12This script saves e+ or e- from photon conversions into a pair in MCParticles.
15 <contact>dorisykim@ssu.ac.kr</contact>
17 Saves 100 generic BBbar events
with EvtGen + secondary e+
or e-
from pair conversions created by Geant4
in MCParticles.
18 The corresponding secondaryPhysicsProcess ID
is 14, which
is defined
as fGammaConversion
in G4EmProcessSubType.h.
19 The detector simulation mixed
with background, trigger simulation,
and standard reconstruction
is done.
25from simulation import add_simulation
26from reconstruction import add_reconstruction
27from background import get_background_files
32main = b2.create_path()
34# specify number of events to be generated
35main.add_module('EventInfoSetter', evtNumList=[100], runList=[1], expList=[1])
37# generate BBbar events
40# detector and L1 triggr simulation
41add_simulation(main, bkgfiles=get_background_files())
43# saving e+ or e- from pair conversions with kinetic energy > 10.0 MeV.
44b2.set_module_parameters(main, "FullSim", StorePairConversions=True, PairConversionsEnergyCut=10.0)
50main.add_module("RootOutput", outputFileName="EvtGenSimRecYesPairConversions.root")
55# Print call statistics