143 lowest_exprun, highest_exprun):
144 """
145 Process runs from experiment.
146 """
150 run_data = []
151 run_data_klm_excluded = []
154 for exp_run in experiment_runs:
155 self.execute_over_run_list([exp_run], iteration, False)
156 result = self.machine.result.result
157 algorithm_results = KLMChannelStatusAlgorithm.Results(
158 self.machine.algorithm.algorithm.getResults())
159 payload = self.machine.algorithm.algorithm.getPayloadValues()
160 run_results = [
161 exp_run.run, result, [exp_run], algorithm_results, '', payload]
162 if (algorithm_results.getTotalHitNumber() > 0):
163 run_data.append(run_results)
164 else:
165 run_data_klm_excluded.append(run_results)
166 result_str = calibration_result_string(result)
167 basf2.B2INFO(f'Run {int(exp_run.run)}: {result_str}.')
170 run_data.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
171 run_data_klm_excluded.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
174 save_channel_hit_map = False
175 save_module_hit_map = True
176 save_sector_hit_map = True
177 f_hit_map = ROOT.TFile('hit_map.root', 'recreate')
178 run = numpy.zeros(1, dtype=int)
179 calibration_result = numpy.zeros(1, dtype=int)
180 module = numpy.zeros(1, dtype=int)
181 subdetector = numpy.zeros(1, dtype=int)
182 section = numpy.zeros(1, dtype=int)
183 sector = numpy.zeros(1, dtype=int)
184 layer = numpy.zeros(1, dtype=int)
185 plane = numpy.zeros(1, dtype=int)
186 strip = numpy.zeros(1, dtype=int)
187 hits_total = numpy.zeros(1, dtype=int)
188 hits_module = numpy.zeros(1, dtype=int)
189 active_channels = numpy.zeros(1, dtype=int)
190 hit_map_channel = ROOT.TTree('hit_map_channel', '')
191 hit_map_channel.Branch('run', run, 'run/I')
192 hit_map_channel.Branch('calibration_result', calibration_result,
193 'calibration_result/I')
194 hit_map_channel.Branch('channel', module, 'channel/I')
195 hit_map_channel.Branch('subdetector', subdetector, 'subdetector/I')
196 hit_map_channel.Branch('section', section, 'section/I')
197 hit_map_channel.Branch('sector', sector, 'sector/I')
198 hit_map_channel.Branch('layer', layer, 'layer/I')
199 hit_map_channel.Branch('plane', plane, 'plane/I')
200 hit_map_channel.Branch('strip', strip, 'strip/I')
201 hit_map_channel.Branch('hits_total', hits_total, 'hits_total/I')
202 hit_map_channel.Branch('hits_channel', hits_module, 'hits_channel/I')
203 hit_map_module = ROOT.TTree('hit_map_module', '')
204 hit_map_module.Branch('run', run, 'run/I')
205 hit_map_module.Branch('calibration_result', calibration_result,
206 'calibration_result/I')
207 hit_map_module.Branch('module', module, 'module/I')
208 hit_map_module.Branch('subdetector', subdetector, 'subdetector/I')
209 hit_map_module.Branch('section', section, 'section/I')
210 hit_map_module.Branch('sector', sector, 'sector/I')
211 hit_map_module.Branch('layer', layer, 'layer/I')
212 hit_map_module.Branch('hits_total', hits_total, 'hits_total/I')
213 hit_map_module.Branch('hits_module', hits_module, 'hits_module/I')
214 hit_map_module.Branch('active_channels', active_channels,
215 'active_channels/I')
216 hit_map_sector = ROOT.TTree('hit_map_sector', '')
217 hit_map_sector.Branch('run', run, 'run/I')
218 hit_map_sector.Branch('calibration_result', calibration_result,
219 'calibration_result/I')
220 hit_map_sector.Branch('sector_global', module, 'sector_global/I')
221 hit_map_sector.Branch('subdetector', subdetector, 'subdetector/I')
222 hit_map_sector.Branch('section', section, 'section/I')
223 hit_map_sector.Branch('sector', sector, 'sector/I')
224 hit_map_sector.Branch('hits_total', hits_total, 'hits_total/I')
