Belle II Software light-2406-ragdoll
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
9#pragma once
10#include <framework/gearbox/Const.h>
11#include <framework/datastore/StoreArray.h>
12#include <mdst/dataobjects/Track.h>
13#include <mdst/dataobjects/ECLCluster.h>
14#include <analysis/dataobjects/Particle.h>
15#include <analysis/DecayDescriptor/DecayDescriptor.h>
16#include <analysis/DecayDescriptor/DecayDescriptorParticle.h>
17#include <TMatrixFSym.h>
19#include <string>
20namespace TestUtilities {
28 public:
41 const Belle2::Particle* produceParticle(const std::string& decayString, const ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector& momentum,
42 const ROOT::Math::XYZVector& vertex)
43 {
44 Belle2::DecayDescriptor* decaydescriptor = new Belle2::DecayDescriptor();
45 bool isString = decaydescriptor->init(decayString);
46 if (!isString) {
47 B2INFO("Decay string is not defined: " << decayString);
48 delete decaydescriptor;
49 return nullptr;
50 }
51 std::vector<std::string> strNames = decaydescriptor->getSelectionNames();
52 for (auto& name : strNames) {
53 B2INFO("Creation of particle: " << name);
54 }
55 // Recursive function
56 auto* result = createParticle(decaydescriptor, momentum, vertex);
57 delete decaydescriptor;
58 return result;
59 };
65 {
66 int pdg = abs(particleDescription->getPDGCode());
67 if (pdg == Belle2::Const::pion.getPDGCode() || pdg == Belle2::Const::electron.getPDGCode()
68 || pdg == Belle2::Const::kaon.getPDGCode() || pdg == Belle2::Const::muon.getPDGCode()
69 || pdg == Belle2::Const::proton.getPDGCode()) {
70 return Belle2::Particle::EParticleSourceObject::c_Track;
71 }
72 if (pdg == Belle2::Const::photon.getPDGCode()) {
73 return Belle2::Particle::EParticleSourceObject::c_ECLCluster;
74 }
75 return Belle2::Particle::EParticleSourceObject::c_Composite;
76 }
81 const Belle2::Particle* createParticle(const Belle2::DecayDescriptor* particleDescriptor, const ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector& momentum,
82 const ROOT::Math::XYZVector& vertex)
83 {
84 Belle2::Particle::EParticleSourceObject type = getType(particleDescriptor->getMother());
85 if (type == Belle2::Particle::EParticleSourceObject::c_Track) {
86 return createCharged(particleDescriptor, momentum, vertex);
87 }
88 if (type == Belle2::Particle::EParticleSourceObject::c_ECLCluster) {
89 return createPhoton(momentum);
90 }
92 //Create composite particle:
93 auto* motherDescriptor = particleDescriptor->getMother();
94 B2INFO("Mother PDG: " << motherDescriptor->getPDGCode() << " selected: " << motherDescriptor->isSelected() << " name: " <<
95 motherDescriptor->getNameSimple());
96 unsigned int nDaughters = particleDescriptor->getNDaughters();
97 Belle2::Particle mother(momentum, motherDescriptor->getPDGCode());
98 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nDaughters; i++) {
99 auto* daughter = particleDescriptor->getDaughter(i)->getMother();
100 B2INFO("\tDaughter PDG: " << daughter->getPDGCode() << " selected: " << daughter->isSelected() << " name: " <<
101 daughter->getNameSimple());
102 auto* daughterParticle = createParticle(particleDescriptor->getDaughter(i), momentum, vertex);
103 mother.appendDaughter(daughterParticle);
104 }
105 auto* result = myParticles.appendNew(mother);
106 return result;
107 };
112 const Belle2::Particle* createPhoton(const ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector& momentum)
113 {
116 Belle2::ECLCluster myECL;
117 myECL.setIsTrack(false);
118 //TRandom3 generator;
120 myECL.setEnergy(momentum.E());
122 //This is necessary to avoid isCopyOf == true for Belle2::ECLClusters:
124 Belle2::ECLCluster* savedECL = myECLClusters.appendNew(myECL);
126 Belle2::Particle p(savedECL);
127 Belle2::Particle* part = myParticles.appendNew(p);
128 B2INFO("\tParticle PDG: " << part->getPDGCode() << " charge: " << part->getCharge() << " momentum: " <<
129 part->getMomentumMagnitude() << " index: " << part->getArrayIndex() << " eclindex: " << part->getECLCluster()->getArrayIndex()
130 << " theta: " << part->getECLCluster()->getTheta());
131 return part;
132 }
138 const Belle2::Particle* createCharged(const Belle2::DecayDescriptor* particleDescriptor, const ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector& momentum,
139 const ROOT::Math::XYZVector& vertex)
140 {
141 auto* particleDescription = particleDescriptor->getMother();
142 ROOT::Math::XYZVector tmomentum(momentum.X(), momentum.Y(), momentum.Z());
143 const float pValue = 0.5;
144 const float bField = 1.5;
145 TMatrixDSym cov6(6);
146 int chargefactor = (abs(particleDescription->getPDGCode()) == Belle2::Const::electron.getPDGCode()
147 || abs(particleDescription->getPDGCode()) == Belle2::Const::muon.getPDGCode()) ? -1 : 1;
148 const int charge = (particleDescription->getPDGCode()) / abs(particleDescription->getPDGCode()) * chargefactor;
149 unsigned long long int CDCValue = static_cast<unsigned long long int>(0x300000000000000);
152 myTrackFits.appendNew(vertex, tmomentum, cov6, charge, Belle2::Const::ChargedStable(abs(particleDescription->getPDGCode())), pValue,
153 bField,
154 CDCValue, 16777215, 0);
155 Belle2::Track mytrack;
157 mytrack.setTrackFitResultIndex(Belle2::Const::ChargedStable(abs(particleDescription->getPDGCode())), myTrackFits.getEntries() - 1);
158 Belle2::Track* savedTrack = myTracks.appendNew(mytrack);
159 Belle2::Particle* part = myParticles.appendNew(savedTrack, Belle2::Const::ChargedStable(abs(particleDescription->getPDGCode())));
160 B2INFO("\tParticle PDG: " << part->getPDGCode() << " charge: " << part->getCharge() << " charge: " << charge << " momentum: " <<
161 part->getMomentumMagnitude() << " index: " << part->getArrayIndex());
162 return part;
163 }
165 private:
167 };
Provides a type-safe way to pass members of the chargedStableSet set.
