Belle II Software
Modules | |
generators data objects | |
generators modules | |
Classes | |
class | AAFHInterface |
Class to inferface AAFH/DIAG36 Generator written in Fortran. More... | |
class | BabayagaNLO |
C++ Interface for the Fortran Bhabha and exclusive two photon generator BABAYAGA.NLO. More... | |
class | BBBrem |
Generator for low scattering angle radiative Bhabha events (Beam-Beam Bremsstrahlung). More... | |
class | BHWide |
C++ Interface for the Fortran Bhabha scattering generator BHWide. More... | |
class | SGCosmic |
Class to generate tracks in the cosmics generator and store them in a MCParticle graph. More... | |
class | CRY |
C++ Interface for the generator CRY. More... | |
class | EvtBSemiTauonicDecayRateCalculator |
Class to calculate the differential decay rate, R(D), R(D*), polarizations of tau and D* using BSTD model based on [M. More... | |
class | EvtGenInterface |
Class to interface EvtGen. More... | |
class | EvtGenModelRegister |
Class to keep a register of all Belle2 EvtDecayBases. More... | |
class | EvtB0toKsKK |
Register Decay model EvtB0toKsKK. More... | |
class | EvtBCL |
The class provides the form factors for orbitally excited semileptonic decays. More... | |
class | EvtBCLFF |
BCL Form Factors. More... | |
class | EvtBSemiTauonic |
The EvtGen model of semi-tauonic B decays including new physics effects based on [M. More... | |
class | EvtBSemiTauonic2HDMType2 |
The EvtGen model of semi-tauonic B decays including the charged higgs effect of 2HDM Type2 based on [M. More... | |
class | EvtBSemiTauonicAmplitude |
The base class for the calculation of the spin dependent amplitudes for the BSemiTauonic model based on [M. More... | |
class | EvtBSemiTauonicHelicityAmplitudeCalculator |
The class calculates the helicity amplitude of semi-tauonic B decays including new physics effects based on [M. More... | |
class | EvtBSemiTauonicScalarMesonAmplitude |
The class calculates the spin dependent amplitudes of B->Dtaunu decays for the BSemiTauonic model based on [M. More... | |
class | EvtBSemiTauonicVectorMesonAmplitude |
The class calculates the spin dependent amplitudes of B->D*taunu decays for the BSemiTauonic model based on [M. More... | |
class | EvtBtoXsnunu_FERMI |
The evtgen model to produce non-resonant B-> Xs nu nubar decay sample. More... | |
class | EvtEtaFullDalitz |
Class for the simulation of the eta -> pi+pi-pi0 decay with an improved dalitz description. More... | |
class | EvtEtaPi0Dalitz |
Class for the simulation of the eta -> 3pi0 and eta'->3pi0 decays. More... | |
class | EvtEtaPrimeDalitz |
Class for the simulation of the eta' -> pi+ pi- eta and pi0 pi0 eta decays. More... | |
class | EvtKnunu |
The evtgen model to produce B-> K nu nubar decay sample. More... | |
class | EvtKstarnunu_REV |
The evtgen model to produce B-> Kstar nu nubar decay sample. More... | |
class | EvtPhspCP |
Register Decay model EvtPhspCP. More... | |
class | HepevtReader |
Class to read Hepevt files and store the content in a MCParticle graph. More... | |
class | HepMCReader |
Class to read HepMC files and store the content in a MCParticle graph. More... | |
class | KKGenInterface |
Interface class for using the KKMC generator. More... | |
class | KoralW |
C++ interface for the FORTRAN 4-fermion final state generator KoralW. More... | |
class | LHEReader |
Class to read LHE files and store the content in a MCParticle graph. More... | |
class | ParticleGun |
Class to generate tracks in the particle gun and store them in a MCParticle graph. More... | |
class | Phokhara |
C++ Interface for the Fortran generator PHOKHARA. More... | |
class | ReaderSAD |
Class to read files that have been created by SAD and store their content in a MCParticle graph. More... | |
class | Teegg |
C++ Interface for the Fortran generator TEEGG. More... | |
class | EvtBCLFFTest |
The fixture for testing the EvtBCLFF. More... | |
class | ParticleGunTest |
The fixture for testing the Particlegun. More... | |
class | TouschekReaderTURTLE |
Class to read Touschek files and store their content in a MCParticle graph. More... | |
struct | DualNumber |
Simple structure implementing dual numbers which are used for exact evaluation of the derivatives, see More... | |
struct | GeneralVector< T > |
3-vector with members of arbitrary type, especially members can be dual numbers More... | |
class | InitialParticleGeneration |
Generate Collision. More... | |
Macros | |
#define | B2_EVTGEN_REGISTER_MODEL(classname) |
Class to register B2_EVTGEN_REGISTER_MODEL. More... | |
Functions | |
register the model in EvtGen | |
double | s13_min (const double &s12, const double &M, const double &m1, const double &m2, const double &m3) |
minimum s13 | |
double | s13_max (const double &s12, const double &M, const double &m1, const double &m2, const double &m3) |
maximum s13 | |
register the model in EvtGen | |
register the model in EvtGen | |
register the model in EvtGen | |
register the model in EvtGen | |
register the model in EvtGen | |
register the model in EvtGen | |
B2_EVTGEN_REGISTER_MODEL (EvtEtaPrimeDalitz) | |
register the model in EvtGen | |
register the model in EvtGen | |
register the model in EvtGen | |
register the model in EvtGen | |
TEST_F (EvtBCLFFTest, Scalar) | |
Test calculation of scalar BCL FF. | |
TEST_F (EvtBCLFFTest, Vector) | |
Test calculation of vector BCL FF. | |
TEST_F (ParticleGunTest, MomentumDistributions) | |
Tests momentum generation parameters. | |
TEST_F (ParticleGunTest, VertexDistributions) | |
Tests vertex generation parameters. | |
TEST_F (ParticleGunTest, AngularDistributions) | |
Tests angular generation parameters. | |
double | sqrt (double a) |
sqrt for double | |
double | tan (double a) |
tan for double | |
double | atan (double a) |
atan for double | |
DualNumber | operator+ (DualNumber a, DualNumber b) |
addition of dual numbers | |
DualNumber | operator+ (DualNumber a, double b) |
addition of dual number and double | |
DualNumber | operator- (DualNumber a, double b) |
subtraction of dual number and double | |
DualNumber | operator- (double a, DualNumber b) |
subtraction of double and dual number | |
DualNumber | operator/ (double a, DualNumber b) |
division of double and dual number | |
DualNumber | operator/ (DualNumber a, DualNumber b) |
division of two dual numbers | |
DualNumber | operator- (DualNumber a, DualNumber b) |
subtraction of two dual numbers | |
DualNumber | operator* (DualNumber a, DualNumber b) |
multiplication of two dual numbers | |
DualNumber | operator* (double a, DualNumber b) |
multiplication of double and dual number | |
DualNumber | sqrt (DualNumber a) |
sqrt of dual number | |
DualNumber | atan (DualNumber a) |
atan of dual number | |
DualNumber | tan (DualNumber a) |
tan of dual number | |
template<typename T > | |
GeneralVector< T > | operator+ (GeneralVector< T > a, GeneralVector< T > b) |
addition of two general vectors | |
template<typename T > | |
T | dot (GeneralVector< T > a, GeneralVector< T > b) |
dot product of two general vectors | |
template<typename T > | |
GeneralVector< T > | operator* (T a, GeneralVector< T > b) |
product of scalar and general vector | |
template<typename T > | |
T | getEcms (GeneralVector< T > p1, GeneralVector< T > p2) |
get CMS energy from HER & LER momentum 3-vectors | |
template<typename T > | |
GeneralVector< T > | getBoost (GeneralVector< T > p1, GeneralVector< T > p2) |
get boost vector from HER & LER momentum 3-vectors | |
template<typename T > | |
std::pair< T, T > | getAnglesCMS (GeneralVector< T > p1, GeneralVector< T > p2) |
get collision axis angles in CM frame from HER & LER momentum 3-vectors | |
template<typename T > | |
