Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 //-*-mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 2; -*-
2 /* Copyright 2013-2014
3  * Authors: Sergey Yashchenko and Tadeas Bilka
4  *
5  * This is an interface to General Broken Lines
6  *
7  * Version: 6 --------------------------------------------------------------
8  * - complete rewrite to GblFitter using GblFitterInfo and GblFitStatus
9  * - mathematics should be the same except for additional iterations
10  * (not possible before)
11  * - track is populated with scatterers + additional points with
12  * scatterers and no measurement (optional)
13  * - final track contains GblFitStatus and fitted states from GBL prediction
14  * - 1D/2D hits supported (pixel, single strip, combined strips(2D), wire)
15  * - At point: Only the very first raw measurement is used and from
16  * that, constructed MeasurementOnPlane with heighest weight
17  * Version: 5 --------------------------------------------------------------
18  * - several bug-fixes:
19  * - Scatterers at bad points
20  * - Jacobians at a point before they should be (code reorganized)
21  * - Change of sign of residuals
22  * Version: 4 --------------------------------------------------------------
23  * Fixed calculation of equvivalent scatterers (solution by C. Kleinwort)
24  * Now a scatterer is inserted at each measurement (except last) and
25  * between each two measurements.
26  * TrueHits/Clusters. Ghost (1D) hits ignored. With or
27  * without magnetic field.
28  * Version: 3 --------------------------------------------------------------
29  * This version now supports both TrueHits and Clusters for VXD.
30  * It can be used for arbitrary material distribution between
31  * measurements. Moments of scattering distribution are computed
32  * and translated into two equivalent thin GBL scatterers placed
33  * at computed positions between measurement points.
34  * Version: 2 ... never published -----------------------------------------
35  * Scatterer at each boundary (tooo many scatterers). TrueHits/Clusters.
36  * Without global der.&MP2 output.
37  * Version: 1 --------------------------------------------------------------
38  * Scatterers at measurement planes. TrueHits
39  * Version: 0 --------------------------------------------------------------
40  * Without scatterers. Genfit 1.
41  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
42  *
43  * This file is part of GENFIT.
44  *
45  * GENFIT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
46  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
47  * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
48  * (at your option) any later version.
49  *
50  * GENFIT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
51  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
53  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
54  *
55  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
56  * along with GENFIT. If not, see <>.
57  */
59 #include "GblFitter.h"
60 #include "../include/GblFitStatus.h"
61 #include "GblFitterInfo.h"
62 #include "GblTrajectory.h"
63 #include "GblPoint.h"
64 #include "ICalibrationParametersDerivatives.h"
66 #include "Track.h"
67 #include <TFile.h>
68 #include <TH1F.h>
69 #include <TTree.h>
70 #include <string>
71 #include <list>
72 #include <FieldManager.h>
73 #include <HMatrixU.h>
74 #include <HMatrixV.h>
75 #include <Math/SMatrix.h>
76 #include <TMatrixD.h>
77 #include <TVectorDfwd.h>
78 #include <TMatrixT.h>
79 #include <TVector3.h>
81 //#define DEBUG
83 using namespace gbl;
84 using namespace std;
85 using namespace genfit;
90 GblFitter::~GblFitter() {
91  if (m_segmentController) {
92  delete m_segmentController;
93  m_segmentController = nullptr;
94  }
95 }
97 void GblFitter::setTrackSegmentController(GblTrackSegmentController* controler)
98 {
99  if (m_segmentController) {
100  delete m_segmentController;
101  m_segmentController = nullptr;
102  }
103  m_segmentController = controler;
104 }
106 void GblFitter::processTrackWithRep(Track* trk, const AbsTrackRep* rep, bool resortHits)
107 {
108  cleanGblInfo(trk, rep);
110  if (resortHits)
111  sortHits(trk, rep);
113  // This flag enables/disables fitting of q/p parameter in GBL
114  // It is switched off automatically if no B-field at (0,0,0) is detected.
