24. How to document your code with Sphinx

Our sphinx setup is rather simple: First it will include the framework documentation and then it will go through all packages alphabetically and include any files ending in index*.rst in a subdirectory doc in the package directory, also alphabetically. It will ignore all other files in this directory or any files in sub directories. So for example if we have


It would include the files in the global table contents in the order

  • framework/doc/index-01-install.rst

  • framework/doc/index-02-tools.rst

  • analysis/doc/index.rst

  • calibration/doc/index_caf.rst


.rst files not starting with index in the sub directory variable_groups are not included in the top level tree

The packages are free to structure their documents as they see fit considering the following rules:

  1. Everything in one .rst file ends up in one single html page

  2. Every top level heading in included index*.rst will create one top-level heading in the global table of contents (aka one part in the pdf version)

  3. Every top heading in these included files will create one top level heading in the global table of contents

  4. Sphinx documentation is intended to be one big documentation tree, that means all existing .rst Files should be included in one toctree directive, for example in the analysis/index.rst we could have something like

    Analysis Package
    Some text describing the structure of the package
    .. toctree:

    This would include first analysis/variables.rst and then all .rst files in analysis/variable_groups/ alphabetically. Top level headings in those files will be treated as sub-sections to the “Analysis Package”. This will be rendered as a nested list of document titles (the first heading in those files)

  1. Every file can limit the depth to which the table of contents is expanded by adding :tocdepth: N at the top of the file. The global table of contents is limited to two levels.


    This will not have any effect on latex output. For the PDF output the depth of the table of contents is always set to 3 levels

24.1. Documentation of Python Code

Python code can be documented mostly automatically if the module containing the functions/classes can be imported without error or modification of the path. Please have a look at the autodoc documentation how to automatically add python documentation to the sphinx document tree.

For this automatic documentation to work the docstrings must be valid reStructuredText:

def dummy_function_example(name, foo=None):
    The docstring in the function should fully explain what the function is
    for and how to use it

    * this is a bullet list
    * with multiple entries and some text in *italic* and even **bold**.
      The bullet list items can span multiple lines which are indented

    .. warning:: bullet (as well as enumerated) lists have to start and end
       with an empty line

    1. Single backquotes are for **references** to other documented items.
       For example `basf2.Module` will link to the documentation of the class
       Module in the python module basf2. A different link name and link
       target can be specified with <>: `Module class <basf2.Module>` will
       link to basf2.Module but the link will read "Module class"
    2. Double backquotes are for ``literal text``.

    .. warning:: this is different to markdown where single backquotes are
       usually used for literal text

    3. Links to external websites are usually of the form `Link Text <http://example.com>`_.

    .. note:: there is an underscore at the end of links

    4. math is supported either inline :math:`f(x) = \sum_{x=i}^N x^i` or as
       display verssion:

       .. math::

          f(x) = \sum_{i=1}^N x^i

       .. seealso:: `Math support in Sphinx <http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/ext/math.html>`_
    5. The easiest way for code example is the "doctest" syntax: Start a new
       paragaph after an empty line with ``>>>`` followed by the python
       statements and (optionally) the expected output of these statements.

       >>> dummy_function_example("some name", foo="bar")
       "Hello some name, Lord of bar"

       .. seealso:: `Showing code examples <http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/markup/code.html>`_

    6. To document parameters and return types please use the :ref:`googlestyle` as shown below:

      For class members please do not include the ``self`` parameter in this list

      name (str): Description of the first parameter
       Can also span multiple lines if indented properly
      foo: Second parameter but no type given

      Description of the return value

    See Also:
      Some references to other functions


.. autofunction:: examplemodule.dummy_function_example

this would render something like

examplemodule.dummy_function_example(name, foo=None)

The docstring in the function should fully explain what the function is for and how to use it

  • this is a bullet list

  • with multiple entries and some text in italic and even bold. The bullet list items can span multiple lines which are indented


bullet (as well as enumerated) lists have to start and end with an empty line

  1. Single backquotes are for references to other documented items. For example basf2.Module will link to the documentation of the class Module in the python module basf2. A different link name and link target can be specified with <>: Module class will link to basf2.Module but the link will read “Module class”

  2. Double backquotes are for literal text.


this is different to markdown where single backquotes are usually used for literal text

  1. Links to external websites are usually of the form Link Text.


there is an underscore at the end of links

  1. math is supported either inline f(x)=x=iNxi or as display verssion:

  2. The easiest way for code example is the “doctest” syntax: Start a new paragaph after an empty line with >>> followed by the python statements and (optionally) the expected output of these statements.

