Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
8#include <analysis/utility/MCMatching.h>
9#include <analysis/dataobjects/Particle.h>
10#include <analysis/dataobjects/ParticleExtraInfoMap.h>
11#include <analysis/variables/BasicParticleInformation.h>
12#include <analysis/variables/MCTruthVariables.h>
14#include <mdst/dataobjects/MCParticle.h>
15#include <mdst/dataobjects/MCParticleGraph.h>
16#include <framework/datastore/StoreArray.h>
17#include <framework/datastore/StoreObjPtr.h>
18#include <framework/gearbox/Const.h>
20#include <gtest/gtest.h>
22using namespace std;
23using namespace Belle2;
26namespace {
27 MCParticleGraph gParticleGraph;
30 bool isFSP(int pdg)
31 {
32 switch (abs(pdg)) {
33 case 211:
34 case 321:
35 case 11:
36 case 13:
37 case 2212:
38 case 22:
39 case 130:
40 return true;
41 default:
42 return false;
43 }
44 }
47 struct Decay {
48 public:
50 enum EBehavior {
51 c_Default,
52 c_CreateNewMCParticle,
53 c_RelateWith,
54 c_ReconstructFrom,
55 };
57 // cppcheck-suppress noExplicitConstructor; yes, there is no explicit constructor for this class, and this isn't one
58 Decay(int pdg, const std::vector<Decay>& daughters = std::vector<Decay>()):
59 m_pdg(pdg), m_daughterDecays(daughters), m_mcparticle(nullptr), m_particle(nullptr)
60 {
61 m_graphParticle = &gParticleGraph.addParticle();
62 m_graphParticle->setPDG(m_pdg);
63 m_graphParticle->setStatus(MCParticle::c_PrimaryParticle);
64 for (const Decay& d : daughters) {
65 gParticleGraph.addDecay(*m_graphParticle, *d.m_graphParticle);
66 }
67 }
69 void finalize()
70 {
71 gParticleGraph.generateList();
72 gParticleGraph.clear(); //don't add them again in the next call..
74 StoreArray<MCParticle> mcparticles{};
75 m_mcparticle = mcparticles[m_graphParticle->getIndex() - 1];
77 for (Decay& d : m_daughterDecays)
78 d.finalize();
79 }
82 [[nodiscard]] Particle* getParticle(int pdg) const
83 {
84 if (m_pdg == pdg and m_particle)
85 return m_particle;
87 for (auto& d : m_daughterDecays) {
88 Particle* res = d.getParticle(pdg);
89 if (res)
90 return res;
91 }
92 return nullptr;
93 }
95 [[nodiscard]] MCParticle* getMCParticle(int pdg) const
96 {
97 if (m_pdg == pdg and m_mcparticle)
98 return m_mcparticle;
100 for (auto& d : m_daughterDecays) {
101 MCParticle* res = d.getMCParticle(pdg);
102 if (res)
103 return res;
104 }
105 return nullptr;
106 }
108 Decay* getDecay(int pdg)
109 {
110 if (m_pdg == pdg)
111 return this;
113 for (auto& d : m_daughterDecays) {
114 Decay* res = d.getDecay(pdg);
115 if (res)
116 return res;
117 }
118 return nullptr;
119 }
121 Decay& operator[](int i) { return m_daughterDecays[i]; }
124 struct ReconstructedDecay {
125 // cppcheck-suppress noExplicitConstructor; yes, there is no explicit constructor for this class, and this isn't one
126 ReconstructedDecay(int pdg, const std::vector<ReconstructedDecay>& daughters = std::vector<ReconstructedDecay>(),
127 EBehavior behavior = c_Default):
128 m_pdg(pdg), m_daughterDecays(daughters), m_behavior(behavior), m_optMcPart(nullptr), m_optDecay(nullptr) { }
129 ReconstructedDecay(int pdg, const std::vector<ReconstructedDecay>& daughters, EBehavior behavior, MCParticle* optMcPart):
130 m_pdg(pdg), m_daughterDecays(daughters), m_behavior(behavior), m_optMcPart(optMcPart), m_optDecay(nullptr) { }
131 ReconstructedDecay(int pdg, const std::vector<ReconstructedDecay>& daughters, EBehavior behavior, Decay* optDecay):
132 m_pdg(pdg), m_daughterDecays(daughters), m_behavior(behavior), m_optMcPart(nullptr), m_optDecay(optDecay) { }
133 int m_pdg;
134 vector<ReconstructedDecay> m_daughterDecays;
135 EBehavior m_behavior;
136 MCParticle* m_optMcPart;
137 Decay* m_optDecay;
138 };
146 void reconstruct(ReconstructedDecay decay)
147 {
148 if (!m_mcparticle) {
149 finalize();
150 }
151 if (decay.m_behavior == c_CreateNewMCParticle) {
152 m_graphParticle = &gParticleGraph.addParticle();
153 m_graphParticle->setPDG(decay.m_pdg);
154 finalize(); //overwrites m_mcparticle with the new particle
155 } else if (decay.m_behavior == c_RelateWith) {
156 m_mcparticle = decay.m_optMcPart;
157 } else if (decay.m_behavior == c_ReconstructFrom) {
158 ASSERT_TRUE(decay.m_optDecay != nullptr);
159 Decay* mcDecay = decay.m_optDecay;
160 decay.m_optDecay = nullptr;
161 decay.m_behavior = Decay::c_Default;
162 mcDecay->reconstruct(decay);
163 return;
164 }
166 StoreArray<Particle> particles;
167 if (isFSP(decay.m_pdg)) {
168 //is a final state particle, link with MCParticle
169 m_particle = particles.appendNew(m_graphParticle->get4Vector(), decay.m_pdg);
170 m_particle->addRelationTo(m_mcparticle);
171 }
173 if (!decay.m_daughterDecays.empty()) {
174 Decay* mcDecay = this;
175 if (decay.m_behavior == c_ReconstructFrom) {
176 //use given decay to reconstruct daughters instead
177 mcDecay = decay.m_optDecay;
178 }
179 std::vector<int> daughterIndices;
180 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < decay.m_daughterDecays.size(); i++) {
181 Decay* d = nullptr;
182 ReconstructedDecay rd = decay.m_daughterDecays[i];
183 //we must make sure that m_graphParticle always corresponds to the same thing in the reconstructed thing.
184 if (rd.m_behavior == c_ReconstructFrom) {
185 ASSERT_NE(rd.m_optDecay, nullptr);
186 d = rd.m_optDecay;
187 rd.m_optDecay = nullptr;
188 rd.m_behavior = Decay::c_Default;
189 } else {
190 ASSERT_TRUE(decay.m_daughterDecays.size() > i);
191 d = &(mcDecay->m_daughterDecays[i]);
192 }
193 d->reconstruct({rd});
194 if (d->m_particle)
195 daughterIndices.push_back(d->m_particle->getArrayIndex());
197 }
198 if (decay.m_pdg != 0) {
199 //is decay self conjugated?