115  bool fitQoverP = true;
116  //TODO: Use clever way to determine zero B-field
117  double Bfield = genfit::FieldManager::getInstance()->getFieldVal(TVector3(0., 0., 0.)).Mag();
118  if (!(Bfield > 1.e-16))
119  fitQoverP = false;
120  // degrees of freedom after fit
121  int Ndf = 0;
122  // Chi2 after fit
123  double Chi2 = 0.;
124  //FIXME: d-w's not used so far...
125  double lostWeight = 0.;
127  // Preparation of points (+add reference states) for GBL fit
128  // -----------------------------------------------------------------
130  trk->setFitStatus(gblfs, rep);
131  gblfs->setCurvature(fitQoverP);
132  //
133  // Propagate reference seed, create scattering points, calc Jacobians
134  // and store everything in fitter infos. (ready to collect points and fit)
135  //
136  //
137  gblfs->setTrackLen(
138  //
139  constructGblInfo(trk, rep)
140  //
141  );
142  //
143  //
144  gblfs->setIsFittedWithReferenceTrack(true);
145  gblfs->setNumIterations(0); //default value, still valid, No GBL iteration
146  if (m_externalIterations < 1)
147  return;
148  // -----------------------------------------------------------------
150  // cppcheck-suppress unreadVariable
151  unsigned int nFailed = 0;
152  // cppcheck-suppress unreadVariable
153  int fitRes = 0;
154  std::vector<std::string> gblIterations;
155  gblIterations.push_back(m_gblInternalIterations);
157  // Iterations and updates of fitter infos and fit status
158  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
159  for (unsigned int iIter = 0; iIter < m_externalIterations; iIter++) {
160  // GBL refit (1st of reference, then refit of GBL trajectory itself)
161  int nscat = 0, nmeas = 0, ndummy = 0;
162  std::vector<gbl::GblPoint> points = collectGblPoints(trk, rep);
163  for(unsigned int ip = 0;ip<points.size(); ip++) {
164  GblPoint & p =;
165  if (p.hasScatterer())
166  nscat++;
167  if (p.hasMeasurement())
168  nmeas++;
169  if(!p.hasMeasurement()&&!p.hasScatterer())
170  ndummy++;
171  }
172  gbl::GblTrajectory traj(points, gblfs->hasCurvature());
174  fitRes =, Ndf, lostWeight, (iIter == m_externalIterations - 1) ? m_gblInternalIterations : "");
176  // Update fit results in fitterinfos
177  updateGblInfo(traj, trk, rep);
179  // This repropagates to get new Jacobians,
180  // if planes changed, predictions are extrapolated to new planes
181  if (m_recalcJacobians > iIter) {
182  GblFitterInfo* prevFitterInfo = 0;
183  GblFitterInfo* currFitterInfo = 0;
184  for (unsigned int ip = 0; ip < trk->getNumPoints(); ip++) {
185  if (trk->getPoint(ip)->hasFitterInfo(rep) && (currFitterInfo = dynamic_cast<GblFitterInfo*>(trk->getPoint(ip)->getFitterInfo(rep)))) {
187  currFitterInfo->recalculateJacobian(prevFitterInfo);
188  prevFitterInfo = currFitterInfo;
189  }
190  }
191  }
193  gblfs->setIsFitted(true);
194  gblfs->setIsFitConvergedPartially(fitRes == 0);
195  nFailed = trk->getNumPointsWithMeasurement() - nmeas;
196  gblfs->setNFailedPoints(nFailed);
197  gblfs->setIsFitConvergedFully(fitRes == 0 && nFailed == 0);
198  gblfs->setNumIterations(iIter + 1);
199  gblfs->setChi2(Chi2);
200  gblfs->setNdf(Ndf);
201  gblfs->setCharge(trk->getFittedState().getCharge());
203  #ifdef DEBUG
204  int npoints_meas = trk->getNumPointsWithMeasurement();
205  int npoints_all = trk->getNumPoints();
207  cout << "-------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
208  cout << " GBL processed genfit::Track " << endl;
209  cout << "-------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
210  cout << " # Track Points : " << npoints_all << endl;
