Belle II Software light-2406-ragdoll
DecayParticleNode Class Reference

Public Member Functions

def __init__ (self, name)
def get_prefixes (self, always_include_indices=False, use_relative_indices=False)
def build (cls, decay_string)

Public Attributes

 name of the particle
 whether or not this particle is selected
 mapping of children decayIndex->Node

Private Member Functions

def __walk (self, always_include_indices, use_relative_indices, current_prefix, current_path)

Detailed Description

Class to present selected particles from a DecayString as tree structure.
For each node of the tree we safe the name of the particle, whether it is
selected and a dictionary of all children (as mapping decayIndex -> Node)

Definition at line 170 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __init__()

def __init__ (   self,
Just set default values

Definition at line 177 of file

177 def __init__(self, name):
178 """Just set default values"""
180 = name
182 self.selected = False
184 self.children = {}

Member Function Documentation

◆ __walk()

def __walk (   self,
Recursively walk the tree and collect all prefixes


    always_include_indices (bool): see `get_prefixes()`
    use_relative_indices (bool): see `get_prefixes()`
    current_prefix: the current prefix so far collected from any parent
    current_path: the current path of indices so far collected from any
        parent particle.

Definition at line 217 of file

217 def __walk(self, always_include_indices, use_relative_indices, current_prefix, current_path):
218 """Recursively walk the tree and collect all prefixes
220 See:
221 `get_prefixes`
223 Arguments:
224 always_include_indices (bool): see `get_prefixes()`
225 use_relative_indices (bool): see `get_prefixes()`
226 current_prefix: the current prefix so far collected from any parent
227 particle.
228 current_path: the current path of indices so far collected from any
229 parent particle.
230 """
232 result = []
233 # are we the mother particle and selected selected? if so, add a "no-prefix" to the output
234 if not current_path and self.selected:
235 result.append(("", None))
237 # count the particle names of all daughters so that we know which ones we
238 # have to index
239 names = collections.Counter( for e in self.children.values())
240 # if we use relative indices start counting them at zero
241 relative_indices = collections.defaultdict(int)
243 # now loop over all children
244 for index, c in sorted(self.children.items()):
245 # prepare the full index path
246 full_path = current_path + (index,)
247 # and prepare the prefix
248 prefix = current_prefix +
249 # is this particle name ambiguous or are all indices requested? add index
250 if always_include_indices or names[] > 1:
251 prefix += f"_{relative_indices[] if use_relative_indices else index}"
252 # always increase the relative indices
253 relative_indices[] += 1
255 # if the particle is selected add the prefix and the path
256 if c.selected:
257 result.append((prefix, full_path))
259 # but in any case also process all children recursively
260 result += c.__walk(always_include_indices, use_relative_indices, prefix + "_", full_path)
262 # done, return all prefixes and their paths
263 return result

◆ build()

def build (   cls,
Build a tree of selected particles from a `DecayString`

This will return a `DecayParticleNode` instance which is the top of a
tree of all the selected particles from the decat string.

    decay_string (str): `DecayString` containing at least one selected particle

Definition at line 266 of file

266 def build(cls, decay_string):
267 """Build a tree of selected particles from a `DecayString`
269 This will return a `DecayParticleNode` instance which is the top of a
270 tree of all the selected particles from the decat string.
272 Arguments:
273 decay_string (str): `DecayString` containing at least one selected particle
274 """
275 selected = get_hierarchy_of_decay(decay_string)
276 if not selected:
277 raise ValueError("No particle selected in decay string")
278 # create the top of the tree
279 top = cls("")
280 # now loop over all selected particles
281 for path in selected:
282 current = top
283 # and walk through the path
284 for index, name in path:
285 # creating tree children as needed
286 if index not in current.children:
287 current.children[index] = cls(name)
288 # and update the pointer
289 current = current.children[index]
290 # after walking the tree the pointer is at the selected particle so
291 # just set the selected to True
292 current.selected = True
294 # done, return the tree
295 return top

◆ get_prefixes()

def get_prefixes (   self,
  always_include_indices = False,
  use_relative_indices = False 
Recursively walk through the tree of selected particles and return a list
of prefixes for aliases and a tuple of decay indexes for that prefix.

For example for ``B0 -> [D0 -> ^pi+] ^pi0`` it might return

>>>'^B0 -> [D0 -> ^pi+] ^pi0').get_prefixes()
[ ("", None), ("D0_pi", (0, 0)), ("pi0", (1,)) ]

and to create aliases from these one would use the indices as arguments for
the b2:var:`daughter` meta variable.

This function will make sure that prefix names are unique: If there are
multiple siblings of one node with the same particle name they will be
distinguished by either suffixing them with the decay index (if
``use_relative_indices=False``) or they will just be enumerated
starting at 0 otherwise.

    always_include_indices (bool): If True always add the index of the
        particle to the prefix, otherwise the index is only added if
        more than one sibling of the same particle exist.
    use_relative_indices (bool): If True the indices used will **not**
        be the daughter indices in the full decay string but just the
        relative indices: If multiple sibling particles with the same
        name they will be just numbered starting at zero as they appear
        in the aliases.

Definition at line 186 of file

186 def get_prefixes(self, always_include_indices=False, use_relative_indices=False):
187 """
188 Recursively walk through the tree of selected particles and return a list
189 of prefixes for aliases and a tuple of decay indexes for that prefix.
191 For example for ``B0 -> [D0 -> ^pi+] ^pi0`` it might return
193 >>>'^B0 -> [D0 -> ^pi+] ^pi0').get_prefixes()
194 [ ("", None), ("D0_pi", (0, 0)), ("pi0", (1,)) ]
196 and to create aliases from these one would use the indices as arguments for
197 the b2:var:`daughter` meta variable.
199 This function will make sure that prefix names are unique: If there are
200 multiple siblings of one node with the same particle name they will be
201 distinguished by either suffixing them with the decay index (if
202 ``use_relative_indices=False``) or they will just be enumerated
203 starting at 0 otherwise.
205 Arguments:
206 always_include_indices (bool): If True always add the index of the
207 particle to the prefix, otherwise the index is only added if
208 more than one sibling of the same particle exist.
209 use_relative_indices (bool): If True the indices used will **not**
210 be the daughter indices in the full decay string but just the
211 relative indices: If multiple sibling particles with the same
212 name they will be just numbered starting at zero as they appear
213 in the aliases.
214 """
215 return self.__walk(always_include_indices, use_relative_indices, "", tuple())

Member Data Documentation

◆ children


mapping of children decayIndex->Node

Definition at line 184 of file

◆ name


name of the particle

Definition at line 180 of file

◆ selected


whether or not this particle is selected

Definition at line 182 of file

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: