Belle II Software development
PXDIgnoredPixelsMap Class Reference

This class provides a check for ignored (=cold, hot or otherwise deffective) pixels for the use in PXD data reconstruction. More...

#include <PXDIgnoredPixelsMap.h>

Public Types

typedef std::pair< unsigned short, unsigned short > map_pixel
 Simple structure for a pixel, u = map_pixel.first, v = map_pixel.second.
typedef std::function< bool(unsigned short, unsigned short) > pixel_range_test_prototype
 Prototype for lambda function used to check if a pixel is in masked range.
typedef std::multimap< unsigned int, pixel_range_test_prototype, std::greater< unsigned int > > IgnoredPixelsRangeSet
 Structure to hold set of masked pixel ranges ordered from largest to smallest by their area (unsigned int)
typedef std::unordered_set< unsigned int > IgnoredSinglePixelsSet
 Structure to hold set of masked single pixels indexed by their unique id (unsigned int), stored in hash table.

Public Member Functions

 PXDIgnoredPixelsMap (const std::string &xml_filename)
 PXDIgnoredPixelsMap ()=delete
 No default constructor.
const std::set< map_pixelgetIgnoredPixels (VxdID id)
 Get the set of ignored pixels for a sensor.
bool pixelOK (VxdID id, map_pixel pixel)
 Check whether a pixel on a given sensor is OK or not.

Private Attributes

std::unordered_map< unsigned short, IgnoredPixelsRangeSetm_Map
 Structure holding sets of ignored pixel ranges for all sensors by sensor id (unsigned short).
std::unordered_map< unsigned short, IgnoredSinglePixelsSetm_MapSingles
 Structure holding sets of ingored single pixels for all sensors by sensor id (unsigned short).
IgnoredPixelsRangeSet m_lastIgnored
 Set of ignored pixel ranges for the most currently queried sensor.
IgnoredSinglePixelsSet m_lastIgnoredSingles
 Set of ignored single pixels for the most currently queried sensor.
VxdID m_lastSensorID
 The most currently queried sensor number.
unsigned short m_lastSensorVCells
 The most currently queried sensor number of V pixels (for quick pixel uid evaluation)

Detailed Description

This class provides a check for ignored (=cold, hot or otherwise deffective) pixels for the use in PXD data reconstruction.

The class has non-intrusive behavior, that is, it will not interfere when queries on non-existent sensors are asked. Treatment of single masked pixels and masked ranges (rows, cols, ...) is different for performance reasons.

NOTE: More optimization is possible:

  • single rows and cols can go to hash tables (like pixels), as they can be uniquely identified. Then we would have m_MaskRows, m_MaskCols etc.
  • lambdas for ranges of cols/rows can be simplified (2 less comparisons) or even
  • instead hash tables, one could use directly vectors/arrays/std::bitset and only pixels, but with much more memory for map of all sensors (at least 8Mbit for whole Belle2 PXD & std::bitset)

Definition at line 39 of file PXDIgnoredPixelsMap.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ IgnoredPixelsRangeSet

typedef std::multimap< unsigned int, pixel_range_test_prototype, std::greater<unsigned int> > IgnoredPixelsRangeSet

Structure to hold set of masked pixel ranges ordered from largest to smallest by their area (unsigned int)

Definition at line 46 of file PXDIgnoredPixelsMap.h.

◆ IgnoredSinglePixelsSet

typedef std::unordered_set< unsigned int> IgnoredSinglePixelsSet

Structure to hold set of masked single pixels indexed by their unique id (unsigned int), stored in hash table.

Definition at line 48 of file PXDIgnoredPixelsMap.h.

◆ map_pixel

typedef std::pair<unsigned short, unsigned short> map_pixel

Simple structure for a pixel, u = map_pixel.first, v = map_pixel.second.

Definition at line 42 of file PXDIgnoredPixelsMap.h.

◆ pixel_range_test_prototype

typedef std::function< bool(unsigned short, unsigned short) > pixel_range_test_prototype

Prototype for lambda function used to check if a pixel is in masked range.

Definition at line 44 of file PXDIgnoredPixelsMap.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PXDIgnoredPixelsMap()

PXDIgnoredPixelsMap ( const std::string &  xml_filename)


xml_filenameis the name of the xml file containing the map.