211  cout << " # Meas. Points : " << npoints_meas << endl;
212  cout << " # GBL points all : " << traj.getNumPoints();
213  if (ndummy)
214  cout << " (" << ndummy << " dummy) ";
215  cout << endl;
216  cout << " # GBL points meas : " << nmeas << endl;
217  cout << " # GBL points scat : " << nscat << endl;
218  cout << "-------------- GBL Fit Results ----------- Iteration " << iIter+1 << " " << ((iIter < gblIterations.size()) ? gblIterations[iIter] : "") << endl;
219  cout << " Fit q/p parameter : " << (gblfs->hasCurvature() ? ("True") : ("False")) << endl;
220  cout << " Valid trajectory : " << ((traj.isValid()) ? ("True") : ("False")) << endl;
221  cout << " Fit result : " << fitRes << " (0 for success)" << endl;
222  cout << " GBL track NDF : " << Ndf << " (-1 for failure)" << endl;
223  cout << " GBL track Chi2 : " << Chi2 << endl;
224  cout << " GBL track P-value : " << TMath::Prob(Chi2, Ndf) << endl;
225  cout << "-------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
226  #endif
228  }
229  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
231 }
233 void GblFitter::cleanGblInfo(Track* trk, const AbsTrackRep* rep) const {
235  for (int ip = trk->getNumPoints() - 1; ip >=0; ip--) {
236  trk->getPoint(ip)->setScatterer(nullptr);
237  trk->getPoint(ip)->deleteFitterInfo(rep);
238  //TODO
239  if (!trk->getPoint(ip)->hasRawMeasurements())
240  trk->deletePoint(ip);
241  }
242 }
244 void GblFitter::sortHits(Track* trk, const AbsTrackRep* rep) const {
245  // All measurement points in ref. track
246  int npoints_meas = trk->getNumPointsWithMeasurement();
247  // Prepare state for extrapolation of track seed
248  StateOnPlane reference(rep);
249  rep->setTime(reference, trk->getTimeSeed());
250  rep->setPosMom(reference, trk->getStateSeed());
251  // Take the state to first plane
252  SharedPlanePtr firstPlane(trk->getPointWithMeasurement(0)->getRawMeasurement(0)->constructPlane(reference));
253  reference.extrapolateToPlane(firstPlane);
254  //1st point is at arc-len=0
255  double arcLenPos = 0;
257  // Loop only between meas. points
258  for (int ipoint_meas = 0; ipoint_meas < npoints_meas - 1; ipoint_meas++) {
259  // current measurement point
260  TrackPoint* point_meas = trk->getPointWithMeasurement(ipoint_meas);
261  // Current detector plane
262  SharedPlanePtr plane = point_meas->getRawMeasurement(0)->constructPlane(reference);
263  // Get the next plane
264  SharedPlanePtr nextPlane(trk->getPointWithMeasurement(ipoint_meas + 1)->getRawMeasurement(0)->constructPlane(reference));
266  point_meas->setSortingParameter(arcLenPos);
267  arcLenPos += reference.extrapolateToPlane(nextPlane);
269  } // end of loop over track points with measurement
270  trk->getPointWithMeasurement(npoints_meas - 1)->setSortingParameter(arcLenPos);
271  trk->sort();
272 }
274 std::vector<gbl::GblPoint> GblFitter::collectGblPoints(genfit::Track* trk, const genfit::AbsTrackRep* rep) {
275  //TODO store collected points in in fit status? need streamer for GblPoint (or something like that)
276  std::vector<gbl::GblPoint> thePoints;
277  thePoints.clear();
279  // Collect points from track and fitterInfo(rep)
280  for (unsigned int ip = 0; ip < trk->getNumPoints(); ip++) {
281  GblFitterInfo * gblfi = dynamic_cast<GblFitterInfo*>(trk->getPoint(ip)->getFitterInfo(rep));
282  if (!gblfi)
283  continue;
284  thePoints.push_back(gblfi->constructGblPoint());
285  }
286  return thePoints;
287 }
289 void GblFitter::updateGblInfo(gbl::GblTrajectory& traj, genfit::Track* trk, const genfit::AbsTrackRep* rep) {