GeneralVector< T > | getFourVector (T energy, T angleX, T angleY, bool isHER) |
get 4-momentum from energy and angles of beam | |
Eigen::MatrixXd | getGradientMatrix (double eH, double thXH, double thYH, double eL, double thXL, double thYL) |
get gradient matrix of (eH, thXH, thYH, eL, thXL, thYL) -> (eCMS, boostX, boostY, boostY, angleXZ, angleYZ) transformation | |
Eigen::VectorXd | getCentralValues (double eH, double thXH, double thYH, double eL, double thXL, double thYL) |
get vector including (Ecms, boostX, boostY, boostZ, angleXZ, angleYZ) from beam energies and angles | |
Eigen::MatrixXd | transformCov (const Eigen::MatrixXd &covHER, const Eigen::MatrixXd &covLER, const Eigen::MatrixXd &grad) |
transform covariance matrix to the variables (Ecms, boostX, boostY, boostZ, angleXZ, angleYZ) | |
double | getTotalEnergy (const std::vector< ROOT::Math::PxPyPzMVector > &ps) |
Main function scaleParticleEnergies in this header scales momenta in CMS of all particles in the final state by a constant factor such that the overall collision energy is slightly changed. More... | |
double | getScaleFactor (const std::vector< ROOT::Math::PxPyPzMVector > &ps, double EcmsTarget) |
Find approximative value of the momentum scaling factor which makes the total energy of the particles provided in the vector ps equal to EcmsTarget. | |
std::vector< ROOT::Math::PxPyPzMVector > | scaleMomenta (const std::vector< ROOT::Math::PxPyPzMVector > &ps, double C) |
Scale momenta of the particles in the vector ps with a factor C. More... | |
void | scaleParticleEnergies (MCParticleGraph &mpg, double EcmsTarget) |
Scale momenta of the particles by a constant factor such that total energy is changed to EcmsTarget. More... | |
static Eigen::MatrixXd | toEigen (TMatrixDSym m) |
transform matrix from ROOT to Eigen format | |
void | init () |
Initializes the generator. | |
void | generateEvent (MCParticleGraph &mcGraph) |
Generates one single event. More... | |
void | term () |
Terminates the generator. More... | |
std::string | getName () |
Get function Name | |
EvtDecayBase * | clone () |
Clone the decay of B0toKsKK. | |
void | init () |
Initialize standard stream objects | |
void | initProbMax () |
Initialize standard stream objects for probability function | |
void | decay (EvtParticle *p) |
Member of particle in EvtGen. | |
EvtVector4R | umu (const EvtVector4R &p4a, const EvtVector4R &p4b, const EvtVector4R &p4c) |
Function 4Vector umu. | |
EvtVector4R | Smu (const EvtVector4R &p4a, const EvtVector4R &p4b, const EvtVector4R &p4c) |
Function 4Vector Smu. | |
EvtVector4R | Lmu (const EvtVector4R &p4a, const EvtVector4R &p4b, const EvtVector4R &p4c) |
Function 4Vector Lmu. | |
EvtTensor4C | gmunu_tilde (const EvtVector4R &p4a, const EvtVector4R &p4b, const EvtVector4R &p4c) |
Function Tensor gmunu | |
EvtTensor4C | Tmunu (const EvtVector4R &p4a, const EvtVector4R &p4b, const EvtVector4R &p4c) |
Function Tensor Tmunu | |
EvtTensor4C | Multiply (const EvtTensor4C &t1, const EvtTensor4C &t2) |
Function Tensor Multiply | |
EvtTensor4C | RaiseIndices (const EvtTensor4C &t) |
Function RaiseIndices | |
void | RaiseIndex (EvtVector4R &vector) |
Member function RaiseIndices. | |
EvtTensor4C | Mmunu (const EvtVector4R &p4a, const EvtVector4R &p4b, const EvtVector4R &p4c) |
Function Tensor Mmunu. | |
double | BWBF (const double &q, const unsigned int &L) |
Meson radius | |
double | BWBF (const double &q, const double &q0, const unsigned int &L) |
Meson radius | |
EvtComplex | BreitWigner (const double &m, const double &m0, const double &Gamma0, const double &q, const double &q0, const unsigned int &L) |
BreitWigner Shape. | |
EvtVector4R | Boost (const EvtVector4R &p4, const EvtVector4R &boost) |
Parameter for boost frame | |
double | p (const double &mab, const double &M, const double &mc) |
Constants p | |
double | q (const double &mab, const double &ma, const double &mb) |
Constants q. | |
EvtComplex | Flatte_k (const double &s, const double &m_h) |
Constant Flatte_k. | |
EvtComplex | Flatte (const double &m, const double &m0) |
Constant Flatte. | |
EvtComplex | A_f0ks (const EvtVector4R &p4ks, const EvtVector4R &p4kp, const EvtVector4R &p4km) |
A_f0ks is amplitude of f0. | |
EvtComplex | A_phiks (const EvtVector4R &p4ks, const EvtVector4R &p4kp, const EvtVector4R &p4km) |
A_phiks is amplitude of phi. | |
EvtComplex | A_fxks (const EvtVector4R &p4ks, const EvtVector4R &p4kp, const EvtVector4R &p4km) |
A_fxks is amplitude of fxks. | |
EvtComplex | A_chic0ks (const EvtVector4R &p4ks, const EvtVector4R &p4kp, const EvtVector4R &p4km) |
A_chic0ks is amplitude of chic0ks. | |
EvtComplex | A_kknr (const EvtVector4R &p4k1, const EvtVector4R &p4k2, const double &alpha_kk) |
A_kknr is amplitude of kknr. | |
EvtBCL () | |
Default constructor. | |
virtual | ~EvtBCL () |
virtual destructor | |
std::string | getName () |
Returns name of module. | |
EvtDecayBase * | clone () |
Clones module. | |
void | decay (EvtParticle *p) |
Creates a decay. | |
void | initProbMax () |
Sets maximal probab. | |
void | init () |
Initializes module. | |
EvtBCLFF (int numarg, double *arglist) | |
constructor | |
void | getscalarff (EvtId parent, EvtId daughter, double t, double, double *fpf, double *f0f) |
Scalar FF's. More... | |
void | getvectorff (EvtId parent, EvtId daughter, double t, double, double *a1f, double *a2f, double *vf, double *a0f) |
Vector FF's. More... | |
void | gettensorff (EvtId parent, EvtId daughter, double t, double, double *hf, double *kf, double *bp, double *bm) |
Not Implemented. | |
void | getbaryonff (EvtId, EvtId, double, double, double *, double *, double *, double *) |
Not Implemented. | |
void | getdiracff (EvtId, EvtId, double, double, double *, double *, double *, double *, double *, double *) |
Not Implemented. | |
void | getraritaff (EvtId, EvtId, double, double, double *, double *, double *, double *, double *, double *, double *, double *) |
Not Implemented. | |
EvtBSemiTauonic () | |
The default constructor | |
virtual | ~EvtBSemiTauonic () |
The destructor | |
std::string | getName () |
The function returns the model name. More... | |
EvtDecayBase * | clone () |
The function makes a copy of an EvtBSTD object. More... | |
void | decay (EvtParticle *p) |
The function evaluates the decay amplitude of the parent particle. More... | |
void | initProbMax () |
The function sets the maximum value of the probability. | |
void | init () |
The function initializes the decay. More... | |
EvtBSemiTauonic2HDMType2 () | |
The default constructor | |
virtual | ~EvtBSemiTauonic2HDMType2 () |
The destructor | |
std::string | getName () |
The function returns the model name. More... | |
EvtDecayBase * | clone () |
The function makes a copy of an EvtBSemiTauonic2HDMType2 object. More... | |
void | decay (EvtParticle *p) |
The function evaluates the decay amplitude of the parent particle. More... | |
void | initProbMax () |
The function sets the maximum value of the probability. More... | |
void | init () |
The function initializes the decay. More... | |
EvtSpinDensity | RotateToHelicityBasisInBoostedFrame (const EvtParticle *p, EvtVector4R p4boost) |
The function calculates the rotation matrix to convert the spin basis to the helicity basis in the boosted frame. More... | |
double | CalcMaxProb (EvtId parent, EvtId meson, EvtId lepton, EvtId nudaug, EvtBSemiTauonicHelicityAmplitudeCalculator *HelicityAmplitudeCalculator) |
The function calculates the maximum probability. More... | |
EvtBSemiTauonicHelicityAmplitudeCalculator () | |
The default constructor. More... | |
