Belle2::TrackFindingCDC::CDCWire>& getWires() const
115 { return m_wires; }
125 ILayer getNLayers() const
126 { return getWireLayers().size(); }
129 bool isValidICLayer(ILayer iCLayer) const
130 { return 0 <= iCLayer and iCLayer < int(getWireLayers().size()); }
133 bool isValidILayer(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer, ILayer iLayer) const
134 { return isValidISuperLayer(iSuperLayer) and getWireSuperLayer(iSuperLayer).isValidILayer(iLayer); }
137 const CDCWireLayer& getWireLayer(const WireID& wireId) const
138 { return getWireLayer(wireId.getICLayer()); }
141 const CDCWireLayer& getWireLayer(ILayer iCLayer) const
142 { return m_wireLayers[ iCLayer - m_FirstLayerOffset ]; }
145 const CDCWireLayer& getWireLayer(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer, ILayer iLayer) const
146 { return getWireSuperLayer(iSuperLayer).getWireLayer(iLayer); }
149 const std::vector<Belle2::TrackFindingCDC::CDCWireLayer>& getWireLayers() const
150 { return m_wireLayers; }
160 ISuperLayer getNSuperLayers() const
161 { return getWireSuperLayers().size(); }
164 bool isValidISuperLayer(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer) const
165 { return 0 <= iSuperLayer and iSuperLayer < int(getWireSuperLayers().size()); }
168 ISuperLayer getISuperLayerAtCylindricalR(double cylindricalR);
171 const CDCWireSuperLayer& getWireSuperLayer(const WireID& wireID) const
172 { return getWireSuperLayer(wireID.getISuperLayer()); }
175 const CDCWireSuperLayer& getWireSuperLayer(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer) const
176 {
177 return m_wireSuperLayers[iSuperLayer];
178 }
181 const std::vector<Belle2::TrackFindingCDC::CDCWireSuperLayer>& getWireSuperLayers() const
182 { return m_wireSuperLayers; }
198 WireNeighborKind getNeighborKind(const WireID& wireID, const WireID& otherWireID) const;
201 bool arePrimaryNeighbors(const WireID& wireID, const WireID& otherWireID) const
202 { return getNeighborKind(wireID, otherWireID).getCellDistance() == 1; }
205 bool areSeconaryNeighbors(const WireID& wireID, const WireID& otherWireID) const
206 { return getNeighborKind(wireID, otherWireID).getCellDistance() == 2; }
209 MayBePtr<const CDCWire> getPrimaryNeighbor(short oClockDirection, const WireID& wireID) const
210 { return getPrimaryNeighbor(oClockDirection, wireID.getISuperLayer(), wireID.getILayer(), wireID.getIWire()); }
214 { return getNeighborsOutwards(wireID.getISuperLayer(), wireID.getILayer(), wireID.getIWire()); }
218 { return getNeighborsInwards(wireID.getISuperLayer(), wireID.getILayer(), wireID.getIWire()); }
221 MayBePtr<const CDCWire> getNeighborCCWOutwards(const WireID& wireID) const
222 { return getNeighborCCWOutwards(wireID.getISuperLayer(), wireID.getILayer(), wireID.getIWire()); }
225 MayBePtr<const CDCWire> getNeighborCWOutwards(const WireID& wireID) const
226 { return getNeighborCWOutwards(wireID.getISuperLayer(), wireID.getILayer(), wireID.getIWire()); }
229 MayBePtr<const CDCWire> getNeighborCCW(const WireID& wireID) const
230 { return getNeighborCCW(wireID.getISuperLayer(), wireID.getILayer(), wireID.getIWire()); }
233 MayBePtr<const CDCWire> getNeighborCW(const WireID& wireID) const
234 { return getNeighborCW(wireID.getISuperLayer(), wireID.getILayer(), wireID.getIWire()); }
237 MayBePtr<const CDCWire> getNeighborCCWInwards(const WireID& wireID) const
238 { return getNeighborCCWInwards(wireID.getISuperLayer(), wireID.getILayer(), wireID.getIWire()); }
241 MayBePtr<const CDCWire> getNeighborCWInwards(const WireID& wireID) const
242 { return getNeighborCWInwards(wireID.getISuperLayer(), wireID.getILayer(), wireID.getIWire()); }
255 MayBePtr<const CDCWire> getPrimaryNeighbor(short oClockDirection,
256 ISuperLayer iSuperLayer,
257 ILayer iLayer,
258 IWire iWire) const
259 { return getWireSuperLayer(iSuperLayer).getPrimaryNeighbor(oClockDirection, iLayer, iWire);}
263 WireNeighborPair getNeighborsOutwards(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer,
