Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
9#include <svd/reconstruction/NNWaveFitter.h>
10#include <iostream>
11#include <fstream>
12#include <sstream>
13#include <algorithm>
14#include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
15#include <boost/property_tree/xml_parser.hpp>
16#include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
18using namespace std;
19using namespace Belle2;
20using namespace SVD;
21using namespace Eigen;
36int NNWaveFitter::readNetworkData(const string& xmlData)
38 using namespace boost::property_tree;
39 using boost::property_tree::ptree;
41 ptree propertyTree;
43 try {
44 B2DEBUG(400, "Reading xml");
45 stringstream ss;
46 ss << xmlData;
47 read_xml(ss, propertyTree);
48 } catch (const ptree_error& e) {
49 B2ERROR("Failed to parse xml data: " << e.what());
50 } catch (std::exception const& ex) {
51 B2ERROR("STD excpetion " << ex.what() << " in parsing.");
52 return -1;
53 }
54 // 1. Check that we have a classifier with relu activation.
55 try {
56 // 1a. Classifier
57 string function_name = propertyTree.get<string>("PMML.NeuralNetwork.<xmlattr>.functionName");
58 if (function_name != "classification") {
59 B2ERROR("This is incorrect network, expected multiclass classifier.");
60 return -1;
61 }
62 B2DEBUG(400, "Claasifier confirmed.");
63 // 1b. Activation
64 string activationFunction = propertyTree.get<string>("PMML.NeuralNetwork.<xmlattr>.activationFunction");
65 if (activationFunction != "rectifier") {
66 B2ERROR("Expected rectifier (relu) activation, found " << activationFunction << "instead.");
67 return -1;
68 }
69 B2DEBUG(400, "Activation confirmed.");
70 // 1c.Waveform type FIXME: no logic or checking here:
71 string waveFormType = propertyTree.get<string>("PMML.MiningBuildTask.Training.Waveform");
72 B2DEBUG(400, "Waveform set to " << waveFormType);
73 } catch (const ptree_error& e) {
74 B2ERROR("PropertyTree excpetion : " << e.what() << " in network check.");
75 return -1;
76 }
78 // 2. Read network topology
79 try {
80 string pathString = "PMML.MiningBuildTask.NetworkParameters";
81 map<size_t, size_t> m_layer_sizes_map;
82 for (const auto& layer_tag : propertyTree.get_child(pathString)) {
83 if (layer_tag.first == "<xmlattr>") continue;
84 size_t layer_no = layer_tag.second.get<size_t>("<xmlattr>.number");
85 size_t layer_size = layer_tag.second.get<size_t>("<xmlattr>.size");
86 m_layer_sizes_map.insert(make_pair(layer_no, layer_size));
87 }
88 // Once we have layer sizes, we can set weight matrices and intercept
89 // vectors to proper sizes.
90 m_nLayers = m_layer_sizes_map.size();
91 m_layerSizes.resize(m_nLayers);
92 for (size_t iLayer = 0; iLayer < m_nLayers; ++iLayer)
93 m_layerSizes[iLayer] = m_layer_sizes_map[iLayer];
94 for (size_t iLayer = 1; iLayer < m_nLayers; ++iLayer) {
95 m_networkCoefs.insert(make_pair(iLayer, make_pair(
96 MatrixXd(m_layerSizes[iLayer], m_layerSizes[iLayer - 1]),
97 VectorXd(m_layerSizes[iLayer])
98 )
99 ));
100 }
101 for (size_t iLayer = 0; iLayer < m_nLayers; ++iLayer)
102 m_layerStates.push_back(VectorXd(m_layerSizes[iLayer]));
103 B2DEBUG(400, "Network topology read.");
104 } catch (const ptree_error& e) {
105 B2ERROR("PropertyTree excpetion : " << e.what() << " when reading network topology.");
106 return -1;
107 }
109 // Read training parameter bounds
110 try {
111 string pathString("PMML.MiningBuildTask.Training");
112 for (const auto& param_tag : propertyTree.get_child(pathString)) {
113 if (param_tag.first == "Parameter") {
114 string valueString(param_tag.second.get<string>("<xmlattr>.value"));
115 double low = param_tag.second.get<double>("<xmlattr>.low");
116 double high = param_tag.second.get<double>("<xmlattr>.high");
117 if (valueString == "amplitude") {
118 m_amplitudeBounds.first = low;
119 m_amplitudeBounds.second = high;
120 } else if (valueString == "t0") {
121 m_timeShiftBounds.first = low * Unit::ns;
122 m_timeShiftBounds.second = high * Unit::ns;
123 } else if (valueString == "tau") {
124 m_waveWidthBounds.first = low * Unit::ns;
125 m_waveWidthBounds.second = high * Unit::ns;
126 }
127 }
128 }
129 // Set bounds in the tau encoder.