Definition at line 20 of file

20 :
23 // If the xmlFilename is empty, the user apparently doesn't want the map.
24 // So keep low-profile, don't bother.
25 if (xmlFilename == "") {
26 B2DEBUG(10, "No xml list of ignored pixels specified.");
27 return;
28 }
29 // Create an empty property tree object
31 ptree propertyTree;
33 // Load the XML file into the property tree. If reading fails
34 // (cannot open file, parse error), an exception is thrown.
35 string xmlFullPath = FileSystem::findFile(xmlFilename);
37 if (! FileSystem::fileExists(xmlFullPath)) {
38 B2WARNING("The xml filename: " << xmlFilename << endl <<
39 "resolved to: " << xmlFullPath << endl <<
40 "by FileSystem::findFile does not exist." << endl <<
41 "PXD ignored pixels map cannot be initialized." << endl
42 );
43 return;
44 }
46 try {
47 read_xml(xmlFullPath, propertyTree);
48 } catch (std::exception const& ex) {
49 B2WARNING("STD excpetion raised during xml parsing " << ex.what() << endl <<
50 "PXD ignored pixels map cannot be initialized." << endl);
51 return;
52 } catch (...) {
53 B2WARNING("Unknown excpetion raised during xml parsing "
54 "PXD ignored pixels map cannot be initialized." << endl);
55 return;
56 }
58 try {
59 // traverse the xml tree: navigate through the daughters of <PXD>
60 VxdID sensorID;
61 for (ptree::value_type const& layer : propertyTree.get_child("PXD"))
62 if (layer.first == "layer") {
63 sensorID.setLayerNumber(static_cast<unsigned short>(layer.second.get<int>("<xmlattr>.n")));
64 for (ptree::value_type const& ladder : layer.second)
65 if (ladder.first == "ladder") {
66 sensorID.setLadderNumber(static_cast<unsigned short>(ladder.second.get<int>("<xmlattr>.n")));
67 for (ptree::value_type const& sensor : ladder.second)
68 if (sensor.first == "sensor") {
69 sensorID.setSensorNumber(static_cast<unsigned short>(sensor.second.get<int>("<xmlattr>.n")));
73 for (ptree::value_type const& tag : sensor.second) {
74 if (tag.first == "pixels") {
75 auto limits = tag.second;
76 // All possible attributes, default = -1 (att not present)
77 short uStart = limits.get<short>("<xmlattr>.uStart", -1);
78 short uEnd = limits.get<short>("<xmlattr>.uEnd", -1);
79 short vStart = limits.get<short>("<xmlattr>.vStart", -1);
80 short vEnd = limits.get<short>("<xmlattr>.vEnd", -1);
82 // Fill remaining range parameters
83 if (uStart != -1 && vStart != -1 && uEnd == -1 && vEnd == -1) {
84 // mask one pixel
85 uEnd = uStart;
86 vEnd = vStart;
87 } else if (uStart != -1 && vStart == -1 && uEnd == -1 && vEnd == -1) {
88 // mask column u ... all v rows
89 uEnd = uStart;
90 vStart = 0;
91 vEnd = info.getVCells() - 1;
92 } else if (uStart == -1 && vStart != -1 && uEnd == -1 && vEnd == -1) {
93 // mask row v ... all u columns
94 vEnd = vStart;
95 uStart = 0;
96 uEnd = info.getUCells() - 1;
97 } else if (uStart != -1 && vStart == -1 && uEnd != -1 && vEnd == -1) {
98 // columns from ... to ... (all rows there)
99 vStart = 0;
100 vEnd = info.getVCells() - 1;
101 } else if (uStart == -1 && vStart != -1 && uEnd == -1 && vEnd != -1) {
102 // rows from ... to ... (all columns there)
103 uStart = 0;
104 uEnd = info.getUCells() - 1;
105 } else if (uStart != -1 && vStart != -1 && uEnd != -1 && vEnd != -1) {
106 // already ok, rectangular area
107 } else {
108 // do not accept other combinations
109 continue;
110 }
111 // ensure positive and meaningfull values