264 ILayer iLayer,
265 IWire iWire) const
266 { return getWireSuperLayer(iSuperLayer).getNeighborsOutwards(iLayer, iWire); }
269 WireNeighborPair getNeighborsInwards(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer,
270 ILayer iLayer,
271 IWire iWire) const
272 { return getWireSuperLayer(iSuperLayer).getNeighborsInwards(iLayer, iWire); }
275 MayBePtr<const CDCWire> getNeighborCCWOutwards(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer,
276 ILayer iLayer,
277 IWire iWire) const
278 { return getWireSuperLayer(iSuperLayer).getNeighborCCWOutwards(iLayer, iWire); }
281 MayBePtr<const CDCWire> getNeighborCWOutwards(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer,
282 ILayer iLayer,
283 IWire iWire) const
284 { return getWireSuperLayer(iSuperLayer).getNeighborCWOutwards(iLayer, iWire); }
287 MayBePtr<const CDCWire> getNeighborCCW(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer,
288 ILayer iLayer,
289 IWire iWire) const
290 { return getWireSuperLayer(iSuperLayer).getNeighborCCW(iLayer, iWire); }
293 MayBePtr<const CDCWire> getNeighborCW(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer,
294 ILayer iLayer,
295 IWire iWire) const
296 { return getWireSuperLayer(iSuperLayer).getNeighborCW(iLayer, iWire); }
299 MayBePtr<const CDCWire> getNeighborCCWInwards(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer,
300 ILayer iLayer,
301 IWire iWire) const
302 { return getWireSuperLayer(iSuperLayer).getNeighborCCWInwards(iLayer, iWire); }
305 MayBePtr<const CDCWire> getNeighborCWInwards(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer,
306 ILayer iLayer,
307 IWire iWire) const
308 { return getWireSuperLayer(iSuperLayer).getNeighborCWInwards(iLayer, iWire); }
325 MayBePtr<const CDCWire> getSecondaryNeighbor(short oClockDirection, const WireID& wireID) const
326 { return getSecondaryNeighbor(oClockDirection, wireID.getISuperLayer(), wireID.getILayer(), wireID.getIWire()); }
329 MayBePtr<const CDCWire> getSecondNeighborOneOClock(const WireID& wireID) const
330 { return getSecondNeighborOneOClock(wireID.getISuperLayer(), wireID.getILayer(), wireID.getIWire()); }
333 MayBePtr<const CDCWire> getSecondNeighborTwoOClock(const WireID& wireID) const
334 { return getSecondNeighborTwoOClock(wireID.getISuperLayer(), wireID.getILayer(), wireID.getIWire()); }
337 MayBePtr<const CDCWire> getSecondNeighborThreeOClock(const WireID& wireID) const
338 { return getSecondNeighborThreeOClock(wireID.getISuperLayer(), wireID.getILayer(), wireID.getIWire()); }
341 MayBePtr<const CDCWire> getSecondNeighborFourOClock(const WireID& wireID) const
342 { return getSecondNeighborFourOClock(wireID.getISuperLayer(), wireID.getILayer(), wireID.getIWire()); }
345 MayBePtr<const CDCWire> getSecondNeighborFiveOClock(const WireID& wireID) const
346 { return getSecondNeighborFiveOClock(wireID.getISuperLayer(), wireID.getILayer(), wireID.getIWire()); }
349 MayBePtr<const CDCWire> getSecondNeighborSixOClock(const WireID& wireID) const
350 { return getSecondNeighborSixOClock(wireID.getISuperLayer(), wireID.getILayer(), wireID.getIWire()); }
353 MayBePtr<const CDCWire> getSecondNeighborSevenOClock(const WireID& wireID) const
354 { return getSecondNeighborSevenOClock(wireID.getISuperLayer(), wireID.getILayer(), wireID.getIWire()); }
357 MayBePtr<const CDCWire> getSecondNeighborEightOClock(const WireID& wireID) const
358 { return getSecondNeighborEightOClock(wireID.getISuperLayer(), wireID.getILayer(), wireID.getIWire()); }
361 MayBePtr<const CDCWire> getSecondNeighborNineOClock(const WireID& wireID) const
362 { return getSecondNeighborNineOClock(wireID.getISuperLayer(), wireID.getILayer(), wireID.getIWire()); }
365 MayBePtr<const CDCWire> getSecondNeighborTenOClock(const WireID& wireID) const
366 { return getSecondNeighborTenOClock(wireID.getISuperLayer(), wireID.getILayer(), wireID.getIWire()); }
369 MayBePtr<const CDCWire> getSecondNeighborElevenOClock(const WireID& wireID) const
