Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
9// File : DQMHistAnalysisSVDEfficiency.h
10// Description : module for DQM histogram analysis of SVD sensors efficiencies
13#pragma once
15#include <dqm/core/DQMHistAnalysis.h>
16#include <svd/dataobjects/SVDSummaryPlots.h>
18#include <TFile.h>
19#include <TPaveText.h>
20#include <TCanvas.h>
22namespace Belle2 {
31 // Public functions
32 public:
47 void initialize() override final;
52 void beginRun() override final;
57 void event() override final;
62 void endRun() override final;
67 void terminate() override final;
69 private:
71 //parameters
72 double m_effError;
73 double m_effWarning;
80 std::string m_refFileName;
82 TFile* m_refFile = nullptr;
84 TCanvas* m_cEfficiencyU = nullptr;
85 TCanvas* m_cEfficiencyV = nullptr;
87 TCanvas* m_cEfficiencyErrU = nullptr;
88 TCanvas* m_cEfficiencyErrV = nullptr;
91 TCanvas* m_cEfficiencyU3Samples = nullptr;
92 TCanvas* m_cEfficiencyV3Samples = nullptr;
94 TCanvas* m_cEfficiencyErrU3Samples = nullptr;
95 TCanvas* m_cEfficiencyErrV3Samples = nullptr;
98 Int_t findBinY(Int_t layer, Int_t sensor);
100 TPaveText* m_legProblem = nullptr;
101 TPaveText* m_legWarning = nullptr;
102 TPaveText* m_legNormal = nullptr;
103 TPaveText* m_legEmpty = nullptr;
107 good = 0,
109 error = 2,
110 lowStat = 3
111 };
116 std::vector<VxdID> m_SVDModules;
118 std::string m_pvPrefix;
121 };
123} // end namespace Belle2
The base class for the histogram analysis module.
Class definition for the output module of Sequential ROOT I/O.
SVDSummaryPlots * m_hEfficiency3Samples
efficiency histo for 3 samples
TCanvas * m_cEfficiencyErrV3Samples
efficiency V error plot canvas for 3 samples
TPaveText * m_legEmpty
efficiency plot legend, empty
double m_statThreshold
minimal number of tracks per sensor to set green or red frame
TCanvas * m_cEfficiencyErrU
efficiency U error plot canvas
Int_t findBinY(Int_t layer, Int_t sensor)
find Y bin corresponding to sensor, efficiency plot
std::vector< VxdID > m_SVDModules
IDs of all SVD Modules to iterate over.
effStatus m_effUstatus
number representing the status of the efficiency U side
SVDSummaryPlots * m_hEfficiencyErr3Samples
efficiency error histo for 3 samples
std::string m_pvPrefix
string prefix for EPICS PVs
double m_effWarning
warning level of the efficiency
double m_effError
error level of the efficiency
void terminate() override final
This method is called at the end of the event processing.
TPaveText * m_legWarning
efficiency plot legend, warning
void event() override final
This method is called for each event.
bool m_3Samples
if true enable 3 samples histograms analysis
TCanvas * m_cEfficiencyU3Samples
efficiency U plot canvas for 3 samples
void endRun() override final
This method is called if the current run ends.
TCanvas * m_cEfficiencyErrU3Samples
efficiency U error plot canvas for 3 samples
effStatus m_effVstatus
number representing the status of the efficiency V side
void beginRun() override final
Called when entering a new run.
TPaveText * m_legNormal
efficiency plot legend, normal
TCanvas * m_cEfficiencyV3Samples
efficiency V plot canvas for 3 samples
TCanvas * m_cEfficiencyErrV
efficiency V error plot canvas
TPaveText * m_legProblem
efficiency plot legend, problem
SVDSummaryPlots * m_hEfficiencyErr
efficiency error histo
TFile * m_refFile
The pointer to the reference file.
class to summarize SVD quantities per sensor and side
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.