Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
8#include <iostream>
9#include <iomanip>
10#include <cdc/calibration/SpaceResolutionCalibration.h>
11#include <cdc/geometry/CDCGeometryPar.h>
12#include <cdc/calibration/CDCDatabaseImporter.h>
14#include <framework/database/DBObjPtr.h>
15#include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
16#include <framework/utilities/FileSystem.h>
18#include "TFile.h"
19#include "TH1F.h"
20#include "TH2F.h"
21#include "TCanvas.h"
22#include "TSystem.h"
23#include "TChain.h"
24#include "TROOT.h"
25#include "TError.h"
26#include "TMinuit.h"
28using namespace std;
29using namespace Belle2;
30using namespace CDC;
33// : m_firstExperiment(0), m_firstRun(0), m_lastExperiment(-1), m_lastRun(-1)
35 /*Space resolution calibration*/
40 B2INFO("createHisto");
41 readSigma();
43 const int m_np = floor(1 / m_binWidth);
45 TChain* tree = new TChain("tree");
46 tree->Add(m_inputRootFileNames.c_str());
47 B2INFO(" Open file name: " << m_inputRootFileNames.c_str());
48 if (!tree->GetBranch("ndf")) {
49 B2FATAL("input data do not exits, please check!");
50 gSystem->Exec("echo rootfile do not exits or something wrong >> error");
51 return;
52 }
54 int lay;
55 double w;
56 double x_u;
57 double x_b;
58 double x_mea;
59 double Pval;
60 double alpha;
61 double theta;
62 double ndf;
63 double absRes_u;
64 double absRes_b;
65 tree->SetBranchAddress("lay", &lay);
66 tree->SetBranchAddress("ndf", &ndf);
67 tree->SetBranchAddress("Pval", &Pval);
68 tree->SetBranchAddress("x_u", &x_u);
69 tree->SetBranchAddress("x_b", &x_b);
70 tree->SetBranchAddress("x_mea", &x_mea);
71 tree->SetBranchAddress("weight", &w);
72 tree->SetBranchAddress("alpha", &alpha);
73 tree->SetBranchAddress("theta", &theta);
75 /* Disable unused branch */
76 std::vector<TString> list_vars = {"lay", "ndf", "Pval", "x_u", "x_b", "x_mea", "weight", "alpha", "theta"};
77 tree->SetBranchStatus("*", 0);
79 for (TString brname : list_vars) {
80 tree->SetBranchStatus(brname, 1);
81 }
84 vector<double> yu;
85 vector <double> yb;
86 for (int i = 0; i < 50; ++i) {
87 yb.push_back(-0.07 + i * (0.14 / 50));
88 }
89 for (int i = 0; i < 50; ++i) {
90 yu.push_back(-0.08 + i * (0.16 / 50));
91 }
93 vector<double> xbin;
94 xbin.push_back(0.);
95 xbin.push_back(0.02);
96 for (int i = 1; i < m_np; ++i) {
97 xbin.push_back(i * m_binWidth);
98 }
100 for (int il = 0; il < 56; ++il) {
101 for (int lr = 0; lr < 2; ++lr) {
102 for (int al = 0; al < m_nalpha; ++al) {
103 for (int th = 0; th < m_ntheta; ++th) {
104 hist_b[il][lr][al][th] = new TH2F(Form("hb_%d_%d_%d_%d", il, lr, al, th),
105 Form("lay_%d_lr%d_al_%3.0f_th_%3.0f;Drift Length [cm];#DeltaX", il, lr, ialpha[al], itheta[th]),
106 xbin.size() - 1, &, yb.size() - 1, &;
107 hist_u[il][lr][al][th] = new TH2F(Form("hu_%d_%d_%d_%d", il, lr, al, th),
108 Form("lay_%d_lr%d_al_%3.0f_th_%3.0f;Drift Length [cm];#DeltaX", il, lr, ialpha[al], itheta[th]),
109 xbin.size() - 1, &, yu.size() - 1, &;
110 }
111 }
112 }
113 }
116 const int nEntries = tree->GetEntries();
117 B2INFO("Number of entries: " << nEntries);
118 int ith = -99;
119 int ial = -99;
120 int ilr = -99;
121 for (int i = 0; i < nEntries; ++i) {
122 tree->GetEntry(i);
