12#include <ecl/modules/eclDisplay/EclPainter.h>
This class contains data for ECLSimHit's and provides several relevant conversion functions for bette...
Painter for EclData that shows common event characteristics on 1D histograms.
Type m_type
Display subtypes of this class.
TH1F * m_hist
Histogram for energy distribution.
Subtype of histogram to draw.
Energy per event distribution.
Energy per channel distribution.
int getMinX()
Return m_x_min.
int getMaxX()
Return m_x_max.
virtual ~EclPainterCommon()
Destructor for EclPainter subclass.
void setTitles()
Update titles of the histogram.
virtual void getInformation(int px, int py, MultilineWidget *panel) override
Sets the information to be displayed in the provided MultilineWidget.
Type getType()
Return subtype of ECLPainterCommon.
void initHisto()
Initialize histogram.
void Draw() override
Redraw the canvas.
Painter for EclData, parent class, created with EclPainterFactory.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.