Belle II Software development
1#!/usr/bin/env python
11import basf2 as b2
12import modularAnalysis as ma
15def add_gdl_trigger(path, SimulationMode=1, FilterEvents=False, simulateT0jitter=False, Belle2Phase="Phase2"):
16 """
17 add the gdl module to path
18 @param path module is added to this path
19 @param SimulationMode the simulation mode in TSIM, 1: fast simulation,
20 trigger algoritm simulation only, no firmware simulation
21 2: full simulation, both trigger algorithm and firmware
22 are simulated
23 @param FilterEvents if True only the events that pass the L1 trigger will
24 survive simulation, the other are discarded.
25 Make sure you do need to filter events before you set
26 the value to True.
27 """
28 trggdl = b2.register_module('TRGGDL')
29 trggdl.param('SimulationMode', SimulationMode)
30 trggdl.param('Belle2Phase', Belle2Phase)
31 trggdl.param('simulateT0jitter', simulateT0jitter)
32 path.add_module(trggdl)
33 if FilterEvents:
34 ma.applyEventCuts('L1Trigger == 1', path)