123 //cut
124 if (std::fabs(x_b) < 0.02 || std::fabs(x_u) < 0.02) continue;
125 if (Pval < m_Pvalmin) continue;
126 if (ndf < m_ndfmin) continue;
127 for (int k = 0; k < m_nalpha; ++k) {
128 if (alpha < u_alpha[k]) {
129 ial = k;
130 break;
131 }
132 }
134 for (int j = 0; j < m_ntheta; ++j) {
135 if (theta < u_theta[j]) {
136 ith = j;
137 break;
138 }
139 }
141 ilr = x_u > 0 ? 1 : 0;
143 if (ial == -99 || ith == -99 || ilr == -99) {
144 TString command = Form("Error in alpha=%3.2f and theta = %3.2f>> error", alpha, theta);
145 // gSystem->Exec(command);
146 B2FATAL("ERROR" << command);
147 }
148 absRes_u = fabs(x_mea) - fabs(x_u);
149 absRes_b = fabs(x_mea) - fabs(x_b);
151 hist_u[lay][ilr][ial][ith]->Fill(fabs(x_u), absRes_u, w);
152 hist_b[lay][ilr][ial][ith]->Fill(fabs(x_b), absRes_b, w);
154 }
156 B2INFO("Finish reading data");
158 TF1* gb = new TF1("gb", "gaus", -0.05, 0.05);
159 TF1* gu = new TF1("gu", "gaus", -0.06, 0.06);
160 TF1* g0b = new TF1("g0b", "gaus", -0.015, 0.07);
161 TF1* g0u = new TF1("g0u", "gaus", -0.015, 0.08);
162 g0b->SetParLimits(1, -0.01, 0.004);
163 g0u->SetParLimits(1, -0.01, 0.004);
165 std::vector<double> sigma;
166 std::vector<double> dsigma;
167 std::vector<double> s2;
168 std::vector<double> ds2;
169 std::vector<double> xl;
170 std::vector<double> dxl;
171 std::vector<double> dxl0;
173 const int ib1 = int(0.1 / m_binWidth) + 1;
174 int firstbin = 1;
175 int minEntry = 10;
176 for (int il = 0; il < 56; ++il) {
177 for (int lr = 0; lr < 2; ++lr) {
178 for (int al = 0; al < m_nalpha; ++al) {
179 for (int th = 0; th < m_ntheta; ++th) {
180 //fit half gaus for first range near sense wire
181 B2DEBUG(199, "layer-lr-al-th " << il << " - " << lr << " - " << al << " - " << th);
182 if (hist_b[il][lr][al][th]->GetEntries() < 20000) {
183 m_fitflag[il][lr][al][th] = -1;
184 continue;
185 }
186 B2DEBUG(199, "Nentries: " << hist_b[il][lr][al][th]->GetEntries());
187 hist_b[il][lr][al][th]->SetDirectory(0);
188 hist_u[il][lr][al][th]->SetDirectory(0);
190 hist_b[il][lr][al][th]->FitSlicesY(g0b, firstbin, ib1, minEntry);
192 TH1F* hm1 = (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get(Form("hb_%d_%d_%d_%d_1", il, lr, al, th));
193 TH1F* hs1 = (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get(Form("hb_%d_%d_%d_%d_2", il, lr, al, th));
194 if (!hm1 || !hs1) {
195 m_fitflag[il][lr][al][th] = -1;
196 continue;
197 }
199 hb_m[il][lr][al][th] = (TH1F*)hm1->Clone(Form("hb_%d_%d_%d_%d_m", il, lr, al, th));
200 hb_s[il][lr][al][th] = (TH1F*)hs1->Clone(Form("hb_%d_%d_%d_%d_s", il, lr, al, th));//sigma
202 hb_m[il][lr][al][th]->SetDirectory(0);
203 hb_s[il][lr][al][th]->SetDirectory(0);
206 //slice other bin with full gaus func
207 hist_b[il][lr][al][th]->FitSlicesY(gb, ib1 + 1, m_np, minEntry);
208 hb_m[il][lr][al][th]->Add((TH1F*)gDirectory->Get(Form("hb_%d_%d_%d_%d_1", il, lr, al, th))); //mean
209 hb_s[il][lr][al][th]->Add((TH1F*)gDirectory->Get(Form("hb_%d_%d_%d_%d_2", il, lr, al, th))); //sigma
210 B2DEBUG(199, "entries (2nd): " << hb_s[il][lr][al][th]->GetEntries());
212 //fit half gaus for first range near sense wire
213 hist_u[il][lr][al][th]->FitSlicesY(g0u, firstbin, ib1, minEntry);
214 hu_m[il][lr][al][th] = (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get(Form("hu_%d_%d_%d_%d_1", il, lr, al, th))->Clone(Form("hu_%d_%d_%d_%d_m", il, lr, al,
215 th));//mean
216 hu_s[il][lr][al][th] = (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get(Form("hu_%d_%d_%d_%d_2", il, lr, al, th))->Clone(Form("hu_%d_%d_%d_%d_s", il, lr, al,
217 th));//sigma
218 hu_m[il][lr][al][th]->SetDirectory(0);
219 hu_s[il][lr][al][th]->SetDirectory(0);
221 //slice other bin with full gaus func
222 hist_u[il][lr][al][th]->FitSlicesY(gu, ib1 + 1, m_np, minEntry);
223 hu_m[il][lr][al][th]->Add((TH1F*)gDirectory->Get(Form("hu_%d_%d_%d_%d_1", il, lr, al, th))); //mean
224 hu_s[il][lr][al][th]->Add((TH1F*)gDirectory->Get(Form("hu_%d_%d_%d_%d_2", il, lr, al, th))); //sigma
225 if (!hu_s[il][lr][al][th] || !hb_s[il][lr][al][th]) {
226 B2WARNING("slice histo do not found");
227 m_fitflag[il][lr][al][th] = -1;
228 continue;
229 }
230 //clean up container before adding new values
231 xl.clear(); dxl.clear(); dxl0.clear(); sigma.clear(); dsigma.clear(); s2.clear(); ds2.clear();
232 for (Int_t j = 1; j < hu_s[il][lr][al][th]->GetNbinsX(); j++) {
233 if (hu_s[il][lr][al][th]->GetBinContent(j) == 0) continue;
234 if (hb_s[il][lr][al][th]->GetBinContent(j) == 0) continue;
235 double sb = hb_s[il][lr][al][th]->GetBinContent(j);
236 double su = hu_s[il][lr][al][th]->GetBinContent(j);
238 double dsb = hb_s[il][lr][al][th]->GetBinError(j);
239 double dsu = hu_s[il][lr][al][th]->GetBinError(j);
240 double XL = hb_s[il][lr][al][th]->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(j);
241 double dXL = (hb_s[il][lr][al][th]->GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth(j)) / 2;
242 double s_int = std::sqrt(sb * su);
243 double ds_int = 0.5 * s_int * (dsb / sb + dsu / su);
244 if (ds_int > 0.02) continue;
245 xl.push_back(XL);
246 dxl.push_back(dXL);
247 dxl0.push_back(0.);
248 sigma.push_back(s_int);
249 dsigma.push_back(ds_int);
250 s2.push_back(s_int * s_int);
251 ds2.push_back(2 * s_int * ds_int);
252 }
254 if (xl.size() < 7 || xl.size() > Max_np) {
255 m_fitflag[il][lr][al][th] = -1;
256 B2WARNING("number of element might out of range"); continue;
257 }
259 //Intrinsic resolution
260 B2DEBUG(199, "Create Histo for layer-lr: " << il << " " << lr);
261 gr[il][lr][al][th] = new TGraphErrors(xl.size(), &, &, &, &;
262 gr[il][lr][al][th]->SetMarkerSize(0.5);
263 gr[il][lr][al][th]->SetMarkerStyle(8);
264 // gr[il][lr][al][th]->SetMarkerColor(kBlack);
265 //gr[il][lr][al][th]->SetLineColor(1 + lr + al * 2 + th * 3);
266 gr[il][lr][al][th]->SetTitle(Form("Layer_%d_lr%d | #alpha = %3.0f | #theta = %3.0f", il, lr, ialpha[al], itheta[th]));
267 gr[il][lr][al][th]->SetName(Form("lay%d_lr%d_al%d_th%d", il, lr, al, th));
269 //s2 for fitting
270 gfit[il][lr][al][th] = new TGraphErrors(xl.size(), &, &, &, &;
271 gfit[il][lr][al][th]->SetMarkerSize(0.5);
272 gfit[il][lr][al][th]->SetMarkerStyle(8);
273 // gfit[il][lr][al][th]->SetMarkerColor(1 + lr + al * 2 + th * 3);
274 //gfit[il][lr][al][th]->SetLineColor(1 + lr + al * 2 + th * 3);
275 gfit[il][lr][al][th]->SetTitle(Form("L%d-lr%d | #alpha = %3.0f | #theta = %3.0f ", il, lr, ialpha[al], itheta[th]));
276 gfit[il][lr][al][th]->SetName(Form("sigma2_lay%d_lr%d_al%d_th%d", il, lr, al, th));
279 gDirectory->Delete("hu_%d_%d_%d_%d_0");
280 }
281 }
282 }
283 }
288 gROOT->SetBatch(1);
289 gErrorIgnoreLevel = 3001;
290 createHisto();
291 B2INFO("Start to calibrate");
292 gSystem->Exec("mkdir -p Sigma_Fit_Err"); //create a folder to store error histo
294 TF1* func = new TF1("func", "[0]/(x*x + [1])+[2]* x+[3]+[4]*exp([5]*(x-[6])*(x-[6]))", 0, 1.);
295 TH1F* hprob = new TH1F("h1", "", 20, 0, 1);
296 double upFit;
297 double intp6;
299 for (int i = 0; i < 56; ++i) {
300 for (int lr = 0; lr < 2; ++lr) {
301 for (int al = 0; al < m_nalpha; ++al) {
302 for (int th = 0; th < m_ntheta; ++th) {
303 if (m_fitflag[i][lr][al][th] != -1) { /*if graph exist, do fitting*/
306 upFit = getUpperBoundaryForFit(gfit[i][lr][al][th]);
307 intp6 = upFit + 0.2;
308 B2DEBUG(199, "xmax for fitting: " << upFit);
309 // func->SetLineColor(1 + lr + al * 2 + th * 3);
310 func->SetParameters(5E-6, 0.007, 1E-4, 1E-5, 0.00008, -30, intp6);
311 func->SetParLimits(0, 1E-7, 1E-4);
312 func->SetParLimits(1, 0.00001, 0.02);
313 func->SetParLimits(2, 1E-6, 0.0005);
314 func->SetParLimits(3, 1E-8, 0.0005);
315 func->SetParLimits(4, 0., 0.001);
316 func->SetParLimits(5, -40, 0.);
317 func->SetParLimits(6, intp6 - 0.5, intp6 + 0.3);
318 B2DEBUG(199, "FITTING for layer: " << i << "lr: " << lr << " ial" << al << " ith:" << th);
319 B2DEBUG(199, "Fit flag before fit:" << m_fitflag[i][lr][al][th]);
320 // if(!(gfit[i][lr][al][th]->isValid())) continue;
321 // m_fitflag[i][lr][al][th] = 0;
322 for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
324 B2DEBUG(199, "loop: " << j);
325 B2DEBUG(199, "Int p6: " << intp6);
326 B2DEBUG(199, "Number of Point: " << gfit[i][lr][al][th]->GetN());
327 Int_t stat = gfit[i][lr][al][th]->Fit("func", "MQE", "", 0.05, upFit);
328 B2DEBUG(199, "stat of fit" << stat);
329 std::string Fit_status = gMinuit->fCstatu.Data();
330 B2DEBUG(199, "FIT STATUS: " << Fit_status);
331 // stat=gfit[i]->Fit(Form("ffit[%d]",i),"M "+Q,"",0.0,cellsize(i)+0.05+j*0.005);
332 if (Fit_status == "OK" ||
333 Fit_status == "SUCCESSFUL" ||
334 Fit_status == "CALL LIMIT" ||
335 Fit_status == "PROBLEMS") {
336 if (fabs(func->Eval(0.3)) > 0.00035 || func->Eval(0.3) < 0) {
337 func->SetParameters(5E-6, 0.007, 1E-4, 1E-7, 0.0007, -30, intp6 + 0.05 * j);
338 // func->SetParameters(defaultparsmall);
339 m_fitflag[i][lr][al][th] = 0;
340 } else {
341 B2DEBUG(199, "Prob of fit: " << func->GetProb());
342 m_fitflag[i][lr][al][th] = 1;
343 break;
344 }
345 } else {
346 m_fitflag[i][lr][al][th] = 0;
347 func->SetParameters(5E-6, 0.007, 1E-4, 1E-7, 0.0007, -30, intp6 + 0.05 * j);
348 // upFit += 0.025;
349 if (j == 9) {
350 TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "", 600, 600);
351 gfit[i][lr][al][th]->Draw();
352 c1->SaveAs(Form("Sigma_Fit_Err/%d_%d_al%d_th%d_%s.png", i, lr, al, th, Fit_status.c_str()));
353 B2WARNING("Fit error: " << i << " " << lr << " " << al << " " << th);
354 }
355 }
356 }
357 if (m_fitflag[i][lr][al][th] == 1) {
358 B2DEBUG(199, "ProbFit: Lay_lr_al_th: " << i << " " << lr << " " << al << " " << th << func->GetProb());
359 hprob->Fill(func->GetProb());
360 func->GetParameters(sigma_new[i][lr][al][th]);
361 }
362 }
363 }
364 }
365 }
366 }
367 storeHisto();
368 write();
370 return true;
374 B2INFO("storeHisto");
375 TFile* ff = new TFile("sigma_histo.root", "RECREATE");
376 TDirectory* top = gDirectory;
377 TDirectory* Direct[56];
379 for (int il = 0; il < 56; ++il) {
380 top->cd();
381 Direct[il] = gDirectory->mkdir(Form("lay_%d", il));
382 Direct[il]->cd();
383 for (int lr = 0; lr < 2; ++lr) {
384 for (int al = 0; al < m_nalpha; ++al) {
385 for (int th = 0; th < m_ntheta; ++th) {
386 if (!gr[il][lr][al][th]) continue;
387 if (!gfit[il][lr][al][th]) continue;
388 if (m_fitflag[il][lr][al][th] == 1) {
389 hist_b[il][lr][al][th]->Write();
390 hist_u[il][lr][al][th]->Write();
391 hb_m[il][lr][al][th]->Write();
392 hb_s[il][lr][al][th]->Write();
393 hu_m[il][lr][al][th]->Write();
394 hu_s[il][lr][al][th]->Write();
395 gr[il][lr][al][th]->Write();
396 gfit[il][lr][al][th]->Write();
397 }
398 }
399 }
400 }
401 }
402 ff->Close();
403 B2INFO("Finish store histogram");
408 B2INFO("Exporting parameters...");
409 int nfitted = 0;
410 int nfailure = 0;
411 /* Write the fit params*/
413 ofstream ofs(m_outputSigmaFileName.c_str());
414 ofs << m_nalpha << endl;
415 for (int i = 0; i < m_nalpha; ++i) {
416 ofs << std::setprecision(4) << l_alpha[i] << " " << std::setprecision(4) << u_alpha[i] << " " << std::setprecision(
417 4) << ialpha[i] << endl;
418 }
420 ofs << m_ntheta << endl;
421 for (int i = 0; i < m_ntheta; ++i) {
422 ofs << std::setprecision(4) << l_theta[i] << " " << std::setprecision(4) << u_theta[i] << " " << std::setprecision(
423 4) << itheta[i] << endl;
424 }
426 ofs << 0 << " " << 7 << endl; //mode and number of params;
427 for (int al = 0; al < m_nalpha; ++al) {
428 for (int th = 0; th < m_ntheta; ++th) {
429 for (int i = 0; i < 56; ++i) {
430 for (int lr = 1; lr >= 0; --lr) {
431 // ffit[i][lr][al][th]->GetParameters(par);
432 ofs << i << std::setw(4) << itheta[th] << std::setw(4) << ialpha[al] << std::setw(4) << lr << std::setw(15);
433 if (m_fitflag[i][lr][al][th] == 1) {
434 nfitted += 1;
435 for (int p = 0; p < 7; ++p) {
436 if (p != 6) { ofs << std::setprecision(7) << sigma_new[i][lr][al][th][p] << std::setw(15);}
437 if (p == 6) { ofs << std::setprecision(7) << sigma_new[i][lr][al][th][p] << std::endl;}
438 }
439 } else {
440 B2WARNING("Fitting error and old sigma will be used. (Layer " << i << ") (lr = " << lr << ") (al = " << al << ") (th = " << th <<
441 ")");
442 nfailure += 1;
443 int ial_old = 0;
444 int ith_old = 0;
445 for (int k = 0; k < nalpha_old; ++k) {
446 if (ialpha[al] < u_alpha_old[k]) {ial_old = k; break;}
447 }
448 for (int j = 0; j < ntheta_old; ++j) {
449 if (itheta[th] < u_theta_old[j]) {ith_old = j; break;}
450 }
451 for (int p = 0; p < 7; ++p) {
452 if (p != 6) { ofs << std::setprecision(7) << sigma_old[i][lr][ial_old][ith_old][p] << std::setw(15);}
453 if (p == 6) { ofs << std::setprecision(7) << sigma_old[i][lr][ial_old][ith_old][p] << std::endl;}
454 }
455 }
456 }
457 }
458 }
459 }
460 ofs.close();
461 B2RESULT("Number of histogram: " << 56 * 2 * m_nalpha * m_ntheta);
462 B2RESULT("Histos succesfully fitted: " << nfitted);
463 B2RESULT("Histos fit failure: " << nfailure);
464 if (m_useDB) {
465 CDCDatabaseImporter import(0, 0, -1, -1);
466 import.importSigma(m_outputSigmaFileName.c_str());
467 }
473 B2INFO("readSigma");
474 if (m_useDB) {
475 B2INFO("reading sigma from DB");
478 B2INFO("Number of theta bins from input sigma: " << ntheta_old);
479 } else {
480 B2INFO("Read sigma from text");
482 B2INFO("number of alpha bins from input sigma: " << nalpha_old);
483 }
488 ifstream ifs;
489 std::string fileName1 = "/data/cdc" + m_sigmafile;
490 std::string fileName = FileSystem::findFile(fileName1);
491 if (fileName == "") {
493 }
494 if (fileName == "") {
495 cout << "CDCGeometryPar: " << fileName << " not exist!" << endl;
496 } else {
497 cout << "CDCGeometryPar: " << fileName << " exists." << endl;
499 if (!ifs) cout << "CDCGeometryPar: cannot open " << fileName << " !" << endl;
500 }
502 //read alpha bin info.
503 if (ifs >> nalpha_old) {
504 if (nalpha_old == 0 || nalpha_old > 18) cout << "Fail to read alpha bins !" << endl;
505 } else {
506 cout << "Fail to read alpha bins !" << endl; return;
507 }
508 double alpha0, alpha1, alpha2;
509 for (unsigned short i = 0; i < nalpha_old; ++i) {
510 ifs >> alpha0 >> alpha1 >> alpha2;
511 l_alpha_old[i] = alpha0;
512 u_alpha_old[i] = alpha1;
513 ialpha_old[i] = alpha2;
514 }
516 //read theta bin info.
517 if (ifs >> ntheta_old) {
518 if (ntheta_old == 0 || ntheta_old > 7) cout << "CDCGeometryPar: fail to read theta bins !" << endl;
519 } else {
520 cout << "CDCGeometryPar: fail to read theta bins !" << endl;
521 }
522 double theta0, theta1, theta2;
523 for (unsigned short i = 0; i < ntheta_old; ++i) {
524 ifs >> theta0 >> theta1 >> theta2;
525 l_theta_old[i] = theta0;
526 u_theta_old[i] = theta1;
527 itheta_old[i] = theta2;
528 }
530 unsigned short np = 0;
531 unsigned short iCL, iLR;
532 double theta, alpha;
534 ifs >> m_sigmaParamMode_old >> np;
535 double sigma[8]; // cppcheck-suppress constVariable
536 // if (m_sigmaParamMode < 0 || m_sigmaParamMode > 1) cout<<"CDCGeometryPar: invalid sigma-parameterization mode read !"<<endl;
537 //if (m_sigmaParamMode == 1) cout<<"CDCGeometryPar: sigma-parameterization mode=1 not ready yet"<<endl;
538 // if (np <= 0 || np > nSigmaParams) cout<<"CDCGeometryPar: no. of sigma-params. outside limits !"<<endl;
539 const double epsi = 0.1;
540 while (ifs >> iCL) {
541 ifs >> theta >> alpha >> iLR;
542 for (int i = 0; i < np; ++i) {
543 ifs >> sigma[i];
544 }
546 int ith = -99;
547 for (unsigned short i = 0; i < ntheta_old; ++i) {
548 if (fabs(theta - itheta_old[i]) < epsi) {
549 ith = i;
550 break;
551 }
552 }
553 if (ith < 0) cout << "CDCGeometryPar: thetas in sigma.dat are inconsistent !" << endl;
555 int ial = -99;
556 for (unsigned short i = 0; i < nalpha_old; ++i) {
557 if (fabs(alpha - ialpha_old[i]) < epsi) {
558 ial = i;
559 break;
560 }
561 }
562 if (ial < 0) cout << "CDCGeometryPar: alphas in sigma.dat are inconsistent !" << endl;
564 for (int i = 0; i < np; ++i) {
565 sigma_old[iCL][iLR][ial][ith][i] = sigma[i];
566 }
567 } //end of while loop
568 ifs.close();
572 typedef std::array<float, 3> array3;
573 // std::cout <<"setSResol called" << std::endl;
574 nalpha_old = (*m_sResolFromDB)->getNoOfAlphaBins();
575 double rad2deg = 180 / M_PI;
576 for (unsigned short i = 0; i < nalpha_old; ++i) {
577 // m_alphaPoints[i] = (*dbXT_old)->getAlphaPoint(i);
578 array3 alpha = (*m_sResolFromDB)->getAlphaBin(i);
579 l_alpha_old[i] = alpha[0] * rad2deg;
580 u_alpha_old[i] = alpha[1] * rad2deg;
581 ialpha_old[i] = alpha[2] * rad2deg;
582 // std::cout << m_alphaPoints[i]*180./M_PI << std::endl;
583 }
585 ntheta_old = (*m_sResolFromDB)->getNoOfThetaBins();
586 B2INFO("Ntheta: " << ntheta_old);
587 for (unsigned short i = 0; i < ntheta_old; ++i) {
588 // m_thetaPoints[i] = (*dbXT_old).getThetaPoint(i);
589 array3 theta = (*m_sResolFromDB)->getThetaBin(i);
590 l_theta_old[i] = theta[0] * rad2deg;
591 u_theta_old[i] = theta[1] * rad2deg;
592 itheta_old[i] = theta[2] * rad2deg;
593 }
594 m_sigmaParamMode_old = (*m_sResolFromDB)->getSigmaParamMode();
596 for (unsigned short iCL = 0; iCL < c_maxNSenseLayers; ++iCL) {
597 for (unsigned short iLR = 0; iLR < 2; ++iLR) {
598 for (unsigned short iA = 0; iA < nalpha_old; ++iA) {
599 for (unsigned short iT = 0; iT < ntheta_old; ++iT) {
600 const std::vector<float> params = (*m_sResolFromDB)->getSigmaParams(iCL, iLR, iA, iT);
601 unsigned short np = params.size();
602 // std::cout <<"np4sigma= " << np << std::endl;
603 for (unsigned short i = 0; i < np; ++i) {
604 sigma_old[iCL][iLR][iA][iT][i] = params[i];
605 }
606 }
607 }
608 }
609 }
614 B2INFO("readProfile");
615 /*Read profile for xt*/
617 B2INFO("use Sigma bining from input Sigma");
620 B2INFO("Number of alpha bins: " << m_nalpha);
621 for (int i = 0; i < m_nalpha; ++i) {
622 l_alpha[i] = l_alpha_old[i]; u_alpha[i] = u_alpha_old[i]; ialpha[i] = ialpha_old[i];
623 B2INFO("" << i << " | " << l_alpha[i] << " " << u_alpha[i] << " " << ialpha[i]);
624 }
625 B2INFO("Number of theta bins: " << m_ntheta);
626 for (int i = 0; i < m_ntheta; ++i) {
627 l_theta[i] = l_theta_old[i]; u_theta[i] = u_theta_old[i]; itheta[i] = itheta_old[i];
628 B2INFO("" << i << " |" << l_theta[i] << " " << u_theta[i] << " " << itheta[i]);
629 }
630 } else {
631 B2INFO("use Sigma bining from profile file");
632 ifstream proxt(m_ProfileFileName.c_str());
633 if (!proxt) {
634 B2FATAL("file not found: " << m_ProfileFileName);
635 }
636 double dumy1, dumy2, dumy3;
637 proxt >> m_nalpha;
638 B2INFO("Number of alpha bins: " << m_nalpha);
639 if (m_nalpha > Max_nalpha) {B2FATAL("number of alpha bin excess limit; please increse uplimit: " << m_nalpha << " > " << Max_nalpha);}
640 for (int i = 0; i < m_nalpha; ++i) {
641 proxt >> dumy1 >> dumy2 >> dumy3;
642 l_alpha[i] = dumy1; u_alpha[i] = dumy2; ialpha[i] = dumy3;
643 B2INFO("" << i << " | " << l_alpha[i] << " " << u_alpha[i] << " " << ialpha[i]);
644 }
645 proxt >> m_ntheta;
646 B2INFO("Number of theta bins: " << m_ntheta);
647 if (m_ntheta > Max_ntheta) {B2FATAL("number of theta bin excess limit; please increse uplimit: " << m_ntheta << " > " << Max_ntheta);}
648 for (int i = 0; i < m_ntheta; ++i) {
649 proxt >> dumy1 >> dumy2 >> dumy3;
650 l_theta[i] = dumy1; u_theta[i] = dumy2; itheta[i] = dumy3;
651 B2INFO("" << i << " |" << l_theta[i] << " " << u_theta[i] << " " << itheta[i]);
652 }
653 }
654 B2INFO("Finish asssign sigma bining");
internal precision of FFTW codelets
CDC database importer.
