Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
8#include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/fitting/FacetFitter.h>
10#include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/eventdata/hits/CDCFacet.h>
11#include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/eventdata/hits/CDCWireHit.h>
12#include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/geometry/UncertainParameterLine2D.h>
13#include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/geometry/ParameterLine2D.h>
14#include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/geometry/Vector2D.h>
16#include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/numerics/EigenView.h>
18#include <Eigen/Core>
20#include <Math/Functor.h>
21#include <Math/BrentMinimizer1D.h>
23using namespace Belle2;
24using namespace TrackFindingCDC;
26namespace {
28 template<int N>
29 Vector2D getCenterForwardDirection(const Matrix<double, N, 3>& xyl)
30 {
32 Vector2D coordinate(xyl(N - 1, 0) - xyl(0, 0), xyl(N - 1, 1) - xyl(0, 1));
33 return coordinate.unit();
34 }
36 template<int N>
37 Vector2D getTangentialForwardDirection(const Matrix<double, N, 3>& xyl)
38 {
40 Vector2D fromPos(xyl(0, 0), xyl(0, 1));
41 double fromL = xyl(0, 2);
43 Vector2D toPos(xyl(N - 1, 0), xyl(N - 1, 1));
44 double toL = xyl(N - 1, 2);
46 ParameterLine2D tangentLine = ParameterLine2D::touchingCircles(fromPos, fromL, toPos, toL);
47 Vector2D coordinate = tangentLine.tangential();
48 return coordinate.unit();
49 }
51 template<int N>
52 void rotate(Vector2D coordinate, Matrix<double, N, 3>& xyl)
53 {
54 Matrix<double, 3, 3> rot = Matrix<double, 3, 3>::Identity();
55 rot(0, 0) = coordinate.x();
56 rot(0, 1) = -coordinate.y();
57 rot(1, 0) = coordinate.y();
58 rot(1, 1) = coordinate.x();
59 rot(2, 2) = 1; // Drift length remains the same.
60 xyl = xyl * rot;
61 }
63 void unrotate(Vector2D coordinate, Vector2D& vec)
64 {
65 // Inverse rotation is accomblished by taking the angle to the opposite
66 // which is equivalent to flipping the second coordinate.
67 vec = vec.passiveRotatedBy(coordinate.flippedSecond());
68 }
70 Eigen::Vector2d fitPhiVecZeroSteps(const Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 3>& xylCov, double& chi2)
71 {
72 chi2 = xylCov(1, 1) + 2 * xylCov(1, 2) + xylCov(2, 2);
73 return Eigen::Vector2d(1, 0);
74 }
76 Eigen::Vector2d fitPhiVecOneStep(const Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 3>& xylCov, double& chi2)
77 {
78 const double phi = (xylCov(0, 1) + xylCov(0, 2)) / xylCov(0, 0);
79 chi2 = xylCov(1, 1) + 2 * xylCov(1, 2) + xylCov(2, 2) - phi * (xylCov(0, 1) + xylCov(0, 2));
80 return Eigen::Vector2d(std::cos(phi), std::sin(phi));
81 }
83 Eigen::Vector2d fitPhiVecBrent(const Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 3>& xylCov, int nIter, double& chi2)
84 {
85 const Eigen::Matrix< double, 2, 2> A = xylCov.topLeftCorner<2, 2>();
86 const Eigen::Matrix< double, 2, 1> b = xylCov.topRightCorner<2, 1>();
87 const double c = xylCov(2, 2);
89 auto calcReducedChi2 = [&A, &b](double phi) -> double {
90 Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 1> normal(std::sin(phi), -std::cos(phi));
91 return ((normal.transpose() * A - 2 * b.transpose()) * normal)[0];
92 };
94 ROOT::Math::Functor1D functor(calcReducedChi2);
95 ROOT::Math::BrentMinimizer1D bm;
96 bm.SetFunction(functor, -M_PI / 2, M_PI / 2);
97 bm.Minimize(nIter); // #iterations, abs. error, rel. error
99 chi2 = bm.FValMinimum() + c;
100 const double phi = bm.XMinimum();
101 return Eigen::Vector2d(std::cos(phi), std::sin(phi));
