#!/usr/bin/env python3
# basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) #
# Author: The Belle II Collaboration #
# #
# See git log for contributors and copyright holders. #
# This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see LICENSE.md. #
""" Skim list building functions for the dark sector physics working group """
import basf2 as b2
import modularAnalysis as ma
import pdg
from skim import BaseSkim, fancy_skim_header
from stdCharged import stdE, stdMu, stdPi, stdK
from stdPhotons import stdPhotons
import vertex as vertex
__liaison__ = "Gaurav Sharma <gaurav@physics.iitm.ac.in>"
_VALIDATION_SAMPLE = "mdst14.root"
class SinglePhotonDark(BaseSkim):
**Physics channel**: ee → A'γ; A' → invisible
Skim list contains single photon candidates for the dark photon to invisible final
state analysis.
__authors__ = ["Sam Cunliffe", "Chris Hearty"]
__contact__ = __liaison__
__description__ = "Single photon skim list for the dark photon analysis."
__category__ = "physics, dark sector"
ApplyHLTHadronCut = False
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path):
stdPhotons("all", path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path):
# start with all photons with E* above 500 MeV in the tracking acceptance
in_tracking_acceptance = "0.296706 < theta < 2.61799" # rad = [17, 150] degrees
"gamma:singlePhoton", "gamma:all",
f"useCMSFrame(E) > 0.5 and {in_tracking_acceptance}", path=path)
# require a region-dependent minimum energy of the candidate, we have
# a new 0.5 GeV trigger in the inner barrel: [44.2, 94.8] degrees @ L1
region_dependent = " [clusterTheta < 1.65457213 and clusterTheta > 0.77143553] or "
region_dependent += "[clusterReg == 2 and useCMSFrame(E) > 1.0] or " # barrel
region_dependent += "[clusterReg == 1 and useCMSFrame(E) > 2.0] or " # fwd
region_dependent += "[clusterReg == 3 and useCMSFrame(E) > 2.0] or " # bwd
region_dependent += "[clusterReg == 11 and useCMSFrame(E) > 2.0] or " # between fwd and barrel
region_dependent += "[clusterReg == 13 and useCMSFrame(E) > 2.0]" # between bwd and barrel
ma.applyCuts("gamma:singlePhoton", region_dependent, path=path)
# require only one single photon candidate and no good tracks in the event
good_tracks = 'abs(dz) < 2.0 and abs(dr) < 0.5 and pt > 0.15' # cm, cm, GeV/c
path = self.skim_event_cuts(
f"nParticlesInList(gamma:singlePhoton) == 1 and nCleanedTracks({good_tracks}) == 0",
# check the second-most-energetic photon (above 550 MeV is unlikely to
# be beam-induced background) and veto if it's in time with our signal
# candidate -- do after the event cuts since it uses a ParticleCombiner
# and should not be done for all events (save event-processing time)
not_in_signal_list = "isInList(gamma:singlePhoton) < 1"
in_time = "maxWeightedDistanceFromAverageECLTime < 1"
ma.cutAndCopyList("gamma:to_veto", "gamma:all",
f"E > 0.55 and {not_in_signal_list}", path=path)
ma.rankByHighest("gamma:to_veto", "E", numBest=1, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("vpho:veto -> gamma:singlePhoton gamma:to_veto",
in_time, path=path)
veto_additional_in_time_cluster = 'nParticlesInList(vpho:veto) < 1'
# final signal selection must pass the 'in-time' veto on the
# second-most-energetic cluster -- this is also an event cut, but apply
# to the list (which is anyway a maximum one candidate per event) since
# we can only call skim_event_cuts once
ma.applyCuts("gamma:singlePhoton", veto_additional_in_time_cluster, path=path)
return ["gamma:singlePhoton"]
class ALP3Gamma(BaseSkim):
__authors__ = ["Michael De Nuccio"]
__description__ = (
"Neutral dark sector skim list for the ALP 3-photon analysis: "
":math:`ee\\to a(\\to\\gamma\\gamma)\\gamma`"
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, dark sector"
ApplyHLTHadronCut = False
[docs] def addALPToPDG(self):
"""Adds the ALP codes to the basf2 pdg instance """
pdg.add_particle('beam', 55, 999., 999., 0, 0)
pdg.add_particle('ALP', 9000006, 999., 999., 0, 0)
[docs] def initialALP(self, path):
An list builder function for the ALP decays. Part of the `ALP3Gamma` skim.