370 { return getSecondNeighborElevenOClock(wireID.getISuperLayer(), wireID.getILayer(), wireID.getIWire()); }
373 MayBePtr<const CDCWire> getSecondNeighborTwelveOClock(const WireID& wireID) const
374 { return getSecondNeighborTwelveOClock(wireID.getISuperLayer(), wireID.getILayer(), wireID.getIWire()); }
390 MayBePtr<const CDCWire> getSecondaryNeighbor(short oClockDirection,
391 ISuperLayer iSuperLayer,
392 ILayer iLayer,
393 IWire iWire) const
394 { return getWireSuperLayer(iSuperLayer).getSecondaryNeighbor(oClockDirection, iLayer, iWire);}
397 MayBePtr<const CDCWire> getSecondNeighborOneOClock(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer,
398 ILayer iLayer,
399 IWire iWire) const
400 { return getWireSuperLayer(iSuperLayer).getSecondNeighborOneOClock(iLayer, iWire); }
403 MayBePtr<const CDCWire> getSecondNeighborTwoOClock(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer,
404 ILayer iLayer,
405 IWire iWire) const
406 { return getWireSuperLayer(iSuperLayer).getSecondNeighborTwoOClock(iLayer, iWire); }
409 MayBePtr<const CDCWire> getSecondNeighborThreeOClock(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer,
410 ILayer iLayer,
411 IWire iWire) const
412 { return getWireSuperLayer(iSuperLayer).getSecondNeighborThreeOClock(iLayer, iWire); }
415 MayBePtr<const CDCWire> getSecondNeighborFourOClock(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer,
416 ILayer iLayer,
417 IWire iWire) const
418 { return getWireSuperLayer(iSuperLayer).getSecondNeighborFourOClock(iLayer, iWire); }
421 MayBePtr<const CDCWire> getSecondNeighborFiveOClock(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer,
422 ILayer iLayer,
423 IWire iWire) const
424 { return getWireSuperLayer(iSuperLayer).getSecondNeighborFiveOClock(iLayer, iWire); }
427 MayBePtr<const CDCWire> getSecondNeighborSixOClock(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer,
428 ILayer iLayer,
429 IWire iWire) const
430 { return getWireSuperLayer(iSuperLayer).getSecondNeighborSixOClock(iLayer, iWire); }
433 MayBePtr<const CDCWire> getSecondNeighborSevenOClock(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer,
434 ILayer iLayer,
435 IWire iWire) const
436 { return getWireSuperLayer(iSuperLayer).getSecondNeighborSevenOClock(iLayer, iWire); }
439 MayBePtr<const CDCWire> getSecondNeighborEightOClock(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer,
440 ILayer iLayer,
441 IWire iWire) const
442 { return getWireSuperLayer(iSuperLayer).getSecondNeighborEightOClock(iLayer, iWire); }
445 MayBePtr<const CDCWire> getSecondNeighborNineOClock(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer,
446 ILayer iLayer,
447 IWire iWire) const
448 { return getWireSuperLayer(iSuperLayer).getSecondNeighborNineOClock(iLayer, iWire); }
451 MayBePtr<const CDCWire> getSecondNeighborTenOClock(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer,
452 ILayer iLayer,
453 IWire iWire) const
454 { return getWireSuperLayer(iSuperLayer).getSecondNeighborTenOClock(iLayer, iWire); }
457 MayBePtr<const CDCWire> getSecondNeighborElevenOClock(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer,
458 ILayer iLayer,
459 IWire iWire) const
460 { return getWireSuperLayer(iSuperLayer).getSecondNeighborElevenOClock(iLayer, iWire); }
463 MayBePtr<const CDCWire> getSecondNeighborTwelveOClock(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer,
464 ILayer iLayer,
465 IWire iWire) const
466 { return getWireSuperLayer(iSuperLayer).getSecondNeighborTwelveOClock(iLayer, iWire); }
469 public:
471 double getOuterCylindricalR() const
472 { return m_wireLayers.back().getOuterCylindricalR(); }
475 double getInnerCylindricalR() const
476 { return m_wireLayers.front().getInnerCylindricalR(); }
478 private:
480 std::vector<Belle2::TrackFindingCDC::CDCWire> m_wires;
483 std::vector<Belle2::TrackFindingCDC::CDCWireLayer> m_wireLayers;
486 std::vector<Belle2::TrackFindingCDC::CDCWireSuperLayer> m_wireSuperLayers;
491 };
492 }
Class representating a sense wire layer in the central drift chamber.