130 // Tau bounds are raw values!
133 B2DEBUG(400, "Read parameter bounds.");
134 } catch (const ptree_error& e) {
135 B2ERROR("PropertyTree excpetion: " << e.what() << " when reading parameter bounds.");
136 return -1;
137 }
139 // Reading output binning.
140 try {
141 string pathString("PMML.DataDictionary.DataField");
143 m_bins.resize(m_layerSizes[m_nLayers - 1] + 1);
144 for (const auto& value_tag : propertyTree.get_child(pathString)) {
145 if (value_tag.first == "Value") {
146 size_t i = value_tag.second.get<size_t>("<xmlattr>.value");
147 if (i == 1) // numbering is from 1!
148 m_bins[0] = value_tag.second.get<double>("<xmlattr>.lower") * Unit::ns;
149 m_bins[i] = value_tag.second.get<double>("<xmlattr>.upper") * Unit::ns;
150 m_binCenters[i - 1] = value_tag.second.get<double>("<xmlattr>.midpoint") * Unit::ns;
151 }
152 }
153 m_fitTool = std::shared_ptr<NNWaveFitTool>(new NNWaveFitTool(m_bins, m_binCenters, WaveGenerator(m_wave)));
154 B2DEBUG(400, "Outputs done.");
155 } catch (const ptree_error& e) {
156 B2ERROR("PropertyTree excpetion: " << e.what() << " when reading bin data.");
157 return -1;
158 }
160 // Reading neurons.
161 try {
162 string pathString("PMML.NeuralNetwork");
163 for (const auto& nl_tag : propertyTree.get_child(pathString)) {
164 if (nl_tag.first != "NeuralLayer") continue;
165 B2DEBUG(400, "Reading neural layers " << nl_tag.first << " " << nl_tag.second.size());
166 for (const auto& neuron_tag : nl_tag.second) {
167 if (neuron_tag.first != "Neuron") continue;
168 double bias = neuron_tag.second.get<double>("<xmlattr>.bias");
169 string sid = neuron_tag.second.get<string>("<xmlattr>.id");
170 size_t layer = stoi(sid.substr(0, 1)); // !! Won't work with > 9 !!
171 size_t pos = stoi(sid.substr(2, sid.size()));
172 B2DEBUG(400, "Reading neurons " << layer << "/" << pos << " bias: " << bias);
173 m_networkCoefs[layer].second(pos - 1) = bias;
174 for (const auto& con_tag : neuron_tag.second) {
175 if (con_tag.first != "Con") continue;
176 double weight = con_tag.second.get<double>("<xmlattr>.weight");
177 string sid2 = con_tag.second.get<string>("<xmlattr>.from");
178 size_t pos2 = stoi(sid2.substr(sid2.find('/') + 1, sid2.size()));
179 m_networkCoefs[layer].first(pos - 1, pos2 - 1) = weight;
180 B2DEBUG(400, "Reading connections " << sid2 << " weight: " << weight);
181 }
182 }
183 }
184 B2DEBUG(400, "Neurons done.");
185 } catch (const ptree_error& e) {
186 B2ERROR("PropertyTree excpetion: " << e.what() << " when reading neurons.");
187 return -1;
188 }
189 return 0;
192bool NNWaveFitter::checkCoefficients(const std::string& dumpname, double tol)
194 bool result = true;
195 ifstream dump(dumpname);
197 // Read the dumpfile line by line and compare coefficients.