EvtBSemiTauonicHelicityAmplitudeCalculator (const double rho12, const double rhoA12, const double ffR11, const double ffR21, const double AS1, const double AR3, const double bottomMass, const double charmMass, const EvtComplex &CV1, const EvtComplex &CV2, const EvtComplex &CS1, const EvtComplex &CS2, const EvtComplex &CT, const double parentMass, const double DMass, const double DstarMass) | |
The constructor with HQET form factor parameters, Wilson coefficients of new physics contributions and parent B, daughter D(*) meson masses. More... | |
EvtComplex | helAmp (double mtau, int tauhel, int Dhel, double w, double costau) const |
The function calculates the helicity amplitude. More... | |
EvtComplex | helAmp (const EvtComplex &CV1, const EvtComplex &CV2, const EvtComplex &CS1, const EvtComplex &CS2, const EvtComplex &CT, double mtau, int tauhel, int Dhel, double w, double costau) const |
The function calculates helicity amplitudes with given Wilson coefficients. More... | |
double | Lep (const double mtau, int tauhel, int whel, double q2, double costau) const |
The function to calculate the Leptonic Amplitudes for B->D*taunu decay of the vector type contribution. More... | |
double | Lep (const double mtau, int tauhel, double q2, double costau) const |
The function to calculate the Leptonic Amplitudes for B->Dtaunu decay of the scalar type contribution. More... | |
double | Lep (const double mtau, int tauhel, int whel1, int whel2, double q2, double costau) const |
The function to calculate the Leptonic Amplitudes for B->D*taunu decay of the tensor type contribution. More... | |
double | HadV1 (int Dhel, int whel, double w) const |
The function to calculate the Hadronic Amplitudes of left handed (V-A) type contribution. More... | |
double | HadV2 (int Dhel, int whel, double w) const |
The function to calculate the Hadronic Amplitudes of right handed (V+A) type contribution. More... | |
double | HadS1 (int Dhel, double w) const |
The function to calculate the Hadronic Amplitudes of scalar (S+P) type contribution. More... | |
double | HadS2 (int Dhel, double w) const |
The function to calculate the Hadronic Amplitudes of scalar (S-P) type contribution. More... | |
double | HadT (int Dhel, int whel1, int whel2, double w) const |
The function to calculate the Hadronic Amplitudes of tensor type contribution. More... | |
double | helampSM (double mtau, int tauhel, int Dhel, double w, double costau) const |
Helicity Amplitudes of SM (left handed) contribution. More... | |
double | helampV1 (double mtau, int tauhel, int Dhel, double w, double costau) const |
Helicity Amplitudes of left handed (V-A) contribution. More... | |
double | helampV2 (double mtau, int tauhel, int Dhel, double w, double costau) const |
Helicity Amplitudes of right handed (V+A) contribution. More... | |
double | helampS1 (double mtau, int tauhel, int Dhel, double w, double costau) const |
Helicity Amplitudes of scalar (S+P) type contribution. More... | |
double | helampS2 (double mtau, int tauhel, int Dhel, double w, double costau) const |
Helicity Amplitudes of scalar (S-P) type contribution. More... | |
double | helampT (double mtau, int tauhel, int Dhel, double w, double costau) const |
Helicity Amplitudes of tensor type contribution. More... | |
double | hp (double w) const |
HQET D vector form factor h_+(w). More... | |
double | hm (double w) const |
HQET D vector form factor h_-(w). More... | |
double | hA1 (double w) const |
HQET D* axial vector form factor h_{A1}(w). More... | |
double | hV (double w) const |
HQET D* axial vector form factor h_V(w). More... | |
double | hA2 (double w) const |
HQET D* axial vector form factor h_{A2}(w). More... | |
double | hA3 (double w) const |
HQET D* axial vector form factor h_{A3}(w). More... | |
double | hS (double w) const |
D scalar form factor h_S(w) in terms of vector form factors. More... | |
double | hP (double w) const |
D* pseudo scalar form factor h_P(w) in terms of axial vector form factors. More... | |
double | hT (double w) const |
D tensor form factor h_T(w) in terms of vector form factors. More... | |
double | hT1 (double w) const |
D* tensor form factor h_{T1}(w) in terms of axial vector form factors. More... | |
double | hT2 (double w) const |
D* tensor form factor h_{T2}(w). More... | |
double | hT3 (double w) const |
D* tensor form factor h_{T3}(w). More... | |
double | z (double w) const |
CLN form factor z. More... | |
double | ffV1 (double w) const |
CLN form factor V1. More... | |
double | ffS1 (double w) const |
CLN form factor S1. More... | |
double | ffA1 (double w) const |
CLN form factor A1. More... | |
double | ffR1 (double w) const |
CLN form factor R1. More... | |
double | ffR2 (double w) const |
CLN form factor R2. More... | |
double | ffR3 (double w) const |
CLN form factor R3. More... | |
double | dS1 (double w) const |
HQET correction factor for the scalar form factor for B->Dtaunu. More... | |
double | dR3 (double w) const |
HQET correction factor for the scalar form factor for B->D*taunu. More... | |
double | mD (int Dhel) const |
Daughter D(*) meson mass. More... | |
double | v (double mtau, double q2) const |
Function to calculate the tau velocity. More... | |
double | qh2 (int Dhel, double w) const |
Function to calculate the q^2 divided by the square of parent mass (m_B^2). More... | |
double | q2 (int Dhel, double w) const |
Function to calculate the q^2 of the decay (square of l+nu invariant mass). More... | |
bool | chkDhel (int Dhel) const |
sanity checkers More... | |
bool | chkwhel (int whel) const |
Function to check if whel is in the valid range. More... | |
bool | chktauhel (int tauhel) const |
Function to check if tauhel is in the valid range. More... | |
void | CalcAmp (EvtParticle *parent, EvtAmp &, EvtBSemiTauonicHelicityAmplitudeCalculator *HelicityAmplitudeCalculator) override |
The function calculates the spin dependent amplitude. More... | |
void | CalcAmp (EvtParticle *parent, EvtAmp &, EvtBSemiTauonicHelicityAmplitudeCalculator *HelicityAmplitudeCalculator) override |
The function calculates the spin dependent amplitude. More... | |
virtual | ~EvtBtoXsnunu_FERMI () |
Destructor. | |
std::string | getName () |
The function which returns the name of the model. | |
EvtDecayBase * | clone () |
The function which makes a copy of the model. | |
void | decay (EvtParticle *p) |
The function to determine kinematics of daughter particles based on dGdsb distribution. | |
void | initProbMax () |
The function to sets a maximum probability. More... | |
void | init () |
The function for an initialization. | |
double | dGdsbProb (double _sb) |
The function returns the probability density value depending on sb. | |
double | FermiMomentum (double pf) |
The function returns a momentum of b quark. More... | |
double | FermiMomentumProb (double pb, double pf) |
The function returns a probability based on the Fermi motion model. More... | |
virtual | ~EvtEtaFullDalitz () |
Default Destructor. | |
std::string | getName () |
Returns the model name: ETA_FULLDALITZ. | |
EvtDecayBase * | clone () |
Makes a copy of the pointer to the class. | |
void | init () |
Checks that the number of input parameters are correct: More... | |
void | initProbMax () |
Sets the Maximum probability for the PHSP reweight. More... | |
void | decay (EvtParticle *p) |
Function that implements the energy-dependent Dalitz. | |
virtual | ~EvtEtaPi0Dalitz () |
Default destructor. | |
std::string | getName () |
Returns the name of the model: ETA_PI0DALITZ. | |
EvtDecayBase * | clone () |
Makes a copy of the class object. | |
void | init () |
Checks that the number of input parameters are correct: More... | |
void | initProbMax () |
Sets the Maximum probability for the PHSP reweight. More... | |