void importSigma(std::string fileName)
Import sigma table to the database.
double ialpha[18]
represented alphas of alpha bins.
std::string m_inputRootFileNames
Input root file names.
TH1F * hb_s[56][2][Max_nalpha][Max_ntheta]
sigma histogram of ubiased residual
TGraphErrors * gr[56][2][18][7]
sigma graph.
int m_fitflag[56][2][Max_nalpha][Max_ntheta]
Fit flag; 1:OK ; 0:error.
static const int Max_ntheta
maximum theta bin
TH2F * hist_u[56][2][Max_nalpha][Max_ntheta]
2D histogram of unbiased residual
bool m_useProfileFromInputSigma
Use binning from old sigma or new one form input.
TH1F * hu_m[56][2][Max_nalpha][Max_ntheta]
mean histogram biased residual
double u_alpha[18]
Upper boundays of alpha bins.
virtual void readProfile()
read sigma bining (alpha, theta bining)
double sigma_old[56][2][18][7][8]
old sigma prameters.
TGraphErrors * gfit[56][2][18][7]
sigma*sigma graph for fit
DBObjPtr< CDCSpaceResols > * m_sResolFromDB
Database for sigma.
double l_theta_old[7]
Lower boundays of theta bins from input.
double l_alpha[18]
Lower boundays of alpha bins.
virtual void readSigmaFromDB()
read sigma from DB
double m_binWidth
width of each bin, unit cm
double getUpperBoundaryForFit(TGraphErrors *graph)
search max point at boundary region
TH2F * hist_b[56][2][Max_nalpha][Max_ntheta]
2D histogram of biased residual
int nalpha_old
number of alpha bins from input
std::string m_outputSigmaFileName
Output sigma file name.
TH1F * hu_s[56][2][Max_nalpha][Max_ntheta]
sigma histogram of biased residual
TH1F * hb_m[56][2][Max_nalpha][Max_ntheta]
mean histogram of unbiased residual
double itheta_old[7]
represented alphas of theta bins from input.
static const unsigned short Max_np
Maximum number of point =1/binwidth.
std::string m_sigmafile
Sigma file name, for text mode.
double l_alpha_old[18]
Lower boundays of alpha bins from input.
double u_theta_old[7]
Upper boundays of theta bins from input.
virtual void write()
save calibration, in text file or db
double itheta[7]
represented alphas of theta bins.
double ialpha_old[18]
represented alphas of alpha bins from input.
double l_theta[7]
Lower boundays of theta bins.
double sigma_new[56][2][18][7][8]
new sigma prameters.
virtual void readSigmaFromText()
read sigma from text file
static const int Max_nalpha
Maximum alpha bin.
double m_Pvalmin
Minimum Prob(chi2) of track.
double u_alpha_old[18]
Upper boundays of alpha bins from input.
virtual void readSigma()
read sigma from previous calibration, (input sigma)
double u_theta[7]
Upper boundays of theta bins.
unsigned short m_sigmaParamMode_old
sigma mode from input.
int ntheta_old
number of theta bins from input
Class for accessing objects in the database.
Definition: DBObjPtr.h:21
static std::string findFile(const std::string &path, bool silent=false)
Search for given file or directory in local or central release directory, and return absolute path if...
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
STL namespace.