    >>> dummy_function_example("some name", foo="bar")
    "Hello some name, Lord of bar"
  3. To document parameters and return types please use the Google Style Docstrings as shown below:


For class members please do not include the self parameter in this list

  • name (str) – Description of the first parameter Can also span multiple lines if indented properly

  • foo – Second parameter but no type given


Description of the return value

See also

Some references to other functions

24.2. Referencing Components

Much of the documentation done by Sphinx involves referencing other components of the documentation. For example, when writing the command :py:func:`examplemodule.dummy_function_example`, you are referencing a documented Python function of this name. Sphinx then automatically creates a reference link to this function for you, displayed as examplemodule.dummy_function_example(). You can also create your own references to most other components of the documentation, such as sections, code-blocks, and figures. To create a custom reference you should put the reference directive just prior to the component you want to reference. For example, in order to create a reference to this section this code was used

.. _referencing_things:

Referencing Components


Notice that the reference name _referencing_things has a leading underscore. This is not part of the name. When using the reference you omit this underscore.

We can then make a reference to this section by using :ref:`referencing_things` which displays as Referencing Components. If you prefer to have a numbered reference, we could instead use :numref:`referencing_things` which displays as Section 24.2.

We also have enabled a extension to automatically define references for all sections. So without adding anything this section could also be referenced by :ref:`framework/doc/atend-doctools:Referencing Components` which still result in Referencing Components.

24.3. Inserting Figures

While properly documenting the code itself is the first step to take, you may want to include figures that explain overall concepts of a package, module, or class (see Fig. 4.1). To do this, first simply place the image file you would like to display into your <package>/doc> directory. You can then place the image (in this case cat.jpg) into the documentation by using

.. _cat_picture:

.. figure:: cat.jpg
  :width: 40em
  :align: center

  Why is it always cats?

where we have also included the reference cat_picture to use later. This markup would display the image as


Fig. 24.1 Why is it always cats?

Just as with other components, we can reference the picture from the text by using :ref:`cat_picture`. Which then appears as a reference using the caption text as Why is it always cats?. As before, we could use the :numref: syntax to get a numbered reference displayed as Fig. 24.1.

24.4. Documentation of Variables and Modules in C++

The description for all variables, modules an module parameters must be valid reStructuredText. Parameters for variables should be documented using Google Style Docstrings.

It is advisable to use raw string literals in C++ to be able to easily write multi line strings. A raw string literal starts with R"delimiter( and ends with )delimiter". It can span multiple lines similar to the python multi line strings (""" or '''). The delimiter can be chosen freely and can also be empty. usually for documentation strings we recommend something like

R"DOC(This will be the actual string
and it can span multiple lines)DOC"

As an example, the following code to register a variable

REGISTER_VARIABLE("example_variable_documentation(param1, param2, ...)",
                  functionNameHere, R"DOC(
Example variable documentation showing the use of markup.
All the reStructuredText commands as in python function docstrings are valid
here and since it is a raw string we can wrap the string however we see fit:

* we can also add bullet lists
  with multi line entries and *inline* **markup**
* we can add links to other variables and formulas: :math:`x^2`
* and provide documentation for the parameters

  Also warnings or info messages

See Also:
  :b2:var:`example_variable_documentation` (linking to ourselves :D)

  param1 (int): parameter description
  param2 (str): and even more parameter descriptions
    across various lines
    and even in **bold**

    Empty lines start a new paragraph in here


would show up in the documentation as

example_variable_documentation(param1, param2, ...)

Example variable documentation showing the use of markup. All the reStructuredText commands as in python function docstrings are valid here and since it is a raw string we can wrap the string however we see fit:

  • we can also add bullet lists with multi line entries and inline markup

  • we can add links to other variables and formulas: x2

  • and provide documentation for the parameters


Also warnings or info messages

See also

example_variable_documentation (linking to ourselves :D)

  • param1 (int) – parameter description

  • param2 (str) –

    and even more parameter descriptions across various lines and even in bold

    Empty lines start a new paragraph in here

24.5. Google Style Docstrings

The original reStructuredText style to define parameters with :param name: becomes a bit unreadable in plain text form. To make sure that the documentation is human readable also in plain text we recommend using Google style docstrings. Simply put, instead of writing

:param type1 name1: description 1
:param name2: description 2
:returns: return value description

you should write

  name1 (type1): description 1
  name2: description 2

  return value description

The known sections you can and should use if appropriate are

  • Attributes

  • Example

  • Examples

  • Keyword Arguments

  • Methods

  • Note

  • Other Parameters

  • Parameters

  • Returns

  • Raises

  • References

  • See Also

  • Todo

  • Warning

  • Warns

  • Yields

You can see a more complete example of this format at http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/ext/example_google.html

24.6. Add basf2 Modules Documentation to Sphinx

basf2 Module documentation can be added to sphinx automatically using

.. b2-modules::

Will automatically document basf2 modules. Without any arguments it will document all existing modules. It has the following optional parameters


Only document modules found from a specific package


Only document modules found in the specified library. This is the name of the directory inside the modules/ directory but with a prefix “lib” and suffix “.so”. So if you want to document all modules in analysis/modules/ParticleCombiner this could be

.. b2-modules::
   :library: libParticleCombiner.so

Explicitly choose the modules to document with a comma separated list of modules:

.. b2-modules::
   :modules: EventInfoSetter, EventInfoGetter

Can be used to filter the modules to be documented by a python regular expression For example to show all modules in the framework package which begin with ‘Event’

.. b2-modules::
   :package: framework
   :regex-filter: ^Event

if present do not document module parameters


if present it will try to include a graph showing the required, optional and registered DataStore elements.


if present the modules will not be added to the index. This is useful if the same module is documented multiple times to select which of these should show up in the index.

