Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
9#pragma once
11#include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
12#include <framework/database/Database.h>
13#include <framework/database/DBObjPtr.h>
14#include <mdst/dbobjects/BeamSpot.h>
16#include <map>
17#include <memory>
18#include <set>
19#include <string>
20#include <vector>
22namespace Belle2 {
27 namespace alignment {
28 class GlobalParamVector;
29 class GlobalDerivativesHierarchy;
32 class EmptyGlobalParamSet : public TObject {
33 public:
34 // ------------- Interface to global Millepede calibration ----------------
36 static unsigned short getGlobalUniqueID() {return 0;}
38 double getGlobalParam(unsigned short, unsigned short) {return 0.;}
40 void setGlobalParam(double, unsigned short, unsigned short) {}
42 std::vector<std::pair<unsigned short, unsigned short>> listGlobalParams() {return {};}
43 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
44 };
51 public:
60 virtual void readFromResult(std::vector<std::tuple<unsigned short, unsigned short, unsigned short, double>>&,
64 };
68 public:
70 };
74 public:
77 c_None = 0,
78 c_Flat = 1,
79 c_HalfShells = 2,
80 c_Full = 3
81 };
85 static bool s_enablePXD;
87 static bool s_enableSVD;
90 virtual void setupAlignmentHierarchy(GlobalDerivativesHierarchy& hierarchy) override final;
91 };
96 public:
102 virtual unsigned short getGlobalUniqueID() const = 0;
105 virtual double getGlobalParam(unsigned short, unsigned short) = 0;
107 virtual void setGlobalParam(double, unsigned short, unsigned short) = 0;
109 virtual std::vector<std::pair<unsigned short, unsigned short>> listGlobalParams() = 0;
112 virtual void updateGlobalParam(double correction, unsigned short element, unsigned short param) {setGlobalParam(getGlobalParam(element, param) + correction, element, param);}
115 virtual TObject* getDBObj() = 0;
117 virtual std::string getDefaultName() const = 0;
120 virtual TObject* releaseObject() = 0;
126 virtual void loadFromDB(EventMetaData emd) = 0;
128 virtual void loadFromDBObjPtr() = 0;
131 virtual void construct() = 0;
134 virtual bool isConstructed() const = 0;
137 virtual bool hasBeenChangedInDB(bool resetChangedState = true) final {auto tmp = m_hasBeenChangedInDB; if (resetChangedState) m_hasBeenChangedInDB = false; return tmp;}
139 virtual void callbackDB() {m_hasBeenChangedInDB = true;}
143 template<class DBObjType>
144 bool is() const {return DBObjType::getGlobalUniqueID() == getGlobalUniqueID();}
148 bool empty()
149 {
150 // We consider this to be the definition of empty
151 if (is<EmptyGlobalParamSet>())
152 return true;
153 // This is by convention (also used in hierarchy)
154 if (getGlobalUniqueID() == 0)
155 return true;
156 // This actually constructs the object using Default constructor if not
157 // previously loaded from DB (or using construct)
158 // TODO this is still not fully impelemnted by DB objects
159 if (listGlobalParams().empty())
160 return true;
161 return false;
162 }
167 operator bool()
168 {
169 return not empty() and isConstructed();
170 }
172 protected:
175 };
185 template<class DBObjType>
187 public:
189 // explicit GlobalParamSet(bool autoConstruct = false) {
191 {
192 //TODO: re-enable
193 //DBObjPtr<DBObjType> dbObject;
194 //dbObject.addCallback(this, &GlobalParamSet<DBObjType>::callbackDB);
195 // if (autoConstruct)
196 // construct();
197 }
202 virtual unsigned short getGlobalUniqueID() const override final {return DBObjType::getGlobalUniqueID();}
205 virtual double getGlobalParam(unsigned short element, unsigned short param) override final {ensureConstructed(); return m_object->getGlobalParam(element, param);}
207 virtual void setGlobalParam(double value, unsigned short element, unsigned short param) override final {ensureConstructed(); m_object->setGlobalParam(value, element, param);}