Definition: Const.h:589
int getPDGCode() const
PDG code.
Definition: Const.h:473
static const ChargedStable muon
muon particle
Definition: Const.h:660
static const ChargedStable pion
charged pion particle
Definition: Const.h:661
static const ChargedStable proton
proton particle
Definition: Const.h:663
static const ChargedStable kaon
charged kaon particle
Definition: Const.h:662
static const ParticleType photon
photon particle
Definition: Const.h:673
static const ChargedStable electron
electron particle
Definition: Const.h:659
Represents a particle in the DecayDescriptor.
int getPDGCode() const
Return PDG code.
The DecayDescriptor stores information about a decay tree or parts of a decay tree.
bool init(const std::string &str)
Initialise the DecayDescriptor from given string.
const DecayDescriptor * getDaughter(int i) const
return i-th daughter (0 based index).
int getNDaughters() const
return number of direct daughters.
std::vector< std::string > getSelectionNames()
Return list of human readable names of selected particles.
const DecayDescriptorParticle * getMother() const
return mother.
ECL cluster data.
Definition: ECLCluster.h:27
void setConnectedRegionId(int crid)
Set connected region id.
Definition: ECLCluster.h:142
void setClusterId(int clusterid)
Set cluster id.
Definition: ECLCluster.h:145
void setHypothesis(EHypothesisBit hypothesis)
Set hypotheses.
Definition: ECLCluster.h:123
void setEnergy(double energy)
Set Corrected Energy (GeV).
Definition: ECLCluster.h:226
double getTheta() const
Return Corrected Theta of Shower (radian).
Definition: ECLCluster.h:307
void setIsTrack(bool istrack)
Set m_isTrack true if the cluster matches with a track.
Definition: ECLCluster.h:104
@ c_nPhotons
CR is split into n photons (N1)
Class to store reconstructed particles.
Definition: Particle.h:75
void appendDaughter(const Particle *daughter, const bool updateType=true, const int daughterProperty=c_Ordinary)
Appends index of daughter to daughters index array.
const ECLCluster * getECLCluster() const
Returns the pointer to the ECLCluster object that was used to create this Particle (if ParticleType =...
particle source enumerators
Definition: Particle.h:82
int getPDGCode(void) const
Returns PDG code.
Definition: Particle.h:454
double getCharge(void) const
Returns particle charge.
double getMomentumMagnitude() const
Returns momentum magnitude.
Definition: Particle.h:569
int getArrayIndex() const
Returns this object's array index (in StoreArray), or -1 if not found.
Accessor to arrays stored in the data store.
Definition: StoreArray.h:113
T * appendNew()
Construct a new T object at the end of the array.
Definition: StoreArray.h:246
int getEntries() const
Get the number of objects in the array.
Definition: StoreArray.h:216
Class that bundles various TrackFitResults.
Definition: Track.h:25
void setTrackFitResultIndex(const Const::ChargedStable &chargedStable, short index)
Set an index (for positive values) or unavailability-code (index = -1) for a specific mass hypothesis...
Definition: Track.h:174
This is a class, which generates DataStore particles, according to the provided decay string e....
int m_photonIndex
Used to differentiate photons from one another.
const Belle2::Particle * createPhoton(const ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector &momentum)
Creates different photons for tests.
Belle2::Particle::EParticleSourceObject getType(const Belle2::DecayDescriptorParticle *particleDescription)
Helper method to get EParticleSourceObject from PDG code.
const Belle2::Particle * createParticle(const Belle2::DecayDescriptor *particleDescriptor, const ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector &momentum, const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &vertex)
This method is used for recursion.
const Belle2::Particle * produceParticle(const std::string &decayString, const ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector &momentum, const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &vertex)
Main method to produce particles.
const Belle2::Particle * createCharged(const Belle2::DecayDescriptor *particleDescriptor, const ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector &momentum, const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &vertex)
Creates different charged particles for tests.