void | decay (EvtParticle *p) |
Function that implements the energy-dependent Dalitz. | |
virtual | ~EvtEtaPrimeDalitz () |
Default destructor. | |
std::string | getName () |
Returns the model name: ETAPRIME_DALITZ. | |
EvtDecayBase * | clone () |
Returns a copy of the class object. | |
void | init () |
Checks that the number of input parameters are correct: More... | |
void | initProbMax () |
Sets the Maximum probability for the PHSP reweight. More... | |
void | decay (EvtParticle *p) |
Function that implements the energy-dependent Dalitz. | |
virtual | ~EvtKnunu () |
Destructor. | |
std::string | getName () |
The function which returns the name of the model. | |
EvtDecayBase * | clone () |
The function which makes a copy of the model. | |
void | decay (EvtParticle *p) |
The function to calculate a quark decay amplitude. | |
void | init () |
The function for an initialization. | |
void | initProbMax () |
The function to sets a maximum probability. | |
virtual | ~EvtKstarnunu_REV () |
Destructor. | |
std::string | getName () |
The function which returns the name of the model. | |
EvtDecayBase * | clone () |
The function which makes a copy of the model. | |
void | decay (EvtParticle *p) |
The function to calculate a quark decay amplitude. | |
void | init () |
The function for an initialization. | |
void | initProbMax () |
The function to sets a maximum probability. | |
std::string | getName () |
Get function Name | |
EvtDecayBase * | clone () |
Clone the decay. | |
void | init () |
Initialize standard stream objects | |
void | initProbMax () |
Initialize standard stream objects for probability function | |
void | decay (EvtParticle *p) |
Member of particle in EvtGen. | |
double | dGammadwdcostau (const EvtBSemiTauonicHelicityAmplitudeCalculator &BSTD, double mtau, int tauhel, int Dhel, double w, double costau) |
Function calculates the differential decay rate dGamma/dw/dcostau. More... | |
double | dGammadw (const EvtBSemiTauonicHelicityAmplitudeCalculator &BSTD, double mtau, int tauhel, int Dhel, double w) |
Function calculates the differential decay rate dGamma/dw, integrated for costau. More... | |
double | dGammadcostau (const EvtBSemiTauonicHelicityAmplitudeCalculator &BSTD, double mtau, int tauhel, int Dhel, double costau) |
Function calculates the differential decay rate dGamma/dcostau, integrated for w. More... | |
double | Gamma (const EvtBSemiTauonicHelicityAmplitudeCalculator &BSTD, double mtau, int tauhel, int Dhel) |
Function calculates the helicity dependent decay rate Gamma, integrated for w and costau. More... | |
double | GammaD (const EvtBSemiTauonicHelicityAmplitudeCalculator &BSTD, double mtau) |
Function calculates the decay rate Gamma for Dtaunu decay, integrated for w and costau and summed for helicities. More... | |
double | GammaDstar (const EvtBSemiTauonicHelicityAmplitudeCalculator &BSTD, double mtau) |
Function calculates the differential decay rate Gamma for D*taunu decay, integrated for w and costau and summed for helicities. More... | |
double | GammaSMD (const EvtBSemiTauonicHelicityAmplitudeCalculator &BSTD, const double mlep=0.0005110) |
Function calculates the SM decay rate Gamma for Dlnu decay, integrated for w and costau and summed for helicities. More... | |
double | GammaSMDstar (const EvtBSemiTauonicHelicityAmplitudeCalculator &BSTD, const double mlep=0.0005110) |
Function calculates the SM decay rate Gamma for D*lnu decay, integrated for w and costau and summed for helicities. More... | |
double | RGammaD (const EvtBSemiTauonicHelicityAmplitudeCalculator &BSTD, const double mtau, const double mlep=0.0005110) |
Function calculates the ratio of Br(B->Dtaunu)/Br(B->Dlnu), R(D). More... | |
double | RGammaDstar (const EvtBSemiTauonicHelicityAmplitudeCalculator &BSTD, const double mtau, const double mlep=0.0005110) |
Function calculates the ratio of Br(B->Dtaunu)/Br(B->Dlnu), R(D*). More... | |
double | PtauD (const EvtBSemiTauonicHelicityAmplitudeCalculator &BSTD, const double mtau) |
Function calculates the polarization of tau, (RH - LH)/(LH + RH), in B->Dtaunu decay. More... | |
double | PtauDstar (const EvtBSemiTauonicHelicityAmplitudeCalculator &BSTD, const double mtau) |
Function calculates the polarization of tau, (RH - LH)/(LH + RH), in B->D*taunu decay. More... | |
double | PDstar (const EvtBSemiTauonicHelicityAmplitudeCalculator &BSTD, const double mtau) |
Function calculates the polarization of D*, longitudinal/(longitudinal + transverse), in B->D*taunu decay. More... | |
double | pf (const EvtBSemiTauonicHelicityAmplitudeCalculator &BSTD, double mtau, int Dhel, double w) |
Phase space factor, which is multiplied to the helicity amplitude to calculate the decay rate. More... | |
double | EvaluateByW (double *x, double *param) |
Function used internally for numerical integration. | |
double | EvaluateByCostau (double *x, double *param) |
Function used internally for numerical integration. | |
double | EvaluateBy2D (double *x, double *param) |
Function used internally for numerical integration. | |
static EvtGenModelRegister & | getInstance () |
Return reference to the instance. More... | |
static std::list< EvtDecayBase * > | getModels () |
Return a list of models. More... | |
void | checkVariable (const std::string &name, const std::map< int, bool > &allowed, ParticleGun::EDistribution &dist, std::vector< double > &pars) |
check one of the variables given a list of allowed and excluded distributions | |
void | initialize () |
function to be executed on initialize() | |
ROOT::Math::XYZVector | generateVertex (const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &initial, const TMatrixDSym &cov, MultivariateNormalGenerator &gen) const |
generate the vertex More... | |
TMatrixDSym | adjustCovMatrix (TMatrixDSym cov) const |
adjust smearing covariance matrix based on the generation flags | |
ConditionalGaussGenerator | initConditionalGenerator (const ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector &pHER, const ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector &pLER, const TMatrixDSym &covHER, const TMatrixDSym &covLER) |
Initialize the conditional generator using HER & LER 4-vectors and HER & LER covariance matrices describing spread. | |
ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector | generateBeam (const ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector &initial, const TMatrixDSym &cov, MultivariateNormalGenerator &gen) const |
generate 4 vector for one beam More... | |
MCInitialParticles & | generate () |
Generate a new event. | |
MCInitialParticles & | generate (int allowedFlags) |
Generate a new event wit a particular set of allowed flags. More... | |
ROOT::Math::XYZVector | getVertexConditional () |
Generate vertex position and possibly update the generator of Lorentz transformation. | |
ROOT::Math::XYZVector | updateVertex (bool force=false) |
Update the vertex position: More... | |
Variables | |
static const double | me = Const::electron.getMass() |
electron mass | |
static EvtGen * | s_evtgen = nullptr |
pointer to the evtgen instance | |
#define B2_EVTGEN_REGISTER_MODEL | ( | classname | ) |
Class to register B2_EVTGEN_REGISTER_MODEL.
Definition at line 75 of file EvtGenModelRegister.h.
overridevirtual |
The function calculates the spin dependent amplitude.
parent | a pointer to the parent particle. |
amp | a pointer to fill the calculated spin dependent amplitude. |
HelicityAmplitudeCalculator | a pointer to the calculator of the helicity dependent amplitude. The function calculate the spin dependent amplitude of the semi-tauonic decay to a scalar meson (D meson). |
Implements EvtBSemiTauonicAmplitude.
Definition at line 25 of file
overridevirtual |
The function calculates the spin dependent amplitude.
parent | a pointer to the parent particle. |
amp | a pointer to fill the calculated spin dependent amplitude. |
HelicityAmplitudeCalculator | a pointer to the calculator of the helicity dependent amplitude. The function calculate the spin dependent amplitude of the semi-tauonic decay to a vector meson (D* meson). |
Implements EvtBSemiTauonicAmplitude.
Definition at line 24 of file
double CalcMaxProb | ( | EvtId | parent, |
EvtId | meson, | ||
EvtId | lepton, | ||
EvtId | nudaug, | ||
EvtBSemiTauonicHelicityAmplitudeCalculator * | HelicityAmplitudeCalculator | ||
) |
The function calculates the maximum probability.
parent | a ID of the parent meson. |
meson | a ID of the daughter meson. |
lepton | a ID of the daughter lepton. |
nudaug | a ID of the daughter neutrino. |
HelicityAmplitudeCalculator | a pointer to the calculator of the helicity dependent amplitude. |
Definition at line 77 of file
private |
sanity checkers
Function to check if Dhel is in the valid range.
Dhel | helicity of the D(*) meson in the rest frame of the parent meson {+1,0,-1} for D* and 2 for D. |
Definition at line 527 of file
private |
Function to check if tauhel is in the valid range.
tauhel | helicity of the lepton in the (l+nu) rest frame {+1,-1}. |
Definition at line 539 of file
private |
Function to check if whel is in the valid range.
whel | helicity of the virtual vector boson {+1,0,1,2}. |
Definition at line 533 of file
EvtDecayBase * clone | ( | ) |
The function makes a copy of an EvtBSTD object.
Definition at line 47 of file
EvtDecayBase * clone | ( | ) |
The function makes a copy of an EvtBSemiTauonic2HDMType2 object.
Definition at line 47 of file
void decay | ( | EvtParticle * | p | ) |
The function evaluates the decay amplitude of the parent particle.
p | a pointer to the parent particle |
Definition at line 53 of file
void decay | ( | EvtParticle * | p | ) |
The function evaluates the decay amplitude of the parent particle.
pointer to the parent particle
Definition at line 53 of file
double dGammadcostau | ( | const EvtBSemiTauonicHelicityAmplitudeCalculator & | BSTD, |
double | mtau, | ||
int | tauhel, | ||
int | Dhel, | ||
double | costau | ||
) |
Function calculates the differential decay rate dGamma/dcostau, integrated for w.
BSTD | helicity ampliutude calculator initialized properly by user. |
mtau | daughter lepton mass. |
tauhel | helicity of the lepton in the (l+nu) rest frame {+1,-1}. |
Dhel | helicity of the D(*) meson in the rest frame of the parent meson {+1,0,-1} for D* and 2 for D. |
costau | cosine of the angle between D(*) meson and the lepton in the (l+nu) rest frame. Note that overall factor (GF/sqrt(2) Vcb)^2 is omitted. |
Definition at line 59 of file
double dGammadw | ( | const EvtBSemiTauonicHelicityAmplitudeCalculator & | BSTD, |
double | mtau, | ||
int | tauhel, | ||
int | Dhel, | ||
double | w | ||
) |
Function calculates the differential decay rate dGamma/dw, integrated for costau.
BSTD | helicity ampliutude calculator initialized properly by user. |
mtau | daughter lepton mass. |
tauhel | helicity of the lepton in the (l+nu) rest frame {+1,-1}. |
Dhel | helicity of the D(*) meson in the rest frame of the parent meson {+1,0,-1} for D* and 2 for D. |
w | velocity transfer variable. Note that overall factor (GF/sqrt(2) Vcb)^2 is omitted. |
Definition at line 41 of file
double dGammadwdcostau | ( | const EvtBSemiTauonicHelicityAmplitudeCalculator & | BSTD, |
double | mtau, | ||
int | tauhel, | ||
int | Dhel, | ||
double | w, | ||
double | costau | ||
) |
Function calculates the differential decay rate dGamma/dw/dcostau.
BSTD | helicity ampliutude calculator initialized properly by user. |
mtau | daughter lepton mass. |
tauhel | helicity of the lepton in the (l+nu) rest frame {+1,-1}. |
Dhel | helicity of the D(*) meson in the rest frame of the parent meson {+1,0,-1} for D* and 2 for D. |
w | velocity transfer variable. |
costau | cosine of the angle between D(*) meson and the lepton in the (l+nu) rest frame. Note that overall factor (GF/sqrt(2) Vcb)^2 is omitted. |
Definition at line 31 of file
double dR3 | ( | double | w | ) | const |
HQET correction factor for the scalar form factor for B->D*taunu.
w | velocity transfer variable. |
Definition at line 493 of file
double dS1 | ( | double | w | ) | const |
HQET correction factor for the scalar form factor for B->Dtaunu.
w | velocity transfer variable. |
Definition at line 488 of file
The default constructor.
Initializes with the default parameter values used by the aurhos of PRD87,034028.
Definition at line 21 of file
EvtBSemiTauonicHelicityAmplitudeCalculator | ( | const double | rho12, |
const double | rhoA12, | ||
const double | ffR11, | ||
const double | ffR21, | ||
const double | AS1, | ||
const double | AR3, | ||
const double | bottomMass, | ||
const double | charmMass, | ||
const EvtComplex & | CV1, | ||
const EvtComplex & | CV2, | ||
const EvtComplex & | CS1, | ||
const EvtComplex & | CS2, | ||
const EvtComplex & | CT, | ||
const double | parentMass, | ||
const double | DMass, | ||
const double | DstarMass | ||
) |
The constructor with HQET form factor parameters, Wilson coefficients of new physics contributions and parent B, daughter D(*) meson masses.
rho12 | HQET form factor parameter rho_1^2 obtained by Dlnu decay data. |
rhoA12 | HQET form factor parameter rho_A1^2 obtained by D*lnu decay data. |
ffR11 | HQET form factor parameter R_1(1) obtained by D*lnu decay data. |
ffR21 | HQET form factor parameter R_2(1) obtained by D*lnu decay data. |
AS1 | a parameter to take into account the theoretical error of the scalar form factor for Dtaunu decay. |
AR3 | a parameter to take into account the theoretical error of the scalar form factor for D*taunu decay. |
CV1 | Wilson coeffcient of the left handed vector type NP contribution. |
CV2 | Wilson coeffcient of the right handed vector type NP contribution. |
CS1 | Wilson coeffcient of the scalar (S+P) type NP contribution. |
CS2 | Wilson coeffcient of the scalar (S-P) type NP contribution. |
CT | Wilson coeffcient of the tensor type NP contribution. |
parentMass | mass of the parent (B) meson. |
DMass | mass of the scalar type daughter (D) meson. |
DstarMass | mass of the vector type daughter (D*) meson. |
bottomMass | mass of the bottom quark mass (running mass at the energy of bottom quark mass) |
charmMass | mass of the charm quark mass (running mass at the energy of bottom quark mass) The constructor initializes the parameters of the decay. The recommended values of AS1 and AR3 by authors of PRD87,034028 are 1+/-1. |
Definition at line 59 of file
double FermiMomentum | ( | double | pf | ) |
The function returns a momentum of b quark.
The distribution of the momentum is based on the Fermi motion model.
Definition at line 310 of file
double FermiMomentumProb | ( | double | pb, |
double | pf | ||
) |
The function returns a probability based on the Fermi motion model.
reference: Ali, Ahmed, et al. "Power corrections in the decay rate and distributions in B->Xs l+l- 2 in the standard model" see (eq.57)
pb | momentum of the b quark |
pf | momentum width parameter in the Fermi motion model |
Definition at line 331 of file
double ffA1 | ( | double | w | ) | const |
CLN form factor A1.
w | velocity transfer variable. |
Definition at line 466 of file
double ffR1 | ( | double | w | ) | const |
CLN form factor R1.
w | velocity transfer variable. |
Definition at line 473 of file
double ffR2 | ( | double | w | ) | const |
CLN form factor R2.
w | velocity transfer variable. |
Definition at line 478 of file
double ffR3 | ( | double | w | ) | const |
CLN form factor R3.
w | velocity transfer variable. |
Definition at line 483 of file
double ffS1 | ( | double | w | ) | const |
CLN form factor S1.
w | velocity transfer variable. |
Definition at line 461 of file
double ffV1 | ( | double | w | ) | const |
CLN form factor V1.
w | velocity transfer variable. |
Definition at line 454 of file
double Gamma | ( | const EvtBSemiTauonicHelicityAmplitudeCalculator & | BSTD, |
double | mtau, | ||
int | tauhel, | ||
int | Dhel | ||
) |
Function calculates the helicity dependent decay rate Gamma, integrated for w and costau.
