#!/usr/bin/env python3
# basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) #
# Author: The Belle II Collaboration #
# #
# See git log for contributors and copyright holders. #
# This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see LICENSE.md. #
from string import Formatter
from pathlib import Path
import re
import json
[docs]def string(some_string):
Used to escape user strings for LaTex.
@param some_string which is escaped
@return string escaped version of some_string
return some_string.replace('\\', r'\textbackslash').replace('_', r'\_').replace('^', r'\^{}')
[docs]def variable(variable_string):
Adds hyphenations after brackets, and for common variables.
@param variable_string variable name
@return string with hyphenation hints for latex
substitutes = {
'=': r'=\allowbreak ',
'_': r'\_\allowbreak ',
':': r':\allowbreak ',
'(': r'(\allowbreak ',
'extraInfo': r'ex\-tra\-In\-fo',
'SignalProbability': r'Sig\-nal\-Prob\-a\-bil\-i\-ty',
'cosAngleBetweenMomentumAndVertexVector': r'cosAngle\-Between\-Momentum\-And\-Vertex\-Vector'}
for key, value in substitutes.items():
variable_string = variable_string.replace(key, value)
return variable_string
[docs]def decayDescriptor(decay_string):
Prettifies the given decay string by using latex-symbols instead of plain-text
@param decay_string string containing a decay descriptor
@return string latex version of the decay descriptor
decay_string = decay_string.replace(':generic', '')
decay_string = decay_string.replace(':semileptonic', '$_{SL}$')
decay_string = decay_string.replace(':FSP', '$_{FSP}$')
decay_string = decay_string.replace(':V0', '$_{V0}$')
# Note: these are applied from top to bottom, so if you have
# both B0 and anti-B0, put anti-B0 first.
substitutes = [
('==>', '$\\to$'),
('gamma', r'$\gamma$'),
('p+', r'$p$'),
('anti-p-', r'$\bar{p}$'),
('pi+', r'$\pi^+$'),
('pi-', r'$\pi^-$'),
('pi0', r'$\pi^0$'),
('K_S0', r'$K^0_S$'),
('K_L0', r'$K^0_L$'),
('mu+', r'$\mu^+$'),
('mu-', r'$\mu^-$'),
('tau+', r'$\tau^+$'),
('tau-', r'$\tau^-$'),
('nu', r'$\nu$'),
('K+', r'$K^+$'),
('K-', r'$K^-$'),
('e+', r'$e^+$'),
('e-', r'$e^-$'),
('J/psi', r'$J/\psi$'),
('anti-Lambda_c-', r'$\Lambda^{-}_{c}$'),
('anti-Sigma+', r'$\overline{\Sigma}^{+}$'),
('anti-Lambda0', r'$\overline{\Lambda}^{0}$'),
('anti-D0*', r'$\overline{D^{0*}}$'),
('anti-D*0', r'$\overline{D^{0*}}$'),
('anti-D0', r'$\overline{D^0}$'),
('anti-B0', r'$\overline{B^0}$'),
('Sigma+', r'$\Sigma^{+}$'),
('Lambda_c+', r'$\Lambda^{+}_{c}$'),
('Lambda0', r'$\Lambda^{0}$'),
('D+', r'$D^+$'),
('D-', r'$D^-$'),
('D0', r'$D^0$'),
('D*+', r'$D^{+*}$'),
('D*-', r'$D^{-*}$'),
('D*0', r'$D^{0*}$'),
('D_s+', r'$D^+_s$'),
('D_s-', r'$D^-_s$'),
('D_s*+', r'$D^{+*}_s$'),
('D_s*-', r'$D^{-*}_s$'),
('B+', r'$B^+$'),
('B-', r'$B^-$'),
('B0', r'$B^0$'),
('B_s0', r'$B^0_s$'),
('K*0', r'$K^{0*}$')]
tex_string = decay_string
for (key, value) in substitutes:
tex_string = tex_string.replace(key, value)
return f'\\texorpdfstring{{{tex_string}}}{{{string(decay_string)}}}'
[docs]def duration(seconds):
Converts a duration given in seconds into a nice latex-style duration string
@param seconds duration in seconds
@return string describing a duration in a natural format
minutes = int(seconds / 60)
hours = int(minutes / 60)
minutes %= 60
ms = int(seconds * 1000) % 1000
us = int(seconds * 1000 * 1000) % 1000
seconds = int(seconds % 60)
string = ''
if hours != 0:
string += f"{hours}h"
if minutes != 0:
string += f"{minutes}m"
if seconds != 0 and hours == 0:
string += f"{seconds}s"
if ms != 0 and hours == 0 and minutes == 0 and seconds == 0:
string += f"{ms}ms"
if us != 0 and hours == 0 and minutes == 0 and seconds == 0 and ms == 0:
string += f"{us}$\\mu$s"
if hours == 0 and minutes == 0 and seconds == 0 and ms == 0 and us == 0:
string += r'$<1\mu$s'
return string
[docs]class AttrDict:
"""Simple wrapper class to allow accessing dictionary elements via
attribute access"""
def __init__(self, content):
"""Remember the dictionary"""
#: Dictionary we want to access via attributes
self.__content = content
def __getattr__(self, key):
"""Return any dictionay element as attribute"""
return self.__content[key]