path (basf2.Path): the path to add the skim
list name of the ALP decays candidates
# no cuts applied on ALP
ALPcuts = ''
# applying a lab frame energy cut to the daughter photons
'E >= 0.1 and theta >= 0.297 and theta <= 2.618',
True, path=path)
# defining the decay string
ALPchannels = ['gamma:cdcAndMinimumEnergy gamma:cdcAndMinimumEnergy']
ALPList = []
# creating an ALP from the daughter photons
for chID, channel in enumerate(ALPchannels):
mode = 'ALP:' + str(chID) + ' -> ' + channel
ma.reconstructDecay(mode, ALPcuts, chID, path=path)
ALPList.append('ALP:' + str(chID))
Lists = ALPList
return Lists
[docs] def additional_setup(self, path):
[docs] def build_lists(self, path):
# applying invariant mass cut on the beam particle
beamcuts = "InvM >= formula(0.8 * Ecms) and InvM <= formula(1.05 * Ecms) and maxWeightedDistanceFromAverageECLTime <= 2"
ALPList = self.initialALP(path=path)
# applying a lab frame energy cut to the recoil photon
ma.fillParticleList("gamma:minimumEnergy", "E >= 0.1", True, path=path)
beamList = []
# reconstructing decay using the reconstructed ALP
# from previous function and adding the recoil photon
for chID, channel in enumerate(ALPList):
mode = "beam:" + str(chID) + " -> gamma:minimumEnergy " + channel
ma.reconstructDecay(mode, beamcuts, chID, path=path)
beamList.append("beam:" + str(chID))
return beamList
class DimuonPlusMissingEnergy(BaseSkim):
**Physics channel**: :math:`e^{+}e^{-} \\to \\mu^{+}\\mu^{-} \\, +` missing energy.
__authors__ = ["Giacomo De Pietro"]
__description__ = (
"Dimuon + missing energy skim, needed for :math:`e^{+}e^{-} \\to \\mu^{+}\\mu^{-}"
"Z^{\\prime}; \\, Z^{\\prime} \\to \\mathrm{invisible}` and other searches."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, dark sector"
ApplyHLTHadronCut = False
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path):
stdMu("all", path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path):
dimuon_list = []
skim_label = "forDimuonMissingEnergySkim"
dimuon_name = "Z0:" + skim_label
# Define some cuts
fromIP_cut = "[abs(dz) < 5.0] and [abs(dr) < 2.0]"
muonID_cut = "[muonID > 0.3]"
# We want exactly 2 tracks from IP
dimuon_cut = "[nCleanedTracks(" + fromIP_cut + ") < 4]"
# And the pair must have pt > 200 MeV in CMS frame
dimuon_cut += " and [useCMSFrame(pt) > 0.2]"
# Reconstruct the dimuon candidate
ma.cutAndCopyList("mu+:" + skim_label, "mu+:all", fromIP_cut + " and " + muonID_cut, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay(dimuon_name + " -> mu+:" + skim_label + " mu-:" + skim_label, dimuon_cut, path=path)
# And return the dimuon list
return dimuon_list
class ElectronMuonPlusMissingEnergy(BaseSkim):
__authors__ = ["Giacomo De Pietro"]
__description__ = (
"Electron-muon pair + missing energy skim, needed for :math:`e^{+}e^{-} \\to "
"e^{\\pm}\\mu^{\\mp} Z^{\\prime}; \\, Z^{\\prime} \\to \\mathrm{invisible}` and other "
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, dark sector"
ApplyHLTHadronCut = False
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path):
stdE("all", path=path)
stdMu("all", path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path):
**Physics channel**: :math:`e^{+}e^{-} \\to e^{\\pm}\\mu^{\\mp} \\, +` missing energy
emu_list = []
skim_label = "forElectronMuonMissingEnergySkim"
emu_name = "Z0:" + skim_label
# Define some basic cuts
fromIP_cut = "[abs(dz) < 5.0] and [abs(dr) < 2.0]"
electronID_cut = "[electronID > 0.3]"
muonID_cut = "[muonID > 0.3]"
# We require that the electron points to the barrel ECL + 10 degrees
theta_cut = "[0.387 < theta < 2.421]"