BSTD | helicity ampliutude calculator initialized properly by user. |
mtau | daughter lepton mass. |
tauhel | helicity of the lepton in the (l+nu) rest frame {+1,-1}. |
Dhel | helicity of the D(*) meson in the rest frame of the parent meson {+1,0,-1} for D* and 2 for D. Note that overall factor (GF/sqrt(2) Vcb)^2 is omitted. |
Definition at line 77 of file
double GammaD | ( | const EvtBSemiTauonicHelicityAmplitudeCalculator & | BSTD, |
double | mtau | ||
) |
Function calculates the decay rate Gamma for Dtaunu decay, integrated for w and costau and summed for helicities.
BSTD | helicity ampliutude calculator initialized properly by user. |
mtau | daughter lepton mass. Note that overall factor (GF/sqrt(2) Vcb)^2 is omitted. |
Definition at line 98 of file
double GammaDstar | ( | const EvtBSemiTauonicHelicityAmplitudeCalculator & | BSTD, |
double | mtau | ||
) |
Function calculates the differential decay rate Gamma for D*taunu decay, integrated for w and costau and summed for helicities.
BSTD | helicity ampliutude calculator initialized properly by user. |
mtau | daughter lepton mass. Note that overall factor (GF/sqrt(2) Vcb)^2 is omitted. |
Definition at line 106 of file
double GammaSMD | ( | const EvtBSemiTauonicHelicityAmplitudeCalculator & | BSTD, |
const double | mlep = 0.0005110 |
) |
Function calculates the SM decay rate Gamma for Dlnu decay, integrated for w and costau and summed for helicities.
BSTD | helicity ampliutude calculator initialized properly by user. |
mlep | daughter lepton mass (default is the electron mass). Note that overall factor (GF/sqrt(2) Vcb)^2 is omitted. |
Definition at line 117 of file
double GammaSMDstar | ( | const EvtBSemiTauonicHelicityAmplitudeCalculator & | BSTD, |
const double | mlep = 0.0005110 |
) |
Function calculates the SM decay rate Gamma for D*lnu decay, integrated for w and costau and summed for helicities.
BSTD | helicity ampliutude calculator initialized properly by user. |
mlep | daughter lepton mass (default is the electron mass). Note that overall factor (GF/sqrt(2) Vcb)^2 is omitted. |
Definition at line 132 of file
private |
Generate a new event wit a particular set of allowed flags.
[in] | allowedFlags | Allowed flags. |
Definition at line 145 of file
private |
generate 4 vector for one beam
initial | beam |
cov | covariance of the beam momentum (E, theta_x, theta_y) |
gen | multivariate normal generator to be used |
Definition at line 101 of file
void generateEvent | ( | MCParticleGraph & | mcGraph | ) |
Generates one single event.
mcGraph | Reference to the MonteCarlo graph into which the generated particles will be stored. |
Definition at line 105 of file
private |
generate the vertex
initial | nominal vertex position |
cov | covariance of the vertex position |
gen | multivariate normal generator to be used |
Definition at line 27 of file
staticprivate |
Return reference to the instance.
This class behaves like a purely static class but we need a singleton pattern to avoid initialisation hell.
Definition at line 21 of file
static |
Return a list of models.
Caller takes responsibility to free the instances when no longer needed
Definition at line 27 of file
std::string getName | ( | ) |
The function returns the model name.
Definition at line 40 of file
std::string getName | ( | ) |
The function returns the model name.
Definition at line 40 of file
void getscalarff | ( | EvtId | parent, |
EvtId | daughter, | ||
double | t, | ||
double | , | ||
double * | fpf, | ||
double * | f0f | ||
) |
Scalar FF's.
Implementation follows arXiv:1509.06938v3.
For the scalar FF, the arglist in the constructor should contain 8 expansion parameters: b+_0, b+_1, b+_2, b+_3, b0_0, b0_1, b0_2, b0_3
parent | |
daughter | |
t | Momentum transfer, also called q2. q2 = (p_B - p_M)^2 |
fpf | f_+(q2). |
f0f | f_0(q2). |
Definition at line 30 of file
inline |
Main function scaleParticleEnergies in this header scales momenta in CMS of all particles in the final state by a constant factor such that the overall collision energy is slightly changed.
It is used for MC generators which do not provide option to generate events with smeared energy of initial particles. There is an assumption that matrix element of the process does not change much when Ecms is varied by 5MeV/10580MeV = 0.05% (typical Ecms smearing at Belle II). This is typically the case if the cross section does not have the resonance peak around collision energy. Get total energy of all particles in the provided vector
Definition at line 34 of file scaleParticleEnergies.h.
void getvectorff | ( | EvtId | parent, |
EvtId | daughter, | ||
double | t, | ||
double | , | ||
double * | a1f, | ||
double * | a2f, | ||
double * | vf, | ||
double * | a0f | ||
) |
Vector FF's.
Implementation follows arXiv:1503.05534v3. It is assumed that each expansion has three terms (hardcoded). However, this can be easily expanded or generalized. It is not done, because this way we can check if the number of arguments in the decay file is the correct one.
For the vector FF, the arglist in the constructor should contain 11 expansion parameters: A0_1, A0_2, A1_0, A1_1, A1_2, A12_0, A12_1, A12_2, V_0, V_1, V_2 Nota bene: A0_0 is correlated to A12_0.
parent | |
daughter | |
t | Momentum transfer, also called q2. q2 = (p_B - p_M)^2 |
a1f | A1(q2) |
a2f | A2(q2) |
vf | V(q2) |
a0f | A0(q2) |
Definition at line 71 of file
double hA1 | ( | double | w | ) | const |
HQET D* axial vector form factor h_{A1}(w).
Definition at line 367 of file
double hA2 | ( | double | w | ) | const |
HQET D* axial vector form factor h_{A2}(w).
Definition at line 379 of file
double hA3 | ( | double | w | ) | const |
HQET D* axial vector form factor h_{A3}(w).
Definition at line 385 of file
double HadS1 | ( | int | Dhel, |
double | w | ||
) | const |
The function to calculate the Hadronic Amplitudes of scalar (S+P) type contribution.
Dhel | helicity of the daughter D(*) meson {+1,0,1} for D* and 2 for D. |
w | velocity transfer variable. |
Definition at line 242 of file
double HadS2 | ( | int | Dhel, |
double | w | ||
) | const |
The function to calculate the Hadronic Amplitudes of scalar (S-P) type contribution.
Dhel | helicity of the daughter D(*) meson {+1,0,1} for D* and 2 for D. |
w | velocity transfer variable. |
Definition at line 254 of file
double HadT | ( | int | Dhel, |
int | whel1, | ||
int | whel2, | ||
double | w | ||
) | const |
The function to calculate the Hadronic Amplitudes of tensor type contribution.
Dhel | helicity of the daughter D(*) meson {+1,0,1} for D* and 2 for D. |
whel1 | helicity of the one virtual vector boson {+1,0,1,2}. |
whel2 | helicity of the another virtual vector boson {+1,0,1,2}. |
w | velocity transfer variable. |
Definition at line 264 of file
double HadV1 | ( | int | Dhel, |
int | whel, | ||
double | w | ||
) | const |
The function to calculate the Hadronic Amplitudes of left handed (V-A) type contribution.