290  //FIXME
291  if (!traj.isValid())
292  return;
294  // Update points in track and fitterInfo(rep)
295  int igblfi = -1;
296  for (unsigned int ip = 0; ip < trk->getNumPoints(); ip++) {
297  GblFitterInfo * gblfi = dynamic_cast<GblFitterInfo*>(trk->getPoint(ip)->getFitterInfo(rep));
298  if (!gblfi)
299  continue;
300  igblfi++;
302  // The point will calculate its position on the track
303  // (counting fitter infos) which hopefully
304  gblfi->updateFitResults(traj);
306  // This is agains logic. User can do this if he wants and it is recommended usually
307  // so that following fit could reuse the updated seed
308  //if (igblfi == 0) {
309  // trk->setStateSeed( gblfi->getFittedState(true).getPos(), gblfi->getFittedState(true).getMom() );
310  // trk->setCovSeed( gblfi->getFittedState(true).get6DCov() );
311  //}
312  }
313 }
315 void GblFitter::getScattererFromMatList(double& length,
316  double& theta, double& s, double& ds,
317  const double p, const double mass, const double charge,
318  const std::vector<genfit::MatStep>& steps) const {
319  theta = 0.; s = 0.; ds = 0.; length = 0;
320  if (steps.empty()) return;
322  // sum of step lengths
323  double len = 0.;
324  // normalization
325  double sumxx = 0.;
326  // first moment (non-normalized)
327  double sumx2x2 = 0.;
328  // (part of) second moment / variance (non-normalized)
329  double sumx3x3 = 0.;
331  // cppcheck-suppress unreadVariable
332  double xmin = 0.;
333  double xmax = 0.;
335  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < steps.size(); i++) {
336  const MatStep step =;
337  // inverse of material radiation length ... (in 1/cm) ... "density of scattering"
338  double rho = 1. / step.material_.radiationLength;
339  len += fabs(step.stepSize_);
340  xmin = xmax;
341  xmax = xmin + fabs(step.stepSize_);
342  // Compute integrals
344  // integral of rho(x)
345  sumxx += rho * (xmax - xmin);
346  // integral of x*rho(x)
347  sumx2x2 += rho * (xmax * xmax - xmin * xmin) / 2.;
348  // integral of x*x*rho(x)
349  sumx3x3 += rho * (xmax * xmax * xmax - xmin * xmin * xmin) / 3.;
350  }
351  // This ensures PDG formula still gives positive results (but sumxx should be > 1e-4 for it to hold)
352  if (sumxx < 1.0e-10) return;
353  // Calculate theta from total sum of radiation length
354  // instead of summimg squares of individual deflection angle variances
355  // PDG formula:
356  double beta = p / sqrt(p * p + mass * mass);
357  theta = (0.0136 / p / beta) * fabs(charge) * sqrt(sumxx) * (1. + 0.038 * log(sumxx));
358  //theta = (0.015 / p / beta) * fabs(charge) * sqrt(sumxx);
360  // track length
361  length = len;
362  // Normalization factor
363  double N = 1. / sumxx;
364  // First moment
365  s = N * sumx2x2;
366  // Square of second moment (variance)
367  // integral of (x - s)*(x - s)*rho(x)
368  double ds_2 = N * (sumx3x3 - 2. * sumx2x2 * s + sumxx * s * s);
369  ds = sqrt(ds_2);
371  #ifdef DEBUG
373  #endif
374 }
376 double GblFitter::constructGblInfo(Track* trk, const AbsTrackRep* rep)
377 {
378  // All measurement points in ref. track
379  int npoints_meas = trk->getNumPointsWithMeasurement();
380  // Dimesion of representation/state
381  int dim = rep->getDim();
382  // Jacobian for point with measurement = how to propagate from previous point (scat/meas)
383  TMatrixD jacPointToPoint(dim, dim);
384  jacPointToPoint.UnitMatrix();
386  // Prepare state for extrapolation of track seed
387  // Take the state to first plane
388  StateOnPlane reference(rep);