225 hit_map_sector.Branch('hits_sector', hits_module, 'hits_sector/I')
226 for i in range(0, len(run_data)):
227 run[0] = run_data[i][0]
228 calibration_result[0] = run_data[i][1]
229 hits_total[0] = run_data[i][3].getTotalHitNumber()
231 if (save_channel_hit_map):
232 index = KLMChannelIndex(KLMChannelIndex.c_IndexLevelStrip)
233 index2 = KLMChannelIndex(KLMChannelIndex.c_IndexLevelStrip)
234 while (index != index2.end()):
235 module[0] = index.getKLMChannelNumber()
236 subdetector[0] = index.getSubdetector()
237 section[0] = index.getSection()
238 sector[0] = index.getSector()
239 layer[0] = index.getLayer()
240 plane[0] = index.getPlane()
241 strip[0] = index.getStrip()
242 hits_module[0] = run_data[i][3].getHitMapChannel(). \
243 getChannelData(int(module[0]))
244 hit_map_channel.Fill()
245 index.increment()
247 if (save_module_hit_map):
248 index = KLMChannelIndex(KLMChannelIndex.c_IndexLevelLayer)
249 index2 = KLMChannelIndex(KLMChannelIndex.c_IndexLevelLayer)
250 while (index != index2.end()):
251 module[0] = index.getKLMModuleNumber()
252 subdetector[0] = index.getSubdetector()
253 section[0] = index.getSection()
254 sector[0] = index.getSector()
255 layer[0] = index.getLayer()
256 hits_module[0] = run_data[i][3].getHitMapModule(). \
257 getChannelData(int(module[0]))
258 active_channels[0] = run_data[i][3]. \
259 getModuleActiveChannelMap(). \
260 getChannelData(int(module[0]))
261 hit_map_module.Fill()
262 index.increment()
264 if (save_sector_hit_map):
265 index = KLMChannelIndex(KLMChannelIndex.c_IndexLevelSector)
266 index2 = KLMChannelIndex(KLMChannelIndex.c_IndexLevelSector)
267 while (index != index2.end()):
268 module[0] = index.getKLMSectorNumber()
269 subdetector[0] = index.getSubdetector()
270 section[0] = index.getSection()
271 sector[0] = index.getSector()
272 hits_module[0] = run_data[i][3].getHitMapSector(). \
273 getChannelData(int(module[0]))
274 hit_map_sector.Fill()
275 index.increment()
276 hit_map_channel.Write()
277 hit_map_module.Write()
278 hit_map_sector.Write()
279 f_hit_map.Close()
282 run_ranges = []
283 i = 0
284 while (i < len(run_data)):
285 if (run_data[i][1] == 2):
286 j = i
287 while (run_data[j][1] == 2):
288 j += 1
289 if (j >= len(run_data)):
290 break
291 run_ranges.append([i, j])
292 i = j
293 else:
294 i += 1
298 def can_merge(run_data, run_not_enough_data, run_normal):
299 return run_data[run_not_enough_data][3].getModuleStatus(). \
300 newNormalChannels(
301 run_data[run_normal][3].getModuleStatus()) == 0
303 for run_range in run_ranges:
304 next_run = run_range[1]
306 j = run_range[0]
307 i = next_run - 1
308 if (next_run < len(run_data)):
309 while (i >= run_range[0]):
310 if (can_merge(run_data, i, next_run)):
311 basf2.B2INFO(
312 f'Run {int(run_data[i][0])} (not enough data) can be merged into the next normal run ' +
313 f'{int(run_data[next_run][0])}.')
314 run_data[i][4] = 'next'
315 else:
316 basf2.B2INFO(
317 f'Run {int(run_data[i][0])} (not enough data) cannot be merged into the next normal run ' +
318 f'{int(run_data[next_run][0])}, will try the previous one.')
319 break
320 i -= 1
321 if (i < run_range[0]):
322 continue
323 previous_run = run_range[0] - 1
324 if (previous_run >= 0):
325 while (j <= i):
326 if (can_merge(run_data, j, previous_run)):
327 basf2.B2INFO(
328 f'Run {int(run_data[j][0])} (not enough data) can be merged into the previous normal run ' +
329 f'{int(run_data[previous_run][0])}.')
330 run_data[j][4] = 'previous'
331 else:
332 basf2.B2INFO(
333 f'Run {int(run_data[j][0])} (not enough data) cannot be merged into the previous normal run ' +
334 f'{int(run_data[previous_run][0])}.')