# We want exactly 2 tracks from IP
emu_cut = "[nCleanedTracks(" + fromIP_cut + ") < 4]"
# And the pair must have pt > 200 MeV in CMS frame
emu_cut += " and [useCMSFrame(pt) > 0.2]"
# Reconstruct the dimuon candidate
ma.cutAndCopyList("e+:" + skim_label, "e+:all", fromIP_cut + " and " + electronID_cut + " and " + theta_cut, path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList("mu+:" + skim_label, "mu+:all", fromIP_cut + " and " + muonID_cut, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay(emu_name + " -> e+:" + skim_label + " mu-:" + skim_label, emu_cut, path=path)
# And return the dimuon list
return emu_list
class LFVZpVisible(BaseSkim):
__authors__ = ["Ilya Komarov and Luigi Corona"]
__description__ = "Lepton flavour violating Z' skim, Z' to visible FS."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, dark sector"
ApplyHLTHadronCut = False
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path):
stdE("all", path=path)
stdMu("all", path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path):
**Physics channel**: ee --> e mu Z'; Z' --> e mu
lfvzp_list = []
# Here we just want four gpood tracks to be reconstructed
track_cuts = "abs(dz) < 2.0 and abs(dr) < 0.5"
electron_id_cut = "electronID > 0.2"
muon_id_cut = "muonID > 0.2"
ma.cutAndCopyList("e+:lfvzp", "e+:all", f"[{track_cuts} and {electron_id_cut}]", path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList("mu+:lfvzp", "mu+:all", f"[{track_cuts} and {muon_id_cut}]", path=path)
nParticlesInList_selection = "formula(nParticlesInList(mu+:lfvzp) + nParticlesInList(e+:lfvzp)) > 1"
Event_cuts_vis = f"[nCleanedTracks({track_cuts}) == 4 and {nParticlesInList_selection}]"
# Z' to lfv: fully reconstructed
LFVZpVisChannel = "e+:lfvzp mu+:lfvzp e-:all mu-:all"
ma.reconstructDecay(f"vpho:vislfvzp -> {LFVZpVisChannel}", Event_cuts_vis, path=path)
LFVZpVisChannel = "e+:lfvzp mu+:lfvzp e+:all mu+:all"
# Z' to lfv: part reco
ma.reconstructDecay(f"vpho:ecv_vislfvzp -> {LFVZpVisChannel}", Event_cuts_vis, path=path, allowChargeViolation=True)
return lfvzp_list
class EGammaControlDark(BaseSkim):
**Physics channel**: ee → eγ
__authors__ = ["Sam Cunliffe", "Torben Ferber"]
__description__ = (
"Electron-gamma skim list for study of the ee backgrounds at high dark "
"photon mass, as part of the dark photon analysis"
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, dark sector, control-channel"
ApplyHLTHadronCut = False
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path):
stdPhotons("all", path=path)
stdE("all", path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path):
# long-winded names for the particle lists to avoid clash
internal_skim_label = "forEGammaSkim"
skim_output_label = "EGammaControl"
# want exactly 1 good quality track in the event
# (not one good electron, one good anything)
phys_perf_good_track = 'abs(dr) < 1 and abs(dz) < 3 and pt > 0.15' # cm, cm, GeV/c
one_good_track = f'[nCleanedTracks({phys_perf_good_track}) == 1]'
# exactly 1 good photon in the event
photon_energy_cut = '0.45'
good_photon = 'theta > 0.296706 and theta < 2.61799' +\
f' and useCMSFrame(E) > {photon_energy_cut}'
ma.cutAndCopyList(f'gamma:{internal_skim_label}', 'gamma:all', good_photon, path=path)
one_good_photon = f'[eventCached(nParticlesInList(gamma:{internal_skim_label})) == 1]'
# apply the event-level cuts
event_cuts = f'{one_good_photon} and {one_good_track}'
path = self.skim_event_cuts(event_cuts, path=path)
# fill electron lists (tighter than previous selection)
good_track_w_hie_cluster_match = f'{phys_perf_good_track} and clusterE > 2.0'