389  rep->setTime(reference, trk->getTimeSeed());
390  rep->setPosMom(reference, trk->getStateSeed());
392  SharedPlanePtr firstPlane(trk->getPointWithMeasurement(0)->getRawMeasurement(0)->constructPlane(reference));
393  reference.extrapolateToPlane(firstPlane);
395  double sumTrackLen = 0;
396  // NOT used but useful
397  TMatrixDSym noise; TVectorD deltaState;
399  // Loop only between meas. points
400  for (int ipoint_meas = 0; ipoint_meas < npoints_meas; ipoint_meas++) {
401  // current measurement point
402  TrackPoint* point_meas = trk->getPointWithMeasurement(ipoint_meas);
403  // Current detector plane
404  SharedPlanePtr plane = point_meas->getRawMeasurement(0)->constructPlane(reference);
405  // track direction at plane (in global coords)
406  TVector3 trackDir = rep->getDir(reference);
407  // track momentum direction vector at plane (in global coords)
408  double trackMomMag = rep->getMomMag(reference);
409  // charge of particle
410  double particleCharge = rep->getCharge(reference);
411  // mass of particle
412  double particleMass = rep->getMass(reference);
413  // Parameters of a thick scatterer between measurements
414  double trackLen = 0., scatTheta = 0., scatSMean = 0., scatDeltaS = 0.;
415  // Parameters of two equivalent thin scatterers
416  double theta1 = 0., theta2 = 0., s1 = 0., s2 = 0.;
417  // jacobian from s1=0 to s2
418  TMatrixD jacMeas2Scat(dim, dim);
419  jacMeas2Scat.UnitMatrix();
421  // Stop here if we are at last point (do not add scatterers to last point),
422  // just the fitter info
423  if (ipoint_meas >= npoints_meas - 1) {
425  // Construction last measurement (no scatterer)
426  // --------------------------------------------
427  // Just add the fitter info of last plane
428  GblFitterInfo* gblfimeas(new GblFitterInfo(point_meas, rep, reference));
429  gblfimeas->setJacobian(jacPointToPoint);
430  point_meas->setFitterInfo(gblfimeas);
431  // --------------------------------------------
433  break;
434  }
435  // Extrapolate to next measurement to get material distribution
436  // Use a temp copy of the StateOnPlane to propage between measurements
437  StateOnPlane refCopy(reference);
438  // Get the next plane
439  SharedPlanePtr nextPlane(trk->getPointWithMeasurement(ipoint_meas + 1)->getRawMeasurement(0)->constructPlane(reference));
441  // Extrapolation for multiple scattering calculation
442  // Extrap to point + 1, do NOT stop at boundary
443  TVector3 segmentEntry = refCopy.getPos();
444  rep->extrapolateToPlane(refCopy, nextPlane, false, false);
445  TVector3 segmentExit = refCopy.getPos();
447  getScattererFromMatList(trackLen,
448  scatTheta,
449  scatSMean,
450  scatDeltaS,
451  trackMomMag,
452  particleMass,
453  particleCharge,
454  rep->getSteps());
455  // Now calculate positions and scattering variance for equivalent scatterers
456  // (Solution from Claus Kleinwort (DESY))
457  s1 = 0.; s2 = scatSMean + scatDeltaS * scatDeltaS / (scatSMean - s1);
458  theta1 = sqrt(scatTheta * scatTheta * scatDeltaS * scatDeltaS / (scatDeltaS * scatDeltaS + (scatSMean - s1) * (scatSMean - s1)));
459  theta2 = sqrt(scatTheta * scatTheta * (scatSMean - s1) * (scatSMean - s1) / (scatDeltaS * scatDeltaS + (scatSMean - s1) * (scatSMean - s1)));
461  // Call segment controller to set MS options:
462  if (m_segmentController)
463  m_segmentController->controlTrackSegment(segmentEntry, segmentExit, scatTheta, this);
465  // Scattering options: OFF / THIN / THICK
466  if (m_enableScatterers && !m_enableIntermediateScatterer) {
467  theta1 = scatTheta;
468  theta2 = 0;