335 break
336 j += 1
337 if (j > i):
338 continue
339 basf2.B2INFO('A range of runs with not enough data is found that cannot be merged into neither previous nor ' +
340 f'next normal run: from {int(run_data[j][0])} to {int(run_data[i][0])}.')
341 while (j <= i):
342 run_data[j][4] = 'none'
343 j += 1
347 i = 0
348 j = 0
349 while (i < len(run_data) - 1):
350 while ((run_data[i][1] == 2) and (run_data[i + 1][1] == 2)):
351 if (run_data[i][4] != run_data[i + 1][4]):
352 break
353 basf2.B2INFO(f'Merging run {int(run_data[i + 1][0])} (not enough data) into run {int(run_data[i][0])} ' +
354 '(not enough data).')
355 run_data[i][2].extend(run_data[i + 1][2])
356 del run_data[i + 1]
357 self.execute_over_run_list(run_data[i][2], iteration, False)
358 run_data[i][1] = self.machine.result.result
359 run_data[i][3] = KLMChannelStatusAlgorithm.Results(
360 self.machine.algorithm.algorithm.getResults())
361 run_data[i][5] = \
362 self.machine.algorithm.algorithm.getPayloadValues()
363 result_str = calibration_result_string(run_data[i][1])
364 basf2.B2INFO(f'Run {int(run_data[i][0])}: {result_str}.')
365 if (i >= len(run_data) - 1):
366 break
367 i += 1
371 def merge_runs(run_data, run_not_enough_data, run_normal, forced):
372 basf2.B2INFO(f'Merging run {int(run_data[run_not_enough_data][0])} (not enough data) into run ' +
373 f'{int(run_data[run_normal][0])} (normal).')
374 run_data[run_normal][2].extend(run_data[run_not_enough_data][2])
375 self.execute_over_run_list(run_data[run_normal][2], iteration,
376 forced)
377 run_data[run_normal][1] = self.machine.result.result
378 run_data[run_normal][3] = KLMChannelStatusAlgorithm.Results(
379 self.machine.algorithm.algorithm.getResults())
380 run_data[run_normal][5] = self.machine.algorithm.algorithm.getPayloadValues()
381 result_str = calibration_result_string(run_data[run_normal][1])
382 basf2.B2INFO(f'Run {int(run_data[run_normal][0])}: {result_str}.')
383 if (run_data[run_normal][1] != 0):
384 basf2.B2FATAL(f'Merging run {int(run_data[run_not_enough_data][0])} into run {int(run_data[run_normal][0])} ' +
385 'failed.')
386 del run_data[run_not_enough_data]
388 i = 0
389 while (i < len(run_data)):
390 if (run_data[i][1] == 2):
391 if (run_data[i][4] == 'next'):
392 merge_runs(run_data, i, i + 1, False)
393 elif (run_data[i][4] == 'previous'):
394 merge_runs(run_data, i, i - 1, False)
395 else:
396 i += 1
397 else:
398 i += 1
399 i = 0
400 while (i < len(run_data)):
401 if (run_data[i][1] == 2 and run_data[i][4] == 'none'):
402 new_modules_previous = -1
403 new_modules_next = -1
404 if (i < len(run_data) - 1):
405 new_modules_next = run_data[i][3].getModuleStatus(). \
406 newNormalChannels(run_data[i + 1][3].getModuleStatus())
407 basf2.B2INFO(f'There are {int(new_modules_next)} new active modules in run {int(run_data[i][0])} ' +
408 f'relatively to run {int(run_data[i + 1][0])}.')
409 if (i > 0):
410 new_modules_previous = run_data[i][3].getModuleStatus(). \
411 newNormalChannels(run_data[i - 1][3].getModuleStatus())
412 basf2.B2INFO(f'There are {int(new_modules_previous)} new active modules in run {int(run_data[i][0])} ' +
413 f'relatively to run {int(run_data[i - 1][0])}.')
414 run_for_merging = -1
422 if (new_modules_previous >= 0 and new_modules_next < 0):
423 run_for_merging = i - 1
424 elif (new_modules_previous < 0 and new_modules_next >= 0):
425 run_for_merging = i + 1
426 elif (new_modules_previous >= 0 and new_modules_next >= 0):
427 if (new_modules_previous < new_modules_next):
428 run_for_merging = i - 1
429 else:
430 run_for_merging = i + 1
431 else:
432 basf2.B2INFO(f'Cannot determine run for merging for run {int(run_data[i][0])}, performing its forced ' +
433 'calibration.')