209 virtual std::vector<std::pair<unsigned short, unsigned short>> listGlobalParams() override final {ensureConstructed(); return m_object->listGlobalParams();}
211 virtual std::string getDefaultName() const override final {return DataStore::objectName<DBObjType>("");}
215 virtual TObject* getDBObj() override final
216 {
217 if (!m_object)
218 return nullptr;
220 return m_object.get();
221 }
225 {
227 // Make new unique ptr to a copy of the other internal object
228 if (other.m_object)
229 m_object.reset(new DBObjType(*(static_cast<DBObjType*>(other.m_object.get()))));
230 }
234 {
235 // check for self-assignment
236 if (&other == this)
237 return *this;
239 // Make new unique ptr to a copy of the other internal object
240 if (other.m_object)
241 m_object.reset(new DBObjType(*(static_cast<DBObjType*>(other.m_object.get()))));
242 return *this;
243 }
247 virtual TObject* releaseObject() override final
248 {
249 //ensureConstructed();
250 return m_object.release();
251 }
254 virtual GlobalParamSetAccess* clone() override final
255 {
256 return new GlobalParamSet<DBObjType>(*this);
257 }
262 virtual void loadFromDBObjPtr() override final
263 {
264 DBObjPtr<DBObjType> dbObject;
265 if (dbObject) {
266 m_object.reset(new DBObjType(*dbObject));
267 hasBeenChangedInDB(); // will set m_hasBeenChangedInDB to false, ignore return value;
268 }
269 }
273 virtual void loadFromDB(EventMetaData event) override final
274 {
275 auto info = Database::Instance().getData(event, getDefaultName());
276 DBObjType* ptr = dynamic_cast<DBObjType*>(info.first);
277 if (!ptr) {
278 B2ERROR("Could not fetch object " << getDefaultName() << " from DB.");
279 return;
280 }
281 // don't make a copy, you own the object.
282 m_object.reset(ptr);
283 hasBeenChangedInDB(); // will set m_hasBeenChangedInDB to false, ignore return value;
284 }
287 virtual void construct() override final {m_object.reset(new DBObjType());}
290 virtual bool isConstructed() const override final {return !!m_object;}
294 virtual void callbackDB() override final {GlobalParamSetAccess::callbackDB();}
297 private:
299 std::unique_ptr<DBObjType> m_object {};
302 };
305 template <>
309 template <>
310 double GlobalParamSet<BeamSpot>::getGlobalParam(unsigned short element, unsigned short param);
312 template <>
313 void GlobalParamSet<BeamSpot>::setGlobalParam(double value, unsigned short element, unsigned short param);
315 template <>
316 std::vector<std::pair<unsigned short, unsigned short>> GlobalParamSet<BeamSpot>::listGlobalParams();
328 public:
336 explicit GlobalParamVector(const std::vector<std::string>& components = {});
342 void construct();
346 {
347 // this += rhs
348 // TODO: needs full implementation of listing in DBObjects
349 for (auto uid_element_param : listGlobalParams()) {
350 double delta = rhs.getGlobalParam(std::get<0>(uid_element_param), std::get<1>(uid_element_param), std::get<2>(uid_element_param));
351 updateGlobalParam(delta, std::get<0>(uid_element_param), std::get<1>(uid_element_param), std::get<2>(uid_element_param));
352 }
353 return *this;
354 }
357 void addSubDetectorInterface(std::shared_ptr<IGlobalParamInterface> interface = {})
358 {
359 if (interface) {
361 interface) == m_subDetectorInterfacesVector.end())
362 m_subDetectorInterfacesVector.push_back(interface);
363 }
364 }
370 template <class DBObjType>
371 void addDBObj(std::shared_ptr<IGlobalParamInterface> interface = {})
372 {
373 if (m_components.empty()
374 or std::find(m_components.begin(), m_components.end(), DataStore::objectName<DBObjType>("")) != m_components.end()) {
375 m_vector.insert(std::make_pair(DBObjType::getGlobalUniqueID(),
377 ));
378 // NOTE: Components disabled this way also disable added interfaces (e.g. if geometry would be needed to load)
379 // NOTE: add generic interfaces only once by addSubDetectorInterface(...)