ma.cutAndCopyList(f'e+:{internal_skim_label}', 'e+:all', good_track_w_hie_cluster_match, path=path)
# reconstruct decay
f'vpho:{skim_output_label} -> e+:{internal_skim_label} gamma:{internal_skim_label}',
'', 1, allowChargeViolation=True, path=path)
return [f"vpho:{skim_output_label}"]
class GammaGammaControlKLMDark(BaseSkim):
**Physics channel**: ee → γγ
.. Note::
This skim can retain a lot of γγ events.
In case this becomes unacceptable, we provide prescale parameters.
Prescales are given in standard trigger convention (reciprocal),
so prescale of 100 is 1% of events kept, etc.
.. Tip::
To prescale the higher-energy probe photons by 10%:
>>> from skim.WGs.dark import GammaGammaControlKLMDark
>>> Skim = GammaGammaControlKLMDark(prescale_high=10)
>>> Skim(path) # Add list-building function and uDST output module to path
>>> b2.process(path)
__authors__ = ["Sam Cunliffe", "Miho Wakai"]
__description__ = (
"Gamma gamma skim list for study of the KLM efficiency as part of "
"the dark photon analysis"
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, dark sector, control-channel"
ApplyHLTHadronCut = False
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path):
stdPhotons("all", path=path)
TestSampleProcess = "gg"
def __init__(self, prescale_high=1, prescale_low=1, **kwargs):
prescale_high (int): the prescale for more energetic probe photon
prescale_low (int): the prescale for a less energetic probe photon
**kwargs: Passed to constructor of `BaseSkim`.
# Redefine __init__ to allow for additional optional arguments
self.prescale_high = prescale_high
self.prescale_low = prescale_low
[docs] def build_lists(self, path):
# unpack prescales and convert from trigger convention to a number we can
# compare with a float
prescale_high, prescale_low = self.prescale_high, self.prescale_low
if (prescale_high, prescale_low) != (1, 1):
"GammaGammaControlKLMDarkList is prescaled. "
f"prescale_high={prescale_high}, prescale_low={prescale_low}"
prescale_high = str(float(1.0 / prescale_high))
prescale_low = str(float(1.0 / prescale_low))
# no good (IP-originating) tracks in the event
good_tracks = "abs(dz) < 2.0 and abs(dr) < 0.5 and pt > 0.2" # cm, cm, GeV/c
no_good_tracks = f"nCleanedTracks({good_tracks}) < 1"
# get two most energetic photons in the event (must be at least 100 MeV
# and not more than 7 GeV)
"gamma:controlKLM", "gamma:all", "0.1 < useCMSFrame(clusterE) < 7", path=path)
ma.rankByHighest("gamma:controlKLM", "useCMSFrame(clusterE)", numBest=2, path=path)
# will build pairwise candidates from the gamma:controlKLM list:
# vpho -> gamma gamma
# the more energetic must be at least 4.5 GeV
tag_daughter = "daughterHighest(useCMSFrame(clusterE)) > 4.5"
# note that sometimes the probe will also fulfill this criteria, but the
# candidate list will *not* be double-counted: these extra candidates need
# to be added back offline
# apply prescales to the less energetic daughter: compare to the eventwise random number
probe_high = f"[daughterLowest(useCMSFrame(clusterE)) > 4.5] and [eventRandom < {prescale_high}]"
probe_low = f"[daughterLowest(useCMSFrame(clusterE)) < 4.5] and [eventRandom < {prescale_low}]"
prescale = f"[ {probe_high} ] or [ {probe_low} ]"
# ~back-to-back in phi in the CMS (3.1066... radians = 178 degrees)
delta_phi_cut = "abs(daughterDiffOfPhiCMS(0, 1)) > 3.1066860685499065"
# sum theta in the cms 178 --> 182 degrees
sum_th = "daughterSumOf(useCMSFrame(theta))"
sum_th_cut = f"3.1066860685499065 < {sum_th} < 3.1764992386296798"
# now build and return the candidates passing the AND of our cuts
cuts = [no_good_tracks, tag_daughter, prescale, delta_phi_cut, sum_th_cut]
