11 #include <analysis/VertexFitting/TreeFitter/ParticleBase.h>
12 #include <analysis/VertexFitting/TreeFitter/MergedConstraint.h>
13 #include <analysis/VertexFitting/TreeFitter/ConstraintConfiguration.h>
15 namespace TreeFitter {
19 class ConstraintConfiguration;
33 bool forceFitAll =
99 typedef std::map<Belle2::Particle*, const ParticleBase*>
ParticleMap ;
Class to store reconstructed particles.
this class does a lot of stuff: Build decaytree structure allowing to index particles and handle the ...
double chiSquare(const FitParams &par) const
get the chi2 for the head of the chain
const ConstraintConfiguration m_config
config container
ErrCode initialize(FitParams &par)
initialize the chain
const ParticleBase * cand()
get candidate
int m_dim
the dimension of constraint
ParticleBase::constraintlist m_constraintlist
list of constraints
void removeConstraintFromList()
remove constraints from list
std::map< Belle2::Particle *, const ParticleBase * > ParticleMap
typedef for a map of a particle to a TreeFitter::ParticleBase
void initConstraintList()
init contraintlist
ParticleBase * m_headOfChain
head of decay tree
const ParticleBase * locate(Belle2::Particle *bc) const
convert Belle2::particle into particle base(fitter base particle)
int dim() const
get dimension
ErrCode filterWithReference(FitParams &par, const FitParams &ref)
filter with respect to a previous iteration for better stability
const bool m_isOwner
internal class member to check if we own the chain
const ParticleBase * m_cand
fit candidate (not same to mother in case of bs/be constraint)
ParticleBase * mother()
get mother
int index(Belle2::Particle *bc) const
get the particle index
empty constructor
int tauIndex(Belle2::Particle *bc) const
get tau (i.e.
int momIndex() const
ErrCode filter(FitParams &par)
filter down the chain
const ParticleBase * mother() const
get mother
int posIndex(Belle2::Particle *bc) const
get the vertex index of the particle in state vector
ParticleMap m_particleMap
the map from Belle2::Particles to TreeFitter::ParticleBase
abstract errorocode be aware that the default is success
Class to store and manage fitparams (statevector)
base class for all particles
std::vector< Constraint > constraintlist