380 addSubDetectorInterface(interface);
381 }
382 }
387 bool hasBeenChangedInDB(const std::set<unsigned short>& subset, bool resetChangedState = true)
388 {
389 bool changed = false;
391 for (auto& uID_DBObj : m_vector) {
392 if (!subset.empty() and subset.find(uID_DBObj.first) != subset.end())
393 continue;
394 if (uID_DBObj.second->hasBeenChangedInDB(resetChangedState)) {
395 changed = true;
396 break;
397 }
398 }
400 return changed;
401 }
403 bool hasBeenChangedInDB(const std::set<unsigned short>& subset = {}) {return hasBeenChangedInDB(subset, false);}
410 void updateGlobalParam(double difference, unsigned short uniqueID, unsigned short element, unsigned short param);
417 void setGlobalParam(double value, unsigned short uniqueID, unsigned short element, unsigned short param);
423 double getGlobalParam(unsigned short uniqueID, unsigned short element, unsigned short param);
426 std::vector<std::tuple<unsigned short, unsigned short, unsigned short>> listGlobalParams();
433 std::vector<TObject*> releaseObjects(bool onlyConstructed = true);
437 void loadFromDB();
439 void loadFromDB(const EventMetaData& event);
442 void postReadFromResult(std::vector<std::tuple<unsigned short, unsigned short, unsigned short, double>>& result);
444 void postHierarchyChanged(GlobalDerivativesHierarchy& hierarchy);
448 template<class DBObjType>
449 DBObjType* getDBObj()
450 {
451 if (m_vector.find(DBObjType::getGlobalUniqueID()) == m_vector.end())
452 return nullptr;
454 return static_cast<DBObjType*>(m_vector[DBObjType::getGlobalUniqueID()]->getDBObj());
455 }
461 template<class DBObjType>
463 {
464 if (m_vector.find(DBObjType::getGlobalUniqueID()) == m_vector.end())
467 return static_cast<GlobalParamSet<DBObjType>&>(*m_vector[DBObjType::getGlobalUniqueID()]);
468 }
471 const std::map<unsigned short, std::unique_ptr<GlobalParamSetAccess>>& getGlobalParamSets() const
472 {
473 return m_vector;
474 }
477 const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<IGlobalParamInterface>>& getSubDetectorInterfaces() const
478 {
480 }
483 std::set<unsigned short> getComponentsIDs() const
484 {
485 std::set<unsigned short> result;
486 for (auto& id_obj : m_vector)
487 result.insert(id_obj.first);
488 return result;
489 }
490 private:
492 std::map<unsigned short, std::unique_ptr<GlobalParamSetAccess>> m_vector {};
494 std::vector<std::shared_ptr<IGlobalParamInterface>> m_subDetectorInterfacesVector {};
496 std::vector<std::string> m_components {};
498 std::set<unsigned short> m_componentsIDs {};
499 };
500 }
Class for accessing objects in the database.
Definition: DBObjPtr.h:21
Store event, run, and experiment numbers.
Definition: EventMetaData.h:33
Object representing no parameters.
Definition: GlobalParam.h:32
std::vector< std::pair< unsigned short, unsigned short > > listGlobalParams()
list stored global parameters - empty list, no parameters
Definition: GlobalParam.h:42
double getGlobalParam(unsigned short, unsigned short)
Get global parameter - return zero.
Definition: GlobalParam.h:38
static unsigned short getGlobalUniqueID()
Get global unique id = 0 (empty/none)
Definition: GlobalParam.h:36
void setGlobalParam(double, unsigned short, unsigned short)
Set global parameter - do nothing.
Definition: GlobalParam.h:40
Class for alignment/calibration parameter hierarchy & constraints.
Definition: Hierarchy.h:41
Base accessor class to store different DBObjects e.g.
Definition: GlobalParam.h:95
virtual void loadFromDBObjPtr()=0
Load using DBObjPtr<DBObjType> which uses current EventMetaData to load valid constants.
virtual GlobalParamSetAccess * clone()=0
Clone the object, making a copy of the internal object - has to be implemented in derived template cl...
virtual void loadFromDB(EventMetaData emd)=0
Load the content (by copying obj retrieved from DB) for a given exp/run/event.
bool empty()
Is this set empty or otherwise 'invalid' to identify null sets, end of hierarchy.
Definition: GlobalParam.h:148
virtual TObject * releaseObject()=0
Release the object from internal unique_ptr to be managed elsewhere Useful to pass it to be stored in...
virtual void callbackDB()
Function to call when object has been changed in DB since last loaded.
Definition: GlobalParam.h:139
virtual std::vector< std::pair< unsigned short, unsigned short > > listGlobalParams()=0
implement: generate list of all global parameters in the DBObject
virtual std::string getDefaultName() const =0
Get the default DBObject name used by datastore.
virtual void updateGlobalParam(double correction, unsigned short element, unsigned short param)
Sum value of global element param with a correction.
Definition: GlobalParam.h:112
bool m_hasBeenChangedInDB
Flag for object changed in DB.
