Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
9#pragma once
11/* ECL headers. */
12#include <ecl/dataobjects/ECLDigit.h>
13#include <ecl/dataobjects/ECLDsp.h>
15/* Basf2 headers. */
16#include <framework/core/Module.h>
17#include <framework/dataobjects/EventMetaData.h>
18#include <framework/datastore/StoreArray.h>
19#include <framework/datastore/StoreObjPtr.h>
21/* ROOT headers. */
22#include <TFile.h>
23#include <TTree.h>
25namespace Belle2 {
34 public:
40 virtual void initialize() override;
43 virtual void terminate() override;
46 virtual void event() override;
48 private:
52 std::string m_dataOutFileName;
53 TTree* tree{nullptr};
54 TFile* m_rootFile{nullptr};
60 std::vector<float> m_ADCtoEnergy;
73 float m_OnlineE;
74 float m_OfflineE;
76 float m_Baseline;
79 float m_Chi2;
84 int m_ADC0;
85 int m_ADC1;
86 int m_ADC2;
87 int m_ADC3;
88 int m_ADC4;
89 int m_ADC5;
90 int m_ADC6;
91 int m_ADC7;
92 int m_ADC8;
93 int m_ADC9;
94 int m_ADC10;
95 int m_ADC11;
96 int m_ADC12;
97 int m_ADC13;
98 int m_ADC14;
99 int m_ADC15;
116 };
Base class for Modules.
Definition: Module.h:72
Accessor to arrays stored in the data store.
Definition: StoreArray.h:113
Type-safe access to single objects in the data store.
Definition: StoreObjPtr.h:96
Store information needed to calculate ECL waveform template shapes.
int m_ADC8
To read ntuple branch, ith ADC value of waveform >
float m_OnlineE
To read ntuple branch, waveform energy measured online by FPGA >
int m_ADC9
To read ntuple branch, ith ADC value of waveform >
int m_selectCellID
Root used to select specific CellID to save.
int m_ADC3
To read ntuple branch, ith ADC value of waveform >
float m_Chi2
To read ntuple branch, offline fit chi2 >
int m_ADC13
To read ntuple branch, ith ADC value of waveform >
int m_ADC21
To read ntuple branch, ith ADC value of waveform >
int m_ADC25
To read ntuple branch, ith ADC value of waveform >
float m_Chi2Save0
To read ntuple branch, offline fit chi2 for fit type 0 >
int m_ADC27
To read ntuple branch, ith ADC value of waveform >
float m_Baseline
To read ntuple branch, baseline of waveform >
int m_ADC18
To read ntuple branch, ith ADC value of waveform >
std::string m_dataOutFileName
Root file name for saving the output.
int m_ADC5
To read ntuple branch, ith ADC value of waveform >
int m_ADC20
To read ntuple branch, ith ADC value of waveform >
virtual void initialize() override
Initializes the module.
float m_OfflineHadE
To read ntuple branch, waveform hadron energy measure offline with multi-template fit >
virtual void event() override
Method is called for each event.
double m_LowEnergyThresholdGeV
Low Energy Threshold in GeV.
int m_ADC2
To read ntuple branch, ith ADC value of waveform >
TFile * m_rootFile
Root file for saving the output.
int m_ADC10
To read ntuple branch, ith ADC value of waveform >
Constructor: Sets the description, the properties and the parameters of the module.
int m_ADC14
To read ntuple branch, ith ADC value of waveform >
int m_ADC28
To read ntuple branch, ith ADC value of waveform >
StoreArray< ECLDsp > m_eclDSPs
StoreArray ECLDsp.
float m_calibConst
To read ntuple branch, calibration from ADC to GeV >
int m_expNum
To read ntuple branch, waveform ECL crystal cell ID >
StoreArray< ECLDigit > m_eclDigits
StoreArray ECLDigit.
int m_ADC15
To read ntuple branch, ith ADC value of waveform >
int m_ADC22
To read ntuple branch, ith ADC value of waveform >
int m_ADC7
To read ntuple branch, ith ADC value of waveform >
int m_ADC26
To read ntuple branch, ith ADC value of waveform >
int m_ADC30
To read ntuple branch, ith ADC value of waveform >
float m_OfflineE
To read ntuple branch, waveform energy measure offline with multi-template fit >
bool m_includeWaveforms
Flag to save ADC information.
int m_ADC0
To read ntuple branch, ith ADC value of waveform >
int m_ADC29
To read ntuple branch, ith ADC value of waveform >
int m_ADC1
To read ntuple branch, ith ADC value of waveform >
int m_ADC11
To read ntuple branch, ith ADC value of waveform >
int m_ADC24
To read ntuple branch, ith ADC value of waveform >
TTree * tree
Root tree for saving the output.
int m_CellID
To read ntuple branch, waveform ECL crystal cell ID >
int m_ADC16
To read ntuple branch, ith ADC value of waveform >
int m_ADC4
To read ntuple branch, ith ADC value of waveform >
float m_BaselineRMS
To read ntuple branch, RMS squared of waveform baseline >
int m_ADC12
To read ntuple branch, ith ADC value of waveform >
float m_Chi2Save2
To read ntuple branch, offline fit chi2 for fit type 2 >
int m_ADC17
To read ntuple branch, ith ADC value of waveform >
StoreObjPtr< EventMetaData > m_EventMetaData
Event metadata info.
float m_Chi2Save1
To read ntuple branch, offline fit chi2 for fit type 1 >
int m_FitType
To read ntuple branch, offline fit type with best chi2 >
int m_ADC6
To read ntuple branch, ith ADC value of waveform >
int m_ADC23
To read ntuple branch, ith ADC value of waveform >
std::vector< float > m_ADCtoEnergy
calibration vector from adc to energy
double m_HighEnergyThresholdGeV
High Energy Threshold in GeV.
int m_runNum
To read ntuple branch, waveform ECL crystal cell ID >
int m_ADC19
To read ntuple branch, ith ADC value of waveform >
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.