102 }
104 template<int N>
105 UncertainParameterLine2D fit(Matrix<double, N, 3> xylIn,
106 Matrix<double, N, 1> wIn,
107 int nSteps)
108 {
110 Vector2D coordinate = getTangentialForwardDirection(xylIn);
111 // Sometimes the calculation of the tangent fails due to misestimated dirft lengths
112 // Make best effort the continue the calculation
113 if (coordinate.hasNAN()) {
114 coordinate = getCenterForwardDirection(xylIn);
115 }
117 rotate(coordinate, xylIn);
119 auto xyl = mapToEigen(xylIn);
120 auto w = mapToEigen(wIn).array();
122 Eigen::Array< double, 1, 3> averages = (xyl.array().colwise() * w).colwise().sum() / w.sum();
123 Eigen::Matrix< double, N, 3> deltas = xyl.array().rowwise() - averages;
124 Eigen::Matrix< double, N, 3> weightedDeltas = deltas.array().colwise() * w;
125 Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 3> covariances = deltas.transpose() * weightedDeltas / w.sum();
127 Eigen::Vector2d phiVec;
128 double chi2 = 0.0;
129 if (nSteps == 0) {
130 phiVec = fitPhiVecZeroSteps(covariances, chi2);
131 } else if (nSteps == 1) {
132 phiVec = fitPhiVecOneStep(covariances, chi2);
133 } else {
134 phiVec = fitPhiVecBrent(covariances, nSteps, chi2);
135 }
136 chi2 *= w.sum();
138 double meanArcLength = averages.topLeftCorner<1, 2>().matrix() * phiVec;
139 double varArcLength = phiVec.transpose() * covariances.topLeftCorner<2, 2>() * phiVec;
140 double p = w.sum();
142 using namespace NLineParameterIndices;
143 LinePrecision linePrecision;
144 linePrecision(c_Phi0, c_Phi0) = p * (varArcLength + meanArcLength * meanArcLength);
145 linePrecision(c_Phi0, c_I) = p * meanArcLength;
146 linePrecision(c_I, c_Phi0) = p * meanArcLength;
147 linePrecision(c_I, c_I) = p;
148 LineCovariance lineCovariance = LineUtil::covarianceFromFullPrecision(linePrecision);
150 Vector2D tangential(phiVec(0), phiVec(1));
151 Vector2D n12 = tangential.orthogonal(ERotation::c_Clockwise);
152 double n0 = averages(2) - averages(0) * n12.x() - averages(1) * n12.y();
153 Vector2D support = -n12 * n0;
155 // Transform the normal vector back into the original coordinate system.
156 unrotate(coordinate, support);
157 unrotate(coordinate, tangential);
159 ParameterLine2D parameterLine2D(support, tangential);
160 int ndf = N - 2;
161 return UncertainParameterLine2D(parameterLine2D, lineCovariance, chi2, ndf);
162 }
166double FacetFitter::fit(const CDCFacet& facet, int nSteps)
168 // Measurement matrix
171 // Weight matrix
174 const CDCRLWireHit& startRLWireHit = facet.getStartRLWireHit();
175 const CDCRLWireHit& middleRLWireHit = facet.getMiddleRLWireHit();
176 const CDCRLWireHit& endRLWireHit = facet.getEndRLWireHit();
178 const Vector2D support = middleRLWireHit.getWireHit().getRefPos2D();
180 const double startDriftLengthVar = startRLWireHit.getRefDriftLengthVariance();
181 const Vector2D startWirePos2D = startRLWireHit.getWireHit().getRefPos2D();
182 xyl(0, 0) = startWirePos2D.x() - support.x();
183 xyl(0, 1) = startWirePos2D.y() - support.y();
184 xyl(0, 2) = startRLWireHit.getSignedRefDriftLength();
185 w(0) = 1.0 / startDriftLengthVar;
187 const double middleDriftLengthVar = middleRLWireHit.getRefDriftLengthVariance();
188 const Vector2D middleWirePos2D = middleRLWireHit.getWireHit().getRefPos2D();
189 xyl(1, 0) = middleWirePos2D.x() - support.x();
190 xyl(1, 1) = middleWirePos2D.y() - support.y();
191 xyl(1, 2) = middleRLWireHit.getSignedRefDriftLength();
192 w(1) = 1.0 / middleDriftLengthVar;
194 const double endDriftLengthVar = endRLWireHit.getRefDriftLengthVariance();
195 const Vector2D endWirePos2D = endRLWireHit.getWireHit().getRefPos2D();
196 xyl(2, 0) = endWirePos2D.x() - support.x();
197 xyl(2, 1) = endWirePos2D.y() - support.y();
198 xyl(2, 2) = endRLWireHit.getSignedRefDriftLength();
199 w(2) = 1.0 / endDriftLengthVar;
201 UncertainParameterLine2D fitLine{ ::fit(std::move(xyl), std::move(w), nSteps) };
202 fitLine.passiveMoveBy(-support);
203 facet.setFitLine(fitLine);
204 return fitLine.chi2();
209 const CDCFacet& toFacet,
210 int nSteps)
212 // Observations matrix
215 // Weight matrix
218 const Vector2D support = Vector2D::average(fromFacet.getMiddleWireHit().getRefPos2D(),
219 toFacet.getMiddleWireHit().getRefPos2D());
220 {
221 const CDCRLWireHit& startRLWireHit = fromFacet.getStartRLWireHit();
222 const CDCRLWireHit& middleRLWireHit = fromFacet.getMiddleRLWireHit();
223 const CDCRLWireHit& endRLWireHit = fromFacet.getEndRLWireHit();
225 const double startDriftLengthVar = startRLWireHit.getRefDriftLengthVariance();
226 const Vector2D startWirePos2D = startRLWireHit.getWireHit().getRefPos2D();
227 xyl(0, 0) = startWirePos2D.x() - support.x();
228 xyl(0, 1) = startWirePos2D.y() - support.y();
229 xyl(0, 2) = startRLWireHit.getSignedRefDriftLength();
230 w(0) = 1.0 / startDriftLengthVar;
232 const double middleDriftLengthVar = middleRLWireHit.getRefDriftLengthVariance();
233 const Vector2D middleWirePos2D = middleRLWireHit.getWireHit().getRefPos2D();
234 xyl(1, 0) = middleWirePos2D.x() - support.x();
235 xyl(1, 1) = middleWirePos2D.y() - support.y();
236 xyl(1, 2) = middleRLWireHit.getSignedRefDriftLength();
237 w(1) = 1.0 / middleDriftLengthVar;
239 const double endDriftLengthVar = endRLWireHit.getRefDriftLengthVariance();
240 const Vector2D endWirePos2D = endRLWireHit.getWireHit().getRefPos2D();
241 xyl(2, 0) = endWirePos2D.x() - support.x();
242 xyl(2, 1) = endWirePos2D.y() - support.y();
243 xyl(2, 2) = endRLWireHit.getSignedRefDriftLength();
244 w(2) = 1.0 / endDriftLengthVar;
245 }
247 {
248 const CDCRLWireHit& startRLWireHit = toFacet.getStartRLWireHit();
249 const CDCRLWireHit& middleRLWireHit = toFacet.getMiddleRLWireHit();
250 const CDCRLWireHit& endRLWireHit = toFacet.getEndRLWireHit();
252 const double startDriftLengthVar = startRLWireHit.getRefDriftLengthVariance();
253 const Vector2D startWirePos2D = startRLWireHit.getWireHit().getRefPos2D();
254 xyl(3, 0) = startWirePos2D.x() - support.x();
255 xyl(3, 1) = startWirePos2D.y() - support.y();
256 xyl(3, 2) = startRLWireHit.getSignedRefDriftLength();
257 w(3) = 1.0 / startDriftLengthVar;
259 const double middleDriftLengthVar = middleRLWireHit.getRefDriftLengthVariance();
260 const Vector2D middleWirePos2D = middleRLWireHit.getWireHit().getRefPos2D();
261 xyl(4, 0) = middleWirePos2D.x() - support.x();
262 xyl(4, 1) = middleWirePos2D.y() - support.y();
263 xyl(4, 2) = middleRLWireHit.getSignedRefDriftLength();
264 w(4) = 1.0 / middleDriftLengthVar;
266 const double endDriftLengthVar = endRLWireHit.getRefDriftLengthVariance();
267 const Vector2D endWirePos2D = endRLWireHit.getWireHit().getRefPos2D();
268 xyl(5, 0) = endWirePos2D.x() - support.x();
269 xyl(5, 1) = endWirePos2D.y() - support.y();
270 xyl(5, 2) = endRLWireHit.getSignedRefDriftLength();
271 w(5) = 1.0 / endDriftLengthVar;
272 }
274 UncertainParameterLine2D fitLine{ ::fit(std::move(xyl), std::move(w), nSteps) };
275 fitLine.passiveMoveBy(-support);
276 return fitLine;
282 int nSteps)
284 return ::fit(std::move(xyl), std::move(w), nSteps);
Class representing a triple of neighboring oriented wire with additional trajectory information.
