Belle II Software development
1#!/usr/bin/env python3
11"""Small module containing helper functions to set the metadata on objects
12created for the validation correctly """
14# std
15from typing import Optional, Union, List, Tuple
16import pathlib
18import basf2
19import ROOT
20from ROOT import Belle2
22# circumvent BII-1264
23ROOT.gInterpreter.Declare("#include <framework/utilities/MakeROOTCompatible.h>")
25# Unfortunately doxygen doesn't recognize our docstrings in this file :/
29def file_description_set(
30 rootfile: Union[ROOT.TFile, str, pathlib.PurePath], description: str
31) -> None:
32 """
33 Add file description validation metdata to a ROOT file.
35 Args:
36 rootfile (ROOT.TFile, str or pathlib.PurePath): Name of the root file
37 to open or an already open TFile instance
38 description (str): Common description/information of/about all plots
39 in this ROOT file (will be displayed above the plots)
41 Returns:
42 None
43 """
44 opened = False
45 if not isinstance(rootfile, ROOT.TFile):
46 if isinstance(rootfile, pathlib.PurePath):
47 rootfile = str(rootfile)
48 rootfile = ROOT.TFile(rootfile, "UPDATE")
49 opened = True
50 if not rootfile.IsOpen() or not rootfile.IsWritable():
51 raise RuntimeError(
52 f"ROOT file {rootfile.GetName()} is not open for writing"
53 )
54 # scope guard to avoid side effects by changing the global gDirectory
55 # in modules ...
56 # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
57 directory_guard = ROOT.TDirectory.TContext(rootfile) # noqa
58 desc = ROOT.TNamed("Description", description)
59 desc.Write()
60 if opened:
61 rootfile.Close()
64def validation_metadata_set(
65 obj: ROOT.TObject,
66 title: str,
67 contact: str,
68 description: str,
69 check: str,
70 xlabel: Optional[str] = None,
71 ylabel: Optional[str] = None,
72 metaoptions="",
73) -> None:
74 """
75 Set the validation metadata for a given object by setting the necessary
76 values. This function can be used on any object supported by the
77 Validation (histograms, profiles, ntuples)
79 Arguments:
80 obj: Instance of the object which should get the metadata
81 title (str): Title to use for the object
82 contact (str): Contact person, usually in the form "Name <email>"
83 description (str): Text description what can be seen in the plot
84 check (str): Text description what to look for in the validation for
85 shifters to easily see if the distribution looks ok
86 xlabel (str): If given try to set this as the label for the x axis
87 ylabel (str): If given try to set this as the label for the y axis
88 metaoptions (str): Metaoptions (additional options to influence the
89 comparison between revisions, styling of the plot, etc.)
91 .. warning::
93 Different ways to specify LaTeX for different arguments:
94 see `create_validation_histograms`
95 """
96 obj.SetTitle(title)
97 # For ntuples we add the metadata as aliases ...
98 try:
99 obj.SetAlias("Contact", contact)
100 obj.SetAlias("Description", description)
101 obj.SetAlias("Check", check)
102 obj.SetAlias("MetaOptions", metaoptions)
103 except AttributeError:
104 pass
105 # for TH*, TProfile we add it to the list of functions
106 try:
107 function_list = obj.GetListOfFunctions()
108 function_list.Add(ROOT.TNamed("Contact", contact))
109 function_list.Add(ROOT.TNamed("Description", description))
110 function_list.Add(ROOT.TNamed("Check", check))
111 function_list.Add(ROOT.TNamed("MetaOptions", metaoptions))
112 except AttributeError:
113 pass
115 # And maybe try to set a label on the axis
116 if xlabel is not None:
117 try:
118 obj.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xlabel)
119 except AttributeError:
120 pass
122 if ylabel is not None:
123 try:
124 obj.GetYaxis().SetTitle(ylabel)
125 except AttributeError:
126 pass
129# noinspection PyIncorrectDocstring
130def validation_metadata_update(
131 rootfile: Union[str, ROOT.TFile, pathlib.PurePath], name: str, *args, **argk
132) -> None:
133 """
134 This is a convenience helper for `validation_metadata_set` in case the
135 objects have already been saved in a ROOT file before: It will open the
136 file (or use an existing TFile), extract the object, add the metadata and
137 save the new version to the file
139 Arguments:
140 rootfile (str, ROOT.TFile or pathlib.PurePath): Name of the root file
141 to open or an already open TFile instance
142 name (str): Name of the object in the file
143 title (str): Title to use for the object
144 contact (str): Contact person, usually in the form "Name <email>"
145 description (str): Text description what can be seen in the plot
146 check (str): Text description what to look for in the validation for
147 shifters to easily see if the distribution looks ok
148 xlabel (str): If given try to set this as the label for the x axis
149 ylabel (str): If given try to set this as the label for the y axis
150 metaoptions (str): Metaoptions (additional options to influence the
151 comparison between revisions, styling of the plot, etc.)
153 .. warning::
155 Different ways to specify LaTeX for different arguments:
156 see `create_validation_histograms`
157 """
159 opened = False
160 if not isinstance(rootfile, ROOT.TFile):
161 if isinstance(rootfile, pathlib.PurePath):
162 rootfile = str(rootfile)
163 rootfile = ROOT.TFile(rootfile, "UPDATE")
164 opened = True
165 if not rootfile.IsOpen() or not rootfile.IsWritable():
166 raise RuntimeError(
167 f"ROOT file {rootfile.GetName()} is not open for writing"
168 )
169 obj = rootfile.Get(name)
170 found_obj = False
171 if not obj:
172 subdir = rootfile.GetDirectory(args[0])
173 if subdir:
174 obj = subdir.Get(name)
175 if obj:
176 found_obj = True
177 validation_metadata_set(obj, *(args[1:]), **argk)
178 subdir.WriteObject(obj, name, "Overwrite")
179 if not found_obj:
180 raise RuntimeError(
181 f"Cannot find object named {name} in {rootfile.GetName()}"
182 )
183 else:
184 validation_metadata_set(obj, *args, **argk)
185 # scope guard to avoid side effects by changing the global gDirectory
186 # in modules ...
