Belle II Software development
1#!/usr/bin/env python3
15from basf2 import Path, process, statistics
17main = Path()
18# EventInfoSetter - generate event meta data
19main.add_module('EventInfoSetter', evtNumList=[1])
21gearbox = main.add_module("Gearbox")
23 # Set the length of the simulation volume to 9m and the width to 3m and the
24 # Material to Vacuum instead of Air (no unit for the Material though)
25 'override': [
26 ("/Global/length", "9", "m"),
27 ("/Global/width", "3", "m"),
28 # We don't need a unit so we supply an empty one
29 ("/Global/material", "Vacuum", ""),
30 # Ok, so now we change the ActiveChips parameter of the PXD to true.
31 # The // matches any number of elements in between, so the Material
32 # could be somewhere deep in the xml but we do not need to care. //foo
33 # matches /foo, /a/foo, /b/foo, /a/b/foo and so forth
34 # foo[@name='bar'] matches all elements <foo> which have an attribute
35 # name with the value bar (the @ is to specify attributes)
36 # So, this line reads "override all ActiveChips elements somewhere
37 # inside an DetectorComponent element which has the name attribute set
38 # to PXD". If more than one element matches this expression an error is
39 # produced to be on the safe side.
40 ("/DetectorComponent[@name='PXD']//ActiveChips", "true", ""),
41 ],
42 # A normal override can affect only one parameter. If one wants to override
43 # a number of parameters at once one has to use overrideMultiple to
44 # indicate that this is really the intention. So let's change the element
45 # fractions in Vacuum to all be equal to one
46 # //@fraction selects the fraction attributes which are descendents of the
47 # the Material element. Attributes cannot have a unit so we need to supply
48 # an empty unit
49 'overrideMultiple': [
50 ("//Material[@name='Vacuum']//@fraction", "1.0", "")
51 ],
54# If we would want to modify many parameters of one subdetector we could set
55# the override prefix to have more convinient access. Beware, the override
56# prefix is the same for all overrides so this would interfere with the
57# examples above
59# gearbox.param({
60# "overridePrefix": "//DetectorComponent[@name='PXD']/Content/",
61# "override": [
62# ("ActiveChips", "true", ""),
63# ("SeeNeutrons", "true", ""),
64# ("SensitiveThreshold", "0", "eV"),
65# ],
66# })
68# Process all events