cuts = " and ".join([f"[ {cut} ]" for cut in cuts])
"vpho:singlePhotonControlKLM -> gamma:controlKLM gamma:controlKLM",
cuts, path=path)
return ["vpho:singlePhotonControlKLM"]
class DielectronPlusMissingEnergy(BaseSkim):
**Physics channel**: :math:`e^{+}e^{-} \\to e^{+}e^{-}`
This skim is currently deactivated, since the retention rate is too high.
__authors__ = "Giacomo De Pietro"
__description__ = (
"Dielectron skim, needed for :math:`e^{+}e^{-} \\to A^{\\prime} h^{\\prime};`"
":math:`A^{\\prime} \\to e^{+}e^{-}; \\, h^{\\prime} \\to \\mathrm{invisible}` and other searches."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, dark sector"
ApplyHLTHadronCut = False
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path):
stdE("all", path=path)
TestSampleProcess = "mumu"
[docs] def build_lists(self, path):
dielectron_list = []
skim_label = "forDielectronMissingEnergySkim"
dielectron_name = f"Z0:{skim_label}"
# Define some basic cuts
fromIP_cut = "[abs(dz) < 5.0] and [abs(dr) < 2.0]"
electronID_cut = "[electronID > 0.2]"
# We require that the electron points to the barrel ECL + 10 degrees
theta_cut = "[0.387 < theta < 2.421]"
# We want exactly 2 tracks from IP
dielectron_cut = f"[nCleanedTracks({fromIP_cut}) == 2]"
# And the pair must have pt > 200 MeV in CMS frame
dielectron_cut += " and [useCMSFrame(pt) > 0.2]"
# Reconstruct the dielectron candidate
electron_cuts = " and ".join([fromIP_cut, electronID_cut, theta_cut])
ma.cutAndCopyList(f"e+:{skim_label}", "e+:all", electron_cuts, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay(f"{dielectron_name} -> e+:{skim_label} e-:{skim_label}", dielectron_cut, path=path)
# And return the dielectron list
return dielectron_list
class RadBhabhaV0Control(BaseSkim):
Control sample: :math:`e^{+}e^{-} \\to e^{+}e^{-}V^{0};`"
__authors__ = "Savino Longo"
__description__ = (
"iDM control sample skim. :math:`e^{+}e^{-} \\to e^{+}e^{-}V^{0};`"
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, dark sector"
ApplyHLTHadronCut = False
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path):
stdPhotons("all", path=path)
stdE("all", path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path):
# require Bhabha tracks are high p and E/p is consitent with e+/e-
BhabhaTrackCuts = 'abs(dr)<0.5 and abs(dz)<2 and pt>0.2 and 0.8<clusterEoP<1.2 and p>1.0 and clusterReg==2 and nCDCHits>4'
BhabhaSystemCuts = '4<M<10 and 0.5<pRecoilTheta<2.25'
V0TrackCuts = 'nCDCHits>4 and p<3.0'
V0Cuts = 'dr>0.5'
PhotonVetoCuts = 'p>1.0' # event should have no high E photons
ma.cutAndCopyList("gamma:HighEGammaVeto", "gamma:all", PhotonVetoCuts, path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList("e+:BhabhaTrack", "e+:all", BhabhaTrackCuts, path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList("e+:V0Track", "e+:all", V0TrackCuts, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("vpho:BhabhaSysyem -> e+:BhabhaTrack e-:BhabhaTrack", BhabhaSystemCuts, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("vpho:V0System -> e+:V0Track e-:V0Track", '', path=path)
vertex.treeFit('vpho:V0System', conf_level=0.0, path=path)
ma.applyCuts('vpho:V0System', V0Cuts, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay('vpho:Total -> vpho:BhabhaSysyem vpho:V0System', '', path=path)
eventCuts = ('nParticlesInList(gamma:HighEGammaVeto)<1 and '
path = self.skim_event_cuts(eventCuts, path=path)
return ["vpho:Total"]
class InelasticDarkMatter(BaseSkim):
Skim list contains events with no tracks from IP, no high E tracks and only one high E photon.