198 string line;
199 getline(dump, line); // Header
200 // The dimension of the matrix is
201 // (m_layerSizes[iLayer], m_layerSizes[iLayer-1])
202 // and the dimension of the intercepts is
203 // m_layerSizes[iLayer]
204 for (size_t iLayer = 1; iLayer < m_nLayers; ++iLayer) {
205 getline(dump, line); // Layer
206 getline(dump, line); // Matrix
207 // the matrix is m_networkCoefs[iLayer].first, and has
208 // m_layerSizes[iLayer] rows with m_layerSizes[iLayer-1] entries
209 // in a row (columns)
210 for (size_t iRow = 0; iRow < m_layerSizes[iLayer]; ++iRow) {
211 getline(dump, line);
212 istringstream iline(line);
213 for (size_t iCol = 0; iCol < m_layerSizes[iLayer - 1]; ++iCol) {
214 double value = 0;
215 iline >> value;
216 if (fabs(value - m_networkCoefs[iLayer].first(iRow, iCol)) > tol) {
217 B2DEBUG(90, "Mismatch in weights in layer: " << iLayer
218 << " row: " << iRow << " col: " << iCol
219 << " C++: " << m_networkCoefs[iLayer].first(iRow, iCol)
220 << " Python: " << value
221 << " Diff: " << m_networkCoefs[iLayer].first(iRow, iCol) - value
222 );
223 result = false;
224 }
225 }
226 }
228 getline(dump, line); // Intercepts
229 // this is m_networkCoefs[iLayer].second, and has m_layerSizes[iLayer]
230 // numbers in a single row.
231 getline(dump, line);
232 istringstream iline(line);
233 for (size_t iRow = 0; iRow < m_layerSizes[iLayer]; ++iRow) {
234 double value = 0;
235 iline >> value;
236 if (fabs(value - m_networkCoefs[iLayer].second(iRow)) > tol) {
237 B2DEBUG(90, "Mismatch in intercepts in layer: " << iLayer
238 << " row: " << iRow
239 << " C++: " << m_networkCoefs[iLayer].second(iRow)
240 << " Python: " << value
241 << " Diff: " << m_networkCoefs[iLayer].second(iRow) - value
242 );
244 result = false;
245 }
246 }
247 }
248 return result;
251void NNWaveFitter::setNetwrok(const string& xmlData)
253 if ((xmlData != "") && (readNetworkData(xmlData) == 0)) {
254 m_isValid = true;
255 } else m_isValid = false;
256 // We don't issue any additional warnings here.
263 if (xmlData != "") setNetwrok(xmlData);
267std::shared_ptr<nnFitterBinData> NNWaveFitter::getFit(const apvSamples& samples, double tau)
269 // Create the fit result object
270 std::shared_ptr<nnFitterBinData> result(new nnFitterBinData);
271 if (!m_isValid) return result;
273 copy(samples.begin(), samples.end(), &m_layerStates[0](0));
274 // Add tau in the last input cell
275 m_layerStates[0][samples.size()] = m_tauCoder.encodeTau(tau);
276 ostringstream os;
277 os << "Fitting with tau = " << tau << " encoded to " << m_tauCoder.encodeTau(tau) << endl
278 << "Samples: ";
279 copy(samples.begin(), samples.end(), ostream_iterator<double>(os, " "));
280 os << endl;
281 m_tauCoder.print(os);
282 B2DEBUG(100, os.str());
283 // Calculate network response
284 os.str() = "";
285 os << "Layer states: " << endl;
286 for (size_t iLayer = 1; iLayer < m_nLayers; ++iLayer) {
287 m_layerStates[iLayer] = (
288 m_networkCoefs[iLayer].first * m_layerStates[iLayer - 1]
289 + m_networkCoefs[iLayer].second
290 ).unaryExpr(relu);
291 os << m_layerStates[iLayer] << endl;
292 }
293 B2DEBUG(100, os.str());
295 // Output transformation 1: softmax normalization
299 result->resize(m_layerStates[m_nLayers - 1].size());
300 for (size_t i = 0; i < result->size(); ++i)
301 (*result)[i] = m_layerStates[m_nLayers - 1][i];
303 os.str() = "";
304 os << "Result: " << endl;
305 copy(result->begin(), result->end(), ostream_iterator<double>(os, " "));
306 os << endl;
307 B2DEBUG(100, os.str());
309 return result;
The class holds arrays of bins and bin centers, and a wave generator object containing information on...