200 std::vector<int> decaylist, decaybarlist;
201 for (int idx : daughterIndices) {
202 const Particle* daughterPart = particles[idx];
203 int daughterPDG = daughterPart->getPDGCode();
204 decaylist.push_back(daughterPDG);
205 decaybarlist.push_back((daughterPart->getFlavorType() == Particle::c_Flavored) ? (-daughterPDG) : daughterPDG);
206 }
207 std::sort(decaylist.begin(), decaylist.end());
208 std::sort(decaybarlist.begin(), decaybarlist.end());
209 bool isUnflavored = (decaylist == decaybarlist);
211 m_particle = particles.appendNew(ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector(), decay.m_pdg,
212 isUnflavored ? (Particle::c_Unflavored) : (Particle::c_Flavored),
213 daughterIndices);
214 }
215 }
216 }
218 [[nodiscard]] string getString() const { return "Particles(MCParticles,MCMatch,Flags):\n" + getStringInternal(); }
220 int m_pdg;
221 vector<Decay> m_daughterDecays;
223 m_graphParticle;
224 MCParticle* m_mcparticle;
225 Particle* m_particle;
227 private:
229 [[nodiscard]] string getStringInternal(int depth = 0) const
230 {
231 stringstream s;
232 string spaces;
233 for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++)
234 spaces += " ";
235 s << spaces;
237 if (m_particle)
238 s << m_particle->getPDGCode();
239 else
240 s << "?";
242 s << " (";
243 if (m_mcparticle)
244 s << m_mcparticle->getPDG();
245 else
246 s << "?";
247 const MCParticle* mcMatch = nullptr;
248 if (m_particle)
249 mcMatch = m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>();
250 if (mcMatch) {
251 s << ", " << mcMatch->getPDG() << ", ";
254 else
255 s << "-not set-";
256 } else {
257 s << ", ?";
258 s << ", ?";
259 }
260 s << ") ";
262 if (!m_daughterDecays.empty()) {
263 s << " [";
264 for (const Decay& d : m_daughterDecays) {
265 s << "\n" << d.getStringInternal(depth + 1);
266 }
268 s << "\n" << spaces << "]";
269 }
271 return s.str();
272 }
273 };
276 class MCMatchingTest : public ::testing::Test {
277 protected:
279 void SetUp() override
280 {
281 StoreObjPtr<ParticleExtraInfoMap> particleExtraInfo;
282 StoreArray<Particle> particles;
283 StoreArray<MCParticle> mcparticles;
284 particleExtraInfo.registerInDataStore();
285 particles.registerInDataStore();
286 mcparticles.registerInDataStore();
287 particles.registerRelationTo(mcparticles);
288 }
291 void TearDown() override
292 {
294 }
295 };
299 TEST_F(MCMatchingTest, MCParticleGraph)
300 {
301 Decay d(111, {22, 22});
302 StoreArray<MCParticle> mcparticles;
303 //actually push things into StoreArray
304 d.finalize();
305 EXPECT_EQ(mcparticles.getEntries(), 3);
306 EXPECT_EQ(mcparticles[0]->getPDG(), Const::pi0.getPDGCode());
307 EXPECT_EQ(mcparticles[1]->getPDG(), Const::photon.getPDGCode());
308 EXPECT_EQ(mcparticles[2]->getPDG(), Const::photon.getPDGCode());
309 EXPECT_EQ(mcparticles[0]->getMother(), nullptr);
310 EXPECT_EQ(mcparticles[1]->getMother(), mcparticles[0]);
311 EXPECT_EQ(mcparticles[2]->getMother(), mcparticles[0]);
313 Decay e(111, {22, 22});
314 e.finalize();
315 EXPECT_EQ(mcparticles.getEntries(), 6);
316 EXPECT_EQ(mcparticles[3]->getPDG(), Const::pi0.getPDGCode());
317 EXPECT_EQ(mcparticles[3]->getNDaughters(), 2);
318 EXPECT_EQ(mcparticles[4]->getPDG(), Const::photon.getPDGCode());
319 EXPECT_EQ(mcparticles[5]->getPDG(), Const::photon.getPDGCode());
320 EXPECT_EQ(mcparticles[4]->getNDaughters(), 0);
321 EXPECT_EQ(mcparticles[5]->getNDaughters(), 0);
322 EXPECT_EQ(mcparticles[3]->getMother(), nullptr);
323 EXPECT_EQ(mcparticles[4]->getMother(), mcparticles[3]);
324 EXPECT_EQ(mcparticles[5]->getMother(), mcparticles[3]);
326 Decay f(211);
327 f.finalize();
328 EXPECT_EQ(mcparticles.getEntries(), 7);
329 EXPECT_EQ(mcparticles[6]->getPDG(), Const::pion.getPDGCode());
331 Decay g(421, {321, -211, {111, {22, 22}}});
332 g.finalize();
333 EXPECT_EQ(3, g.m_mcparticle->getNDaughters());
334 EXPECT_EQ(mcparticles.getEntries(), 13);
335 }
338 TEST_F(MCMatchingTest, CorrectReconstruction)
339 {
340 StoreArray<MCParticle> mcparticles;
341 StoreArray<Particle> particles;
343 Decay d(421, {321, -211, {111, {22, 22}}});
344 d.reconstruct({421, {321, -211, {111, {22, 22}}}});
345 //reconstruct() calls finalize(), so MCParticles are filled now
346 EXPECT_EQ(mcparticles.getEntries(), 6);
347 EXPECT_EQ(mcparticles[0]->getPDG(), 421);
348 EXPECT_EQ(mcparticles[5]->getPDG(), Const::photon.getPDGCode());
349 EXPECT_EQ(particles.getEntries(), 6);
351 ASSERT_NE(d.m_particle, nullptr);
352 const auto& fspParticles = d.m_particle->getFinalStateDaughters();
353 EXPECT_EQ(fspParticles.size(), 4u);
354 //all final state particles should have relations...
355 for (const Particle* p : fspParticles) {
356 EXPECT_EQ(p->getRelated<MCParticle>()->getDaughters().size(), 0u);
357 }
358 //composite particles don't have them
359 EXPECT_TRUE(mcparticles[0] == d.m_mcparticle);
360 EXPECT_TRUE(mcparticles[0]->getRelated<Particle>() == nullptr);
361 EXPECT_TRUE(mcparticles[3]->getRelated<Particle>() == nullptr);
363 //run MC matching (should be able to set a relation)
364 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
366 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_Correct, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
368 }
370 TEST_F(MCMatchingTest, SetMCTruthNeverRun)
371 {
372 Decay d(421, {321, -211, {111, {22, 22}}});
373 d.reconstruct({421, {211, -211, {111, {22, 22}}}});
375 EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, d.m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>());
376 ASSERT_FALSE(d.m_particle->hasExtraInfo(MCMatching::c_extraInfoMCErrors));
377 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_InternalError, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
378 }
380 TEST_F(MCMatchingTest, SettingTruths)
381 {
382 Decay d(421, {321, -211, {111, {22, 22}}});
383 d.reconstruct({421, {211, -211, {111, {22, 22}}}});
385 //setMCTruth should set relation
386 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
387 EXPECT_EQ(d.m_mcparticle->getPDG(), d.m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>()->getPDG());
389 //but no extra-info flags
390 ASSERT_FALSE(d.m_particle->hasExtraInfo(MCMatching::c_extraInfoMCErrors));
391 ASSERT_FALSE(d.getParticle(111)->hasExtraInfo(MCMatching::c_extraInfoMCErrors));
393 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_MisID, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
395 //now it's set
396 ASSERT_TRUE(d.m_particle->hasExtraInfo(MCMatching::c_extraInfoMCErrors));
397 ASSERT_TRUE(d.getParticle(111)->hasExtraInfo(MCMatching::c_extraInfoMCErrors));
398 }
401 TEST_F(MCMatchingTest, MisID)
402 {
403 {
404 Decay d(421, {321, -211, {111, {22, 22}}});
405 d.reconstruct({421, {211, -211, {111, {22, 22}}}});
406 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
407 EXPECT_EQ(d.m_mcparticle->getPDG(), d.m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>()->getPDG());
408 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_MisID, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
409 }
410 {
411 //+ wrong non-FSP
412 Decay d(421, {321, -211, {111, {22, 22}}});
413 d.reconstruct({413, {321, -13, {111, {22, 22}}}});
414 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
415 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_MisID | MCMatching::c_AddedWrongParticle, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
416 }
417 {
418 Decay d(421, {321, -211, {111, {22, 22}}});
419 d.reconstruct({421, {321, 13, {111, {22, 22}}}});
420 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
421 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_MisID, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
422 }
423 {
424 Decay d(421, {321, -211, {111, {22, 22}}});
425 d.reconstruct({421, {211, 13, {111, {22, 22}}}});
426 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
427 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_MisID, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
428 }
429 {
430 //pion and kaon switched
431 Decay d(421, {321, -211, {111, {22, 22}}});
432 d.reconstruct({421, { -211, 321, {111, {22, 22}}}});