__authors__ = ["Savino Longo"]
__contact__ = __liaison__
__description__ = "iDM list for the iDM analysis."
__category__ = "physics, dark sector"
ApplyHLTHadronCut = False
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path):
stdPhotons("all", path=path)
stdE("all", path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path):
IPtrack = 'abs(dr) < 0.05' # cm
HighEtrack = 'useCMSFrame(p)>3.0' # GeV
ma.cutAndCopyList("e+:TrackFromIP", "e+:all", IPtrack, path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList("e+:HighEnergyTrack", "e+:all", HighEtrack, path=path)
signalPhoton = "[clusterReg==2 and useCMSFrame(E) > 1.0] or "
signalPhoton += "[clusterReg == 1 and useCMSFrame(E) > 2.0] or " # fwd
signalPhoton += "[clusterReg == 3 and useCMSFrame(E) > 2.0] or " # bwd
signalPhoton += "[clusterReg == 11 and useCMSFrame(E) > 2.0] or " # between fwd and barrel
signalPhoton += "[clusterReg == 13 and useCMSFrame(E) > 2.0] " # between bwd and barrel
photonVetoHE1 = 'useCMSFrame(p) > 0.6'
photonVetoHE3 = 'p>0.5'
ma.cutAndCopyList("gamma:ISR", "gamma:all", signalPhoton, path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList("gamma:HighEnergyPhotons", "gamma:all", photonVetoHE1, path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList("gamma:MediumEnergyPhotons", "gamma:all", photonVetoHE3, path=path)
idmEventCuts = ('nParticlesInList(gamma:ISR)==1 and '
'nParticlesInList(e+:TrackFromIP)==0 and '
'nParticlesInList(e+:HighEnergyTrack) == 0 and '
'nParticlesInList(gamma:HighEnergyPhotons) == 1 and '
'nParticlesInList(gamma:MediumEnergyPhotons) < 4 and '
'HighLevelTrigger == 1')
path = self.skim_event_cuts(idmEventCuts, path=path)
return ['gamma:ISR']
class BtoKplusLLP(BaseSkim):
Skim to select B+ decays to a K+ from the IP and a LLP with a vertex displaced from the IR decaying to two charged tracks.
