Belle II Software development
1#!/usr/bin/env python3
11# std
12import pprint
13from typing import Optional, List
16pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(depth=6, indent=1, width=80)
19# todo: this could be implemented so so so much easier and also it has triple
20# docstrings for everything
21class RootObject:
23 """!
24 Wraps a ROOT object (either a histogram or an n-tuple) together with the
25 available meta-information about it.
26 Storing the information in a dictionary is necessary to make the objects
27 searchable, i.e. implement a function that can return for example all
28 objects from a certain revision.
30 @var data: A dict with all information about the Root-object
31 @cvar revision: The revision to which the object belongs to
32 @var package: The package to which the object belongs to
33 @var rootfile: The root file to which the object belongs to
34 @var key: The key (more precisely: the name of the key) which the object
35 has within the root file
36 @cvar object: The root object itself
37 @var type: The type, i.e. whether its a histogram or an n-tuple
38 @cvar description: The description, what the histogram/n-tuple contains
39 @cvar check: A brief description how the histogram or the values should
40 look like
41 @var contact: A contact person for this histogram/n-tuple
42 @cvar date: The date of the object (identical with the date of its rootfile)
43 @cvar is_reference: Boolean value if it is an object from a reference file
44 or not
45 """
47 def __init__(
48 self,
49 revision: str,
50 package: str,
51 rootfile: str,
52 key: str,
53 root_object,
54 root_object_type: str,
55 date: Optional[int],
56 description: str,
57 check: str,
58 contact: str,
59 metaoptions: List[str],
60 is_reference: bool,
61 ):
62 """!
63 The constructor. Sets the element up and store the information in a
64 dict, but also sets up object variables for simplified access.
66 @param revision: The revision of the object, e.g. 'release-00-04-01'
67 @param package: The package of the object, e.g. 'analysis'
68 @param rootfile: The absolute path to the ROOT file that contains
69 this object
70 @param key: The key of the object, which is basically its name.
71 Example: 'P_Eff_k_e'. For each revision, there should be one
72 object with the same key.
73 @param root_object: The ROOT object itself. Storing works only for
74 histograms.
75 @param root_object_type: The type of the object. Possible values are
76 'TH1' (1D histogram), 'TH2' (2D histogram), and 'TNtuple'
77 @param date: The date when the containing revision folder was last
78 modified. Important to find the most recent object.
79 @param description: A short description of what is displayed in the
80 plot. May also contain LaTeX-Code (enclosed in $...$),
81 which will later be parsed by MathJax
82 @param check: A short description of how the data in the plot should
83 look like, i.e. for example the target location of a peak etc.
84 @param contact: A name or preferably an e-mail address of the person
85 who is responsible for this plot and may be contacted in case
86 of problems
87 @param metaoptions: Meta-options for the plot, e.g. 'colz' for histo-
88 grams, or log-scale for the axes, etc.
89 @param is_reference: A boolean value telling if an object is a
90 reference object or a normal plot/n-tuple object from a
91 revision. Possible Values: True for reference objects,
92 False for revision objects.
93 """
95 # A dict with all information about the Root-object
96 # Have all information as a dictionary so that we can search and
97 # filter the objects by properties
98 = {
99 "revision": revision,
100 "package": package,
101 "rootfile": rootfile,
102 "key": key,
103 "object": root_object,
104 "type": root_object_type,
105 "check": check,
106 "description": description,
107 "contact": contact,
108 "date": date,
109 "metaoptions": metaoptions,
110 "is_reference": is_reference,
111 }
113 # For convenient access, define the following properties, which are
114 # only references to the values from the dict
116 @property
117 def revision(self):
118 """ The revision to which the object belongs to """
119 return["revision"]
121 @property
122 def package(self):
123 """ The package to which the object belongs to"""
124 return["package"]
126 @property
127 def rootfile(self):
128 """ The root file to which the object belongs to"""
129 return["rootfile"]
131 @property
132 def key(self):
133 """ The key (more precisely: the name of they) which the object has
134 within the root file
135 """
136 return["key"]
138 @property
139 def object(self):
140 """ The root object itself """
141 return["object"]
143 @property
144 def type(self):
145 """ The type, i.e. whether its a histogram or an n-tuple """
146 return["type"]
148 @property
149 def description(self):
150 """ The description, what the histogram/n-tuple contains """
151 return["description"]
153 @property
154 def check(self):
155 """ A brief description how the histogram or the values should look
156 like (e.g. characteristic peaks etc.) """
157 return["check"]
159 @property
160 def contact(self):
161 """ A contact person for this histogram/n-tuple """
162 return["contact"]
164 @property
165 def date(self):
166 """ The date of the object (identical with the date of its rootfile) """
167 return["date"]
169 @property
170 def metaoptions(self):
171 """ Meta-options for the object, e.g. colz or log-scale for the axes """
172 return["metaoptions"]
174 @property
175 def is_reference(self):
176 """ Boolean value if it is an object from a reference file or not """
177 return["is_reference"]
179 def __str__(self):
180 return str(
182 def dump(self):
183 """!
184 Allows to print out all information about a RootObject to the command
185 line (for debugging purposes).
186 @return: None
187 """
188 pp.pprint(