Definition: NNWaveFitTool.h:91
NNWaveFitter(std::string xmlData="")
Constructor constructs the wavefitter from data in xml file.
std::size_t m_nLayers
number of NN layers, read from xml
Definition: NNWaveFitter.h:181
void setNetwrok(const std::string &xmlData)
Set proper network definition file.
TauEncoder m_tauCoder
Tau encoder class instance to scale tau values.
Definition: NNWaveFitter.h:191
layerStatesType m_layerStates
vectors of layer states
Definition: NNWaveFitter.h:184
int readNetworkData(const std::string &xmlFileName)
The method that actually reads the xml file.
nnBoundsType m_waveWidthBounds
Waveform width range of the network.
Definition: NNWaveFitter.h:189
activationType relu
Rectifier activation.
Definition: NNWaveFitter.h:145
nnFitterBins m_bins
NN time bin boundaries.
Definition: NNWaveFitter.h:183
std::vector< std::size_t > m_layerSizes
NN layer sizes.
Definition: NNWaveFitter.h:185
networkWeightsType m_networkCoefs
NN weights and intercepts.
Definition: NNWaveFitter.h:186
bool checkCoefficients(const std::string &dumpname, double tol=1.0e-10)
Check NN data against a dump from Python.
std::shared_ptr< NNWaveFitTool > m_fitTool
FitterTool object allowing calculations on network fits.
Definition: NNWaveFitter.h:193
nnBoundsType m_amplitudeBounds
Amplitude range of the network.
Definition: NNWaveFitter.h:188
nnFitterBinData m_binCenters
centers of NN time bins
Definition: NNWaveFitter.h:182
bool m_isValid
true if fitter was properly initialized
Definition: NNWaveFitter.h:180
Eigen::VectorXd softmax(const Eigen::VectorXd &input)
Softmax function, normalization for the network's output layer.
Definition: NNWaveFitter.h:155
WaveformShape m_wave
Wave function used in training the network.
Definition: NNWaveFitter.h:192
nnBoundsType m_timeShiftBounds
Time shift range of the network.
Definition: NNWaveFitter.h:190
std::shared_ptr< nnFitterBinData > getFit(const apvSamples &samples, double tau)
Fitting method Send data and get rseult structure.
void print(std::ostringstream &os) const
print tool
void setBounds(double min_amplitude, double max_amplitude, double min_tau, double max_tau)
Set encoder baounds (e.g.
double encodeTau(double tau) const
Return encoded value for a waveform width tau value.
Waveform generator This is a functor to calculate APV samples from waveform.
static const double ns
Standard of [time].
Definition: Unit.h:48
std::array< apvSampleBaseType, nAPVSamples > apvSamples
vector od apvSample BaseType objects
double w_betaprime(double t)
Beta-prime waveform shape, x^alpha/(1+x)^beta.
std::vector< double > nnFitterBinData
Vector of values defined for bins, such as bin times or bin probabilities.
Definition: NNWaveFitTool.h:30
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
STL namespace.