Belle II Software development
1#!/usr/bin/env python3
11import basf2 as b2 # noqa
12from conditions_db.local_metadata import LocalMetadataProvider
13from conditions_db import PayloadInformation
14from b2test_utils import clean_working_directory
15import ROOT
16from ROOT import Belle2 # noqa
18ROOT.gInterpreter.Declare("#include <framework/database/LocalMetadataProvider.h>")
22 """
23 Simple class to obtain all valid payloads matching a given set of names for
24 a given experiment and run and compare the python and the C++
25 implementation.
26 """
27 @staticmethod
28 def create_cpp_metadataprovider(filename, globaltags):
29 """
30 Jump through some hoops to create a C++ instance of the local metadata
31 provider so that we can check the framework implementation and compare
32 it to the python version
33 """
34 states = ROOT.std.set("string")()
35 states.insert("PUBLISHED")
36 tags = ROOT.std.vector("string")()
37 for tag in globaltags:
38 tags.push_back(tag)
39 localcpp = Belle2.Conditions.LocalMetadataProvider(filename, states)
40 localcpp.setTags(tags)
41 return localcpp
43 def __init__(self, filename, globaltag, payloads):
44 """Create the local metadata providers for the given globaltag and payload names"""
46 self._globaltag = globaltag
48 self._payloads = payloads
52 self._localcpp = self.create_cpp_metadataprovider(filename, [globaltag])
54 def check(self, exp, run):
55 """Check if the c++ and python version return the same payload revisions
56 If not raise a ValueError, if yes return the list of payloads and their
57 revision valid for the given exp,run"""
58 from_py = [(, p.revision) for p in self._localpy.get_all_iovs(self._globaltag, exp=exp, run=run)
59 if in self._payloads]
60 info = ROOT.std.vector("Belle2::Conditions::PayloadMetadata")()
61 for name in self._payloads:
62 info.push_back(Belle2.Conditions.PayloadMetadata(name, False))
63 self._localcpp.getPayloads(exp, run, info)
64 from_cpp = [(, p.revision) for p in info
65 if p.revision > 0]
66 from_py.sort()
67 from_cpp.sort()
68 if from_py != from_cpp:
69 raise ValueError(f"Payloads not equal: {from_py} != {from_cpp}")
70 return from_py
73if __name__ == "__main__":
74 with clean_working_directory() as dirname:
75 # so we can easily create multiple globaltags in a local file to check different iovs
76 local = LocalMetadataProvider("testdatabase.sqlite", "overwrite")
77 local.add_globaltag(1, "test1", "PUBLISHED", [
78 PayloadInformation(1, "test", 1, "", "", "", None, (45, 221, 49, -1))
79 ])
80 # check a single run validity
81 local.add_globaltag(2, "test2", "PUBLISHED", [
82 PayloadInformation(1, "test", 1, "", "", "", None, (0, 1, 0, 1))
83 ])
84 # and unlimited runs in same experiment
85 local.add_globaltag(3, "test3", "PUBLISHED", [
86 PayloadInformation(1, "test", 1, "", "", "", None, (1, 1, 1, -1))
87 ])
88 # or also the first run in the next experiment
89 local.add_globaltag(4, "test4", "PUBLISHED", [
90 PayloadInformation(1, "test", 1, "", "", "", None, (1, 1, 2, 0))
91 ])
92 # or an unbound iov
93 local.add_globaltag(5, "test5", "PUBLISHED", [
94 PayloadInformation(1, "test", 1, "", "", "", None, (1, 1, -1, -1))
95 ])
97 comparer = LocalMetadataComparison("testdatabase.sqlite", "test1", ["test"])
98 for exp, run in [(44, 1), (44, 9999), (45, 0), (45, 220), (45, 221), (45, 9999), (46, 0), (46, 221),
99 (49, 0), (49, 9999), (50, 0), (50, 221), (50, 9999)]:
100 valid = [("test", 1)] if (45, 221) <= (exp, run) < (50, 0) else []
101 assert comparer.check(exp, run) == valid, f"Couldn't find payload for {exp},{run}"
103 comparer = LocalMetadataComparison("testdatabase.sqlite", "test2", ["test"])
104 for exp, run in [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 9999),
105 (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 9999), (9999, 9999)]:
106 valid = [("test", 1)] if (exp, run) == (0, 1) else []
107 assert comparer.check(exp, run) == valid, f"Couldn't find payload for {exp},{run}"
109 comparer = LocalMetadataComparison("testdatabase.sqlite", "test3", ["test"])
110 for exp, run in [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 9999),
111 (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 9999),
112 (243, 0), (245, 9999999), (9999, 9999)]:
113 valid = [("test", 1)] if (1, 1) <= (exp, run) < (2, 0) else []
114 assert comparer.check(exp, run) == valid, f"Couldn't find payload for {exp},{run}"
116 comparer = LocalMetadataComparison("testdatabase.sqlite", "test4", ["test"])
117 for exp, run in [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 9999),
118 (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 9999),
119 (243, 0), (245, 9999999), (9999, 9999)]:
120 valid = [("test", 1)] if (1, 1) <= (exp, run) <= (2, 0) else []
121 assert comparer.check(exp, run) == valid, f"Couldn't find payload for {exp},{run}"
123 comparer = LocalMetadataComparison("testdatabase.sqlite", "test5", ["test"])
124 for exp, run in [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 9999),
125 (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 9999),
126 (2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 9999),
127 (243, 0), (245, 9999999), (9999, 9999)]:
128 valid = [("test", 1)] if (1, 1) <= (exp, run) else []
129 assert comparer.check(exp, run) == valid, f"Couldn't find payload for {exp},{run}"
Class to obtain metadata of all valid payloads from a local SQLite file instead of the central server...
def __init__(self, filename, globaltag, payloads)
Local metadata provider, C++ version.
Local metadata provider, python version.
Simple struct to group all information necessary for a single payload.