Definition: CDCFacet.h:32
void setFitLine(const UncertainParameterLine2D &fitLine) const
Setter for the contained line fit information.
Definition: CDCFacet.h:67
const CDCWireHit & getMiddleWireHit() const
Getter for the hit wire of the second oriented wire hit.
CDCRLWireHit & getStartRLWireHit()
Getter for the first oriented wire hit.
CDCRLWireHit & getEndRLWireHit()
Getter for the third oriented wire hit.
CDCRLWireHit & getMiddleRLWireHit()
Getter for the second oriented wire hit.
Class representing an oriented hit wire including a hypotheses whether the causing track passes left ...
Definition: CDCRLWireHit.h:41
const CDCWireHit & getWireHit() const
Getter for the wire hit associated with the oriented hit.
Definition: CDCRLWireHit.h:192
double getRefDriftLengthVariance() const
Getter for the variance of the drift length at the reference position of the wire.
Definition: CDCRLWireHit.h:222
double getSignedRefDriftLength() const
Getter for the drift length at the reference position of the wire.
Definition: CDCRLWireHit.h:216
const Vector2D & getRefPos2D() const
The two dimensional reference position (z=0) of the underlying wire.
static double fit(const CDCFacet &facet, int nSteps=100)
Fits a proper line to facet and returns the chi2.
A line with a support point and tangential vector.
static ParameterLine2D touchingCircles(const Vector2D &fromCenter, double fromSignedRadius, const Vector2D &toCenter, double toSignedRadius)
Constructs a line touching two circles in one point each.
const Vector2D & tangential() const
Gives the tangential vector of the line.
A matrix implementation to be used as an interface typ through out the track finder.
Definition: PlainMatrix.h:40
static PlainMatrix< T, M, N > Identity()
Construct an identity matrix.
Definition: PlainMatrix.h:74
static PlainMatrix< T, M, N > Zero()
Construct a matrix initialized with zeros.
Definition: PlainMatrix.h:67
A parameter line including including an line covariance matrix which is interpreted as located in the...
A two dimensional vector which is equipped with functions for correct handeling of orientation relat...
Definition: Vector2D.h:32
Vector2D flippedSecond() const
Makes a copy of the vector with the second coordinate flipped (no difference between active and passi...
Definition: Vector2D.h:365
static Vector2D average(const Vector2D &one, const Vector2D &two)
Constructs the average of two vectors.
Definition: Vector2D.h:84
double x() const
Getter for the x coordinate.
Definition: Vector2D.h:595
Vector2D orthogonal() const
Orthogonal vector to the counterclockwise direction.
Definition: Vector2D.h:289
bool hasNAN() const
Checks if one of the coordinates is NAN.
Definition: Vector2D.h:149
double y() const
Getter for the y coordinate.
Definition: Vector2D.h:605
Vector2D unit() const
Returns a unit vector colaligned with this.
Definition: Vector2D.h:321
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.