__authors__ = ["Sascha Dreyer"]
__contact__ = __liaison__
__description__ = (
"B+ to K+ LLP analysis skim :math:`e^{+}e^{-} \\to \\Upsilon(4s) \\to [B^{+} \\to K^{+} LLP]B^{-}`"
__category__ = "physics, dark sector"
ApplyHLTHadronCut = False
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path):
stdPi("all", path=path)
stdK("all", path=path)
stdE("all", path=path)
stdMu("all", path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path):
btoksLbl = '_btoks'
minDisplacementCut = "[dr > 0.05]"
ma.reconstructDecay("vpho:LLP_e" + btoksLbl + " -> e+:all e-:all", "", path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("vpho:LLP_mu" + btoksLbl + " -> mu+:all mu-:all", "", path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("vpho:LLP_pi" + btoksLbl + " -> pi+:all pi-:all", "", path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("vpho:LLP_K" + btoksLbl + " -> K+:all K-:all", "", path=path)
ma.copyLists(outputListName="vpho:LLP" + btoksLbl,
inputListNames=["vpho:LLP_e" + btoksLbl, "vpho:LLP_mu" + btoksLbl,
"vpho:LLP_pi" + btoksLbl, "vpho:LLP_K" + btoksLbl],
vertex.treeFit("vpho:LLP" + btoksLbl, conf_level=0, updateAllDaughters=True, path=path)
ma.applyCuts("vpho:LLP" + btoksLbl, minDisplacementCut, path=path)
ipKaon = "[pt > 0.1] and [abs(dr) < 0.5] and [abs(dz) < 2.0]"
ma.cutAndCopyList("K+:TrackFromIP" + btoksLbl, "K+:all", ipKaon, path=path)
kinematicCuts = "[Mbc > 5.20] and [abs(deltaE) < 0.25]"
ma.reconstructDecay("B+:b" + btoksLbl + " -> K+:TrackFromIP" + btoksLbl + " vpho:LLP" + btoksLbl,
kinematicCuts, path=path)
return ["B+:b" + btoksLbl]
class InelasticDarkMatterWithDarkHiggs(BaseSkim):
Skim list contains events with at least one displaced vertex and no additional unused tracks from the IP.
__authors__ = ["Patrick Ecker"]
__contact__ = __liaison__
__description__ = "Skim for the inelastic Dark Matter with a Dark Higgs analysis."
__category__ = "physics, dark sector"
ApplyHLTHadronCut = False
[docs] def addParticlesToPDG(self):
"""Adds the particle codes to the basf2 pdg instance """
pdg.add_particle("chi2", 52, 0, 0, 0, 0)
# Abstract beam object to combine the two vertices (particles)
pdg.add_particle("beam", 9999, 0, 0, 0, 0)
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path):
stdE("all", path=path)
stdMu("all", path=path)
[docs] def additional_setup(self, path):
[docs] def build_lists(self, path):
skim_str = "InelasticDarkMatterWithDarkHiggs"
n_track_event_cut = "[nCleanedTracks([thetaInCDCAcceptance] and [dr < 0.5] and [abs(dz) < 2]) < 5]"
track_requirements = "[formula(nPXDHits + nSVDHits + nCDCHits) > 20]"
f"[{track_requirements} and {n_track_event_cut}]",
f"[{track_requirements} and {n_track_event_cut}]",
decayString=f"A0:{skim_str} -> mu+:{skim_str} mu-:{skim_str}",
cut="chiProb > 0.001",
decayString=f"chi2:{skim_str} -> e+:{skim_str} e-:{skim_str}",
cut="chiProb > 0.001",
dr_cut = "[daughter(0, distance) > 0.05] or [daughter(1, distance) > 0.05]"
decayString=f"beam:{skim_str} -> A0:{skim_str} chi2:{skim_str}",
"thetaInCDCAcceptance and dr < 0.5 and abs(dz) < 2",
"[clusterNHits>1.5] and [0.2967< clusterTheta<2.6180] and [[clusterReg==1 and E>0.08]" +
"or [clusterReg==2 and E>0.07] or [clusterReg==3 and E>0.1]] and [abs(clusterTiming) < 200]")],
cut="roeNeextra(std_roe) < 2.0",
return [f"beam:{skim_str}"]
class AA2uuuu(BaseSkim):
Searching the dark sector through U(1) kinetic mixing.
Reconstructed 2 muons to a dark photon.