Dhel | helicity of the daughter D(*) meson {+1,0,1} for D* and 2 for D. |
whel | helicity of the virtual vector boson {+1,0,1,2}. |
w | velocity transfer variable. |
Definition at line 197 of file
double HadV2 | ( | int | Dhel, |
int | whel, | ||
double | w | ||
) | const |
The function to calculate the Hadronic Amplitudes of right handed (V+A) type contribution.
Dhel | helicity of the daughter D(*) meson {+1,0,1} for D* and 2 for D. |
whel | helicity of the virtual vector boson {+1,0,1,2}. |
w | velocity transfer variable. |
Definition at line 229 of file
EvtComplex helAmp | ( | const EvtComplex & | CV1, |
const EvtComplex & | CV2, | ||
const EvtComplex & | CS1, | ||
const EvtComplex & | CS2, | ||
const EvtComplex & | CT, | ||
double | mtau, | ||
int | tauhel, | ||
int | Dhel, | ||
double | w, | ||
double | costau | ||
) | const |
The function calculates helicity amplitudes with given Wilson coefficients.
CV1 | Wilson coeffcient of the left handed vector type NP contribution. |
CV2 | Wilson coeffcient of the right handed vector type NP contribution. |
CS1 | Wilson coeffcient of the scalar (S+P) type NP contribution. |
CS2 | Wilson coeffcient of the scalar (S-P) type NP contribution. |
CT | Wilson coeffcient of the tensor type NP contribution. |
mtau | daughter lepton mass. |
tauhel | helicity of the lepton in the (l+nu) rest frame {+1,-1}. |
Dhel | helicity of the D(*) meson in the rest frame of the parent meson {+1,0,-1} for D* and 2 for D. |
w | velocity transfer variable. |
costau | cosine of the angle between D(*) meson and the lepton in the (l+nu) rest frame. The overall factor GF/sqrt(2) Vcb omitted because it does not change the distribution. |
Definition at line 108 of file
EvtComplex helAmp | ( | double | mtau, |
int | tauhel, | ||
int | Dhel, | ||
double | w, | ||
double | costau | ||
) | const |
The function calculates the helicity amplitude.
mtau | daughter lepton mass. |
tauhel | helicity of the lepton in the (l+nu) rest frame {+1,-1}. |
Dhel | helicity of the D(*) meson in the rest frame of the parent meson {+1,0,-1} for D* and 2 for D. |
w | velocity transfer variable. |
costau | cosine of the angle between D(*) meson and the lepton in the (l+nu) rest frame. The overall factor GF/sqrt(2) Vcb omitted because it does not change the distribution. |
Definition at line 101 of file
double helampS1 | ( | double | mtau, |
int | tauhel, | ||
int | Dhel, | ||
double | w, | ||
double | costau | ||
) | const |
Helicity Amplitudes of scalar (S+P) type contribution.
mtau | daughter lepton mass. |
tauhel | helicity of the lepton in the (l+nu) rest frame {+1,-1}. |
Dhel | helicity of the D(*) meson in the rest frame of the parent meson {+1,0,-1} for D* and 2 for D. |
w | velocity transfer variable. |
costau | cosine of the angle between D(*) meson and the lepton in the (l+nu) rest frame. |
Definition at line 325 of file
double helampS2 | ( | double | mtau, |
int | tauhel, | ||
int | Dhel, | ||
double | w, | ||
double | costau | ||
) | const |
Helicity Amplitudes of scalar (S-P) type contribution.
mtau | daughter lepton mass. |
tauhel | helicity of the lepton in the (l+nu) rest frame {+1,-1}. |
Dhel | helicity of the D(*) meson in the rest frame of the parent meson {+1,0,-1} for D* and 2 for D. |
w | velocity transfer variable. |
costau | cosine of the angle between D(*) meson and the lepton in the (l+nu) rest frame. |
Definition at line 331 of file
double helampSM | ( | double | mtau, |
int | tauhel, | ||
int | Dhel, | ||
double | w, | ||
double | costau | ||
) | const |
Helicity Amplitudes of SM (left handed) contribution.
mtau | daughter lepton mass. |
tauhel | helicity of the lepton in the (l+nu) rest frame {+1,-1}. |
Dhel | helicity of the D(*) meson in the rest frame of the parent meson {+1,0,-1} for D* and 2 for D. |
w | velocity transfer variable. |
costau | cosine of the angle between D(*) meson and the lepton in the (l+nu) rest frame. Overall factor GF/sqrt(2) Vcb omitted. Wilson coefficients CXX ommited. |
Definition at line 297 of file
double helampT | ( | double | mtau, |
int | tauhel, | ||
int | Dhel, | ||
double | w, | ||
double | costau | ||
) | const |
Helicity Amplitudes of tensor type contribution.
mtau | daughter lepton mass. |
tauhel | helicity of the lepton in the (l+nu) rest frame {+1,-1}. |
Dhel | helicity of the D(*) meson in the rest frame of the parent meson {+1,0,-1} for D* and 2 for D. |
w | velocity transfer variable. |
costau | cosine of the angle between D(*) meson and the lepton in the (l+nu) rest frame. |
Definition at line 337 of file
double helampV1 | ( | double | mtau, |
int | tauhel, | ||
int | Dhel, | ||
double | w, | ||
double | costau | ||
) | const |
Helicity Amplitudes of left handed (V-A) contribution.
mtau | daughter lepton mass. |
tauhel | helicity of the lepton in the (l+nu) rest frame {+1,-1}. |
Dhel | helicity of the D(*) meson in the rest frame of the parent meson {+1,0,-1} for D* and 2 for D. |
w | velocity transfer variable. |
costau | cosine of the angle between D(*) meson and the lepton in the (l+nu) rest frame. |
Definition at line 308 of file
double helampV2 | ( | double | mtau, |
int | tauhel, | ||
int | Dhel, | ||
double | w, | ||
double | costau | ||
) | const |
Helicity Amplitudes of right handed (V+A) contribution.
mtau | daughter lepton mass. |
tauhel | helicity of the lepton in the (l+nu) rest frame {+1,-1}. |
Dhel | helicity of the D(*) meson in the rest frame of the parent meson {+1,0,-1} for D* and 2 for D. |
w | velocity transfer variable. |
costau | cosine of the angle between D(*) meson and the lepton in the (l+nu) rest frame. |
Definition at line 314 of file
double hm | ( | double | w | ) | const |
HQET D vector form factor h_-(w).
Definition at line 361 of file
double hp | ( | double | w | ) | const |
HQET D vector form factor h_+(w).
Definition at line 354 of file
double hP | ( | double | w | ) | const |
D* pseudo scalar form factor h_P(w) in terms of axial vector form factors.
Definition at line 404 of file
double hS | ( | double | w | ) | const |
D scalar form factor h_S(w) in terms of vector form factors.
Definition at line 392 of file
double hT | ( | double | w | ) | const |
D tensor form factor h_T(w) in terms of vector form factors.
Definition at line 416 of file
double hT1 | ( | double | w | ) | const |
D* tensor form factor h_{T1}(w) in terms of axial vector form factors.
Definition at line 423 of file
double hT2 | ( | double | w | ) | const |
D* tensor form factor h_{T2}(w).
Definition at line 432 of file
double hT3 | ( | double | w | ) | const |
D* tensor form factor h_{T3}(w).
Definition at line 440 of file
double hV | ( | double | w | ) | const |
HQET D* axial vector form factor h_V(w).
Definition at line 373 of file
void init | ( | ) |
The function initializes the decay.
The function reads paramters from the decay file and initializes the parameters for the decay amplitude calculator.
Definition at line 78 of file
void init | ( | ) |
The function initializes the decay.
The function reads paramters from the decay file and initializes the parameters for the decay amplitude calculator.
Definition at line 78 of file
void init | ( | ) |
Checks that the number of input parameters are correct:
Definition at line 41 of file
void init | ( | ) |
Checks that the number of input parameters are correct:
Definition at line 56 of file
void init | ( | ) |
Checks that the number of input parameters are correct:
Definition at line 58 of file
void initProbMax | ( | ) |
The function sets the maximum value of the probability.
Definition at line 59 of file
void initProbMax | ( | ) |
The function to sets a maximum probability.