Definition: GlobalParam.h:174
virtual unsigned short getGlobalUniqueID() const =0
implement: Get the global unique id of DBObject
virtual ~GlobalParamSetAccess()
Virtual destructor (base class, but with no members)
Definition: GlobalParam.h:100
virtual void setGlobalParam(double, unsigned short, unsigned short)=0
implemtn: set a global param value by element and param number
virtual TObject * getDBObj()=0
Get a raw pointer to the internal DB object (can be nullptr if not yet constructed) Use with caution ...
virtual bool hasBeenChangedInDB(bool resetChangedState=true) final
Has the object been updated in DB since GlobalParamSet<...> has been constructed? Since last call to ...
Definition: GlobalParam.h:137
virtual void construct()=0
Construct the internal DBObject.
bool is() const
Is this set of given type?
Definition: GlobalParam.h:144
virtual bool isConstructed() const =0
Has the internal DBObject been already constructed The object is constructed at latest on first acces...
virtual double getGlobalParam(unsigned short, unsigned short)=0
implement: get a global parameter value based on the element number in the DBObject and its parameter...
Template class for generic access to DB objects.
Definition: GlobalParam.h:186
virtual void loadFromDBObjPtr() override final
Load content of the object using DBObjPtr<DBObjType> which will try to load object valid for current ...
Definition: GlobalParam.h:262
virtual void setGlobalParam(double value, unsigned short element, unsigned short param) override final
Set global parameter of the DB object by its element and parameter number.
Definition: GlobalParam.h:207
virtual double getGlobalParam(unsigned short element, unsigned short param) override final
Get global parameter of the DB object by its element and parameter number Note this is not const,...
Definition: GlobalParam.h:205
std::unique_ptr< DBObjType > m_object
The internal DB object.
Definition: GlobalParam.h:299
virtual TObject * getDBObj() override final
Get the raw pointer to the stored object WARNING: Use with caution if you really need to access the i...
Definition: GlobalParam.h:215
virtual void callbackDB() override final
Function to call when object has been changed in DB since last loaded TODO Hide and find the class wh...
Definition: GlobalParam.h:294
void ensureConstructed()
Function to construct the object if not already done.
Definition: GlobalParam.h:301
virtual void loadFromDB(EventMetaData event) override final
Load content of the object valid at given event from DB Also resets if the object has been changed.
Definition: GlobalParam.h:273
Constructor. Sets callback for DB object changes.
Definition: GlobalParam.h:190
virtual std::vector< std::pair< unsigned short, unsigned short > > listGlobalParams() override final
List global parameters in this DB object.
Definition: GlobalParam.h:209
virtual void construct() override final
Construct the internal object using default constructor.
Definition: GlobalParam.h:287
virtual unsigned short getGlobalUniqueID() const override final
The DB object unique id in global calibration.
Definition: GlobalParam.h:202
virtual std::string getDefaultName() const override final
Get the DB object default name used by datastore.
Definition: GlobalParam.h:211
GlobalParamSet< DBObjType > & operator=(const GlobalParamSet< DBObjType > &other)
Assignment operator.
Definition: GlobalParam.h:233
virtual TObject * releaseObject() override final
Release the DB object from the internal unique pointer to be managed elsewhere (e....
Definition: GlobalParam.h:247
GlobalParamSet(const GlobalParamSet< DBObjType > &other)
Copy constructor.
Definition: GlobalParam.h:224
virtual bool isConstructed() const override final
Is the internal object already constructed? we construct the object on first access to the stored val...
Definition: GlobalParam.h:290
virtual GlobalParamSetAccess * clone() override final
Clone the object, making a copy of the internal object.
Definition: GlobalParam.h:254
The central user class to manipulate any global constant in any DB object Used to retrieve global par...
Definition: GlobalParam.h:327
DBObjType * getDBObj()
Get the raw pointer toa stored object WARNING: Use with caution, returns nullptr if object not regist...
Definition: GlobalParam.h:449
std::set< unsigned short > getComponentsIDs() const
Get set of unique ids of all db objects considered.
Definition: GlobalParam.h:483
std::vector< std::string > m_components
Vector of names of DB objects to consider in the vector - if not here and non-empy,...
Definition: GlobalParam.h:496
std::vector< std::tuple< unsigned short, unsigned short, unsigned short > > listGlobalParams()
Create vector of all global parameters maintained by GlobalParamVector.
GlobalParamSet< EmptyGlobalParamSet > c_emptyGlobalParamSet
An empty set to which reference is returned if DB object not found Also used e.g.
Definition: GlobalParam.h:331
std::vector< TObject * > releaseObjects(bool onlyConstructed=true)
Get the vector of raw pointers to DB objects Caller takes the ownership of the objects and has to del...
GlobalParamSetAccess & getGlobalParamSet()
Get reference to the underlying DB object container You should check the container.
Definition: GlobalParam.h:462
bool hasBeenChangedInDB(const std::set< unsigned short > &subset={})
Const version which does not change the state.
Definition: GlobalParam.h:403
std::map< unsigned short, std::unique_ptr< GlobalParamSetAccess > > m_vector
The vector (well, actually a map) of DB objects.
Definition: GlobalParam.h:492
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< IGlobalParamInterface > > m_subDetectorInterfacesVector
Vector of interfaces to run at specific points in the workflow.
Definition: GlobalParam.h:494
void setGlobalParam(double value, unsigned short uniqueID, unsigned short element, unsigned short param)
Set param value.
double getGlobalParam(unsigned short uniqueID, unsigned short element, unsigned short param)
Get parameter value.
void construct()
Construct all DB objects using default constructors (should be filled with zeros)
void postReadFromResult(std::vector< std::tuple< unsigned short, unsigned short, unsigned short, double > > &result)
Function calling interfaces to do post processing after reading millepede result into GlobalParamVect...
void addDBObj(std::shared_ptr< IGlobalParamInterface > interface={})
Add a DB object to the vector, optionally with interface.
Definition: GlobalParam.h:371
void addSubDetectorInterface(std::shared_ptr< IGlobalParamInterface > interface={})
Add a generic interface (cannot be disabled by 'components' in constructor)
Definition: GlobalParam.h:357
void postHierarchyChanged(GlobalDerivativesHierarchy &hierarchy)
Function calling interfaces to build alignment hierarchy after constants changed in DB.
void loadFromDB()
Load content of all objects in vector with values valid at current EventMetaData Uses DBObjPtr<DBObjT...
GlobalParamVector & operator+=(GlobalParamVector &rhs)
TODO: operator += to sum two global vectors.
Definition: GlobalParam.h:345
void updateGlobalParam(double difference, unsigned short uniqueID, unsigned short element, unsigned short param)
Add 'difference' to param value.
bool hasBeenChangedInDB(const std::set< unsigned short > &subset, bool resetChangedState=true)
Has any DB object in vector changed from last call to this function.
Definition: GlobalParam.h:387
const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< IGlobalParamInterface > > & getSubDetectorInterfaces() const
Get the vector of added interfaces to subdetectors.
Definition: GlobalParam.h:477
const std::map< unsigned short, std::unique_ptr< GlobalParamSetAccess > > & getGlobalParamSets() const
Get map of all contained parameter sets, key = unique id of the set (DB object)
Definition: GlobalParam.h:471
std::set< unsigned short > m_componentsIDs
Vector of UniqueIDs of DB objects to consider in the vector.
Definition: GlobalParam.h:498
Some tentative base class to allow to add functionality to the default behavior, like manipulate cons...
Definition: GlobalParam.h:50
virtual void setupAlignmentHierarchy(GlobalDerivativesHierarchy &)
Super-tentavive: not yet used.
Definition: GlobalParam.h:63
virtual ~IGlobalParamInterface()
Definition: GlobalParam.h:53
virtual void readFromResult(std::vector< std::tuple< unsigned short, unsigned short, unsigned short, double > > &, GlobalParamVector &)
Implement this to be called after Millepede finishes and all global parameters are filled in DB objec...
Definition: GlobalParam.h:60
Very tentative interface for VXD.
Definition: GlobalParam.h:73
static bool s_enablePXD
Enable PXD in hierarchy?
Definition: GlobalParam.h:85
static bool s_enableSVD
Enable SVD in hierarchy?
Definition: GlobalParam.h:87
virtual void setupAlignmentHierarchy(GlobalDerivativesHierarchy &hierarchy) override final
Very tentaive function: not yet used.
Type of VXD hierarchy.
Definition: GlobalParam.h:76
static E_VXDHierarchyType s_hierarchyType
What type of hierarchy to use for VXD?
Definition: GlobalParam.h:83
std::pair< TObject *, IntervalOfValidity > getData(const EventMetaData &event, const std::string &name)
Request an object from the database.
static Database & Instance()
Instance of a singleton Database.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.