Belle II Software development
MaterialScanPlanar Class Reference

Specific implementaion of MaterialScan to scan parallel to a given plane. More...

#include <MaterialScan.h>

Inheritance diagram for MaterialScanPlanar:
MaterialScan2D MaterialScanBase

Public Member Functions

 MaterialScanPlanar (TFile *rootFile, const G4ThreeVector &origin, const G4ThreeVector &dirU, const G4ThreeVector &dirV, const ScanParams &params)
 Create a Planar Scan object with the given parameters.
bool createNext (G4ThreeVector &origin, G4ThreeVector &direction) override
 Get the origin and direction for the next scan particle.
int getNRays () const override
 Return the number of rays in this scan.
void UserSteppingAction (const G4Step *step) override
 Record the material budget for each step of the particles.
std::string getName () const
 Return the name of the scan.

Protected Member Functions

void getRay (G4ThreeVector &origin, G4ThreeVector &direction) override
 Create a ray with the current parameter values according to a planar distribution.
TH2D * getHistogram (const std::string &name)
 get histogram for a given name, create if needed.
void fillValue (const std::string &name, double value)
 Fill the recorded material budget into the corresponding histogram.
bool checkStep (const G4Step *step)
 check for stuck tracks by looking at the step length

Protected Attributes

G4ThreeVector m_origin
 Origin of the scan plane.
G4ThreeVector m_dirU
 u direction of the scan plane
G4ThreeVector m_dirV
 v direction of the scan plane
G4ThreeVector m_dirW
 direction perpendicluar to u and v
ScanParams m_params
 Parameters for the scan.
double m_curU
 Current value of the parametetr u.
double m_stepU
 Stepsize for the parameter u.
double m_curV
 Current value of the parametetr v.
double m_stepV
 Stepsize for the parameter v.
double m_curDepth
 Tracklength of the current Ray.
std::map< std::string, std::unique_ptr< TH2D > > m_regions
 Map holding pointers to all created histograms.
TFile * m_rootFile
 Pointer to the root file for the histograms.
std::string m_name
 Name of the scan, will be prefixed to all histogram names.
std::string m_axisLabel
 Labels for the coordinate axes.

Private Attributes

int m_zeroSteps {0}
 Count the number of steps with (almost) zero length.

Static Private Attributes

static constexpr double c_zeroTolerance = 1e-6
 maximum Step length to be considered zero
static constexpr int c_maxZeroStepsNudge = 10
 maximum number of consecutive zero steps before nudging the track along
static constexpr int c_maxZeroStepsKill = 20
 maximum number of consecutive zero steps before killing the track

Detailed Description

Specific implementaion of MaterialScan to scan parallel to a given plane.

Particles will be created in a grid on the given plane and will be traced perpendicluar to that plane The plane is defined by one origin and the directions of the grid coordinates u and v. The flight direction is determined by the cross product between the u and v axis.

Definition at line 202 of file MaterialScan.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MaterialScanPlanar()

MaterialScanPlanar ( TFile *  rootFile,
const G4ThreeVector &  origin,
const G4ThreeVector &  dirU,
const G4ThreeVector &  dirV,
const ScanParams params 

Create a Planar Scan object with the given parameters.

rootFilepointer to the ROOT File containing the histograms
originOrigin of the plane to shoot rays from
dirUDirection of the u coordinate
dirVDirection of the v coordinate
paramsParameters of the scan

Definition at line 211 of file MaterialScan.h.

212 :
213 MaterialScan2D(rootFile, "Planar", "u [cm];v [cm]", params), m_origin(origin), m_dirU(dirU.unit()), m_dirV(dirV.unit()),
214 m_dirW(m_dirU.cross(m_dirV))
215 {
216 }
MaterialScan2D(TFile *rootFile, const std::string &name, const std::string &axisLabel, const ScanParams &params)
G4ThreeVector m_origin
Origin of the scan plane.
Definition: MaterialScan.h:222
G4ThreeVector m_dirV
v direction of the scan plane
Definition: MaterialScan.h:226
G4ThreeVector m_dirU
u direction of the scan plane
Definition: MaterialScan.h:224
G4ThreeVector m_dirW
direction perpendicluar to u and v
Definition: MaterialScan.h:228

Member Function Documentation

◆ checkStep()

bool checkStep ( const G4Step *  step)

check for stuck tracks by looking at the step length

Definition at line 44 of file

46 double stlen = step->GetStepLength();
47 G4StepPoint* preStepPoint = step->GetPreStepPoint();
48 G4Region* region = preStepPoint->GetPhysicalVolume()->GetLogicalVolume()->GetRegion();
49 if (stlen < c_zeroTolerance) {
51 } else {
52 m_zeroSteps = 0;
53 }
56 B2ERROR("Track is stuck at " << preStepPoint->GetPosition() << " in volume '"
57 << preStepPoint->GetPhysicalVolume()->GetLogicalVolume()->GetName()
58 << " (" << region->GetName() << "): "
59 << m_zeroSteps << " consecutive steps with length less then "
60 << c_zeroTolerance << " mm, killing it");
61 step->GetTrack()->SetTrackStatus(fStopAndKill);
62 } else {
63 B2WARNING("Track is stuck at " << preStepPoint->GetPosition() << " in volume '"
64 << preStepPoint->GetPhysicalVolume()->GetLogicalVolume()->GetName()
65 << " (" << region->GetName() << "): "
66 << m_zeroSteps << " consecutive steps with length less then "
67 << c_zeroTolerance << " mm, nudging it along");
68 G4ThreeVector pos = step->GetTrack()->GetPosition();
69 G4ThreeVector dir = step->GetTrack()->GetMomentumDirection();
70 step->GetTrack()->SetPosition(pos + c_zeroTolerance * dir);
71 }
72 return false;
73 }
74 return true;
int m_zeroSteps
Count the number of steps with (almost) zero length.
Definition: MaterialScan.h:73
static constexpr int c_maxZeroStepsNudge
maximum number of consecutive zero steps before nudging the track along
Definition: MaterialScan.h:69
static constexpr int c_maxZeroStepsKill
maximum number of consecutive zero steps before killing the track
Definition: MaterialScan.h:71
static constexpr double c_zeroTolerance
maximum Step length to be considered zero
Definition: MaterialScan.h:67

◆ createNext()

bool createNext ( G4ThreeVector &  origin,
G4ThreeVector &  direction 

Get the origin and direction for the next scan particle.

[out]originOrigin of the next scan particle
[out]directionDirection of the next scan particle
false if the scan is finished

Implements MaterialScanBase.

Definition at line 97 of file

99 if (m_regions.empty()) {
100 // create summary histogram right now, not on demand, to make sure it is in the file
102 getHistogram("All_Materials_x0");
103 getHistogram("All_Materials_lambda");
104 } else {
105 getHistogram("All_Regions_x0");
106 getHistogram("All_Regions_lambda");
107 }
108 }
109 //Increase the internal coordinates
110 m_curU += m_stepU;
111 if (m_curU >= m_params.maxU) {
112 m_curU = m_params.minU + m_stepU / 2.;
113 m_curV += m_stepV;
114 }
115 //Reset depth counter
116 m_curDepth = 0;
118 //Get the origin and direction of the ray
119 getRay(origin, direction);
121 //Check wether we are finished
122 return (m_curV <= m_params.maxV);
virtual void getRay(G4ThreeVector &origin, G4ThreeVector &direction)=0
Get the origin and direction for the next scan particle.
double m_stepU
Stepsize for the parameter u.
Definition: MaterialScan.h:150
TH2D * getHistogram(const std::string &name)
get histogram for a given name, create if needed.
std::map< std::string, std::unique_ptr< TH2D > > m_regions
Map holding pointers to all created histograms.
Definition: MaterialScan.h:158
double m_curDepth
Tracklength of the current Ray.
Definition: MaterialScan.h:156
double m_curU
Current value of the parametetr u.
Definition: MaterialScan.h:148
double m_curV
Current value of the parametetr v.
Definition: MaterialScan.h:152
double m_stepV
Stepsize for the parameter v.
Definition: MaterialScan.h:154
ScanParams m_params
Parameters for the scan.
Definition: MaterialScan.h:146
double maxU
Maximum u value to scan.
Definition: MaterialScan.h:93
bool splitByMaterials
If true, split output by Materials (otherwise by region)
Definition: MaterialScan.h:103
double minU
Minimum u value to scan.
Definition: MaterialScan.h:91
double maxV
Maximum v value to scan.
Definition: MaterialScan.h:97

◆ fillValue()

void fillValue ( const std::string &  name,
double  value 

Fill the recorded material budget into the corresponding histogram.

nameName of the histogram
valueValue to store

Definition at line 138 of file

140 TH2D* hist = getHistogram(name);
141 hist->Fill(m_curU, m_curV, value);

◆ getHistogram()

TH2D * getHistogram ( const std::string &  name)

get histogram for a given name, create if needed.

nameName of the histogram

Definition at line 125 of file

127 std::unique_ptr<TH2D>& hist = m_regions[name];
128 if (!hist) {
129 //Create new histogram
130 m_rootFile->cd(m_name.c_str());
131 hist.reset(new TH2D(name.c_str(), (name + ";" + m_axisLabel).c_str(),
134 }
135 return hist.get();
TFile * m_rootFile
Pointer to the root file for the histograms.
Definition: MaterialScan.h:60
std::string m_axisLabel
Labels for the coordinate axes.
Definition: MaterialScan.h:64
std::string m_name
Name of the scan, will be prefixed to all histogram names.
Definition: MaterialScan.h:62
double minV
Minimum v value to scan.
Definition: MaterialScan.h:95
int nU
Number of rays along u coordinate.
Definition: MaterialScan.h:87
int nV
Number of rays along v coordinate.
Definition: MaterialScan.h:89

◆ getName()

std::string getName ( ) const

Return the name of the scan.

Definition at line 43 of file MaterialScan.h.

43{ return m_name; }

◆ getNRays()

int getNRays ( ) const

Return the number of rays in this scan.

Implements MaterialScanBase.

Definition at line 122 of file MaterialScan.h.

122{ return m_params.nU * m_params.nV; }

◆ getRay()

void getRay ( G4ThreeVector &  origin,
G4ThreeVector &  direction 

Create a ray with the current parameter values according to a planar distribution.

Implements MaterialScan2D.

Definition at line 208 of file

210 //We shoot perpendicular to the plane, so direction is always the same but the position varies.
211 origin = m_origin + m_curU / Unit::mm * m_dirU + m_curV / Unit::mm * m_dirV;
212 direction = m_dirW;
static const double mm
Definition: Unit.h:70

◆ UserSteppingAction()

void UserSteppingAction ( const G4Step *  step)

Record the material budget for each step of the particles.

Definition at line 144 of file

146 //Get information about radiation and interaction length
147 G4StepPoint* preStepPoint = step->GetPreStepPoint();
148 G4Region* region = preStepPoint->GetPhysicalVolume()->GetLogicalVolume()->GetRegion();
149 G4Material* material = preStepPoint->GetMaterial();
150 double stlen = step->GetStepLength();
151 double x0 = stlen / (material->GetRadlen());
152 double lambda = stlen / (material->GetNuclearInterLength());
153 B2DEBUG(20, "Step in at " << preStepPoint->GetPosition() << " in volume '"
154 << preStepPoint->GetPhysicalVolume()->GetLogicalVolume()->GetName()
155 << " (" << region->GetName() << ")"
156 << " with length=" << stlen << " mm");
157 checkStep(step);
159 //check if the depth is limited
160 if (m_params.maxDepth > 0) {
161 m_curDepth += stlen;
163 //Depth reached, kill track and add remaining part of the material budget
164 G4Track* track = step->GetTrack();
165 track->SetTrackStatus(fStopAndKill);
166 double remaining = stlen - m_curDepth + m_params.maxDepth;
167 x0 *= remaining / stlen;
168 lambda *= remaining / stlen;
169 }
170 }
172 if (std::binary_search(m_params.ignoredMaterials.begin(), m_params.ignoredMaterials.end(), material->GetName())) {
173 return;
174 }
176 //Fill x0 and lambda in a histogram for each region
177 string x0_total = "All_Regions_x0";
178 string lambda_total = "All_Regions_lambda";
179 string x0_name = region->GetName() + "_x0";
180 string lambda_name = region->GetName() + "_lambda";
181 //or for each Material
183 x0_total = "All_Materials_x0";
184 lambda_total = "All_Materials_lambda";
185 x0_name = material->GetName() + "_x0";
186 lambda_name = material->GetName() + "_lambda";
187 }
188 fillValue(x0_total, x0);
189 fillValue(lambda_total, lambda);
190 fillValue(x0_name, x0);
191 fillValue(lambda_name, lambda);
void fillValue(const std::string &name, double value)
Fill the recorded material budget into the corresponding histogram.
bool checkStep(const G4Step *step)
check for stuck tracks by looking at the step length
double maxDepth
Maximum depth of the scan.
Definition: MaterialScan.h:99
std::vector< std::string > ignoredMaterials
Names of ignored Materials.
Definition: MaterialScan.h:101

Member Data Documentation

◆ c_maxZeroStepsKill

constexpr int c_maxZeroStepsKill = 20

maximum number of consecutive zero steps before killing the track

Definition at line 71 of file MaterialScan.h.

◆ c_maxZeroStepsNudge

constexpr int c_maxZeroStepsNudge = 10

maximum number of consecutive zero steps before nudging the track along

Definition at line 69 of file MaterialScan.h.

◆ c_zeroTolerance

constexpr double c_zeroTolerance = 1e-6

maximum Step length to be considered zero

Definition at line 67 of file MaterialScan.h.

◆ m_axisLabel

std::string m_axisLabel

Labels for the coordinate axes.

Definition at line 64 of file MaterialScan.h.

◆ m_curDepth

double m_curDepth

Tracklength of the current Ray.

Definition at line 156 of file MaterialScan.h.

◆ m_curU

double m_curU

Current value of the parametetr u.

Definition at line 148 of file MaterialScan.h.

◆ m_curV

double m_curV

Current value of the parametetr v.

Definition at line 152 of file MaterialScan.h.

◆ m_dirU

G4ThreeVector m_dirU

u direction of the scan plane

Definition at line 224 of file MaterialScan.h.

◆ m_dirV

G4ThreeVector m_dirV

v direction of the scan plane

Definition at line 226 of file MaterialScan.h.

◆ m_dirW

G4ThreeVector m_dirW

direction perpendicluar to u and v

Definition at line 228 of file MaterialScan.h.

◆ m_name

std::string m_name

Name of the scan, will be prefixed to all histogram names.

Definition at line 62 of file MaterialScan.h.

◆ m_origin

G4ThreeVector m_origin

Origin of the scan plane.

Definition at line 222 of file MaterialScan.h.

◆ m_params

ScanParams m_params

Parameters for the scan.

Definition at line 146 of file MaterialScan.h.

◆ m_regions

std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<TH2D> > m_regions

Map holding pointers to all created histograms.

Definition at line 158 of file MaterialScan.h.

◆ m_rootFile

TFile* m_rootFile

Pointer to the root file for the histograms.

Definition at line 60 of file MaterialScan.h.

◆ m_stepU

double m_stepU

Stepsize for the parameter u.

Definition at line 150 of file MaterialScan.h.

◆ m_stepV

double m_stepV

Stepsize for the parameter v.

Definition at line 154 of file MaterialScan.h.

◆ m_zeroSteps

int m_zeroSteps {0}

Count the number of steps with (almost) zero length.

Definition at line 73 of file MaterialScan.h.

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