469  } else if (!m_enableScatterers) {
470  theta1 = 0.;
471  theta2 = 0.;
472  }
474  // Construction of measurement (with scatterer)
475  // --------------------------------------------
477  if (theta1 > scatEpsilon)
478  point_meas->setScatterer(new ThinScatterer(plane, Material(theta1, 0., 0., 0., 0.)));
480  GblFitterInfo* gblfimeas(new GblFitterInfo(point_meas, rep, reference));
481  gblfimeas->setJacobian(jacPointToPoint);
482  point_meas->setFitterInfo(gblfimeas);
483  // --------------------------------------------
486  // If not last measurement, extrapolate and get jacobians for scattering points between this and next measurement
487  if (theta2 > scatEpsilon) {
488  // First scatterer has been placed at current measurement point (see above)
489  // theta2 > 0 ... we want second scatterer:
490  // Extrapolate to s2 (we have s1 = 0)
491  rep->extrapolateBy(reference, s2, false, true);
492  rep->getForwardJacobianAndNoise(jacMeas2Scat, noise, deltaState);
494  // Construction of intermediate scatterer
495  // --------------------------------------
496  TrackPoint* scattp = new TrackPoint(trk);
497  scattp->setSortingParameter(point_meas->getSortingParameter() + s2);
498  scattp->setScatterer(new ThinScatterer(reference.getPlane(), Material(theta2, 0., 0., 0., 0.)));
499  // Add point to track before next point
500  int pointIndex = 0;
501  //TODO Deduce this rather than looping over all points
502  for (unsigned int itp = 0; itp < trk->getNumPoints(); itp++) {
503  if (trk->getPoint(itp) == point_meas) {
504  pointIndex = itp;
505  break;
506  }
507  }
508  trk->insertPoint(scattp, pointIndex + 1);
509  // Create and store fitter info
510  GblFitterInfo * gblfiscat(new GblFitterInfo(scattp, rep, reference));
511  gblfiscat->setJacobian(jacMeas2Scat);
512  scattp->setFitterInfo(gblfiscat);
513  // ---------------------------------------
515  // Finish extrapolation to next measurement
516  double nextStep = rep->extrapolateToPlane(reference, nextPlane, false, true);
517  rep->getForwardJacobianAndNoise(jacPointToPoint, noise, deltaState);
519  if (0. > nextStep) {
520  cout << " ERROR: The extrapolation to measurement point " << (ipoint_meas + 2) << " stepped back by " << nextStep << "cm !!! Track will be cut before this point." << endl;
521  // stop trajectory construction here
522  break;
523  }
525  } else {
526  // No scattering: extrapolate whole distance between measurements
527  double nextStep = rep->extrapolateToPlane(reference, nextPlane, false, true);
528  rep->getForwardJacobianAndNoise(jacPointToPoint, noise, deltaState);
530  if (0. > nextStep) {
531  cout << " ERROR: The extrapolation to measurement point " << (ipoint_meas + 2) << " stepped back by " << nextStep << "cm !!! Track will be cut before this point." << endl;
532  // stop trajectory construction here
533  break;
534  }
535  }
536  // Track length up to next point
537  sumTrackLen += trackLen;
539  } // end of loop over track points with measurement
540  return sumTrackLen;
541 }
GblPoint definition.
GblTrajectory definition.
Point on trajectory.
Definition: GblPoint.h:68
GBL trajectory.
Definition: GblTrajectory.h:48
unsigned int fit(double &Chi2, int &Ndf, double &lostWeight, std::string optionList="")
Perform fit of (valid) trajectory.
bool isValid() const
Retrieve validity of trajectory.
unsigned int getNumPoints() const
Retrieve number of point from trajectory.
virtual SharedPlanePtr constructPlane(const StateOnPlane &state) const =0
Construct (virtual) detector plane (use state's AbsTrackRep).