433 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
434 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_MisID, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
435 }
436 }
439 TEST_F(MCMatchingTest, MissingParticles)
440 {
441 {
442 //pi0 is not FSP, so doesn't get MCMatching::c_MissMassiveParticle (but MCMatching::c_MissingResonance)
443 Decay d(421, {321, -211, {111, {22, 22}}});
444 d.reconstruct({421, {321, -211, {0}}});
445 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
446 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_MissGamma | MCMatching::c_MissingResonance, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
447 }
448 {
449 Decay d(421, {321, -211, {111, {22, 22}}});
450 d.reconstruct({421, {321, 0, {111, {22, 22}}}});
451 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
452 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle), MCMatching::c_MissMassiveParticle) << d.getString();
453 }
454 {
455 Decay d(421, {321, -211, {111, {22, 22}}});
456 d.reconstruct({421, {0, -211, {111, {22, 22}}}});
457 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
458 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle), MCMatching::c_MissMassiveParticle) << d.getString();
459 }
460 {
461 Decay d(421, {321, -211, {111, {22, 22}}});
462 d.reconstruct({421, {0, -13, {111, {22, 22}}}});
463 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
464 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle), MCMatching::c_MissMassiveParticle | MCMatching::c_MisID) << d.getString();
465 }
466 }
467 TEST_F(MCMatchingTest, KLongCorrect)
468 {
469 //correct (we miss the 'K0' resonance, but that's fine)
470 Decay d(431, { {323, {321, {111, {22, 22}} }}, { -311, {130}}});
471 d.finalize();
472 //K0L and daughters are secondary
473 MCParticle* k0l = d.getMCParticle(130);
474 k0l->setStatus(k0l->getStatus() & (~MCParticle::c_PrimaryParticle)); //remove c_PrimaryParticle
476 d.reconstruct({431, { {323, {321, {111, {22, 22}} }}, {130, {}, Decay::c_ReconstructFrom, d.getDecay(130)}}});
477 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
478 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_MissingResonance, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
479 }
480 TEST_F(MCMatchingTest, KLongMissed)
481 {
482 //K0L not reconstructed
483 Decay d(431, { {323, {321, {111, {22, 22}} }}, { -311, {130}}});
484 d.finalize();
485 //K0L and daughters are secondary
486 MCParticle* k0l = d.getMCParticle(130);
487 k0l->setStatus(k0l->getStatus() & (~MCParticle::c_PrimaryParticle)); //remove c_PrimaryParticle
489 d.reconstruct({431, { {323, {321, {111, {22, 22}} }}, 0}});
490 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
492 MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
493 }
494 TEST_F(MCMatchingTest, KShortCorrect)
495 {
496 //correct (we miss the 'K0' resonance, but that's fine)
497 Decay d(431, { {323, {321, {111, {22, 22}} }}, { -311, {{310, {211, -211}}}}});
498 d.finalize();
499 //K0S and daughters are secondary
500 MCParticle* k0s = d.getMCParticle(310);
501 k0s->setStatus(k0s->getStatus() & (~MCParticle::c_PrimaryParticle)); //remove c_PrimaryParticle
502 MCParticle* pi1 = d.getMCParticle(211);
504 MCParticle* pi2 = d.getMCParticle(-211);
507 d.reconstruct({431, { {323, {321, {111, {22, 22}} }}, {310, {{211, {}, Decay::c_ReconstructFrom, d.getDecay(211)}, { -211, {}, Decay::c_ReconstructFrom, d.getDecay(-211)}}}}});
508 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
509 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_MissingResonance, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
510 }
511 TEST_F(MCMatchingTest, KShortMissed)
512 {
513 //K0S not reconstructed
514 Decay d(431, { {323, {321, {111, {22, 22}} }}, { -311, {{310, {211, -211}}}}});
515 d.finalize();
516 //K0S and daughters are secondary
517 MCParticle* k0s = d.getMCParticle(310);
518 k0s->setStatus(k0s->getStatus() & (~MCParticle::c_PrimaryParticle)); //remove c_PrimaryParticle
519 MCParticle* pi1 = d.getMCParticle(211);
521 MCParticle* pi2 = d.getMCParticle(-211);
524 d.reconstruct({431, { {323, {321, {111, {22, 22}} }}, 0}});
525 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
527 MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
528 }
530 TEST_F(MCMatchingTest, PionWithOneGamma)
531 {
532 {
533 StoreArray<Particle> particles;
534 StoreArray<MCParticle> mcparticles;
535 Decay d(421, {321, -211, {111, {22, 22}}});
536 d.reconstruct({421, {321, -211, {111, {0, 22}}}});
537 EXPECT_EQ(mcparticles.getEntries(), 6);
538 EXPECT_EQ(particles.getEntries(), 5); //we added only 5 Particles
539 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
540 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_MissGamma, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
541 }
542 {
543 Decay d(421, {321, -211, {111, {22, 22}}});
544 d.reconstruct({421, {321, 0, {111, {0, 22}}}});
545 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
546 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_MissMassiveParticle | MCMatching::c_MissGamma, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
547 }
548 }
549 TEST_F(MCMatchingTest, TauWithResonance)
550 {
551 // Correct tau
552 {
553 Decay d(15, {16, { -213, { -211, {111, {22, 22}}}}});
554 d.reconstruct({15, {0, { -213, { -211, {111, {22, 22}}}}}});
555 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
556 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_MissNeutrino, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
557 }
558 // Miss Resoanace
559 {
560 Decay d(15, {16, { -213, { -211, {111, {22, 22}}}}});
561 d.reconstruct({15, {{ -211, {}, Decay::c_ReconstructFrom, &d[1][0]}, {111, {22, 22}, Decay::c_ReconstructFrom, &d[1][1]}}});
562 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
563 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_MissingResonance, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
564 }
565 // Miss Gamma
566 {
567 Decay d(15, {16, { -213, { -211, {111, {22, 22}}}}});
568 d.reconstruct({15, {{ -211, {}, Decay::c_ReconstructFrom, &d[1][0]}, {111, {0, {22, {}, Decay::c_ReconstructFrom, &d[1][1][1]}}, Decay::c_ReconstructFrom, &d[1][1]}}});
569 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
570 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_MissGamma | MCMatching::c_MissingResonance, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
571 }
572 // Added Wrong Pion
573 {
574 Decay g(-512, {211, -211, -16, {15, {16, { -213, { -211, {111, {22, 22}}}}}}});
575 Decay& d = g[3];
576 d.reconstruct({15, {{ -211, {}, Decay::c_ReconstructFrom, &g[1]}, {111, {22, 22}, Decay::c_ReconstructFrom, &d[1][1]}}});
577 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
580 MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
581 }
584 }
585 TEST_F(MCMatchingTest, MissGamma)
586 {
587 {
588 //D*+ -> D+ pi0
589 Decay d(431, {{421, {321, -211, {111, {22, 22}}}}, {111, {22, 22}}});
590 d.reconstruct({431, {{421, {321, -211, {111, {22, 22}}}}, {111, {22, 22}}}});
591 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
592 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_Correct, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
593 }
594 {
595 //D*+ -> D+ pi0 reconstructed as D*+ -> D+ gamma
596 Decay d(431, {{421, {321, -211, {111, {22, 22}}}}, {111, {22, 22}}});
597 Decay& gamma = d[1][0]; //first gamma from second pi0
598 d.reconstruct({431, {{421, {321, -211, {111, {22, 22}}}}, {22, {}, Decay::c_ReconstructFrom, &gamma}}});
599 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
600 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_MissGamma | MCMatching::c_MissingResonance, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
601 }
603 {
604 //D*+ -> D+ gamma
605 Decay d(431, {{421, {321, -211, {111, {22, 22}}}}, 22});
606 d.reconstruct({431, {{421, {321, -211, {111, {22, 22}}}}, 22}});
607 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
608 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_Correct, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