In this model, noProbMax() is called because maximum probability is determined by m_dGdsbProbMax
Definition at line 161 of file
void initProbMax | ( | ) |
Sets the Maximum probability for the PHSP reweight.
Maximum value is hardcoded and inherited from the EvtEtaDalitz class.
Definition at line 57 of file
void initProbMax | ( | ) |
Sets the Maximum probability for the PHSP reweight.
Maximum value is hardcoded and inherited from the EvtEtaDalitz class.
Definition at line 72 of file
void initProbMax | ( | ) |
Sets the Maximum probability for the PHSP reweight.
Maximum value is hardcoded and inherited from the EvtEtaDalitz class.
Definition at line 74 of file
double Lep | ( | const double | mtau, |
int | tauhel, | ||
double | q2, | ||
double | costau | ||
) | const |
The function to calculate the Leptonic Amplitudes for B->Dtaunu decay of the scalar type contribution.
mtau | daughter lepton mass. |
tauhel | helicity of the lepton in the (l+nu) rest frame {+1,-1}. |
q2 | q^2 of the decay (square of l+nu invariant mass). |
costau | cosine of the angle between D(*) meson and the lepton in the (l+nu) rest frame. |
Definition at line 150 of file
double Lep | ( | const double | mtau, |
int | tauhel, | ||
int | whel, | ||
double | q2, | ||
double | costau | ||
) | const |
The function to calculate the Leptonic Amplitudes for B->D*taunu decay of the vector type contribution.
mtau | daughter lepton mass. |
tauhel | helicity of the lepton in the (l+nu) rest frame {+1,-1}. |
whel | helicity of the virtual vector boson {+1,0,1,2}. |
q2 | q^2 of the decay (square of l+nu invariant mass). |
costau | cosine of the angle between D(*) meson and the lepton in the (l+nu) rest frame. |
Definition at line 127 of file
double Lep | ( | const double | mtau, |
int | tauhel, | ||
int | whel1, | ||
int | whel2, | ||
double | q2, | ||
double | costau | ||
) | const |
The function to calculate the Leptonic Amplitudes for B->D*taunu decay of the tensor type contribution.
mtau | daughter lepton mass. |
tauhel | helicity of the lepton in the (l+nu) rest frame {+1,-1}. |
whel1 | helicity of the one virtual vector boson {+1,0,1,2}. |
whel2 | helicity of the another virtual vector boson {+1,0,1,2}. |
q2 | q^2 of the decay (square of l+nu invariant mass). |
costau | cosine of the angle between D(*) meson and the lepton in the (l+nu) rest frame. |
Definition at line 165 of file
double mD | ( | int | Dhel | ) | const |
Daughter D(*) meson mass.
Dhel | helicity of the D(*) meson in the rest frame of the parent meson {+1,0,-1} for D* and 2 for D. |
Definition at line 499 of file
double PDstar | ( | const EvtBSemiTauonicHelicityAmplitudeCalculator & | BSTD, |
const double | mtau | ||
) |
Function calculates the polarization of D*, longitudinal/(longitudinal + transverse), in B->D*taunu decay.
BSTD | helicity ampliutude calculator initialized properly by user. |
mtau | daughter tau lepton mass for B->Dtaunu decay. |
Definition at line 187 of file
double pf | ( | const EvtBSemiTauonicHelicityAmplitudeCalculator & | BSTD, |
double | mtau, | ||
int | Dhel, | ||
double | w | ||
) |
Phase space factor, which is multiplied to the helicity amplitude to calculate the decay rate.
BSTD | helicity ampliutude calculator initialized properly by user. |
mtau | daughter tau lepton mass for B->Dtaunu decay. |
Dhel | helicity of the D(*) meson in the rest frame of the parent meson {+1,0,-1} for D* and 2 for D. |
w | velocity transfer variable. |
Definition at line 199 of file
double PtauD | ( | const EvtBSemiTauonicHelicityAmplitudeCalculator & | BSTD, |
const double | mtau | ||
) |
Function calculates the polarization of tau, (RH - LH)/(LH + RH), in B->Dtaunu decay.
BSTD | helicity ampliutude calculator initialized properly by user. |
mtau | daughter tau lepton mass for B->Dtaunu decay. |
Definition at line 170 of file
double PtauDstar | ( | const EvtBSemiTauonicHelicityAmplitudeCalculator & | BSTD, |
const double | mtau | ||
) |
Function calculates the polarization of tau, (RH - LH)/(LH + RH), in B->D*taunu decay.
BSTD | helicity ampliutude calculator initialized properly by user. |
mtau | daughter tau lepton mass for B->Dtaunu decay. |
Definition at line 177 of file
double q2 | ( | int | Dhel, |
double | w | ||
) | const |
Function to calculate the q^2 of the decay (square of l+nu invariant mass).
Dhel | helicity of the D(*) meson in the rest frame of the parent meson {+1,0,-1} for D* and 2 for D. |
w | velocity transfer variable. |
Definition at line 521 of file
double qh2 | ( | int | Dhel, |
double | w | ||
) | const |
Function to calculate the q^2 divided by the square of parent mass (m_B^2).
Dhel | helicity of the D(*) meson in the rest frame of the parent meson {+1,0,-1} for D* and 2 for D. |
w | velocity transfer variable. |
Definition at line 515 of file
double RGammaD | ( | const EvtBSemiTauonicHelicityAmplitudeCalculator & | BSTD, |
const double | mtau, | ||
const double | mlep = 0.0005110 |
) |
Function calculates the ratio of Br(B->Dtaunu)/Br(B->Dlnu), R(D).
BSTD | helicity ampliutude calculator initialized properly by user. |
mtau | daughter tau lepton mass for B->Dtaunu decay. |
mlep | daughter lepton mass for B->Dlnu decay (default is the electron mass). Note that overall factor (GF/sqrt(2) Vcb)^2 is omitted. |
Definition at line 149 of file
double RGammaDstar | ( | const EvtBSemiTauonicHelicityAmplitudeCalculator & | BSTD, |
const double | mtau, | ||
const double | mlep = 0.0005110 |
) |
Function calculates the ratio of Br(B->Dtaunu)/Br(B->Dlnu), R(D*).
BSTD | helicity ampliutude calculator initialized properly by user. |
mtau | daughter tau lepton mass for B->Dtaunu decay. |
mlep | daughter lepton mass for B->Dlnu decay (default is the electron mass). |
Definition at line 158 of file
EvtSpinDensity RotateToHelicityBasisInBoostedFrame | ( | const EvtParticle * | p, |
EvtVector4R | p4boost | ||
) |
The function calculates the rotation matrix to convert the spin basis to the helicity basis in the boosted frame.
p | a pointer to the particle |
p4boost | a 4 vector to specify the rest frame to boost to. The function calculate the rotation matrix from the spin basis defined in the p rest frame to the helicity basis in the rest frame of p4boost. |
Definition at line 27 of file
inline |
Scale momenta of the particles in the vector ps with a factor C.
Result is returned as returned as a vector with the scaled momenta
Definition at line 58 of file scaleParticleEnergies.h.
inline |
Scale momenta of the particles by a constant factor such that total energy is changed to EcmsTarget.
It also changes momenta of the incoming particles such that energy is conserved. Should be called in CM reference frame.
Definition at line 71 of file scaleParticleEnergies.h.
void term | ( | ) |
ROOT::Math::XYZVector updateVertex | ( | bool | force = false | ) |
Update the vertex position:
This function does not update the energies as this would possibly introduce inconsistency between values used by the generator and the values contained in the initial particles. But it is useful to smear the vertex after generation.
force | if true the vertex will be regenerated even if vertex smearing was already applied. |
Definition at line 202 of file
double v | ( | double | mtau, |
double | q2 | ||
) | const |
Function to calculate the tau velocity.
mtau | daughter lepton mass. |
q2 | q^2 of the decay (square of l+nu invariant mass). |
Definition at line 509 of file
double z | ( | double | w | ) | const |
CLN form factor z.
w | velocity transfer variable. |
Definition at line 449 of file