434 self.execute_over_run_list(run_data[i][2], iteration, True)
435 run_data[i][1] = self.machine.result.result
436 run_data[i][3] = KLMChannelStatusAlgorithm.Results(
437 self.machine.algorithm.algorithm.getResults())
438 run_data[i][5] = self.machine.algorithm.algorithm.getPayloadValues()
439 result_str = calibration_result_string(run_data[i][1])
440 basf2.B2INFO(f'Run {int(run_data[i][0])}: {result_str}.')
441 if (run_data[i][1] != 0):
442 basf2.B2FATAL(f'Forced calibration of run {int(run_data[i][0])} failed.')
443 if (run_for_merging >= 0):
444 merge_runs(run_data, i, run_for_merging, True)
445 else:
446 i += 1
449 def commit_payload(run_data):
450 if (run_data[1] == 2):
451 basf2.B2INFO(f'Run {int(run_data[0])} has no calibration result, skipped.')
452 return
453 basf2.B2INFO(f'Writing run {int(run_data[0])}.')
454 self.machine.algorithm.algorithm.commit(run_data[5])
456 def write_result(run_data, run):
457 iov = run_data[run][5].front().iov
458 run_low = iov.getRunLow()
459 run_high = iov.getRunHigh()
460 j = 0
461 runs = []
462 while (j < len(run_data_klm_excluded)):
463 if (run_low < run_data_klm_excluded[j][0] and
464 ((run_data_klm_excluded[j][0] < run_high) or
465 (run_high == -1))):
466 runs.append([run_data_klm_excluded[j][0], 'klm_excluded'])
467 j += 1
468 if (len(runs) == 0):
469 commit_payload(run_data[run])
470 return
471 for r in run_data[run][2]:
472 runs.append([r.run, 'klm_included'])
473 runs.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
474 run_first = 0
475 run_last = 0
476 while (run_last < len(runs)):
477 run_last = run_first
478 while (runs[run_last][1] == runs[run_first][1]):
479 run_last += 1
480 if (run_last >= len(runs)):
481 break
482 if (run_first == 0):
483 run1 = run_low
484 else:
485 run1 = runs[run_first][0]
486 if (run_last < len(runs)):
487 run2 = runs[run_last][0] - 1
488 else:
489 run2 = run_high
491 experiment, run2)
492 if (runs[run_first][1] == 'klm_included'):
493 run_data[run][5].front().iov = iov
494 commit_payload(run_data[run])
495 else:
496 run_data_klm_excluded[0][5].front().iov = iov
497 commit_payload(run_data_klm_excluded[0])
498 run_first = run_last
500 first_run = 0
501 for i in range(0, len(run_data)):
503 run_data[i][2].sort(key=lambda x: x.run)
504 first_run = run_data[i][2][0].run
507 run_data[i][5].front().iov = \
510 write_previous_run = True
511 if (i > 0):
512 if (run_data[i][1] == 0 and run_data[i - 1][1] == 0):
513 if (run_data[i][3].getChannelStatus() ==
514 run_data[i - 1][3].getChannelStatus()):
515 basf2.B2INFO(f'Run {int(run_data[i][0])}: result is the same as for the previous run ' +
516 f'{int(run_data[i - 1][0])}.')
517 if (previous_run >= 0):
518 iov = run_data[previous_run][5].front().iov
519 run_data[previous_run][5].front().iov = \
521 experiment, iov.getRunLow(),
522 experiment, first_run - 1)
523 write_previous_run = False
528 if (write_previous_run and (i > 0)):
529 iov = run_data[previous_run][5].front().iov
530 if (previous_run == 0):
532 lowest_exprun.exp, lowest_exprun.run,
533 experiment, first_run - 1)
534 else:
536 experiment, first_run - 1)
537 write_result(run_data, previous_run)
538 previous_run = i
539 if (i == 0):
540 previous_run = 0
542 if (i == len(run_data) - 1):
543 iov = run_data[i][5].front().iov
545 experiment, iov.getRunLow(),
546 highest_exprun.exp, highest_exprun.run)
547 write_result(run_data, i)
A class that describes the interval of experiments/runs for which an object in the database is valid.