609 }
610 {
611 //pi0 -> e+ e- gamma
612 Decay d(111, {11, -11, 22});
613 d.reconstruct({111, {11, -11, 22}});
614 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
615 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_Correct, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
616 }
617 {
618 //pi0 -> e+ e- gamma reconstructed without gamma
619 Decay d(111, {11, -11, 22});
620 d.reconstruct({111, {11, -11, 0}});
621 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
622 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_MissGamma, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
623 }
624 {
625 //pi0 -> 2 gamma, with both clusters coming from same photon
626 Decay d(111, {22, 22});
627 Decay& gamma = d[0];
628 d.reconstruct({111, {22, {22, {}, Decay::c_ReconstructFrom, &gamma}}});
629 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
630 //MCMatch of pi0 is first gamma
631 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_AddedWrongParticle, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
632 }
633 {
634 //pi0 -> 4 gamma
635 Decay d(111, {22, 22, 22, 22});
636 d.reconstruct({111, {22, 22, 22, 22}});
637 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
638 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_Correct, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
639 }
640 {
641 //pi0 -> 4 gamma as 2 gamma
642 Decay d(111, {22, 22, 22, 22});
643 d.reconstruct({111, {22, 22, 0, 0}});
644 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
645 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_MissGamma, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
646 }
647 {
648 //pi0 -> 4 gamma, with two clusters coming from same photon
649 Decay d(111, {22, 22, 22, 22});
650 Decay& gamma = d[0];
651 d.reconstruct({111, {22, 22, 22, {22, {}, Decay::c_ReconstructFrom, &gamma}}});
652 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
653 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_MissGamma, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
654 }
655 }
657 TEST_F(MCMatchingTest, WrongPhotonForPi0)
658 {
659 {
660 Decay d(521, {211, Decay(421, {321, -211, Decay(111, {22, 22})}), 22});
661 d.finalize();
662 d.reconstruct({521, {211, {421, {321, -211, {111, {{22}, {22, {}, Decay::c_RelateWith, d.getMCParticle(211)}}}}}}});
663 //result: pi0 gets MC match 521.
664 //Gets misID & c_AddedWrongParticle because of 'wrong' photon,
665 //plus c_MissMassiveParticle since the B's daughters are missing,
666 //plus c_MissGamma because one photon was not reconstructed,
667 //plus c_MissingResonance because non-FSPs were missed (MC matched particle (521) has lots of daughters)
669 Particle* pi0 = d.getParticle(111);
670 Decay* pi0decay = d.getDecay(111);
671 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(pi0)) << pi0decay->getString();
672 EXPECT_EQ(521, pi0->getRelated<MCParticle>()->getPDG());
675 MCMatching::getMCErrors(pi0)) << pi0decay->getString();
677 //flags migrate upstream
678 Particle* p = d.getParticle(421);
679 Decay* d0decay = d.getDecay(421);
680 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(p)) << d0decay->getString();
682 MCMatching::getMCErrors(p)) << d0decay->getString();
684 //even with addedWrongParticle (inherited from daughter), missFSR should be detected.
685 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
687 MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
688 }
689 }
692 TEST_F(MCMatchingTest, DecayInFlightCorrect)
693 {
694 {
695 Decay d(421, {321, { -211, {13}}, {111, {22, 22}}});
696 d.finalize();
697 MCParticle* muon = d.getMCParticle(13);
698 muon->setStatus(muon->getStatus() & (~MCParticle::c_PrimaryParticle)); //remove c_PrimaryParticle
699 ASSERT_FALSE(muon->hasStatus(MCParticle::c_PrimaryParticle));
700 d.reconstruct({421, {321, -211, {111, {22, 22}}}});
702 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
703 EXPECT_EQ(d.m_mcparticle->getPDG(), d.m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>()->getPDG());
704 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_Correct, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
705 }
706 {
707 Decay d(421, {{321, {11, -12, {111, {22, 22}}}}, -211, {111, {22, 22}}});
708 d.reconstruct({421, {321, -211, {111, {22, 22}}}});
710 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
711 EXPECT_EQ(d.m_mcparticle->getPDG(), d.m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>()->getPDG());
712 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_Correct, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
713 }
714 }
716 TEST_F(MCMatchingTest, DecayInFlight)
717 {
718 {
719 Decay d(-211, {13});
720 d.finalize();
721 MCParticle* muon = d.getMCParticle(13);
722 muon->setStatus(muon->getStatus() & (~MCParticle::c_PrimaryParticle)); //remove c_PrimaryParticle
723 d.reconstruct({ -211, {}, Decay::c_RelateWith, muon});
725 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
726 EXPECT_EQ(d.m_mcparticle->getPDG(), d.m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>()->getPDG());
727 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_DecayInFlight, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
728 }
729 {
730 Decay d(421, {321, { -211, {13}}, {111, {22, 22}}});
731 d.finalize();
732 MCParticle* muon = d.getMCParticle(13);
733 muon->setStatus(muon->getStatus() & (~MCParticle::c_PrimaryParticle)); //remove c_PrimaryParticle
734 d.reconstruct({421, {321, { -211, {}, Decay::c_RelateWith, muon}, {111, {22, 22}}}});
737 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
738 EXPECT_EQ(d.m_mcparticle->getPDG(), d.m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>()->getPDG());
739 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_DecayInFlight, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
740 }
741 }
743 TEST_F(MCMatchingTest, CorrectFSPsWrongDecay)
744 {
745 {
746 Decay d(-413, {{ -411, {321, -211, -211}}, {111, {22, 22}}});
748 Decay& pi0 = d[1];
749 Decay& pi2 = d[0][2];
751 ASSERT_TRUE(d.getDecay(111) == &pi0);
753 d.reconstruct({ -413, {{ -421, {321, -211, {111, {22, 22}, Decay::c_ReconstructFrom, &pi0}}}, { -211, {}, Decay::c_ReconstructFrom, &pi2}}});
756 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
757 EXPECT_EQ(d.m_mcparticle->getPDG(), d.m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>()->getPDG());
758 //inherits c_AddedWrongParticle from D0, gets c_MissingResonance since D+ is missing
760 MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
761 }
762 }
764 TEST_F(MCMatchingTest, WrongCombination)
765 {
767 {
768 Decay d(-413, {{ -421, {321, -211, {111, {22, 22}}}}, -211});
770 Decay* pi1 = &(d[0][1]);
771 Decay* pi2 = &(d[1]);
772 ASSERT_TRUE(pi1->m_pdg == pi2->m_pdg);
774 d.reconstruct({ -413, {{ -421, {321, { -211, {}, Decay::c_ReconstructFrom, pi2}, {111, {22, 22}}}}, { -211, {}, Decay::c_ReconstructFrom, pi1}}});
777 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
778 EXPECT_EQ(d.m_mcparticle->getPDG(), d.m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>()->getPDG());
779 //gets c_MissingResonance since none of the Particles got the D0 MCParticle as MC match
781 MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
782 }
785 {
786 Decay d(511, {{333, {321, -321}}, {333, {321, -321}}});
788 Decay* k1 = &(d[0][1]);
789 Decay* k2 = &(d[1][1]);
790 ASSERT_TRUE(k1->m_pdg == k2->m_pdg);
792 d.reconstruct({511, {
793 {333, {321, { -321, {}, Decay::c_ReconstructFrom, k2}}},
794 {333, {321, { -321, {}, Decay::c_ReconstructFrom, k1}}}
795 }
796 });
799 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
800 EXPECT_EQ(d.m_mcparticle->getPDG(), d.m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>()->getPDG());
801 //gets c_MissingResonance since none of the Particles got the phi MCParticle as MC match
803 MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
804 }
805 }
807 TEST_F(MCMatchingTest, SelfCrossFeed)
808 {
809 {
810 Decay d(300533, {{511, {321, -211, {111, {22, 22}}}}, { -511, { -321, 211, {111, {22, 22}}}}});
812 Decay* pi1 = &(d[0][2]);