Definition: CDCWireLayer.h:42
const CDCWire & getWire(IWire iWire) const
Gives the wire by its id in the layer.
Definition: CDCWireLayer.h:138
bool isValidIWire(IWire iWire) const
Checks if the given wire id belongs to a valid wire in this layer.
Definition: CDCWireLayer.h:134
Class representating a sense wire superlayer in the central drift chamber.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getSecondNeighborSixOClock(ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for secondary neighbor at the six o'clock position.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getSecondNeighborTwelveOClock(ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for secondary neighbor at the twelve o'clock position.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getNeighborCWOutwards(ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for the nearest clockwise neighbor in the next layer outwards by wire id and layer id with in ...
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getSecondNeighborSevenOClock(ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for secondary neighbor at the seven o'clock position.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getNeighborCCWOutwards(ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for the nearest clockwise neighbor in the next layer outwards by wire id and layer id with in ...
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getNeighborCCW(ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for the nearest counterclockwise neighbor by wire id and layer id with in this superlayer.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getSecondNeighborThreeOClock(ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for secondary neighbor at the three o'clock position.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getSecondNeighborElevenOClock(ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for secondary neighbor at the elven o'clock position.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getSecondNeighborFiveOClock(ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for secondary neighbor at the five o'clock position.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getSecondNeighborEightOClock(ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for secondary neighbor at the eight o'clock position.
WireNeighborPair getNeighborsOutwards(ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for the two closest neighbors in the layer outwards of the given on.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getSecondNeighborTenOClock(ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for secondary neighbor at the ten o'clock position.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getSecondaryNeighbor(short oClockDirection, ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
getSecondaryNeighbor Secondary neighborhood The secondary neighbors are numbered like positions on th...
bool isValidIWire(ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Checks if the given wire id belongs to a valid wire in this superlayer.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getSecondNeighborFourOClock(ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for secondary neighbor at the four o'clock position.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getSecondNeighborTwoOClock(ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for secondary neighbor at the two o'clock position.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getNeighborCW(ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for the nearest clockwise neighbor by wire id and layer id with in this superlayer.
bool isValidILayer(ILayer iLayer) const
Checks if the given layer id belongs to a valid layer in this superlayer.
const CDCWireLayer & getWireLayer(ILayer iLayer) const
Gives the layer by its layer id within the superlayer.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getSecondNeighborNineOClock(ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for secondary neighbor at the nine o'clock position.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getNeighborCCWInwards(ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for the nearest clockwise neighbor in the next layer outwards by wire id and layer id with in ...
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getSecondNeighborOneOClock(ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for secondary neighbor at the one o'clock position.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getNeighborCWInwards(ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for the nearest clockwise neighbor in the next layer outwards by wire id and layer id with in ...
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getPrimaryNeighbor(short oClockDirection, ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for the two closest neighbors in the given o'clock direction.
WireNeighborPair getNeighborsInwards(ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for the two closest neighbors in the layer inwards of the given on.
Class representating the sense wire arrangement in the whole of the central drift chamber.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getNeighborCCWInwards(const WireID &wireID) const
Getter for the nearest counterclockwise neighbor in the next layer outwards.
static const ISuperLayer c_NSuperLayers
Total number of superlayers.
std::vector< Belle2::TrackFindingCDC::CDCWire > m_wires
Storage for all wires in the CDC.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getNeighborCCWInwards(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer, ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for the nearest counterclockwise neighbor in the next layer outwards.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getSecondNeighborEightOClock(const WireID &wireID) const
Getter for secondary neighbor at the eight o'clock position.
const CDCWire & getWire(const WireID &wireId) const
Getter for wire getter by wireID object.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getSecondNeighborTenOClock(const WireID &wireID) const
Getter for secondary neighbor at the ten o'clock position.
WireNeighborKind getNeighborKind(const WireID &wireID, const WireID &otherWireID) const
Checks if two wires are closest neighbors.
void initialize()
Create all wires, wire layers and wire superlayers and their interdependences with base geometry from...
CDCWireTopology(const CDCWireTopology &wireTopology)=delete
Disallow copy construction of the wire topology.
bool arePrimaryNeighbors(const WireID &wireID, const WireID &otherWireID) const
Checks if two wires are primary neighbors.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getSecondNeighborFourOClock(const WireID &wireID) const
Getter for secondary neighbor at the four o'clock position.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getSecondaryNeighbor(short oClockDirection, const WireID &wireID) const
Getter for the secondary neighbor of the given wire id.
static const ILayer c_NLayers
Total number of layers.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getSecondNeighborTenOClock(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer, ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for secondary neighbor at the ten o'clock position.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getNeighborCCWOutwards(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer, ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for the nearest counterclockwise neighbor in the next layer outwards.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getPrimaryNeighbor(short oClockDirection, const WireID &wireID) const
Getter for the primary neighbor of the given wire id.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getSecondNeighborSixOClock(const WireID &wireID) const
Getter for secondary neighbor at the six o'clock position.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getSecondNeighborTwoOClock(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer, ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for secondary neighbor at the two o'clock position.
WireNeighborPair getNeighborsOutwards(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer, ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for the two closest neighbors in the layer outwards.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getNeighborCCWOutwards(const WireID &wireID) const
Getter for the nearest counterclockwise neighbor in the next layer outwards.
const CDCWireLayer & getWireLayer(ILayer iCLayer) const
Getter for wire layer getter by continuous layer id.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getSecondNeighborTwelveOClock(const WireID &wireID) const
Getter for secondary neighbor at the twelve o'clock position.
const std::vector< Belle2::TrackFindingCDC::CDCWireSuperLayer > & getWireSuperLayers() const
Getter for the underlying storing superlayer vector.
ISuperLayer getISuperLayerAtCylindricalR(double cylindricalR)
Returns the logical superlayer number at the given radius.
const CDCWireSuperLayer & getWireSuperLayer(const WireID &wireID) const
Getter for wire superlayer getter by wireID object.
ISuperLayer getNSuperLayers() const
Getter for the total number of superlayers.
const CDCWire & getWire(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer, ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for wire getter by superlayer id, layer id and wire id.
WireNeighborPair getNeighborsOutwards(const WireID &wireID) const
Getter for the two closest neighbors in the layer outwards.
const CDCWire & getWire(ILayer iCLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for wire getter by continuous layer id and wire id.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getSecondNeighborOneOClock(const WireID &wireID) const
Getter for secondary neighbor at the one o'clock position.
WireNeighborPair getNeighborsInwards(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer, ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for the two closest neighbors in the layer inwards.
std::vector< Belle2::TrackFindingCDC::CDCWireLayer > m_wireLayers
Storage for all wire layers in the CDC.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getNeighborCW(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer, ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for the nearest clockwise neighbor.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getNeighborCWInwards(const WireID &wireID) const
Getter for the nearest clockwise neighbor in the next layer outwards.
double getInnerCylindricalR() const
Getter for the inner radius of the inner most wire layer.
void reinitialize(EWirePosition wirePosition, bool ignoreWireSag)
Reload all geometry parameters form the CDCGeometryPar to adjust to changes in geometry.
const std::vector< Belle2::TrackFindingCDC::CDCWire > & getWires() const
Getter for the underlying storing wire vector.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getNeighborCWOutwards(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer, ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for the nearest clockwise neighbor in the next layer outwards.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getNeighborCCW(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer, ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for the nearest counterclockwise neighbor.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getSecondNeighborTwoOClock(const WireID &wireID) const
Getter for secondary neighbor at the two o'clock position.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getSecondNeighborSevenOClock(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer, ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for secondary neighbor at the seven o'clock position.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getSecondNeighborSixOClock(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer, ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for secondary neighbor at the six o'clock position.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getNeighborCCW(const WireID &wireID) const
Getter for the nearest counterclockwise neighbor.
bool areSeconaryNeighbors(const WireID &wireID, const WireID &otherWireID) const
Checks if two wires are secondary neighbors.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getSecondNeighborElevenOClock(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer, ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for secondary neighbor at the eleven o'clock position.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getNeighborCWOutwards(const WireID &wireID) const
Getter for the nearest clockwise neighbor in the next layer outwards.
const std::vector< Belle2::TrackFindingCDC::CDCWireLayer > & getWireLayers() const
Getter for the underlying storing layer vector.
const CDCWireLayer & getWireLayer(const WireID &wireId) const
Getter for wire layer getter by wireID object.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getSecondNeighborSevenOClock(const WireID &wireID) const
Getter for secondary neighbor at the seven o'clock position.
Default constructor for ROOT compatibility. Use rather getInstance to get the shared singleton instan...
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getSecondNeighborElevenOClock(const WireID &wireID) const
Getter for secondary neighbor at the eleven o'clock position.
bool isValidIWire(ILayer iCLayer, IWire iWire) const
Checks the validity of the continuous layer id, wire id combination.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getSecondNeighborFiveOClock(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer, ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for secondary neighbor at the five o'clock position.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getSecondNeighborNineOClock(const WireID &wireID) const
Getter for secondary neighbor at the nine o'clock position - always exists.
bool isValidICLayer(ILayer iCLayer) const
Checks the validity of the continuous layer id.
bool isValidILayer(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer, ILayer iLayer) const
Checks the validity of the superlayer id, layer id combination.
static CDCWireTopology & getInstance()
Getter for the singleton instance of the wire topology.
ILayer m_FirstLayerOffset
Offset of first layer.
bool isValidWireID(const WireID &wireID) const
Checks the validity of a wireID convinience object.
ILayer getNLayers() const
Getter for the total number of wire layers.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getNeighborCWInwards(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer, ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for the nearest clockwise neighbor in the next layer outwards.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getSecondNeighborEightOClock(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer, ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for secondary neighbor at the eight o'clock position.
double getOuterCylindricalR() const
Getter for the outer radius of the outer most wire layer.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getNeighborCW(const WireID &wireID) const
Getter for the nearest clockwise neighbor.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getSecondNeighborFiveOClock(const WireID &wireID) const
Getter for secondary neighbor at the five o'clock position.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getPrimaryNeighbor(short oClockDirection, ISuperLayer iSuperLayer, ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for the primary neighbor of the given wire id following the direction on the clock.
bool isValidIWire(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer, ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Checks the validity of the superlayer id, layer id, wire id combination.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getSecondaryNeighbor(short oClockDirection, ISuperLayer iSuperLayer, ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for the secondary neighbor of the given wire id following the direction on the clock.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getSecondNeighborTwelveOClock(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer, ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for secondary neighbor at the twelve o'clock position.
static const IWire c_NWires
Total number of wires.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getSecondNeighborOneOClock(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer, ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for secondary neighbor at the one o'clock position.
void operator=(const CDCWireTopology &wireTopology)=delete
Disallow copy assignment of the wire topology.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getSecondNeighborThreeOClock(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer, ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for secondary neighbor at the three o'clock position - always exists.
const CDCWireLayer & getWireLayer(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer, ILayer iLayer) const
Getter for wire layer getter by superlayer id and layer id.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getSecondNeighborNineOClock(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer, ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for secondary neighbor at the nine o'clock position - always exists.
const CDCWireSuperLayer & getWireSuperLayer(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer) const
Getter for wire superlayer getter by superlayer id.
bool isValidISuperLayer(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer) const
Checks the validity of the superlayer id.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getSecondNeighborFourOClock(ISuperLayer iSuperLayer, ILayer iLayer, IWire iWire) const
Getter for secondary neighbor at the four o'clock position.
MayBePtr< const CDCWire > getSecondNeighborThreeOClock(const WireID &wireID) const
Getter for secondary neighbor at the three o'clock position - always exists.
std::vector< Belle2::TrackFindingCDC::CDCWireSuperLayer > m_wireSuperLayers
Storage for all wire superlayers in the CDC.
WireNeighborPair getNeighborsInwards(const WireID &wireID) const
Getter for the two closest neighbors in the layer inwards.
Class representing a sense wire in the central drift chamber.
Definition: CDCWire.h:58
Type for the neighbor relationship from one wire to another.
short getCellDistance() const
Get the distance to the wire neighbor counted in number of cells.
Class representing a pair of neighbors in the CDC in a single layer For certain circumstances it is a...
Class to identify a wire inside the CDC.
Definition: WireID.h:34
unsigned short getICLayer() const
Getter for continuous layer numbering.
unsigned short getIWire() const
Getter for wire within the layer.
Definition: WireID.h:145
unsigned short getISuperLayer() const
Getter for Super-Layer.
Definition: WireID.h:130
unsigned short getILayer() const
Getter for layer within the Super-Layer.
Definition: WireID.h:136
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.