187 # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
188 directory_guard = ROOT.TDirectory.TContext(rootfile) # noqa
189 obj.Write("", ROOT.TObject.kOverwrite)
190 if opened:
191 rootfile.Close()
194class ValidationMetadataSetter(basf2.Module):
195 """
196 Simple module to set the valdiation metadata for a given list of objects
197 automatically at the end of event processing
199 Just add this module **before** any
200 VariablesToNtuple/VariablesToHistogram modules and it will set the
201 correct validation metadata at the end of processing
203 Warning:
204 The module needs to be before the modules creating the objects
205 as terminate() functions are executed in reverse order from last to
206 first module. If this module is after the creation modules the metadata
207 might not be set correctly
208 """
210 def __init__(
211 self,
212 variables: List[Tuple[str]],
213 rootfile: Union[str, pathlib.PurePath],
214 description="",
215 ):
216 """
217 Initialize ValidationMetadataSetter
219 Arguments:
220 variables (list(tuple(str))): List of objects to set the metadata
221 for. Each entry should be the name of an object followed by the
222 metadata values which will be forwarded to
223 `validation_metadata_set`:
224 ``(name, title, contact, description, check, xlabel, ylabel,
225 metaoptions)``
226 where ``xlabel``, ``ylabel`` and ``metaoptions`` are optional
227 rootfile (str or pathlib.PurePath): The name of the ROOT file where
228 the objects can be found
229 description (str): Common description/information of/about all plots
230 in this ROOT file (will be displayed above the plots)
231 """
232 super().__init__()
234 self._variables = variables
235 if isinstance(rootfile, pathlib.PurePath):
236 rootfile = str(rootfile)
238 self._rootfile: str = rootfile
241 self._description = description
244 self._tfile: ROOT.TFile = None
246 def initialize(self):
247 """Make sure we keep the file open"""
248 self._tfile = Belle2.RootFileCreationManager.getInstance().getFile(
249 self._rootfile
250 )
252 def terminate(self):
253 """And update the metadata at the end"""
254 for name, *metadata in self._variables:
256 validation_metadata_update(self._tfile, name, *metadata)
257 if self._description:
258 file_description_set(self._tfile, self._description)
259 del self._tfile
262# End suppression of doxygen checks
263# @endcond
266def create_validation_histograms(
267 path: basf2.Path,
268 rootfile: Union[str, pathlib.PurePath],
269 particlelist: str,
270 variables_1d: Optional[List[Tuple]] = None,
271 variables_2d: Optional[List[Tuple]] = None,
272 description="",
273) -> None:
274 """
275 Create histograms for all the variables and also label them to be useful
276 in validation plots in one go. This is similar to the
277 `modularAnalysis.variablesToHistogram` function but also sets the
278 metadata correctly to be used by the validation
280 Arguments:
281 path (basf2.Path): Path where to put the modules
282 rootfile (str or pathlib.PurePath): Name of the output root file
283 particlelist (str): Name of the particle list, can be empty for event
284 dependent variables
285 variables_1d: List of 1D histogram definitions of the form
286 ``var, bins, min, max, title, contact, description, check_for
287 [, xlabel [, ylabel [, metaoptions]]]``
288 variables_2d: List of 2D histogram definitions of the form
289 ``var1, bins1, min1, max1, var2, bins2, min2, max2, title, contact,
290 description, check_for [, xlabel [, ylabel [, metaoptions]]]``
291 description: Common description/information of/about all plots in this
292 ROOT file (will be displayed above the plots)
294 .. warning::
296 Sadly, there are two different ways to specify latex formulas.
298 1. The ROOT-style using ``#``:
299 ``"Einstein-Pythagoras a^{2} + b^{2} = #frac{E}{m}"``
301 This style should be used for histogram title and labels, that is the
302 ``title``, ``xlabel`` and ``ylabel`` arguments
304 2. The normal Latex style (with escaped backslashes or raw
305 string literals):
306 ``"Einstein-Pythagoras $a^2 + b^2 = \\\\frac{E}{m}$"``.
308 This style should be used for all other fields like ``description``,
309 ``check_for``
311 You can use the normal Latex style also for histogram title and descriptions
312 but the PDF version of the plots will still be buggy and not show all
313 formulas correctly.
314 """
315 if isinstance(rootfile, pathlib.PurePath):
316 rootfile = str(rootfile)
317 histograms_1d = []
318 histograms_2d = []
319 metadata = []
320 if variables_1d is not None:
321 for var, nbins, vmin, vmax, *data in variables_1d:
322 histograms_1d.append((var, nbins, vmin, vmax))
323 metadata.append([var] + data)
325 if variables_2d is not None:
326 for row in variables_2d:
327 var1 = row[0]
328 var2 = row[4]
329 histograms_2d.append(row[:8])
330 metadata.append([var1 + var2] + list(row[8:]))
332 path.add_module(
333 ValidationMetadataSetter(metadata, rootfile, description=description)
334 )
335 path.add_module(
336 "VariablesToHistogram",
337 particleList=particlelist,
338 variables=histograms_1d,
339 variables_2d=histograms_2d,
340 fileName=rootfile,
341 )
static std::string makeROOTCompatible(std::string str)
Remove special characters that ROOT dislikes in branch names, e.g.
static RootFileCreationManager & getInstance()
Interface for the FileManager.