813 Decay* pi2 = &(d[1][2]);
814 ASSERT_TRUE(pi1->m_pdg == pi2->m_pdg);
816 d.reconstruct({300533, {
817 {511, {321, -211, {111, {22, 22}, Decay::c_ReconstructFrom, pi2}}},
818 { -511, { -321, 211, {111, {22, 22}, Decay::c_ReconstructFrom, pi1}}}
819 }
820 });
823 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
824 EXPECT_EQ(d.m_mcparticle->getPDG(), d.m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>()->getPDG());
825 //gets c_MissingResonance since none of the Particles got the B0/anti-B0 MCParticle as MC match
827 MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
828 }
829 }
831 TEST_F(MCMatchingTest, FlavouredD0Decay)
832 {
833 {
834 //ok
835 Decay d(421, { -321, 211});
836 d.reconstruct({421, { -321, 211}});
837 ASSERT_EQ(Particle::c_Flavored, d.m_particle->getFlavorType());
839 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
840 EXPECT_EQ(d.m_particle->getPDGCode(), d.m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>()->getPDG());
841 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_Correct, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
842 }
843 {
844 //also exists, but suppressed
845 Decay d(-421, { -321, 211});
846 d.reconstruct({ -421, { -321, 211}});
847 ASSERT_EQ(Particle::c_Flavored, d.m_particle->getFlavorType());
849 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
850 EXPECT_EQ(d.m_particle->getPDGCode(), d.m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>()->getPDG());
851 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_Correct, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
852 }
853 {
854 //however, reconstructing the wrong D0 is not okay
855 Decay d(421, { -321, 211});
856 d.reconstruct({ -421, { -321, 211}});
857 ASSERT_EQ(Particle::c_Flavored, d.m_particle->getFlavorType());
859 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
860 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_AddedWrongParticle, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
861 }
862 {
863 //however, reconstructing the wrong D0 is not okay
864 Decay d(-421, { -321, 211});
865 d.reconstruct({421, { -321, 211}});
866 ASSERT_EQ(Particle::c_Flavored, d.m_particle->getFlavorType());
868 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
869 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_AddedWrongParticle, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
870 }
871 }
873 TEST_F(MCMatchingTest, UnflavouredD0Decay)
874 {
875 {
876 //ok
877 Decay d(421, { -321, 321});
878 d.reconstruct({421, { -321, 321}});
879 ASSERT_EQ(Particle::c_Unflavored, d.m_particle->getFlavorType());
881 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
882 EXPECT_EQ(d.m_mcparticle->getPDG(), d.m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>()->getPDG());
883 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_Correct, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
884 }
885 {
886 //ok
887 Decay d(-421, { -321, 321});
888 d.reconstruct({ -421, { -321, 321}});
889 ASSERT_EQ(Particle::c_Unflavored, d.m_particle->getFlavorType());
891 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
892 EXPECT_EQ(d.m_mcparticle->getPDG(), d.m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>()->getPDG());
893 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_Correct, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
894 }
895 {
896 //we don't know the flavour, so this is also fine
897 Decay d(421, { -321, 321});
898 d.reconstruct({ -421, { -321, 321}});
899 ASSERT_EQ(Particle::c_Unflavored, d.m_particle->getFlavorType());
901 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
902 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_Correct, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
903 }
904 {
905 //we don't know the flavour, so this is also fine
906 Decay d(-421, { -321, 321});
907 d.reconstruct({421, { -321, 321}});
908 ASSERT_EQ(Particle::c_Unflavored, d.m_particle->getFlavorType());
910 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
911 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_Correct, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
912 }
913 }
915 //B0 -> rho+ D-
916 TEST_F(MCMatchingTest, MissingResonance)
917 {
918 //explicitly reconstruct the rho
919 {
920 Decay d(511, {{ -411, { -321, 321, 211}}, {213, {211, {111, {22, 22}}}}});
921 d.reconstruct({511, {{ -411, { -321, 321, 211}}, {213, {211, {111, {22, 22}}}}}});
923 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
924 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_Correct, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
925 }
926 //missing rho
927 {
928 Decay d(511, {{ -411, { -321, 321, 211}}, {213, {211, {111, {22, 22}}}}});
929 //d.reconstruct({511, {{-411, {-321, 321, 211}}, {0, {211, {111, {22, 22}}}}}});
930 Decay* piplus = &(d[1][0]);
931 Decay* pi0 = &(d[1][1]);
933 d.reconstruct({511, {{ -411, { -321, 321, 211}}, {211, {}, Decay::c_ReconstructFrom, piplus}, {111, {22, 22}, Decay::c_ReconstructFrom, pi0}}});
935 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
936 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_MissingResonance, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
937 }
938 }
940 TEST_F(MCMatchingTest, MissingFSPReplacedBySecondary)
941 {
942 Decay d(521, {{ -421, {321, { -211, {22, -211}}}}, 211, 211, -211});
943 Decay* pi = &(d[0][1][1]);
944 d.reconstruct({521, {{ -421, {321, -211}}, 211, 211, {
945 -211, {},
946 Decay::c_ReconstructFrom, pi
947 }
948 }
949 });
950 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
951 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_MissMassiveParticle, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
952 }
953 TEST_F(MCMatchingTest, BeamBackground)
954 {
955 Decay d(421, {321, -211, {111, {22, 22}}});
956 d.finalize();
957 MCParticle* noParticle = nullptr;
958 d.reconstruct({421, {321, { -211, {}, Decay::c_RelateWith, noParticle}, {111, {22, 22}}}});
960 //no common mother
961 ASSERT_FALSE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
962 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_InternalError, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
963 EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, d.m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>()) << d.getString();
964 }
966 TEST_F(MCMatchingTest, DuplicateTrack)
967 {
968 {
969 Decay d(421, {321, -211, {111, {22, 22}}});
970 d.finalize();
971 MCParticle* kaon = d.getMCParticle(321);
972 ASSERT_TRUE(kaon != nullptr);
973 //tracks for the same MCParticle used twice:
974 d.reconstruct({421, {321, { -211, {}, Decay::c_RelateWith, kaon}, {111, {22, 22}}}});
976 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
977 EXPECT_EQ(d.m_mcparticle->getPDG(), d.m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>()->getPDG());
978 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_MissMassiveParticle | MCMatching::c_MisID, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
979 }
980 }
983 TEST_F(MCMatchingTest, MissingFSRMissingPHOTOS)
984 {
985 {
986 Decay d(521, { -11, 12, 22});
987 d.finalize();
988 MCParticle* photon = d.getMCParticle(22);
989 EXPECT_FALSE(MCMatching::isFSR(photon));
991 d.reconstruct({521, { -11}});
992 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
993 EXPECT_EQ(d.m_mcparticle->getPDG(), d.m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>()->getPDG());
994 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_MissGamma | MCMatching::c_MissNeutrino, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
996 }
997 {
998 //ISR flag should not trigger anything special
999 Decay d(521, { -11, 12, 22});
1000 d.finalize();
1001 MCParticle* photon = d.getMCParticle(22);
1003 EXPECT_FALSE(MCMatching::isFSR(photon));
1005 d.reconstruct({521, { -11}});
1006 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
1007 EXPECT_EQ(d.m_mcparticle->getPDG(), d.m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>()->getPDG());
1008 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_MissGamma | MCMatching::c_MissNeutrino, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
1009 }
1011 {
1012 //now try the same with FSR flag
1013 Decay d(521, { -11, 12, 22});
1014 d.finalize();
1015 MCParticle* photon = d.getMCParticle(22);
1017 EXPECT_TRUE(MCMatching::isFSR(photon));
1019 d.reconstruct({521, { -11}});
1020 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
1021 EXPECT_EQ(d.m_mcparticle->getPDG(), d.m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>()->getPDG());
1022 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_MissFSR | MCMatching::c_MissNeutrino, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
1023 }
1025 {
1026 //now try PHOTOS photon
1027 Decay d(521, { -11, 12, 22});
1028 d.finalize();
1029 MCParticle* photon = d.getMCParticle(22);
1031 EXPECT_FALSE(MCMatching::isFSR(photon));
1033 d.reconstruct({521, { -11}});
1034 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
1035 EXPECT_EQ(d.m_mcparticle->getPDG(), d.m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>()->getPDG());
1036 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_MissPHOTOS | MCMatching::c_MissNeutrino, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
1037 }
1038 }
1041 TEST_F(MCMatchingTest, UnspecifiedParticleReconstruction)
1042 {
1043 {
1045 Decay d(511, {{30343, {321, -211}}, -13, 13});
1046 d.reconstruct({511, {{30343, {321, -211}}, -13, 13}});
1048 Particle* Xsd = d.m_particle->getDaughters()[0];
1049 ASSERT_TRUE(Xsd != nullptr);
1050 EXPECT_EQ(Variable::particleIsUnspecified(Xsd), false);
1051 Xsd->setProperty(Particle::PropertyFlags::c_IsUnspecified);
1052 EXPECT_EQ(Variable::particleIsUnspecified(Xsd), true);
1054 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
1055 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_Correct, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
1056 }
1057 {
1059 Decay d(511, {{313, {321, -211}}, -13, 13});
1060 d.reconstruct({511, {{30343, {321, -211}}, -13, 13}});
1062 Particle* Xsd = d.m_particle->getDaughters()[0];
1063 ASSERT_TRUE(Xsd != nullptr);
1064 EXPECT_EQ(Variable::particleIsUnspecified(Xsd), false);
1065 Xsd->setProperty(Particle::PropertyFlags::c_IsUnspecified);
1066 EXPECT_EQ(Variable::particleIsUnspecified(Xsd), true);
1068 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
1069 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_Correct, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
1070 }
1071 {
1073 Decay d(511, { {313, {321, -211}}, {443, { -13, 13}}});
1074 Decay* mup = &(d[1][0]);
1075 Decay* mum = &(d[1][1]);
1076 d.reconstruct({511, {{30343, {321, -211}}, { -13, {}, Decay::c_ReconstructFrom, mup}, {13, {}, Decay::c_ReconstructFrom, mum}}});
1078 Particle* Xsd = d.m_particle->getDaughters()[0];
1079 ASSERT_TRUE(Xsd != nullptr);
1080 EXPECT_EQ(Variable::particleIsUnspecified(Xsd), false);
1081 Xsd->setProperty(Particle::PropertyFlags::c_IsUnspecified);
1082 EXPECT_EQ(Variable::particleIsUnspecified(Xsd), true);
1084 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
1085 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_MissingResonance, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
1086 }
1087 }
1090 TEST_F(MCMatchingTest, CountMissingParticle)
1091 {
1092 {
1093 // pi0 not reconstructed
1094 Decay d(421, {321, -211, {111, {22, 22}}});
1095 d.reconstruct({421, {321, -211, {0}}});
1096 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
1097 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_MissGamma | MCMatching::c_MissingResonance, MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
1098 ASSERT_NE(nullptr, d.m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>()) << d.getString();
1099 vector<int> daughterPDG{Const::pi0.getPDGCode()};
1100 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::countMissingParticle(d.m_particle, d.m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>(), daughterPDG), 1);
1101 }
1102 {
1103 // pi not reconstructed
1104 Decay d(421, {321, -211, {111, {22, 22}}});
1105 d.reconstruct({421, {321, 0, {111, {22, 22}}}});
1106 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
1107 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle), MCMatching::c_MissMassiveParticle) << d.getString();
1108 ASSERT_NE(nullptr, d.m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>()) << d.getString();
1109 vector<int> daughterPDG{Const::pion.getPDGCode()};
1110 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::countMissingParticle(d.m_particle, d.m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>(), daughterPDG), 1);
1111 }
1112 {
1113 // K not reconstructed
1114 Decay d(421, {321, -211, {111, {22, 22}}});
1115 d.reconstruct({421, {0, -211, {111, {22, 22}}}});
1116 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
1117 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle), MCMatching::c_MissMassiveParticle) << d.getString();
1118 ASSERT_NE(nullptr, d.m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>()) << d.getString();
1119 vector<int> daughterPDG{Const::kaon.getPDGCode()};
1120 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::countMissingParticle(d.m_particle, d.m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>(), daughterPDG), 1);
1121 }
1122 {
1123 // 2K not reconstructed
1124 Decay d(-521, { -321, {421, {321, -211, {111, {22, 22}}}}});
1125 d.reconstruct({ -521, {0, {421, {0, -211, {111, {22, 22}}}}}});
1126 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
1127 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle), MCMatching::c_MissMassiveParticle) << d.getString();
1128 ASSERT_NE(nullptr, d.m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>()) << d.getString();
1129 vector<int> daughterPDG{Const::kaon.getPDGCode()};
1130 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::countMissingParticle(d.m_particle, d.m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>(), daughterPDG), 2);
1131 }
1132 {
1133 //K0S not reconstructed
1134 Decay d(431, { {323, {321, {111, {22, 22}} }}, { -311, {{310, {211, -211}}}}});
1135 d.finalize();
1136 //K0S and daughters are secondary
1137 MCParticle* k0s = d.getMCParticle(310);
1138 k0s->setStatus(k0s->getStatus() & (~MCParticle::c_PrimaryParticle)); //remove c_PrimaryParticle
1139 MCParticle* pi1 = d.getMCParticle(211);
1141 MCParticle* pi2 = d.getMCParticle(-211);
1144 d.reconstruct({431, { {323, {321, {111, {22, 22}} }}, 0}});
1145 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
1147 MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
1148 ASSERT_NE(nullptr, d.m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>()) << d.getString();
1149 vector<int> daughterPDG{Const::Kshort.getPDGCode()};
1150 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::countMissingParticle(d.m_particle, d.m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>(), daughterPDG), 1);
1151 }
1152 {
1153 //K0L not reconstructed
1154 Decay d(431, { {323, {321, {111, {22, 22}} }}, { -311, {130}}});
1155 d.finalize();
1156 //K0L and daughters are secondary
1157 MCParticle* k0l = d.getMCParticle(130);
1158 k0l->setStatus(k0l->getStatus() & (~MCParticle::c_PrimaryParticle)); //remove c_PrimaryParticle
1160 d.reconstruct({431, { {323, {321, {111, {22, 22}} }}, 0}});
1161 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
1163 MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
1164 ASSERT_NE(nullptr, d.m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>()) << d.getString();
1165 vector<int> daughterPDG{Const::Klong.getPDGCode()};
1166 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::countMissingParticle(d.m_particle, d.m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>(), daughterPDG), 1);
1167 }
1168 {
1169 // e and nutrino not reconstructed
1170 Decay d(521, { -11, 12, 22});
1171 d.reconstruct({521, {0, 0, 22}});
1172 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
1174 MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
1175 ASSERT_NE(nullptr, d.m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>()) << d.getString();
1176 vector<int> daughterPDG_E{Const::electron.getPDGCode()};
1177 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::countMissingParticle(d.m_particle, d.m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>(), daughterPDG_E), 1);
1178 vector<int> daughterPDG_NuE{12};
1179 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::countMissingParticle(d.m_particle, d.m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>(), daughterPDG_NuE), 1);
1180 vector<int> daughterPDG_Nu{12, 14, 16};
1181 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::countMissingParticle(d.m_particle, d.m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>(), daughterPDG_Nu), 1);
1182 }
1183 {
1184 // e and nutrino not reconstructed
1185 Decay d(521, { -13, 14, 22});
1186 d.reconstruct({521, {0, 0, 22}});
1187 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
1189 MCMatching::getMCErrors(d.m_particle)) << d.getString();
1190 ASSERT_NE(nullptr, d.m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>()) << d.getString();
1191 vector<int> daughterPDG_Mu{Const::muon.getPDGCode()};
1192 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::countMissingParticle(d.m_particle, d.m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>(), daughterPDG_Mu), 1);
1193 vector<int> daughterPDG_NuMu{14};
1194 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::countMissingParticle(d.m_particle, d.m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>(), daughterPDG_NuMu), 1);
1195 vector<int> daughterPDG_Nu{12, 14, 16};
1196 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::countMissingParticle(d.m_particle, d.m_particle->getRelated<MCParticle>(), daughterPDG_Nu), 1);
1197 }
1199 }
1202 TEST_F(MCMatchingTest, IsSignalBehavior)
1203 {
1204 {
1206 Decay d(511, { {313, {321, -211}}, {443, { -11, 11, 22}}});
1207 Decay* ep = &(d[1][0]);
1208 Decay* em = &(d[1][1]);
1211 d.reconstruct({511, {{313, {321, -211}}, { -11, {}, Decay::c_ReconstructFrom, ep}, {11, {}, Decay::c_ReconstructFrom, em}}});
1213 MCParticle* photon = d.getMCParticle(22);
1216 Particle* B = d.m_particle;
1218 // '=exact=>' c_Ordinary
1219 B->setProperty(Particle::PropertyFlags::c_Ordinary);
1220 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(B)) << d.getString();
1222 EXPECT_EQ(Variable::isSignal(B), 0.0) << d.getString();
1224 B->removeExtraInfo();
1226 // '=norad=>' c_IsIgnoreIntermediate
1227 B->setProperty(Particle::PropertyFlags::c_IsIgnoreIntermediate);
1228 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(B)) << d.getString();
1229 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_MissPHOTOS, MCMatching::getMCErrors(B)) << d.getString();
1230 EXPECT_EQ(Variable::isSignal(B), 0.0) << d.getString();
1232 B->removeExtraInfo();
1234 // '=direct=>' c_IsIgnoreRadiatedPhotons
1235 B->setProperty(Particle::PropertyFlags::c_IsIgnoreRadiatedPhotons);
1236 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(B)) << d.getString();
1237 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_MissingResonance, MCMatching::getMCErrors(B)) << d.getString();
1238 EXPECT_EQ(Variable::isSignal(B), 0.0) << d.getString();
1240 B->removeExtraInfo();
1242 // '->' c_IsIgnoreRadiatedPhotons and c_IsIgnoreIntermediate
1243 B->setProperty(Particle::PropertyFlags::c_IsIgnoreRadiatedPhotons | Particle::PropertyFlags::c_IsIgnoreIntermediate);
1244 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(B)) << d.getString();
1245 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_Correct, MCMatching::getMCErrors(B)) << d.getString();
1246 EXPECT_EQ(Variable::isSignal(B), 1.0) << d.getString();
1247 }
1248 }
1251 TEST_F(MCMatchingTest, MissingFlagsOfDaughters)
1252 {
1253 {
1255 Decay d(300553, { {511, { -13, 13, 321, -211, {111, {22, 22}}}}, {511, {{ -411, {321, -211, -211}}, 211}} });
1258 d.reconstruct({300553, { {511, { -13, 13, 0, 0, {0, {0, 0}}}}, {511, {{ -411, {321, -211, -211}}, 211}} } });
1260 Particle* Y4S = d.m_particle;
1261 Particle* B1 = d.m_particle->getDaughters()[0];
1262 Particle* B2 = d.m_particle->getDaughters()[1];
1264 // don't set any properties
1265 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(B1)) << d.getString();
1267 MCMatching::getMCErrors(B1)) << d.getString();
1268 EXPECT_EQ(Variable::isSignal(B1), 0.0) << d.getString();
1270 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(B2)) << d.getString();
1271 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_Correct, MCMatching::getMCErrors(B2)) << d.getString();
1272 EXPECT_EQ(Variable::isSignal(B2), 1.0) << d.getString();
1274 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(Y4S)) << d.getString();
1275 EXPECT_EQ(Y4S->getProperty(), Particle::PropertyFlags::c_Ordinary) << d.getString();
1277 MCMatching::getMCErrors(Y4S)) << d.getString();
1278 EXPECT_EQ(Variable::isSignal(Y4S), 0.0) << d.getString();
1280 }
1281 {
1283 Decay d(300553, { {511, { -13, 13, 321, -211, {111, {22, 22}}}}, {511, {{ -411, {321, -211, -211}}, 211}} });
1286 d.reconstruct({300553, { {511, { -13, 13, 0, 0, {0, {0, 0}}}}, {511, {{ -411, {321, -211, -211}}, 211}} } });
1288 Particle* Y4S = d.m_particle;
1289 Particle* B1 = d.m_particle->getDaughters()[0];
1290 Particle* B2 = d.m_particle->getDaughters()[1];
1292 int isIgnoreMissing = Particle::PropertyFlags::c_IsIgnoreRadiatedPhotons |
1293 Particle::PropertyFlags::c_IsIgnoreIntermediate |
1294 Particle::PropertyFlags::c_IsIgnoreMassive |
1295 Particle::PropertyFlags::c_IsIgnoreNeutrino |
1296 Particle::PropertyFlags::c_IsIgnoreGamma;
1298 // set missing particle properties on B1
1299 B1->setProperty(isIgnoreMissing);
1300 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(B1)) << d.getString();
1301 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_Correct, MCMatching::getMCErrors(B1)) << d.getString();
1302 EXPECT_EQ(Variable::isSignal(B1), 1.0) << d.getString();
1305 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(B2)) << d.getString();
1306 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_Correct, MCMatching::getMCErrors(B2)) << d.getString();
1307 EXPECT_EQ(Variable::isSignal(B2), 1.0) << d.getString();
1309 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(Y4S)) << d.getString();
1310 EXPECT_EQ(Y4S->getProperty(), Particle::PropertyFlags::c_Ordinary) << d.getString();
1311 EXPECT_EQ(MCMatching::c_Correct, MCMatching::getMCErrors(Y4S)) << d.getString();
1312 EXPECT_EQ(Variable::isSignal(Y4S), 1.0) << d.getString();
1314 }
1316 {
1318 Decay d(511, {{ -411, { -211, 211, -211, {111, {22, 22}}}}, 211, {113, {211, -211}}});
1321 d.reconstruct({511, {{ -411, { -211, 0, 0, {111, {22, 22}}}}, 211, {0, {0, 0}}}});
1323 Particle* B = d.m_particle;
1324 Particle* D = d.m_particle->getDaughters()[0];
1326 // don't set any properties
1328 // D missed pi+ pi- -> c_MissMassiveParticle
1329 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(D)) << d.getString();
1331 MCMatching::getMCErrors(D)) << d.getString();
1332 EXPECT_EQ(Variable::isSignal(D), 0.0) << d.getString();
1334 // B missed [rho0 -> pi+ pi-] and D's daughters -> c_MissMassiveParticle and c_MissingResonance
1335 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(B)) << d.getString();
1337 MCMatching::getMCErrors(B)) << d.getString();
1338 EXPECT_EQ(Variable::isSignal(B), 0.0) << d.getString();
1339 }
1340 {
1342 Decay d(511, {{ -411, { -211, 211, -211, {111, {22, 22}}}}, 211, {113, {211, -211}}});
1345 d.reconstruct({511, {{ -411, { -211, 0, 0, {111, {22, 22}}}}, 211, {0, {0, 0}}}});
1347 Particle* B = d.m_particle;
1348 Particle* D = d.m_particle->getDaughters()[0];
1350 int isIgnoreMissing = Particle::PropertyFlags::c_IsIgnoreIntermediate |
1351 Particle::PropertyFlags::c_IsIgnoreMassive;
1352 // set missing particle properties on B1
1353 B->setProperty(isIgnoreMissing);
1355 // D missed pi+ pi- -> c_MissMassiveParticle
1356 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(D)) << d.getString();
1358 MCMatching::getMCErrors(D)) << d.getString();
1359 EXPECT_EQ(Variable::isSignal(D), 0.0) << d.getString();
1361 // B missed [rho0 -> pi+ pi-] and D's daughters.
1362 // B should accept missing [rho0 -> pi+ pi-]. But the D's daughters are supposed to still fire the missing massive flag.
1363 // -> c_MissMassiveParticle
1364 ASSERT_TRUE(MCMatching::setMCTruth(B)) << d.getString();
1366 MCMatching::getMCErrors(B)) << d.getString();
1367 EXPECT_EQ(Variable::isSignal(B), 0.0) << d.getString();
1368 }
1370 }
1373} // namespace
int getPDGCode() const
PDG code.
Definition: Const.h:473
static const ParticleType pi0
neutral pion particle
Definition: Const.h:674
static const ChargedStable muon
muon particle
Definition: Const.h:660
static const ChargedStable pion
charged pion particle
Definition: Const.h:661
static const ParticleType Klong
K^0_L particle.
Definition: Const.h:678
static const ParticleType Kshort
K^0_S particle.
Definition: Const.h:677
static const ChargedStable kaon
charged kaon particle
Definition: Const.h:662
static const ParticleType photon
photon particle
Definition: Const.h:673
static const ChargedStable electron
electron particle
Definition: Const.h:659
static DataStore & Instance()
Instance of singleton Store.
void reset(EDurability durability)
Frees memory occupied by data store items and removes all objects from the map.
Class to represent Particle data in graph.
Class to build, validate and sort a particle decay chain.
void generateList(const std::string &name="", int options=c_setNothing)
Generates the MCParticle list and stores it in the StoreArray with the given name.
A Class to store the Monte Carlo particle information.
Definition: MCParticle.h:32
@ c_IsFSRPhoton
bit 7: Particle is from finial state radiation
Definition: MCParticle.h:61
@ c_IsPHOTOSPhoton
bit 8: Particle is an radiative photon from PHOTOS
Definition: MCParticle.h:63
@ c_PrimaryParticle
bit 0: Particle is primary particle.
Definition: MCParticle.h:47
@ c_IsISRPhoton
bit 6: Particle is from initial state radiation
Definition: MCParticle.h:59
std::vector< Belle2::MCParticle * > getDaughters() const
Get vector of all daughter particles, empty vector if none.
bool hasStatus(unsigned short int bitmask) const
Return if specific status bit is set.
Definition: MCParticle.h:129
unsigned int getStatus(unsigned short int bitmask=USHRT_MAX) const
Return status code of particle.
Definition: MCParticle.h:122
void setPDG(int pdg)
Set PDG code of the particle.
Definition: MCParticle.h:335
int getPDG() const
Return PDG code of particle.
Definition: MCParticle.h:112
void setStatus(unsigned short int status)
Set Status code for the particle.
Definition: MCParticle.h:346
Class to store reconstructed particles.
Definition: Particle.h:75
void setProperty(const int properties)
sets m_properties
Definition: Particle.h:374
bool hasExtraInfo(const std::string &name) const
Return whether the extra info with the given name is set.
EFlavorType getFlavorType() const
Returns flavor type of the decay (for FS particles: flavor type of particle)
Definition: Particle.h:469
int getPDGCode(void) const
Returns PDG code.
Definition: Particle.h:454
int getProperty() const
Returns particle property as a bit pattern The values are defined in the PropertyFlags enum and descr...
Definition: Particle.h:498
@ c_Unflavored
Is its own antiparticle or we don't know whether it is a particle/antiparticle.
Definition: Particle.h:95
@ c_Flavored
Is either particle or antiparticle.
Definition: Particle.h:96
double getExtraInfo(const std::string &name) const
Return given value if set.
T * getRelated(const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const
Get the object to or from which this object has a relation.
bool registerInDataStore(DataStore::EStoreFlags storeFlags=DataStore::c_WriteOut)
Register the object/array in the DataStore.
Accessor to arrays stored in the data store.
Definition: StoreArray.h:113
int getEntries() const
Get the number of objects in the array.
Definition: StoreArray.h:216
Type-safe access to single objects in the data store.
Definition: StoreObjPtr.h:96
void addDecay(GraphParticle &mother, GraphParticle &daughter)
Add decay information between two particles.
void clear()
Reset particles and decay information to make the class reusable.
GraphParticle & addParticle()
Add new particle to the graph.
std::string getString(const TMatrixFBase &matrix, int precision=2, bool color=true)
get HTML table representing a matrix.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
STL namespace.
static int countMissingParticle(const Belle2::Particle *particle, const Belle2::MCParticle *mcParticle, const std::vector< int > &daughterPDG)
Count the number of missing daughters of the 'particle'.
static std::string explainFlags(unsigned int flags)
Return string with all human-readable flags, e.g.
@ c_MissMassiveParticle
A generated massive FSP is missing (not reconstructed).
Definition: MCMatching.h:40
@ c_MissFSR
A Final State Radiation (FSR) photon is not reconstructed (based on MCParticle::c_IsFSRPhoton).
Definition: MCMatching.h:35
@ c_AddedWrongParticle
A non-FSP Particle has wrong PDG code, meaning one of the daughters (or their daughters) belongs to a...
Definition: MCMatching.h:43
@ c_MissNeutrino
A neutrino is missing (not reconstructed).
Definition: MCMatching.h:38
@ c_Correct
This Particle and all its daughters are perfectly reconstructed.
Definition: MCMatching.h:34
@ c_DecayInFlight
A Particle was reconstructed from the secondary decay product of the actual particle.
Definition: MCMatching.h:37
@ c_InternalError
There was an error in MC matching.
Definition: MCMatching.h:44
@ c_MissingResonance
The associated MCParticle decay contained additional non-final-state particles (e....
Definition: MCMatching.h:36
@ c_MissPHOTOS
A photon created by PHOTOS was not reconstructed (based on MCParticle::c_IsPHOTOSPhoton)
Definition: MCMatching.h:45
@ c_MissGamma
A photon (not FSR) is missing (not reconstructed).
Definition: MCMatching.h:39
@ c_MisID
One of the charged final state particles is mis-identified, i.e.
Definition: MCMatching.h:42
@ c_MissKlong
A Klong is missing (not reconstructed).
Definition: MCMatching.h:41
static bool setMCTruth(const Belle2::Particle *particle)
This is the main function of MC matching algorithm.
static int getMCErrors(const Belle2::Particle *particle, const Belle2::MCParticle *mcParticle=nullptr)
Returns quality indicator of the match as a bit pattern where the individual bits indicate the the ty...
static bool isFSR(const Belle2::MCParticle *p)
Returns true if given MCParticle is a final state radiation (FSR) photon based on MCParticle::c_IsFSR...
static const std::string c_extraInfoMCErrors
Name of extra-info field stored in Particle.
Definition: MCMatching.h:30