Belle II Software development
1#!/usr/bin/env python3
11# This steering file steers the collectors for the training of the PXD cluster
12# position estimator running the CAF.
14# Execute as: basf2 -n 10000000 -- --clusterkind=0
16# The collector will create source files for training of clusterkind 0 by simulating
17# 10 million clusters.
19# Full set of training sources for PXD requires starting the script 4x wiht clusterkinds
20# 0-3.
22import basf2 as b2
24if __name__ == "__main__":
26 import argparse
27 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate training data for computing cluster shape corrections")
28 parser.add_argument('--clusterkind', dest='clusterkind', default=0, type=int,
29 help='ClusterKinds 0, 1, 2, 3 are for z55, z60, z70, z85 pixels')
30 parser.add_argument('--momentum', dest='momentum', default=1.0, type=float, help='Momentum of particle gun')
31 parser.add_argument('--pdgCode', dest='pdgCode', default=-211, type=int, help='PDG code for particle gun')
32 args = parser.parse_args()
34 # In order to create source for a specific kind of clusters, we position the particle gun below
35 # a specific part of the sensors.
36 #
37 # Kinds 0-3 are clusters where all pixels have a specific pixel pitch type. Higher kinds (not yet implemented)
38 # are for cases where sensor borders are touched are the cluster neighbors masked pixels.
39 #
40 # For setting of vertex close to surface of for PXD kinds of pixels set:
41 # 55 um pitch: sensor 1.3.2 , vertex: x: [-0.2050,-0.2], y: [1.35], z: [0.7,0.7055]
42 # 60 um pitch: sensor 1.3.2 , vertex: x: [-0.2050,-0.2], y: [1.35], z: [-1.5,-1.5060]
43 # 70 um pitch: sensor 2.4.2 , vertex: x: [-0.2050,-0.2], y: [2.18], z: [0.9,0.9070]
44 # 85 um pitch: sensor 2.4.2 , vertex: x: [-0.2050,-0.2], y: [2.18], z: [-2.0,-2.0085]
46 vertex_x = [-0.2050, -0.2]
47 vertex_y = [1.35]
48 vertex_z = [0.7, 0.7055]
50 if args.clusterkind == 0:
51 pass
52 elif args.clusterkind == 1:
53 vertex_z = [-1.5060, -1.5]
54 elif args.clusterkind == 2:
55 vertex_y = [2.18]
56 vertex_z = [0.9, 0.9070]
57 elif args.clusterkind == 3:
58 vertex_y = [2.18]
59 vertex_z = [-2.0085, -2.0]
61 # Now let's create a path to simulate our events.
62 main = b2.create_path()
64 # Now let's add modules to simulate our events.
65 eventinfosetter = main.add_module("EventInfoSetter")
66 histoman = main.add_module(
67 'HistoManager',
68 histoFileName=f'PXDClusterPositionCollectorOutput_kind_{args.clusterkind:d}.root')
69 gearbox = main.add_module("Gearbox")
70 geometry = main.add_module("Geometry")
71 geometry.param({"components": ['MagneticField', 'PXD']})
72 particlegun = main.add_module("ParticleGun")
73 particlegun.param({"nTracks": 1,
74 "pdgCodes": [args.pdgCode],
75 "momentumGeneration": 'discrete',
76 "momentumParams": [args.momentum] + [1] * len([args.momentum]),
77 "thetaGeneration": 'uniformCos',
78 "thetaParams": [0, 90],
79 "phiGeneration": 'uniform',
80 "phiParams": [0, 180],
81 "xVertexGeneration": 'uniform',
82 "xVertexParams": vertex_x,
83 "yVertexGeneration": 'fixed',
84 "yVertexParams": vertex_y,
85 "zVertexGeneration": 'uniform',
86 "zVertexParams": vertex_z,
87 "independentVertices": False,
88 })
89 main.add_module("FullSim")
90 pxddigi = main.add_module("PXDDigitizer")
91 pxdclu = main.add_module("PXDClusterizer")
92 main.add_module('PXDClusterPositionCollector', granularity="all", clusterKind=args.clusterkind)
93 main.add_module("Progress")
95 b2.process(main)
96 print(b2.statistics)