112 unsigned short uS(uStart);
113 unsigned short vS(vStart);
114 unsigned short uE(uEnd);
115 unsigned short vE(vEnd);
116 if (uE >= info.getUCells()) uE = info.getUCells() - 1;
117 if (vE >= info.getVCells()) vE = info.getVCells() - 1;
118 if (vS > vE) vS = vE;
119 if (uS > uE) uS = uE;
120 // area of the masked range
121 unsigned int area = (uE - uS + 1) * (vE - vS + 1);
122 if (area == 1) {
123 // Single pixel masking:
124 // We store pixels by unique id in hash table
125 unsigned int uid = uStart * info.getVCells() + vStart;
126 // uid will be used to generate hash in unordered_set for quick access
127 singles.insert(uid);
128 } else {
129 // lambda function to decide if (u,v) is inside this range
131 [ = ](unsigned int u, unsigned int v) -> bool
132 { return (uS <= u && u <= uE && vS <= v && v <= vE); };
133 // area is used to sort ranges from largest to smallest
134 ranges.insert(std::make_pair(area, range_mask));
135 }
136 }
137 }
138 m_Map.insert(std::pair<unsigned short, PXDIgnoredPixelsMap::IgnoredPixelsRangeSet>(sensorID.getID(), ranges));
139 m_MapSingles.insert(std::pair<unsigned short, PXDIgnoredPixelsMap::IgnoredSinglePixelsSet>(sensorID.getID(), singles));
140 } // if sensor
141 } // if ladder
142 } // if sensor
143 } catch (...) {
144 B2WARNING("Unknown exception raised during map initialization! "
145 "PXD ignored pixels map may be corrupted." << endl);
146 return;
147 }
static std::string findFile(const std::string &path, bool silent=false)
Search for given file or directory in local or central release directory, and return absolute path if...
static bool fileExists(const std::string &filename)
Check if the file with given filename exists.
std::unordered_set< unsigned int > IgnoredSinglePixelsSet
Structure to hold set of masked single pixels indexed by their unique id (unsigned int),...
std::unordered_map< unsigned short, IgnoredSinglePixelsSet > m_MapSingles
Structure holding sets of ingored single pixels for all sensors by sensor id (unsigned short).
std::unordered_map< unsigned short, IgnoredPixelsRangeSet > m_Map
Structure holding sets of ignored pixel ranges for all sensors by sensor id (unsigned short).
std::multimap< unsigned int, pixel_range_test_prototype, std::greater< unsigned int > > IgnoredPixelsRangeSet
Structure to hold set of masked pixel ranges ordered from largest to smallest by their area (unsigned...
unsigned short m_lastSensorVCells
The most currently queried sensor number of V pixels (for quick pixel uid evaluation)
VxdID m_lastSensorID
The most currently queried sensor number.
std::function< bool(unsigned short, unsigned short) > pixel_range_test_prototype
Prototype for lambda function used to check if a pixel is in masked range.
const SensorInfoBase & getSensorInfo(Belle2::VxdID id) const
Return a referecne to the SensorInfo of a given SensorID.
static GeoCache & getInstance()
Return a reference to the singleton instance.
Base class to provide Sensor Information for PXD and SVD.
Class to uniquely identify a any structure of the PXD and SVD.
Definition: VxdID.h:33
baseType getID() const
Get the unique id.
Definition: VxdID.h:94
void setSensorNumber(baseType sensor)
Set the sensor id.
Definition: VxdID.h:111
void setLadderNumber(baseType ladder)
Set the ladder id.
Definition: VxdID.h:109
void setLayerNumber(baseType layer)
Set the layer id.
Definition: VxdID.h:107