Abstract base class for a track representation.
Definition: AbsTrackRep.h:66
virtual void setTime(StateOnPlane &state, double time) const =0
Set time at which the state was defined.
virtual unsigned int getDim() const =0
Get the dimension of the state vector used by the track representation.
double getMass(const StateOnPlane &state) const
Get tha particle mass in GeV/c^2.
virtual double getMomMag(const StateOnPlane &state) const =0
get the magnitude of the momentum in GeV.
virtual double getCharge(const StateOnPlane &state) const =0
Get the (fitted) charge of a state.
virtual void setPosMom(StateOnPlane &state, const TVector3 &pos, const TVector3 &mom) const =0
Set position and momentum of state.
virtual void getForwardJacobianAndNoise(TMatrixD &jacobian, TMatrixDSym &noise, TVectorD &deltaState) const =0
Get the jacobian and noise matrix of the last extrapolation.
virtual double extrapolateBy(StateOnPlane &state, double step, bool stopAtBoundary=false, bool calcJacobianNoise=false) const =0
Extrapolates the state by step (cm) and returns the extrapolation length and, via reference,...
virtual double extrapolateToPlane(StateOnPlane &state, const genfit::SharedPlanePtr &plane, bool stopAtBoundary=false, bool calcJacobianNoise=false) const =0
Extrapolates the state to plane, and returns the extrapolation length and, via reference,...
TVector3 getDir(const StateOnPlane &state) const
Get the direction vector of a state.
Definition: AbsTrackRep.h:246
virtual std::vector< genfit::MatStep > getSteps() const =0
Get stepsizes and material properties of crossed materials of the last extrapolation.
TVector3 getFieldVal(const TVector3 &position)
This does NOT use the cache!
Definition: FieldManager.h:63
static FieldManager * getInstance()
Get singleton instance.
Definition: FieldManager.h:119
FitStatus for use with GblFitter.
Definition: GblFitStatus.h:39
Collects information needed and produced by a GblFitter/GBL and is specific to one AbsTrackRep of the...
Definition: GblFitterInfo.h:52
void recalculateJacobian(GblFitterInfo *prevFitterInfo)
Re-extrapolates between prevFitterInfo and this point using forward state to update the Jacobian (if ...
void updateFitResults(gbl::GblTrajectory &traj)
Update fitter info from GBL fit results.
gbl::GblPoint constructGblPoint()
Collect all data and create a GblPoint.
void setJacobian(TMatrixD jacobian)
Set the Jacobian for further GblPoint construction.
TrackSegmentController for use with GblFitter.
A state with arbitrary dimension defined in a DetPlane.
Definition: StateOnPlane.h:47
Thin or thick scatterer.
Definition: ThinScatterer.h:38
Object containing AbsMeasurement and AbsFitterInfo objects.
Definition: TrackPoint.h:46
AbsFitterInfo * getFitterInfo(const AbsTrackRep *rep=nullptr) const
Get fitterInfo for rep. Per default, use cardinal rep.
void setFitterInfo(genfit::AbsFitterInfo *fitterInfo)
Takes Ownership.
Collection of TrackPoint objects, AbsTrackRep objects and FitStatus objects.
Definition: Track.h:71
bool sort()
Sort TrackPoint and according to their sorting parameters.
void insertPoint(TrackPoint *point, int id=-1)
Insert TrackPoint BEFORE TrackPoint with position id, if id >= 0.
const MeasuredStateOnPlane & getFittedState(int id=0, const AbsTrackRep *rep=nullptr, bool biased=true) const
Shortcut to get FittedStates.
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:28
Namespace for the general broken lines package.
Defines for I/O streams used for error and debug printing.
std::shared_ptr< genfit::DetPlane > SharedPlanePtr
Shared Pointer to a DetPlane.
Simple struct containing MaterialProperties and stepsize in the material.
Definition: AbsTrackRep.h:42