__description__ = ":math:`ee\\to A^{\\prime}A^{\\prime}\\nu_{D}\\nu_{D}\\to \\mu\\mu\\mu\\mu`"
__category__ = "physics, dark sector"
__authors__ = ["Chanyoung LEE"]
__contact__ = __liaison__
ApplyHLTHadronCut = False
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path):
stdMu("all", path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path):
muon_cuts = """[0.8 < muonID_noSVD]
and [inKLMAcceptance == 1]
and [inCDCAcceptance == 1] and [4 < nCDCHits]"""
track_cuts = "[dr < 0.5] and [abs(dz) < 2]"
path = self.skim_event_cuts(f"4 <= nCleanedTracks({track_cuts}) <= 6", path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList("mu+:accepted", "mu+:all", muon_cuts, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString="vpho:rec -> mu+:accepted mu-:accepted", cut="", path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString="Upsilon(4S):rec -> vpho:rec vpho:rec", cut="", path=path)
return ["Upsilon(4S):rec"]
class DimuonPlusVisibleDarkHiggs(BaseSkim):
**Physics channel**: e+e- -> A'h', A'-> mu+mu-, hp -> tr+tr-
Skim list contains candidates for the visible dark Higgs produced in association with a a prompt muon-pair.
__authors__ = ["Luigi Corona"]
__contact__ = __liaison__
__description__ = "Skim for the visible dark higgs analysis"
__category__ = "physics, dark sector"
ApplyHLTHadronCut = False
[docs] def addParticlesToPDG(self):
"""Adds the particle codes to the basf2 pdg instance """
pdg.add_particle('Ap', 1802060053, 999., 999., 0, 2)
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path):
stdPi("all", path=path)
stdMu("all", path=path)
[docs] def additional_setup(self, path):
[docs] def build_lists(self, path):
skim_str = 'skimDimuonPlusVisibleDarkHiggs'
darkPhoton_str = 'darkPhoton'
track_selection = '[abs(dr) < 0.5] and [abs(dz) < 2]'
muon_pid_selection = '[muonID > 0.2]'
f"[{track_selection} and {muon_pid_selection}]",
decayString=f'Ap:{skim_str} -> mu+:{darkPhoton_str} mu-:{darkPhoton_str}',
ma.reconstructRecoil(f'Ap:recoil -> Ap:{skim_str}',
decayString=f'A0:{skim_str} -> pi+:all pi-:all',
mrecoil_cut = "[daughter(0, mRecoil) < 8.5]"
decayString=f'vpho:{skim_str} -> Ap:{skim_str} A0:{skim_str}',
return [f'vpho:{skim_str}']
class DielectronPlusVisibleDarkHiggs(BaseSkim):
**Physics channel**: e+e- -> A'h', A'-> e+e-, hp -> tr+tr-
Skim list contains candidates for the visible dark Higgs produced in association with a prompt electron-pair.
__authors__ = ["Luigi Corona"]
__contact__ = __liaison__
__description__ = "Skim for the visible dark higgs analysis"
__category__ = "physics, dark sector"
ApplyHLTHadronCut = False
[docs] def addParticlesToPDG(self):
"""Adds the particle codes to the basf2 pdg instance """
pdg.add_particle('ap', 1802070053, 999., 999., 0, 2)
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path):
stdPi("all", path=path)
stdE("all", path=path)
[docs] def additional_setup(self, path):
[docs] def build_lists(self, path):
skim_str = 'skimDielectronPlusVisibleDarkHiggs'
darkPhoton_str = 'darkPhoton'
track_selection = '[abs(dr) < 0.5] and [abs(dz) < 2]'
electron_pid_selection = '[electronID > 0.2]'
f"[{track_selection} and {electron_pid_selection}]",
decayString=f'ap:{skim_str} -> e+:{darkPhoton_str} e-:{darkPhoton_str}',
ma.reconstructRecoil(f'ap:recoil -> ap:{skim_str}',
decayString=f'A0:{skim_str} -> pi+:all pi-:all',
mrecoil_cut = "[daughter(0, mRecoil) < 8.5]"
decayString=f'vpho:{skim_str} -> ap:{skim_str} A0:{skim_str}',
return [f'vpho:{skim_str}']