For this automatic documentation to work all documentation strings passed to setDescription() and addParam() should be valid reStructuredText (see Documentation of Variables and Modules in C++). It is also possible to reference modules elsewhere in the text, for example :b2:mod:`EventInfoSetter`. In most case it will work even when omitting the :b2:mod: but it is recommended to add it to make sure it actually links to the correct thing and not a python function with the same name.

24.7. Add basf2 Variables Documentation to Sphinx

We can also add documentation for basf2 variables with a very similar syntax to modules:

.. b2-variables::

Allows to automatically document basf2 variables from the VariableManager. It has the following optional parameters


If present show only the variables in the named group


Can be used to specify a comma separated list of variable names to show, for example

.. b2-variables::
   :variables: x,y,z

Will only produce documentation for the variables x, y, and z


Can be used to filter the selected variables by a python regular expression For example to show all variables in the group “Kinematics” which begin with x

.. b2-variables::
   :group: Kinematics
   :regex-filter: ^x.*

if present the variables will not be added to the index. This is useful if the same variable is documented multiple times to select which of these should show up in the index.

For this automatic documentation to work all documentation strings passed to REGISTER_VARIABLE() should be valid reStructuredText (see Documentation of Variables and Modules in C++) It is also possible to reference variables elsewhere in the text, for example :b2:var:`pidProbabilityExpert`. In most case it will work even when omitting the :b2:var: but it is recommended to add it to make sure it actually links to the correct thing and not a python function with the same name.


Please document any parameters your variable might have using Google Style Docstrings

24.8. Additional Features

  • All documented basf2 modules and variables are automatically added to a separate, alphabetic index page for easy lookup. They can be referenced with

  • We have support for easy linking to JIRA issues by using :issue:`BII-XXXX`, for example :issue:`BII-8` (BII-8)

24.9. Additional boxes for the online lessons

.. sidebar:: Overview
    :class: overview

    **Teaching**: 10 min

    **Exercises**: 5 min

    **Prerequisites**: None


        * What is a particle list?
        * What are final state particles?
        * How can I specify decays?


        * Reconstruct particles

No hands-on training without some nice exercises:

.. admonition:: Question
   :class: exercise stacked

   What's the object-oriented way to get rich?

.. admonition:: Hint
   :class: toggle xhint stacked

   Think about relationships between classes!

.. admonition:: Solution
   :class: toggle solution



What’s the object-oriented way to get rich?


Think about relationships between classes!




  • You can also use .. admonition:: Exercise for an exercise rather than a question (in general the content after admonition:: will always be the title).

  • The stacked class removes the space after the question block, so that the solution block is directly joined. If you want to write some text after your question, simply remove this class.

  • Note that the class for the hint box is xhint (short for exercise-hint), not hint (the latter is already in use for “normal” hint boxes)

.. admonition:: Key points
    :class: key-points

    * There are 10 kinds of people in this world:
      Those who understand binary, those who don't,
      and those who weren't expecting a base 3 joke.

Key points

  • There are 10 kinds of people in this world: Those who understand binary, those who don’t, and those who weren’t expecting a base 3 joke.

24.10. How to test locally

You can test locally your changes in the Sphinx documentation by compiling your code with the following command:

scons --sphinx html

The output will be produced in $BELLE2_LOCAL_DIR/build/html and you can navigate it with your favorite browser to check if the output is what you expect.

Alternatively you can also build the sphinx documentation without building any code with


which will be slightly faster. If you’re only interested in sphinx warnings, use


If you are working on a remote server with port 8XXXX forwarded to your local machine (as when running a Jupyter notebook), you can also start a tiny web server on the remote machine and access it from your local machine to view the rendered documentation:

# log in to remote with port forwarding
# (8XXX is a unique number of your choice)
ssh login.cc.kek.jp -L 8XXX:localhost:8XXX
# set up basf2
cd ${BELLE2_LOCAL_DIR}/build/html
python3 -m http.server 8XXX

Now navigate to on your local machine to see the rendered web pages.

24.11. Previewing documentation changes in a pull request

  1. Open your PR following the guidelines outlined at here

  2. Wait for it to build

  3. click on the build status and open the detailed build results

  4. open the “Artifacts” tab

  5. click “Sphinx Documentation”