Member Function Documentation

◆ getIgnoredPixels()

const std::set< PXDIgnoredPixelsMap::map_pixel > getIgnoredPixels ( VxdID  id)

Get the set of ignored pixels for a sensor.

idVxdID of the required sensor
the set of ignored pixels, and empty set for non-existent VxdID.

Definition at line 150 of file

152 // Merely for testing...
153 // This function is quite ineffective, but it is not supposed to be run often
154 // Also, it currently returns copy of the (possibly very big) set of masked pixels
155 std::set<PXDIgnoredPixelsMap::map_pixel> pixels;
158 // This is quite slow solution but it merges duplicate maskings in the set
159 for (int pixelU = 0; pixelU < info.getUCells(); pixelU++) {
160 for (int pixelV = 0; pixelV < info.getVCells(); pixelV++) {
161 PXDIgnoredPixelsMap::map_pixel px(pixelU, pixelV);
162 if (!pixelOK(id, px))
163 pixels.insert(px);
164 }
165 }
166 return pixels;
std::pair< unsigned short, unsigned short > map_pixel
Simple structure for a pixel, u = map_pixel.first, v = map_pixel.second.
bool pixelOK(VxdID id, map_pixel pixel)
Check whether a pixel on a given sensor is OK or not.

◆ pixelOK()

bool pixelOK ( VxdID  id,
PXDIgnoredPixelsMap::map_pixel  pixel 

Check whether a pixel on a given sensor is OK or not.

idVxdID of the sensor
pixelPixel constructed e.g. as map_pixel(u, v)
true if pixel or the id is not found in the list, otherwise false.

Definition at line 169 of file

171 // If sensor id changed from last query, swich to temp maps
172 // of the new sensor. Otherwise clear temp maps, as there is nothing to mask
173 if (id != m_lastSensorID) {
174 m_lastSensorID = id;
176 auto mapIter = m_Map.find(id);
177 auto mapIterSingles = m_MapSingles.find(id);
179 if (mapIter != m_Map.end())
180 m_lastIgnored = mapIter->second;
181 else
182 m_lastIgnored.clear();
184 if (mapIterSingles != m_MapSingles.end())
185 m_lastIgnoredSingles = mapIterSingles->second;
186 else
187 m_lastIgnoredSingles.clear();
189 if (mapIter == m_Map.end() && mapIterSingles == m_MapSingles.end()) {
190 // Sensor has no masked ranges or single pixels in the maps => pixel ok
191 return true;
192 }
193 }
195 const unsigned int u = pixel.first;
196 const unsigned int v = pixel.second;
198 // loop over masked ranges for the sensor
199 // (iter over multimap ordered by masked area)
200 for (auto iter = m_lastIgnored.begin(); iter != m_lastIgnored.end(); ++iter) {
201 // call the lambda function of masked range to check if pixel is inside
202 if (iter->second(u, v))
203 return false;
204 }
205 // Look if this is a single masked pixel
206 // (lookup in hash table)
208 return false;
210 // Pixel not found in the mask => pixel OK
211 return true;
IgnoredSinglePixelsSet m_lastIgnoredSingles
Set of ignored single pixels for the most currently queried sensor.
IgnoredPixelsRangeSet m_lastIgnored
Set of ignored pixel ranges for the most currently queried sensor.
int getVCells() const
Return number of pixel/strips in v direction.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_lastIgnored

IgnoredPixelsRangeSet m_lastIgnored

Set of ignored pixel ranges for the most currently queried sensor.

Definition at line 80 of file PXDIgnoredPixelsMap.h.

◆ m_lastIgnoredSingles

IgnoredSinglePixelsSet m_lastIgnoredSingles

Set of ignored single pixels for the most currently queried sensor.

Definition at line 82 of file PXDIgnoredPixelsMap.h.

◆ m_lastSensorID

VxdID m_lastSensorID

The most currently queried sensor number.

Definition at line 85 of file PXDIgnoredPixelsMap.h.

◆ m_lastSensorVCells

unsigned short m_lastSensorVCells

The most currently queried sensor number of V pixels (for quick pixel uid evaluation)

Definition at line 87 of file PXDIgnoredPixelsMap.h.

◆ m_Map

std::unordered_map<unsigned short, IgnoredPixelsRangeSet> m_Map

Structure holding sets of ignored pixel ranges for all sensors by sensor id (unsigned short).

Definition at line 75 of file PXDIgnoredPixelsMap.h.

◆ m_MapSingles

std::unordered_map<unsigned short, IgnoredSinglePixelsSet> m_MapSingles

Structure holding sets of ingored single pixels for all sensors by sensor id (unsigned short).

Definition at line 77 of file PXDIgnoredPixelsMap.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: