Belle II Software development
1#pragma link off all globals;
2#pragma link off all classes;
3#pragma link off all functions;
4#pragma link C++ nestedclasses;
6// Some dictionaries for pairs that will be needed
7#pragma link C++ class std::pair<int*,int*>+; // checksum=0x3efb1de, version=-1
8#pragma link C++ class std::pair<int*,double>+; // checksum=0x77d90b4a, version=-1
9#pragma link C++ class std::pair<std::pair<int*,double>,int*>+; // checksum=0x70ffb7b0, version=-1
11// Sentinel to trigger the dictionary generation of the StoreWrapper.
12// Other instances can be defined in other linkdef.h files.
13#pragma link C++ class Belle2::TrackFindingCDC::Relation<int, int>+; // checksum=0x4ceedc3e, version=-1
14#pragma link C++ class Belle2::TrackFindingCDC::WeightedRelation<int, int>+; // checksum=0x612ec9bc, version=-1